Download - Ş ə h ə r: G ə nc ə M ə kt ə b: 19 saylı tam orta F ə nn: İngilis dili Sinif : 7 Mü ə llim : H ə s ə nova Zülfiyy ə.


Şəhər: GəncəMəktəb: 19 saylı tam ortaFənn: İngilis diliSinif : 7Müəllim : Həsənova Zülfiyyə

Standards:2.1.1;3.1.2;3.1.3;4.1.2 Theme:Animals’ Messages Aim:To elicit from the Ss on how and why

animals send messages,how they communicate developing Ss’ speaking,reading and writing skills.

Integration:Biology-2.1.1.,Nat Lang.-1.2.2./3.1.2.Lit.-3.1.1.

Resources:SB,illustrations,video,flipchart Interaction:GW/PW/IW Strategy:KWL,Discussion,Description,Mat



•What do you hear?•What animal is it?•Can animal communicate?How?•Can plants communicate?How?•Have you ever witnessed animal’s communications?


Why do animals\plants need to communicate?

II group How do plants\animals communicate?

KEY WORDS Distance[‘dist(ə)ns]

To roar[rɔ:]To run away[rʌn ə’wei]

Direction[direkʃ(ə)n] Signals[signælz]

To attract[ə’trækt]


LIONS Both male and female lions roar, and

that roar can be heard over five miles away!

WHALES The Blue Whale is the largest known

mammal that has ever lived, and the largest living animal, at up to 110 feet long and 150 tons.

DOGS It is completely natural for dogs to bark,

and it’s one of their most important forms of communication after energy and body language. Dogs will bark as a warning, to protect their pack and territory. They will also bark to express excitement.

Cat behavior includes body language, elimination habits, aggression, play, communication, hunting, and face rubbing in domestic cats. Some cats "ask for" food dozens of times a day, including at night, with rubbing, pacing, and meowing. Mewing is a plea for help or attention often made by kittens.


Match the halves

1. Bees “tell” each other by signals a)I’m over here

2. Flowers tell bees b)for other dolphins and bats

3. The whale’s message is c)where the best flowers are

4. Dolphins and bats make sounds d)”Run away!It’s dangerous!”

5. Lions’ message is e)”Please,come and visit me!”

TASK 2 I group


CREATIVE WORK To collect information about “Different

Animals’ messaging”