Download - Sacred Times - March 2011



Welcome to this month’s Sacred Times. Firstly, I like to thank everyone who sent emails congratulating us on our

new mag and to also thank those who shared their appreciation with Camille at Sacred Source. We truly

appreciated hearing your thoughts and comments and when we get a moment we will put them up on the Sacred

Times website for everyone to enjoy! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

So, onto this month’s edition...

It is jammed packed full with articles on Mother Earth. With everything happening in and around us at the

moment we felt it important to bring together a collection of information about the earth and how we can all play

a much bigger role in the journey. From foods that boost your immune system to truly inspiring poetry that will

make your spirit soar, to personal stories of beautiful triumph we are very blessed to have a whole community of

very gifted writers who have graciously and generously given of their time and shared their experiences with us so

we may all remember, connect and grow.

We have crystals to connect you, essences to ground you, astrology to keep you on your toes and music to bring

you joy. I hope you find plenty to connect with and enjoy this month as we connect to our Mother - the Earth.

In this Issue

Sacred Scribe - The Earth. Our Mother.

Health Food - garlic heals and cleansers all cells

Health Exercise - the Liver Qi exercise

Health Nutrition - the energy cleansing bath

Healing - How the earth help us to heal

Stay in Tune - A musical tribute to Mother Earth

Earthly Treasures - Magic with Crystals

Rainbow Child - Mother Earth

Sacred Journeys - Finding the Key

Up in the Skies - Fasten your seat belts

Poetic Justice - Nunshead Reviseted

Under the Starlight - Quartz, Hematite, Calcite &

Pyrite Cluster from Sichuan province, China

Enjoy the month of March!!!

Much love and many blessings,

Julianne xxx


Did you know that earth and heart carry the

same vibration in numerology? If you put

the H a the end of earth in front of earth it

spells heart?

They both are 5 letters, those 5 letters total

to 25, the vibration number is: 7

7 was considered to be “God’s secret

number” in ancient times.

Life develops in multiples of 7

7 colours of the rainbow

7 notes of the octave

7 days of the week


The Earth. Our Mother.

As the rain continues to fall in Melbourne, where I live,

I reflect upon the truly amazing start we have had to

2011. Cyclones. Earthquakes. Floods. You can’t help

but be drawn into conversations about our ‘weird’

weather or begin to wonder what on ‘earth’ is


Yes, Earth is what is happening. It seems our great

mother is taking back control and helping us to connect

back with her once more.

Yes, our Mother. Our Earth. Sometimes I am sure we

all truly forget that we are merely passengers, free-

loaders if you will, riding on the back of this amazing

planet as it makes its way through space. I am sure that

we forget that we have no control over this ‘majestic

beast’ and that the best we can do is hang on tight and

enjoy the ride!

Just like our own mother, good bad or otherwise…

mother earth has many lessons to teach us. Some of

them are easy lessons like don’t stay under the sun for

extended periods without any sunscreen, others…are

not so easy – like, open your heart and help someone

you don’t know. Through every ‘tragedy’ we are

taught to connect. We are taught to open our hearts

ever greater and let another being in. We are taught

how to put others before ourselves, how to love

beyond our current capabilities and how to give more

and more and more.

Just like a huge family unit we are all in this together.

We have all chosen, consciously or not, to be here at

this time and at this place. We are all somehow

connected – whether we know that or believe that or

not. And…just like a huge family unit, there are things

that you do together that you like and things that you

‘seemingly have to do’ that you don’t. And…just like a

huge family unit with one mother at the helm,

sometimes she can be justified when dishing out her

‘punishment’ and other times she seems to have gone

‘overboard’ and over- reacted.

But…through everything she is our mother and in an

ideal world we love her and forgive her and accept that

what she is ‘dishing out’ is for our highest good.

But…do we live in an ideal world? Do we even think of

the earth as our mother? Do we even believe she is

living and breathing under our feet? So, just like a ‘real

family’ – our relationship with mother earth has its


Some of us don’t have a relationship with the earth.

We take it for granted that we have air to breathe,

earth beneath our feet, water to drink and the sun to

keep us warm. We don’t stop to think that none of

what is being provided is our birth right. Sure, we are

very blessed to have these things, but they are not

ours to own or to do with as we will. We are merely

house guests and as such we don’t have many rights at

all. In fact, as house guests, most of us have probably

over-stayed our welcome!!!

