Download - S O M M E R S E T€¦ · enjoyed attending baseball games with his father, and played baseball and football at Jefferson High School. After high school he enrolled at Virginia Tech,

Page 1: S O M M E R S E T€¦ · enjoyed attending baseball games with his father, and played baseball and football at Jefferson High School. After high school he enrolled at Virginia Tech,

22355 Providence Village Dr. • Sterling, VA 20164 • (703) • Vist us on Facebook

Retirement Community


Dec/Jan/Feb 2016

Valarie Reed Resident Serv. Coord.Rachelle Mitchell Marketing Rep.Olivia Saber Admin/Leasing Consult.Doug Mauz Maintenance SupervisorCharles Brehm Security SupervisorGurcharan Singh Dining SupervisorMirna Perez-Sosa Head CookAna Molina Housekeeping Supvr.Charles Brehm Maint./Bus DriverFrank Rodriguez SecurityMelissa King SecurityJoanna Aubin SecurityJeff Sanderson SecurityTerill Fields SecurityJacque Thompson SecurityMegan Packard Part-Time AssistantMary Zorich HairstylistCarl Winstead Bus Driver


RESIDENT SPOTLIGHT:Charles S. (Shoemaker) Elton

BIRTHPLACE:January 19, 1931, in Roanoke, VA

EDUCATION & CAREER:B.S. Business Admin from Virginia Tech & M.S.Mathematics from East Tenn State Univ. Taught HSMath for 5 yrs and went on to teach college level Mathfor 20 yrs.

FAVORITE THINGS:Sports, Gardening, Traveling, Pets, Music, BallroomDancing, and Spending Time with Family

Born in Roanoke, Virginia, Charles grew upwith a love of music and sports, with parentswho encouraged his interests. He especiallyenjoyed attending baseball games with hisfather, and played baseball and football atJefferson High School.

After high school he enrolled at VirginiaTech, where he was a member of the Corps ofCadets, joined the German (dance) club,played on the wrestling team, and wrote amusic column for The VA Tech studentnewspaper. He graduated with a B.S. inBusiness Administration and joined the Army.

Assigned to US Army base in Kaiserslautern,Germany, he was able to travel through parts ofWestern Europe on breaks, and particularlyloved visiting Italy. In 1956, Charles met hisfuture wife, Maribel, who was stationed nearby,working as a librarian at Kaiserslautern Elem.

Page 2: S O M M E R S E T€¦ · enjoyed attending baseball games with his father, and played baseball and football at Jefferson High School. After high school he enrolled at Virginia Tech,


In This Issue

Res. Spot. 1-2Welcome to 4Birthdays 4Health Notes 5Happenings 6Places & Events 7

Toys for TotsSommerset is

an Official ToyDrop Off Locationfor US MarineCorps ReserveToys For Totscampaign. Toysmay be depositeduntil December17th. Thank you!

New Year’sEve Party

Come downand EnjoySommerset’s NewYear’s EveFestivities from6pm - 9pm,Thursday, Dec.31st. The Band‘Senior Staff’ willplay all evening.Also watch theball drop andtoast in 2016!

They quickly realized they wereboth Virginians and enjoyed musicand travel. On their first date theywent to a romantic Italianrestaurant where they wereserenaded by violins to an Italianlove song. It was a love match fromthe beginning. Charles and Maribelboth returned to the States in 1959and were wed on April 4th inMaribel’s hometown of Clintwood,Virginia.

Soon after marriage, the Eltonsrelocated to Abingdon, VA, whereCharles began his career as a highschool math teacher. He served asthe school wrestling coach andadvisor for Phi Theta Kappa, alsocoaching golf one season andtaking the team to the statechampionship tournament in1961. The family welcomed adaughter, Catherine, in 1963, whileCharles was working on hisMaster’s Degree in Mathematics.

After graduating from EastTennessee State University,he took a job as an AssistantProfessor at VirginiaHighlands CommunityCollege where he taughtmathematics, FORTRAN andBASIC programming. Heretired after 20 years ofservice.

After retirement, Charlesparlayed his love of jazzmusic into a part-time job asradio deejay ‘Ed Charles’ onLove that Jazz.

The family loved to traveland many trips werespontaneous, though Charlesand Maribel always returnedto their favorite getaway,Pawley’s Island, SC. Dogsand cats were part of thefamily throughout the years,including two cats thatcurrently live with Charles,Yin (17) and Tiger (12).

Their daughter, Catherine,of Leesburg, moved bothparents to northern VA to becloser to her during Maribel’shealth crisis this year, hopingthat Maribel would joinCharles at Sommerset. Sadly,she passed away in August.

