


Here's the cast of "Sing, Neighbor, Sing," featuring Chic Mar-tin, Nancy Lou, the Three Tones and the Purina Singers, over WLW at 7:30 a. m. (E.S.T.), Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Quints' Dr. Da foe

Dr. Allen Roy Dafoe, famoes country doctor for the Dionne quintuplets, was welcomed to Cincinnati by Mrs. Ruth Lyons, program director at WKRC. Dr. Dafoe's broadcasts are heard thrice weekly, Monday, Wednesday and Friday over the WABC Columbia network including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO at 4:45 p. m. (E.S.T.). His first visit to the Queen City was made for appearances at the Women's Exposition at Music Hall. His broad-cast Monday, November 15, was made before an audience in the

gh WKRC's "When You're Away," "Love is the WABC-Columbia network, in-Hall and was originated for the Columbia chain throu facilities. Sweetest Thing," and "Perfect Da)." eluding WKRC and WHAS.

Polish Pianist To Be Guest Soloist With

Philharmonic A}tur RubenFtein, distinguished

Polish pianist, will make his Ameri-can radio debut as soloist with the New York Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra, directed by John Barbi-rolli, in an all-Russian concert broad-cast over the WABC-Columbia net-work, including WKRC, WHAS, and WHIO, Sunday, November 21, from 3:00 to 5:00 p. m. (E.S.T.).

Rubinstein will be soloist in the Tschaikowsky Piano Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor after Barbirolli opens the progi am with the Overture to Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "The Maid of Pskov" and the Arensky Variations for the String Oschestra on a Theme by Tschaikowsky, two works new to the Philharmonic-Symphony.

After the intermission in which Deems Taylor, composer-critic and commentator in this series, speaks about the program, Barbirolli will conduct a scene "From The Apoca-lypse," by LiadolT and the Suite from Rimsky-Korsakov's opera "Le Coq d'Or."

Rubinstein, first made his appear-ance in the United States in 1906, but his most recent visit here was in 1927.


This Is a Fox . . . . and

Templeton For, the girl who began her career as a singer in Los Angeles, then starred for two years with the Pasadena Com-munity Playhouse, today is one of the busiest actresses at the NBC Chicago studios. She has been heard in Dan Hareling's Wife and other serials.

Horace Heidt

When the dreamer lights his cigar and settles back in his easy chair for a half-hour of reminiscences, over the NBC-Red network, including WLW and WSM, November 21, at I:30 p. m. (E.S.T.), he'll offer a musical tribute to mothers. s

The "Smoke Dreams" program will present Vicki Chase, lyric so-prano; a male quartet and Virginio Marucci's orchestra in a medley of mother songs. These will include "Little Old Lady," by the orchestra; "M-O-T-H-E-R," by the male quar-tet; "Songs My Mother Taught Me," Vicki Chase; and the quartet number, "I Want a Girl."

Paul Hughes, as the dreamer who dreams aloud to his dog, Sport, as

he enjoys his cigar, also will present Angelo Rafelli, the Italian troubadour, in the song, "Dear Little Boy of Mine."

Other selections for the program will include "When the Organ Played at Twilight," Dvorak's "Humoresque,"

Horace Heidt leads his fam-ous Brigadiers each Monday, 8:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) over the


Abrasha Rebofsky, baritone, who started singing as a joke; Lucia

Graeser, lyric soprano, daughter of a Texas city manager, and Evelyn Mac-

Gregor, contralto, who began her ca-reer on the vaudeville stage, will be the auditioners for the Metropolitan Opera on the regular Sunday broad-cast, November 21, at 5:00 p. in. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY, WLS and WSM.

Following is a complete program of the broadcast:

Signature—March from Tannhauser Orchestra

Selections from La Traviata Verdi Nedda's Aria from Pagliacci, by Leoncavallo Blue Are His Eyes By Winter Watts

Lucia Graeser, Soprano No Piu Andrai, from The Marriage of

Figaro Mozart Without a Song Vincent Youmans

Abrasha Rebofsky, Baritone Voce Do Donna, from La Gioconda..

Ponchielli Girometta Fibella

Evelyn MacGregor, Contralto Trio—Brahm's Serenade March from Tannhauser





If you want to make a hit with this Lyon, and you probably do, feed hr spinach; she loves it. Irma Lyon is the pretty feminine half of the NBC piano team of Marlowe and Lyon, recently heard on the NBC Jamboree, the Night Club and the NBC Matinees.


Marshall will portray the wandering

hero, Alan Squier, in the broadcast

of "The Petrified Forest," Monday at 9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) over the WABC-

Columbia network, including WKRC,

WHAS, and WHIO on the Lux Radio

Theater series. Robert Sherwood's play of ideas in

a melodramatic setting is the story of

the disillusioned Squier who, after

hitch hiking from New York, finally

reaches the Southwestern desert coun-

try. At a combination gas station and

restaurant he falls into a philosophical

conversation with the daughter of the

owner of the establishment.

Cecil B. DeMille will direct the

play and Lou Silvers' orchestra will

supply the necessary music.


The NBC Symphony Orchestra,

conducted by Pierre Monteux, will

present the second in its series of con-

certs Saturday, November 20 from

10:00 to 11:30 p. m. (E.S.T.) over

the NBC Blue and Red networks, in-

cluding WCKY and WSAI.

Monteux has programmed works

by Handel, Sibelius, Griffes, Wagner,

and Ravel for this concert. Opening

with Handel's Concerto Grosso in D,

the concert will continue with Adagio

and Scherzo from Sibelius' First Sym-phony and "The Pleasure Dome of

Kubla Khan" by Griffes.

The concluding two numbers will

be the Prelude to Wagner's "Lohen-

grin" and Ravel's Second Suite,

"Daphnis and Chloe."

Program To Replace Your Hit Parade About

December 1st A new, fifty-two-week series of full-

hour musical, dramatic and topical broadcasts from Hollywood, sponsored by the American Tobacco Company for Lucky Strike Cigarettes and pro-duced by Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc., under the title of Your Hollywood Parade, will be launched over the NBC-Red Network probably on De-cember 1. The program, replacing the cur-

rent Your Hit Parade, will be heard at the usual Wednesday hour of 10 p. m. (E.S.T.), with the addition of fifteen minutes to round out a full hour.

With Dick Powell as master of ceremonies and central star, and all the talent resources of Warner Broth-ers Pictures behind it, the new show is designed to provide a panoramic radio view of activities in the movie capital. It will include previews of Warner Brothers pictures and feature guest stars of prominence in all fields. - The orchestral phases of the enter-

tainment will be under the direction of Leo Forbstein, musical director of the Warner Brothers studios at Bur-bank, Calif. Dudley Chambers will direct the choral numbers. Rosemary Lane, recently featured

with Dick Powell in the picture, "Varsity Show," and shortly to be seen with him again in the forthcom-ing "Hollywood Hotel," will also be starred in the new radio series.

Screen stars to be heard from time to time in Your Hollywood Parade in-clude: Bette Davis, Kay Francis, Errol Flynn, Edward G. Robinson, Leslie Howard, Olivia de Haviland, Fernand Gravet, Pat O'Brien, Boris Karloff, George Brent, Claude Rains, Joan Blondell.

