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Tajuk penyelidikan yang dicadangkan :

Determination of Continuous Exposure and Dilution Exclusion Efficient for Passive Phyto-remediation by Seaweed Cultivation


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Waste water

Light energy








Purified water

Fig. 2. Schematic depiction of passive system

Academic Visitor Fund



Name of Project Leader:

Nama Ketua Projek: Akira KIKUCHI


Identity card/ Passport no.:

No. Kad Pengenalan: 11779/ TG2555494


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(same species)

Thin-tender thallus seaweed

growing on seawhart.

Star-shape seaweed floating

in a cultivation tank.

Fig. 3. Dr. Hiraoka’s bio-technology.

Carrying capacity (K)

Time (t)

Total amount of biomass

Internal growth rate (r)


Fig. 4. A numerical model to design phyto-remediational system





Fig. 5. Passive phyto-remediationsystem.





Fig. 6. Batch type phyto-remediationsystem.

Professor Associate Professor Lecturer Senior Lecturer

Profesor Prof. Madya Pensyarah Pensyarah Kanan


Research Alliance: Water

Faculty: FKA


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Penyelidikan Asas









Fig. 7. Combined system

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Light energy

Fig. 1. Schematic depiction of passive system

Purified water

Waste water

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Environmental Sciences

FOR Group

Environmental Management and Bioremediation

FOR Code & Area

Waste Bioremediation


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Environment Aspect of Development

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Location of Research:

Tempat penyelidikan dijalankan: Environmental laboratory, FKA, UTM


Duration of this research (Maximum 18 months):

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Duration: __1y_____

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From : ___ Apr. 1, 2011____ To : __ Mar. 30, 2012___

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TG 2555494

Water/ FKA



Mohad Ismid Mdsaid


Water/ FKA



Shamila Azman


Water/ FKA



Lavania Baloo






International colloboration

This research is conducted as official international joint project between FKA&Water Research Alliance and following organizations,

Japanese National Research Institute of Fisheries and Environment of Inland Sea, Fisheries Research Agency (FEIS).

The Research Center for Coastal Lagoon Environments, Shimane University, Japan.

Usa Marine Biological Institute, Kochi University, Japan

Moreover, Japanese top level seaweed researchers will colloborate to develop our vision.

Dr. Masanori Hiraoka (Associate professor of Usa Marine Biological Institute, Kochi University, Japan)

Dr. Motoharu Uchida, and Dr. Kenzo Yoseda (FEIS)

Mr. Shogo Arai (President, Seaweed Research Lab. Corporation, Japan)


Research projects headed by the Applicant that have been completed or current ongoing in the last two years. Please provide title of research, duration, year commence and year ending.

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Title of publication

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Name of journals/books

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Year published

Tahun diterbitkan

Significance of the Easy-to-use Water Quality Checker for Participative Environmental monitoring and Experience Based Learning.

International Journal of Tropical Life


Ecological Open System management for Human Impacted Ecosystem.

Journal of International Development and Cooperation


Quantative Analysis of Landscape Structure in Haji-Dam Watershed, Hiroshima Prefecture.

Natural History of Nishi-Chugoku Mountains


High Resolution Stream Network in Haji Dam Watershed.

Journal of International Development and Cooperation


Application of Asia Environment Simulator (AES) to Environmental Assessment in Haji River Watershed.

Journal of International Development and Cooperation


Ion-exclusion/cation-exchange chromatography for water quality monitoring of river waters

Journal of Japan Industrial Water Association


Process of Phyllostachys pubescens culm invasion at expansion front.



Plant species response against mowing in southwestern Japan.

Journal of International Development and Cooperation



Three proceedings in International conferences

An invited speech in a international conference,

Two invited speeches in Foreign conferences.

Seven book chapters

Five governmental project reports.



