Download - SAFES! - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · AV'ill receive deposits ou op--account, make collections uud--fonduct a general bankins; and! excuanse 'jusitiesj. Office


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J. 1

adctrltstmtntsdvtrtiscmcnfn.Suswtss Carts..

"- '- - , 'i.;, hTHE llAILY

Commercial Advertiserilf TO PLANTERS.Pacific JULES TAYEllNIERLIQUID J3rtEVD. - - I'J .92 Fort Street.UNION.

Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of ?w Zrnlanil.

CAPITAL. : 1 0.000,000

Have on hand New Foreign aud UoiucB.aSKXTRAtT OFWm. O. Irwin.CUut MpreckeJs. AN ABSOLUTELY PUKliMALT. '. Jewelry. ,"


Every 3Iorning Except Sundays. &udio: Room 6, Sprcckels JHocZ..! Watches', Bracelets, Aecfclets,UKMKIUALA VALUABLK 16) SittTONIC AND

AGENT,v ftOCBS: to S p. w.Tins, Lockets Clocks, 4

And ornaments ot all kinds. .-CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO., Aseiify nt

4ok5 jBrftrANClCtIXDOKSED AND ItECOMMKNDKD BY THEKXTIKE MEDICAL FRATKRNITY.lTom.lulu. for the Huwaiian Island;, the un a. U : v. -'

Silver and Gold JPlate, Spvuaiicc, tailei!i U BMC UIITIO N S :

Daily 1. A t VKiiTisKR, one r

Ukiuy I. C. Auvkutiskk, six months- -mn.Y 1. O. Auvkrtihkr, thrpt months...Daily I. C Advkktiskr, per month

We have Just received, by the steamer ALA-MEDA, a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces,

For four and five foot furnaces, complete Willi.grate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof tlrts-aua- ke are now in successful operation atSprectelsvilh!, MaJrer?ugar Company and otherplantatione. ! ."

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices and further particulars ap-

ply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,

dersigned are prepared to aooept risks agiiinst FireIn dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable Jerins. Marine risks on "caro.freights, bottomry, profits an4 commissions.

Lom promptly aljuslel - payable.Elegant MoUt Ktlve Tea &t.

Suitable for. Presentation.

.)i 00

. 3 00

. 1 SO

50.. S 00Wkickly I. O. Advkrtimkb, one yeiir.. BANKEES, WHISKIES, WINES "ans iJqUOHS,EN(!RAVING AND NATIVE JSWtmi Vf. C. A. (iuf ludinjfK rKn KubHcriptioti, W. VM. C IRWIN CO.C CO 0:po.itairtv.-..- -

A Siec-ialty-,

KepairlMff In all lt rnile. 'IIO Front NU. Su Fruei.c.'57 ti: A w ; -"Payable Invar iuhly in AJcance. r Sole Agents for King's Eye Preservers.

Of nil medleinal preparations that have bnWpntupon the market in recent years, the extnict o"malt has proved itself one of the most valuableas a tonic or remedial beverage. It has receivedtlie anquaiitiod reeosnitiou and support of phy-sicians, and is freely prescribed by them in manyca-s;-- espciially where the nervous or physicalsystems have been impaired by disease oi over--

ork. Tae house .f ''DAVID NICIIOI-SOX,-

of this city, has recently introduced a pnro maltextract vt hiL'h character, made at their requestand under their suggestions by Mr. AdolphusHuscli, and which s popularly known as "XlCII-OLSDN'- S

LKiUID UK HAD," froui Its life-givin- g

and s. A wimple sub-mitted to lr. t L. James was made tlie subjectof a cheiuicul analysis by him, and the result ofhis InvcMigaiions are given in the appended ccr-titient- e:

" It. Loris, April 2:1, 1SSI."V. 1. UU'LT. It. ICsq., Xatioiiul Druggist Dear

isir: Havhig sul!nitted the .Nicholson malt ex


MONTHLY PAYMENTS.Ajjeutv.295 tftfiilton Iron Vork -

HINCKLEY, Sl'JKBS & HAYEJVt:4k .Of Khu Tr !: :v s

AU k'lld! ot Machinery and Bollis Spi i..!r.e '




ix3r --a. 2L? o rrxcr:..'I) WALL STP.KIil. NK'.V Mi till

flllie above 4'oiiiiiuy Imvlns ental- -JL hshed ai Agency al lliuioluiu, for ine Hawa-iian Islands, the umleiwuriicd is authorized to atveitand write

mari.m: iii-.iv?- -.

Merchandise, Freights. Traasuie,

Draw KxchuDge on the principul putts cf theworld. All account for Adverllaing and Job Printing

at thei Sale,SteamersPaellU'JC'onnnerelal A vrtler

tract to examination, as rco. nested, I take pleasurein reporting that I firnl it to be all that the pro-prietors claim for it. The resulu, as shown in thefollowing summary, are neces-mril- y only approxi-mate, but are sulUciently accsirate for all practical

AV'ill receive deposits ou op-- account, makecollections uud- - fonduct a general bankins; and

! excuanse 'jusitiesj. Office will from this dat- - be presented for payment monthly.

Ijtifrii ,i-- Eiliithurgii Strcrls,


Uealers i..

II A Y AM) JUAIN,Telephone No. 175.

Ootids delivered promptly.

Honolulu, March 2, IS vi.. Tho unJeraigncd bi?gs to call tlit-- attention

"hi ; companies aud others interO.T1'" l"--- 't of Kteam launches.

Co amissions, nixd Hulls.A l CHrTInt Rates.

WM. C. IRWIW & CO.,tf Managers for Hawaiian lslanda

Dtpositi ieatus Interest received in their Savir.f s Departmtt suhject, to publishea rules and- 4j , 8 "ore- - fctforoa tpr sale'T


Islnud Orders e. iRwix.CLAUS SPRKCKil.S

jltt. WM. 0. IRWIN & Co.,LjUCJAlt FAHORS and 4oiitiniiHiou r

tfAOB.NTS. Honolulu H. I.



CAPITAL - - fclO.OOIs.uOn


purposes."The specimens submitted consisted of mn'

effervescing Iluid, dark brow n by dirct and of adeep ruby color by transmitted light, resemblingin geueral appearance and behavior a very super-

ior" article of porter, Its taste was, however,much mlliler and more pleasant than porter, be-ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetnessmasked and covered by a very pleasant bitter,derived evidently from hops. The specific gravityof a sample fresh f oni the bottle is 1.02a plus.Amount of extractive matter iu 50 cubic centi-metres cf the fluid is S.'JU grammes, or about 8 percent. Amount of alcohol, per cent. Is 2.84 plus.The extractive matter is apparently identical withthe "extractum mallis" of Trommer, or of theGerman Pharmacopoeia. It consists almost en-tirely of malt sugar, dextrine, being free fromfatty acids, etc. The fluid contains a very largeamount of diastase, as shown by the fact that iteasily liquefies an equjd bulk of gelatinous starch.This fact, its low percentage of alcohol, its effer-vescence, lis delightful taste and odor, all combineto recommend Nicholson's malt extract as beinga most nourishing beverage, and the best articleof the sort that has ever come under my exami-nation, ltespectfully,

"FUANK L. JAMES, l'h. I)., M. D."

G. W. Maefalane k Co., Agents.

FRANK CERTZ,Importer ani HannTactiirerJJ

Of all Descriptions of.

BOOTS & SHOESXT Orders from the other Islands solicited.

No. Ill Fort HU




St. l,:lll. Ui.

4Manufactu.e and Supply all knvda of

ltook. XewN,Flat, nud Ibel Paper.

Vt.m.lAMA ItAIIMla.

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,and Wholesale Dealers InImporter! Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing aud Fancy (Joods. No. II Kaahuraanu 8 tree uHonolulu, 11. 1. l itf-w- tf



S. I. Taylor 3b CoAgents SoutreCoast Paper Mills. Woprlewn ;

. Pioueer trod San Gcronlruo I'ar MiT s.


Manufacturers tWI Pcalers.: --v. "( ...

41 and 41G.Clay utreet," - sn IVaacisco, Cnl - '

f ioiylt ly .:"' ' '''- ",U

CommissiouMcrcliaittHjNEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO,--' BYDSEVV-.- :i

....- - f -

DunuainCarrigaii & Co,


Son Fra-opisc-o, Cal.


Demiuc: Palmer Milling Co.,OF TIIK CAPITOL MILLHPKOPRIETORS 204 Davis street, San Francisco.

Manufacturers of and Dealeisln Flour, Grains oall kinds, Oatmewl, Bran, Middlings, CornmealGround and Rolled Barley, Cracked Wat at vCracked f- - rn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil Cake Mial,'Hominy, Ktc., Ktc. m au2B-l-y

't . ...-""-'"

KLiiisrau Sb OO.,-

ImporUra of -

HATS and CAOPS.VNos. 2 and 23 Battery Htreet, 8. E. Cor. of" Pin.;

121a'iS-- S BAN Fr.ANCI' CO.

w" ,u'dideoi kMt in LtKerpooIj

count ot the remarkably depressed state ofthe shipping business will be eeu to be ex-

tremely low.Launches, tugs and small boats that can

be brtfrght on deck of a large steamer orsailing vessel:

New bteel screw tug 43 feet x 10 feet x 5feet 8 i:. with 10 horsa power engines nomi-nal, surface condensers, donkey pump, etc.Speed, 12 miles an hour. Trice in Liver-pool, 1,050 or $3,250.

81,130. Wood Screw Passenger and CargoLaunch, built in 1883, pair of Gin. cylinders,8 in. stroke, sperl about 10 miles; extrastrong oak frames, pitch pine planking, cop-per fi8tened, dimensions 43.f9.Gx4.11, draftof water aft 3 feet. Price, X;V5.

2,304. A Steel Twin-Scre- Steam Yacht,built in 1884, 2 pairs of vertical D A IIP t engines of 10 II. P., four U in. cylinders,

; . 8-i- t. troV. speed 9 knots osi consumptionof 3 cwt. pSr- - liuur, bflnkers contuln G tons.HlielTaslI Mlt-.pi- i, berths; whs built to go

'. up the Nile; dimensions 05. 2xl2.'7.C.7 Price,

' XI, 550.' .. 2,309. A New Wood Screw Steam Lauuoh,

copper fastened, compound S C enginessp" and 12-i- n. 7-- in stroke, Iar$e inultitubu- -Waiter, teak lagged, of 90 lbs. working

Unsure, dimensions 40.0x.0x4.4. Price,- . d

Twines, Etc.


lire Iusnrniioe oi all ueseriptioiiI. will be effected at Moderate Kates oi IT nilum, by the undersigned.

WM. G. IKWIN & CO.Managers tor Haw. Islands





203 I.eldeMlorir treet.T m porters & Commlation Mercliaut.

U-t- f

Tho KisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beale auHoward Strt ets.

jL uueen street, Honolulu, h. i. voharilCaliforniaTelei.hone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. 0tCITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCECOMPANY. (Limited). ....CALIFORNIA X. B.Siecial Attention fclveu- - toSAX FRANCISCO


ITjrse Contraets. 59 tfAwPresident

A. S. CLEQH0RN & Co.,aud Wholesale and Retail1uifMrter

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahuruanu Sts. 15-- tf



Castle & Cooke.79tf


SURANCE CO. Fire and Marine.T" L'lLDERS O" STEAM MACHINERY, IN; aiU i.MOi. An Iron Twin-Scre- w Steamer, TELEPHONE 551 all its branches; Steamloat, Steamship,$20,000,000Combined Capital;.iuij, engiuin j7i Land ICngiues and Boilers, High Pressure orfpr riyer paS3enRer trade,i cost of X1G, epecTf II vr lately ovfcrhaulcd at

i tlou about 4 tons per on aconsump- -Compound. 'N1EBPBISSTEAM VESSELS, of all kinds, built completeHARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO..

Assets 11,500,000MACFARLANE & CC, w itli Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.UT;V, bunkers con- -?1 a u ions, uimensions4, Trice, X480. Tlie Forest Meat Market,' 0x12.1x4.0. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad


STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs A COLLEGE,constructed with reference to the trade inFike and Marine.honolttlt;. 24 l'ott Straf1".19-- tf

84,134. Steel Screw Tug, built in 18837engines O S C 25 II. P. N. 11-i- n. andtubular boiler, 100 lbs. workfrig pressure,bler-lgge-d, cylinders lagged with felt andmahogany, dimensions 70x12. 8xG.2. Draftof water 4U feet and G feet. Trice, XI, 850.

which they are to be employed, speed, tonCPUaJ .Tr-- w ',) 000 I I J II I Ill 11nage and draft of water guaranteed........ C. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. I "1 , '

till in r- K San frmmkca, Cvl. 'SUGAR MILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA

HOTKL ST., Opposite the Fashion Stublcs.

Bornhold & Co.Proprietor.

MACXEALE & I ifM. 8. Grinbaum & Co., CHINERY made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected Contractins: & Building.LARGER VESSELS.

