Download - Samadhi Yoga Studio, Winter 2012


Art by Anne Falkowski

Samadhi Yoga Studio

283 East Center St.

Manchester CT 06040 email: [email protected] phone: 860-646-4341

It is the last month of the year. Time to celebrate, eat

delectable food, and prepare for the wonder and

possibility of what is to come. This is the time of year

where keeping up your yoga practice can become a

challenge, as carving out time for ourselves becomes

more difficult. Consider setting an intention of gratitude

each time you sit down to meditate or practice. This is

one of my favorite rituals for this time of year. As the

days grow shorter and the darkness grows longer, this is

the time to align with our natural need for introspection

and retreat. As you sit down to practice yoga this

month, consider reviewing your year. What are the

moments that struck you most? The precious times that

were full of sweetness or the ones that offered a

challenge that led to growth. If you love words, journal

your response. Whether you write it down or simply

honor your response in your heart, celebrate yourself,

your journey, your light and your darkness. Make time

for yourself in a way that has meaning.



Unless otherwise noted, all photographs in this magazine were taken by Al Kim. Thank you Al!

Welcome to Samadhi’s first online catalogue. We’ve created this publication as a way to connect through the busy

holiday season, offer some of our favorite gift and crafting ideas, and encourage you to stay calm, centered and open

through the upcoming New England Winter.

This online magazine has been a tremendous and fun labor of love. We will be creating more of these issues

throughout the year as a way to build community. We invite you to let us know what is going on in your life,

submit your poems, stories of your yoga journey and any art or crafts you have created. We may use them in future

issues with full credit to you, of course! We also encourage Samadhi YTT graduates to let us know what you are up

to. We would love to support you and your teaching.

We will be launching a new website in the next month. There will be a blog space for all of us to share our passions

and creativity, as well as our yoga journey. We are also stretching into the land of Facebook and Twitter, allowing

us to offer specials and deals to those who follow us. Look for more information about all of this in our weekly

newsletter and on our Facebook page. (If you have not ‘friended’ Samadhi yet, we encourage you to do so. We will

be posting updates, specials and limited time deals only available to Facebook and Twitter folks!)

We hope to see you in the studio. Please let us know what you think of this guide and share it with your friends and

loved ones!

All the best,

Anne & Caroline

Please note that we have embedded links throughout the magazine – follow these to learn more about the products we have

highlighted, or to sign up for any of our workshops or series.

Would you like to be featured in a future issue? Send your ideas, writing, photos etc. to [email protected],

attention Caroline. We look forward to hearing from you!

WINTER SCHEDULE 2012 Begins Sunday, January 1






9:00 am

10:30 am

5:00 pm

6:00 pm

6:00 pm



Meditation Free


Plus Sized Yoga Series*





Caroline (1/22-2/26) Mon










6:00 am

8:30 am

9:30 am

9:30 am


4:30 pm

6:00 pm

6:00 pm

7:30 pm

7:30 pm

Moderate Zumba Moderate Vigorous Community $6 Moderate Beginners Vigorous Mindfulness Series* Beginners Series*

Nikki Anne Sharon Anne Nancy L. Toby Tracey/Jennifer Toby Tracey (1/9-2/27) Sharon (1/9-2/13)









6:00 am

9:30 am

9:30 am

4:30 pm

6:00 pm

6:00 pm

7:30 pm

7:30 pm

Moderate Moderate Whole Running & Yoga Series* Moderate PranaKriya Moderate/Intensive Moderate Beginners Body Image Series*



Jean ( 1/14-2/4)





Marsha (1/24-2/18)











6:00 am

8:30 am

9:30 am

9:30 am


4:30 pm

6:00 pm

6:00 pm

7:30 pm

7:30 pm

Moderate Flow

Zumba Moderate Vigorous Community $6 Moderate Vigorous Moderate Gentle Meditation Free


Anne Sushma Anne Nancy L. Nancy L. Anne Sharon Sharon Nancy T.










6:00 am

9:30 am

10:00 am


5:00 pm

6:00 pm

6:00 pm

7:30 pm

7:30 pm

Vigorous Moderate Mom and Baby Series* Community $6 Zumba Vigorous Moderate Gentle

Intro to Vigorous Series*



Jennifer (1/19-2/23)






Anne (2/2-3/8)





6:00 am

9:30 am


5:15 pm

Moderate Moderate Community $6 Zumba












7:15 am

7:30 am

9:00 am

9:00 am

10:30 am

10:30 am



Whole Running & Yoga Series* Moderate




Zumba (no class 1/14,2/18,3/17)














Monthly Unlimited

(3 Months Minimum)

$99 + Tax

First Time Monthly $40 + Tax

Yearly Unlimited $1,000 + Tax

No additional discounts on memberships.