Lola and Priscilla Lane, Margaret Lindsay, Anita Louise, Johnnie (Scat) Davis, Hugh Herbert, Ian Hunter, Humphrey Bogart, Basil Rathbone, Frank McHugh, Beverly Roberts, Dick Foran, Ann Sheridan, and many others. The local stations that will carry

this program'will be listed in RADIO DIAL next week, when all the details of the show are available.

Program Changes Time

The "WLW Operetta," which has been heard over the Nation's Station and the WLW Line Tuesday nights, moves to a new Wednesday night spot, beginning November 17. In the future the program will be heard from 8:30 to 9:00 p. m. (E. S. T.) Wednesdays.

Popular Maestro

Ross Pierce is the saxophone-tootin' maestro whose orchestra is heard from the Hotel Alms Club Village over WKRC, Wed-nesday through Friday at 11:00 p. m. In their second year as musical attraction at this popular night club, Ross and the boys, in addition to their entertaining at the hill-top hotel, are seen each Tuesday night on the stage of the Paramount Theatre,


Lotte Lehmann, the noted Metro-politan 0,pera soprano, will be pres-ented as guest soloist when Andre Kostelanetz directs his orchestra in his regular Wednesday broadcast over the WABC-Columbia network including WKRC, WHAS, and WHIO, No-vember 24, from 9:00 to 9:30 p. m. (E.S.T.). Mme. Lehmann, a native of Perle-

berg, Germany, is famous particu-larly for her performances of such great Wagnerian opera roles as those of Eva in "Die Meistersinger" and Sieglinde in "Die Walkuere." She has been awarded an honorary mem-bership in the Vienna State Opera and France's Chevalier Legion of Honor.

Kostelanetz' orchestral program is again to feature the concert digest of classic masterpieces which have been hailed as an outstanding contribution to serious music on the radio. Deems Taylor, noted composer and critic, will give his interesting program analysis and comment.

Explains Historical Flag

Ray Shannon, who conducts the "Antique Shop" program over WSAI at 6: p. m., (E.S.T.) Sundays, tells the history of a 76-year-old silk U. S. flag which was first flown over the Baltimore Clipper ship, Witch of the Waves. The flag was one of the first to be made with a 34-star field after Kansas was admitted to the Union in 1861. Pictured with Shannon are Mildred Vinsant of the dramatic staff, and 10-year-old Greta Lee Aronoff, whose now has the flag. The flag's history was dramatized Sunday the "Antique Shop" broadcast.

WSAI father during



Weekly RADIO DIAL Entered les second-class matter July 29, 1931, at the post-office at Cincinnati, Ohio,

under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Published every Friday by the Radio Dial Publishing Co. . 22 East 12th St., Cincinnati, Ohio

Six Months for $1.00. Single Copies 5 cents

RADIO DIAL brings you the latest available programs and news of your favorite stations and artists. All programs listed are correct up to press-time, but are, of course, subject to

later changes by networks and local stations.

Telephone—CHerry 0710-0711 .1. A. ROSENTHAL, Editor

Vol. V11 WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 26, 1937 No. 28


TRADITION _ When our forefathers founded this nation they brought with them the

Anglo-Saxon tradition of free speech. Since then it has been cherished and strengthened until it has become one of the stoutest bulwarks of Ameri-can democracy.

It is significant that radio has caused doubts to be cast on the reality of that 'tradition. Radio should be a made-to-order vehicle for free speech. It is a means of conveying ideas and opinions to millions of people, in-stantly and simultaneously. Yet responsible, publicists question whether radio affords the freedom of speech that it might.

They report instances of censorship. They charge that all sides of an issue are not always given a fair hearing on the. air. They point ..out that it is often difficult for the opposition to state its case promptly enough to be effective.

It is not our purpose to prove or disprove the soundness of these criticisms. They are mentioned only because they emphasize the importance of America's Town Meeting of the Air.

For the third successive year this notable feature has begun its work under the joint auspices of the League for Political Education and NBC. Its 4,000,000 or 5,000,000 listeners do not have to be told how stimulating and thought-provoking it is. For radio, America's Town Meeting is signifi-cant because it fulfills all the requirements of free speech.

It imposes no censorship on speakers or questions from the audience. That can be confirmed by the sometimes devastating candour of the dis-cussion.

It gives ALL sides of an issue a fair hearing. That is worth emphas-izing because, on many questions, there are not merely two conflicting view-points. There are often three or four. And the Town Meeting lets all be heard.

Perhaps more important, it affords the opposition an opportunity for immediate reply. Dissenters do not have to wait a week or a month to state their case. They can do so at once, when opposition is most effective.

The result is a true forum for threshing out contemporary issues. To be sure, time—radio's familiar tyrant—occasionally halts the proceedings at the most interesting point. Now and then, too, the speakers might be better chosen. But these are minor flaws. Overshadowing them is the fact that America's Town Meeting fulfills the essential requirements of free speech.

It has been praised for adopting the method of the New England tom n meeting. There is much to be said on that score. It has also been praised for allowing impromptu questions from the audience. That, too, is com-mendable. At best, however, these are stage-settings that heighten interest.

America's Town Meeting is notable atielly and primarily because it applies the tradition of free speech to radio.

That would be a gratifying accomplishment even though free speech on the air is unquestioned. When it is questioned, America's Town Meeting takes on still greater importance. If nothing else, it proves that the job can be done.

SIX TO NINEIIS Our cover this week is devoted to

the Six to Niners, the morning show on WCPO, Monday through Satur-day. The Six to Niners covers prac-tically the entire field of entertain-ment from 6 in the morning until 9. You can hear real hill billy music done by the hillbillies—genuine, not synthetic. You can hear popular music done by artists who know how to swing it; sentimental ballads sung by those who put the right expression

into their interpretation ; old favorites and new favorites on the Six to Niners; and hymns that bring back memories to the old folks.

There are twenty-seven artists on the Six to Niners, an impressive array of talent which includes the Green River Ramblers, the Six to Niners Rhythms Men, the Kentucky Colo-nels, the Southern Sisters, the Ridge Rangers, The Tuma Cowboy, the

(Continued on page 13)

'CoLumniBumilleummunes5 From WKRC



Constance Bennett and Cary Grant of "Topper" fame on the screen, will

be re-united on the air when they are heard next Sunday in the "Silver-Theatre" in "The Medicine Girl."


Paul Whiteman will return to the CBS air-waves when he takes over the Chesterfield program, New Year's Eve.

a a a

Celebrities aplenty have been in Cincinnati for broadcasts over WKRC and Columbia this past week. H. V. Kaltenborn was the first to arrive but unfortunately, was unable to make a scheduled appearance because of a serious illness. Mr. Kaltenborn was taken from the train in Cincinnati and rushed to the Good Samaritan Hospital, where he is recuperating. Kathryn Cravens, whose photo ap-pears in RADIO DIAL this week, was the second visitor. She arrived by plane on Thursday night. Friday she was guest at a luncheon, made two broadcasts from the Women's Ex-position, attended a dinner and left by train Friday night. The last and undoubtedly the best known visitor was Dr. Allen Roy Dafoe, whose pic-ture is also seen in this issue of the DIAL. Dr. Dafoc also came to the Queen City for appearance at the Exposition and his two days in tom n were completely taken over by clubs and civic organizations.

a * *

Personal item: Maynard Craig was a Washington Courthouse (O.) visitor over the week-end!

a a *.