(Send "ibr Circular. v , '

The Full Busiu89 Couritf invliid 8lnj(l an4lKuhle Kntrj: P-.-. aa oppisd ! U --

limrimintflt I'tiinfun! Coramerci.i! A rit hrSAFES! therewith.WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any

i i

4 t.


! V.' ' K. 'L :

ffl m


General Merchandise and t'omniU. ai'n In anif-olil- 1uli(r(hil fnr Cflll llfCtinfif MOULDINGS AMD FINISHALWAtS ON HAND.

' A. 1 . .. . . . ... . , , . .I.tni M.uitn .11,. C ... . n&u.ire I'roor, liurglar Proof, Fire and Keep the best Beef and Muttor. these Islands tJT f itogctiJ.--ie- r. or Sheets Rolled, Punched anaPacked for Isiirp--r

' ""meat, ready to be riveted on mwin so "":": :vi..:ir"; . " .. . ' Also, the very beat SausagesBurglar Troof.FOR SALE Hard and Soft StovewooJ, Cutthe ground. -

" " . t: Jc. discount from any other maker. Give us atrial. 382decll ti

xorms, ana lufrtrwiici? vi ai-iu-t oum-ne- ss

Practice in bo4IialA yatr t Jtctali.erc hau-- ;d!a;K, CftnvSsiiu JlooJt' ,3 r,, nouer orK a -- rid Split. rtpsr.a 21-- tf



I :

I. '


SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE.Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

water Pipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,tlm qnaluy of work being far superior to ease to ' V Al. . .J1CW11( V '"7$. kougta, consisUiiK ...f - pracy! .tnstyoetlon In- ditch, l.

Hbu, Gra.' nd CiiU

Special Branches .are; yrtyimaiui tvi tnau'

slon MerehantM, Honolulu, II. I.No. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cat.

l(M-jyl-l- y

J. M. Oat, & Co.,


Hawaiian Qazette Block.

37 Merchant St.. Honolulu. II. I.63 t

i . ' . "V TV "datnjemaucs;' urvfymirnY .' f. - - -- I tion, Civil nKloeerInK, ShorU'landt.- -

, :C. O. BJCHGrER,100 my29 HONOLULU. II.. I.

. VVr iAT?.T HTT1:, j V Kor IH Information Udrft5vv i ' 1

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Fa-

ff flc Coast of the neine Safety Boiler. . -

PUMPS "Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation orCity Works' purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy-JiTu- emotion, superior ' to anyother. pump.- - J

J 'S. WILLIAMS ....... .....Honolulu( Agent for Hawaiian Islands

22(;se30-l- y


2.293. An Iron Screw Steamer, nowbuilding, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, tocarry 230 tona on 9.G draft, bunkers contain20 tona, speed 9 knots on a consumption of3 tonjj per day, compound D A engines of40 II. P., lS-i- n. and 30-in- . cylinders, boilerof 80 lbs. working pressure, donkey engineand steam vftneb, dimensions 120. 0x21. Ox

I -- . .Price, 4,61)0.,'"""2,311, Arr-r- m Screwing, bthU in 1885.Classed Al at Lloyd's for towing purposes," two compound S C D A engines of 45II. P., 16-i- n. a ad 30-i- n. cylinders, 22 stroke,speed 10 to 12 knots, dimensions 79.3xl5.9x9.3. Trice, X3.500.j, 2,308. An Iroa' Screw Steamer, built inf:?85, and classed 100 Al, 5G3 tons register,and carries 1,120 tona D. W. on 15.0 draft,2 common D j A S C engines of, 90 II. P.,25-i- n. and 48-i- n. cylinders, 33-i- n. stroke,cylindrical multitubular boiler of 80 lbs.working pressure, bunkers contain 162 tons,consumption 8 tons per day, donkay engineand boiler, also 3 steam winches, dimen-sions 203.0j30.0xl5.10. Price, 12,000.

2.294. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in18S5, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, 97 tonsregister, curries 330 tons on 10.G draft,bunkers contain 50 tons, speed 13 to 14 Hkuots on consumption of 8 tons per day,compound S C engines of 80 II. P.,21i-iu- ,

and 42-i- n: cylinders, 33-i- n. stroke, steeltubular boiler of 93 lbs, working pressure,donkey engine and 2 steam winches, dimen-sions 145.0x23.1x10.0. Price, 8,500.

OF - 1. O X 1) O 5f Beet Vcai-- , Ijuifon'FfelpkFOR SALE BY

. iiitii 11,71 ii .riir.fiHiiifK iifiii-r- T ' : - .EST4BLISME I 10.THOMAS LINDSAYFamily and Shipping Order Srarefully attendetC. Live Stock furnisher ,A - .. .... auKOin SfreeV 1

INSURANCES EFFECTED UPON EVERYproperty at the current rate aotlce, and vecetables .of all kind mnniiui J ..-- ' " ; -Manufacturing Jeweler, order. f 102 if I GppflsUe elIFarC( Co.'s ExirH&,iie doorof premium. w ...

Benson, Smith & Co.

Sample bottle free.TRY IT. 6Stf

No. 60 Xuiiauu Street, SAN FKANCIStt). CALTotal sum Insured in 1884 - - 318,509,31C

Claims arranged by the local agent.4, and paidif

Vwith promptitude and liberahtj--.

Metropolitan Market IThe Jurisdiction of the Local Tributes recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,t. LYONS. I.. L. COHE.V."

This Hotel Is la Ijie very ceatE of U taislneW,portion of the city, and has been renovated andnewly furnished throughout. But one brock fronj-t- he

Oregon.'. Steamship Compxrjy's ctice. Thetraveling public will find this to be the mot con-venient, as well as the most comfortabl- - and re-spectable Hute! In the city.

noaril anl Room, 81 and 1 23 er laV, u

Ifot and cold baths free. None but the most ob-liging white labor employed.




Opposite Wilder Jt Co.'s

EC. J . KToite, Propr.

(Opposite HoMister fc Co..,

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22U


--BOOK BINDER,.Paper Itialer aud Blank Book


lOdJtwtf Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. I- -. The above are only a few of the steamrcssels ihat are offered at sale in Great


AiictioneersKlXti KTftECT,

rTEJ-Afc- lie rr09etit tim. Almnat nnr A r


acription ofsteaiileT.'tii'a ' 6T an sfzerae--sire- d,

can now be purchased at very favora-ble rates. It is of course necessary thateome responsible party in England shouldexamine the condition of the steamers of-fered for sale before purchasing.- S69tf W. L. GREEN.

MONTGOMElSp BKQS.r 4:gadget ; ;

1 .roWitrtTV '

ok binding of all desorimlons nn,iv o... promptly executed, and at reasonable char- -

Gazette Building.

General Commission MerchantsfBeaver Block, Queen St,, Honolulu

Sale of Furniture. Stock, Real EstateGeneral Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole Agrents for

African & Enropean Herchanilise.191-t- f

Ice Cream Parlor27 If MERCHANT STBEKT. Choicest Menti from Finest IlerHDR. C. fij- - WEST'S





Ci ili'.s and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


forms of dl- -Cures allease with


--And- ,fiout medl- -


Contractor and Builder,

SO Hotel Street, Honolulu, II I.,(.Opposite Fashion Siali(es).


FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS,12 and 14 Pine street, sail Francisco, Cal.

Agents for Kirby's Santa Cruz Tanneries. soleH unless and all other kinds of leather "159ses ly

lally all theT. J. SPENCE, forms of Impurity

FaMJlllesj and shipping supplied on SHORT sexual ailments In

of the blood and

either sex. Most

only on in th'i!'

Special Agent for thepowerful Belt andCou fee tioii eiy, NOTICE and at the T ..worm cnajgea wuh rate. Full directions set; :Michigan Portrait Co.P JiGX JJl.i. BELL TELEPHONE 51. Send to DR. C. Jf WEST, No, C52 MarketDR. M. GOTO,

ItiysiclMii aud .Siirjeou, Sole Proprietor and Patentee..jvuworuin my iiuifc.jjlully IM:ins uud Lowest Market Priced.

SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant

SaUKSWICS l CO, MILLIARD TiELEon the Premlses.

The Piopvietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generallyr.

who may desire aM'XCII.TA SMOKE, OR A GAME OF

KlI.I.IARnN. . .

A. F. IIINZ. WMT?IAfey;tT'- -. Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec-ialty. otUce. mauka of the residence of Hon J as.Kean, King. street, Kapalarna, Honolulu. Office

at short notice. Good wrisWft charges iimy motto. 7-v.- iu - ?

Klujf Mtreel, Lincoln Block.9 .


Producers ot the finest grades f




WILLIAM'S Photosrapta Vallery,402 FOBT .STIiEET. .

YOLO : 3JLILL won iue oioer isianus cau consult Dy let

1" ter. . Of.ii nctK2( .NE. CorneMl!wion and Main Streets, SaK t "

. FRANCISCO, Cal. VI.r--;



VMALE I tPOFTHE COACU-DO- a BREED, 1 'with black, spots, both eas black. '

Honolulu - f ; HawaJlan JsIands.A Stiie- - of CANDIES ' Tct .i- - " .

Tjephone No. 568. f -

JIin(4t Pajrmana," ..:." i - J - .Manpfactnrers of Extr Taaally Grahah.. Ryo.Buckwhe and Rice Fhur Rye, Oat. Crn andFeed" Com Meal; Sago, Tapioca, Farina, Bnck-wbe- at

Groats Hominy, Cracked Corn, Peart Bar-Je- y,

Ground Feed, etc etc. frDealers In Grain and, Feed of all kinds. Grinding

: ' done to order. 1Z5 aDg23 If

Partiestand-- CAKES. ahvavs on hand . H. J;0LTEMK. JOSEPH SMITH WILL BUN FORRepresentative for district. North. Ku--vwui o luuiiuii oiu. a proper reward will besrlven to the party returning same to J, N. ROB-iNSO- f,

Beretauia street. 376-deet-

. All meats delivered from thw nfhrket are thor-ougl- y

chtHed Immediately after killing by meansot a BelJ-Coiem- Patent Dry Air Befrigerator.Meat so treated retain ail Us Julcv properties,and Ja taUARANTEED TO. KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY Tf? AX FRESHLY--KJLLED MJiAT. . H3-- U

.' . ' .... kr - '

" e variety or specimen" can be Seeirat kttfmes. Mr. T. J Spence VriU frequentlyvraictrre.sevaral Islands of thejgroup, when bpwfu be pleased to show specimens and take ordersfor same.. : I y .'.. S63 tt--

j hala, Hawaii. UO-dA- I supplied. 28-- tf

4', J

, N7",?r:ji,-- (-



3D:rti5tsitn:5.THE WORLD'S FAIR.


Queen liapioIanl'.H KlrlUtlaj.The fifty-fir- ?t anniversary of the birth '

of IlenMajesty Queen Kapiolani.was eel- -

ebrated, in Honolulu in a becoming man-- j

ner From 7 to 9 o'clock a. m. the j

Royal Hawaiian Band played an excel- - j

lent programme of music in Wie Palace



grounds. At noon a royal salute wasSouthern Courtesy Exhibited in the Street

Car The Landscape a Seen fromthe Car Windows The Ex-

position Grounds.

true of the uH Committee on Finance,wluch overltfiked departments tliatneeded overhauling to exhaust . its timeon others where it as supposed some-thi- n;

damaging to the Secretary forForeign Affairs might l9 ferreted out.

Ministers do not intend to have thework of invest'gateon trifled Avith thistime or conducted upon 'lines of arty

biar They desire that the entire affairsof Government should le disclosed, andto that end will le paired with reportsfor the legislature which will materiallyassist it in its work. There is no inten-tid- n

of superseding Legislative investiga



fired from the shore battery at Kakaako. j

The Queen's Own assembled in theirArmory at 10 o'clock, and headed by j

.1 1 l..J 4x tlia1 (Kew Orleans Cor. Caieaco Tribune.We waited twenty minutes at the

of Canal and St. Charles street for a::--

Aud er they are a dozen years old,- - cot Parent,

Schoolmaster aud Clotl icr no small amount ot

thought. -

For us the perplexing question i, " What will

he like? Yha will hi pavcuta like ?"

Our answer U in a heavy stock of puI-- h .atitial - THE lU'.ST WORK OF THE ISEHT

MAKERS. There are a thousand point about

Niich eb'tl'iitK which are to be n, not rtad


meix urum cor,,nitir-- t jui ....Makiki recreatio grounds. After ashort interval of rest, the company,which mustered nearly 100 strong, wentthrough a R?ries of military evolutionsunder command of Captain W. F. O'Con-nor. The soldier-lik- e apiearanc of themen and their general proficiency washighly creditable. Some of the move-

ments could not have been better exe


Don-smokin- g car, and were finally re-

warded. The cars seat about sixteen pas-

sengers each, and this one already badthat number on board. Here the womenhad their first experience of that southernchivalry of which we are all so proud.The men immediately vacated their seats,bowed politely, ard crowded out of thewf.r until the women were all seated.

tion; there is an intention, on tne con-

trary, that it should m n a de as thorough

as possihle. Yet this proper and com-

mendable work has been made theground of attack uion the Administra-tion by the Opjoition.

