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Sacred Heart Apostolate Monthly Newsle5er April 2021

My soul is sorrowful even to death. Remain here and keep watch with me. Ma5. 26:38 Lord Jesus, you are the truly faithful friend, always present in our Hme of need. Thank you for choosing to need me as well. Thank you for giving me the incredible honor of consoling you with my presence this week. I gratefully accept your invitaHon to stay close by you, to pray with you, and to comfort you in your hour of need.

Sacred Heart of Jesus, faithful companion of those in sorrow, make my heart more like yours!

The Sacred Heart for Lent by Thomas D. Williams SHA AcHviHes Report

A wonderful update from Father William Oruko on one of the Enthronement Missions in Africa 2013.

Hello Lisa & Sacred Heart Enthronement Team, Praised be to Jesus Christ! I wanted to share with you the good news of Episcopal ordinaMon and InstallaMon of Monsignor Willybard K. Lagho, as 3rd bishop of the Diocese of Malindi, Kenya. I cannot remember which year it was, but we took Enthronement of Sacred Heart to the Archdiocese of Mombasa, Kenya and we were received by the Monsignor Lagho who was a pastor of a parish and Vicar for the Archdiocese. The late Archbishop of Mombasa by then was sick and receiving treatment in Europe. Monsignor Lagho received us in his parish. The Holy Father, Pope Francis appointed Monsignor Willybard Lagho a new bishop of Malindi, neighboring diocese of the archdiocese of Mombasa. He was ordained and installed today in Malindi - on the feast Day of St. Joseph - by Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya & Southern Sudan. It was in the Archdiocese of Mombasa where we met priests and Sacred Heart group ChrisMans from Tanzania and other dioceses of Kenya who came to Mombasa for Sacred Heart Enthronement. A year later the Team went to Tanzania.

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I thought you may want to know! Have a blessed Lent. Fr. William, AJ

Msgr Lahgo, now Bishop Lahgo, is second from the right in the green shirt….

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Bishop Lahgo holding the giW of the Sacred Heart Stole

From Chester and LeM:

Hi Lisa: we moved to our new home a month ago and had the enthronement and blessing yesterday officiated by Fr. PONTIAN. Just sharing...

There is some good news on the horizon in that we now have a mission in the works. The dates are set for September 12- 15, 2021. Parish is Saint James Catholic Church in Gulfport, Mississippi. Deacon Bill Jacobs and Giannine Morris will be giving the mission.

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SACRED HEART ENTHRONEMENTS Notre Dame Seminary 10th Anniversary – April 1st, 2021 Fr. Bill Gaffney was instrumental in having the enthronement in Notre Dame seminary in New Orleans in 2011. Melissa Maraist provided transport for him, a^ended the enthronement ceremony and subsequently became the liaison between the seminary and the Apostolate, an important posiMon which she conMnues to hold.

Divine Mercy Parish 10th Anniversary - March 24, 2021 A three-day enthronement mission took place at Divine Mercy parish in Kenner, LA during the last week of March 2011. I was appointed as parish coordinator of the enthronement apostolate in the parish.

In late December 2019 we filmed an enthronement ceremony in our area to be used as a teaching tool at the seminary as well in training SH missionaries and which has become an important guide to those wanMng to have the enthronement in their homes during the age of Covid-19.

Online link to enthronement ceremony h^ps://

From Anne-Marie:

On Wednesday, April 11th, Ray, Melissa and I will be at the seminary where we will be teaching 12 priest candidates (ordinaMon June 2021) about the enthronement and we will be using the video for the first Mme. This is the primary reason for making the video - to teach those in training for the priesthood so that when they go out into parishes they can spread the love of the Sacred Heart through the enthronement. Please pray for the success of this God given opportunity. We have had different obstacles in the past and praying that all will go well this Mme.

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Prayer IntenHons:

For the upcoming mission in Gulfport, Mississippi September 12-15, 2021.

For the Notre Dame Seminary Enthronement training in New Orleans on April 11.

Several of our Sacred Heart missionaries/promoters have been praying the 24-hour rosary on First Fridays and they have invited all of us to this powerful prayer of unity and an easy way to sign-up if you would like to be a part of this. The rosary will start at 12:01 am each first Friday and end at midnight the close of the day. Please email or text back an hour in central standard Mme that you would like to cover. Thanks! Malise Buford email: [email protected] phone: 337-380-1276

How blessed are we on this first Friday to meditate, honor, praise, and console that pierced Sacred Heart which was opened for us! Let us return love for love in this 24-hour rosary covering all hours of Good Friday. Please text back the hour you would like to cover. Peace in the wounded Heart of Christ Malise

Night AdoraHon in the Home:

One beauMful part of the Enthronement devoMon is night adoraMon in the home. This was started by Fr. Mateo aWer 20 years of promoMng the Enthronement. Shortly before he died, Fr. Mateo told his Superior General, “Tell everyone that Fr. Mateo preaches from his bed and that he insists on nocturnal adoraMon, the most beauMful flower of his work. This is the prayer of the home, in union with the Heart of Jesus, prayers in the spirit of reparaMon, at night, during the hours of darkness.”

This is the perfect devoMon for our Mmes as our homes have truly become domesMc churches and refuges from the many storms. It involves one hour of prayer, one night a month between 9 pm and ending at 6 am. Below are some links with informaMon on the history, general informaMon, the prayers and a contact form. You can sign up on the contact form or just pray on your own. The prayers can be printed out. There has been a prayer pamphlet available in the past, but it is currently out of print and is being revised. We will let you know when it becomes available. For now, you can print the prayers from the prayers link.

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Important Dates in the Church and saints who promoted devoHon the Heart of Jesus.


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1 – Holy Thursday 2 – Good Friday 3 – Holy Saturday First Saturday 4 – Easter Sunday 11 – Divine Mercy Sunday 21 – St. Anselm (1033 - 1109) 28 - St. Louis de Monsort (1673 – 1716) 29 – St. Catherine of Siena (1347- 1380)

“I will console you in all your difficulHes.”

Do we truly believe this promise?