Download - Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access

Page 1: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access

Saint CeciliaP A R I S H

Solemnity of Pentecost31 May 2020Mosaic, origin unknown

Page 2: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access

31 May 2020


PRELUDE | Veni creator Nicolas de Grigny (1672-1703)



In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.

The Lord be with you

All: And with your spirit.

Page 3: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access

GLORIA | Mass of Renewal Curtis Stephan


Page 4: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access


FIRST READING | Acts 2: 1-11

RESPONSORIAL PSALM | Psalm 104: Lord, Send Out Your Spirit Paul Lisicky

SECOND READING | 1 Corinthians 12: 3b-7, 12-13

SEQUENCE | Veni sancte spiritus Richard Clark

Come, Holy Spirit, come! And from your celestial home Shed a ray of light divine! Come, Father of the poor! Come, source of all our store! Come, within our bosoms shine. You, of comforters the best; You, the soul’s most welcome guest; Sweet refreshment here below; In our labor, rest most sweet; Grateful coolness in the heat; Solace in the midst of woe. O most blessed Light divine, Shine within these hearts of yours, And our inmost being fill! Where you are not, we have naught, Nothing good in deed or thought, Nothing free from taint of ill. Heal our wounds, our strength renew; On our dryness pour your dew; Wash the stains of guilt away: Bend the stubborn heart and will; Melt the frozen, warm the chill;

Page 5: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access

Guide the steps that go astray. On the faithful, who adore And confess you, evermore In your sevenfold gift descend; Give them virtue’s sure reward; Give them your salvation, Lord; Give them joys that never end. Amen. Alleluia.

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION | Jubilation Mass James Chepponis

GOSPEL | John 17: 1-11a


Page 6: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access


I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.


LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Thank you for your generous support of the parish! Over the past several weeks, even as we have sheltered in place, we have continued to worship and connect with each other virtually. The members of our ministries continue to engage with each other in fellowship and in service to our wider community. And, a new task force of volunteers has come together to support homebound or isolated parishioner. Your continued support helps make these things happen.

While we won’t be able to pass the collection basket for a while, we invite you to join our efforts in one of the following ways:

• Make a one-time gift or recurring donation —• Venmo — @SaintCeciliaParish (If prompted, the last four digits of our number are 3880)• Mail a check — Saint Cecilia Parish 18 Belvidere St. Boston, MA 02115

Page 7: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access

PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS | Send Us Your Spirit Dan Schutte


The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit.

Lift up your hearts.

All: We lift them up to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

All: It is right and just.

HOLY, HOLY | Mass of Christ the Savior Dan Schutte

Page 8: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access

MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION | Mass of Christ the Savior Dan Schutte

GREAT AMEN | Mass of Christ the Savior Dan Schutte


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen.

LAMB OF GOD | Mass of Christ the Savior Dan Schutte


It is a long-held Catholic belief that when circumstances prevent one from receiving Holy Communion, it is possible to make an “Act of Spiritual Communion.” During this time when we are not able to celebrate the Eucharist together in person, Pope Francis invites Catholics to say this prayer as a source of grace. We can be assured that when we express our desire to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, God will be with us spiritually in a special way. Here is an Act of Spiritual Communion that we encourage you to pray as you participate in our live-streamed liturgies:

Page 9: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access


Loving Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.

COMMUNION | Open My Eyes Jesse Manibusan

Page 10: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access


The Lord be with you.

All: And with your spirit.

May almighty God bless you, the Father, (+) and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.

Go forth, the Mass is ended.

All: Thanks be to God.


POSTLUDE | Choral varié sur le theme “Veni creator” IV. Final Maurice Durufle (1902-1986)

All music in this worship aid is printed with permission under #A700-137.

For information on becoming involved or supporting the music program at Saint Cecilia, please contact Dr. Robert Duff at 617-536-4548 or email: [email protected].