..f (J oe

, . s ooSOc

Per aajnmu.....six months - m

Per month '.

01A R 0 YAU 1 85,'Jil J SJ

Absolutely Pure.

t;rSiibscrliil Iajrble AIwyI"Ail vau. More passengers got on until the car was

packed to its utmost standing capacity.iCommunic-tloosfro- in all purts of tUe Kingdom j ADOUl IWO milCS QUI lUC liunu iiiiu

thinned, and traveling became more comcuted by old soldiers. Captain O'Connorreceived many compliments for the pro--

ticiency to which he has brought hiscompany. After the drill Captain O'Con


The export of domestic produce for

the past three months are instructive.The figures are :

fortable. Here a stout colored gin goi m,but southern chivalry draws the line atnegroes. Nobody otfered her a seat Aft-erwards an old woman with a big bundlenor delivered a short speech, and then

apparently a washerwoman got in

will always be very acceptable.Persr.ns residinij ! y Vrlft the United States

cm remit th. amount of subscription due by Posti Ofilce money order.

Mutter Intended lor publication in the editorial

columns 8l4Id e addressed to ,


pusiness communications and advertisements

should be..:! dressed simplyP. C. ADVKBTISER," r

A nd not to Individuals.

For cttrter .

the company started for home. Uponarriving at Kawaiahao Church, thelioyal Hawaiian Band headed the com-

pany, and marched to the Armory where

$310,258 41

170,342 18

also. Southern chivalry seemed to arawanother line at washerwomen. However,one of the Chicago girls gave her seat toFor November.

For December


But in a general .way we have a'timl' to ex-

press thi thought in our clothing that tlvo boy

rhoiihl not he a caricature of a litllo old man-t- hat

his infant life should not be dwarf ted with

the garments of maturity, but that there should

alwaya linger about hi dreoe something of child-lik- e

grace and simplicity. And it la thi happy

touch, a well aa conscientiona woikmanldp and

low price, which give this part ot 'Our busiucaa

the old woman, and a tobacco encwingknight-erran- t gave his scat to the Chicagothe were dismissed.Total , - 1,03,158 GS

The export of foreign.


tgirl, and thus a happy compromise wa3effected. The view from the cars was

during the same penol was as untie :

w,.i.i- -" 93X JEE 111

This-pow.le- r never varies. A marvel cf purity.Btrcn-n- and v hoi.uiencss. More eeononueal

ttian the oMinarv kirul ?. ami tornot cld in eonvnetitio-- i with tho is.ultimao ct lo.vtea. shoe.Wut,1m or pheptaate iv,W :l,rs. So. POSMriB

November - 0,687 289,920 70December

At 5 o'clock a grand luau was held inthe Armory. Three long tables were lit-

erally covered with goal things. Thefollowing invited guests were present:Adjutant J. T. Baker, Major J. I). Holt,of the Governor's staff; Captain Charles

II. Clark, Lieutenants Smith, Bent, J.Markham and G. Nawakoa, King's Own ;

iiOVAli i31ii'J oH. vw.. ...'mvCANS.N. Y.

d.WTotal. $21,147 W

The total export during the last quar Call and see our new stock ot goods.

more varied than picturesque, along row of white frame houses, all ex-

actly alike probably constructed by thesame carpenter and painted out of thesame bucket with green blinds, widegalleries, and a wood paling in front cfthe door. Here and there great magnoliatrees, their loads of green leaves shiningwith nature's varnish. Then a bleakpiece of swamp, with a foreground of sev-

eral little half-cla- d negroes and two orthree mauve colored. serious lookingfront a. Then several beer-saloon- s for

such vigor an 1 life.

I'aciSic Commercial. Advertiser'' '' -

fisWw for sale uaily at the Pollowiuir Places:

streetJ. M.OAT A A O

O B Y ST All SO I) A WORK3. ..Hotel streetstreetN. Fj ilCKUESS --..King

WOLF A KDWAKDS...Cor King and Nuunnu sta

ter of 1985 was therefore $1,059,390 64.

This is a very satisfactory showing,Captains Kaaha and J. H. Boyd and NOTI CIS.and fully bears out the estimates formeU

of the year. Lieutenants Stillman and Kekoa, Prince'sOwn: Lieut. Solomon, King's Guard;Lieutenants G. McLeod and II. F. Hebbard, Honolulu Bifles; Bandmaster Ber li. KJ.LOWRKV HAS THIS DAY I1EKN

aJinitteii us a partuer of our tlrm.NEW YEAR'S DAYJ. McCAKTHV lTm


:. yi v. C'eut twr Copy- - l

4 o'er: Lieut. Jerome, Mamalahoa Guards, LKWEK3 K IVOhK;lloitolu n, January 1, lSsti. 2ts CelebrisPragrRiume fur the Day

tion. representatives of the Advertiser, "BulJanuary 1st,FRIDAY letin," "Kleele" and "Gazette." Afterbeen done to the

Tight near there is a street car barn audsome tumble-dow- n colored lodging-house- s.

Then an orange orchard, so de-

lightful to northern eyes. Then prettyframe houses of airy structure, set in themidst of well kept gardens of bloomingflowers and strange-looking- , giant-leave- d

plants.Then we pass more pieces of bare

swamp, more gardens and orchards, moresaloons, more miserable frame shanties,until we reach the vicinity of the exposi-tion grounds. Here are a host of for-

lorn sideshows, with a big panorama

To-da- y being iew xeara uu.y , n ample justice naaT1E NEW YEAR. LOST.Ob: Connor in a few ap- -serve.1 as a leal holiday, ana au uovern- - fcviands Captain O

ment UlUlxJ? ill uc to" i; flit!priate remarks proposed tne neauu otThe Advertiser wishes its friends,

7 o'clock, the Royal Hawaiian Band willheir Majesties the King and Queen,

patrons; andopionents a Happy Newv.. inonlrate a snirit of

serenade His Kxeellency Governor J . U.,Dominis, Hon. A. S. Cleghorn, HifMaiestv's Ministers and the Justices of the

which was drunk with three rousingheers, as were also the healths of His

rnVO NOTES PHAWX BY Til 10 K A A I. A 1 AI Mill Co. In favor of I.o t'liit Sum, lattdjanu-r- y

I, lss;, eacli for the amount of $2 H."i0, due Sep.tetnbtT 1. ttfit iUorsed; hav been lostJJe-ot'iiibt- -r

:i0, 1S3. All persons' an-- vror..a . ii...X IJiAl . 11 w" --

charitv ami forbearance did it not know lUie Mntan 1 fltLtr":ITimnifrritHMajesty's Ministers. The mvueuSupreme Court. At 10 o'clock there willjthat a trencral election is to come off the di'ouii!inK said notes. A rtwaru in ?jnocta" anfl "Thfi Press" followed, me pai l to Hie purly who luturns tne notes 10 muiuu

A: t'o.first week in February, am iolifical life VIUVDIU

whole affair was very enjoyable and re

building for a center-piece- , circular rail-roads, merry go-round- tobaggan slides,roller coasters, dime museums, mermaid3and monsters, and freaks, are collectedhere from all over the country a regulartown of them. Nobody visits them

a. 1 1 , ( tiin. la

--OF-Honolulu, December 31, ltti. 'would not Ikj worth living if the Opposifleeted much credit on the promoters.

tion were debarred from abusing the'Government. IWe refrain, therefore, even tne peanus auu remuuuuu 'uiu 1STEW YORKhave deserted them. Their proprietors NOrriCE!from attempting toxtract the spice of

from politics. Wherefore let

be a six-oar- ed boat race between crews

from the Myrtle Club. At the same hourthe first semi-annu- al practice of the newly-forme- d

Hawaiian Rifle Association willcommence at the Casino Range, KapiolaniPark. In the afternoon the Prince's Own,under command of Captain Kaaha, will

march out to the shore battery, headed bythe Royal Hawaiian Band, and give anexhibition drill and target practice. Agrand luau will be held on the Waimanaloplantation. The Reformatory School Band

seem to have almost given up nope; tnerattle of the tin drum and the blare of theshowman's voice grows fainter day by Is theoMemt acUve Life Insurance Company in this country.

I. r.nvir voor f.imn uround and find all In force amountlns to mora

The "Friend" for December comes to

hand promptly on time.A detachment of the Royal Hawaiian

Band was out serenading last evening. .

Honolulu Typographical Union, No. 37,

will hold .a meeting on Saturday evening at7 :30 o'clock at the usual place.

Js the largest Life Insurance Company In the world, Its policle now

of us iust as we were when the lengthen day. Here is a painted clown grimacingto a, crowd of half a little negroes,a melancholy picture. There a little

OS. A IWUTXKK IX THE SEE WOHO ltlpo "o.. Kwa, has Kiveu power of attor.m y to Ho Ye dnrine his abst noe to China. HoVee wilt collect all amounts due Ho On, and willattend to his interest in s id company.

Honolulu, December :iCth. J

in 5 sliadows of the dying year enveloped

ua. and before the salve of good resolu

oreceded there yesterday, and will playtions had penetrated -- head and heart to

vanish with the earliest dawn of the f The "improved hektograph" is the nameof a copying press for which Mr. C. K.durinsr the day. His Excellency the

ilad New Year. American Minister and Mrs. Merrill wiW

hold a reception at the American Legation

dwarf stands on a pedestal unneeueu,gazing enviously on the audience at-

tracted by his rival, the clown. It isquestionable if one of the whole host of.

shows have yet taken in a centOur car passes a long row of shanty

saloons and restaurants, and finally drawsup at the main entrance to the expositiongrounds. The journey of six miles hasoccupied an hour and three-quarter- s allfor five cents. If the road had not beenWnrtofi minriit lmve done it in an hour.

Miller is agent. Two hundred impressionscan be taken from it with one copy.

"Some New Things for the New Year"


On MONDAY, Jan. 4th,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

from 1 o'clock to 10 p. m. ,

than ll the trou;rcat financial Institution In the world. Its Assets amounting to more than iOS,8;

Is the imfestcompanv In which to insure. Its surplus alone, as computed by the New York BtandArd

of four aud one-ha- lf per cent Interest, ariiouiilliiB to more than

Is the cheapest company In which to insure, its large dividend returns reducing the cost of Insur-

ance below that of any other company.And Is the lMt company in which to Insure, as it combiues all the advantages of affe. rfe toon-est- lyand the cheapest Insurance that to

Iw ; membership, financial strength, absolute security,possible under any cotiiract which has a definite value to the beneficiary.

This Company Has Issued -

Since its organization more than 2G5.000 polities.Has returned to its policy holders In Ui vlrieudw over G6,000,C00. .

Has returned In surrender values over $03,000,000.

Has distributed among lisheneiiciaries, in payment of death claims, endowments aud ant.uitlea. flwS7,000,000. .

The toll returned to policy holders Is over 1216,000.000, and It now holds as a guarantee tor tli"paymentof future claims, VanU AetH of ? 103,875,000.

ItImiioMoeUIilderstoclalm any part of the profits. The assets and surplus all belong tthe insured. V

will be the theme of Pastor Cruzan's ser-

mon to the children Sunday morning. Theevening sermon will have for its theme. "A

lrocluc auti Slerciiamllse Movementlu December.

The following are the receipts of domesticproduce at Honolulu during the monttv of

December: Sugar, 58,228 bags; rice. 7,318

N. WIN'fiA I E, 31on account ot dt- -

At thf residence of MB. B.Bere nuiia street, w 111 he soldpartore,man with a dash and a future a sermon Wo rnv AiiT fee of 50 cents a head and

f,, n,o tpw YMr." All are cordially in-- nass the turnstile. Before us is the main1V1 If a A v - " "vited. hm'lrlintr. nearlv a ouarter of a mile wide

We wish every one a Happy .ew rear,without respect of person or position.

We hope they all may enjoy themselves.

That there may be no exception to the

rule of happiness, we propcx that the

staff of the Advertiser shall enjoy the

New Year's festivities to their hearts'content, and to that end we shall refrainfrom publishing a paper on Saturday.Wo shall endeavor to make amends for

this deprivation of news, however, by

increased attention during the year of

Grace, 18So, which begins to-da-y.



