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Criteria Achievement Level

Absent 0% Emerging 33% Developing 67% Mastering 100%

Sources and Evidence

5 pts.

No attempt to consider sources or evidence.

Uses other people's work or ideas without giving credit.

Repeats information provided without question; or may dismiss evidence without adequate justification.

Gives minimal attribution, use of incorrect format or use of correct format with major mistakes.

Use of evidence, qualified selective, and appropriate.

Gives attribution in correct style but with mistakes.

Examines evidence and its source; questions its accuracy, relevance, and completeness.

Context and Assumptions

5 pts.

No attempt to consider context, assumptions or biases

Shows some basic awareness of own assumptions and/or assumptions that underlie the issue; may remain superficial.

Provides some recognition of context and consideration of own assumptions and/or assumptions that underlie the issue, and of the implications of those assumptions.

Identifies influence of context and questions assumptions.addresses ethical dimensions underlying the issue.Demonstrates understanding of social, political, and ethical implications.


5 pts.

Little or no attempt to participate in the discussions.

Does not use the language in the evaluation criteria.

No evidence of willingness to listen to and consider other viewpoints.

Does not engage in analysis of the issues.

Minimal attempt to participate in the discussions.

Negligible effort to use the language in the evaluation criteria.

No evidence of willingness to listen to and consider other viewpoints.

Token effort to engage in analysis of the issues.

Good attempt to participate in the discussions.

Some effort to use the language in the evaluation criteria.

Willing to listen to and consider other viewpoints.

Attempts to engage in analysis of the issues.

Demonstrates a keen interest in other viewpoints and willingness to change perspective when presented with a solid argument.

Prompts further exploration of core concepts and issues and encourages participants to engage one another in analysis of the issues.

Encourages participants to synthesize and integrate concepts and resources from assigned sources an d from group discussion.

The student refers to the criteria as they work on the assignment. The TA or Instructor then selects the language that describes the student’s work. When clicked, the cell is highlighted and the score is added to the grade book. The student sees the feedback immediately along with any other comments