Page 11: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access




Prayers &


Our DeceasedOne of our CARES family members, Bill Curran died this past week. Pray for the consolation of Bill's family and his friends at Saint Cecilia. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Our SickPlease pray for all our sick and for those who are in need of our prayer, especially Mary Pickering, Stephanie Brown, Kim Villanueva, Mary Sue Cappoza, Marc Pelletier, Leah Fickes, Caeden Boyce, Kathleen Kopitsky, Barbara Yobaccio, Fiona Calnan, Mike Messmer, Molley Lockward, Oliver John Craig Lovric, Winston Love, Quinn Waters, Scott Mann, and Joe Murphy.

Welcome to Saint CeciliaWe are pleased to welcome the following new members of our parish who have recently registered: Michael Neri of Boston, Meghan Lovett of Brighton, LuAnne and Me-gan Chester of North Reading, Madeline Memoli of Bos-ton, and Eileen Maguire of Jamaica Plain. If you have not previously registered with the parish, there are forms in the narthex for this purpose or you can register online at

Happy Anniversary!This week we celebrate the baptismal anniversary of Rob-ert Bienkowski baptized on June 6. May the Lord continue to bless him with the grace to live out his baptismal call. Happy Feast Day, Robert!

Vespers TonightJoin us at 6:00 on Facebook Live for Vespers for the Solem-nity of Pentecost. Or email [email protected] to receive the Zoom meeting link. All are welcome.


Sunday, May 31 | 10:00 a.m.Frank J. Unni, AnniversaryGreg Capano, 5th AnniversaryFlorence Travers, MemorialGilson Moreira, MemorialAntonio Schena, Memorial


Acts 2:1-111 Corinthians 12:3-97, 12-13John 20:19-23


Exodus 34:4b-6, 8-92 Corinthians 13:11-13John 3:16-18

Saint Cecilia Prayer Line

We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access to computers or the internet. You can call in to 857-317-3832 for a different message each day. Please feel free to share!

Page 12: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access



Happy Pentecost!The Holy Spirit is described in the Acts of the Apostles as a "strong, driving wind," which fills the house in which the disciples are staying, and, in the Gospel of John, as a gentle breath, when the Risen Christ "breathes" on the disciples and gives them the gifts of the Spirit. Both of these passagesare read today. The Holy Spirit works in many ways in our lives—at times with great force and also with subtle gentle-ness. Pray for the ability to listen and be receptive to both the dramatic manifestations, as well as to the quieter ones.They are both God's voice.

calendar notes on pentecost

Pentecost is the fiftieth and final day of Eastertide. It is, curi-ously to us, a harvest feast in its origins. This doesn’t seem like harvest time here, but around the Mediterranean the apricots, cherries, and strawberries are ripe and ready for the market. Winter wheat is the principal harvest of the year and, if all goes well, yields a crop that can feed people all year long. Even in the north, we have asparagus, rhubarb, the first peas, spinach and salad greens. Winter's fast is now springtime’s feast. So, the Jewish people kept a feast of "first fruits" fifty days after Passover. This feast, called Shavuot, is a time of celebrating the harvest and also God’s covenant made on Mount Sinai. Since the first Christians would have kept Shavuot, it is easy to see how Christian meaning was assigned to this Jewish feast. So, Pentecost sets a seal on Easter; it is a grand finale, and our liturgy should refect that energy as we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The liturgy begins with the account in Acts of the Apostles of the coming of the Spirit Jesus promised. The Spirit de-scends in fire and wind, just as God appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai. Over and over again in the Gospel of Luke we hear that Jesus was filled with the power of the Spirit. Pen-tecost is made anew at every baptism, every eucharist, ev-ery time two or more gather in Jesus' name. There are many customs around the world that can extend Pentecost into your home. In some places, people decorate their homes with red roses and peonies and fresh green leaves. Years ago the Vigil of Pentecost was observed with caroling and dancing outdoors near churches. It is a day for flying kites or walking a wind-swept beach. Strawberry shortcake is a traditional Pentecost dessert. — Rev. James Field


On this feast of Pentecost, pray that the Spirit of God who breathed over the dark chaos at the moment of creation and brought forth light and life, breathe forth in our time and in our troubled, too violent world, gifts of wisdom, courage, compassion, and right judg-ment—gifts that can heal wounds no matter how old, and memories no matter how painful; gifts that can turn adversaries into allies, and enemies into friends; gifts that can renew the face of the earth!