Sound alikes: President Roosevelt and Announcer Charles O'Connor of the Phillip Morris show on CBS.

a a

Dick Bray, 'KRC sports spieler, has succumbed to the "Big Apple" craze and can be found most any night in the Gibson Florentine Room vying for honors with the town's best dancers.

Most of the fan letters received by Al Bland, pilot of the Dawn Patrol, say that the writers picture Bland as a big stout gent of perhaps two hundred or more pounds. Al actually is five feet ten and weight one hun-dred and forty-five pounds. He's a real Southerner, too. Hails from Vir-ginia.

* e a

Martha Raye isn't doing badly at all! Five years ago she worked the Paramount Theatre in New York for $75 per week. Last summer she went back—and her pay-check read $7,500.



Columbus, Ohio . . . . This is being written during that

extremely delicate period between the business end of a convention and the social aftermath that always takes place when business activities have been adjusted (more or less) to the satisfaction of all concerned. All a columnist needs is a typewriter and a cubbyhole which same is being very courteously furnished me at the mo-ment by WBNS and WCOL, two Co-lumbus stations banded under one roof together. The convention in question is that of the Ohio Association of Broadcasters which same was com-pletely reorganized last February in Cincinnati. This includes every radio station in Ohio with the exception of two recalcitrants who prefer others to do their work for them. But who am I to complain on that score. I only work to keep from starving to death and I greatly suspect a number of other people do exactly the same thing. Many things were discussed at today's meeting and a considerable portion of the discussions were cen-

tered around ways and means of con-vincing Ohio state senators and repre-sentatives that radio stations could not be taxed more than ninety per cent of their gross income or there might be a few bankruptcys chalked up in the various courts throughout the sovereign state. Our law making bodies are rapidly becoming tax con-scious. .. . * They no longer go to see a doctor

about insomnia, they welcome such an affliction instead as it gives them more time to think up additional ways and means to tax somebody for some-thing. Being out of the infant stage and growing with leaps and bounds, radio is attracting their attention as it has never before and they see more possibilities for aditional taxes on radio stations than an Indian does for scalps on a battlefield where the- ene-my has retreated. Strange as it may seem, radio can stand no additional taxes at this writing. Approximately twenty-seven per cent of a station's income is now paid out in one form

(Continued on page 13)

HITS- of the WEEK (All Times Are Eastern Standard)


Frederick H. Frazier, speaker, on Carborundum program-7 :30 p. m., WKRC, WHAS.

Marjorie Lawrence, Metropolitan so-prano, on "Your Hit Parade"-7:30 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO


Edwina Eustis, contralto, with Music Hall String Symphony Orchestra-12:30 p. m., WCKY, WLW, WLS.

Artur Rubinstein, pianist, on Phil-harmonic Symphony-3 :00 p. m., WKRC, WHIO, WHAS.

Constance Bennett and Cary Grant, actors, in "The Medicine Girl" on "Silver Theatre" — 5:00 p. m., WKRC, WHIO, WHAS.

Grace Moore, soprano, and Richard Tauber, tenor, accompanied by the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Vladimir Golschmann. Corrine Frederick, clavichordist on General Motors Concert — 8:00 p. m., WCKY, WLS.

Charles Kullman, tenor, on Ford Concert — 9 :00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Clifford Menz, tenor, on "Rising Stars"-10 :00 p. m., WSAI, WSM.

Bobby Breen, boy singer, on "Holly-

wood Showcase" — 10:00 p. m., WKRC, WHIO.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22. Margaret Sullavan and Herbert Mar-

shall, actors, in "The Petrified Forest" — 9 :00 p. nt., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Alexander Smallens, conductor, Phila-delphia Symphony Orchestra-9:00 p. m., WCKY, WLS.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23. Lum and Abner, comedians, on Al

Jolson's program — 8:30 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

Stoopnagle and Budd, comedians, on "Hollywood Mardi Gras" — 9 :30 p. nt., WSAI, WSM.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. Ned Sparks, comedian, on "Town

Hall Tonight"-9:00 p. m., WLW, WSM.

Lotte Lehmann, Metropolitan so-prano, with Andre Kostrlanetz's program — 9 :00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.

"The Deacon's Thanksgiving," cele-bration in play form-9:00 p. m., WCKY, WLS.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26. Carole Lombard, actress, in a pre-

view of "True Confession" on "Hollywood Hotel"-9:00 p. m., WKRC, WHAS, WHIO.



It's scarcely a secret that the so-:ailed "variety show" is suffering from over-production. Diverting as it may

be the first three or four times, the standard comedian-danceband-vocalist formula begins to pall after you dial

it a dozen times the same evening. So it's heartening to note that this is

at last filtering through to the spon-sors. Witness Campagna dropping its Vanity Fair and reopening Grand Hotel (NBC-WCKY, Monday, 8:30 p. nt.). In fact, it looks as if the dropping were done after the well-

knots n hot potato manner. The lotion hostelry was reopened so hurriedly

that the premiere consisted of a free-lance cast in a second-run play. Even so, the change is a hopeful straw in the mind. If about half the present crop of "variety shows" were replaced by something different, both sponsors and listeners would be the gainers. Variety ceases to be variety when it becomes monotony. And that's what over-production is doing to the come-dian-danceband-vocalist formula.

The sooner Lum and Abner move their act from Hollywood back to Pine Ridge, the better it will be. The chief appeal of their show was its Arkansas flavor. Most of that's been

lost in the celluloid episodes. Any-way, there's enough Hollywood pub-licity on the air without spoiling a good rustic act to add still more to the glutted market.

• *

Those Sunoco commercials go on being models of broadcast advertising. They're intelligently brief, restrained, and read by an announcer who doesn't the crime of shouting. Other •

sponsors please copy. *

The Radio News Reel (NBC-WSAI, Sunday, 3 p. m.) is a welcome de-parture from standard news broad-casting. It consists of interviews with people who have Cade headlines. But these people are interesting without being obvious. More than that, Parks Johnson and Wallie Butterworth man-age to interview them without steal-ing the show. Considering most of the interviews that get on the air, either is enough to make the half-hour exceptional.


As concocted for him by Holly-

wood's radio shot% men, Jean Her-sholt's "Dr. Christian" role is a cloy-ing blend of hocum and sentimentali-ty. No doubt, that's inevitable. But

(Continued on page 13)

We're standing outside Ohio Stadiun on Saturday afternoon, November 6th It's twelve-thirty and Ohio State i preparing to play Indiana at two o'clock.

A group of young men, trained to the minute, are entering the gate

reserved only for the players of the Scarlet and Cray eleven. The State squad had spent the night at a Columbus Country Club far away from the noise and hubub of pre-game celebrants.