Those of us that don’t have a relationship with the

earth may feel angry and upset at what they bear

witness to. They may feel that they are being

victimised, hard done by and that the outlook is truly

bleak. They may not see the rising up of the human

spirit, the truly amazing rescues, communities coming

together to help each other, people giving of

themselves for the greater good of all. continued


They may not see the love that is pouring out all over

the planet – all because of these so called ‘tragedies’.

Those of us that recognise the fact that we are indeed

blessed to be living on such a ‘majestic beast’ and that

we have so many glorious earthly things at our disposal

enjoy a much greater stay on the back of our mother.

We understand that the earth is ‘shifting’. She is

moving us through space and navigating her way

through a very ‘challenging’ time. We understand that

she is ‘birthing herself anew.’ We know that we have

some labour pains to endure and that it will all be

worth it in the end.

Those of us that do connect and live in harmony with

the earth understand that this is a very exciting and

truly wonderful time to be alive. We understand and

accept that those lives that are ‘lost’ have merely

chosen to move on and meet us ‘on the other side’ as

it were. We also understand that the only way through

this is through our heart. Our head won’t understand,

cannot possibly understand and when any fear arises,

because we have got ‘caught into’ the mass energy of

fear and despair, we simply take a breath and connect

deep within our heart and know that everything is

unfolding perfectly.

So…this is a great time to be upon the earth. Never

before have we experienced what we are about to

experience. And…never before has the earth shifted in

such a way. Each and every one of us can shift with

her, can ride on her back and be protected and safe if

we choose. Or we can fight her every step of the way,

get angry and upset and waste a lot of energy that

could be better served to help each other to live in

harmony and to remind each other that we are here to

bear witness to a very ‘grand event’ .

My wish for you is that you remember why you are

here at this time, in this place, with the people that you

are with. And…then when you remember, my wish is

that you help those people standing alongside you to

remember and that they in turn help those standing

alongside them – for we are one huge family unit and it

would be truly great if we all stood together to enjoy,

what will be, the most amazing ride of our lives!!!

- Sacred Scribe written by Julianne Dowse

Grounding Essence

This essence helps us to be grounded on the

earth plane. It will help anchor information so

we may integrate it into our lives. It helps us to

be open to receive and to be connected to the

earth. It is especially helpful for people who feel

‘scattered’ with their energies.

Flower Essences: Sydney Rose

Base: Purified Water, Brandy

How to use: Place 7 drops under your tongue

and allow the remedy to be absorbed.

Essences are generally taken morning and night

for a 2 week period however this essence may

be taken as needed.

Sacred Essence -

Grounding Essence

Buy Online $14.95


Nunshead Revisited

By Michelle Neeling

Sharp jewels have been sacrificed

To the cold concrete slab

Where once my body thawed,

Waiting to pierce me like

The crucible of intoxicants that forced

The warmth from my insides out.

Seeing us, false fears unmanifested,

The other worldly allowed us access,

Knowing the journey was just one way.

Our images, enshrouded by darkness,

Were encapsulated within startled crows’ eyes

And carried away by wings beating the inky sky.

Branded by muddy paw prints from the underworld,

Tattooed with the inevitable teardrops of the gods,

We stepped boldly beyond

The boundaries of our living experience,

Braving a world of moss and stone

Where comprehension is beyond the uninitiated.

Till that night, that night of nights,

The door that creaked open

Had forever before slammed shut.

But having found the secret password,

We stretched through clinging cobwebs

That divide the living and the dead.

So heartily had they sought solace while

Bearing the consoling falsehoods of peaceful slumber,

That ancestors of old filled us now,

Though not with the rigors of mortis,

And our bodies became vehicles for sensations lost

On the unlit path from here to eternity.

Was it they who had been dead, or we?

Senses touched by excessive unuse awoken –

Raindrops on leaves symphonic,

Port a fornication of angels,

A flash of light like fireworks,

The scent of life dizzily sweet.

Imbued with death, we came to life,

Injuries welcome reminders of our endowments.

Trivialities were thrust to the forefront

And things of importance faded to the grey

Of headstones glaring under sporadic orange light,

Boasting lies like Rest in Peace.