When looking at places tolive, Charles felt Sommersetwould be the best fit, and hasmade many friends in theshort time he has been here.

Page 3: S O M M E R S E T€¦ · enjoyed attending baseball games with his father, and played baseball and football at Jefferson High School. After high school he enrolled at Virginia Tech,


He feels welcome, part of thecommunity, and at home. Heshares his apartment with twotabby cats, who havesurprisingly adapted quite wellto apartment living.

(Top Left) Charles & late wife, Maribel;(Top Right) Daughter, Catherine &grandson; Pets, Miss Kitty & Tiger.

Charles enjoying various Sommersetactivities. (top) Trip to DC Basilica of theNational Shrine; (bottom left) Halloween

social; (bottom right) Luau Dinner

Healthy Lifestyle

Humor & HealthJanuary’s winter

doldrums pairedwith the post-holiday blues canstart to wear on aperson. Perhapsthat’s why GlobalBelly Laugh Day iscelebrated eachJan. 24. What’s sogreat aboutlaughter? Tobegin with, it’s agreat way to bondwith other peoplewhile improvingyour own mood.The more youlaugh, the moreresilient you areto negative events.Laughter is greatfor your health,too. It burnscalories and raisesthe heart rate, likea mild workout. Agood laugh alsoreleases tensionand stress andincreases yourimmunity andinfection-fightingantibodies. Makesomeone smile!

Page 4: S O M M E R S E T€¦ · enjoyed attending baseball games with his father, and played baseball and football at Jefferson High School. After high school he enrolled at Virginia Tech,


Happy Birthday



DECEMBER6 Joan Eliot7 Marilyn

Patella13 Nan Danziger14 J. Harbourne15 Ilse Peritz

JANUARY5 Mary Rajki6 Katherine

Acton19 Charles Elton22 Amy Kyer27 M. Clemons

FEBRUARY3 Jinx Arnesen6 Tana Hadlock10 N. Marcocci19 Mollie Asch26 M. Haslbeck


102 Forrest Livingston112 Ruby Moore114 Bernice Ramsey132 Micheline Roots203 Monna Beardmore223 Jean Shafer302 Gary Bostic330 Paul Wyatt

Refer a Friend!Refer a friend, receive $250

if they become a new resident.

Hugs Are HealthyStretch out your arms and give

someone a squeeze on NationalHug Day, Jan. 21. Huggingreduces stress hormones andreleases a soothing brainchemical—and this reactionoccurs whether you’re giving ahug or receiving one.

‘Auld Lang Syne’The English translation of the

first verse and chorus:Should old acquaintance

be forgot,and never brought to mind?

Should old acquaintancebe forgot,

and auld lang syne?Chorus:

For auld lang syne, my dear,for auld lang syne,

we’ll take a cup of kindness yet,for auld lang syne.

Say Something Nice TodayGiving compliments can

boost confidence in others andpromote positivity in your ownlife. January 24th is NationalCompliment Day, so take thisopportunity to makecomplimenting others a regularhabit. You’ll feel better for it.

Page 5: S O M M E R S E T€¦ · enjoyed attending baseball games with his father, and played baseball and football at Jefferson High School. After high school he enrolled at Virginia Tech,


Avoid the Winter Coldand Flu

Cold and flu season can beginas early as October and usuallyends in April. While there is nosure-fire cure for the commoncold, you can take certain steps tohelp reduce your chances ofgetting sick in the first place, suchas getting a flu shot. Followingthese steps may improve youroverall health and provide anextra layer of flu and coldprotection:

• Eat a well-balanced diet withplenty of fruits, vegetablesand whole grains, as well asfoods with immune-boostingnutrients, such as ginger,vitamin C, zinc andlactobacillus (the bacteriain yogurt).

• Wash your hands frequentlywith soap and warm water.

• Drink water to stay hydrated.• Exercise regularly to increase

your body’s naturalimmunity.

• Avoid smoking and drinkingalcohol, both of which loweryour resistance to infection.

The Comfort of ChamomileOn a chilly winter day, warm

up with a steaming cup ofchamomile tea. The herb’s flowerscontain powerful flavonoids andoils that may help relieve jointpain by reducing inflammation.

Put on a Happy FaceSimply putting on a happy face

could enhance your view of thosearound you. Researchers at CityUniversity London in England saythere’s evidence smiling can cuethe brain to put a positive spin onother people’s emotions. Whenresearchers recorded the brainwaves of study participants, datashowed that the act of smilingchanged their brain activity,making them perceive peoplewith neutral expressions assmiling, too. As in the words of aclassic tune, “When you’resmiling, the whole world smileswith you.”

