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Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 2: Russia, Sochi 2013


• A historical perspective of Québec-The Quiet Revolution

• The two major reforms that came out of the Quiet revolution

• Comparing the collective dimensions behind these two reforms

• Understanding the planning context of Québec• The case example of Québec city and its suburban


Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 3: Russia, Sochi 2013

Historical perspective : Before the 1960’s

• “if Quebecers are not free, nor rich, it is because that freedom is primarily of the spiritual realm and that real wealth is more than materialistic needs, it is especially from the moral and religious sphere. The reward of the righteous is not of this world but rather after death where they will be distributed”

(translated from French to English)

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 4: Russia, Sochi 2013

Historical perspective : The Quiet Revolution

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Québec, 1962Québec, 1960 René Lévesque, 1962

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Historical perspective : The Quiet Revolution

• Quick F.A.Q– What was the quiet revolution?

• Answer: Period of intense change in Québec (1960’s), Canada, characterized by the rapid and effective secularization of society, the creation of a welfare state, and realignment of politics into federalist and separatist factions.

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 6: Russia, Sochi 2013

Historical perspective : The Quiet Revolution

• Quick F.A.Q– Why was it named “the quiet revolution”

• Answer: Intense change came without considerable opposition

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 7: Russia, Sochi 2013

Historical perspective : The Quiet Revolution

• The early 1960’s after some hesitation, the Quebec government replaces the Church. It supports what fell within the latter and adds several sectors of the economy : education, health, culture, language, social support, collective management of financial assets, use of water resources, business support.

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 8: Russia, Sochi 2013

Historical perspective : The Quiet Revolution

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

The quiet revolution

Taking control and expanding public services

Educational reform

Urban Planning


Roman catholic church

Provincial government

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The two big reforms that came out of the Quiet Revolution

• Le rapport Parent, 1963-1964 (Educational Reform) • Le rapport La Haye, 1968 (Urban Planning Reform)

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 10: Russia, Sochi 2013

Le rapport Parent, 1963-1964 (Educational Reform)

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 11: Russia, Sochi 2013

The two big reforms that came out of the Quiet Revolution : Le rapport parent (educational reform)

• The creation of the Ministry of Education of Quebec• Compulsory schooling until the age of 16• The creation of general and vocational colleges

(CEGEPs) to replace the colleges of the time run by nuns and priests

• Extensive training of teachers• Easy access to universities for all social groups

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Marc andre Grimpe
Le rapport Parent came after a commission was put forward by the government, in order to investigate on the state of education in Québec.
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The two big reforms that came out of the Quiet Revolution : Le rapport parent (educational reform)

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Université du Québec à Montréal Cégep du vieux Montréal Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup

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The two big reforms that came out of the Quiet Revolution : Le rapport parent (educational reform)

• From 1967 to 1986 : the rate of attendance is multiplied by– 10 times for Cegeps– 4,5 times for Universities

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

• For many, this educational reform would be the result of a social contract whose main cornerstone would be solidarity

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The two big reforms that came out of the Quiet Revolution : Le rapport parent (educational reform)

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

• Clear collective goals that correlate with greater physical and economical accessibility to education

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Le rapport La Haye, 1968 (Urban planning reform)

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 16: Russia, Sochi 2013

The two big reforms that came out of the Quiet Revolution : Le rapport La Haye (Urban planning reform)

• A raft of administrative reforms and implementation of tools to allow the state and municipalities to fulfill their mission

• The creation, 10 years later, of la Loi sur l’urbanisme et l’aménagement (Law on Planning and Development)

• Under the technocratic planning design favored by le rapport La Haye, the Law on Planning and Development has been mainly procedural, since it established a set of management systems for planning, public consultations , as well as the adoption and application of tools

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 17: Russia, Sochi 2013

The two big reforms that came out of the Quiet Revolution : Le rapport La Haye (Urban planning reform)

Few Examples • Les travaux du bureau d’aménagement de l’Est du

Québec (1963 à 1966)

