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Saints Peter and Paul Community School Newsletter

Thank you to all the faculty, staff, students, and parents for your school spirit, planning events, and cooperation during Catholic Schools Week. Now more than ever, Catholic Schools Week is a time to celebrate the enduring value of Catholic education. Each year, at this time, we focus on the gift that Catholic education provides to America’s young people and its contributions to our church, our communities and our nation. We build community awareness of and involvement in Catholic schools throughout the country. We honor those who contribute to the success of Catholic schools---students, families, faculty, staff, volunteers, community supporters, and local, state and national leaders. “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service” is the theme of this year’s celebration of Catholic Schools. Catholic Schools are noted for their academic excellence, high moral standards, faith development and commitment to service. The theme focuses on developing students both academically and spiritually so

they can become leaders in our community tomorrow. We thank God for all the blessings He has given us so far this school year and pray that we may be blessed in the months to come. Catholic Identity is key for us at Ss. Peter & Paul Community School. All of our teachers are implementing the Common Core Standards. We are proud to offer an education that is distinctive among educational institutions in our community. We celebrate the many contributions our students make to the school, our parish, other parishes, and community. We commit to preparing our students for the future by infusing them with the faith, knowledge, morals and discipline that are the hallmarks of Catholic education. The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 18. The students are not in school because of the winter break. Please attend Mass on that day and receive ashes as a reminder of this special season. Lent is the time we think about and look at our lives and see what we need to change or renew in order to follow Jesus more

closely. Lent is the time to prepare for Easter. Children should be encouraged to do positive things during this season to show their love for God and others. It is not only a time to “give up” certain things, but is a time to do more---pray, to share with those who have less, to give our time, to be more loving, and to be more kind. Families can join together to decide upon a practice that would be kept throughout the days of Lent. Let us spend a few moments each night thinking over our day to thank God for the good things that happened, to tell God we’re sorry for the things we’ve done wrong, and to ask God’s help to live the next day more perfectly as children of God. Congratulations to the students chosen from Grades 6-7-8 to participate in the Spelling Bee in January. Our school champion is Maggie Kellner, and Emily Rhoads was the second place winner. Congratulations to the following students who were awarded prizes from the “Patriot’s Pen” contest, sponsored by the VFW Post 1419: Joseph Rowell, Alia

February 2015

From the Principal Sr. Marilyn Ann Dudek

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Feuerstein, Angeleah Lograsso, and Bailey Kent. We remind everyone about our “cell phone use policy” (p. 32 in the handbook). Cell phones must be turned off during school hours. Cell phones must be turned off by the time the student walks into the school building and may not be turned back on until he/she leaves the building. Students needing to contact parents may use the telephone in the school office. Parents, please review the policy with your child/children. We expect that everyone abides by this policy. I want to thank some parents and staff members for their involvement in our dismissal procedures with buses and cars. The safety of our students is a priority for all of us. If any parent is willing to help “ Mr. T.” on the parking lot at dismissal

time (2:15-2:30p.m.), we would appreciate your help. Please contact the school office if you are willing to help with traffic control. We are thankful to and for so many people who help to make Ss. Peter & Paul School one that prepares us for life: Fr. Art, Fr. John, Fr. Pat, our faculty, staff, Hamburg staff, maintenance staff, Parents Guild, Parishioners, volunteers, parents who help in the classrooms, parents who count our box tops and labels, parents who help in the office, parents, and students. Thank you to the parents who helped to make the Santa’s Shop a success. Thank you for your Christmas gifts and wishes, for your support of our Christmas program, and for assisting the teachers in the classrooms before Christmas. Let us celebrate all of God’s goodness to us in our school.

God bless you… Sister Marilyn Ann Principal


Jesus, dear Savior, during these forty days of Lent,

I want to fast, to pray, to repent. Above all else I want to stay in

the circle of Your love each day. Walk with me; surround me

with Your light; lead me, guide me, and keep me

in Your sight. Thank You for Your great love

and care; May I give witness to it

everywhere. In these forty days, help me to

follow You, and imitate Your love in all I do.


Editor’s Note Mary Kruszka

Please note, due to the February break, the deadline to submit articles for the

March Newsletter is Friday, February 13th. Articles can be e-mailed to me at

[email protected] . Thanks!

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It's hard to believe that it's already February and almost half of the school year has flown by. Despite the snowy weather we have experienced this winter, many people are buzzing around town, working hard to make this one of Parents Guild's greatest years yet. Auction plans are falling into place. It is set to take place on April 25th, 2015 with tickets going on sale in March. Thank you to all who are working so diligently behind the scenes. It takes a tremendous amount of cooperation and manpower to make this successful, so if you are able to help in any way, please contact Sandy Eberz or Shannon Jerome. Their contact information can be found in the school directory. Thank you to the Pinkowski's and Gaume's for chairing the basketball tournament this January. It was a great time and showcased our wonderful school and student athletes! The Easter candy sale will take place at the beginning of February. We will be selling Niagara Candy again this year. Plan early for filling those

Easter baskets, and help make this another successful sale! The next Parents Guild meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 11th at 7 pm in the parish meeting room with childcare in the gym. We will be discussing upcoming events, including the auction, along with election of officers. There are the following executive board vacancies for the 2015-2016 school year: co-president (along with Michele Hoff), vice-president, recording secretary and corresponding secretary. Please consider putting your many talents to work by filling one of these vacancies. If you have any questions about what each position entails, please feel free to contact any member of the current executive board.

~Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.~

Message from Parents’ Guild Sarah Friedrich - Vice-President

Please save the date for this year’s Auction!!!!!

April 25th


Tickets will be available

Monday, March 9th

Shannon Jerome & Sandy Eberz

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Thank You I would like to express my most sincere thanks to the many folks who helped make Open Tour & Open House successful events! There are too many to name, but thank you to all of the parents who helped out at information tables and helped accompany tours. Thank you to the alumni and students, who helped represent our school during tours. Thank you to Fr. Art, Fr. Pat, Fr. John and Sr. Marilyn for all of your support. A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Maggio, Miss. Chiappone, Mrs. Mehltretter, Miss Nye and Mrs. Bestpitch for helping set up and allowing a smooth run for open tours. Last, but certainly not least, thank you to the faculty and staff at SS. Peter & Paul Catholic School!

- Sarah Seweryniak, Advancement Director


It’s almost here… March 27th…the Catholic Charities Carnival!!! It is a family day of fun

featuring Games, Raffles, Bounce Houses, Chinese Auction, Variety Booth (sell gently used

items), and delicious Baked Goods. All proceeds from these events are donated to Catholic


Please consider donating any gently used items from around the house for the Variety Booth.

We are looking for new basket donations for the Chinese Auction and volunteers to send in

cookies or brownies the morning of the Carnival for the Baked Goods table. Most

importantly, we need volunteers to run one of the many games at the Carnival. It’s all for a

great cause: Catholic Charities!! You will have fun doing it! Just send the items into school

with your children or drop them off at the school office. Please contact Maureen or Megan if

you have any questions.

Chairpersons Maureen Calkins 646-9726 & Megan Insera 649-7463

Easter Candy Sale

Our Easter candy sale will be February 2nd - Feb 13th. We will be selling Niagara Candy

again this year. Candy pickup will be on March 13th. Please support our school and

place your orders today.

Any questions please contact Kim Zimmer 572-3424.

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Winter Classic Basketball Tournament Update Rick and Debbie Pinkowski

Craig and Renee Gaume

SSPP held its 9th annual Winter Classic Basketball Tournament in January. SSPP hosted 800 spectators from 9 different

schools competing in four different divisions. Despite losing three days of competition to weather cancellation, the

tournament was able to complete all 30 games. Congratulations to the division champions:

Boys Junior Varsity: St. John Vianney (Orchard Park)

Girls Junior Varsity: Northern Chautauqua Catholic (Dunkirk)

Boys Varsity: St. Mary’s of Lancaster

Girls Varsity: Immaculate Conception (East Aurora)

SS Peter and Paul teams performed very well with three teams reaching the finals and the fourth team reaching the

semi-finals. Congratulations to 8th graders Ben Pinkowski, Jennifer Grimm, and Nicole Villarini who were named to the

All Tournament team. Tournament MVPs were Caroline Zanghi from Immaculate Conception and John Morgus from

St. Mary’s of Lancaster. The Tournament MVPs will receive a $250 scholarship toward their chosen Catholic high


Thank you to all the volunteers and sponsors who help make this Tournament possible. A special thank you to Mr.

Talluto who spends countless hours planning and running the games. His job was especially challenging this year with

the snow cancellations and without his efforts, this Tournament fundraiser would not be possible.

Saints Sports Section

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Childhood Hunger in America

Nearly one in five children in America can’t count on having enough to eat. Their bodies may not be rail thin, nor

their bellies bloated like their counterparts in other countries, but they’re at risk of hunger all the same. They lack the energy to learn, grow and thrive. More than 16 million children in America are at risk of hunger. That’s more than 1 in 5.



THIS IS NOT JUST AN INNER CITY PROBLEM You can apply for free/ reduced meals anytime during school year.

Call 646-3269 and we will walk you through the process- confidential.

No one sees the information on your application, there are no lists, with our new cash register system, even the cashiers do not know.

How do I apply for Food Stamps?

To apply for Food Stamps, you must complete and submit an application. Application packets may be

requested by phone by calling [716] 858-8000, or requested in person at our office located at the:

Erie County Department of Social Services OPEN 8 AM TO 4 PM 158 Pearl Street 1st floor Buffalo, New York 14202

New York State Cancer Services Program

The Cancer Services Program (CSP) provides breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screenings at NO COST to

women and men who:

Do not have health insurance OR have health insurance that does not cover the cost of these screenings

Cannot pay for these screenings, Meet income eligibility requirements, Meet age requirements

What cancer screening services are available through the CSP?

Breast Cancer Screening (Mammogram and Clinical Breast Exam)

Cervical Cancer Screening (Pap Test and Pelvic Exam)

Colorectal Cancer Screening (Fecal Occult Blood Test/Fecal

Colorectal Cancer Screening (Colonoscopy)

Where are these screening services provided?

Services are provided in local clinics, health centers, doctors' offices and hospitals in every county and borough in New York State by health care providers participating in the CSP.

Who do I call for a FREE cancer screening or to be connected to other CSP services?

Call 1-866-442-CANCER (2262) to talk to someone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week who will connect you to a Cancer Services Program near you. The call is free.

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