All memberships include yoga and Zumba

(No series or workshops)

Class Packages:

5 Class Card $75 + Tax

10 Class Card $145 + Tax

30 Class Card $360 + Tax

Single Class $16 + Tax

10% discount on Class Packages to seniors, teachers,

students, massage therapists, veterans, & family

members of Armed Service staff.


Single Class $6 + Tax

10 Classes $50 + Tax

December Workshops and Events

YOGA DANCE with Jean Skeels

12/16 5:30- 6:30pm $10/$15 day of

Yoga Dance combines the intention and energy of yoga with the free

and joyful expression of dance. No dance or yoga experience required,

Yoga Dance is a practice for everybody


with Sarajean 12/20 7:30-9 $20/$25 day of

This workshop will offer you the tools you need to remain calm and

avoid unwanted health complications in stressful situations! We will

discuss diet and nutrition, developing your own personal yoga practice,

finding your private space, lifestyle and daily routine, and the basics of

Ayurveda as a catalyst toward perfect health.


12/30 5:15- 6:30pm

Come and join this 75-minute super fun Zumba party to celebrate New

Year's Eve and get ready for a brand new Year! We'll dance to

international rhythms and beats and you'll be amazed at how much fun

the party is while having a great cardio workout! Don't miss it! Bring a


RESTORATIVE YOGA with Jude and Sharon

12/30 7- 9:00pm $20/$25 day of

Restorative yoga uses a variety of props (blankets, bolsters, straps and

eye pillows) to support and stabilize the body while promoting renewal

physically as well as mentally. Sharon and Jude will use breath work,

supported poses, hands on assists and guided meditation to bring you to

a place of complete relaxation and bliss.

January Workshops and Events


6 week series Mondays 1/9-2/13 7:30-9pm $85

This beginners series will guide students through an exploration of many

of the basic yoga postures, pranayama and meditation techniques.


8 Week Series Monday 1/9 - 2/27 7:30- 9:00pm

COST: $250 (+ tax) includes class, 4 cd’s and practice manual ($30

discount if registered in December)

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an invitation to learn

how to be fully present in your life, to increase your ability to relax, to

cope more effectively with the many stressors you face in your life, and

enhance your ability to cope with pain. In this 8-week course, you will

learn the tools of mindfulness meditation, group discussions will support

you in developing your own unique mindfulness practice and home

assignments will deepen the work you will be doing in the course. This

series includes a one half day retreat, Sunday February 12th 9am -1pm


6 week series Tuesdays 1/10-2/14 9:30-11:30am $85

Whole Running is a synthesis of running and yoga to create

integration of body, mind, and motion. Learn specific

running form based on biomechanics and movement principles.

Incorporate yoga asana(poses), breath work, meditation, and

yoga philosophy into your daily routine. This internal

foundation allows you to fully and deeply experience the process

of running, allowing you to listen to and respond to your body.


4 week series Tuesdays 1/14-2/4 7:30-10:15am $56

MOM & BABY YOGA with Jennifer

6 weeks series Thursdays 1/19 - 2/23 10 - 11:15am $85

Breathe, stretch, and strengthen your body and spirit all while

enjoying, stimulating, and bonding with your baby. This class

will address the needs of the new mom as well as provide creative

ways to invite your baby to join your practice. We will use

gentle stretches, stimulation, and massage to engage baby while

you increase strength, flexibility, and an overall sense of well-

being. You will leave this class feeling restored and energized.

This class is recommended for moms who have had their

postpartum check up until their babies are actively crawling.

Please bring a receiving blanket with you.

PLUS SIZED YOGA with Caroline

6 week series Sundays 1/22 -2/26 6-7:15pm $85

Plus Sized Yoga is a space for yogis of all sizes to come together

and practice yoga. This class will be joyful, energetic, respectful,

and allow for plenty of permission to modify and go at your own

pace. Basically, this class is like most classes offered at

Samadhi! But here we will specifically address common issues

faced by yogis with larger bodies. The goal is to empower yogis

to become familiar with posture modifications suitable for their

bodies and encourage them to take this knowledge and explore

other yoga classes. We encourage anyone, regardless of gender,

size or yoga experience to attend this 6-week series.