Flags and bunting float from every pointits Inw irrerrular roof. TheTo-nig- ht at G o'clock the members of the

Fort-stre- et Church and Sunday-scho- ol and

JlQiiselioltl Furniture,Coiisisting of Black Walnut Bedroom Set. BWChelloiiier, Four Painted Bedroom Sets, Child'sBedstead. Walnut Center Table and Chairs.Lounges, Walnut Whatnot Oftiee Desk, BWliookcase, BW Extmsion liiiiing Tahle and OakChairs,

frnnt ie Tminted ft prav or drao color, withIts riilio of expensoH to receipts is less than that of any other compuy- - h... . .. AnOlDflHjtheir friends have an entertainment in the the panelings and projecting woodwork a



- i







Its ril-t!eitl- to policy holders are greater than tuose 01 any oiur -

And the cost to the insured Is therefore less than hi any othercoP" ' ,Church vestry. Mr. Crnzan will also dis-

tribute gifts to the young people for churchreddish brown, un me nuui uivntinn over the main entrance there is a

IPiaiio- -attendance during the past year. statuary group representing the progress Qlie XJTriZlltof America. Columbia robed in flowing

Mr. Fred. Jones, the popular bartender Chandeliers, Lamps, Mosquito Jsets, Mattresses,Chamber Sets, Meat Safe, Ice Chest, Ice CreamFreezer. Plated Ware and Crockery, Veranda

gown, in her left hand a laurci wreaiu. mher right hand a wand upon which is af- - HONOLULU, It. I.j 391 jJLfU3r -

at the Hotel, and a friend started forfivl ihn star of empire, stanos rna TuveChairs, Uarden Hose, etc., nlso one Cook in

"i.ikI IUtures.

drive to the Pali yesterday afternoon. Re-

sult, a disabled buggy, two men turning- i tJUwdtempt is being male through tne

summersaults in the dust and a sorry rule LEWIg? --LEVEY,native papers, controlled ana owneu oy

jestically pointing out the path of prog-

ress America, as an Indian maidenseated on a wild buffalo, seems tighteningher saddle-girth-s for the first heat Civ-

ilization, represented as a woman in mod-

ern costume, with a sheaf of wheat in one

bags; paddy, 10,301 bags; awa, 630 bag: ;

hides, 503; bananas, 310 bunches; salt, 1(0

bags; goat skins, 210: ramie, 11 bags; com,355 bags; coffee, 3S5 bags; pia, 100 bags;cattle, 19 head.

The following is a summary of the ex-

ports for the month: Sugar, 9,003,393

pounds; rice, 493,000 pounds: 3,050 sticksof sugar cane; 23 boxes of betel leaves;coffee, 100 pounds; potatoes, 2 bags; awaroot, 4 bags; ginger, 30 bags; 410 greenhides; molasses, 1,003 gallons; bananas,5 787 bunches. Total value of domestic ex-

ports, $179,342 13. Value of foreign goods

taken away, $9,920 70.

The following vessels sailed from thisport during the month of December: 1st,Oceanic Steamship Company's steamshipAlameda for Auckland and Sydney ; brig-antineW- m.

Cf. Irwin tor San Francisco;2d, barkfiduiie Flla for San Francisco; 5th'bark Martha Davis for Hongkong; 12th,'bark Southern Chief for Hongkong; 15th,

bark FleetwJiTf fcfc a whalipj. "cruise ; 17th,Pacific Mail steamship Aastralia

, ,for San

Jt 1. 1 "1

home.tlJS-t- il "ntKJsition. to create a false impres AVTTIOXKER.The evening service at the Bethel Union

sion for the purpose ofprejudieing theChurch. Rev. E. C. Oggel, Pastor, will, be

t;v niinut the Government. It isWANTED.ginning next Sunday, be of an evangelistic

character, the direct aim being revival andofficial investigation . ofvnnwn that, :mThe Church choir and a fullthe various departments is in progress,

for thA tmrnoso of verifying accounts and chorus choir of young people will assist the


THE VICTORY OF ELECTRICITY.Since Electricity hos been applied for lighting purposes, all efforts of inventor have

heen directed to construct a lamp for general domestic use. The reason why this prob-lem has till now not been solved, is that none of the inventors could rid themaeltea of theidea of gas lighting, and that all have adhered to the ByRtem of producing the electricityin some central place, or by largo machinery, instead of first laying down the principlethat a lamp which should ever become generally useful and popular, must be portable,like an oil lamp, and contain the generator of electricity in itslf,i. e., in the foot of the-.- ,.

lamp. . - vjThe Norman Electric Light Company has at last Bnccecded in completely rfaUing

this ideal of electric lighting, and there is no doubt that this most important inventionwill brinf? abont a complete revolution in all branches of lighting.

Our Electric Lamp nerds neither machinery, conductors, iur any expensive outlay,nn.l i neither com nlir-.-itc- or disagreeable in maiiipnlatinnjr all that is necessary is to

t vrnvisiIKI) COTTAOB BY A MAKRIKDoArtainfnL' the. proper working of. each tfPastor in his efforts. All wrdiaiiy

come. i couple. Address " F. A.," this olllce.

branch of the ! public service v. A start

must be made somewhere, and - a begm-mad- e

with the Water Supply Wished She TVasVa" Orphaa.Boston,nscript.

A little Newffff child of rich rmrent- -' : House foli ot rtment : tlie Custom OTICJil.Francisco; 13th, Oceanic Meamsuip com aseT careTtfllv" nursed and richly clothedTowed, and in turn the Tost OflTce, For-efej- i,

Qiuee, Board of Health, Board of pany's St. .Paul fcnr-SaJi- ; llnfi,brisantine" ConWiCr tor San Francisco ;

hand and a bouquet of roses in tne oiuer.stands ready to encourage her upjhug. j

ged path. A North Arnex5Jn(iian st3. on an ajdJfTrocit1 resting his elbow onilia Var plub. At the time of our arrivala ladder leaned up against the side of Co-

lumbia, on the top of which stood an ar-

tist laying on bronze paiut with a white-wash brush. On each side of the groupand at a lower elevation two tall metal fig-

ures are placed in niches, hut who theyrepresent is still a matter of con'ecture.One of them is popularly supposed to bothe Father of His Country, but which oneit is. or who the other one is, we don'tknow.

A hard asphalt walk leads from the en-

trance gate to the building. To the right,nearly half a mils off. is the governmentbuilding a long, low structure paintedgreen, its glass skv-hsht- looking like aslated roof. To the lert, about the Famedistance off, is the horticultural hall, itsglass roof shining like an ice palace, witha sweep of giant live-oak- s forminga back-ground. In the foreground to the left Uthe Mexican iron building, still a hugeskeleton without form or definite out-line. Looking directly through the framework of the building one can see the sparsof some vessels lying at the Expositionwl.sirf immediately to the left a frame

2lsTTXnt6n Steamship Company's Mararoafor San Francisco; 21th, frigantine JohnD.. Sprcckels, for San. Francisco; 23th,Oceanic Steamship Company's Mariposa

Education ,Fi naneaweparvw!- - jIhe InteriorGeneral's Itepartpa

Office will tyvverhauled,- - In short, theol accounts and the .work.


of the various offices will 1 thorough

riMIE rXlF.RslNKI. HAS SOLD HISJ property, with lease, houses, oxen, horses,

and tools to Tons sinfc Co. of Kwa, Waihele andWaipahu. The company will tike possession ofthe property from January lssti. and all theliabilities of said property w ill be paid by undei-sipnet- l.


'M, ISK.j. JiUit


AV-A-- I KEE,Yl'n tcli maker,


ness, with stock. Lease, (joodwill, to 1 I

s XG, who will pay all debts of the firm and col

and guarded tenderly by Its elders, wasdriving by the orphans's home the otherday, .when- - it caught the sound of themany childish voices in the yard wherethe children were at play. It eagerlyasked: 44 Oh, mamma, what is that?""They are poor little orphans withoutany parents. " impressively answered thamother, hugging her darling closer. "Oh,mamma. " exclaimed the child, crossinghis little hands over his velvet gown anddrawing a deep sigh, "how I wish I wasa pocr; little orphan!" The mother appreciated the situation and has since givenher child companionship of its own stat-ure and a little more freedom from fineclothes and constant nursing.

Fhotographlng Moscow' Armory.Foreign Letter.

refill it every four of five days with acid. The cost of lighting will be o,chcap as gaa (,cents per hour), and it has before the latter tho immense advantage of hiitber produciug,heat, smoke nor carbonic acid, owing to which the air is not impured, and reuiaina at the ,

same degree of temperature. It is further, absolutely inodorous, and heH not need to be .

kindled by match or otherwise, but simply by turning the key, thus avoiding all danger offire, explosion or suffocation, as in the case of gas, if the key is left open; and it must be eon-ced- ed

that this advantage alone is invaluable. It is further preferable to any known kindof lighting for the following reasons:

1. Its manipulation is so simple that any child can keep it in order.2. That the lamp is portable, and can be removed like any oil lamp, from one place

to another. "

3. That it neither reqturcH the disagreeable fixing of the wick, or the cleaning of thecylinder, as in the case of oil lamps.

4. That tho light produced is a soft and most steady one; that it never flickers, andthe flame, though being equal in power of lighting to gas, can be regulated to any degree.

5. That every danger of fire is absolutely excluded, as the light will extinguish im-

mediately, if by any accident the glass surrounding the burner should be broken.C. That it will burn, oven in the strongest wind, completely nnaffected. thus being

invaluable for illuminations, lighting of gardens, corridors, etc.This lamp is constructed for the present in three different size:A, small size. Height of complete lamp, 14 inches; weight, about 5 pounds; for light-

ing rooms, cellars, storage houses, powder magazines (or similar places where explosivesare kept), coaches, illuminations, gardens, mines or any other industrial purpose. Price, -

'. Ter lamp delivered free to any part of the world. - r --- '"

B, medium size. Serves all don.i jmrpose for lighting roonjs, houses, etc. Tbllamn is eleKantlv lecortfi, and has removable white ground glass globe.

lect all bills due.Honolulu, Dec. 26, ls85. dc2S

for,'" Auckland and Sydney, barkentineKlikitat for Port Townsend ; 29th, tern Evafor San Francisco ; 3lst, barkentine MaryWinkelman for San Francisco; barkentineEureka for San Francisco; bark Thos. R.

Foster for Fort Townsend.f The following vessels arrived at this port

during the month : Pacific Mail steamshipZealandia from San Francisco; 8th, barkElsinore, from Newcastle, X. S. W. ; brig-anti- ne

Coiisuelo from San Francisco ; bark-

entine Mary Winkelman from San Fran-cisco; tern Eva from Humboldt Bay; 9th,bark Thos. R. Foster from Port Townsend ;

11th, schooner Malolo from PalmyraInland; bark Southern Chief from De- -

and Qomplete. inere. wiu uv Ybperfunctorv alout it. Nor .is it intended

to conduct the investigation wholly by

officers of theGcferament. Competent

men from the outside will be invited to

take part in the investigation, so that itmay be at once exhaustive and impartial,

and therefore satisfactory to the country

at large.- One' would suppose that this course

would commend itself to the Opposition,

which is always finding fault and sug-

gesting misappropriation of public funds.

J. LYONS- -The armory of Moscow, which is not

familiar to the average European tourist,has latelv been rearranged and its treas MOSS & COHEN,nra rdiotosrraDhed. Besides the curious

building is being erected for an Exposi-tion restaurant

It is here the visitors get their first disappointment Instead of the lakes, andfountains, and groves delineated in thepictures we see only an artificial mudtrench and a few siclily trees and shrubsrecently transplanted into the swampTMIps of refuse lumber are strewn around.

specimens of armor, representing variousnhfises of Russian historv. there are weap A. lie tioncersons of Oriental tribes that have contestedthe advance of the empire, and silver orna- -

mintn and vessels which illustrate theartistic skill of conquerors and conquered.

1 rice per lamp (inclusive oi uronu iuui aim b'uuti onj uv j ,2. delivered free to any part of the world.

C, grand size for parlor, "hall, saloon, public building, etc. The lamp givea a mostbrilliant and steady light, has large removable white globe, decorated most tastefully,and tho workmanship is both first-clas- s and elegant. Price, 1.10. .

Foot of lamp in either bronze, Japanese, faience or silver oxide.Anv snecial size or desitrn made to order. Estimates furnished.

paiture Bay; 12tii, uaricenune jvnxuui.from Port Townsend ; brigantine John D.

Sprcckels from San Francisco; 14th,

Oceanic Steamship Company's St. Paulfrom San Francisco; bark Caibarien fromSan Francisco; 15th, bark Fleetwing fromSun Francisco; 17th, Pacific Mail steam-

ship Australia from Sydney; 21st, UnionSteamship Company's Mararoa from Syd-

ney and Auckland; bark llesper from New

Genoral Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu

of rnrnitnre. Stock, RealSalesGeneral Merchandise properly atu-nde- to.

SoI Ageiit for

American & European Merclaniise.191-t- f

All lamps are ready for immediate use, anu win ue sent, securely pacaeu in iruuKi box, with printed directions Tor use, a quanury oi cuemicais sumcieru lor severali' lihtin:r. and one extra burner for size A, and two for sizes B and C. The neee- s-


There is a small sheet of water near thegovernment building with a great standpipe in the centre, the fine spray fromwhich is caught up by the wind and blowna distance of 500 feet. If one venturedto go near it he would not only be drenchedto the skin, but would sink over his anklesin mud before he had gone ten steps. Thegrounds are prosaic it is better to goinside.

On the King's Highway.The Quiver.

For good, honest interchange of thoughtand sentiment: for sifting a man and

cheinirala can becurchased in flLnv drnsr store, even in the smallest village.

But such is not the case. The "Gazettediscredited it ; and, as we said at the

--Uutset, the weekly circulars printed by

the Opposition in Hawaiian and circu-

lated for political effect, goes the length

of stating that the Custom House investi-

gation is intended to get Colonel Iaukea

into trouble because he is a native.Nothing could be further from the truth.