This poem is about a magical night, some

years ago, when my friends and I snuck

into a London cemetery, late on a cold,

rainy night, and sat for hours talking

about life, death and the universe.



Food - Garlic heals and cleansers all cells Garlic is a pure probiotic which beats, hands down, any known

pharmaceutical antibiotic. It promotes circulation and sweating, inhibits

viruses, eliminates worms and unfavorable bacteria including Candida

Albicans. For the common cold, sore throats and sinus headaches, hold a

clove of garlic in the mouth of at least 15 minutes and then consume it.

- source Farmacist Desk Reference, Don Tolman

Exercise - the Liver Qi exercise This exercise helps promote normal liver function and is best

performed first thing in the morning.

1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Place your right hand

on the right side of your body so that your palm lies at the base

of your rib cage

2. Push your hand across the front of your body following the line

of the lower rib bones. Rub up towards the sternum and then

down the left side following the lower ribs of the left side. The

heel of your hand should exert pressure on the skin as you rub.

3. Rubbing right to left is one turn. Repeat the exercise 36 times

- Qigong healing technique

Cleanse - energy cleansing bath

Pour all ingredients into the bath as you are filling it with warm water and soak for

20 minutes. Bathe as often as you like.


1/2 cup of bicarb soda

1/2 cup of Himalayan rock salt (pink)

10 drop of Sage Essential Oil (100% pure)

- Himalayan rock salt and Sage essential oil are available from Sacred Source


How the earth helps us to heal - by Gary Dowse

The earth is our mother and she loves us very much,

she holds the wisdom of the ages and like our real

mum she can help us heal.

Every soul on the planet, whether you are throwing

stones and fighting for freedoms in the middle east,

helping to search for survivor's New Zealand or simply

reading this magazine you are having an experience.

These experiences turn into stories we tell. If that story

takes on significant emotional energy then every time

we tell it, think about or go over it we wrap the

emotional energy of the story around us like a rope.

This “rope like” emotional energy traps and binds us

and can lead to pain, illness and stagnation. And.. just

like stagnant water it can become a festering ground

for disease.

In order to heal we need then to be able to release or

transform the energy and change the story we tell.

One way Shaman’s use to release the story and bring

healing in (and something I often give my client’s to do)

is to create a “sand painting” in the earth and let the

earth transform it into wisdom.

Using only objects found in nature we want to create a

large outer circle in a safe and protected place on the

earth. Stones or twigs work well for this however use

your own intuition to create your sacred circle.

Inside the circle you want to create a painting, using

items gathered from nature that represent the story

you want to release. Again, follow your intuition and

keep adjusting the painting as need be.

Often, just by creating the painting, we get the wisdom

of the story coming through. Trust yourself.

Visit your painting regularly, see what changes have

occurred, make any changes you feel drawn to make,

listen and let mother earth bring the wisdom of the

story through for you.

The sand painting can stay active for about a week but

it may just be a couple of days. When it’s time, you will

know, to dissemble it, you may wish to gather any

burnable objects and take them to fire ceremony*.

Return the rest to nature leaving no evidence that a

sand painting was there. Most important is to enjoy

the process, connect to mother earth and allow her to

help you heal.

*We hold fire ceremony each month, find out more in April edition.


A Musical Tribute to Mother Earth - by Caroline Neeling

Gustav Mahler wrote the epic Das Lied von der Erde – The Song of the Earth – in 1908, and used ancient Chinese poetry as the lyrics and inspiration for the six movements (six sections) in this piece. The hour-long orchestral work could never be described as ‘cheerful’ music, but, to me at least, is gloriously beautiful, vast and sweeping as befits the subject matter.

Mahler (1860-1911) is said to have been ‘enamoured with the vision of earthly beauty and transience’ expressed in the Chinese verses he quoted, and summarised his feelings in the two lines of text he wrote for the finale of the piece: “The beloved Earth blooms forth everywhere in Spring, and becomes green anew! Everywhere and endlessly blue shines the horizon! Endless... endless..."

Mahler is not a name that would spring to mind for many people if asked to name a classical composer. But his music typifies the ‘Romantic’ period (music from around 1825 to 1910) in its use of heightened emotion, lush orchestration and sweeping melodic lines.

