Download - Saint Joseph Catholic Church · 2020. 6. 28. · We have been hard at work making preparations to resume public Mass. Alleluia! Please remember to adhere to the following guidelines

Page 1: Saint Joseph Catholic Church · 2020. 6. 28. · We have been hard at work making preparations to resume public Mass. Alleluia! Please remember to adhere to the following guidelines


Saint Joseph Catholic Church

massesWeekday Masses are at the churchTuesday 5:30 pmWednesday 5:30 pmFriday 8 amSaturday 9 am

Weekend at the PAC:Saturday 4:30 pmSunday 8:30 amSunday 10:30 am

Adoration:Thursdays: 8 am - Noon, 4 pm - 10 pm;Night Prayer & Benediction 7:45 pm

Confessions: By appointment - call parish office at 614-873-8850

Are you new to Saint Joseph Parish?Welcome!

We invite you to please introduce yourself before or after Mass, or stop by the parish office to register, meet Father Trapp and

become part of our parish family. Registration forms are available at the

resource bulletin board at the PAC.

140 West Avenue, Plain City Ohio

St. Joseph Catholic Church, Plain City, Ohio

Parish Activity Centerand Parish Office670 W. Main StreetPlain City, OH 43064

pastor: Rev. Father Joseph John Trapp II 614-873-8850 [email protected]: Rev. Mr. Tony Bonacci 614-578-3957 [email protected] secretary: 614-873-8850 dir of religious education: Maria Vonada [email protected] youth director: Emily Winner [email protected] bulletin editor: Amy Colopy [email protected] social media Coordinator: Tracy Bertin [email protected] director: Greg Elchert [email protected] business office: AJ Alvarez [email protected] knights of columbus: John Ciuca, Grand Knight [email protected] 614-361-3783st. martin de porres: Gloria Butler [email protected] 614-581-1240adoration coordinator: Lori Crock [email protected]

office hours: M, W, TH 9 am - 3 pm office phone: 614-873-8850


JUNE 28, 2020 thirteenth sunday in ordinary time Parish Code: RFTRYT

Page 2: Saint Joseph Catholic Church · 2020. 6. 28. · We have been hard at work making preparations to resume public Mass. Alleluia! Please remember to adhere to the following guidelines


Please pray for all who are ill and healing:

Steve Allen Suzie Baker Robert Benner Bonnie Blackwell DeeDee Bradley Kelsey Chapman Gene Chervenak Oralia Duran Leone Ferrigan Florine Hamlin Gabriel Kaiser Zachary Kaiser Gail Moddeman Carl Monnin Jane Marie Poindexter pray for our military:

1LT Denis R. Aurelius USAF Logan Hill; MASN Todd Thieken Jr., USN CDR Matt Wood, USN

Adoration hours:Monday: 6 am - 11 am; 6 pm - 9 pmTuesday: 6 am - 11 am; 6 pm - 9 pmWednesday: 6 am - 11 am; 3:30 pm - 9 pmThursday: 6 am - 11 am; 6 pm - 9 pm Friday: 6 am - 11 am

Please contact Lori Crock to sign up. Subs needed also.

june 28, 2020

COLLECTION COUNTING:JUNE 29 Team St. DiegoJULY 6 Team St. AnthonyJULY 13 Team St. JosephJULY 20 Team St. Diegominister to homebound:

thirteenth sunday in ordinary time

liturgical ministers schedule - juLY 4 - 5, 2020

Time/Location: 4:30 pm @ PAC 8:30 am @ PAC 10:30 am @ PAC



extraordinary ministers:


Todd ThobeSharon Thobe


Jill Fesko

Joe FosterDebbie Foster

Mike PeckJohn Ciuca

Al Crock Pam Thomas


Page 3: Saint Joseph Catholic Church · 2020. 6. 28. · We have been hard at work making preparations to resume public Mass. Alleluia! Please remember to adhere to the following guidelines


mass readings & intentions

Sunday, June 282KGS 4:8-11, 14-16; PS: 89; ROM 6: 3-4, 8-11; MT 10: 37-428:30 am: Fred Bensen10:30 am: Lindy & Dorothy Dziczkowski (Colopy/Haaser)