The golden sequence

Veni Sancti Spiritus, known as "the Golden Sequence," is the sequence for the Mass for Pentecost. It is commonly re-garded as one of the greatest masterpieces of sacred Latin poetry ever written. Its beauty and depth have been praised by many. This beautiful poem addresses the Holy Spirit with many different titles and images: the Holy Spirit is “Father of the poor," "comforter," "sweet refreshment," "solace," and "light." The multitude of images suggests the free play of the Holy Spirit: gentle, yet never static, and impossible to be contained or controlled. The poem has been attributed to different authors, the most likely being Stephen Cardinal Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury (1207—1228). Listen to the beautiful composition of today’s sequence, composed by Richard J. Clark and sung just before the Gospel acclama-tion. Let it bring you to a deeper place of prayer on this final day of Eastertide.

Page 13: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access



“If I may speak plainly, we want to tame the Holy Spirit because the Spirit annoys us, the Spirit moves us, pushes us—pushes the Church—to move for-ward, and we’d probably prefer it if the Spirit would just keep quiet and not bother us!”

—Pope Francis in a daily homily

Thank you for your generous

support of the parish!

Over the past several weeks, even as we have sheltered in place, we have continued to worship and connect with each other virtually. The members of our ministries contin-ue to engage with each other in fellowship and in service to our wider community. And, a new task force of volunteers has come together to support homebound or isolated pa-rishioners. Your continued support helps make these things happen.

While we won’t be able to pass the collection basket for a while, we invite you to join our efforts in one of the follow-ing ways:

• Make a one-time gift or ongoing weekly donation —

• Venmo — @SaintCeciliaParish (If prompted, the last four digits of our number are 3880)

• Mail a check — Saint Cecilia Parish 18 Belvidere St. Boston, MA 02115


For the past four years, our parish has provided ongoing support to Catholic Charities’ Refugee and Immigration Services, heeding Pope Francis’ words, “With regard to mi-grants, displaced persons and refugees, a common com-mitment is needed, one focused on offering them a digni-fied welcome.” At this point in time, the parish has offered to provide refugee families with supermarket gift cards so that they will have food while their applications for politi-cal asylum are processed. If you would like to purchase gift cards to Market Basket specifically—and no more than $25 per card—please feel free to mail them to the parish while we are not meeting for liturgies at the church. Mail them to:

Mark LippoltSaint Cecilia Parish18 Belvidere StreetBoston, MA 02115


For several years Saint Cecilia Parish has supported the important work of The Home for Little Wanderers, one of the nation's oldest child welfare agencies, and The Home's Waltham House has been a recipient of donations from our Advent Giving Tree. On Thursday, June 4 at 7:00 p.m. they will be holding their annual Voices & Visions gala (virtually, of course) as they honor their remarkable staff and cele-brate the resilience of the children and families they serve with the event theme "Dream Beyond." This year's event is Co-Chaired by parishioners Natalie and Dan Santaniello and Jim Elcock and Chris Egan (Board Chair at The Home) are on the Event Committee. For more information about how you can view Voices & Visions, please go to the Events page on


There has been much media coverage about the struggles of organizations that serve those experiencing home-lessness. For those guests who are identified as exhibit-ing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, Pine Street has worked with BHCHP and the City of Boston to send guests to an off-premises location for them to undergo the recom-mended length of quarantine. There is a need for items for those who are currently quarantined. Here is the link to the Amazon wish list that Pine Street has created:


It's Not Too Late

One of the major fundraisers for our friends at the day shelter is their Mother's Day card sale. The Women's Lunch Place on Newbury Street currently provides services to more than 150 women and their children each day. Some of the women that WLP serves only know life on the streets, while others are victims of episodic poverty due to changes in their social and/or employment status. For each $25 donation to WLP — which will provide a guest with breakfast and lunch for a week — you will receive a card designed by one of the shel ter's guests as a thank you. Even though Mother's Day has passed, you can purchase a blank card that makes a perfect note card of thank you note at:

