Download - Ruby 2.0 at the Ruby drink-up of Sophia, February 2013

Page 1: Ruby 2.0 at the Ruby drink-up of Sophia, February 2013

Ruby 2.0bootstrap for discussion

Philippe Antras @_philant_ Riviera.rb

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The version number goes up to 2.0 but the changes are rather small. Smaller than the ones we made in 1.9.

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experimental localized monkey patching

refinements are file scopeonly top-level "using" is availableno module scope refinementno refinement inheritance

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refinement example

module MyModule refine String do def price? self.include? "$" end endend

using MyModulep "$13".price?

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keyword arguments

(named parameters)

mandatory argumentsdefault valuesparameter validationlist (with splat operator)readability

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def ruby_drinkup(topics, # mandatory where: "the Green King", date: "02/05/13", time: "18:30", announced: false, booked: false) ...end

ruby_drinkup(["rubinius", "ruby 2.0"])ruby_drinkup(["???"], date: "03/05/13")ruby_drinkup(["rubinius", "ruby 2.0"], reserved: true, announced: false)

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lazy enumeratorsbuild an internal block and iterates only onceenumerate infinite or very large datasetsiterate on a file without loading it all

mapflat_mapselectrejectgrepzip taketake_whiledropdrop_whilecycle

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next drinkup dates ?

def first_tuesday?(date) date.tuesday? && <= 7 end

drinkups = .lazy .select { |day| first_tuesday?(day) } .take_while { |day| day.year == 2013 } .forceputs drinkups


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lines = File.foreach(BIG_FILE) .lazy .select { |line| line.match /ERR/ } .take(10) .to_a

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2.0.0-rc2 delayed yesterday

refinements, safer, cleaner, but experimental

keyword arguments

lazy enumerators

compatible with Rails 3.2

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so, what's new ?

module#prependdeclarations of the module overwrite those in the class

Array#bsearch { |x| block }elements have to be ordered or nil is returned

Enumerator#size, Range#size#to_h

convert Struct and OpenStruct to Hash%i and %I

%i{one two three} => [:one, :two, :three]

Dtrace support

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what changed ?

onigmo (new regex engine)positive and negative lookbehind, named captures, backreferences improved

garbage collectorbitmap marking, smaller memory footprint

psych (use libyaml)default encoding now is UTF-8respond_to? returns false for protected methodsiconv has been removed

use String#encode instead

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referencesfor more details:

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wanna give it a try ?

thank you