6 week series Tuesdays 1/24 - 2/28 7 - 8:30pm $85

Join a safe, supportive environment where we explore the

limiting beliefs that keep us from feeling comfortable in our own

bodies. In this six week discussion group, you’ll learn how to

love your body in whatever state it’s in and build community in

your journey to self-acceptance.


1/29 4:30-5:45pm $10

Join us for an ongoing discussion on the Gita which will be done in a

way that allows you to jump in and out at any point. Each session will

include reading of section of the Gita, interpretation and explanation

by Matt, followed by an open discussion and ideas for putting the

Gitas teaching into practice.

KIRTAN with Matt, Kirstii & friends

1/29 7:30-8:30pm Donation

Kirtan is a co-created experience led call-and-response style, opening

to our own authentic voices without judgment, singing

full-throated and engaging meditatively with the silence between each

chant. Come join in sharing this practice with the community and

honoring the many forms and manifestations of divinity with ecstatic


February Workshops and Events


6 week series 2/2- 3/8 7:30 - 8:45 am $85

Power or Vigorous yoga is a comprehensive healing discipline. It

equally focuses on strength, flexibility, balance and meditation. It

generates heat, aliveness and detoxification of the body. Under the

expert and compassionate guidance of Anne, you will complete this

series and feel confident to practice a vigorous yoga either in the

classroom setting or in your own home. You will learn appropriate

modifications suited to your body, history and philosophy of a

vigorous yoga discipline during the actual practice.


with Marsha

Saturday 2/11 12:00 - 1:30 pm $20/$25 day of

While magazines have us convinced that all we need are 69 sex

positions and 21 diet tips to create the relationship of our dreams, a

deeper form of connection is possible that can satisfy our needs for

relational safety while allowing room for growth and change. Radical

intimacy is the type of authentic connection that comes from allowing

yourself to be fully seen while allowing your partner to feel safe

expressing their full self. In this interactive workshop, singles will learn

practical tools to create the intimacy they crave in their romances.

Single men and women of all sexual orientations are welcome.


Sunday 2/26 4:30 - 5:45pm $10

Join us for an ongoing discussion on the Gita which will be done in a

way that allows you to jump in and out at any point. Each session will

include reading of section of the Gita, interpretation

and explanation by Matt, followed by an open discussion and ideas

for putting the Gitas teaching into practice.

KIRTAN with Matt Falkowski, Kirstii Compton and friends

Sunday 2/26 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM Donation

Kirtan is a co-created experience led call-and-response style,

opening to our own authentic voices without judgment, singing full-

throated and engaging meditatively with the silence between each

chant. Come join in sharing this practice with the community and

honoring the many forms and manifestations of divinity with

ecstatic song.

Create free


labels for your

spray at

A thick


fabric works

best for yoga


Support your

local farmers and

shop at your

nearby Farmers

Market – lots of

markets are still

open this winter!

We are so

grateful to

have you in



Nourish Your Body, Nourish Your Soul

A 3 Month Whole Foods Immersion Workshop by Heather,

With Community Support at Samadhi.

Over the years, many of you have asked us, “What is the healthiest, simplest and most nourishing way to eat as a

yogi?” “How do I eat, how do I cook and prepare foods, how do I feed myself and /or my family?”

There is no one answer to these questions, as everyone has different needs when it comes to personal optimal

nutrition. As a step in the journey to finding that balance for yourself, we would like to let you know about a

workshop, created and led by Samadhi YTT graduate, Heather.

Here is an opportunity to spend 3 months learning to eat from a wholesome place, under the guidance of a nutrition

expert who is also a dedicated yogi, not only on the mat but in her kitchen too.

For a limited time - enroll in the workshop and bring a friend for free!

Spend three months in the kitchen with Heather and join us in our sharing circles at Samadhi (optional, free, and

only open to workshop participants). We will meet 4 times over the 3 month workshop to support and encourage one

another on this journey.

The Nourishment Circle will meet at Samadhi on Sunday evenings - 2/8, 3/4, 4/5, and 5/6. 7:30pm -8:30pm. The

evenings will be guided by Anne and Caroline, who are also participating in the workshop.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction with Tracey Sondik, Psy.D.,

Assisted by Noreen Bluemling, RYT

Welcome to this moment! Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an invitation to learn how to be fully present

in your life, to increase your ability to relax, to cope more effectively with the many stressors you face in your life, and

enhance your ability to cope with pain. In this 8-week course, you will learn the tools of mindfulness meditation

including instruction in body scan, awareness of breath, walking meditation, eating meditation, yoga, and mindfulness of

interpersonal communication. Group discussions will support you in developing your own unique mindfulness practice

and home assignments will part of the 8-week commitment to deepen the work you will be doing in the course.