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Date : Feb. 2011 Applicant’s Signature :

Tarikh : Tandatangan Pemohon : ___________________________


Executive Summary of Research Proposal (maximum 300 words)

(Please include the background of research, literature reviews, objectives, research methodology and expected outcomes from the research project)

This research will be conducted to determine the effect of continuous exposure and dilution exclusion efficient for passive phytoremediation system. Based on this research, a new-skill to produce high quality seedlings will be developed through seedlings cultivation training. Then, the skill will be applied for Malaysian seaweed species. This skill will enhance the ability to produce seedlings for seaweed propagation. A numerical model to design phytoremediation system will be constructed. From this model, extracted parameter from experiment will be assimilated on this model. This algorithm will be applied to design and monitor laboratory-scale plant. Triplicate set for each system is built and a comparative study between passive and batch system is observed. Followed by, a significant test will be performed to measure the significance of the results between the systems. Thereby, significant efficiency of passive phytoremediation system will be verified. Optimization of passive system and batch phytoremediation system will be conducted by know-how that is obtained above. Consequently, evidence of efficiency for batch and passive, and its combined system will be determined. In conclusion, this research has significant importance which contributes to innovation of seaweed culture by passive method and seedlings production techniques. Moreover, this study also shows that seaweed biomass that is produced, could be used in many applications, such as for food production, and environmental technologies.


Detailed proposal of research project:

(a) Research background including Hypothesis /Research Questions and Literature Reviews.

a-1) General context

Macroalgae (seaweed) can be cultured effectively for the production of useful algal biomass which has wide application to be processed into many by-products for human consumption and industrial application. Some of the versatile products include food, soil conditioner, chemical and pharmaceutical products ADDIN EN.CITE

(Troell et al. 1997; Capo et al. 1999). Besides that, the major industrial use for seaweed is as a source of phycocolloids such as agar that mostly used as tissue culture media. The increasing demand for hydrocolloid extracts during the past 40 years has led to dramatic growth of the seaweed industry in few countries ADDIN EN.CITE

(Briggs and Smith 1993; Alveal et al. 1997).

In Eastern Asian countries, particularly in Japan, China and Korea, seaweed cultivation has become an integral part of daily diet(Bezerra & Marinho-Soriano 2010). The society is becoming aware of the benefits and potential of macroalgae and new algal products. An imminent in novel uses of seaweeds are acting as a stimulant to encourage more research and development of seaweed cultivation (Lüning & Pang 2003). Thus, cultivation of seaweed has become a prominent industry where it generates income for the country and improved the socio economics condition.

Besides the advantages discussed above, macroalgae also has been employed as an eco-friendly treatment in reducing pollution load of wastewater and provides a natural biodiversity mechanism in its environment. As a case study, (Fei 2004) conducted a study on coastal eutrophication problem in China and successfully solved the problem by practicing large scale seaweed cultivation. His study gives evidence that Gracilaria, Porphyra and Laminaria are the promising species for eutrophication treatment in China. Troell et al. (1997) states that integrated culture of the rhodophyta Gracilaria chilensis in salmon cages resulted in a substantial reduction of dissolved ammonium and phosphorus released from the fish farm and subsequently reduces the risk of eutrophication.

A land based fish macroalgae integrated system was developed at Makoba Bay, Zanzibar, Tanzania by Msuya et al. (2002). They have selected four species of macroalgae, planted them and measure its efficiency as biofilters. Macroalgae Gracilaria crassa and Ulva reticula grew well with average growth rates of 1.5% and 1.2%. Of the species tested, the macroalgae U. Reticula and G. Crassa are superior biofilters in this type of integrated system. Seaweed has the potential to absorb excess nutrient from the aquaculture excretory product whereby it acts as a water purification agent and indirectly nutrients are incorporated into seaweed biomass.

a-2) Background of Study

According to Kaur and Ang (2009), seaweed cultivation has started from 1978 in Malaysia and it has been successful in improving the livelihood of costal communities. However,after three decades has past there are still only two species with commercial value. Eventhough Malaysia has suitable climate to cultivate seaweed, the main market size as export only generated RM 44.5 milion in 2008. Based on this fact, according to a report by Developing the Seaweed Aquaculture Sector in Malaysia (2009), research required points are as shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Our direction in this research.

Required matter for seaweed cultivation in Malaysia (Kaur & Ang 2009)


Point 1.

Capacity and capability of building in R&D activity

· To producea Ph.D student with top level skill and networking with Japanese seaweed researchers.

Point 2.

Enhancing human resource at the technical and nontechnical level

Point 3.

Discovering more ways to utilise seaweed and its product

Point 4.

Exploration of new seaweed cultivation method

· Excelent new-skill transfer from Japan, in order to produce high quality seaweed seedlings for wide species.

· To test/invent new seaweed cultivation method for environmental technology and marketability.