Conductor Bruno Walter made a particularly lovely recording of Das Lied von der Erde with soprano Kathleen Ferrier and the Wiener Philharmoniker (Vienna Philharmonic), on the Decca label, LP LXT 2721-2722, which you might enjoy!

Another work which should be mentioned here is Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony, The Pastorale, not only because it celebrates the beauty of Mother Earth in many of her guises, but because Beethoven himself spent so much time in nature, composing not at a desk or at a piano as many composers were/are wont to do, but whilst out walking. He would bring a notebook with him and jot down ideas as they came through, inspired by what he could see, hear and smell outdoors.

Beethoven was not always the most congenial person, and he struggled in society as he gradually went deaf, a cruel fate for a musician. People took his deafness for aloofness, and put his musical explorations and innovations down to the fact that he couldn’t hear the music, not understanding that his ‘inner hearing’ was of course highly developed, that he understood every note, every harmony, perfectly.

Regardless, the first movement of the Sixth Symphony (a symphony is a work for orchestra) shows him in a happy frame of mind; indeed, he inscribed the first movement with the words ‘Erwachen heiterer Empfindungen bei der Ankunft auf dem Lande’ (Awakening of cheerful feelings upon arrival in the country). If you listen to this symphony you will hear a thunderstorm, birdcalls and peasant songs and dances, and Beethoven at his most amiable. The Sixth is a good place to start if Beethoven is a new composer to you, along with his Moonlight Sonata and the mighty Ninth Symphony, which contains the famous Ode to Joy.

Happy listening!

Caroline teaches private piano lessons via appointment - m: 0431 448 111

Musical Note

The sound the Earth makes in her flight of

spherical music around our Merry Old Sol, the

sun, is in the key of G to Gb/F# as it was recorded

by NASA astronauts. In bible times this was know

as the Key of David.


Have you found lately, that you just can’t get yourself motivated and connecting to your angels

and guides have become difficult?

Are you feeling stuck and your head is running at a fast pace all the time?

Try this grounding meditation with your favourite crystal.

You will need: Rose quartz, Hematite & piece of granite or lucky stones, “Sacred Essence” Grounding Flower

Essence, soft music.

Be seated in a quiet place away from noise or disturbances.

Outside in the garden is really nice. Sit with no shoes on. Feet

planted on the ground. Place 7 drops of the grounding flower

essence under tongue. Place a piece of Hematite and a piece

of granite or lucky stone at your feet. Hold your crystal in your

palm, (rose quartz is a very calming and a feeling of love) relax

your hand in your lap.

Take 3 deep breaths. Now imagine a beautiful golden ball of

energy above your head. Breathe in this energy down through

the top of your head, and take it down through your feet

taking it down deep into the ground, down to the heart of

Mother Earth and her powerful crystals. Take time to breathe

this and be in the now.

Next, notice the feelings and sensations you are receiving from

your crystal in your hand. Imagine or visualise the energy

travelling up your arm connecting to your heart chakra. Take

this sacred time to connect deeply with this soft energy that is

flowing through you.

Stay here for as long as you feel you need to be. When you’re

ready, take 3 deep breaths and slowly open your eyes….

Download a free Healing Meditation.mp3 to use with your

crystals as mentioned above.

Magic with Crystals - by Kerry Grezl

When: Fri 25th, Sat 26th & Sun 27th March 2011

Where: Way Way Lodge Macksville, Mid North Coast, N.S.W

Investment: $555.00 includes accommodation

2 x lunches & 2x dinners, workshops & classes

Ph: 0423 498 674 or visit

"Merlins Castle" Quartz with crystal slither on

top. Tiny slithers inside. A ancient place to retreat to.

Buy online Price: $25.00


Mother Earth

The Mother; an oracle of all our dreaming

She holds no religion, yet holds firm for all life and the rhythm of


With feet naked I AM with her

Mother grows around me in the continuum

She proves life

She births every miracle from the depth of her being

expand in her ocean

breathe in her air

Emerge with her seasons

Gaia, an ancient guide to our inner growing

The Mother who provides a playground for our children to

imagine and dream.

