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Saarinen, Tapio; Hannula, Jari-Matti; Lehtovuori, Anu; Viikari, VilleEight-element MIMO handset based on combinatory feeding

Published in:2020 International Workshop on Antenna Technology, iWAT 2020


Published: 01/02/2020

Document VersionPeer reviewed version

Please cite the original version:Saarinen, T., Hannula, J-M., Lehtovuori, A., & Viikari, V. (2020). Eight-element MIMO handset based oncombinatory feeding. In 2020 International Workshop on Antenna Technology, iWAT 2020 [9083878] IEEE.

Page 2: Saarinen, Tapio; Hannula, Jari-Matti; Lehtovuori, Anu ... · The approach implements frequency re-configurability by feeding a multiport antenna with differently amplified and delayed

Eight-element MIMO handset based oncombinatory feeding

Tapio O. SaarinenDepartment of Electronics and NanoengineeringAalto University School of Electrical Engineering

Espoo, [email protected]

Jari-Matti HannulaDepartment of Electronics and NanoengineeringAalto University School of Electrical Engineering

Espoo, [email protected]

Anu LehtovuoriDepartment of Electronics and NanoengineeringAalto University School of Electrical Engineering

Espoo, [email protected]

Ville ViikariDepartment of Electronics and NanoengineeringAalto University School of Electrical Engineering

Espoo, [email protected]

Abstract—To meet the needs of continuously increasing wire-less data consumption, new antenna design schemes are needed.Combinatory feeding is a recently introduced method thatutilizes a configurable multiport excitation to create simplefrequency configurable antennas. This paper investigates thefeasibility of implementing a combinatorially fed antenna ca-pable of 8 x 8 MIMO in 1.5-6.5 GHz frequency range and2 x 2 MIMO in 0.7–0.9 GHz frequency range. A prototypeantenna is manufactured and measured results demonstrate,that the method is capable of producing antennas of widebandwidth.

Index Terms—Mobile antennas, multifrequency antennas,multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antennas, reconfig-urable antennas.


To satisfy the ever so increasing demand for mobile dataconsumption, multiple approaches are needed. For exam-ple, multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) techniques cansignificantly increase the data throughput with the cost ofadding antennas to the handset and, thus, reducing the volumeavailable for a single antenna. Devices with 2 x 2 and 4 x 4MIMO have been successfully deployed. Yet, the industry ispushing towards higher order systems such as 8 x 8 MIMO.Recently, designs up 12 x 12 MIMO have been proposed inthe literature [1]–[3]. However, most of the proposed designsoperate only on one band such as the 3.5 GHz band that willbe utilized in 5G communications.

In addition to the growing number of antennas on ahandset, inclusion of multiple new frequency bands in mobilecommunications places heavy challenges to mobile handsetantenna design. Design of traditional multi-resonant or ca-pacitive coupling element (CCE) type antennas is a timeconsuming task, which typically leads to complicated designs.

As the volume available for the antennas gets sparse andrequirement for performance increases, frequency reconfig-urable antennas have become an interesting area of research.For example, configurable antennas can utilize tunable aper-ture matching components or matching circuits to improve theimpedance matching over a wider frequency band. However,

This work was supported by Huawei Technologies.

in practice, the necessary tuning circuits are complicated anddifficult to apply to complex use cases.

A new approach to frequency reconfigurability is the con-cept of antenna clusters. Multiple promising results have beenreported in [4]–[8]. The approach implements frequency re-configurability by feeding a multiport antenna with differentlyamplified and delayed signals to minimize the power reflectedfrom the antenna. Instead of separate matching circuits, themethod relies on a special multichannel transceiver [6] thatis used to weight the signals.

In [9] the concept was extended to a method referredto as combinatory feeding. The frequency response of anantenna cluster can be altered by powering down some ofthe amplifiers on the multichannel transceiver, which furtherincreases the tuning range of an antenna cluster. Combinatoryfeeding allows simple antenna elements to be tuned on a widefrequency range.

An antenna utilizing combinatorial feeding has not beenimplemented by far. In this paper, we study the feasibilityof combinatorial feeding in mobile handsets by designing,manufacturing, and measuring a 8 x 8 MIMO handset proto-type. The proposed handset operates on a wide 1.5–6.5 GHzfrequency range with additional of 2 x 2 MIMO in the low0.7–0.9 GHz band.


Combinatory feeding relies on the concept of antennaclusters discussed in [4], [5]. An antenna cluster is an entityconsisting of a group of closely spaced antenna elements ora single radiating body with multiple feeds ports. The clusterutilizes the coupling between the tightly spaced elements tocreate an antenna with optimum performance [4]. Instead oftrying to match individual elements or ports to the sourceimpedance, as is done with matching circuits, the approachmatches the whole cluster, i.e. to minimize the total power re-flected from the cluster. Matching is achieved by feeding eachantenna element with a specific amplitude and phase. The

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feeding coefficients can be calculated from the S-parametersof the antenna [10], that are defined as

b = Sa, (1)

where a and b are the incident and reflected wave vectors,respectively. The maximum efficiency of an antenna canbe simply calculated from the eigenvalues of the scatteringmatrix S as

ηmax = max{eig(I− SHS)}. (2)

Therefore, the excitation vector a from (1), which providesthe best matching efficiency is the eigenvector of (I− SHS)that corresponds to the larges eigenvalue (ηmax) [5].


