Download - Rubric Opinion Essay

  • Opinion Essay Rubric

    Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita

    CATEGORY 5 Excellent 4 Very Good 3 Approaching standards 2 Bellow standards

    Topic Sentence (Authors opinion/position statement)

    The position statement provides a clear, strong statement of the authors position on the topic.

    The position statement provides a clear statement of the authors position on the topic.

    A position statement is present, but does not make the author's position clear.

    There is no position statement but there is an introduction.

    Attention Grabber (Introduction)

    The introductory paragraph has a strong hook or attention grabber that is appropriate for the audience. This could be a strong statement, a relevant quotation or a question addressed to the reader.

    The introductory paragraph has a hook or attention grabber, but it is weak, rambling or inappropriate for the audience.

    The author has an interesting introductory paragraph but there is no hook and the connection to the topic is not clear.

    The introductory paragraph does not include a hook AND is not relevant to the topic.

    Sequencing Paragraphs Arguments and support are provided in a logical order that makes it easy and interesting to follow the author's train of thought. Reasons are developed in separate paragraphs.

    Arguments and support are provided in a fairly logical order that makes it reasonably easy to follow the author's train of thought. Two reasons are developed in one paragraph.

    A few of the support details or arguments are not in an expected or logical order, distracting the reader and making the essay seem a little confusing. More than two reasons are developed in the same paragraph.

    Many of the support details or arguments are not in an expected or logical order, distracting the reader and making the essay seem very confusing. There is only one paragraph in the essay.

    Reasons and Support (Paragraphs)

    Includes three or more excellent reasons which are stated with good support. It is evident that a lot of thought and research was put into this assignment. Gives evidence such as facts, statistics, examples, or real-life experiences that support the position statement. The writer anticipates the reader's arguments and has provided at least 1 counter-argument.

    Includes three or more reasons but the support is weak in places. Includes some pieces of evidence that support the position statement. No counter-argument is provided.

    Two reasons are provided but with weak arguments. Includes 1 or fewer pieces of evidence(facts, statistics, examples, real-life experiences).

    Less than two reasons are made. Arguments are weak or missing.

    Grammar & Spelling Author makes few errors (1-2) in grammar or spelling that do not distract the reader from the content.

    Author makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that do not distract the reader from the content.

    Author makes 5-6 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

    Author makes more than 6 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.

    Transitions (Linking words and expressions)

    A variety of thoughtful transitions are used. They clearly show how ideas are connected.

    Transitions show how ideas are connected, but there is little variety.

    Some transitions work well, but some connections between ideas are unclear.

    The transitions between ideas are unclear OR nonexistent.

    Closing paragraph The conclusion is strong and leaves the reader solidly understanding the writer's position. Effective restatement of the position statement begins the closing paragraph.

    The conclusion is recognizable. The author's position is restated within the first two sentences of the closing paragraph.

    The author's position is restated within the closing paragraph, but not near the beginning.

    The conclusion is very brief. The author foes not restate his/her opinion.

    rubric adapted from

  • Opinion Essay Rubric

    Olivia-Dumitrina Nechita

    Students will do the opinion essay during session 9. In session 8 they will tell the teacher their topic. If they have chosen a commercial, they should

    either print it out and attach it to the essay when theyll hand it in to the teacher, or write down the link of the commercial (this also applies to

    newspaper articles found online or on paper, a certain toy they want to talk about etc.)

    Students will be shown the rubric. They will read it in class with the teacher who will clarify possible doubts.

    The opinion essay is 35% of the final grade.