Page 14: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access



Saint Cecilia Nonprofit PartnershipCommittee partner Highlight:

Catholic Charities – The Labouré CenterThe Saint Cecilia Nonprofit Partnership Committee was formed last year to provide a process to give back to the Boston community with intentionality. We have formed partnerships with 8 local organizations: Y2Y, Harvard Square, Mother Car-oline Academy and Educaton Center, Accompany Doula Care, the Unafraid Scholarship Fund, Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, Louis D. Brown Peace Institute, Labouré Center, and Transit Matters. These relationships offer our parishioners opportunities to get involved in varying ways. This month we are highlighting the Labouré Center

Several times each year South Boston’s Catholic Charities Labouré Center in partnership with the City of Boston hosts a Housing Surge. Housing Surges are one-day events that quickly and efficiently connect individuals experiencing homeless-ness to housing and supportive resources. The Housing Surge pairs individuals experiencing chronic homelessness (more than 6 months in a shelter and/or 2-3 episodes of homelessness during one year) with available housing opportunities. Attendees are also screened for a variety of supportive services and have the opportunity to enroll in programs such as Mass Health and SNAP (food stamps).

During a recent Housing Surge of the 40 invited guests, 23 were offered housing that day and several others were helped with continuing their screening process and in obtaining a variety of required documents. Social service agencies at each Housing Surge make a commitment to maintain close contact with the newly-housed guests and also to provide all neces-sary services to help each resident to maintain her/his tenancy.

A variety of agencies have been able to provide the major furnishings for the apartments such as beds, kitchen tables and chairs, and sofas. However, what is frequently missing from the equation is funding for smaller things such as bed linens, kitchen furnishings, microwaves, televisions, and antennas. It is these small items that really help an apartment to feel like a home. As many of the new tenants are just getting back on their feet financially, they frequently do not have money to purchase these items. Catholic Charities Labouré Center and other non-profits who have hosted the Housing Surge seek help from faith communities and the general public to help in the provision of these items to properly furnish the homes of these individuals who were formerly homeless.

How can you help with the Housing Surge?

1. Provide breakfast on the day of the Housing Surge. At each Housing Surge volunteers are needed to bring prepared breakfast foods and paper goods for an estimated 100 people. Food should be cooked off-site and delivered to the site by 4:30 AM. Warming options are available at the site. Volunteers will serve breakfast from 5 AM-7AM.

2. Ongoing support throughout the day. Volunteers circulate throughout the day with coffee, water, and snacks for the guests and Housing Surge staff.

3. Monetary Donations. Monetary donations for basic household items to make the apartment feel like a home are accepted by Catholic Charities Labouré Center (and other non-profit hosts) to purchase bedding, microwaves, TVs, antennae, pots and pans, dishes, and small appliances. 100% of the donations go towards the purchase of these items. Catholic Charities Labouré Center and the other non-profit hosts simply serve as the financial conduit for the purchase and delivery of these items.

Due to COVID 19 the next Surge has not been scheduled. For further information and to be contacted when the date of the next Housing Surge is known please email Paul Brown: [email protected].

Page 15: Saint Cecilia...Saint Cecilia Prayer Line We have created a call-in prayer line for all those who might need to hear some extra encouragement each day and those who don't have access



In my second year as a Jesuit, I was sent to work with a group of students at McQuaid Jesuit High School in Rochester, NY. 1 It wasn’t the assignment I was expecting. I had tried to plot my way into an assignment where I might work with theater students, live near friends along I-95, and escape the Upstate NY winter. I was sent to McQuaid because I had a history of tutoring. They needed a tutor.

Disappointed that my plots hadn’t worked out, I decided to suck it up and do my best. Seventh grade homework help is no one’s dream job, but it would be over soon enough. I dove headfirst into algebra homework, vocabulary tests, and almost-due assignments.

