Download - S T. CECILIA S CHURCH OF HARVEY Doug & Brad Olschlager ST · Princess Polyxenia of Lobko-witz had received as a wedding

Page 1: S T. CECILIA S CHURCH OF HARVEY Doug & Brad Olschlager ST · Princess Polyxenia of Lobko-witz had received as a wedding

Hertz Funeral Homes of Harvey and McClusky

Services, Monuments & Markers 324-4374

New York Life Ins. Co. Doug & Brad Olschlager

546 Brewster St. E Harvey 324-2737

Tom’s Home Furnishings 801 Lincoln Ave.


B u e c h l e r O i l

Company, Inc. 2316 Hwy. 52, Harvey


Bill Dempsey

Mike Waldoch

V o n d a l E l e c t r i c

116 E. 8th St. Harvey 324-2412

Hinrichs Supervalu 210 E. 8th St. E

324-2281 Come Check Us Out!

H a r v e y S a n d & G r a v e l , I n c .

121 W. Brewster St. Harvey 324-4671

CDA Court Sacred Heart #1908

Frey Insurance Agency, Inc.

822 Lincoln Ave 324-2375

Knights of Columbus Council #5217

W a r e h o u s e G r o c e r y 321 W. 10th St.

Harvey 324-2509

Dr. Steven Kourajian Optometrist

901 Lincoln Ave. Harvey 324-2154


Amy J Felchle, DC Harvey ND 58341 701-324-4722

Harvey Tax, Accounting

& Financial Services 209 E. 10th St.

[email protected]


Northern Appraisal

& Realty, Inc. Rhonda Knudtson 917 Alder Ave. 701-324-4799 Fax: 701-324-4798

Doug’s Auto & Towing

Doug Helm, owner 693-2804 or 324-5257

T a s t e e F r e e z e 609 E. Brewster St.


Hurley’s Religious Goods 1417 S University Dr, Fargo 1-800-437-4338

D a k o t a H e r i t a g e

B a n k o f H a r v e y



H a r v e y F a r m e r s E l e v a t o r

1 0 E . 7 1 T H S T

3 2 4 - 2 2 4 8

Mack’s Farm & RV Center 2346 Bus. Hwy 52


St. Aloisius Medical Center 325 Brewster E 324-4651 Harvey ND

Harvey Right to Life

Natural Family Planning Billings Ovulation Method Instruction

by appt.: Elizabeth Leier LPN 324-2802 [email protected]

920 Lincoln Ave. 324-4611

& Anamoose 324-2285

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy

Caring beyond prescriptions. 722 Lincoln Ave 324-2295

St. Cecilia’s Holy Family Society

Harvey, ND

324-4456 Chad & Amber Ziegler 701-324-2227

MicroEndo PLLC

Connie Loen 693-5005

Connie Loen Ind. Consultant 701-693-5005

Hager Transport

Neil Hager 701-324-5272




Mon. Closed Tues., Wed., Thurs., 9 am-12 pm & 1-4 pm Fri., 9am-12pm

PARISH OFFICE: (701) 324-2144

E-MAIL : [email protected] WEBSITE:

413 Brewster St. E. Harvey, ND. 58341-1606

Rev. Franklin Miller: Pastor [email protected]

mobile: 701.388.9826 Rev. Mr. Jeff Faul: Deacon

Sister Miriam Braun: Pastoral Ministry Rosalie Axtman: Secretary

Elizabeth Leier: Bookkeeper Amber Ziegler: DRE

Meghan Graumann: Music Joan Grossman: Housekeeping

Irene Keller: Maintenance Jacki Young: Maintenance

Michael Waldoch: Maintenance


Steve Eckart & Julie Muscha

ST. ANTHONY PARISH Robert Hager & Doug Wolfe

MASS SCHEDULE Mon, Wed., Fri. 7:30 am

Tues. & Thurs. 12 pm Sat. 2 pm NH, 4:30 pm Harvey

Sunday 8:30 am Selz 10:30 am Harvey

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILITION Tues. & Thurs: 11:30-11:50 am

Sat.10:30-11:30 am & 3:30-4:10 pm Harvey


Tues.12:30 pm-Midnight Wed. 8 am-8:00 pm

Rosary: 8:00 pm Solemn Benediction: 8:15 pm

PRAYER CHAIN Lola Faul 324-2905

Kathy Kennedy 324-2328 Jessie Wentz 324-2400

HOMEBOUND MINISTRY Anna Schneibel 324-2374


Almighty ever-living God, direct our actions according to your good pleasure, that in the name of your beloved Son we may abound in good works.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns

with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God,

for ever and ever.