No prima donna of an opera com-pany has more to do before a per-formance than does a football player

before a game. Each man on the squad has his ankles wrapped with a special heavy bandage held in place with adhesive tape. Players suffering from stiffness are treated with light-rays of a healing machine. On the rubbing table are the men who are hating their muscles made supple by one of the trainers. Some players have special pads which must be adjusted

to give them the best protection pos-sible.

All this\requlres time, but it is done in such a businesslike manner that it almost goes along by itself. Tucker Smith is Ohio's head man of the training room. "Tuçk" has many able assistants, all of whom are boys taking the physical education course at Ohio State. - Some day these substitute trainers hope to be full-fledged coaches and they are getting the practical ex-perience in the dressing room.

A tall,. powerful looking fellow stalks into the room where the boys arc getting ready. It is the coach, Francis Schmidt. There is no neces-sity for him to call for order as a foot ball team, before a game, is a quiet group of young men. Too much depends on the sixty minutes of ac-tion that is staring them in the faces.

Then, a loud voice says "all right, boys, if you are ready go out on the field and warm-up." That means the men must run around the gridiron, pass and kick the ball, get their mus-cles limbered up for the gatne. All

this goes on around one-thirty.

At one-forty-five the squads of both Ohio and Indiana (the Hoosiers had gone through the sanie pre-game

paces as the Buckeyes), go into their dressing rooms for final instructions. Now, this is where everyone is

barred except the members of the teams and the trainers. Houdini was

(Continued on page 16)

Builder Upper

For a long time Genevieve

Rowe was just one of several

members in the chorus of the Phillip Morris program, broad-cast over the NBC-Red network, including WLW and WSM, Tuesdays at 8:00 p. m. (E. S. T.) and over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHIO, WHAS, Saturdays at 8:30 p. in. (E.S.T.), but it was'nt until she did solo bits in group numbers that she attracted the attention of the program direc-tors. Now she's the soprano star of the show.


B Y T H E -A S

At Cox Theatre t' other nite spied: lovely, young, blonde Jane Gerrard . . . Lee Woods' (Gold-smith) of 'CKY ... columnist, Paul Kennedy . . . Jack Zoller squiring Mary Jane Croft. Which serves as a reminder that the charming damsel in the play ... Clare Hazel . . . is well known to radio fans. She wàs heard as Honey Chile on Bob Hope's show.

• WLW's show, "Don't Listen," is

pa tterned after "Personalities on Parade" and the "For Men Only" program. Built around the theory that the radio audience bends over backwards to hear what it's not supposed to . . . "Don't Listen" is shouted, by the announcer, before anything of note is said.

e Personality of the w e e k:

WOKY's three-in-one spieler . . . Frank Zwygert ... has the reddest hair in local radio and is often mistaken for Red Barber (whose hair has faded a light blonde). Frank has made the rounds of local st tions . . . starting at WSAI, he

• er to WCP0 and now the one-minute-from-


Cincinnati station. One of the few announcers to enter local radio 'without any previous experience. A very competent boy with a swell sense of humor. Married and twenty-seven.

ALONG THE MILKY WAY This isn't hard to take: L. B. Wilson, WCKY's head man, off to the South . . . to spend the winter on his yacht. Elmer Dressman, 'CKY, and Joe Ries, 'LW, also heading South . . . they're going to attend the International Radio Party in Miami and Havana. 'KRC has a grand trouper on its staff ... when Al Bland got a nice case of pto-maine poisoning, he said, "on with the show," against the doctor's or-ders . . . even though he had to continue arriving at 7 a. m. Baga-telles: Spied Jimmie Krautters and Charlie Dameron and his Mrs. grabbing a bite at Colonial Kitch-en. . . . A nod to Lee House en route to lunch. Lee now produc-tion man on WSAI. Flo Golden doing fine at Good Sam Hospital. Recognized Linda Carlon's voice in the Myrt and Marge and Follow

',Continued on page 15)






N Denotes (N BC) C Denotes (C BS) M Denote) UM * PROGRAMS FOR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 *


WCKY st..

WLW 700 4«

WKRC Cincinnati kt. ,

6:30 Bert Layne s Fiddlers.. Drifting Pioneers ... Jerry Foy 6:30 6:45 r. Brown County Revelers" Sun Up Jamboree 6:45

- 7:00 Tick lock-Seven Morning in Mountains Sing Before Breakfast 415 O'Clock ... Family Prayer Period , Early Edition-News 7:30 Morning Round Up WLW Mail Bag 7:45 Dow's Dawn Patrol,.

. Mail Bag

-8:00 Norsemen N ..... Norsemen Quartet N 8:15 Liebert Ensemble N Peter Grant-News . 8:30 , News for Executives I Cornbread and Woman's Hour 8:45 Lucille and Lanny N I Caviar

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45



9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 1045

-11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Breakfast Club N

I Breakfast Club N Ray Block, piano C..

, Eton Boys C I Richard Maxwell C.

, Synagogue of the Air Fiddler's Fancy C.

Sweethearts of Air NI Ladies' Day Swing Serenade N . Bill Kranz's Orch. N Bill Krenz's

" " . ... . Orchestra N

Household Hour I News: Live Stock ¡ My Health

Our Barn N ' WLW School of I Radio

Musical Calendar Fred Feibel, argan C. Let's Pretend C

Cincin'ti Conservator; of Music Program C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

- 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

WCKY News Jane Rohan National Farm and Home Hour N , •

Club Matinee N

Fulton Royal's Orch... Vic Arden's Orchestra National Farm and Home Hour N

Club Matinee N


Louis Panic° Orch. N Football Jamboree ... ......

WSAI Cincinnati (1990 Cc.)

WCP0 Cincinnati (1200 Ice.)

Six-to-Niners 60 . .....

7:00 Morning Prayer 7:15 Early Express 7:30 " " 7:45 " "

WCPO News Six-to-Niners

. .

A • .. 8:00 Malcolm Claire N WCPO News 8:15 'Good Morn. Melod. N Six to Niners 8:30 Do you Remember N. 8:45 I " "

WHIO Dayton (1260 kc.)

Breakfast .Express




WHIO -Almanac Dunker's Club Little Tom Yesterday's Favorites

5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 DeZuriks and Hilltop's 6:30 Sing, Neighbor, Sing 6:45 Pat and Henry

7:00 News Report 7:15 Evelyn & Hilltoppers 7:30 Morning DevotionsY 7:45 Jolly Joe's Pals

WLS-WENR Chicago. SIL (870 Cc )

Smile A While

WSM Nashville. Tenn. ONO Isc.)

Curly Fox and Hunters Recorded Program

Golden West Cowboys Almanac WSM News Vagabonds

WHAS Louisville, Ky. (820 Ice.)

Asbury College

Emmy's Band Salt and Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree



9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Brown County Revelers Streamliners N

What Next

Amanda Snow N Charioteers N Knot Hole Club

Variety Program M...

Army Band M

WCPO News Musical Menu

The Dreamer

WCPO News Gene Austin Kiddies Karnival

WCPO News Merry-Go-Round

. .