Written by: Rachel Shields


heartbeat of Mother Earth, her beautiful healing energy, the living pulse of ancient wisdom, the rhythms of life itself. I can see the Moon and the Stars so clearly up here without all those bright lights, and am learning to work with and respect the cycles of Mother Earth. Summer, Winter, Spring and Autumn, and the significance of these seasons both practically and for my spiritual journey. The path of the Moon through the skies, and Her influence on the food I grow, the garden I am building, and the moods and emotions I experience. The sounds of total, palpable quiet, when it seems as if all of nature has hushed so I can hear another secret. The birds building nests in the trees in my backyard, feeding and protecting their babies and then launching them for flight. The fierce protectiveness of mama cows bellowing to keep inquisitive passers-by away from their just dropped calves. A horse whinnying in the wind in the paddock next door. Watching the sun follow its seasonal path along the horizon from south east in the height of summer to north east at winter’s peak. It seems I am reminded daily of the unlimited abundance and majesty of Mother Earth and how, like a child, I am held in Her arms. One of my greatest delights is to stand with my feet in the grass under this amazing spreading tree on the way to the local dairy, and feel its comforting, ancient, healing energy. So, for me, this gift of being in Nature has indeed been the key to deeper connection with the Divine Mother. Quietening down, learning to live with the ancient rhythms of life, learning to trust my heart and my instincts, and to love and honour myself as I move more into harmony with Her, coming to understand my one-ness with Her. And it is becoming very naturally reciprocal. The more I take Her love into me, the more my love and gratitude flows out of me into Her. I send Her my love, my deep, deep thanks; I send Her healing and blessings … and I feel Her loving kiss as we dance together above the rainforest.

A few years ago, as I was seeking guidance for how to connect more deeply with the Divine Goddess, the Divine Mother, a wise woman told me to “go and spend time in nature; be in nature”. I felt so frustrated, because this did not seem to be the quick solution that my fiery, breakneck speed, Sagittarian head craved. I wanted the secret elixir, the magic formula that would somehow slough off all my doubts and fears, fill me with divine knowing and set me on the path to walking daily in divine bliss. But funnily enough, that advice has indeed proved to be the magic potion my soul craved. However, as with all things worth pursuing, it is taking time – and time is one of the things I find there is plenty of. I don’t need to rush this journey. One of my greatest blessings is to stand where I am for now, sometimes looking at where I’ve come from, sometimes dreaming about how I want to shape my next steps; giving thanks; letting my soul’s yearnings have their voice; celebrating; shedding a tear; sharing a loving embrace; sometimes feeling lost and then always found again. Since receiving that wise lady’s advice, my life has undergone some profound changes. In the last two years especially I’ve experienced some of the deepest changes both in my life circumstances and in my spiritual life. About 18 months ago I finally found the courage to leave an intense corporate job after more than 16 years and follow my heart’s leading: to work in healing using Reiki and other energy therapies, and pursue my artistic interests. I sold my home in the city and began the transition to my current beautiful life - living with the man of my dreams in the most gorgeous little rural town on the mid-north coast of New South Wales, working as a Reiki/natural energies practitioner and exploring my passion for fibre arts, particularly felting. Coming here to this paradise – perched on the eastern escarpment of the Great Dividing Range on the edge of Gondwanaland rainforest – has given me the key to the mystery of the advice given to me by that wise woman. Up here, I have had time and space to connect with nature in ways beyond my understanding. Whenever I pass through the rainforest I feel the

Finding the Key - By Catherine Macgregor


Now is a good time to become the creator or to simply

immerse yourself in the beauty of the arts. Vigorous

Mars will be in Pisces throughout the month, so for

water and earth signs, visualization techniques can be

a marvellous way of drawing your special hopes and

dreams closer to manifestation.

Many will fall in love this month and for couples

planning a family – March and April will see many souls

beginning their journey toward incarnation.

Retrograde Saturn creates an aura of responsibility and

duty, which tempers the impulsive genius of Uranus

meeting Jupiter in Aries. Arguing with Pluto, these

planets suggest the unrest in Egypt is only a small taste

of upheavals to come.

Parents of teenagers are in for an interesting learning

curve, as are baby-boomers, many of whom will

uncover curious hidden facets to their parents lives as

they begin their own retirement.

March’s planetary line-up is the harbinger of a new age

and it will touch all of us in unique ways, whatever

your star sign, you may encounter both magic, as well

as the challenge of the new. As the immortal Bette

Davis (herself and Aries) once said “Fasten your seat

belts, we are headed for a bumpy ride!..And exciting!”