Idea of combinatory feeding is presented and demonstratedwith examples in [9]. By terminating some of the ports withan open circuit, large variety of antenna impedances can becreated. By choosing appropriate port combinations, goodperformance can be obtained over large frequency range.

Instead of feeding the antenna cluster from all portssimultaneously, some of the ports can be left open, whichfundamentally changes the frequency response of the cluster.Thus, by going through all possible termination combinations,also referred as to feeding combinations, one cluster with nports can have up to n2 − 1 different frequency responses,when assuming there are no redundant combinations or sym-metry between ports. By increasing the number of ports in acluster, it is possible to generate enough different frequencyresponses that all together can cover wide frequency bands.The performance of an antenna cluster is then optimized for aspecific frequency band by selecting the most suitable feedingcombination.

As the number of ports on the handset increases, thenumber of all possible combinations increases rapidly. Forexample, the handset proposed in this paper has 32 ports,which results in approximately 2.56 × 109 combinations ateach frequency point. As a result, instead of a brute forceapproach, an dedicated algorithm is needed for choosingthe correct combinations. Development of such optimizationalgorithm in itself can be a laborious task. Therefore, in thispaper, we only utilize a simple algorithm that is describedbelow.

Initially, all ports are active and the algorithm calculatesthe total efficiencies for all antennas. Next, one feed is turnedoff, and the worst total efficiencies of the previous and currentstates are compared. In case the worst efficiency is improved,the respective feed remains in off-state and the same switch-off test is performed to another feed. After multiple teststhat do not improve the efficiency of the worst performingantenna, the algorithm stops. After completion, the processis repeated for the next frequency point. To save time, thefeed combinations of the previous frequency are used as thestarting point for the next frequency.

In practise, the antenna cluster is fed with a specialtransceiver integrated circuit (IC) which was studied in [7].The open termination of ports can also be implemented withthe same IC. By unbiasing the amplifiers on the transceiverIC, the unbiased amplifier appears as a very small capac-itance, i.e. an open circuit, from the perspective of the

antenna Currently, no such IC is available for prototyping.Therefore, in this paper, the weighting of excitations is donecomputationally.





1.69.2 7.2







4.2 6.214.2


4.2 6.212.2

12.2 6.2 4.20.8











Fig. 1: Dimensions of the manufactured prototype in millime-ters.

1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.50











Frequency [GHz]





Antenna A Antenna B Antenna CAntenna D Antenna E Antenna FAntenna G Antenna H

Fig. 2: The simulated total efficiencies of the antennasin 2 x 2 MIMO in the 0.7–0.9 GHz frequency range and8 x 8 MIMO in the 1.5–6.5 GHz range.

A. Design

To study the concept, we apply the combinatorial feedingmethod to design and manufacture a 8 x 8 mobile handsetprototype. The handset has two larger antennas, referred asmain antennas, that operate in 0.7–0.9 GHz and 1.5–6.4 GHzfrequency ranges. During the design, special emphasis isplaced to the following frequency bands: 1.5–2.7 GHz, 3.3–4.7 GHz, and 5.8–6.4 GHz. Additionally, the handset has sixsmaller antennas, referred as data antennas, operating on thesame bands from 1.5 GHz onwards. The device is capable of2 x 2 MIMO in the low 0.7– 0.9 GHz band and 8 x 8 MIMOin the 1.5–6.5 GHz range.

The dimensions of the antenna prototype are illustrated inFig. 1. The design is based on the 2 x 2 handset proposedin [9] with the addition of six higher band data antennas. Eachantenna is a folded rectangular sheet with four feed points.The number of feeds was determined by experimentation.Four ports proved sufficient to provide enough combinations

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to cover all the targeted frequency bands. Adding a fifthport was seen unnecessary due to little improvement overincreased complexity. The feeds are placed asymmetricallywith respect to the antenna element to prevent redundancyof combinations. The specific port locations are fine-tunedby hand to meet targeted frequency bands. The ports andtheir numbering are illustrated in Fig. 3. The proposed designincludes three differently sized antennas: A, C, and D (seeFig. 3). The remaining antennas are merely mirrored tothe other side of the handset. For optimal performance,the antenna elements should be placed in the corners ofthe ground plane [11]. To compensate for the unfavourablelocation in the lower bands, the data antennas D and G arelonger in the y-direction (see Fig. 1 and 3).

Fig. 2 illustrates the simulated efficiencies of the handset in2 x 2 MIMO in the 0.7–0.9 GHz low-band and 8 x 8 MIMO inthe higher bands. In the figure, the efficiencies exhibit suddenjumps and discontinuities. The phenomenon is caused by theselected algorithm as it processes each frequency point indi-vidually. In a real application, however, the same coefficientswould be used for a wider, for example 20 MHz band. Despitethe ripple in the results, the curves give valuable insightabout the achievable performance. In MIMO operation, theergodic capacity is effectively a weighted average of thetotal efficiencies [12]. As a result, the ripples in individualantennas’ responses have only a minor effect to the ergodiccapacity.