I also spent months laughing. I mostly remember the laughter. We laughed about the nicknames seventh graders make up for each other. We laughed about the way they would try to trick me to avoid homework. We laughed about the mnemonic devices we’d devise to memorize vocab words.

And then, very abruptly, I had to leave. I was needed back at the novitiate so we could begin our summer schedule. The school year wasn’t finished and exams loomed on the horizon, but my superior called me home and I had to say goodbye to the algebra and the vocabulary and the laughter.

I was distraught.

The students had come to rely on me and I had come to rely on them. What would my life look like without them? What would theirs look like without me?

My departure took place during the Rochester Lilac Festival as the city burst with flowers and fragrance and visitors. The small flowers bloom in clusters of white and rose and lilac, natch. They smell like my elegant grandmother’s perfume. Overwhelming in abundance, they also reward getting up close and inhaling with

one’s nose and eyes. After school most days, I would ride my bike to the gardens and bathe in the flora. I moped and cried as I wound through the radiant flowers.

A few weeks later, I made my Vow Retreat in Guelph, Ontario, a sort of final confirmation that I wanted to profess vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as a Jesuit. Despite the gravity of the discernment, my heart remained in Rochester. I yearned to be back with the students and our jokes and routines and even the tedious vocabulary tests. I couldn’t pray through the grief. Three days in, I stumbled into a new part of the grounds.


Again I soaked in the flora.

Again I relived the joyous times with the students.

Again I mourned the fact that our experience had been cut abruptly short.

The lilacs finally brought me back to prayer. Jesus told me that my experience with those amazing students was like those lilacs. While in bloom lilacs are glorious and colorful and fill the air with sweetness. But lilacs fade, quickly. Most lilacs reach their glory for only two weeks. After that, we wait fifty more weeks for them to reemerge.

Lilac experiences punctuate my Jesuit life: a run of strikes at the bowling alley with my friends at L’Arche Syracuse; an original performance coming together at Teatro La Fragua in Honduras; a college retreat with a group of beloved students at Loyola University Chicago. I savor these moments when everything converges in a wondrous harmony. I have seen God’s glory come alive.

And then it ends. Sometimes much sooner than I’d hoped.



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I think of those flowers when I reflect on the many people whose lives were crescendoing into lilac moments when care for our fellow humanity abruptly cut off those experiences. Senior years of college and high school are ending with a whimper and a Zoom graduation. High holy days were celebrated without the ritual that sustains us. Weddings have been postponed and dramatically changed.

So many things that I thought were stable were actually ephemeral. Like lilacs, they faded before their beauty had satiated me. It has been destabilizing, and often so sad.

Amidst the sadness, I remember Jesus approaching me in the lilac patches in Guelph. He held me in my sadness, mourning the time I wouldn’t spend with my students: solving for x and memorizing definitions. He promised me, though, that such relationships would bloom again just like those lilacs. He makes that promise to each of us right now as our own lilac patches have wilted too suddenly.

So consider those lilacs, and trust that though they neither sow nor reap, God brings them into glorious bloom every year. We don’t know how, but our own glorious blooms will blossom again.

~Originally from Villanova, PA, Jake Braithwaite was raised by Augustinians and betrayed them by attending St. Joe’s Prep and then Fordham University. After a short stint on Wall Street and three years working at Fordham, Jake entered the Northeast Province of the Society of Jesus in August 2015. He’s currently studying philosophy at Loyola University Chicago.

This article was published inthe Jesuit Post. To read other pieces like it visit



Because schools are out of session and many service work-ers are being laid off or furloughed, demand at all food pantries has skyrocketed. Some online vendors are hav-ing difficulty filling orders, but perhaps you would like to help our friends at Catholic Charities by sending items through,,, or simi-lar websites. Any shelf-stable items would be appreciated, but the most requested items are: canned tuna fish, to-mato sauce, white flour pasta and spaghetti, peanut but-ter, macaroni and cheese, Cheerios or corn flakes, cooking oil, and canned chicken breast. Items purchased on-line should be sent to:

Beth ChambersCatholic Charities185 Columbia RoadDorchester, MA 02121

Thank you for your consideration and compassion!

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