Ray Block C Eton Boys C Richard Maxwell C.k Trouble Shooters

Newhio Flying Club Fred Felbel, organ C Let's Pretend C

4-H Club Cincin'ti Conservatory

of Music C Farm Review

8:00 Lulu Belle & Scotty.... 8:15 News Report 8:30 Old Kitchen Kettle 8:45 Morning Minstrels

9:00 Junior Stars Program 9:15 9:30 Big Gumbo Program 9:45 News and Markets.

10:00 High School Parare-ii 10:15 Priscilla Pride 10:30 WLS On Parade 10:45

Breakfast Club N

se ......

Banner Newshawk Homemaker's Chat Bill Kranz's Orchestra N c-

Hale's Radio Col. N.. Ford, Rush and Slim N Our Barn N

et Of

Sheets Morris Eton Boys C Richard Maxwell C. Meador Lowry-News.

Fred Feibel Bob Atcher Let's Pretend

ell 00

Cincin'ti Conservatory of Music C

0 11.

0 Id

The Captivators C 12:00 News 1 WCPO News 00 0 12:15 Fulton Royal's Orch. N The Playboys

George Hall's 12:30 Rex Battle M Man on the Street... Orchestra C 12:45 Melody Parade

Orientale C 1:00 Ran Wilde's Jimmy Shields C 1:15 Orchestra Buffalo Presents C 1:30 Dick Stabile's

Madison Ensemble C Meet the Missus Ann Leaf, organ C Tours in Tone C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

-4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

6:00 6:15 6:30

• 5:45

Football Game N....


• f



Rakov's Orchestra N

Notre Dame vs. North-western Football Game


110 00

Football Scores Top Hatters N Kaltemeyer's Kindergarten N

To be announced C ell Of

Waltzes 'f the World C Notes and News

Dictators C Uncle Dudley Mecum Frank Dailey's

Orchestra C... George Olsen's Orchestra C...

Coolidge String

1:45 Orchestra M

2:00 Palmer House Ens. M 2:15 Three Graces M 2:30 Football Game


Captivators C News Listener Speaks News, Weath'r, Mark's

Orientale C Don Jennings Buffalo Presents C

WCPO News Rhythm Rambles

0 0

From +swat, ..

WCPO News Siesta

Hollywood Brevities.

Madison Ensemble C Ann Leaf at the Organ C

Tours in Tone C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

Fanfar Interview Chuck, Ray, Christine To be announced Markets-News

Poultry Service Time Curly & the Ramblers Grain Market Lffrestock Market Rev'w

1:00 Home Talent Acts 1:15 The Old Timers 1:30 Home Talent Program 1:45 I Kentucky Girls

Call to Youth N WSM News National Farm and Home Hour N

Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture.

Club -Matinee N

Oriental Gard's Orch. Cadet's Quartet N..

Louisville School of Music .

George Hall's Orchestra C

Orientale C Skeets Morris Livestock; Weather Studio Talent

Madison Ensemble C. Ann Leaf, organ C...

Football Game C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Se ..


611 O.

04 1111

To be announced

It Is Strange SI ee

The Emperors Football Round-up

Today's Winners

WCPO News Today's Winners

•11 .0

Jam 'or Supper


Your Sub'rtiiin Thëatre

To be announced C

Waltzes of the World C Dictators C


To be announced C Frank Dailey's

Orchestra C George Olsen's

Orchestra C Pigskin Parade

61/0 6:15 6:30 645

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:15 8:30 8:45

Merck Webers Football Roundup Orchestra N Truly American

Press Radio News N Bob Newhall Johnny O'Brien N ... Ran Wilde's Orchestra

Message of Israel N Renfro Valley .. Barn Dance

Eddie Verse's Orchestra N

Harry Lewis' - Wier:re-It-Or-Not Orchestra N Ripley N ....

Paul 8. Sullivan Jack Haley's Varie Nola Day N , Show N

SO 00

• .

Quartet C Dick Bray-Sports Sports Resume C Ben Feld's Orch. C

Saturday Swing Session C

Carborundum Ban

"Your- Unseen Friend" C

Johnny Pre*

9:00 WCKY News National Barn 9:15 Front Page Dramas... Dance Dance N 9:30 Streamline Revue I " " 9:45 I .. ..

NBC Sy-in-phony Nobli • Orchestra .



6:00 El Chico Revue N.. WCPO News Coolidge String 6:15 " " Art Tatum Quartet C 6:30 Ran ilde's Dinner Club ... To be announced 6:4 Orch. C


r's Orch.... er's Orch .

en Friend

esents Russ Orch. C...

Quiz C

sic ails

Parad-e C

r of the Air

asters' a C odman's a C

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Homemakers Program

Merry-Go-Round-Variety Talent

Football Game 60 I.

00 01

Rakov's Orchestra N..

Whitney Ensemble N.

Harry Kogen's Orchestra N

To be announced N._

To be announced 0 1.

Vagabond Adventures N

Kaltenmeyers Kinder-garten N





Out o' the Dusk

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Marek Weber's Orchestra N

Alma Kitchell N Red Grange

Message of israiel N

Eddie Varios Orchestra N

"Meet the Folks" --

Barn Dance Patty

Freddie Rose Herbie Koch, Organist Sunday School LessoX Meador Lowrey, News

News Summary Eddy Dooley C . Asher and Little Jim'fr Ben Fold's Orch. C...

Sacred Quartet ...x

Girls of the West N.. , The Carborundum Francis Craig's Orch.. I Band C

Cole and Hawn Your Unseen Delmore Brothers Friend C Jack's Mountaineers .. Johnny Presents C.... Vagabonds

Football Scores Dr. Charles Welch..›

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

National Barn Dance N

ell 0

Barnyard Jamboree

Hometown Memories.

Possum Hunters Uncle Dave Macon.. Dixie Liners Lakeland Sisters

Serie and Sallie Possum Hunters Golden West Cowboys DeFord Bailey

10:00 Tall Story Club Jack's Mountaineers 10:15 " " Barn Dance Orch. 10:30 Fireside Party Curly Fox 10:45 " " Vagabonds


Professor Quiz C

Saturday Serenade C

Your Hit Parade C--.7

.11 01

George Jessel

WHAS Barn Dance

Dance Band

WLS-WENR WSM WHAS chestra. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw Rudolf Friml's Orchestra WJZ WCKY wire wave wham whk

Benny Goodman's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO wjr wbbm wqar wfbm wcau kmo.

IDNIGHT-Eddy Rogers' Rainbow Grill Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY WLW whk wave wire wham

Ran Wilde's Netherland Plaza Hotel Or-chestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

Sammy Keyes Orchestra. WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO wjr whk wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc wsfa wbbm

:30-Blue Barron and his Southern Tavern Orchestra. WEAF WLW wgy who wdaf wtam wmaq kyw oc Reichman's Cocoanut Grove Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka wave wire wham Bob Crosby's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wfbm kmbc wbbm

Florence George, former "Mardi ras" soprano is being given valu-le acting tips by veteran Charlie tterworth who will be featured with r in the forthcoming Paramount cture, "College Swing". . . .

