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Safe drinking water for everyone?

Safe drinking water for everyone? By Katharina, Clara, Frederik and LucasOverview

1. Drinking water facts worldwide

2. How to get clean water/ possible solutions

3. Diseases caused by polluted water

4. Charity work for safe drinking water


1. Drinking water facts worldwide 97 % of the water on earth is salt water

Water covers 70,9% of the earths surface

30% of fresh water is in the ground

Its a fact that 97% of the water on earth is salt water. It covers also 70,9% of the earths surface and only 30% of the fresh water is in the ground.3

1. Drinking water facts worldwide Water makes up between 55-78% of a humans body weight

68,7% of the fresh water on earth is trapped in glaciers

Water makes up between 55-78% of a humans body weight and 68,7% of the fresh water on earth is trapped in glaciers.42. How to get clean water

1. Boiling water

1. Place the water you wish to purify into a pot. Place the pot on the stove and turn the stove on to high. When water boils, any bacteria that may have been living in it will be killed, thus ensuring that you do not get sick when you drink the water.If you are in the wilderness when you need to purify your water, build a fire to boil your pot on. If you do not have pot, you can use any container that is fire-proof.

2. Watch for rolling bubbles. When bubbles begin to appear, it means that the water is boiling. Let the bubbles continue for a solid five minutes for the heat to have the most effect upon any bacteria that may have been living in the water.Boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes will kill off 99.9% of any organisms living in the water. It also removes most chemicals by vaporizing them. However, be aware that boiling the water will not remove solids, metals, or minerals.

3. Remove the pot from the heat. Use caution when handling the pot and water as they are, as you may have guessed, very hot.

4. Let the water sit and settle. You do not need to do this if you are boiling water that came from a tap and you feel sure that there are no solid items, minerals, or metals in the water. If you let the water settle, any items in the water will sink to the bottom naturally, allowing you to drink the pure water from the top.

52. How to get clean water2. Using purification tablets

1. Use purification tablets or drops. You can purchase these drops or tablets at sporting goods and adventure stores. Keep in mind that this is not the best tasting method, but protection from bacteria is worth a bitter taste in your mouth.

2. Strain the water if it has large particles floating around in it. You can do this by pouring the water through a cloth and into the bottle or container that you will be purifying your water in. The cloth acts as a strainer that removes the particles floating in the water.

3. Place the tablets in the water. If your tablets or drops came with instructions, follow these now. In general, you will want to use one tablet for each quart or litre of water you wish to purify. Be aware that these tablets generally have an expiration date. If you use them after this date, they are much less likely to be effective. Always check the bottle before using these tablets.

4. Mix the tablets into the water until they dissolve. They must be completely dissolved so that they can mix most effectively with the water you are purifying. Wait 30 minutes before drinking the water, as the tablets need that time to effectively kill any bacteria in the water.62. How to get clean water3. Creating a purifying system in the wilderness

1. Form a cone out of a strip of bark. Birch bark, or a bark similar to it, is best for creating this filtering system because it is flexible but will keep its shape. Keep in mind that this method will not fully purify the water, but it will reduce the amount of microbes in the water. This method should only be used in extreme emergencies.

2. Layer the cone. Wildwood Survival suggests layering the cone with sand, charcoal, grass, and gravel (or small rocks.) Charcoal is especially good for removing bacteria. If you had fire, crush up some of the burnt pieces of wood.

3. Pour the water through the cone and into a container. Do this several times to increase the amount of purification that occurs. Again, this method does not guarantee purification, but it will remove a good deal of the contaminants in the water.7

Using SUPER SAND to clean water. Using sand already an old strategy.

BUT Coating the sand with an oxide of GRAPHITE will purify water more quickly and effectively than ever before. Billions of people lack access to clean drinking water and researchers are constantly searching for cost-effective ways to purify water for rural villages and developing areas. A team of researchers has come up with just such a possible solution using "super sand," or sand coated in an oxide of graphite. Using sand to purify water is already an old strategy, but researchers from Rice University in Texas think that by coating it with graphite, the "super sand" will purify water more quickly and effectively than ever before.

The BBC reports that coarse sand doesn't purify as well as fine sand, but fine sand purifies very slowly as water percolates through. The new process could harness the best qualities of both.

The research team dispersed graphite oxide into water and mixed it with regular sand. The mix is heated up to 105 degrees Celsius for a couple hours to rid the mix of excess water, and Voila! Super sand.


Seeds of the MIRACLE TREE to clean water. Extracts of the seeds of the miracle tree (Moringa oleifera) contain positively charged proteins which can kill microbes. Researchers from Pennsylvania State University knew that earlier studies showed that a substance from the seeds of the miracle tree, or Moringa oleifera, was able to clean water, but that the processes used in those studies were either too expensive or not feasible for producing water which could be stored.

The team set out to develop a less expensive and simpler way of using the miracle tree's seeds to purify and clean drinking water that would also be more sustainable.

Their new study found that by using an extract of the Moringa seed (containing the positively charged protein) to bind to sediment and kill microbes, in conjunction with negatively charged sand, they were able to produce potable and storable water without expensive or complicated technology.


BICYCLE water purifier to clean water. Filter water through pedaling!