Point 5.

Application of modern biology in high quality seedling production

Point 6.

Expanding seaweed variety for production

From the six point listed, it is obvious that the first critical point should be adressed for human resource, R&D capacity development by modern information. Accordingly, we are having our approach 1) to produce a Ph.D student with top level skill and network between Japanese researchers. Then, second critical point should be address for technical matter, such as, 2) how to produce vigorous high quality seedlings without growth inhibitation and 3) its potential for wide variety of species.

It must be defined, Malaysian terittory has a great potential for seaweed cultivation (Kaur & Ang 2009), and seaweed-itself has great potential for food production, and wastewater treatment and biomass resouce generation (Troell et al. 1997; Capo et al. 1999).The required solution is R&D development by Ph.D student generation via advanced research activity. Especially technical skills to produce high quality seedlings are fundamentally important both research experiment and commercial mass cultivation.

a-3) Research design and hypothesis

What we aimed is that macro algae with an existing high market value are highly susceptible to micro algae when it grows under a continuous supply of excess nutrient, and strong light condition. Thus, to load much nutrient is not efficient however, if excess nutrient cannot be consumed, macro algae do not function as remediation agent. This paradox must be solved, when macro algae are applied to phytoremediation agent as a value-added product.

As a potential solution for this problem, we are planning to investigate about passive system (Fig. 1). The main idea of this research is to transport excess nutrient selectively to macro algae under shaded condition, which restrain to provide nutrient to microalgae under strong light condition. In the system, phytoremediation agent is settled between waste water and purified water where wastewater continuously move throughout the seaweed bed. By this system, very slowly moving wastewater continuously exposed the seaweed, during this process purified water is produced. Then light energy is provided through purified water.

In this research, we are planning to investigate about remediable system for wastewater treatment by seaweed propagation (Fig. 2). In our system, seaweed (a) functions as a kind of enzyme from a sense of Hyper cycle (Eigen & Schuster 1978). Thereby excess nutrient in wastewater (b) is purified by seaweed propagation (c), then grown portion of seaweed is cropped (d) and water discharge after purified.

From the concept of entropy, the wastewater has high entropy status (e.g. non-useful). In contrast, purified water and cropped seaweed have lower entropy (e.g. useful). The phytoremediation layer, which contacted these two high and low entropy spaces, pump up the energy status (or minimize the entropy) of environment by light energy. Our system is a pump to generate environmental resource from waste by natural energy. This is the scientific firm definition of “remediation” in this study.

Accordingly, a comparative study is proposed to determine the efficiency of the new system, in between passive and conventional batch method for the same phytobioremediation agent. Hereby, our research hyporthesis for whole research level is as follows,


A phytoremediation system, passive method (Fig 5) has better efficiency than conventional batch method (Fig. 6).


Alveal, K., H. Romo, et al. (1997). "Mass cultivation of the agar-producing alga Gracilaria chilensis (Rhodophyta) from spores." Aquaculture 148(2-3): 77-83.

Bezerra, A. F. and E. Marinho-Soriano (2010). "Cultivation of the red seaweed Gracilaria birdiae (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) in tropical waters of northeast Brazil." Biomass and Bioenergy 34(12): 1813-1817.

Briggs, M. R. P. and S. J. F.-. Smith (1993). Macroalgae in Aquaculture: An Overview and their Possible Role in Shrimp Culture. Marine Biotechnology. Bangkok, Thailand: 11.

Capo, T., J. Jaramillo, et al. (1999). "Sustained high yields of Gracilaria (Rhodophyta) grown in intensive large-scale culture." Journal of Applied Phycology 11(2): 143-147.

Eigen, M. & Schuster, P. (1978) Part A: Emergence of the Hypercycle.” Naturwissenschaften 65:7–41.

Fei, X. (2004). "Solving the coastal eutrophication problem by large scale seaweed cultivation." Hydrobiologia 512(1): 145-151.

Kaur, C.R. & Ang, M. (2009) Seminar report. Developing the seaweed aquaculture sector in Malaysia.

Lüning, K. and S. Pang (2003). "Mass cultivation of seaweeds: current aspects and approaches." Journal of Applied Phycology 15(2): 115-119.