Page 2: S T. CECILIA S CHURCH OF HARVEY Doug & Brad Olschlager ST · Princess Polyxenia of Lobko-witz had received as a wedding


Glen & Tawnia Heilman In Memory of

John Weinmann

Monday, January 25 7:30 am St. C † Joyce Haykel

Tuesday, January 26 12:00 pm St. C † Justina & Pius Heil, and Connie Heil By Steve & Linda Vetter

Wednesday, January 27 7:30 am St. C Mass of Thanksgiving By Art & Fran Prom

10:00 am NH Special Intention By Stephen & JoAnn Farrington

Thursday, January 28 12:00 pm St. C † Bernadette Lauinger By Randy & Rosalie Axtman

Friday, January 29 7:30 am St. A † Mary Lange By Mary Bachmeier

Saturday, January 30 2:00 pm NH † Msgr. Roger Roensch

4:30 pm St. C † Ed & Mary Grossman By Grossman Family

Sunday, January 31 8:30 am St A Living & deceased members of St. Anthony & St. Cecilia’s Catholic Order of Foresters.

10:30 am St. C The People of St. Anthony’s And St. Cecilia’s.

Daily Readings

Monday, January 25 The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle Acts 22:3-16 Ps 117:1bc, 2 1 Cor 12:12-30

Tuesday, January 26 Saints Timothy & Titus 2 Tim 1:1-8 Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10 Mk 3:31-35

Wednesday, January 27 Saint Angela Merici 2 Sm 7:4-17 Ps 89:4-5, 27-30 Mk 4:1-20

Thursday, January 28 Saint Thomas Aquinas 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29 Ps 132:1-5, 11-14 Mk 4:21-25

Friday, January 29 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17 Ps 51:3-7, 10-11 Mk 4:26-34

Saturday, January 30 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17 Ps 51:12-17 Mk 4:35-41

Sunday, January 31 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19 Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17 1 Cor 12:31 _ 13:13

OFFERING FOR 1-17-2016

ENVELOPES $ 2,399.00 PLATE $ 164.00 TOTAL $ 2563.00


If you are homebound & would like communion, please call the name & number listed on the

weekend ministry schedule on page 7 of the bulletin.

We welcome all new families and individuals moving into this area! Stop in the Parish Office to register.

Saturday January 30 St. Cecilia’s

4:30 pm

Sunday January 31

St. Anthony’s 8:30 am

Sunday January 31

St. Cecilia’s 10:30 am


Mark Demory Donna Marthe

Leo & Joan Grossman

Linus & Gladys Hager

Mark & Julie Knudtson

Larry & Diane Martin

READER Renee Schmaltz Kelly Muscha Angie Marchand Rosalie Axtman


Mark Demory Steve Eckart Judy Keller

Charlotte Goldade

Doug & Jackie Wolfe

Sylvia Grad

Linda Knudtson Bob & Julie

Keller Randy & Rosalie



Bob & Julie

Keller 324-2047



Brett Muscha Brooke Loen

Emma Selensky

Eric & Ericka Hager

Bethany & Grant Anderson

SONG LEADER Katrina Leier Adult Choir

MUSIC Marilyn Demory Steve Kourajian


Jim English


Kathy Kennedy Kris Nitz


Linda Knudtson

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deacon Jeff Faul, Ben Lemer, Cliff Schneider, Larry Krueger, Patty Roma, Tammy Vetter, Leo Rutten, Walter Streifel, Larry Goldade, Louie Fettig, Sophia Isaak, Stan Martin, Larry Frieson, Marvin Wentz

The Parish Prayer List will be updated every 6 weeks. If someone is still in need of prayers, please contact the

office to re-submit. Thank you.

Page 3: S T. CECILIA S CHURCH OF HARVEY Doug & Brad Olschlager ST · Princess Polyxenia of Lobko-witz had received as a wedding

Have you noticed at St. Cecilia's? : The Infant of Prague

Special devotion to the Divine Child originated with the Carmelites in the city of Prague, Bohemia, in the beginning of the seventeenth century. Princess Polyxenia of Lobko-witz had received as a wedding gift from her mother a stat-ue of the Divine Child, previously brought from Spain. It was a small statue, just nineteen inches tall, made of wood, wax, and cloth. It represented the infant Jesus dressed in royal robes and wearing a king’s crown.

