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The Dark Art of Link building

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Should we be link building anymore?

Over the past few months I have been absorbing multiple articles on the ever-overwhelming question of link building, should be we doing it anymore? I am not claiming that I am here to provide all the answers, but hopefully give some insight into the ubiquitous mistress that is Google.

“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference”Two kinds of SEO:

White Hat & Black Hat

Black Hat SEO is an attempt to manipulate Google. This involves ‘tricking’ the search engine which can result in your website’s usability being neglected, not to mention the possibility of being ‘caught out’ which could result in a penalty.

The alternative path is referred to sometimes as ‘White Hat’ SEO, this involves optimising your website for humans, not search engines. This technique focuses on content and usability and yes, it can include link building.

Why and how can link building affect rankings?

Links help Google validate how relevant a website is. A link is interpreted as a ‘vote’ and more influential pages’ votes hold more clout. Pages that receive more votes are deemed more important.

Ask yourself:

• What websites would you want to be associated with

• Do those websites fit in with your brand

• Would you be happy to create a relationship with this hypothetical website

When can link building become detrimental to your rankings

Examples of situations that lead to unnatural link building, and have the potential to harm your site:

• Buying or selling links that pass page rank, exchanging links for money or samples

• Guest posting with keyword stuffed content

• Large scale article marketing

• Using automated link building services

• Low quality bookmark and directory sites

• Forums and comments containing spammy links

Quality not Quantity linksLink building is absolutely ok, if you stay well away from spammy forms of linking.

Instead spend some time creating partnerships with blogging sites who are relevant to your brand. These relationships will bring you high quality links.

Like much of SEO, this process takes a bit of time to get to grips with, also to find bloggers willing to accept guest posts is sometimes tricky.

“All links are equal but some links are more equal than others”

• links higher up in the HTML pass more ranking than those lower down.

• External links can be more influential than internal links, i.e.: ‘what others say about you is more important than what you say about yourself’.

• Links from unique domains are more valuable than links from previously linked to sites.

• Links will pass more value if they are from a trusted site.

• Links from unique content will pass more value than those from footers, sidebar or navigation.

• Links from a more trusted site will be more valuable, even from a less trusted page.

• Pages linking to webspam may de- value other links.

But didn’t Google condemn link building when Penguin was released

Yes and No

Google condemned poor quality links used to artificially increase the number of backlinks to a page.

But this doesn’t mean all link building should be avoided!

“Any links intended to manipulate PageRank or a site's ranking in Google search results may be considered part of a link scheme and a violation of Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. This includes any behaviour that manipulates links to your site or outgoing links from your site.”

So what kinds of links should you be looking for?

Create links naturally from real events and partnerships, some examples of link building opportunities are:

• Awards

• Charity events

• Other relevant blogs

• Industry events

• Local community events

In conclusion, don’t be afraid to build links as long as they are relevant and natural. Unnatural spammy links are no longer worth the time or money it takes to create them. Stick to building quality links you think your customer base would find useful.

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