Msuya, F. E., M. S. Kyewalyanga, et al. (2006). "The performance of the seaweed Ulva reticulata as a biofilter in a low-tech, low-cost, gravity generated water flow regime in Zanzibar, Tanzania." Aquaculture 254(1-4): 284-292.

Troell, M., C. Halling, et al. (1997). "Integrated marine cultivation of Gracilaria chilensis (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) and salmon cages for reduced environmental impact and increased economic output." Aquaculture 156(1-2): 45-61.

(b) Objective (s) of the Research

i. To design seawead cultivation system for experimental plant by numerical model construction and parameter assimilations.

ii. To conduct comparative study between passive and batch phytoremediation system in order to measure the efficiency and significance of both system.

iii. To carry-out optimization process of integration for both system via parameters abstraction and assimilation to numerical models.

(c) Methodology

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1.Description of Methodology

In this study, four actual research topics will be investigated. As shown in research design matrix (Appendix 2). High quality seedling production, and numerical model development are fundamental part of this research. Then the efficiency test of passive phytoremidiation study,which is conducted as comparative study, has firm academic originality. On top of these evidence, generalized experiment will be conducted as assessment of efficiency for passive and batch system in order to produce papers and a patent.

New skill to produce high quality seedlings

We transfer Dr. Hiraoka’s bio-technology, which is one of the most excellent technique to make high quality seedlings to generate biomass resource. By this techniques, dense, fast-growing, high quality seaweed cultivation can be realized for almost all macroalgae. Mass production of seedlings are also easy to perform. This technique is not only proven as scientific publication, but also he is honoured by this technology in a national venture buisiness planning competition. This technology is already applied for commercial mass seaweed cultivation by his company, which indicate this biotechnology is very important for both research and development. In this research, a PhD course student get skil and training for this technology via attachment program, several species of tender thallus (leaf-shape) algae will be selected to produce seedlings for our experiment.

Numerical model to design phyto-remediation system

It can be assumed the efficiency of the excess nutrient removal is considerd from yield of the phytoremediation agent. In this research, sea algae is used for phytremediation agent in order absorb excess nutrient. As a natural consequence from the assumption, the uptaken nutrient is monitored by propagated biomass. Of course N and C concentration of seaweed tissue also analized as a critical parameter. Hereby, if theoretically, the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) is considered, which is the most optimized function of phyto-remediational agent by the system. This point should be defined as the first desidaratum to develop bioremediation system.

MSY is, the largest yield that can be continiously taken from a stocked biomass-resouce over an indefinite period. Fundamental to the notion of sustainable harvest, the concept of MSY aims to maintain the total amout of biomass at the point of maximum growth rate by harvesting a part of the stocked biomass. It would normally be surplus of stocked biomass, which allowing to keep maximum productivity indefinitely.

Logistic growth model is applied, where reprocuction rate is assumed as intrinsic for each species. Then if the stocked biomass are small, but because there are few biomass, the overall yield is small. On the contrary, the stocked biomass increasingly limit breeding until the population reaches carrying capacity. At this point, there are no surplus individuals to be harvested and yield drops to zero. Here, at intermediate stocked biomass is performed, represented by half of the carrying capacity, the stocked biomas are able to propagate performing their maximum growing rate. At this point, called the MSY, there is a surplus stocked biomass that can be harvested because growth of the population is at its maximum point due to the large ability of reproducing.

In this research, a numerical model will be formularized basing a logistic growing curve by critical parameter of K and r (refer figure), which assimilated with controlling parameter of experimental passive and batch phytoremediation system. In reality, a theory that realize better economic management process to manage MSY i.e. MEY (maximum economic yield) will be investigated for experimental test plants. Multiparameter approach for system optimization may be applied.

Comparative study between passive and batch systems

Triplicated passive system and conventional batch seaweed cultivation system will be developed, respectively. The systems will be designed as terrestrial system. Then the efficiency of the excess nutrient removal is assessed by increased biomass of phytoremediation agent (seaweed). Every week, the biomass growth rate of cultivated seaweed will be monitored in fresh weight. During the experimental period, the condition, such as, pH, temperature, light intensity, salinity, and nutrient loading will be managed as same level between two systems. Exchange rate of water is 5 times daily. On the other hand, water quality such as NH4+, NO2-, NO3-, and PO43-, DO, pH, salinity, conductivity, and temperature are also monitored. Then, the significance test for efficiency to uptake each water quality parameter will be assessed for one (1) species, such as thin-tender thallus seaweed (e.g. Gracilaria edulis). The collected data will be analyzed via Bayesian statistics, to evaluate how much the difference is significant.

