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  • 8/6/2019 SaLuSa


    SaLuSa Aug 9th 2011 A Description of the Shift.

    Laura: Good morning SaLuSa. Here is our first question from a reader:

    My question is about the so called dark night which is stated in the

    Mayan calendar and which should happen as the Mother Earths poles

    change. I understand it will be a lengthy period of time of a massive energy

    loading when we do not see anything and we are supposed to relax and stay

    in the love. The outcome will be the Mother Earths transformation to the

    New Golden World. I am ok with this on my own part but I am a bit worried

    how to help people and pets you live with? Is there any physical connection

    with others during this time? How can I help them if they are afraid for

    instance? (How do I take my dogs to pee ;) Could you describe a little of

    what is going to happen? Or is it the moment when we kiss the physical 3-

    to-4-D world totally goodbye?

    SaLuSa: Good morning. This period you are referring to marks the end of

    one cycle and the beginning of a new one. It is, in your terms the end of the

    Iron Age and the beginning of the Golden Age. The period of this may varyfrom one day or less, up to three days to be accurate. It is what you are

    referring to as the Shift. There are many shifts to be considered here, dear

    friends. It is all a matter of scale.

    Each individual, each living creature will have to make his and her own

    transition into this shift. You, dear ones, will make your shift with mother

    Earth, although many of you are already well advanced on their own

    journey, according to the limitations imposed on you by external factors.

    As a mass consciousness, your shift will happen with Mother Earths Shift.Some of you, who experienced these kind of transitions before may

    remember similar procedures for other planets even. It is all hidden in your

    subconscious. Perhaps ask to be shown previous similar events by your

    higher self and of your guides. It is important that some of you enter this

    time without fear and knowing what to expect exactly.

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    There will be many changes occurring at that time for you individually, for

    Mother Earth and for the entire Universe. We look forward to the time

    ahead, dear ones. The outcome will be a time for rejoicing, reunions and

    happiness. You will not believe how simply and quickly the shift can take

    place for some of you. And nothing will look different, yet all will be

    different when the day light returns.

    You will see the spirit world as well as the material world after this period of

    dark night. You will laugh in happiness at how, while having being

    trapped in the cycle of the lower vibrations, you were entirely unaware of

    entire worlds and beings evolving all around you. You will not believe the

    level of limitations in which you are currently stuck, at this time in your

    evolution. You will literally not believe how cut off from reality you have

    been for all these eons of time. Yet this unseen world has been around you

    and aware of you for all this time.

    For those of you who have worked in this life with the aim to remove your

    blinkers, the transition will be joyful and peaceful. It will be like a night

    watching the cosmic events and the stars. This will be a true show to you

    from above, full of stars and lights, all during this dark night.

    You will feel all the cosmic changes affect you and transform you in marvel.

    The Galaxies will offer you the best entertainment, as you are crossing the

    galactic heart alignment of your galaxy. You will connect with all and with

    the galactic heart chakra. You will be blessed by pure love and joy energyfrom the Universe. For those of you who have previously lived through these

    times, you know it is a time that is deeply rooted in your memory as a

    sacred moment of joy, peace and stillness.

    You will be able to hear Mother Earths heart, her breath, her warmth and

    her love. You will feel and hear her rotate and shift in perfect peace. You

    will be aware of her Ascension first, as yours will shortly develop from hers.

    You will cry in tears of joy and sorrow at times, for past mistakes, due to the

    limitations imposed on you by agreement. All your tears will wash away

    your past fears, pains and hurts. All of the past, which was dark will vanish

    away, along with the darkness you have been surrounded by for thousand of


    You will all be together for a few brief moments, as a human consciousness.

    This will be the time for you to say good bye to those who will chose to

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    remain in the denser vibrations. This will be a time of reunion for all of you,

    a time when all illusion will fall away for ever, and a time for goodbyes as

    well. Your hearts will be at peace, because you will all have this period

    together and you will all be free of the illusions before taking leave of each

    other. Time and space will no longer exist as you know it now. It will truly

    be Human Consciousness awakening for this period of time. The darkness

    will leave your planet for ever; it will leave your bodies and souls for good.

    All unnecessary things will fade away, never to return here again.

    Dear friends, many of you will experience intense fear at this time, whether

    justified or not. Be strong and loving for all those around you, be an anchor

    for the love of light. Be connected to Mother Earth, be connected to your

    higher self, be connected to us and to the Universe. Hold hands in a circle,

    and send love to all by joining your hearts together. This will have a

    soothing effect on all. Do not remain in isolation, join others around you,and offer them your love and compassion. Many of you will experience all

    the traumas Mother Earth will release from her heart, as you also will release

    all negativity and fear from your being as well.

    These energies will go out through you, so you will experience them

    directly. Many of you will experience crying, but also healing through this.

    At the same time, dear friends, you will receive the incoming uplifting

    energies from the Universe and the Black Holes of the Universe, so in this

    sense all will be healed, transmuted and transformed in this last clearing and

    cleansing period for you and your planet.

    As you know, dear ones, the Earth along with yourselves have been

    undergoing cleansing for a couple of years now. You see in the UK and in

    the finance system one of the greatest clearings of all times. We foresee that

    more and more of these events will take place, for each individual, for each

    country. This is in preparation for these times you have asked about in your

    question. A gradual, progressive cleansing is now preferred by the spiritual

    hierarchy rather than a more dramatic three days of darkness for the Shift.

    We are foreseeing most of the cleansing to take place in the coming monthsall over your planet. So that you, dear ones, will have the most wonderful

    loving galactic light show for the grand shift finale. This dark night will be

    an unforgettable night for you all, dearly beloved. There is no need to fear

    this time ahead.

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    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and know that you are following the process of

    Ascension at optimal pace. I am proud for being one of your guides for this

    pivotal eternal moment for Mother Earth and for Humanity. Know that the

    changes are affecting us also and that we truly consider you all as an integral

    part of our family, as our equal brothers and sisters. We offer our thanks, our

    respect and gratitude to all of you. Be blessed.

    Thank you, SaLuSa

    Laura Tyco