Dates: Mondays 1/09/11 - 2/27/11 (8 weeks) + one half day retreat, Sunday February 12th 9-1pm

Location: Samadhi Yoga Studio

Time: 7:30pm-9:00 pm

Cost: 250.00 - price includes class, 4 cd’s and practice manual

***Pre registration is required ***

Contact Samadhi by 1/05/11 to guarantee a spot

The MBSR program offered at Samadhi is based on the acclaimed program founded in

1979 by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center’s Stress

Reduction Clinic. More that 16,000 people have completed this program to date with

the majority of the people reporting lasting improvements in their overall

psychological and physical health.

You will have the opportunity to learn these same skills in a small, nurturing setting

lead by Tracey Sondik, Psy.D. Tracey participated in the MBSR professional training

program under the direction of Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. and Saki Sontorelli, Ed.D. Tracey is a licensed clinical psychologist

and registered yoga teacher who believes that every person has the innate potential to live their lives more fully by

being present moment to moment without judgment which is the heart of mindfulness.


6 week series

Mondays 1/9-2/13 7:30-9pm $85

This is a series designed for those new to yoga or for students who

want to gain a thorough understanding of the basics of yoga,

pranayama, and yoga meditation. This series is the proper forum

for affording more time to the details and the individual attention

that the basics require. Throughout the series students experience

a relaxation of mind and body while increasing their body

awareness simultaneous to learning the basics.

The series will guide the students through an exploration of many

of the basic yoga postures, pranayama and meditation


Sharon RTY-500 has practiced depth yoga for over 10 years and is a Professional Level

500-hour Certified Pranakriya Yoga Teacher. She is also a dual certified teacher in both

Pranakriya & Kripalu yoga at the 200-hour level. Sharon was a health and fitness

instructor for several years and also was an avid runner. She has taught several levels of

yoga for various studios including for Yoganand Michael Carroll at Radiant Well-being

Yoga Center. Yoga has been life changing for Sharon and she enjoys sharing the gift of

yoga through her teaching.


6 week series

2/2- 3/8 7:30 - 8:45 am $85

Power or Vigorous yoga is a comprehensive healing discipline.

It equally focuses on strength, flexibility, balance and

meditation. It generates heat, aliveness and detoxification of

the body. Under the expert and compassionate guidance of

Anne, you will complete this series and feel confident to

practice a vigorous yoga either in the classroom setting or in

your own home. You will learn appropriate modifications

suited to your body, history and philosophy of a vigorous yoga

discipline during the actual practice.

Anne has been teaching yoga for 13years. She has taught yoga to thousands

of students from all walks of life, founded Samadhi Yoga Studio and has

created a strong and vibrant yoga community. Anne holds three 200 hour

Yoga Certifications from Kripalu, Damon Honeycutt, and Ana Forrest. She

is a 500 Hour Certified Yoga Teacher with Yoganand Michael Carroll and is

currently studying with Marlyssa Sullivan to complete a 500 hour

certification in Yoga Therapy. Anne is also a certified Zumba teacher.

It is the last month of the year. Time to celebrate, eat delectable food, and

prepare for the wonder and possibility of what is to come. This is the time of

year where keeping up your yoga practice can become a challenge as carving out

time for ourselves becomes more difficult. Consider setting an intention of

gratitude each time you sit down to meditate or practice. This is one of my

favorite rituals for this time of year. As the days grow shorter and the darkness

grows longer, this is the time to align with our natural need for introspection and

retreat. As you sit down to practice yoga this month, consider reviewing your

year. What are the moments that struck you most? The precious times that

where full of sweetness or the ones that offered a challenge that led to growth. If

you love words, journal your response. Whether you write it down or simply

honor your response in your heart, celebrate yourself, your journey, your light

and your darkness. Make time for yourself in a way that has meaning.

As the new year approaches, people often start to experience lowered immunity

due to holiday stress, over consumption of low quality foods, and lack of

movement. Remember that getting the flu is usually an indication from the

body that it needs rest and replenishment.

Here are some simple suggestions for taking care of yourself this holiday season:

Practice gentle yoga when you feel tired to help boost your immune system.

Practice hot power yoga when you feel the need to let go of stress and center and

refocus your energies in a positive healing way.