Both passive and batch system are designed, as follows,

Passive system

The main part of the system is passive bioremediational component (1). Excess nutrient is provided from reservoir (2), flowing through the bioremediational component. Between reservoir and bioremediational component, a particular component for duration and sand filtration component may be installed. After the material passed the bioremediational part, it is discharged (4). Excess nutrients are absorbed by bioremediational component as biological resources. Regarding a patent generation, boundary condition of passive system is being explained by four points as follows,

Structure requirement

As long as a system functions is passive feature, it is overlooked about the feature of phytoremediation part, e.g. submerged open space, transparent column reactor, and etc. Here, passive means that water is provided as transparent flow through bioremediational component. Thereby, if this feature is confirmed, material can be provided through sea/lake/river bottom. Gravity driven groundwater flow also possible to apply for phyto-remediation by seaweed/seagrass bed in a restoration act in a field.

Bioremediation part

Any livelihood can be used for bioremediational part, such as algal bed, sea grass bed, diatom films, and so on.

Provided material

It is overlooked the any material, such as, eutrophic water, waste effluent, and any other polluted and unpolluted material can be applied for remediation.


It may be inevitable component between reservoir (2) and bioremediton part (1) that treat resource material purify/treat before it provided to bioremediation livings. Such a component will be important when food resources will be formed.

Batch system

This type of system is able to define a conventional method to cultivate seaweed. Bubbling circulative batch method may have an advantage to provide enough light energy for all the floating thallus algae.

The main component of the system is cultivation tank. The sea water inside is circulating by bubbling (1). The excess nutrient is provided from reservoir (2), by gravity flow. Then the provided water is mixed and diluted then, consumed by floating macro algae. Water discharged from the cultivation tank (4). The excess nutrient are diluted then consumed by seaweed, accordingly, the efficiency of absorption may not better than passive method.

To optimize the efficiency of passive system and batch system

We are assuming that our hypothesis, such as significance of passive system, will be accepted as a result from this study. On top of this assumption, we have few plans for optimization processes.

Passive system

Using dendritic tough seaweed (e.g. Graciralia edulis), airtificial seaweed bed will be designed as phytoremediation component. Then the efficiency will be tested for excess nutrient control for waste water. System parameters, such as

*The thickness and density of seaweed bed.

*Nutrient loading capacity for MEY(mean economic yield).

will be optimized in order to enlarge K and r (see Fig. 4) using the outcome results. Three passive system will be applied for this research. The target parameter is settled on nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, and amonium). Fresh weight and water quality will be monitored every week. Other environmental parameters, such as pH, water temperature, salinity, light intensity also will be monitored to explain base line.

Batch system

Using tender thallus (leaf-shape) seaweed will be converted to star shape feature by outcome of topic 1. Strong light prone species will be chosen for this experiment. The system parameters, such as

*The density of star-shape seaweed floating.

*Nutrient loading capacity for MEY(mean economic yield).

will be optimized by outcome. Three experimental test plant will be used for this optimization process. The target parameter is settled on nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, and amonium). Fresh weight and water quality will be monitored every week. Other environmental parameters, such as pH, water temperature, salinity, light intensity also will be monitored to explain base line.

Combined system

After passive sytem and batch system are optimized, one experimental plant will be investigated. Because, even if passive system will perform high efficiency of waste water purification, some excess nutrient will be pass through. Accordingly, there are still possibility to apply batch system after the batch system, as a kind of mix cultivation system. The structure of this system is shown in Fig. 7. As for this sytem, because the batch system purify waste water, the efficiency of phyto-remediation will be increased, however the algal bed for passive system will be shaded by floating star-shape seaweed, so that the efficiency of passive system will be decrease. Here, what we test here is the synergy effect between Passive and batch system. According to ecological sense, the total efficiency will increase.

One (1) experimental test plant will be composed. Dendritic tough seaweed (e.g. Graciralia edulis) will be used for passive bioremediational agent (1), and storong right prone seawee for batch bioremediational agent (3). Excess nutrient is provided from reservoir (2), then same amount of water discharge (4) after excess nutrient absolved by seaweed. The same procedure take above will be applied,then the efficiency of this system will be optimized for MEYfor both phyto-remediational agents. The target parameter is settled on nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, and anmonium). Other environmental parameter, such as pH, water temperature, salinity, light intensity will be monitored to explain base line.

