Download - Russ and Simone Extended (1)


RUSS: I like the way youve you know painted it. With the orange.

SIMONE: Youve seen it?

RUSS: Oh uh through the door, yeah. When it was open. Once.


RUSS: It looks nice.

SIMONE: Oh. (She smiles. Flattered.)

RUSS: The way youve just you know picked out bits here and there. I thoughts it was just gonna be(He sweeps his arms to indicate the whole room.) orange!

SIMONE: Oh, no. That wouldve been um too much. Too bright.

RUSS: I guess so. But it looks nice the way youve done it.

(Simone smiles.)

SIMONE: Thank you.

RUSS: What does Davey think of it?

SIMONE: I dont think he um thinks anything about it.

RUSS: He should. (pause) What does he think of your you know


RUSS: (tapping his chest) Tattoo.

SIMONE: He laughed.



SIMONE: He didnt tell me it was beautiful.


RUSS: Whyd you get it? On your you know there. And a tiger.

SIMONE: Its um its hard to explain.

RUSS: Go on.

SIMONE: Its got something to do with with knowing something that no one else does. Something thats almost a bit um naughty. You know what I mean?

RUSS: I think so.

SIMONE: Cause I had I had that feeling at school once. When I was in um Form Two. No, Form One, because we had Mr Armitage. I had a job in this uh this shop in the holidays stacking stuff and that, and I had to pick up my pay for the whole two weeks on the way to school one day. It was a hundred dollars, which was you know so much.

RUSS: Yeah. Especially when youre like eleven or whatever.

SIMONE: Yeah. And they gave me a hundred dollar note. And I was holding it so tight, scared stiff, because one note if you lose it, you lose it. And I thought I should put it in my pocket, or my pencil case, but you still lose stuff from there. So I I

(Simone starts to giggle) SIMONE: This is I cant tell you this.

RUSS: No, no go on.

SIMONE: Its so childish.

RUSS: Tell me.

SIMONE: Well I went into um into the toilets and put it inside my knickers.

(She puts her hands over her mouth and stares at Russ, giggling, almost reliving it. Russ laughs with her.)

SIMONE: And I kept looking at the others in the class and Mr Armitage walking around helping people as if everything was normal and I was just the usual little Simone who wouldnt say boo to a goose, and I kept thinking, but Im not. Ive got a hundred dollars down my pants, so youse dont know anything. It was exciting because it was kinda rude, I suppose, because of where it was. In the middle of all those people. I kept it there all day, even though it was uncomfortable. Just for that feeling.

(She laughs again. So does Russ.)

SIMONE: I suppose the tattoo is the same.

(Pause. She picks at the sofa.)

SIMONE: Its pathetic isnt it.


SIMONE: If I was any kind of person I wouldnt need it.

(Pause. Russ looks at her.)

RUSS: Do you want to come to the zoo tomorrow?

(Simone doesnt reply).

RUSS: No. Stupid idea.

SIMONE: No, its a nice idea, Russ. But I cant afford it.

RUSS: Oh I never pay. Theres this way in. You have to climb a tree and drop over the fence.

(Simone smiles at him, mischievously.)


RUSS: Ill show you the tiger. My tiger.

(He smiles)

RUSS: You showed me yours.

(They laugh. They sip tea in silence).