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Page 1: Rural Development Syllabus

7/25/2019 Rural Development Syllabus 1/2


Hours : 40

Course Objec!"e T#e objec!"e o$ #e course !s o $a%!&!ar!'e #e

(ar!c!(a)s *!# co)ce(ua& u)+ersa)+!), o$ Rura& Mar-e!), a)+

+e"e&o(%e) (rac!ces !) )+!a) co)ex.

U)! /0 1ess!o)s2 Rural Business and its critical features; Identication of 

needs of rural producer organization, enterprises, projects and its people; the

rural social and political scenario. Features of structure dynamics and

changes of rural society and polity in India in post-independence period.

 U)! /0 1ess!o)s2 Oerie! of the rural resources-land, soil, climate,

!ater and forests; Oerie! of the production system containing agriculture,

horticulture, seri-culture, forestry, animal hus"andry and dairying, sheries,

non-farm actiities. #oncept, processes and relationship among agro climateand natural resources, production system and lielihood of rural people.

U)! /0 1ess!o)s2 $anaging co-operaties, emergence, endurance and

gro!th of co-operaties; %eadership issues in co- operaties, eolution of co-

operatie technologies; #o-operatie principles; Issues in esta"lishing

agricultural co-operaties, democratic goernance in co-operaties; co-

operatie principles and economic rationality; &nand pattern of co-operatie-

federal structure, causes of sic'ness, leadership issues and managing


U)! V /0 1ess!o)s2 (conomic )heory of co-operaties, agency theory,

theory of contracts, transaction cost economics, game theory and their

reciprocity, !elfare economics and their co-operaties.

U)! V /0 1ess!o)s2 #oncept, measures and determinants of rural

deelopment; #riti*ue of major rural deelopment approach and strategies;

gro!th s e*uity oriented approach; area s group "ased approach; top

do!n s participatory and people oriented approach to deelopment

planning; #ontemporary gro!th and poerty alleiation programme; di+erent

interentions for rural social and infrastructure deelopment; Role ofInstitutions in rural deelopment-RIs, Os etc; success and sustaina"ility

of rural deelopment interentions, $R(&

1u,,ese+ Rea+!),

/. 0onathan Reuid, uide to Rural Business 12ogan age3

Page 2: Rural Development Syllabus

7/25/2019 Rural Development Syllabus 2/2

4. 5eu 6. $ahendra and Basu 2.6. - (conomic and 6ocial 5eelopment

1&cademic Foundation3

7. Bro!n Ben, ractical &ccounting for Farm and Rural Business 1%aoisier3


9. :arren $ - Financial $anagement for Farmers and Rural $anagers

1Blac'!ell u"lishing3