Coloring Isn’t Just for KidsGrownups are getting out the

crayons and going back to anostalgic childhood pastime—coloring. Featuring intricatedrawings that are morechallenging than children’sversions, adult coloring bookshave become publishingbest-sellers. Creators say theactivity takes people back to amore carefree time, allows themind to unwind and provides acreative outlet. Experts note thatcoloring uses two parts of thebrain: The cerebral cortex isactivated since vision andcoordination are needed, whilethe amygdala is relaxed,producing a de-stressing effect.

To Your Health!


With cold andflu seasonunderway, it’smore importantthan ever to washyour hands tofight germs. Manywere taught toalways use soapand warm water;the Centers forDisease Controland Preventionreports that whenit comes to killingbacteria, thetemperature ofthe water doesn’tmatter—theamount of timespent scrubbingdoes. Using coldwater will saveenergy as well asprevent the skinon your handsfrom becomingcracked and dry.

Page 6: S O M M E R S E T€¦ · enjoyed attending baseball games with his father, and played baseball and football at Jefferson High School. After high school he enrolled at Virginia Tech,


What’s Happening

SundaySoup-du-jourSoup’s on. Look

for details on ourSunday SoupSocial inFebruary!


“Laughter is thesun that driveswinter from thehuman face.” —Victor Hugo




Fox RehabStrength, Mobilityand BalanceExercise is offeredin the WellnessRoom with bloodpressure readingsfollowing class.

Welcome to CoreyPlease give a warm Sommerset

Welcome to Corey Cox, our newFox Exercise Physiologistreplacing Chantal. See him forall your exercise, and physicaland occupational therapyquestions. Ask about his recentmarriage.

Corey and Chantal


The meaning of green: Green is thecolour of hope. We are turning somelights to green to recognize Veterans.Green is the color of hope, renewal andwell-being. “Green light” is also a termcommonly used to activate forwardmovement. The simple action ofchanging one light to green is intendedto spark a national conversationregarding the recognition of Veteransand ‘green light’ them forward asvalued members of our communities.Thank you to all of our Veterans atSommerset Retirement Community.


Page 7: S O M M E R S E T€¦ · enjoyed attending baseball games with his father, and played baseball and football at Jefferson High School. After high school he enrolled at Virginia Tech,



In September we enjoyed lunchat Chez Francois and enjoyed atrip to Charlestown Races and Slotsfor gaming and lunch.

October took us on our annualtrek to Skyline Drive and lunch.Several enjoyed the Potomac EagleRailroad Train Ride to view the fallfoliage and the eagles.

With the November coolerweather upon us, we visited theDC Basilica of the National Shrineof the Immaculate Conception.

WHERE WE ARE GOINGThe holiday spirit is in the air

and Sommerset’s Residents areready to celebrate. Decemberbegins with a trip to attend theArmy Band Concert ‘A HolidayFestival’ at DAR Constitution Hallin DC. We will feast at the ‘JingleBell Banquet’ at BRHS in Ashburn.Enjoy the sleigh bus ride to seeBull Run Festival of Lights and theMormon Temple Lights. Plan toenjoy all the great in-houseentertainment, including ThomasPandolfi and others, as well asgreat food this holiday season.

January opens with ourSommerset lunch bunch enjoyingdelicious lunch outings. We willride to Franklin Park to listen tothe sounds of Elvis. For thosewho prefer a good movie in ourfireside lounge or our great in-house entertainment, Sommersetwill have it all.

The February chill will notdeter us as we travel to localrestaurants and to exploremuseums in Washington, D.C.We will again host our AnnualValentine Tea, as well as manyentertainers visiting ourwonderful and active community.Don’t forget Garrey and ballroomdancing twice a month now. Wewill take in a lunch and a movieat the Alamo Draft House at OneLoudoun.

Event Highlights

DecemberUS Army Band

Concert DARConstitution Hall

Jingle BellBanquet

Bull RunFestival of Lights

MormonTemple Lights

T. PandolfiC. DrapkinChristmasSommerset New

Year’s Eve Party!

JanuaryNew Year’s Day

2016Franklin Park

Trip- ElvisDale JarrettRearview MirrorJay DanielsBallroom DanceSmithsonian

Museum TripLunch Outings

FebruaryValentine’s Day

Tea LuncheonLunch Bunch


Alamo Drafthouseat One Loudoun

Casino Trip

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Dec/Jan/Feb 2016