Get out in nature. Even on cold days. Take a walk or a hike every day. Getting

outside and moving your body is a natural antidepressant. This increases your

oxygen and circulation.

Eat simple meals such as brown rice or quinoa with steamed vegetables/avocado,

sprinkled with olive oil, lemon, and sea salt.

Eat lots of greens, squashes, and foods high is vitamin c such as broccoli, red

pepper, and crimini mushrooms.

Eat food high in minerals such as warming miso soup or consider introducing

seaweeds such as kombu into your rice and bean dishes.

Treat yourself to a healthy whole foods cookbook and make some dishes for

yourself or to share with others.

Drink warm or room temperature water with lemon for vitamin C and alkalinity.

Reduce sugar, caffeine and processed foods

Get plenty of sleep and rest

Reach out to others, talk to friends or loved ones if you are feeling overwhelmed

or stressed.

Connect with a supportive community of friends who value your commitment to

health and healing.

Art can be found at etsy….

Clockwise from top left:

Who You Are Is Enough, (made by our own YTT graduate, Heather. Visit her blog Beauty That Moves, for more inspiration and wisdom), Lion Pose, Yoga Burst, Yoga Abstract

Print, Do Yoga, You Are So Loved

Zumba! Dance Way Into Shape Your

No Need to Get Your Cardio at the Gym! You can get it right here at Samadhi.

Zumba 5 Days per week beginning January 2.

Zumba is only $6 per walk in or 10 classes for $50 and….the best deal…. free to unlimited memberships.

We offer the following Zumba classes on our schedule:

Mon 8:30am

Wed 8:30am

Thurs 5:00pm

Fridays 5:15pm

Saturday Noon

What is Zumba? It’s an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-

party™ that’s moving millions of people toward joy and health.

Mom and Baby Yoga

6 week series

Thursday January 19, 2012 – February 23, 2012


$85 pre-registration required

Breathe, stretch, and strengthen your body and spirit all while enjoying,

stimulating, and bonding with your baby. This class will address the needs of the

new mom and will provide creative ways to invite your baby to join your yoga

practice. We will use gentle stretches, stimulation, and massage to engage baby

while you increase strength, flexibility, and an overall sense of wellbeing. You will

leave this class feeling restored and energized.

This class is recommended for moms who have had their postpartum check up until their babies are actively crawling. Please

bring a receiving blanket with you.

Jennifer Errickson

Jennifer received her 200 hour Yoga Alliance certification in February of 2007 from Sacred Rivers Yoga. Having

experienced the benefits of yoga first hand as the mom of two young boys, she immediately began teaching classes for

mothers and babies. Her classes provide a sense of community and an invitation to be playful on the mat while

exploring creative approaches to various asana expressions. Jennifer teaches with a careful eye for alignment and

safety, an open heart with a space for each student, an energetic delivery with precise instruction, and always with a


Jennifer is an amazingly welcoming, friendly, caring and talented yoga instructor! I always looked forward to her classes with my son!

Her smile brightened our day and her mommy and baby yoga classes helped me feel more bonded to my son and helped me relax! I still

sing some of the songs and practice some of the moves she taught me with my younger children! -Carla O'Brien

"Jen's Mom and Baby Yoga class was the perfect combination of bonding time with my little girl and the exercise my body needed. It

helped rejuvenate me mentally and physically all without missing any precious moment with my baby. I would highly recommend this

class to any new mom." Erin Butler

Mommy baby yoga was my first opportunity to connect with my newborn and other moms. Three years later, I'm still treasuring the

memory of a wonderful bonding experience with my son! I appreciated Jen's knowledge of yoga and the way she paced the class around

our needs. She is a warm and nurturing teacher! Marigrace

Honor Your Temple

With Marsha Philitas

6 week discussion workshop

January 24- February 28 7-8:30pm $85

Join a safe, supportive environment where we

explore the limiting beliefs that keep us from

feeling comfortable in our own bodies. In this six

week discussion group, you’ll learn how to love

your body in whatever state it’s in and build

community in your journey to self-acceptance.

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to:

Bring compassion to those negative feelings.

Listen without letting them overwhelm you.

Replace those beliefs with ones that are life-affirming

and healing.

Lean on the power of community.

About Marsha

I am a compassionate educator, workshop facilitator, heart healer and dorky dancer extraordinaire. I've built my own Uncontained Life

by replacing limiting beliefs with life-giving ones and I'm here to help you do the same. I'm changing the world from within and letting

my heart lead the way.