In "La Boheme" Lucy Monroe,

noted soprano star of radio and opera, will be among those in the cast when Puccini's opera "La Bohcrne" à broadcast with the Philadelphia Symphony Or-chestra, Alexan-

der Smallens conducting, over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY and WLS, Monday, November 22, at 9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.).

Others in the cast will be Susanne Fisher and Armand Tokatyan.

Jack Benny is reviving his "Buck Benny" characterizations on his Sun-day night programs . .


1:30 Rudolf Friml's 11:45.,L Orchestra N


is e's • rchestra

Benny Meroff's Orchestra

Paul Sullivan Bernie Cummins' Orch Al Donahue's Orchestra N

7:Ce 7:15 7:30 7:45

800 8:15

fs C 8:30 8:45

BilIs Torn Bernie t Orchestr

Hi There

Lairs Barn

uiz C

o be announced.... Musical Moments .

Your Hit Parade C.


Patti Chapin, songs C

Ross Pierce's Orch. .. 11:00 F. Masters' Orch. 11:15 Benny Goodman's 11:30 To be <sr Orchestra C 11:45 H. Heidt

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Silk Topp N. Y. Ro George Orchesti

NBC Sym Orchest




1:00—Message of Israel: Rabbi Louis Wolsey, guest speaker. Organ music. WJZ WLS WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham wowo

..Top Hatters Dance Band. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf yw

...Saturday Night Swing Club. WABC WKRC WHIO wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wadc wwva wsfa wwl wcco

7:30—Eddie Varios Orchestra. (NBC) WCKY WLS kdka wtam wowo

...Girls of the West. (NBC) WSM wgy vetarn wmaq

...Uncle Jim's Question Bee—Jim McWilliams, conductor. WJZ wgy wmaq kdka wtam

.-The Carborundum Band: Frederic H. Fra-zier, Chairman Board of General Baking Company, guest spea ker. WABC WKRC WHAS wcco wcau wgar wbt wadc wbbm wjr

r—Steinie Bottle Boys. WEAF only 1:45—Jean Sablon, songs WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

8:00—Robert L. (Believe-It-Or-Not) Ripley. B. A. Rolfe's Orchestra and guest star. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq wwj wave kyw kstp wbap

.—"Your Unseen Friend" with Harry Salters Orchestra WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO

wcau wbbm. wjr wwva wadc —Harry Lewis and His orchestra WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30—Linton Wells—descriptive comments and reminiscences of a newspaper man. WJZ kdka whk wave wham wowo

—Jack Haley's Variety Show, with Virginia Verrill, blues singer; Warren Hull, master of ceremonies of ceremonies; Wendy Bar-rie, comedienne; Ted Fio Rite's Orchestra. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq kyw ww¡ kstp wave wbap wdaf wire

—Johnny Presents: Russ Morgan's Orchestra: dramatization: Frances Adair and Glenn Cross, vocalists; Mixed Ensemble. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmox wgst wcco wcau wadc wwva wbt

8:45—Nola Day, songs. Norman Cloutier's Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wire wham wowo

9:00—"Professor Quiz," with Bob Trout. WABC WHAS WKRC WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wade wbt wwl wcco wgst

—Alka-Seltzer National Barn Dance: Henry Burr; Verne Lee and Mary; Hoosier Hot Shots; Novelodeons, male trio; Sally Fos-ter; Lula Belle and Arkie, songs; Uncle



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N Denotes (NBC C Denotes (CBS M (MSS


7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WCKY (141110 W.)

WLW CInctruseti t700 kr. ,

WKRC Cincinnati (360 kc.,

Norsemen N Benno Rabinoff N lone Pictures N

Norsemen Quartet N. Benno Rabinoff N Church Forum

Wayside Church—Su day School Lesson

Youth Education Program

WSAI I WCPO Cincinnati (1330 kc.) Cincinnati (1200 lie.)

7:30 Sweet and Lovely... 7:45

8:00 William Meader N j Gladys and Mary. .. 8:15 'Enquirer's Uncle Bob. 8:30 Kidoodlers N 8:45 News 8.

WHIO Dayton (1260 kc.)

Sunday Morning Concert

Christian Tabernacle.

9:00 ::.oast to Coast N. 9:15 9:30 j 9:45! "

10:00 Russian Melodies 10:15 10:30 Dreams of Long Ago N 10:45

it:00 Alice Remsen N 11:15 Neighbor Nell N 11:30 Second Guessers N .. 11:45 Felix Knight N

Children's Hour N


The Revive lists Musical Interlude Veterans Civic Hour


Russian Melodies N Church of the Air C Ellis Frakes News Review W. Brown, from Modern Miracles WGAR C

Cadle Tabernacle The Texas Rangers C Choir

Rural Roundup Glendale Presbyterian Church Service

,12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

100 1:15 1:30 1:45

200-2:15 2:30 2:45

Southernaires N

Music Hall Symphony N

Spelling Bee N

Major Bowes' Capitol Family C

Radio City Music Salt Lake City Hall N Tabernacle C

Church of the Air C

Smoke Dreams Poet's Gold C Joe Binder


Rosario Bourdon Orch. Magic Key of RCA N "Youth On the March" C

Waltz Favorites ; Dr. Christian C...x WCKY News •• 10

3:00 On Broadway N Church by the Side Philharmonic Symphony 3:15 , " " ... the Road • , Society of New York 3:30 ' Senator Fishface N... j Cycle Trader — licyc • —John Barbirolli, 3:45 movieland News « Party N I conductor C

400 Sunday Vespers N Romance Melodies N. 4:15 4:30 Beth Chandler N 4:45 1Movieland News .

seo i Metropolitan Opera 5:15 ' Auditions N 5:30 I Smilin' Ed 5:45 McConnell N

News Review .0 e. e.

Singing Lady — Music "Silver Theatre" C . Plays M ...

The Time of Your j Hits of the Week . Life N

6:00 Original Microphone Around the World... Joe Penner C 6:15 plays N

6:30 WCKY News Court of Human "Romantic Rhythms" C 6:45 1 Movieland News Relations

700 j Popular Classics N. Jack Benny and - --- j Open House C 7:15 1 «, .. Mary Livingstone N 7:30 1 Baker's Broadcast N Boscul Program ' Gulf Oil—Phil Baker C

Interesting Neigh'rsX I .


8 8:16:30


9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

General Motors Sym- Don Ameche and ' Columbia Workshop C Edgar Bergen N

Milestones C phony Concert N ..

ee , . .... Concert Hall of Woodbury Presents the Air Tyrone Power N

Xavier Cugat's Orch Jergens Program N... Irene Rich N Noble Sissies Orch...

10:00 World Salon Orches-10:15 ' tra; News

y10:30 Cheerio N 10:45

11:00 Press Radio News N.. 11:15 J. Dorsey's Orch. N... 11:30 Henry Busses 11:45 Orchestra N ..

Foundation Progrem N

Unsolved Mysteries..

Paul Sullivan Ran Wilde's Orchestra George Duffy's Orchestra .....