Fasten your seat bealts - by Michaela

Following an unpredictable February (pardon that

pun), the pattern of unusual and unexpected change

will continue to develop throughout March.

Circumstances will alter around issues, relationships,

financial affairs, politics and yes, of course, our new

weather patterns.

Decisions made on the basis of reason and

contemplation will be altered by fateful situations,

flashes of insight and the unplanned events that

change the course of both private and public history.

The domination of Aquarian and Piscean energies may

battle it out on the fronts of cerebral reasoning versus

artistic intuition. Both however, are inspired and all

signs are likely to experience extremes of bliss and

inspiration and rigid dogmatism this month. Truly a

time where the old way meets the new and sparks fly.

Neptune will be a powerful fore this month in an out of

sign conjunct to Chiron, the wounded healer, in Pisces.

Stationed at 29 degrees of Aquarius, known as the

‘weeping point’ of the sign there will be a burst of

revolutionary idealism in the air, which over the course

of the year will be strongly tested.

It is still not a great time to take that adventurous

holiday, particularly with tensions around religious

issues and large bodies of water continuing to be

unstable. With a new moon in Pisces on March 3 near

the sun in Pisces, now is a good time to explore

theatre, meditations and take up the artistic hobby

you’ve been promising yourself.

Rider Waite Tarot Deck

New edition of the famous Tarot Deck by

Arthur Edward Waite, designed by Pamela

Colman Smith. Complete with instruction


Buy Online $32.95


This months question?

Dear Sensitive Soul,

The cards reveal a very psychic and tuned in person -

someone who is very good and highly skilled at

‘transmuting’ the energies of others. This ‘magician’

quality has served you in the past but it is not serving

you at present because it is hindering your own

personal growth and development. You are someone

who is very gentle and connected to the earth; you

have a very peaceful quality about you. However, you

are being distracted at the moment by the wishes and

so called ‘problems’ of those around you. This is

serving you at present because there is some fear

within you around delving into these places within self.

The cards reveal that you are a very creative and gifted

soul who has a lot of un-expressed emotions still within

you. Pele, the goddess of fire contains within her the

power to create and destroy. Unused, this energy can

turn inward and wreak havoc or be gently released for

the greater good of all. Spending time alone will help

you unlock the doors and allow the anger, grief,

creativity and love to safely come through when the

time is right for it to do so.

“I am forever taking on other peoples ‘stuff’.

How do I stop carrying around other people’s problems?”

Signed…Sensitive Soul

Take a moment to reflect upon the ‘things you carry’

on behalf of others. How do they reflect upon your

own life and where have you stored these emotions

within yourself – waiting for a safe time for them to be


Look at each situation with new eyes and a new

understanding as it is merely being a mirror and

reflecting back to you that which you have forgotten.

Remember to honour the journey that others take for

it is in their journey that we learn more about our own

and it is through our own journey inward that we learn

more about our soul and we are given an opportunity

to connect with all of which we have to share with


Breathe love into each situation and know that they

are doing the very best they can with the tools they

have within them. Accept and acknowledge that it is

their journey and you are not responsible for any of it.

Then connect with your heart and ask yourself if you

too can relate to what they are experiencing/feeling

and when you connect and relate to it within your own

journey – breathe it out, deeply and soulfully and

thank the person for their gift.

With love and blessings for your journey…

Got a Question for Dear Annie?

Send an email to [email protected]

Dear Annie is a email tarot reading service and

charges per question apply.


David Wilcock

2012 Event Horizon: Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age

In this sequel to the movie 2012 Enigma, (most viewed on Google, 12/1/08), David

Wilcock presents a compelling case that the prophecies of a Golden Age are not

myth or superstition. Our DNA has been evolving 100 times more rapidly in the last

5000 years due to a natural galactic process which is also creating climate change

throughout our entire solar system.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

November 2010 interview with Cyrilla Gallagher

In an hour long interview, Drunvalo covers the great shift, the ascension

phenomenon and the Mayan prophecies and the news on the thousands of recently

discovered Codices that will hopefully give us a clearer understanding of what it

means to be alive at this time.

Gregg Braden & Doreen Virtue

Gregg Braden and Doreen Virtue at the I can do it! Tampa 2008 Conference.

Now you can spend the weekend listening to some of the most inspiring authors of

today in a unique setting, the I Can Do It! Conference.