There is no idea of getting the Commis-

sioner of Customs into trouble or finding

t fault with him in any way, nor does he

in the least object to what is only a rea-

sonable act of executive authority. If

the Custom House were, singled out for

Kjial investigation the case would be

ferent, but it is not. Ministers will

The photograph of these most interestingobjects will shortly be published in an--

album.Tocsin: A man who is overworked is

not only injured himself, hut he is themeans of injuring his unemployed fellow-worke- tt

Geography ami Treaties.tUlyases P. Eddy, Exporter.l

The argument for a union of westernpeoples by means of commercial treatiesloses much of its force with reference tothe South American states by reason of afew hard geographical facts generallyoverlooked. The best trading portions,as Brazil, are actually nearer to Englandthan to our ports. Most of the corre-spondence between New York and BioJaneiro goes by way of London. As forthe western part of the continent, it isstill further, off, and will be until theooenine of the Panama canal. At pres

castle, y. S. W.; 23d, bark D. G. Murrayfrom Central America; 25th, barkentineW. H. Dimond from San Francisco; 27th,

Oceanic Steamship Company's Mariposafrom San Francisco; 30th, bark LadyBowen from Newcastle, N. S. W. ; 31st, ternW. S. Bowne from San Francisco.


The Bethel In ion Church.

t. J. spe:

," Every lamp is accompanied by a written guarantee for one year, and will be ex-

changed, or monev refunded if the frame should not give complete satisfaction.On all orders for six lamps and above, a discount of six per cent will be allowed. No '

order?, from abroad filled, unless accompanied by a remittance to cover the amount, orfirgt-clas- s references on a New York or Philadelphia honse.

The best method of sending money is by draft on New York, which can be procured ofany banker, and everywhere, or enclose tlio amount in bank notes, gold coins or postagestamps of anycountry of the world.

All orders, the smallest as well as the most important, will receive the same particularattention, and will be forwarded without delay.

K7-O-ur Electric Lamps are protected by law, and all imitations and infringement

will be prosecuted. '' ,Q?"Agents, salesmen on commission, and consignees for otir lamps want everv- - s

where. No special knowledge or capital required. VA fortune to bo made by active persons. - - . .

Special Agent for the

Micliiraii Portrait the working and expenditures ui

departments similarly overhauledinquired into, to the end that if

V wrong doing anywhere it may

dut aswl rectified.


Producers of tho finest grades of




Address :


Public worship next Sunday morning at11 o'clock. Preaching by Rev. E. C. Oggel,

the Pastor, on "The Christ in Glory," fol-

lowed' by the reception of new membersand the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.In the evening ut 7 :30 o'clock, the openingsubject of the week of prayer: "OccupyTill I Come." At this service the Pastorwill be assisted by the Church cljoir and a

udent business man taes. .. 1 ...!..

separating the corn irom the chaff in hismoral, spiritual, and social characteristics;for getting a grip stronger, than ever inthe way of possessing his heart, I knowof nothing that can bring better occasionsor wealthier chance to you than walkingwith htm on the king's highway. Vim6hall learn more of a man's heart, hislikes and dislikes, his hobbies andidiosyncrasies, his --weakness and hisstrenfth, in a day's walk than you shallbe able to get by a month's riding withhim In a diligence or a postchaise,

I'or Preserving Ship's Kecords. .Chicago Times.

An ingenious contrivance- - for preserv-ing tho records of ships lost at sea hasbeen invented by a Mr. Duncan Sinclair,a resident of Ngw Zealand. 1J consists ofan inner and outer case, the lower ends ofwhich are open and connected by a platein the form of a ring. This has" a corkfilling and a separable tube attached at itslower end to a cap plate screwing Into thebottom ring-shape- d plate.

trt..v"ntthe end ot tne year, aim jent England's commerce preponderates inthe South American states and will pre-

vail for the geographical causes I havenoted in spite of state treaties.

. The Magnet Cure. J. MULES FOR SALE.L charu choir of ymng people, a coruiai


WILLIAM'S VIioosrraiIi illery,102 FORT .STREET.

Hawaiian. Islands.Honolulu - -invitation is extended to au. M. THOMPSON.


Government differ rom ashould thebusiness firm ? The affaire of i Govern-

ment aresimply matters of business.taken every two

'Heretotore stock wasThe work wasLegislature.years by the

necessarily slurred" over, and m the ma-

jority the Committee on Financeof c eseither sought to shield political friends

or to make out x case against political

enemies. The latter was notoriously

ISevf Orleans Times-Democra- t,

The use of the magnet for the cure ofdiseases was known to. the ancients. Itwas know n to Aetius, who lived as earlyas the year 500. He says: " We are" assored that those who are troubled "with

the gout in their hands or feet, or withconvulsions, find relief when they hold amagnet. "

Where a large variety of specimens can be seen

at all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequentlyvisit the several Islands of the group, when he

wM be pleased to show speciafens nd take ordersS63-l-

flor same.

And Solicitor In Chancery. Offic. Campbell'sBlock, second story, rooms 8 and 9. Entrance onMerchant street, Honolulu, II, I. 403 U


ft adjoining the Adv.seen in the vacant



At the y. M. C A. on Sunday at 9:45 a.

ni. the young men's bible class .will meet.

At G :30 p.m. the Rev. W. B. Oleson of

Hilo will conduct the gospel praise service.A special invitation is extended to youngmen.


TMMBvfertlp eXViti

i Sk.

I 4

.k '4



Susiuess (Cards.BY AUTHORITY. Sdrftisfmcnts.unsafe condition for performing the duties of corn--J "The bark. Caibarien expects to leave fcr Saoj

mon rerriersn-'l- l render the owner or driver, er J Francisco about tie 13:b instant.

ATTO It X KThe schooner Josephine brought bag of

paddy from Kwa, Oa'iu, December 31s:.

The steamer Caterina brought C' tons of iime- - j

stoaefrom Waimanalo,, December 51t.The new American ttru W. S. Kowne, Captain i

rnDotn, Uaoie to arrest and prosecution.

These rules shall have fall fon:e ai 1 effect o.iand after January 1, nir,, and all former rules aodregulations for thegovernxuentcf licensei vehlcU--are abolished.

CHAS. T. GrXICK,Minuter of thv Interior.

Oceanic Steamship Co. SPECIALt'USKCCK tA&H foi:i.




Houululu Hale,OfficeOtSce.

adjoining the Post2C7dJfcwtfFOR SAN FRANCISCO,

A. 11. Paul, arrived lii port at isoon December :

3lst, IS days from Fraiu iico. Reports light;winds and line weather the entire pas.iage. She j

brings a cargo of general uoerchiitidise and also 12 J

taules. The W. is. Bowoe was built by the IlaU j

Bros, of Port Blakely, Washington Territory, j

at a cost of 32,000, and this is her first trip, j

She is built expressly fr the Hawaiian trade, and t

is owned by her Commander A. H. Paul and C3. j

V. .Smith. .She is of fine model and ha a flue!cabin. Messrs. F. A. Hchat fer Co. are her j


GREAT CLEARANCE SALE-- !The Al steamship rMZCIL KKOW.V, AnORVEY-AT-Lt- W ANDV Notary Public, Campbell s Block. Merchant i

Street. '

Water Aotioe.From thli date, till further notice, V. Ji. SEAL

Is alone authorized to collect water-rate-

and dues on uccount of the Honolulu WaterWorks.

He is fully empowered to give a good and suff-icient receipt, and none other will be acknowl-edged.

All parties are requested when paying waterrates, to produce to the Keeeiver their lastreceipt.

This Regulation does not apply to any busioesrelating to the Water Works, which now Is, ormay hereafter be placed in the haud4 of the Atto-

rney-General for settlement.CHAS. T. iiLLICK,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Oftice, November 5, iss.. 3i: nojtf


For Thirty-- AT

IDttys " Oilly i

THEWill leave Hon iulu for the above port on

or about V. LIC. Oflice with the Attorney lieoeral. Aliiolan; Hale, Honolulu, H. I. 67 tur26-li-t- fBOllX.

RICKAItD At Houokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii, toto the wife of W. 11. ilickard on Dee.mOer 'Siih,a daughter.

Jlesnlations lor Carriage and Kateof Fare.

Under and by virtue of the provision of an Actentitled "An Act t Regulate the Carrying ofPassengers ami Freight, and the Letting to Hireof Carriages, Wagons, Carts, Drays and otherVehicles in the District of Honolulu,' amendedfci'id approved on the 5th day of, A. D.HS2, I, Chas. T. Gulkk, Minister of the Interiorof the Hawaiian Kingdom, do herehy make thefollowing Rules and Regulations to be observedby licensed carriers of passengers and freightin tijie District of. Honolulu;1st. Kvery licensed carriage, dray or vehicle

must be numbered, and this number must beplaced ou a conspicuous part of the carriage, drayor vehicle.

2d. livery licensed carriage running at nightmust exhibit two lights, and the number of suchcarriage plainly shown on the glass of each lan

January 15th, TEMPLl3 OF - FASHIONFor freight or ptj ge apply toLOCAL AND GENERAL. J. M.'KONSARRAT, 5

ATTORNEY AT LAWWin. G. Ir win & Co.', 61 and 63 Tovt Street.A happy New Year to all.The "Anglican Church Chronicle"- for -- AN l


I eal :! to In im.v purl of" tlte li 1 iiir--A, ilom Bought. hi ami 1 .eased on Commission

Australian 3Iail Service.Loans NegotiateU tini Legal Hocumeuta Drawn.

XO. 27 .MEltdl.l.VT STltKirr,tJazette Block, Honolulu. 16-- tf


January will he ready loinorrow.The Temple of Fashion will hohl a great

clearance sale which will extend thirtydays. Mow is the time to secure hargains.

the Civil Court yesterday two natives,,Ixolii and Naanao, were charged with de-

serting contract service with the WilderSteamship Company. They were orderedto return and pay costs.

At the Roman Catholic Cathedral onSunday high mass will be sung ut 10 a. m.and vespers at 1 p. iu.

The usual band concert will be given atKuuna Square on Saturday afternoon bythe Royal Hawaiian Rand.

At St. Andrew's Cathedral on Sunday,


The Board of Immigrationposes to arrangements forthe further importation of.Japanese immigrants into thisKingdom and would request thatall j tarties desirous of procuringthe service of such contract laborwill forward their applications toWm. G. Irwin & Co. the dulyappointed Agents of the Boardfor Japanese Immigration.

It is requested that these appli-cations be sent in without delayand that the parties orderingstate as definate as possible whattheir requirements will be for thenext six months, so that the nec-essary arrangements can be madefor the introduction of these


1 be new au 1 spicmli i Al steamship

GEEAT REDUCTIONOur Dry and Fancy Goods Department.



GEAND DISPLAYW 6 Steam Candy Factory


tern. In iiurcs not less than one and one-ha- lf (1 )

Inches In height":td. Drivers of licensed vehicles inunt obey the

orders of the police.1th. No licensed carriage will bo allowed to

bland on the makai side of Queen street near theFish Market, and no two or more carriages will buallowed to stand abreast on any street.

Olh. On all stands set apart for licensed carriagesthe horses must be headed parallel to the streetand close to the sidewalk.

ith. No licensed horse and carriage must be leftwithout a proper attendant, or properly secured.

7th. No licensed carriage will be allowed to beleft on the street over night.8th. STANDS 8ET AI'AKT WIl l.K K.N3KD CAItlUAUfcS.

No. 1. llauka side of lieret nia street, east aideof Mauuakea street.

No. 2. Makai side of lieretanlt street, from eastcorner of Nuuanu street.

No. 3. Kast side of Knima street, maukaof Uer-etan- ia

streetNo. 4. Mauka side of Hotel street, from east

corner of Nuuanu street.No. S. Manka aide of Hotel street, corner of

Union street.No. 6. Albkui side of Hotel street, opposite to

the entrance of Hawaiian Hotel.No". 7. Makai side of King street, opposite the

Chinese Theater, east of road to the Prison.No. 8. Makai side of King street, east corner of

Maunaktta street. - .

No. 9. Makai side of King street, from westcorner of Bethel street.

f tlie Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat lioiiolu'u from Sydney and Aucklaixl

on or aboutF. IIOISN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and liuker.Hotel street. 78 tf Telephone 74 -- OF-

people. .

CIIAS. T. GULlCK. HOjL.IjDA.-Y--. GOO JDS,January 16th..

AnH will leave for the ubave iort with mails amipassengers ou or about that dnte.

For freight or passage, having SSUPKKIOKACCOMMOI'ATIONS, ni ply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

services will be conducted at J):30 a. in. and6 p. m. by the Rishop of Honolulu, and at11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by the Rev. CeorgeWallace.." Charley l'eteion, the faithful look-ou- t

,'at Diamond Head, wishes to acknowledgethe kindness of the Rev. Alexander Mack-intosh, Mr. A. Jaeger and Pilot Mclntrein sending him sundry New Year's pres-ents.