2.Flow Chart of Research Activities ( Please enclose in the Appendix)

Appendix A.

3.Gantt Chart of Research Activities (Please enclose in the Appendix)

Appendix B.

4. Milestones and Dates

Appendix B.

(d) Expected Results/Benefit

Jangkaan Hasil Penyelidikan

1. Critical Mass (PI) University Funded.

At least one (1) doctoral course student will complete her study by this research. Moreover the student will get skilled as a principle researcher. All collaborators will overall support this matter.

2. Award.

The passive method bioremediation system has unique for environmental technology. Accordingly, the contribution is considered as competitive in domestic and international level too. The result of this project will participate in both local and international competitions.

3. Publication

Three (2) papers accepted in the duration time (flow chart: Appendix A.).

4. Number Post Graduate enrolled.

One (1) doctoral student from 4th to 6th semester.

5. IPR

One (1) patent will be developed for passive phyto-remediation system (Appendix A).

6. Membership in International bodies/ association.

Not required.

7. Membership in International Profesional Bodies.

Not required.

8. Membership in Profesional Bodies / Associations.

Not required.




Other Sources or Places

Lain-lain tempat/sumber

Example / Contoh:


· Light microscope

· Stirrer

· Autoclave

· HACH Spectrophotometer

· Shaker

· Illuminator detector

· Total Organic Carbon (TOC) analyzer

· Incubator

· Analytical weight

· Water checker probe (DO, pH, salinity and conductivity)

· Scanning electron microscope (SEM)














Please indicate your estimated budget for this research and details of expenditure according to the guidelines attached.

Sila nyatakan anggaran bajet bagi cadangan penyelidikan ini dan berikan butir – butir perbelanjaan lengkap dengan berpandukan kepada garis panduan yang dilampirkan.

Budget details

Butiran belanjawan

Amount requested by applicant

Jumlah yang dipohon

oleh pemohon

Amount recommended by Executive Director of Research Alliance

Jumlah yang diperakukan oleh Pengarah Eksekutif Research Alliance

Amount approved by Director of RMC

Jumlah yang diluluskan oleh Pengarah RMC

Year 1

Tahun 1


Year 2

Tahun 2






Vote 11000 -

Salary and wages

Gaji dan upah


Upah Graduate Research Assistant (GRA).

1 PhD student, under scholarship




Please Indicate the overall Budget

Sila nyatakan bajet secara keseluruhan

To be filled by RMC


Vote 21000 -


Expenses and


Conference (2 times; international and national)

*Researcher& PhD student

Daily allowance+Travelling+


= (RM150 + RM200 +

RM300) x 2 times

= RM1,300

Workshop (1 time, national) and Seminar (1 time, Kuala Lumpur)


*Researcher & PhD


Daily allowance+Travelling+


= (RM150 + RM200 +

RM150) x 1 time

= RM500

Sampling and data collection (travelling to sampling site): (2 times/ month)


*Researcher & PhD student

= RM50 x 2 times x 12months

= RM 1200

Technical visit to Kochi University, and Japanese national institute of fisheries and environment of Inland sea, fisheries research agency, Japan ( 2 persons, 1 time)


*PhD student (3 months)


+ Lodging

= RM8000+ RM5000+RM2000

= RM15,000





Vote 24000 -






Vote 26000 –

Supply of Raw Materials & Materials for Repair and Maintenance

-HACH reagents for water quality analysis, such as Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammoniacal nitrogen, COD, BOD,TN, TP and standard solutions.

Consumables (Disposable materials such as

silicon tubing, pipette tips, membrane, gloves,air pump, cultivation tank, valve, PVC tube, Net,and T4 light)





Vote 28000 -

Maintenance and Minor Repair Services





Vote 29000 -

Professional Services and other services Including printing & hoispitality, Honorarium for subjects.





Vote 35000 -












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A. Approved


B. Rejected (Please specify reason)

Ditolak (Sila Nyatakan Sebab)

General Comments:

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Name: Signature:

Nama: Tandatangan:



Appendix A.