B. Prototype

Fig. 3 depicts the manufactured prototype with the antennaand port numbering. The substrate for the handset, includingthe support blocks for the data antennas, is a single piece ofPreperm L260 [13] high frequency plastic. The material hasvery consistent permittivity and tan δ of 0.001. The antennaelements and groundplane are cut from 0.1 mm thick bronzeand glued to the substrate.

To test the combinatorial feeding without the special IC,two versions of the design are manufactured. One with all the32 feeds connected and another with the feeds optimized for4,73 GHz. The active ports and weighting coefficients for thesingle frequency prototype are listed in Table I. The symbol∞ is used to denote an open termination in the respectiveport.

Fig. 3: The manufactured prototype without feed cables.


The far-field patterns of the handset are measured withSatimo Starlab antenna measurement system. Fig. 4 illustratesthe manufactured prototype with 32 feeds in the measurement

Fig. 4: The 32-port prototype in the Satimo Starlab measure-ment chamber.

1 2 3 4 5 6−20





Frequency [GHz]







Port A4 Port C4 Port D4

Fig. 5: Three reflection coefficients measured from the full32-port prototype. Measured results are denoted with solidlines and simulated results are denoted with dashed lines.

chamber. To compute the optimal weighting coefficientsfor the antennas, the complete S-parameter matrix of thehandset is measured with a vector network analyser (VNA).To compare the simulation model and the prototype, threeof the measured reflection coefficients are compared to thesimulation results in Fig. 5. The three results are selected,as they represent the three different type of antennas on thehandset. The measured results are in good agreement withthe simulated results, however, due to the feed cable losses,the measured results exhibit consistently lower reflectioncoefficients.

TABLE I: Optimized feeding coefficients for 8 x 8 MIMO at4.73 GHz

Antenna Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4A 0.09 8.25◦ ∞ 0.47 2.49◦ 0.88 0◦

B 0.1 1.37◦ ∞ 0.46 0.15◦ 0.88 0◦

C ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 0◦

D 0.12 −30.82◦ 0.23 −0.17◦ 0.52 3.72◦ 0.82 0◦

E ∞ ∞ ∞ 1 0◦

F 1 0◦ ∞ ∞ ∞G 0.58 −21.45◦ 0.68 −3.20◦ ∞ 0.45 0◦

H 1 0◦ ∞ ∞ ∞

Although, the results show good correspondence, in furtheranalysis it was observed, that the change in the signal’s phasedue to the coaxial feeding cables has to be carefully accountedfor. The input impedance Zin of the coaxial cables can be

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3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 60












Frequency [GHz]






3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 60






Frequency [GHz]



Antenna B Antenna C Antenna DAntenna E Antenna F Antenna GAntenna H


Fig. 6: (a) Measured efficiencies (b) Measured correlationswith respect to antenna A in 8 X 8 MIMO with coefficientsoptimized for 4.73 GHz

calculated from the transmission line equation:

Zin(`) = Z0ZL + jZ0 tan(β`)

Z0 + jZL tan(β`), (3)

where ZL is the load impedance, Z0 is the characteristicimpedance of the cable, β is the wavenumber, and ` isthe length of the cable in meters. Due to the periodicityof transmission line impedance, open circuit at the end ofthe coaxial cable, i.e. ZL = ∞, appears as a periodicallychanging impedance at the other end. For this reason, theS-parameters measured from the 32-port prototype can notbe used to calculate the weighting coefficients for combina-torial excitation. One solution would be to measure the S-parameters of the coaxial cables and use S-parameter basedde-embedding methods. However, due to the large number offeed cables, the de-embedding cannot be considered reliableenough. As a result, a dedicated prototype is manufacturedand measured to test the simultaneous multiport excitation at4.73 GHz. Fig. 6a illustrates the measured total efficienciesof the 4.73 GHz prototype. From the figure it can be noticedthat the efficiency curves of the eight antennas cross at thetargeted frequency. This clearly demonstrates, that the methodis able to find coefficients that maximize the total efficiencyfor all antennas simultaneously.

In practice, the antennas cannot be re-tuned at each fre-quency. Instead, the antennas must operate over a wider band.The results in Fig. 6a also demonstrate that with a singletuning, all antennas have relatively large 50% bandwidthfor total efficiency. In addition, at the targeted frequency,

the correlation between antennas sufficiently low. Fig. 6billustrates the correlation between antenna elements withrespect to antenna A for the 4.73 GHz case.


Applicability of a recently introduced combinatory feedingmethod has been studied. A handset antenna capable of2 x 2 MIMO in 0.7–0.9 GHz frequency range and 8 x 8 MIMOin 1.5–6.5 GHz frequency range has been manufactured andmeasured. The actual utilization of the approach requires aspecial multi-channel transceiver, nevertheless, the prelimi-nary measurement results demonstrate that the method canbe used to produce wideband frequency configurable antennasfor high order MIMO handsets.


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