As someone had insisted that the flags ofthe Honolul". Fire' Department were hoistedin remembrance of the old year, we have

' been requested to state that not only were

KOOMS TO LET.-- AT THEMinister of Interior and President

Bureau of Immigration.Interior Office, Aug. 21, 1885.

yiiAT AND COMFORTAULK FUltSlSHEDX rooms ;it No. 3 Kawui.'ihuu lune, a few stepnfrom the Government buihiing. A man aud wifecan also have comfortable furnished rooms, ortwo rooms unfurnished, up.l accommodations tocook for themselves. Allts. WARD. HousePopular Millinery

104 Fort Street -

LOIlT- - OF- - HONOLULU, II. I.For Sydney and Auckland.

'WTOlJiU ol rfii oireei, easi iroin Honolulu,ngiau. &. Bon's more.

"'.lg street, east comer of(O. IV. Mital sVdeol K.Vv

AUKIVAI.N.Thcrsdav, December 31.

Stmr I walani, Freeman, from Hamakua,Hawaii.Sclir Kalukeaouli, from KohaiaSchr Catering, from Vv'aimaualoSSchr Josephine, from Rwa

Mortgagee's Notice of Sale. AKT?1ifT,HSf,stBn,1 best ttssorlP,, 8toclt the Kingdom. PKKSKNTH SUITABLE FOR VOCNOJiP V' M ALK OU FKMALF. Toilet Poxca, Hand Glasses, Woi k Boxes, Jewel Cases, Collar andCuff Boxes, etc., etc. . -



1URECTION OF ALEXANDER J. CART-wrigh- t,BY the assignee of a certain mortgagedeed made by Albert K. Kunulakeu, of Honolulu,

the flags flying in remembrance of the oldy " t .! ti.o rxc-r- r one in,'l'Ut were alsoin commemoration of the anniversary ofthe birthday of. Her Majesty Queen Kapio-lan- i.

Friends of the following Americans, sup-posed to be upon these Islands, have writ-ten to the American Consulate makingearnest inquiries regarding theni. If theyare hen; they should make known the factat the Consulate, or if any person hasknowledge of them they will confer a favoron anxious relatives by giving informationto the Consul General: Miss Violette Lin- -

The new and ri?ie Al steel steamship


No. 12. Makai Bide of Kins r treet, west fromPunchbowl street. 2.

No. 13. Makai side of Merchant jrot!tf oppositeto Sailora' Home.

Makai sidi;of Merchant streetNo. 14. east cor.ner of Port street.

No. 15. Mwiku Si le of Queen street, oppNUe

Fish Market. y

ir.i'Aitn:i:Ks.JStuir Waimanalo, for WaimanaloAm bktne Mary Wlnkelman, Backus, for Sao

Francisco, tt 9 a inAm bktne Eureka, J, for San Francisco, at2pmHaw bark Thomas It Foster, F W Pugg, for

Port Townsend, W TKchr Waiehu, for Koloa and Hanapepe, Kauai

(if the Vnlon .Steamship t'omp uiy, New Zeuhiud,Will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or aboutNo. 18. Makiu siue o ii-"-i o.vv, Xstcorner of Nuuauu street

No. 17. Makai side of tj.ieeu street, from eas J anuary

island of uauu, to the Hawaiian Investment andAgency Company, limittMl, dated the 5th day ofAugust, 1332, and recorded in Liber 76, tolios 180,181 and 1V2, and asiKned to said Alexander J.CartwriKht, of said Honolulu, by deed tI assign-ment dated the 27th day of June, 1SS4, aud re-corded in Liber 8$, on foiios2!6 and 217, and theMortgagee named iu two certain mortgage deeds,to wit: 1st Mortgage made by said Albert K.ICunuiakca to said Alexander J. C'artwright, datedthe 28th day of March, 18S3, and recorded inLiber 79, on folios ;iol-- 4. 2d Mortgage made bysaid Albert K. Kuuuiakea to said Alexander J.Cartwrifht, dated the 23l day of August, 1883,and recorded In Li'ier SI, on folio 3; we are di-rected to seil at 1'ublic Auction, on MONDAY,the 4th day of Jauuury, A. I. 1886, at 12 o'clocknoon of said day, at our salesrooms in Honolulu,all and singular the premises as described iu saidseveral mortgages as follows:KUKUAU Hiio, Hawaii. An ahupuaa, 4,8-i-

Vessel Iieavlns: To-morro- w.



if v




if)- - -





All colors, nil kinds and all prices. stock of LADIES' HANH HATCH ELK, at prleea thatw ill Astonish you. Endless variety of Ladies' .fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, IiceCollars, Fichus, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc,, etc., etc.I

The MillinerY IepaxtmeiitIs complcio, all the latest styles of Trimmed and Cntrimmed Haw, Feathers, Birds. OmaaienuNV Ings, etc., at Prices to suit, at the

Popular Millinery House,

N S. SACHS Proprietor

And will have prompt djsratch wjih mails andpassengers for the above ports.

For f.eight or passage, having SCPHIUOItapply to

land.tU bark Lizzie Iredale, W II Iredale, forchr N

Hchr ManHe Mer-i:i- , for I.ahainaiSchr Cateriiifor HonomuSehr Katiika, for Waimanalo

a.tnii for Kohaia

corner of Fort street.

OtU. No more than tou c inl.g. s will be allowed

oa any one stani at any one time.10th, licensed carriages standing iu front of the

Hawaiian Opera House aaall align on the inauka

side of King street.11th. IJcens 1 carriages standing upon the Es-

planade, near t ie Mail steamer Doe!:, shall align

upon the mauka side of the street to the corner of

vnonan street, and mauka alontr the east side of

ville, George Randolph and John Cutler.We must acknowledge that the finest dis-

play of holiday goods are to be seen in theshow windows of M. Mclnerny. We wouldadvise general and eaTly inspection by in-

tending purchasers. A fine line of ladies',misses' and children's Lilsc and real gen-uine Ralbriggan hosiery and underwearcan be seen at the same establishment.Also, a full line of mea's ware of same classof goods.

Wm. G. Irwin & (o.,AGENTS,

acres. Land Commission Award 8,513, KoyalVKSSKI.S IX I'OKT.Haw brk Thr?Port Townsend, jmas It Foster, F W Rugg, from

ratent i,btt. rvot letsed.LAIMI Hiio, Hawaii. An Ahupuaa, Land Com

mission Award 8,520. Tot leased.y.-- i




Licensed caiTiages at the (Tofernment12 th. WAlAKA-IK- I KG.hala. Hawaii. An Ahupuaa,""B r 1 iis17"'ba r 111 1 c .p ,jf ro n 1 BremenNewcastle, N Stv"""" ' " from

British bark Lizzie Iredale, W II Ireda'it oi acres, uoyai, iea?ed to Johnl'arner; lease expiris (ictober 1, 1886, withprivilege.

PMIOKIIOE Kona, Hawaii. Royal PatentPA.'IFiC

fainercial Advertise

GlasgowAm teiu Eva, J Wikman, from Humboldt Pay,

CalAm bk Klsinore, from Newcastle, NSWAm bktne Mary Winkleman, Chas Backus,

lrom San FranciscoAm bk Caibarieu, II W Hubbard, from San

FranciscoAm bktne Kureka, J Loe, from San FranciscoAm bark Hesper, C liyder, from Newcastle,

N a WAm bark D C Murray, G W Mudgett, from

CUamperire, Cential America

Rowell, Jackson & Webster,Civil aul Mechanical Kiigtiieers, .Surveyors anl DraiiKhtsiuen.



estimates jrepai eL etc., for ail kinds of Meclianical, Architectural andSTEAM BOOK AND JOB

Jlffy Court of Onliu.This Court was "i Dewinbor 31st.

10 o'clock a. iu. tunel this morning atfrom the District W all apical casesSir. Justice McCuKts of the island,statute provides thJ presiding. (Theon the last Tkursdhis Court shall sitany designated placed every month inthe Justices of the Formerly one of

circuit of the island mnne Couit madecases.) "ar all appeal

The following caseswcThe King vs. Kahaleiulixsed t-- :

animals. Apix?al from District c of.

i.wm. iNot leased.MALA Laliuina, Maui. A eocoanut grove, 6'acres, lind Commiss oti Award 5,483, Royal

Patent 0,777. Leaked to JI. Turton, expiresHeptember 1, 1886.

KAPUNAJvKA Lahaina, Maui, 1 acre, LandCommission Award 3,483, Itoat Patent 6,777.Leased to JI. Turton. Lease expires Septem-ber 1, 18S6.

PUAKO, also called MAUXAKUI Lahair.a,Maui. House lot, 1 rood, 28 rods. Land Com-mission Award 5,483, Royal Patent 0,777.Not leased, but at present occupied by CaptainDavid fayior.

PUUXOA-Lahai- na, Maui; 8 15-1- acres. LandCommission Award 8,515, Royal Patent 1,667.Apana 1, 2 11-1- acres kalo land. Apaua 2, 560-10- 0 acres cane land. Apana 3, 52-1- acrescane land. Not leased.

OWA Wailuku, Maui. Royal Tatent 2,155. Notleased.

H ALEHAKU ITamakualoa, Maui, 3.C53 51-1- 00

acres, Land Commission Award 8,515, RoyalPatent 1,(166. The Kalo land leased to a Hui at

erms HeasonableMINTING OFFICEEntrance on Merchant street.Consulting and Draughting Rooms in Campbell's lilock.ders promptly attended to. All or


Is prepared to do ad kinds of

Building shall enter on the eastern side o f thedrive, and align on the outer side of the circle

waltiug their fare.BATES OF FARE,

13th. To or from anyoint in Eeretanla streetand the harbor, and between Maunakea street andPuncabowl street, for each passenger, 10 cents.

Mth. To or from any point between the secondbridge. Nuuanu Aveuue, and the harbor, and tireReformatory School, on the Kwa road and theline of Victoria street, not exceeding one milefrom the starting point and not conflicting withKule i3, for each passenger, 25 cents. For eachpassenger to or from any steamer or sailing vesselto or from any point within the foregoing limits,25 cents.

15th. Outside these limits, not exceeding twomile from the starting point, r each person, 50

cents; beyond two miles, 25 cents per tnllo or frac-

tion thereof, for each passenger.10th. Children three years old or under, no

charge; over three years old and not more than. eu years old, half price. '

For ati detentions of a licensed vehiclew hile under engagement within the ten (10; centlimit (1 50 per hour, irrespective of the numberof passengers; beyond the foregoing limit, fl perliour. For each vehicle attending a funeral, $3,

ISth. Titue to be counted from the time of en-

gagement to the time of dismissal, aud whencalled by the telephone the engagement com-

mences with the receipt of the message. ServiceIn answer to call by telephone may be charged afare and one-hal- f.

tilth. No extra charge shall be made to any p:s-eug- er

for ordinary baud baggage.20th. For any other than ordinary hand bng-gage.e-

trunk or box, 25 ceuts.21st. Every licensed driver shall havd a silver

or white metal badge, with - his number plainly

I 0, expires January 1, ISSti. The right of waynbl & Legal Work HOLLISTEE & CO.Have Removed toCOKRECTLY

for ditch leased to Hamakua Liteh Company at$100, expires October 2, 18ya. Lease to the Haiku.Sugar Company, Alexander & Raldwln, and GroveRanch Plantation at ?100, expires July 1, 1899.Lease to C. Spreckls at J200, expires July 1, 1899.The ditch, leased tc C. .Spreckels at f 100, expires

uiy 2, iVJH.

lOOORT' ' ALA, Molokai.

1U. Oahu, Grazing land, Nuuanu Val-PELL- Y

x.. lMid fjwiamission Award 8,515,Nuuanu Vane. ry-- r r.Leased to P. C. Jones? vvV land,has privilege of ten years. jp'jt 3.

KUIUELANl House lot, Honolulu c6r;j6STREET,

Having just Received a Complete and NewAssortment of

Job Types anil Ornaments

V. kscIs Expeeteil rroni Foreign Irt:v.P I S S Zealandia (Brlt II Webber, from the

Colonies, en route to San Francisco, due Jan 12

Am bark Majestic, Burton, from Port Towns-en- d,

W T, due Jan 15-2- 0 .