Ford Sunday Evani Hour C

Hollywood Show Case C

Newscast—Lee Bland. Ross Pierce's Orch

Jay Freeman's Orchestra C

Cab Calloway's Orchestra C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Turn Back the Clock N Letters From Abroad N For Mother and Dad Sermonette and Hymn Time


Hamilton County Jail Church Service

Music and American Youth N

News Amateur Revue

Hillbilly Hullabaloo..

Remember When ..... - ....

Sunday Morning at Aunt Susan's; News

Church of the Air C.

W. Brown—String Ensemble C

The Texas Rangers C

Major Bowes Capitol Theatre Family C..

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

200 2:15 2:30 2:45

Denver String Quartet N

Foothealth Frolics

WCPO News The Playboys , Wurlitter Future ' Stars

Canal Days Apostolic Church Paul Martin's Music N , " " Ted Weem's Deutsche Lieder

Orchestra M

Beauty Parade

sale Page and Ashland vs. Cincinnati Charles Sears N , Models

Salt Lake City Choir C

WHIO News T. J. Keegan, poems Poet's Gold C Roy and Don

Sunday Players

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Radio News Rep' N

Song Shop M

Review of the News Symphonette Lutheran Layman's League M Tommy Tucker

Ry Krisp Program N Your Favorite Rand .4 I.




Models vs. Ashland

Hits of the Week... Reading G'pel l'abee

Dr . Christian

Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York C

630 6:45

WLS-WENR Chicago, In. WO loe.)

WSM Nashville, Tenn. MO lie.)

WHAS Louisville. Ky. (820 Ice.)

. •

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45


s. I.

IA 00 4..4 e .... •

0. .0

6,4864,44-.61,..e.peeem. ... ...... ............


8:00 Everybody's Hour, 8:15 conducted by 8:30 John Raker 8:45 " "

9.:00 Little Brown Church, 9:15 Dr. Holland ---9:30 ..... 9:45 WLS News Report..

10:00 "Folks Worth 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

Knowing • WLS Concert Orchestra

The Southernaires N..

Grace Wilson . Helen Jensen, organist

Radio City Music Hall N.....

NBC Spelling Bee N

1:00 Magic Key 1:15 of R. C. A. N 1,30 o

1:45 " "

Turn Back the Clock N Letters From Abroad N Melody Moments N.

Radio Pulpit N s.

News Summary Fidelis Class—First

Baptist Church .... 8.

Second Guessers N.... Fells Knight N

First Presbyterian Church Service

0. 09

Paul Martin and His Music N

Smoke Dreams, N... .0 .4

Magic Key of RCA N ......

10 00 .

Sunday Morning at Aunt Susan' C

Meador Lowery-News

Church of the Air C- 7 44 8.

Sunday Jail Service

Broadway Christian — Church

Major Bowes' Capitol Family C.

Salt Lake City Choir C 8. 0.

Church of the Air

Poet's Gold C Trend of the Times

Salvation Army

Dr. Christian C

Barn Dance and Variety Revue

O. 9.

Silver Theatre C

Twilight Musings News; Clara Oglesby

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 745

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

The Antique Shop . WCPO News Emma Scully Church Federation Paul Sullivan

Ran Wilde's Orch

frying Aaronson's Orchestra

, The Muses Popular Melodies

Fireside Pecaals N... , Yours Truly Bernie Cummins' Orch. Rainbow Trio

Benny Davis' Stardust WCPO News Revue M j Sunday Swing

Wayne King's Orchestra M


Lyman, organ Stars of Broadway Seymour Simon's Romantic Rhythm C

>Den House C

Phil Baker; Oscar Bradley's Orch. C

Columbia Workshop C

Milestones with David Ross C

9:00 Manhattan Merry-Go- News Review 9:15 Round N Thompson's Ambass'rs 9:30 American Album of Tomorrow's Rhythms... 945 , Familiar Music N

10:00 ¡rising Stars N 10:15 10:30 News Rhumba 10:45 J. Messner's Orch. M Cotton Club Orchestra

11:00- I To be Announced... WC-fib News 11:15 .' o Sign off 11:30 Bernie Cummins' 11:45 Orchestra


WCfq:-) News The Tango and the

Ford Sunday Evening Hour C

10 I.

Hollywood Showcase C

Headlines & Bylines C

Jay .Freeman's Orch. C

Cab Calloway's Orchestra C

2:00 To be announced .. 2:15 " " 2:30 , Sen. Fishface—Prof. 2:45 I Figgsbottle N

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Sunday Vespers N.... 411 0

Rhythm in the Air.. Ranch Boys, trio N...

Metropolitan Opere Auditions N

Smiling Ed. McConnell N

Baptist Union Lyric Moods Bicycle Party N

Sunday Vespers N

Lutheran Hour M .1

Metropolitan Auditions of the Air N

Acme Sunshine Melodies N

Philharmonic Symphony Society C

110 .

011 49

01 1111 4. 44

Silver Theatre C

Guy Lombardo's Orchestra C

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30

Sach's Amateur Hour 46

00 110


Marek Weber's Orchestra

Ozzie Nelson's 6:46 Orchestra N

7:00 General Motors Sym-7:15 phony Concert 7:30 .. 66


Catholic Hour N ....

The Pepper Uppers...

Joe Penner — Jimmie Grier's Orch. C.._

Romantic Rhythm C..

Jack Benny and Mary Vick's Open House d Livingstone N

Baker's Broadcast with Phil Baker; Oscar Ozzie Nelson's Or. N Bradley's Orch. C .

Edg-ar Beigen and Don Ameche N

. .

00 6.

Columbia Workshop d" o

Milestones with David Ross C

8:00 'Woodbury Presents d:I5 ' Tyrone Power N. 8:30 1..lergens Program N. 8:45 Irene Rich N

9:00 ,Foundation Program N 9:15 I .. 9:30 Vocal Varieties 9:45 Eddie Varios Orch

10:00 News: Globe Trotter.. Irene Rich N 10:15 Earl Hines' Orch Walter Winchell N... 10:30 Henry Busses Tyrone Power N 10:45 Orchestra N

Manhattan Merry Go Round N

American Album of Familiar Music N.