Monday, June 29 Solemnity of Sts. Peter & Paul, ApostlesACTS 12: 1-11; PS: 34; 2TM 4:6-8, 17-18; MT 16: 13-195:30 pm*: In Thanksgiving of 24th Anniv of Ordination Tuesday June 30AM 3:1-8; 4:11-12; PS: 5; MT 8: 23-275:30 pm*: Joanne McGuire

Wednesday July 1AM 5:14-15, 21-24; PS: 50; MT 8: 28-345:30 pm*: Rev. Edward Wiezorek Thursday July 2AM 7:10-17; PS: 19; MT 9: 1-8NO MASS

Friday July 3 Feast of St. Thomas, Apostle EPH 2:19-22; PS: 117; JN 20: 24-298 am*: Joanne McGuire

Saturday July 4AM 9:11-15; PS: 85; MT 9:14:179 am*: Marjorie Burkely4:30 pm: Dave "Harley" Sievers

Sunday, July 5ZEC 9:9-10; PS: 145; ROM 8:9, 11-13; MT 11: 25-308:30 am: Barbara Sievers (R. Sievers)10:30 am: Joanne McGuire

Please contact the office to offer a Mass for your special intention or the soul of a dearly departed family member or friend. Customary donation is $10. * Mass At Church

june 28, 2020 thirteenth sunday in ordinary time

Stewardship:Offertory Collection for June 20-21 , 2020Envelopes $ 1,581 Loose (Unknown) $ 49 Diocesan Tax (6%) $ (98) $ 1,532* *does not include OnLine Giving

“…whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:38)

Pope Benedict XVI said, “The world offers you comfort. But you were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness.” “Comfort” puts me first. “Picking up your cross and following Jesus” puts God and others first. Why settle for comfort when you can achieve greatness! Pick up your cross, ask Jesus for guidance on using your gifts and live the life God intended for you!

Returning to Weekend Mass Celebrations:

We have been hard at work making preparations to resume public Mass. Alleluia! Please remember to adhere to the following guidelines as you come back to the PAC for Mass. All weekend Masses will be at at the PAC and resuming regular summer hours: 4:30 pm on Saturday and 8:30 am and 10:30 am on Sunday. If you or any one in your household exhibits any of the following symptoms, please stay home:• Fever 100.4 or higher; • Cough • Headache • Sore throat • Shortness of breath • Fatigue• Loss of taster or smell • Unexplained body aches • Recent contact with positive Covid-19 person• If you are "high risk" category and/or age 65

To return to Mass and parish activities, you are required to:

• Wear a face mask (except those under 2 years old)• Maintain physical distancing of 6 ft upon entering and leaving• Use hand santizer upon entering and leaving the building• Maintain safe distance while sitting in the PAC or Church (except within family)• Maintain 6 ft within Communion line - receiving Eucharist via hand is strongly encouraged

Remember that Bishop Brennan has dispense the Catholic Faithful from our Sunday obligation to attend weekend liturgy through September 13, 2020. Thank you for your cooperation.

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june 28, 2020 thirteenth sunday in ordinary time

PSR registration for 20-21 School Year is OpenPlease visit the church website and click on the link to PSR registration. There are many changes for this coming school year and classes are filling up fast! Class sizes are limited to 10 - 13 students per class. Fee is $75 per child for registered families / Maximum of $150 per family. Fee for non-contributing / non-parishioner family is $150 per per child - no maximum, plus 2nd grade fees of 2 @ $35 each for 1st Communion and 1st Reconciliation retreats; $65 for 8th grade retreats.

Let us pray that we can all be together to learn about the Word of God and the teachings of our faith.

Catechists are also needed. Please talk with Maria Vonada if you would like to share your Catholic faith with our young people. They need YOU!


June 29 - Father Trapp's Ordination Anniversary


July 8 - K of C business Meeting via Zoom - 7:30 pm

July 15 - Tax Day

July 16 - Blest Day Ever - Canoe Trip for Youth

July 19 - Retrovaille Core Meeting - 4 pm

July 20 - 23 - On-Line Vacation Bible School

July 21 - Women Aglow - 7 pm


August 2 - Catechist Meeting 11:30 am @ PAC

August 8 - 1st Communion Retreat @ PAC - 8 am

August 15 - 1st Communion @ Church - 11 am.

