Download - Saints' Alive!...• First day of summer, June 21 The Sunday School Picnic is Sunday, June 9th following the 10:30am service. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks are provided. Please

Page 1: Saints' Alive!...• First day of summer, June 21 The Sunday School Picnic is Sunday, June 9th following the 10:30am service. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks are provided. Please

Saints' Alive! June 1, 2019 ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH Volume100, Issue 6

Dear All Saints', Greetings in the Name of our Lord! In this article I would like to briefly update you a little on what the vestry and I looked at and discussed in our May retreat. We read a bit from a study on the state of The Episcopal Church – a study sponsored by the House of Bishops, con-ducted by RenewalWorks, and published by Forward Move-ment. Among many other things revealed by this study, the researchers discovered a “spiritual continuum” typical of the 12,000 Episcopalians and 200 parishes who participated in the research. The continuum was composed of four “spiritu-al” stages that categorized how church members were re-sponding to the life and witness of the overall mission of the Church. The first was composed of those “exploring a life with God in Christ”; these are simply those “seeking” a pos-sible connection with God but taking very small steps in an intentional spiritual journey. The second category was com-posed on those “growing in a life with God in Christ”; those that exhibit some commitment to the Christian Faith but still had some hesitancy and questions unresolved for them. The third category was composed of those “deepening in a life with God in Christ”; these individuals are those who admit to relying on God's presence and power in their daily lives. And, the fourth category are those “centered in a life with God in Christ.” This last group is made up of people for whom the Christian Faith, and a relationship with God in Christ, is the most important relationship in their lives. I won't go into the percentages of those found within these categories – but as one might suspect, the earlier categories (1 and 2) represent the largest percentages within the church; whereas the latter are much smaller. What was most helpful, however, is that the study also revealed key catalysts for moving people from one category to the next in maturity where real discipleship is taking place. And, perhaps not so surprisingly, the number one catalyst that showed up in all movements towards centeredness in Christ was “engagement with the Scriptures”! Yes, there were other catalysts such as doctrine (i.e., teachings on the Holy Trinity, regular partak-ing of the sacraments, prayer life, etc), but the top catalyst across the board was, indeed, engagement in Bible study. So, predictably, here's where I am going with all this …. Our mission is ultimately about being disciples and making disciples. Therefore, we need to incorporate into our daily, weekly disciplines intentional engagement with Scripture. We all need to “read, mark, inwardly digest” them and be-come more and more committed to and shaped around a pat-tern of studying, learning, and sharing God's word in our lives – individually and corporately. To that end, it is my desire for us to make Bible study a core activity of our life together. So please watch for forthcoming announcements about times and places to engage in this very important dis-cipleship act. And, covenant with me and your leaders around our desire to grow in Christ that we will be centered upon Him through the word of God. Blessings in Christ, Fr. David [W]e also thank God constantly for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you be-lievers. 1 Thess. 2:13

June 2019 Special Dates

• Pentecost, June 9 • Flag Day, June 14 • Trinity Sunday, June 16 • Father’s Day, June 16 • First day of summer, June 21

The Sunday School Picnic is Sunday, June 9th following the 10:30am service. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks are provided. Please bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share. Volunteers are needed for setup and cleanup!

Practice for Pentecost/ Solemn High Holy

Communion On Saturday, June 8th

at 10:00 a.m.

We have finally been able to migrate over to our new website page! It is still a work in progress but it is up

and running. Go to and check it out!

Now that our website is up and running

the “Saint’s Alive” newsletter will be posted on the website starting with the

September issue. If you wish to continue receiving a paper copy by mail please

email the office at [email protected] or call 907-279-3924.

From Our Pries t Rev. David Terwil liger

Page 2: Saints' Alive!...• First day of summer, June 21 The Sunday School Picnic is Sunday, June 9th following the 10:30am service. Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks are provided. Please






The ECW Church Store has a wide variety of cards

for all occasions, beautifully matted creeds, the Lord’s Prayer and favorite Scripture verses. We

also offer a wide selection of gift items. The store is open following the 10:30 a.m. Sunday service or by


“Juicy June” To benefit the food pantry at

New Hope On The Last Frontier. Please bring your donations of fruit and

vegetable juice or any other canned goods to church each Sunday during June.

June Vestry Meeting Is Monday, June 10th

At 6:00 p.m.



Sunday, June 16th!







Please be sure to join us at church on Sunday, June 30 when we welcome our guest organist, Ken Brown, who is the Canon for Music and Worship at the Cathedral of the Incarnation in Baltimore, Maryland.