Download - Ryan Brown Portfolio

  • PORTFOLIORyan Brown

  • Ryan Brown806.881.9334 [email protected]

    BrochureImaging FlierLogos Business CardWeb Page Letterhead Event Ad Montage

    Table of Contents

  • Description:A two sided (duplex) folding brochure.


    Course/Instructor:Brother PingelComm130

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe InDesign/Adobe Illustrator/Adobe Photoshop

    Objectives:To learn how to properly design and print a brochureProcess (Programs, Tools, Skills):I set up the half-fold brochure in Adobe InDesign. I set up my layout to have two pages and knew that my front and back page would be on the first page of my layout. And the inside would be the second page on my layout. I used film strips to help create repetition throughout my brochure. I also chose photos of people smiling to help create repetition. I then placed the bomber into InDesign where I used the text wrap option to wrap my text around the alpha channel of the image. I created the logo in Illustrator using the text tool to create the text. I found a great looking font called Baron that I used for the font. I changed the color of the R to add some contrast. Next I imported a photo of a film strip and positioned it over the R and O.


  • Imaging

    Description:A personally taken photograph that has been edited in photoshop

    Date: February 7

    Course/Instructor:Brother PingelComm130

    Programs/Tools used: Photoshop

    Process: I decided on a color after sketching some possible layouts. I then walked around campus and looked for something that work well with my vision. I chose complementary for my color scheme. I used my DSLR Canon camera to snap my picture. I designed an 8.5 x 11 layout and made sure the text was laid out well. AT first I found it tricky to find some good colors from my photo. I decided to fade the edges of my photo into the background for a different look. I also made sure my photo had a good rule of thirds.

  • February



    Save a Life


    Show up. Save a life. Feel good about yourself!

    We will be giving away FREE T-shirts to all who donate. 9-5 PM

    2000 North Main Street

    Idaho Falls, ID 83401

    Event AdDescription:A personally taken photograph that has been edited in photoshop

    Date: April 4

    Course/Instructor:Brother PingelComm130

    Programs/tools used: Microsoft Word

    Process: I scanned the arm image and used Word to overlay some shapes on top of the image. I used white on blue so I would have plenty of contrast for the title and other subtitle content. At first I had two triangles as shapes,but then I thought it would look alot better with rectangles. Messing with the different layers in word is more difficult, but I finally figured out how to do it.

  • LogosDescription:A personally taken photograph that has been edited in photoshop

    Date: February 21

    Course/Instructor:Brother PingelComm130

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator

    Process: I had a great time creating logos in Illustrator. I used the image trace tool to get my tire looking how I wanted it. I used the type on a path tool and the circle tool to type on a circular path. That way I shaped my text like the shape of a tire. I used the rectangle tool to make the green rectangle below my third logo. I carefully chose my typography to my liking. I contrasted quite a few of my titles and subtitles. I really focused on different color schemes to help my logos stand out

  • Business cardDescription:A personally taken photograph that has been edited in photoshop

    Date: February 27

    Course/Instructor:Brother PingelComm130

    I created the logo first. I turned on the perspective grid to help me design the 3D truck. I used the pen tool to draw the truck. I tried different effects on it, but ultimately decided to do the colored shapes inside of the truck design.

    After that I started my business card design. First I drew two rectangles and made them 2 and a half inches by 3 inches. I copy and pasted the contact info onto this page. I changed the alignment to right this time. Next I placed the logo in the upper left hand corner. On the bottom of the card I drew a rectangle to add a little color.On the back of the card I simply placed my logo on the page.Program/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator & InDesign

  • WEb pageDescription:A personally taken photograph that has been edited in photoshop

    Date: March 14

    Course/Instructor:Brother PingelComm130

    Programs/Tools Used: Brackets & Photoshop

    I created this web page using only Brackets. I have previous experience with HTML/CSS. It was great to get more practice with . It was also interesting to use the HTML validator. It was useful to have something check to see if I had any problems with my code.

    After I marked up all my content and inserted my image, I attached a pre-made CSS document to my HTML. I then used the colors from my logo as the colors for my web page. I found these colors by opening Photoshop and using the eyedropper tool. I also changed my fonts to a font by Google called roboto. I declared some backup fonts just in case the viewers browser didnt load the Google font. I also used padding around the logo and text so that they would not be too close to the edge of the web page. This was one of the most challenging parts of working with CSS.

  • LetterheadDescription:A personally taken photograph that has been edited in photoshop

    Date: February 27

    Course/Instructor:Brother PingelComm130

    I created the logo first. I turned on the perspective grid to help me design the 3D truck. I used the pen tool to draw the truck. I tried different effects on it, but ultimately decided to do the colored shapes inside of the truck design.

    After that I started my business card design. First I drew two rectangles and made them 2 and a half inches by 3 inches. I copy and pasted the contact info onto this page. I changed the alignment to right this time. Next I placed the logo in the upper left hand corner. On the bottom of the card I drew a rectangle to add a little color.On the back of the card I simply placed my logo on the page.Program/Tools Used: Adobe Illustrator & InDesign

  • FlyerDescription:A personally taken photograph that has been edited in photoshop

    Date: January 25

    Course/Instructor:Brother PingelComm130

    Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I started the design process by making 4 different sketches. I focused mainly on one of my sketches as a reference, but also included a few ideas from other designs I sketched. I started my layout in Adobe InDesign. I used blank frames and text-boxes to start my layout. My Title, Graduate, was much larger than the rest of my title to grab attention. I carefully decided where white space would be appropriate and how much to use. All of the content of this flier was given to me.

  • MontageDescription: A personally taken photograph that has been edited in photoshop

    Date: February 14

    Course/Instructor:Brother PingelComm130

    Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Photoshop

    I inserted the background image into photoshop. I embedded the Angel Moroni picture and faded the edges. I then add a filter to the Angel Moroni and made his head look clearer than the rest.I removed a bush from behind my head in the picture. I add a texture picture and blended it with the rest of the picture. I also changed the opacity so the texture was not so dominant.I moved the pink background and font to the top layer to avoid being texturized. I resized the montage to 8.5 x 11