Norwegian bark Lovespring, Thompson, fromNew Vork, due Nov 20-- 23

Brit bk Cbilena, Davies, from Liverpool, dueJan 1-- 10

Hawaiian schr Jennie Walker, P. Anderson,rroni Juluit, SSI, due Nov 110

Brit bk Mount Lebanon, C Nelson, from Hong-kong, due December 10-- 25

An schr Emma Claudina, W Matson, f'ora SanFrancisco, due at Hilo, Hawaii. December 17-- 25

Brit bark Natuma, from Glasgow, due Marchi0-3- 1

Brit sblp Stirlingshire. Alexander, from Liver-pool, via Madeira, due March 25-- 31

Brit bark iJidy Uimpson, Marston, from New-castle, N S W, due Feb 10-- 20

Am bktne Amelia, Newliall, from Port Towns-en- d,

due Jan 3-- 10

PJ1SS City of Hydney, Dearborn, from SunFrancisco, en route to Hongkong, due January 5

Burk Couferance, from Newcastle, N S W, dueJau 15 25

Bark Virginia, from Newcastle, N S W, dueJan 1020

Ship Dionysus, Jones, from Newcastle, N S W,due Jan 2531

Tli P M S S Australia Brit , Chas C Brough,front San Francisco, en route to the Colonies, dueJan 5

Am bktne Nellie M Slade, from New Vork,due April 15-- 30

Am brgtne Claus Spreckels, F, P Drew, fromSan Francisco, due at Kahulni, Maui, Dec 20-.1- 1

Am schr A una, Matson, from San Francisco, dueat Kahulni, Maul. Jan 7--

Ara bktne Discovery, W It Perriman, from S.uiFrancisco, due Jan 9-- 15

Am. tern V. H. Bowne, A. II. Paul, from SanFrancisco

O S S St Paul, Kr-ikin- from San .Francisco,due Jan 1 1

"W illiams' J3 lotauia and iticnara sirens, so .tnoms i- -

not leased, occur ied at present by A. K.Ijmd Commission Axvaril, 96 Royal

Patent 2,617.PUOU Ijahaina, Maul. An Ahupuaa, Land Com-

mission Awatd 8,520, Royal Patent 6,727.leeds at the expense of purchaser.For further particulars iiuiuire of

Koolaupoko. A. Rosa for the Crown,M. Thompson for the defendant. Afterhearing the evidence, the Court orderedthe defendant discharged.

The King vs. R. Gerke, larceny vl ani-

mals. Appeal from District Court, Ewa.A. Rosa for the Crown, V. A. Whitingfor the defendant. The evidence havingbeen put in, the Court ordered the de-

fendant discharged.The case of the King vs. A. K. Kun-uiake- a,

for assault and battery, on anappeal from Felice Court, Honolulu, wascontinued till Wednesday next, JanuaryG, 18S6. S. K. Kane for the defendant.

The following appeal cases were set-le- d

out of Court : E. Oakley vs. E. E.Thomas, assumpsit, for flW 42, from

Police Court, Honolulu.E. Oakley vs. E. assump-

sit, for $104, from Police Court, Ilono-lul- v.

Kinney & Peterson for plaintiff,II. E. Avery for defendant, appellant.

The following cases were continuedover till the next term day :

Keola (k.) vs. M. Makue (k.), wrong-

ful impounding. Appeal from the Dis-

trict Court, Ewa (two cases). Kinney &

Peterson for defendant, appellant. -

B. E. EHLEES & CO.,e. r. ADAMS & .CO.,

Auctioneers.Or of J. M. MOXiSAKRAT, Attorney for Mort-giige- e.

Dated at Honolulu December 8, 1885,


hlniM'ti un it, as per sample at 1 he Police StitiouHouse; said badge to be worn so as to he distinctlyneon upon the left breast. (To Insure uniformity,these badges will be furnished attl.e Station Houseat cost price.)-- lit. WHKS flRDKKKl) StECTLLY FOR KAFIOLAXI

MUK,One passenger, each way 00Two passengers, each way .. t 50Three passengers, each way 2 00

WUX;OROBKO SrKCLALVV OR THK PALI.jOue passenger, each way ?3 00Twttr passengers, each way , 4 00Three passengT-r- , u:li way . 00

No driver is compelled to take a single fare be.yond the two mile limit, except by special bar-gain. When two or more offer, the regular rateaa per. the above schedule must be accepted.

Licensed drivers ordered to return for passengersleft at any given point, may charge a fare and

rpIIK I'NDKRSffcNKD INTENDS TO LEAVEX for China in January. All persons having

claims against him are hereby notitied to presentthem fr payment Immediately. HO HEE.

Honolulu, December 20, 15. Jan8

All the Latest ;Novelties ia Fancy Goods ReceivedPAHiKEMjCHK.

ARRIVALS.From Hamakua, Hawaii, per st.amer Iwuani,

Deoember 31st: TR Fugiut, Dr FashlJn, 11 Belland 13 deck passengers,. Everv Steamer. ..

23--- M

EXPOKTN.From Newcastle, N S W, per bark Lady Bowen,

Dec 31st: SG Wilder A Co, 1,100 tous Wul sendcoal

B. F. DILLINGHAM,President and Manager.

JAMES G. SPENCER.Secretary and Treasurer.WAN TED.

Of thft Latest Styles, from the nsont Celo

Lratcd Foundries of the United States,

and employing only Experienced

and Taty Workmen, we are

prepared to turn out

Letter Heads,mil lleu.

Circulars,Xwle UcHtl.

Ktaten.euta,HiiUoi LnriiMgr,

Contracts,SIrf KHjje Blank.

LeRwca,Khippins: Contracts,(In Hawaiian & Fngliahj

CIcnl3r.HI itu It Chech,


Ktoek Certificate?.IIuKiiiews Car lis.

Meal Checks,Hilk Tickets,

IIa iik Checks,Orders.

Receipts.Slarriaffe Certificate.


Blotting: la!,Druggists' Labels.

.Envelopes,Skipping Ueceipts.

Ball I'rogranimcs,



Successors Iu Dillinsrhani A. Co. and

Fort Street : : :


Tiu ksday, December 31st.Ned Dunn and Kaaipuni forfeited bail

of $0 each for drunkenness.Panalii was charged with larceny of

shoe 3, the property of the Oceanic Steam-ship Company. A case of shoes whichhad arrived by the Mariposa had Veen

opened, and the defendant was foundwith a pair in his possession. He wasfound guilty and sentenced to imprison-ment at hard labor for two 'months.

ftannicl A'ott.



ELLIS & Slir,LEiiWholesale and CommLssiou Dealers in

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 SPEAR STREET,

Between Market and Mission. SAN FRANCISCO.CjS-Or-der Solicited. 423dec29-l- y

i1-- :o:-

one-ha- lf fare.JW. Between the hours of eleven (11) o'clock p.

ux. and five (5) o'clock a. m. the above rates offare shall be doubled.

21th. If any licensed vehicle shall be foundstanding iu any place but ou the appointed stand,the driver shall be liable to arrest by uiy policeoflleer unless said driver shall be under engage-ment; and no licensed driver will be permitted towait under eugagement for a fare i. the vicinityof any designated back stand except on the standitself. Nothing in this regulation, however, shallbe construed to cootlictVlth regulations 10, 11 aud12 above.

s23th Any licensed driver who, when in chargeof alli(ised carriage, dray or other vehicle, shallbe intoxicated, or who saall use insulting orabusive language, who shall demand more thanthe authorized far4ho shall neglect upon de-

mand to show a card oTtcs of fare, or who shallcontravene any of the w ithlwrules, shall uponcomplaint to any of the police andupon conviction be liable to the penalty forthiu Section 11, of the act f.p-iwe- J the fifth dayjfAugust, A. D. 1Ss2.

26th. No licensed driver shall leave his vehicleat any wharf, public or private bll or entertain-ment, place of amusement or public assemblage,or liquor saloon. "V

27th. No licensed vehicle will be permitted tostand ou auy steamer wharf on the day of arrivalor departure of steamers.

28th. Any licensed' vehicle, horse or harnessfound in service at auy time in an unsuitable or

Tli .American Minister ansl .Mrs. Mfr.rill AVI 11 Receive.

According to diplomatic usage in theUnited States and elsewhere, the Ameri


No vessels w ill leave tbis port to-da- y.

T;ie steamer 1 walani brougbt 1.4S4 bags sugar,2 horses and 10 packages sundries from Hamakua,Hawaii, December 31st, Her sugar was put intothe barkentine Eureka. Reports fine weather.She will 8:iil next Monday.

It vta.s reported at Honokaa, Hamakva, Hawaii,that the steamer Ivy Holmes, which went ashoreat Hilo, was floated again abou December 29tb.

The American barkeutines Mary Wlnkelmanand Eureka sailed for San Francisco December31st. The latter took 821, 6C9 pounds sugar, 90,000

pounds rice and 330 bunches bananas, valued at513,778 28.

The bark Lady Bowen will not discharge hercoal for some time, as all the coal berths are atpresent engaged.

The British bark Lizzie Iredale Is taking in bal-

last ai the foot of Fort street. She will sail inballast next Saturday for Portland, Oregon.

The foreijjD vessels iu the harbor had their flagsflying December Si et in honor of Her Majesty theQueen's birthday.

The schoonei Kauikenouli brought 2,100 bugs ofsugar from Kohaia, Hawaii, December 31st, whichwere put into the Oceanic Corupuny's warehouse.Reports rough weather.

The steamer V. G. Hall will arrive this after-noon with a full cargo of sugar from windward.

Whittier, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



21-2- 3 Front St., : : San


Just received ex steaniors .'

'ALAMEDA and ST. PADL;Latest lies isus In






Theatre l'rosrrHiimies,And in fad evervthina which a First- - VSTOR HOUSE.

can Minister Resident, his ExcellencyGeo. "W. Merrill, and Mrs. Merrill, willreceive to-d-ay (New Year) from 1 to 10

o'clock p. m. The reception will includeladies as well as gentlemen. This occa-

sion should be generally availed of bythe inhabitants of Honolulu to pay theirrespects to the representative of theUnited States, the great friend and allyof the Hawaiian Kingdom, and his amia-ble wife.

Class Office oan do.The undersigned, proprietor of the Astor

House, has reopened this favorite Restaurant,and solicits a share of public patronage, guaran-teeing first-clas- s meals and attendance.

CHAN WO.Honolulu, Dec. 29, 1835. Jan29

P. C. A. Job PrintiDS Ale


1 si4 'A


The requirements for a Brandy likely to be of an medical use are all present in that supplied by

Messrs. J. E. Pelliaon A Co. Vide Public Health.CHO WING & CO.,

'. 84 Nnuann Street,DEALERS IN

Ira. ft. Irwin & Co. TJncolored, Unsweetened, Pure Old Brandy. M. W. McCHESjStEY & SON

iiavk received;... . Xa !..inn) .tn.1 Ilfin' Cit TVi ft A n fl 1 r?id

andv ftii ihA sttntian of U readers to the foUewing extract from the Analysts Kei-or-

Pont Oilier Noticed ;

' "?. .' - - .'

inRttonabf "V.TAVXFOUR FlVifand TEX CENTH,

(lc, 2e, 4c, 5c. and Ft) can bo purchased at thePom Otnce a face value of this stamps, when lexathan' one d&llar's worth la wanted.

Cash i'Vr'li.sera of a dollar's worth or more ofstamped nYtlopes will be Allowed, till furthernotice, discv of twenty per cent froaa the facevol 11 ' '' ." I

Crockery,GlasswareOFFER FOR SALE "This brandy is a pure Rrape spirit, remarkably rich iu fr&mtit ethers; contains a large amount of

tannin, derived from storing In oak casks, which inipaits to flue old br&u4y one of its valuable medici-nal properties, and will be of the greatest value to the physician in those numerous cases where pureFrench brandv is the most useful of all medicines.


China2wGeneral Post OiEce, December 18, 1895.

Now offr for sale at very low rates a choice va- -

The only two qoalit es shipped "Seven and Ten Years Old" can be bad in one-doi- en cases.

FREETH & PEA COCK,lll-j- a 5016 Agents for the Hawaiian IjUands.Sugars.

May 8tli Per Mariposa, 1,154 Packages

May 22d Per Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;

To Arrive Per Coiisuelo, 332 Packages,



OF IiAUAlNA, IS OPEN FORLATE as Sugar-boile- r. I'leaso addressPost OSice.f lonolalu. dec24 6t

In Barrels,Half Barrels. ttreat Bargains. reat Bargains.

And Boxes.


Q-iocerie- s- Provisions and Feed. ..... . inv-T-n Tr TiT VT1 t'TVri ViTOPtTW

r ACW na ar lie it 3 ui iur uiusi wc:tnAic:n nA in 4na AAa&M fv TartanCUBE

312 Jan5P. O. box 259. Honolulu.In Half BarrelsAnd Boxes.


r.An j v . -

Vew Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, fresh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Postoflico Box No. MS

Telephone No. 2. "6 aP17

selling subscription books, Albums, FamilyGOLDEN C (COFFEE FOR SAN FRANCISCO.Bibles, Maps, Chart, Atlases. Encyclopedia a,

American Reprint, etc. Send for clrca-lar- sand special foreign terms. A seats are male-fu- g

from fiOj to f 300 per month selling our publi--In Half Barrels

And Boxes

1888. Third Year of PtiMication. 1888.A T. Tt A iWfTfrST tf .

Wrill bo Sold ai tlio Lowest Alavket Rates.

jVT. "W. McChesney & Son,Kan Francisco, U. H. A.348jaul

ft Teas.The magnificent steamship

AUSTRALIA,(Droiigh. commander,)

Will leave for the above port on or about 4' and 41 Queeu Klreel, llonoluln.1'JUST RECEIVED





POWCHONG. December 15th.,




For the Year of Our Lord 18SG, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil & Ecclesiastic-- 1 Calend'r

For freight or passage apply to

Lowest Market Rates, COMMCRCIM, WORK.