Water will be pumped into the system and passes trough a series of micro-filtration membranes.

"Japanese company Nippon Basic created a durable bicycle equipped with a water purifier. The bicycle allows users to filter water through pedaling, enabling access to clean water for those in remote villages and disaster zones. Equipped with non-puncture tires, a pump and hoses, riders can commute to water sources, lower the hose into the source (the hose can siphon water as deep as five meters), raise the bicycle up on its stand thus lifting the rear wheel off the ground, and start pedaling.

As the user rides, water is pumped into the system and passes through a series of micro-filtration membranes before its stored in a container.


Water from the AIRA machine that makes clean water out of the airThe EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG)

Works best at 50% percent humidity. Less effective in winter.

Up to 28 liters a day!Imagine a machine that makes clean water out of the air. It might sound crazy, but it exists, and you can get one for your home. It's name? The EcoloBlue Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG).

The unit features a stainless steel tank, biodegradable plastics, and a filtration system that produces water that tests better than most purified water systems you can buy.

The AWGs work best at 50 percent humidity, so they're perfect for reducing the effects of those hot, sticky summer days and nights. The down side, of course, is they're not as effective in the winter months when humidity levels are lower. But the nice thing about these units is they will produce water as long as humidity levels are at 30 percentand if they're not, you can hook it up to a water source so your drinking water is still filtered.


Hydro leaf Clean water through SOLAR ENERGY

Here is an interesting concept for rainwater catchment. Created by Mostafa Bonakdar, a design student from Tehran, Iran, the structure is both a shelter during rain as well as a drinking fountain. It features both solar power and rainwater collection, with the solar power running a purification system inside. The structure can act as a bus shelter, a cover for benches in the park, or a number of other locations where both an awning and a bit of fresh water are welcome.

Perhaps the shelters could be temporary, installed during springtime when the weather varies enough to offer rain one day, and a warm day the next. Or it could be set up to release extra water into the ground after a certain duration in the tank -- after all, it'd take quite a bit of energy to constantly filter and sterilize the water held in the tank, which means the solar panel would have to be incredibly efficient or quite a bit larger than pictured here.

123. Diseases caused by polluted waterDiarrhoeaLoose watery poo

Contaminated food/water

Acute diarrhoea a couple of days

Chronic diarrhoea more than 2 weeks Dehydration

Southeast Asia and Africa 8,5%-7,7% of all deaths

1998 2,2 million people died

Diarrhoea is loose watery poo several times, which may be reffered to as tools. You may have it after eating contaminated food or contaminated water. There are two types of diarrhoea. The first one is acute diarrhoea and it comes on suddenly and lasts for no longer than a couple of days. The other one is chronic diarrhoea and this one requires medical care and it lasts more than two weeks.In Southeast Asia and Africa it is responsible for 8.5% and 7.7% of all deaths respectively. In 1998 it was estimated to have killed 2.2 million people, most of whom where under 5 years old (WHO, 2000).133. Diseases caused by polluted waterHepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a viral illness of the liver, which is primarily spread by eating and drinking contaminated food and water.Symptoms usually occur within 2 and 5 weeks of exposure and may include malaise, fever, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Other signs that are seen are dark colored urine, light colored stools and jaundice.The highest risk areas of the world for hepatitis A infection include: the Indian subcontinent (in particular, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal), Africa, parts of the Far East (except Japan), South and Central America, and the Middle East.143. Diseases caused by polluted waterPoliomyelitis

In 1988 there were a lot of countries that had to deal with polio, especially the countries in Africa and Asia.But in 2012, almost the whole world has eliminated polio.153. Diseases caused by polluted waterPoliomyelitisViral disease causes muscle weakness and paralysis

Infection by contaminated water of food

Two types of polio vaccine: trivalent oral polio vaccine and inactivated polio vaccine

Polio is a viral disease which may affect the spinal cord causing muscle weakness and paralysis.Polio is spread when the stool of an infected person is introduced into the mouth of another person through contaminated water or food.Patients are most infectious from seven to ten days before and after the onset of symptoms. However, patients are potentially contagious as long as the virus is present in the throat and feces.Complications include paralysis, most commonly of the legs. Paralysis of the muscles of breathing and swallowing can be fatal. There are two types of polio vaccine: trivalent oral polio vaccine (tOPV), given by mouth, and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV), given as an injection.


4. Charity work for safe drinking waterCharity:water

Clean and safe drinking water people in developing countries

100% public donations

20 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean

Charity:water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. Founded in 2006, it has helped fund 6,611 projects in 20 countries, benefiting over 2,545,000 people. Overall, the organization has raised over $40 million as of January 15, 2012.17

4. Charity work for safe drinking waterWateraid

Non-profit organisation

Works in 27 countries worldwide

Clean water safe toilets and hygienic education WaterAid is an international non-profit organisation that was first set up as a response to the UN International Drinking Water & Sanitation decade (19811990). WaterAid works in 27 countries worldwide, transforming millions of lives every year with clean water, safe toilets and hygiene education.WaterAid works with local partners to help communities make toilets and taps accessible to all, and uses its experience and research to influence decision-makers to do more to provide these vital services.18