August 19 - 1st Day of School (Alder)

upcoming events:

Word Among Us July / AugustPurple Breaking Bread Missals

Word Among Us booklets are in for July / August. Please take one for daily Mass readings and more.Also, please help yourself to one of the purple Breaking Bread missals with Sunday readings and music. We ask that you keep these handing and bring in your own copy each week to Mass and take it back home with you. We do not have any way to cleaning or treating these books after every use that will not ruin the paper itself.

Rice Bowls:Do you still have your Lenten Rice Bowl? If so, please bring it in during weekend Masses to the PAC. A box will available at the entry. Thank

you for holding on to them all these months!

New Office Hours:

The parish office will now be open Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9 am to 3 pm. We will be closed Tuesdays and Fridays. For any urgent concerns, please call the parish office at 614-873-8850 and use the voice mail prompts. Thank you for your understanding.

New Lector & Extraordinary Minister Training

With many parishioners unable to volunteer as lectors and Extraordinary Ministers this summer due to health

restrictions due to Covid-19, we are in need of several new faces to lend a hand.Deacon Tony will hold a brief training class for all interested in becoming new Lectors and/or Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.

Please consider joining these invaluable ministries at St. Joseph. It is a nominal time committment each month and promises to bring to you a deeper level of spiritual understanding of our Mass and our Faith.

We also have greatly modified the role of each position to accommodate CDC and Diocesan guidelines. Your safety is our top concern.

All training will be at the PAC. Dates and times to be determined depending on interest.

Please email Dcn. Tony directly at: [email protected] or Amy Colopy at: [email protected]

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june 28, 2020 thirteenth sunday in ordinary time

Sign up on the parish website to receive your complimentary four days worth of activities & props for Vacation Bible School and become your BEST Saintly Super Hero! If you have any brightly colored large plain T-shirts to donate we would appreciate it. Please drop off at PAC. Thank you!

Bishop's Annual Appeal 2020 Prayer

Almighty, ever living God, your Son,our Lord Jesus Christ,

came into our world, our lives,to bring us abundant life.

Life springing from you, our God.

We have come to know and experiencethat life with and through the joy that

comes from the Gospel – our Lord’s lifeand message.

Bless this Bishop’s Annual Appeal.

May all who respond to it out of theirfaith and love, and all whose hopeis increased through its proceeds,

continue to live the joy of the Gospel.

We ask this through the sameChrist our Lord. Amen!

Communication Updates:

Do we have your current contact information? Please take a moment to email Amy Colopy with your updated family email address and telephone number.

We are missing quite a few email addresses for registered parishioners and we don't want you to miss out on important parish communications. We would also appreciate your updated telephone contact information.

Thank you!

Freedom According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church

1730 God created man a rational being, conferring on him the dignity of a person who can initiate and control his own actions. "God willed that man should be 'left in the hand of his own counsel,' so that he might of his own accord seek his Creator and freely attain his full and blessed perfection by cleaving to him."Man is rational and therefore like God; he is created with free will and is master over his acts.

1731 Freedom is the power, rooted in reason and will,to act or not to act, to do this or that, and so to perform deliberate actions on one's own responsibility. By free will one shapes one's own life. Human freedom is a force for growth and maturity in truth and goodness; it attains its perfection when directed toward God, our beatitude.

1733 The more one does what is good, the freer one becomes. There is no true freedom except in the service of what is good and just. The choice to disobey and do evil is an abuse of freedom and leads to "the slavery of sin."

1734 Freedom makes man responsible for his acts to the extent that they are voluntary. Progress in virtue, knowledge of the good, and ascesis enhance the mastery of the will over its acts.

1738 Freedom is exercised in relationships between human beings. Every human person, created in the image of God, has the natural right to be recognized as a free and responsible being. All owe to each other this duty of respect. The right to the exercise of freedom, especially in moral and religious matters, is an inalienable requirement of the dignity of the human person. This right must be recognized and protected by civil authority within the limits of the common good and public order.

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