Determination of Continuous Exposure and Dilution Exclusion Efficientfor Passive Phyto-remediation

New-skill transfer to produce high quality seedlingsA numerical model to design phyto-remediation systemComparative study between passive and batch systems

Topic 1Topic 2Topic 3

Seaweed cultivation trainingNumerical model constructionComparative experiment

Application for

Malaysian species

Data analysis

and modeling


analysisAble to produce seedlings for seaweed propagation.An algorithm to design and optimize bio-remediational plant by

seaweed propagation.

Significant efficiency of both system for diffrent type of seaweed.


System optimization by know how from topic 1, 2, and 3.

one (1) impact factor publication

(a) A passive systemby dendritic tough seaweed(b)A floating batch system by tender thallus Seaweed(c) A passive-batch combined systemby two seaweeds

Evidence of efficiency for (a)passive, (b)batch, and its integrated system.

one (1) publication


one (1) publication


one (1)


Topic 4

Expected recommendationafter this research,

•Inovative researchon seaweed science producing Ph.D student.•To produce high quality seedlingsfor various kind of seaweed research in Malaysia.

•Application of this studyfor food production, and environmental technologies.

one (1) impact factor publication,and one(1)patent

Appendix B





Project Activities














Literature review














Numerical model construction
















New skill transfer to produce high quality seedlings














Seadrings production by Malaysian species

















Comparative study in between Passive and Batch system. (2condition 3 reprication)














System optimization for batch, passive, and combined system (2condition 3 reprication, plus 1combine system)

















Report Writing and publication

















Attending workshop / seminar / conference














Seaweed cultiation training (to learn seedlings production skill in Kochi University, Japan, and Japanese National Research Institute of Fisheries and Environment of Inland Sea, Fisheries Research Agency)



























Milestone (May 2011) - Numerical model produced.


Milestone (Oct 2011) - Competency in seedlings cultivation by advanced technology.


Milestone (Jun. 2012) - Establish comparison between batch and passive phyto-remediation system, and optimization.


Milestone (Mar 2012) - Report submission.

Attachment 1. Research design matrix

Higher objective

Determination of Continuous Exposure and Dilution Exclusion Efficient for Passive Phyto-remediation

Topic ID





Actual objectives


New-skill to produce high quality seedlings

Numerical model to design phyto-remediation system

Comparative study between passive and batch systems

Optimization of passive system and batch phyto-remediation system


Attachment program, and its application for Malaysian species

Numerical model construction, and parameter assimilations

Comparative experiment, and significant test

System optimization by know-how from [1], [2], [3].

Expected result

Abilities to produce seedlings for seawead propagation.

An algorithm to design and monitor phyto-remediational plant by seaweed propagation.

Significant efficiency of both system for diffrent type of seaweed.

Evidence of efficiency for batch and passive, and its combined system will be determined.



Competency to provide seedring for experiment.

One (1) paper accepted

One(1) impact factor publication accepted,

and one(1) patent.

One(1) impact factor publication accepted.

Expected recommen- dation

Basing on these researches,

• Inovative researches on seaweed research with generated Ph.D student.

•To produce high quality seedlings for many kind of seaweed researches in Malaysia.

•Application of this studies for food prduction, and environmental technologies.

February 24, 2011


Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Yusoff

Water Research Alliance, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Skudai, 81310, Johor, Malaysia. tel. +607-55-31725

I would like to submit this proposal for Academic Visitor Fund, which is so called initial grant for international contract stuff. I already discuss the both applicability about this grant and GUP with RMC officer who in charge this matter on 22 Feb, 2011. I would like ask to perform three points by this matter as Water Research Alliance, as follows,

1. One of the aims of this study is to send a doctoral student to Japan for research training. Accordingly, the cost for research assistant is not estimated (p12). Please kindly approve this point.

2. On the contrary, in order to perform this matter, budget for technical visit to Japanese University and Research Institute for three month is estimated as RM 15,000. Accordingly, the category travelling Expenses and Subsistence is 60%. This technical training is inevitable for the doctoral student and this research too, so that please kindly approve this estimation.

3. I know it is not gentle to say such a matter; however unfortunately from my inconvenient experience, if technically you will not chose Dr. Fadil as reviewer for this research proposal, I am very appreciate.


Institute of environmental and water resource Management (IPASA),

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

81310, Skudai Johor, Malaysia

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