After the death of her husband, the princess devoted herself to works of charity and was particularly helpful to the Carmelites in Prague. In 1628, when the Carmelite Monastery had been reduced to poverty, owing to the ravages of war, the princess gave her precious statue to the Carmelites, saying, “I give you what I prize most highly in the world; honor and respect the Child Jesus and you shall never be in want.” Her gift was placed in the Carmelite oratory. The words of the princess proved prophetic, for as long as the Carmelites kept up their devotion to the Divine In-fant of Prague, everything prospered with them.

The Carmelites were later forced to flee from the city, and in the confusion of the war, they were unable to take with them their miraculous statue. The in-vaders seized it and threw it into a pile of rubbish.

In 1635, peace came to Prague and the Carmelites returned. One of them, Father Cyril, who had previously received great spiritual help through his devotion to the Infant of Prague, sought the statue and found it amidst the rubbish. Overjoyed, he again placed the statue in the oratory. Father Cyril knelt in prayer before the small statue. Gazing upon the simple statue of the Child Jesus, he contemplated the most marvelous even in the history of the world, the Incarna-tion. He was filled with awe and wonder has he prayed to the God who became a child because of his love for us. Suddenly, the statue spoke to him. Father Cyril was stunned as he heard these words of promise:



Startled by these words, Father Cyril examined the statue, and upon drawing aside the mantle covering it, he found that both hands of the statue were broken off. The hands were later restored to the statue through the generosity of a devo-tee of the Divine Child. St. Therese, the Little Flower, was also a most fervent venerator. For more than three centuries, this promise has inspired a worldwide devotion to the Miracu-lous Infant Jesus of Prague. The original statue is still preserved in the church of St. Mary of Victory in Prague.

Today, replicas and models of the small statue are honored in every part of the world. The list of blessings attributed by devotees of the Infant Jesus is endless: health restored, financial problems solved, gifts of peace of mind and soul, and innumerable healings, both physical and spiritual. God has been astonishingly generous in blessing those who have been devoted to his Infant Son.

Parish Potluck Sunday, Feb. 7, after Mass Honoring the Consecrated Life of our Sisters,

Sr. Mary Agnes Sr. Miriam Braun & Sr. Elaine Lange

St. Cecilia’s 6th Annual Winter Rummage Sale Two weekends!

Saturday: Jan 30th & Feb. 6th, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday: Jan. 31st & Feb. 7th, 11:30 am to 4:00 pm

Donations accepted of any item that is in good, clean, usable condition. Bring donations to

St. Cecilia’s Church south entry (off the back parking lot) and leave in the entry by the elevator.

Donations accepted from January 18th to February 5th.

NO TVs or computers will be accepted.

Pizza Supper for All Altar Servers

Wednesday, Jan. 27, 2016 5:45 pm

RSVP by Jan. 25 to Julie Knudtson at 341-6052 or

[email protected]

Bottles For Life: The Harvey Right to Life chap-ter is conducting a Baby Bottle Fundraiser for the Pregnancy Help Center in Park River. By filling these bottles with spare change, the average bottle can collect as much as $20.00. This is the 5th year St. Cecilia’s is

participating. The past four years have been met with wonderful success! Bottles are available in the church entrances. A collection date of Feb. 14 has been set.

Jan. calendar correction: Mass on Tues. Jan. 26 is

at Noon

Jan. 30 & 31, Feb. 6 & 7: Rummage Sale, see boxed ad for details.

Sat., Jan 30: Soup & Sandwich Lunch 11:00 to 1:00

Sun., Jan. 31: Breakfast from 9 am to 12:30 pm by 4th Degree KC’s

Sun., Feb. 7: Parish Potluck honoring Consecrated Life of our Sisters.

