Download - Rules for Earth Quakes Under KP System


Rules for Earth QuakesRule-1:If the sub of the 1st cusp signifies 4 (earthquake), 8 (disaster, calamity), 12 (unseen danger ) with mrk & bdk, there could be an earthquake or a natural disaster in the country.Rule-2:(Kanak Bosmia) If the sub lord of the 4th (earthquake) cusp be the significator of 8 (natural disaster), 12 (loss) & 3 (loss of property), there is chance of earthquake disaster during the joint period of the significators of 3,8,12.Rule-3:( Kanak Bosmia) If the sub lord of the 8th (natural disaster) cusp be the significator of 8 (natural disaster), 12 (loss) & 3 (loss of property), there is chance of earthquake disaster during the joint period of the significators of 3,8,12.So to predict any earthquake first condition is to look at 1st cusp sub lord (condition of country);if it signifies 4,8 or 12 together with mrk, bdk, there could be a great chance for any natural disaster in the country; if it signifies only mrk, bdk, there could be a little chance, and only 4,8,12, the danger is much less.Second condition is that all 3 rules must agree for any earthquake and the last condition is that D.B.A. must agree with the event.For any death in earthquakes:1st cusp sub lord must signify both mrk & bdk houses.Rule-2(Kanak Bosmia ) If the sub lord of the 4th or 8th cusp signifies 5 (2nd from 4th), 10 (7th from 4th ), 3 (12th from 4th) and bdk, the people of the country will die in earthquake disaster during the joint period of the signficators of 3,5,10 and bdk.