'ArthticCohrPrinting.H. HACKFELD & CO.,Soap. PHOTO- - ENGRAVfNtAGENTS.

glossed labels.BLUE MOTTLED:

LAUNDRY.A Large :ocfc of the Most Favorite

Brands of


FOR '1 il : YEA P. ANI VV rgSSJiUa, IS 11 i.A f WiT -r- -:

Steam Navigation Co. Official and Business Directory of HonoluluSalmon.





TOCilCTiJl it WITHp k r .. w . jmw - r . . . ul. : - v bi a a v



2I31 MAIN ST., rf 1 riM?2terx$SZf3" -BATES Commander

Full Statistical and General Information


J.s now in Course of Publication. Will too Issued theFlour.

FAMILY II quarter sucks).Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Kona

and Kau, Hawaii.4




TS3ISTJ.E DEW WIIIMKY., lu cases and cast,)

I'CIiM-SKOV- BItAXDY,7 and 10 yars old,)

Budweiser Lager Beer,FarwUlca we are the Sole AKenta In the Ha-

waiian Islands, fare particularly recommended.

Tu-- n and . Country Order Filled

Promptly, and RatUfactloii

3. .

"'-- -HiiR'B EXTRA (? naif Backs),STEAMER PLANTER,

(LILINOE.)First Week iu January, 1SS6.

Cases Medium Bread. CAMERON CommanderGreat pains and expeuse nave Deen gone iu me x uwiu-- "


at 5Returning,p. m. for Nawilhvili,

will leave make this Almanac and Directohy the most useful and comprehen- -XMvetu every


" MENB0TA,'' and ()tj,4 Late Arrivalsifnina. Triple and Ex.NawiJlwlU everyHonolulu every

Saturday at 4 p. m.t arnving at s've wor 0f the klllti ever ptlDHSneU 111 me liawaiiuii ivuiciuui. n.iundayat5a.m. U) q bnsinesa travelers and tourists,Lime and Cement.

From New York and San Fraiand is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in foreign Goun- -Large and Vailed Astortment ofinitio, a $

ixlise,alerclia ituble fortriesIts Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the lates


FREEMAN Com'mauder

Will run regularly to Ilamoa, Maui, and Kukul-hael- e,

Honokaa and Paauhau. Hawaii.Plantations, Countstores and Families,, ,, ,Loment.MAHILA

And Articles of special value to tne lsiauus nuu uec pu.v.. jpert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest in ' NSI!STINU IN l'AUT OF- -SISAL CORDAGE.

STEAMER C. R. BISHOP,UVeetli & Peacock".if i v.-.-.n- ,, .r.aal TTnnnllllO. H. 1.

Palace Kerosene Oil the bigtyest test oi, in the market. Vulcan aud Klectrio Kero-c.n- A

Oila. L.anl Oil in barrels f , o Oil. Albany GompouudSecretaries of Societies and Heads of Departments are

solicited to make returns of their officers, Compilers aimMACACLEY Commander ' " " ianu c&cH, pycim j -. - naMf. . , , ,

TeleDhone So. 46. P-- O. Box S.i numoago, etc., waivaui-tt-i- i i rlftin Cut and Wrought Iron J5a.Vf,t, 'fitSor- -110la24.d38 Leaves every Friday at s a. m. lor Kiunae,

Oahu, and Hanalel and Kilauea. Kauai, Return- - ueing correcuic&o uuu cuctuuu.Advertising Space Limited-Lar- ge CirculationReed's Felt team Pipe

and Boiler Covering.if

THE , V...iroom . ' . nritnnrt Wire Cliths, ueniruugfu r.0-- .

"w TTGuaranteed.tig, imVC9 J1HIIIUCI mm, T

touching at Waialua ana Wnianae Wednesdays,and arrtvlnj? at Koaolulu aam day.

STEAMER JAMES MAKEE,,ih-- w " iiuivanizeu i"i" . . , .,1 Knr nnu. I. Ak. liunr,

r, Four Faiid-- Patent KubUer vaiveBlake Tump Company. . , r.,i.-;nf-r round. . souare 1flntftUGREAT REAL ESTATE

WEIR Commander23 "A" TENTS, (suitable for camp-

ing and surveying parties.)113 'I

. ANDstyles, Ann a, ies, uyaraauo . . Hon..n . Culliator8,d Br a nS !,,MoUs80 Furrowngboas pto. yet;

LEWIS & and Retail C9

67 and 09 Hotel street. F. O. Box 297. Old and New TfOCerS,NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED ON ICE. Fresh California Fruilephone, 210.

WU1 run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. R. FOSTER, Fresident.

J. na, secretary.






r1- -

Ices--fiefieral Business tETIEEKA !

and a full line of Faucy and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all partid TnaM Cauforuia Fish- - OFof the city free of c.iar?eAND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED

73 apio

Cait Axles aShocg Machine Bolts, all Mzea and

Mattocks lie a ,Pick and Ax nders, nardware- -B full line,lengths, a full and superior hue of Shelf x

u fcl d,Staples Tacks Bra 'pL0s, Buts. Screws, Hinges, 0il.

o the mostWe have received consignmentJ. E. WISEMAN,

IIOXOLUtU, II. I.Economical ai.J vaiuaoie xeeu

kinds of Stock, vi.:Bailey's Patents, etc., Machinists- - tuu. - ,THE HONOLULU KJgVoEKS CO.

Have eoinpleteU nna oireg 'pT. . 1.Boilers. ix:



STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commanoet),


(tKblishcl IH79.)iiwrr- -

oUed a.,a Ka.WMU Lea and Zinc, IUVU,

Tnipentlne, Patent t a .aaHety S'wr1TAIR C0MIWrnnii-wa- v Boiler. 19ft. 6in.x6ft

It is the greatest Flesh former, Milk andButter producer In use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 7 per cent, of na

trltlve matter; this nearly 3 per ceBt.

15ft.6in.x6ft.CUSSD STEEL BOILUjIVO iTbUrBoUer.Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,. v. t . Afuolan Malcena. Mahu--

iXombination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. 0 in.ivut:uiiK ' - 'kona.KawaihaeLaupahoehoe. Hllo and Keauhou:.

The follewin varlious branches of bualuess will

enable the public on the Islands and from abroad

to gain general Information on all matters In thefollowing departments: "

Real Estate DepartmentCommencing on aiunuAi,ociuui-- r

thence on the first Monday following the .m . ttMU1nll anil i.Vurlnnuu c - . rv .. fin'?

100 ls. ol this meal Is equal to 300 fcs. of oats,to 77 B. of wheat bran.or 318 . of corn, or

For Sale in Lots to Suit.

Lamps, Lanterns, a large variety, oiaiiouei x, -

BLUE DENIMS, 3, 9 and 10 oz. at bottom tes. , . -

FINE RED SALMON, in barrels.

BEN I CI A MILLS Family Flour.

CRUSHED and GRANULATED SUGAR, in half barrels.


1 Combination Steel Roller, 12 ft. x 4 ft., alsoand 22d of each month: . "VvTA-fan'irri-


The steamer Klna- r- A little' the 8tuTRIP. reachr r.Tii- - JWirt " 1 Second-Hai- ul Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.Aloo. omrxVY" MIXED FEED, as well as

V.r--,,.- w kinds ofBuys and sells Heal Estate W all parts of the insr. elv,' ' rf.age, careiuie lhe VOLCANO, AfRT-P-. tor- - vra"-- ' and SUou on Wednef ay morn- -.. 41i( I'OSt'j '--"" ' .1rJtE,t.rt davs and two nights at ApDiy to The lionoinin xruupanyValues Real Estate roTm iux.. fe Boar3lsuhnrbs. J i ...,-- ! . I ier ieamIiip, oar vjiual sxipply of tue "&mmia of the month fall onRents and leases . Depart'


- i a. " w t jk w vv rill ri A. . " GEO. MGELHAEDT, 86 t(VOLCANO, ne " 'trenci Rooms audOffice WilUv ALL CHARGES a . SundayLAINE &, CO.

IS tf The Kinau wlW 1" triD8. wUlmoraines on voicwnu -- ; Saturdayand returnTuesdays,ue llonolulu onw - tM.pers oi btvij -

is,ii..TL .da. lite." Formerly wliU Samuel Xott.

Importer and Dealer inPASSENGER TRAINS will connect vlth the

- . o , fTnnnkiilA BUQBONE MEAL!Employxaexit DepartmentFinds Employment in all branches of Industry

connected with the Islands.The Klnair wiuj iVL,Jfrom HHo for Passengers

Paauhau en down trips WILDER fe C

IMPORTERS AND DEALERS INIf K signal is maue iruiu o.- -. -

Stoves, Chandeliers, Lamps, Crockery and Glassware.General Business Elntters

. . .itAyi: "Rilla. loans BONE MEAL!!Tfeeo Books ana accouuis, - .

CoalSTEADIER LIKELIKE.(Lorenzen, Commander;, LniTiber andt

BONE MEAL!!House Furnishing Hardware,

Agate, Iron anil Tinware.

Agent for Hall's Safe and Lock Company.. . r 1 . K b M tOl'

or invest Moneys. Fenmanship, ngross.n,all Winds of Copying done.

Life Insurance.AdertuTements and correspondence attended to.information of every description connected

from abroad fjllywith the Islands cominganswered.

nnntnm House Broker.

Leaves Honolulu every fc7 Hana Oils, Glass, Mattlofti x itbWARK. Paints..Kaunaltaxa .iwanuiu. verv Doors, Sash'and Blinds. All kinds of m - ; Rp,.rlor to Iron, and com but mand Klpanuiu . f. ,ie above Cement ; . r..Corrugated Iron. Portland WHnjrt-t- yntner woea. nriuuiiHM r..

171.4-- C2'r-r3- T: I ninreports, arriving dbch owj -

tor malls and passengers only.

Beaver dliv .The nndersi(?ned re now prepared to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer

Irom the manufactory of Buck A Ohlandt

San Francisco:


(Welsbarth, Commander).

for Paauban, Koholalele,Wm leave regularlyOokala, Kukaiiu, Honohina, Lanpahoehoe, Haka-la- u

and OnomeaThe following if a report of the eompo- -

s ime at a small commission.

Company in the world.

AGENT for theBallway otbreft Brllntjourneying " 'J

Tii America. Travelers


obUined by Chemical analynent parts, aa

sis: No More Darkness.rvTS' full fashionedOv.e hundred dozrn

socks.Amevica will nnand mo.stdelghtfua. fJ?Vlx Palace

ved.ex MAKTIIA DAVIS, from Boston,8.10 per cent

" "29.18" "4.65 Morley's of Lonilon "

Downer's Kerosene Oil.At 25 eeuta per iir.


(Uavies. Commander i

Wllllfave regularly for same ports as KilaueaHou.


WaterOrganic MatterSiiicioui Matter..limePhosphoric Acid. .

Oxide of IronCarbonic Acid.Alkali Salt


. .85

cIKm knd mells along the trip,?oLl atnUotfrom Employees and reason,

excel fare no route can

AGENT for the

iiionoiuiii Ky wi"r" ,,oueabroad willcompaniesManagers ol tlrst-clas- s

ad4rMs me for terms, etc.

( tt COTIOS BOSK, at.u;LAD1F.Sone dozen needed.,ong ana silk clocked-n-- v.r

of Brussels,' tx. T.raLib'1.89


100.00"Louvre WCrW 1 T"' Xll, L"T

Standard Kerosene Oil.

Water White Kerosene Oil.



Fort Street.W. teb23

Kitrogen 2.7 per cnt. McGregor, Coinmar.aeri.

leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. - ,or

Kanakal. Kamalo. Pukoo.LahalnaPelekunu and Kalaupapa

Puk'oo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning.

DEPARTMEKTS.Itenl Ete Broker.

Cuatoin IIoa lirolker.Tfonry BroKer.


Kx Lizzie Iredale,ROYAL CLUB GIN,

Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.N. CURRY & BROTHER,air The Company will not be responsible for

. . V nnluo. rrvnainted for. norOrders Beceived will have Prompt?or personal baggage



- -- - .

responsioie mr i""" .-- "

Iron WorkCwill be taken of imported into the King-th- e

All possible care "'fj" finest quality everCompany will not J.-f-c Aom, and for sale by

AND DEALERS ISIMPORTFRS and Pistols, Colt, Winchester.Kennedy aud Marlin Magazine Uifl.-- s Amints

and Ballard Sporting Fifleswn Rhp.rps ;

Colt, Parker a" R10for W. W. Greener,Double Guns, Colt andBreech-loadin- g

Wesson Pistols. 2f. CURRY BBO.,l g"B0some street, San Francisco, Cal.

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet

fire uaInru--" .employ men Aicn.

BallroiMl Aent nd(jeueritl llnsineM Aicen



8tmyo-8- 0

and Careful Attention.

W. G. Irwin & Co.,

AKenta or the Hawaiian Islands.5tl

h. ROSE. Secretory. L0VEJ0Y & CO.,No. 15 Nuuanu street.OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.

412 dec23