SATURDAY, JANUARY 30th. Soup & Sandwich Lunch 11:00 to 1:00 Sponsored by St. Cecilia’s Catholic Daughters, Court 1908

SUNDAY, JANUARY 31st. Breakfast from 9 am to 12:30 pm Free will donation Sponsored by 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, Msgr. O’Neill Assembly

Page 4: S T. CECILIA S CHURCH OF HARVEY Doug & Brad Olschlager ST · Princess Polyxenia of Lobko-witz had received as a wedding

Dear Father, You have given me so much and I keep asking

for more. Teach me to be ever grateful for the many blessings

you have so willingly given me and my family. Amen

Giving Hearts Day - 24-hour Online Fundraising Event - February 11, 2016

Two organizations to help:

Catholic Charities North Dakota is blessed again to be participating in this 24 hour on-line fundraising event. The Dakota Medical Foundation (DMF) wants to inspire you to share with others in need and help local non-profits. To make a secure online contribution to Catholic Charities North Dakota and have your donations matched up to $4,000. Saint Gianna’s Maternity Home offers a home and hope to mothers who find themselves pregnant and alone. Help us help them CHOOSE LIFE! Saint Gianna’s has been chosen by Dakota Medical Foundation and Impact Founda-tion to participate in Giving Hearts Day 2016. Contributions of $10 or more will be matched. Please go to to participate on Thurs., Feb. 11th.

Anyone interested in being a member of the Parish Council, please call Fr. Miller or the parish office at 324-2144. Meetings are every second

Thursday of the month at 5:00 pm in the Rectory. The next meeting is February 11.

Looking for a Lenten experience to help you discover the gifts God longs to give you-through His Word?

Come join the Book Study of “Unleashed” by Sonja Corbitt, sponsored by Court Sacred Heart #1908.

This 8 week study will be held in the Clubroom at St. Cecil-ia's, Tuesday evenings from 7-8pm, beginning on Febru-ary 2nd. We have 15 books ordered at $13.86 each. Please contact Julie Keller at 324-2047 or Susan Waldoch at 324-2179 to reserve a book! “ I appreciate how Sonja Corbitt makes the guidance of the Holy Spirit a real possibility in every person’s life. We all

desire to be led by God and Sonja shows you how. A very refreshing read!” Jeff Cavins-Director of ArchBishop Harry J Flynn Catechetical Institute

“Sonja has been there. She is real. In these pages, we find a kindred spirit who offers a hand to help us up!” Peggy Eastman-CDA Book Review Editor

All salad bowls and cake pans, etc. that are brought to the church for funeral

lunches can now be found in the freezer room on the counter.

St Cecilia Church is pleased to offer a preventive health event. Life Line Screening, a leading provider of community-based pre-ventive health screenings, will host their affordable, non-invasive and painless health screenings on February 22, 2016. Five

screenings will be offered that scan for potential health problems related to: blocked ar-teries which is a leading cause of stroke; abdominal aortic aneurysms which can lead to a ruptured aorta; hardening of the arteries in the legs which is a strong predictor of heart disease; atrial fibrillation or irregular heart beat which is closely tied to stroke risk; and a bone density screening, for men and women, used to assess the risk of osteoporosis. Register for a Wellness Package which includes 4 vascular tests and osteoporosis screening from $149 ($139 with our member discount). All five screenings take 60-90 minutes to complete. In order to register for this event and to receive a $10 dis-count off any package priced above $129, please call 1-888-653-6441 or visit

Little Flower Catholic School Carnival

Sunday, January 31, 2016 12:00 - 3:00 pm at the Rugby Armory.

There will be games, concessions and door prizes!

Prayer Day at University of Mary The annual Prayer Day at the University of Mary is Friday, Feb. 5 beginning at 10 a.m. in the McDowell Activity Center. Keynote speaker is Curtis Martin, founder and chief executive of

Fellowship Of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). A morning prayer with Bishop Kagan precedes Martin’s keynote address. The day begins with an 8:30 a.m. breakfast. Mass is at noon in the Our Lady of the Annunciation Chapel. The 38th annual Prayer Day event is $10 for the entire day. Preregistration is available online at or by calling (701) 355-8102 or (800) 408-6279, ext. 8102.

Do you think you might enjoy and benefit from attend-ing a Cursillo Weekend? If you have questions and concerns about attending a weekend, please contact one of the people listed below.

Cursillo Dates 2016 Harvey, ND

Men’s: February 11-14, 2016 Women’s: February 18-21, 2016 Gary Baasch 701-490-6079 Laurie Wiederrich 701-493-2561

Hankinson, ND Men’s: March 3-6, 2016 Women’s: March 10-13, 2016

Ken Mondry 701-520-0145 Jennine Seitz 701-540-8668

For Home


Bring the

Family to