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 18: Russia, Sochi 2013

The two big reforms that came out of the Quiet Revolution : Le rapport La Haye (Urban planning reform)

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Few Examples • The construction of the highway network (end of the


Page 19: Russia, Sochi 2013

The two big reforms that came out of the Quiet Revolution : Le rapport La Haye (Urban planning reform)

• Withholding the financial dimension, there would be no ambitious initiative or extensive achievements, similar to the ones achieved during the Educational reform

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 20: Russia, Sochi 2013

The two big reforms that came out of the Quiet Revolution : Le rapport La Haye (Urban planning reform)

• The Quiet Revolution did not know how to address the urban question!

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 21: Russia, Sochi 2013

Comparing the collective dimensions behind these two reforms

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013


Page 22: Russia, Sochi 2013

Understanding the planning context of Québec

• As a result, the Quebec approach to urban planning and development, defined by le rapport La Hague, will not focus on any territorial project, unlike le rapport Parent

• The territory has been reduced to a resource that has to be exploited

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 23: Russia, Sochi 2013

Understanding the planning context of Québec

• This becomes particularly clear when looking recent national projects such as the “Plan Nord”

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 24: Russia, Sochi 2013

Understanding the planning context of Québec

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 25: Russia, Sochi 2013

Consequences of this lack of vision


Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 26: Russia, Sochi 2013

Case example : Québec city and its suburban growth

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 27: Russia, Sochi 2013

Case example : Québec city and its peri-urban growth

• What characterizes peri-urban environments?– From a morphological point of view, landscape

distinguishes itself by the dominance of non-built over built

– Recent low density constructions are sparsely scattered along roads, inserted between older buildings, or as residential or commercial enclaves.

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 28: Russia, Sochi 2013

Case example : Québec city and its peri-urban growth

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

peri-urban growth Suburban growth

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Case example : Québec city and its peri-urban growth

• The suburban area of Quebec is far from homogeneous. From the north shore to the south shore, east and west, urban sprawl does not operate on the same terms

• …with different effects on the environment and landscape

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 30: Russia, Sochi 2013

Case example : Québec city and its peri-urban growth

• The metropolitan region of Québec with its “leapfrog” type suburban sprawling.

• On the north shore, an “octopus” like structure scattering the built environment along roads and valleys.

• On the south shore, a satellite like structure arising from the presence of low density residential subdivisions, separated by farmland and wooded areas.

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 31: Russia, Sochi 2013

Case example : Québec city and its peri-urban growth

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Bachiri, 2011, p.42

South shore

North shore

• 2 major enablers of growth can be observed, influenced by the presence of different barriers.

• Barriers are either • natural (like a river) or• anthropogenic (such as a


Page 32: Russia, Sochi 2013

Case example : Québec city and its suberban growth

• The 1950-60’s were a period of grate suburban sprawl but since the 90’s, we’ve been witnessing a “leapfrog’’ type sprawling

• Several rural limits are gradually disappearing, as land subdivisions are being developed, and catching up with villages and natural resorts

• Bringing settlement patterns and architecture typical of suburbia

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 33: Russia, Sochi 2013

Case example : Québec city and its suburban growth

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

patterns and architecture typical of suburbia

Page 34: Russia, Sochi 2013

Case example : Québec city and its suburban growth

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 35: Russia, Sochi 2013

Case example : Québec city and its suburban growth

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 36: Russia, Sochi 2013

Case example : Québec city and its suburban growth

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 37: Russia, Sochi 2013

Case example : Québec city and its peri-urban growth

• The suburb is sprawling uncontrollably and is guided by the presence of natural and anthropogenic factors (rivers and roads)

• This is happening at the expense of sustainability and rural areas

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013

Page 38: Russia, Sochi 2013

Thank you!

Marc-André Grimpe M. B. Urb. / M. Sc. Design urbain

Sense of space, place and belonging : A historical overview of planning policies in Québec, Canada

Summer shool of architecture : SOCHI 2013