Visit Marsha’s website

For more information and


Painting by ArtGarden, found on etsy

Plus Sized Yoga With Caroline

6 week series Sundays

1/22 -2/26 6-7:15pm $85

Plus Sized Yoga is a space for yogis of all sizes to

come together and practice yoga. This class will

be joyful, energetic, respectful, and allow for

plenty of permission to modify and go at your

own pace. Basically, this class is like most

classes offered at Samadhi! But here we will

specifically address common issues faced by

yogis with larger bodies. The goal is to empower

yogis to become familiar with posture

modifications suitable for their bodies and

encourage them to take this knowledge and

explore other yoga classes. We encourage

anyone, regardless of gender, size or yoga

experience to attend this 6-week series.

Caroline Finnegan

I’ve been practicing yoga for 22 years. For the entire time I have been practicing yoga, despite my at times astonishing

determination to believe otherwise, I had a body. A body that more often than not did not look like any other ‘yoga body’

in the room. This bothered me, caused me to doubt myself and practice only in the back corner of the room for many, many


Then I became a yoga teacher through Samadhi’s 200 hour YTT program. I’ve kept going and I am now halfway through

Pranakriya’s 500 hour program, am a certified Trauma Sensitive Yoga Teacher, and have attended many more teacher

trainings and yoga workshops along the way. All of this training has taught me how to practice yoga with my body, as it is. And, as a yoga

teacher, I love to create a space where other people can learn to do the same thing. My classes are welcoming, fun and with a very strong focus

on staying in touch with your body and how it is feeling.

I still prefer the back corners of the room, but now I seek that space primarily because I love to use the wall to deepen into postures. Or to keep

me from falling out of tree….because here is the thing about me – I’ve been doing yoga for 22 years, but I still fall.

Statue by AllThatPrettyThings, found on etsy

the manifesto of encouragement

by Danielle Laporte

right now:

There are Tibetan Buddhist monks in a temple in the Himalayas endlessly reciting mantras for the cessation of your suffering and

for the flourishing of your happiness.

Someone you haven't met yet is already dreaming of adoring you.

Someone is writing a book that you will read in the next two years that will change how you look at life.

Nuns in the Alps are in endless vigil, praying for the Holy Spirit to alight the hearts of all of God's children.

A farmer is looking at his organic crops and whispering, "nourish them."

Someone wants to kiss you, to hold you, to make tea for you. Someone is willing to lend you money, wants to know what your

favourite food is, and treat you to a movie. Someone in your orbit has something immensely valuable to give you -- for free.

Something is being invented this year that will change how your generation lives, communicates, heals and passes on.

The next great song is being rehearsed.

Thousands of people are in yoga classes right now intentionally sending light out from their heart chakras and wrapping it around

the earth.

Millions of children are assuming that everything is amazing and will always be that way.

Someone is in profound pain, and a few months from now, they'll be thriving like never before. They just can't see it from where

they're at.

Someone who is craving to be partnered, to be acknowledged, to ARRIVE, will get precisely what they want -- and even more. And

because that gift will be so fantastical in it's reach and sweetness, it will quite magically alter their memory of angsty longing and

render it all "So worth the wait."

Someone has recently cracked open their joyous, genuine nature because they did the hard work of hauling years of oppression off

of their psyche -- this luminous juju is floating in the ether, and is accessible to you.

Someone just this second wished for world peace, in earnest.

Someone is fighting the fight so that you don't have to.

Some civil servant is making sure that you get your mail, and your garbage is picked up, that the trains are running on time, and that

you are generally safe. Someone is dedicating their days to protecting your civil liberties and clean drinking water.

Someone is regaining their sanity. Someone is coming back from the dead. Someone is genuinely forgiving the seemingly

unforgivable. Someone is curing the incurable.

You. Me. Some. One. Now.

Samadhi Yoga Studio has been providing yoga to the Manchester area for 10 years. Opened by Anne Falkowski and her

husband Matthew, both Manchester natives, Samadhi has grown into one of Connecticut’s most recognized yoga

studios. With a strong focus on accessible yoga classes, accomplished teachers, community building, and their student’s

well-being, Samadhi offers 40 yoga classes a week, Zumba and various yoga workshops. Since 2005, Samadhi has run a

nationally certified and respected Yoga Teacher Training. With over 150 graduates of their teacher training, Samadhi

has made a positive impact on the quality of teachers available to Connecticut residents. The yoga teachers that come

out of Samadhi's program are highly regarded for their ability to teach yoga to everyone regardless of flexibility or age.