Find out about the 2011 conference here:

Sacred Source Australia - on Facebook

Every day there is a new post on our wall, from YouTube movies, to new book

releases, free tickets to events and much more. The great thing is you don’t have to be a Facebook member or

sign into anything to read our Facebook page - it’s just like any other web page. If you are a Facebook user

then become a fan of Sacred Source Australia and get all the updates automatically as they appear.

Visit our Facebook webpage @ sacredsourceaustralia


This month we are featuring a wonderful unique natural crystal that combines the energies of Quartz, Hematite,

Calcite and Pyrite into one. The pink / red colour of this natural quartz cluster comes from the presence of

hematite and water in the cavity where they grow. Slowly, over time, the water combined with Hematite to create

a rust like substance that permanently bonded to the surface of the quartz crystal.

The metaphysical properties of each crystal are:

Quartz: amplifies energy and is a powerful healing stone

Hematite: is grounding and protecting, a great stone for meditation

Calcite: is a cleanser of energy

Pyrite: is a unique protector that helps keep away all forms of negative vibration

The unique combination of crystals in this cluster form a powerful

arrangement that is quiet rare. A very strong protector this stone

would be well placed in an entrance hall, a front door or anywhere

that energy comes into a space. If you’ve had a challenging day place

both hands on the stone for 5 minutes to cleanse your energy field, if

your feeling a bit floaty the stone will help ground your energy, if you

have picked up some negativity the stone will cleanse you.

The large piece in this picture is available to purchase, it ‘s size is approx. 300 x 150mm if you are interested give

Camille a call at Sacred Source on p:(03) 9509 2421

Quartz, Hematite, Calcite & Pyrite

Cluster from Sichuan province, China

Camille has 4 smaller beautiful pieces

of this stone at Sacred Source and

they range from $90 to $900.


Come join us in Byron Bay this April for two Master Classes in Energy Medicine as

taught by the Light Body School, the Four Winds Society and Dr Alberto Villoldo.

Walking with Protection in the World: 2nd – 7th April, 2011

We live in a world where power is constantly being abused and misused, and where we

must be vigilant and protected from the sorcery around us. In this course we will learn

to walk through life with protection and light. We will study the practices for undoing

sorcery and neutralizing the negativity, envy, jealousy and harm that might be directed

against us, our loved ones, or that we may be calling upon our selves.

Working with the Sacred: 9th – 14th April, 2011

Come step in and dare to dance in the world mortals fear to tread. Come explore the

ancient myths and forces that guide your dreams, your images, your soul’s journey.

Come and learn how these archetypes stop you and the simple steps to come back into

alignment at the sacred.

Soul Shift - 2012 and beyond

This is book 2 in the earth shift series. The first book, Earth Shifts, is a gripping

adventure story about Julie Armstrong’s family and her mystical ability to guide her

family through the shift. Now having survived the Earth Shift and ascended to the

fifth dimension her family prepares for it’s most crucial role - and - they have chosen

to accept it - is to unlock the secret hidden deep inside crystal mountain, the key to

mankind's next spiritual step - the Soul Shift.

Soul Shift Author: Judith Horky

Buy Online - $32.95

Sacred Times magazine - ancient wisdom for today!

Dr Alberto Villoldo

If you are interested in

attending one or both of

these classes please

contact Chris Hooper on

p:(03) 9844 5379

Contact Us

Sacred Source - (03) 9509 2421 //

newage and crystal store

Sacred Essence - (03) 9502 7619 //

essential oils and aromatherapy products

Email: [email protected]

Subscribe online @

Gary Dowse - Shamanic Energy Medicine // m: 0413 000 518

Caroline Neeling - private piano lessons // m: 0431 448 111

Kerry Grezl - Tranquility Therapies // m: 0423 498 674

Julianne Dowse - Goddess Tarot // m 0402 148 700

Shiatsu Massage - If you want to spend one hour in total bliss, being totally nurtured ,

where you can fully surrender and let go so the healing can come in and work its magic -

then a Shiatsu Massage with Nada will suit you perfectly. I highly recommend her gentle,

soft technique where you are transported to heaven and beyond.

Nada is located in Elwood and charges $70 for an hour session. To make a booking phone

her on 0430 530 026 and feel free to let her know that Julianne recommended you!