Rising Stars N

Goodman's Pianologue Opera Encores

Ford Sunday Evening Hour C

.0 It

Vocal Varieties H. Curries Orch

Broadway Stars

Meador Lowery-News. Jay Freeman's Orch. .0 Cab Calloway's

Orchestra C



NOON—Denver String Quartet, direction Henry Trustman Ginsburg. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

—Southernaires: Negro Male Quartet. WJZ WCKY WLS wgar wave wire wham

12:30—University of Chicago Round Table Discussion: Current topics; guest speakers. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

—Radio City Music Hall of the Air: Sym-phony orchestra and Edwina Eustis, con-tralto. WJZ WCKY WLW (WLS on 1:00) wgar wave wire wham

—Salt Lake City Tabernacle Choir and Or-gan WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wfbm kmox wcco

1:00—Church of the Air: Rev. Van Zyl of the First Reformed Church of Cicero, Ill. "Thanksgiving for Victory." WABC WKRC WHAS WJR wcau wade wsbf wsfa wcco

—Paul Martin and his Music. WEAF WSM (WSAI on 1:15) wmaq wtam who wdaf kyw

1:30—Tuskegee Institute Choir: Concert by 100-voice choir; director, William L. Daw-son, composer, conductor. WEAF wgy wtam

—NBC Spelling Be., Paul Wing, conductor. WJZ WCKY WLS wave wire wham whk

—Smoke Dreams: Orchestra and guest art-ists. (NBC) WLW WSM wmaq kstp kvoo who wdaf wtam

—Poet's Gold—WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wcau wadc

1:45—"Lloyd Pontages Covers Hollywood." WABC wbbm wjr wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wcco wgar

2:00—The Magic Key of R. C. A.: Orchestra, direction Frank Black; Milton Cross, m. c.; guests. WJZ WLW WLS WSM kdka whk wfla kvoo wfaa wham wave wowo

—Sunday Drivers: Variety program, with Fields and Hall, m. c.; novelty orchestra, and Frances Adair, soprano. WEAF wgy kyw edam wmaq who wdaf

—Y. M. C. A. Round Table Discussion— "Youth on the March." WABC WKRC wjr wfbm kmox wadc wbt

—"The Fun Bug." (CBS) wbbm kmbc wcco 2:30—Gale Page and Charles Sears WEAF WSAI kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who wdaf wire

—"Dr. Christian of River's End"—dramatic sketch with Jean Hersholt. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wcau wgst wwl wfbm kmbc kmox wadc wbt wcco wjr wgar

3:00—Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York, John Barbirolli, conducting; Artur Rubinstein, pianist; Deems Taylor, commen-tator. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wfbm kmbc kmox wadc wsbt wbt wcco

—The Radio Newsreel, with Parks Johnson and Wallace Butterworth interviewing per-sons in the week's headlines. WEAF WSAI wgar wtam kyw wgy wwj wmaq kstp wdaf

—On Broadway: Dramatic sketch of every-

day folk on the famous street. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wham

—There Was A Woman—dramatic presenta-tion of the women in the lives of famous men. (NBC) wave wire

3:30—Senator Fishface and Prof. Figgsbottle. WJZ (WCKY off 3:45) WLS kdka wave wire wham whk

--Bicycle Party; Swor and Lubin, blackface comedy team; Bill Slater, sport commenta-tor and m. c., interviewing sport celebri-ties; Bert Whaley, baritone; Hugo Mariani and his Orchestra. WEAF WSM WLW wave wgy wtam wire wmaq kstp kvoo kyw wwj who wdaf wfla wfaa

4:00—Sunday Vespers: "Resources for a Courageous Life," Dr, Harry Emerson Fosdick. Male quartet, direction Charles A. Baker. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM whk wave wire wham

—Romance Melodies: Orchestra, dierction Roy Shields, with Ruth Lyon, soprano; Charles Sears, tenor. WEAF WLW wgy wdaf kyw wwj wtam wmaq wire

4:30—The World Is Yours: Dramatization. Program under ouspices of Smithsonian In-stitute. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq wdaf kyw wwj

—Beth Chandler, songs. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

4:45—Dog Heroes, dramatic sketch. Harry Swan and Effie Palmer. WJZ

—Ranch Boys. (NBC) WLS whk wave wire wham

5:00—Metropolitan Opera Auditions of the Air: Wilfred Pelletier conducting the Met-ropolitan Opera Orchestra and guests.

WJZ WCKY WLS WSM wham kdka whk wowo wfla wave kvoo wbap wgy

—Ry-Krisp Presents Marion Talley; Orchestra direction Josef Koestner, WEAF WSAI wmaq kyw wire wwj wgy wtam kstp who 'clef

—Silver Theatre: Constance Bennett and Cary Grant in "Medicine Girl" by P. G. Wode-house; Conrad Nagel, director and nar-rator, dramatic sketch. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wcau wcco wgar wfbm kmox wade wbbm wjr kmbc wgst wwl

5:30—Guy Lombardo and his Orchestra. WABC WHAS wjr wgar wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wwva wwl

—The Time of Your Life—Sheila Barrett, Joe Rises, comedian and orchestra leader; Graham McNamee, m. C.; WEAF WLW kyw wgy wire wmaq who wdaf wwj kstp

—Sunday Afternoon with Smiling Ed. McCon-nell; Robert Trendler's Orchestra and choral group. WJZ WCKY WLS WSM whk wham wave

6:00—Joe Penner with Jimmie Grier's Orches-tra: Gene Austin, tenor; Julie Gibson, vocalist, and Coco and Malt, comedians. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wfbm wgar wcau wbt wcco wbbm

—Original Microphone Play, WJZ WCKY wave wire wham wowo whk

—Catholic Hour: Saints vs. Kings—"John Chrysoston and Eudoxia," Rev, James M. Gillis, C.S.P., guest speaker; Paulist Choir, direction Father Finn. WEAF WSM wgy wtam wmaq wwj who wdaf kyw

6:30—"Romantic Rhythms": Seymour Simon's Orchestra; Sally Nelson, balladist; Barry McKinley, baritone; Basil Ruysdale, m. c.

WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wbt wwl wwva wadc west wcco

—A Tale of today, sketch. WEAF wtam wmaq wgy kyw

—Green Brothers Novelty Orchestra. WJZ kdka whk wave wire

7:00—Vick's Open House, with Wilbur Evans. WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wgar wjr kmor wadc wbt wcco wbbm wcau wgst wwl

—.1.11.0 Summer Program, starring Jack Benny, comedian, with Mary Livingstone; Kenny Baker, tenor; Sam "Schlepperman" Hearn; Phil Harris' Orchestra, Andy Devine and Don Wilson. WEAF WLW WSM wave wire wmaq kyw wgy WtOT wwj who wdaf kstp kvoo

—Popular Classics. Laura Castellano, so-prano; Margaret Brill, harpist; and orches-tra conducted by H. Leopold Spitalny. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham

7:30—Phil Baker, comedian and Oscar Brad-ley's orchestra and guests. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wfbm wjr wgar wcau wadc wsbt wwva wbt wgst

—Fireside Recitals, featuring Helen Marshall, soprano; Sigurd Nilssen, basso; Frank St. Leger, pianist-composer. WEAF W SA I wmaq wgy wdaf wtam wwj who wire kyw

—The Baker's Broadcast, with Ozzie Nelson's Orchestra; Feg Murray, cartoonist. and Harriet Hilliard. soloist. WJZ WLS WSM WCKY wham kvoo ksto wfaa wfla kdha whir



el Denotes (Nee C Denotes (CBS) M Denotes (MBS)


WCKY Cincinnati (1490 us-,

6:30 645

7:00 7:15 70 745

8:00 8:15 8:30 4:45

Bert..Layne's Fiddlers..

Sunkist Program

Morning Round-Up... N

Norsemen N Wm, Meader N News for Executives Lucille and Lanny N

WLW Cincinnati MO isc.è

Drifting Pioneers .... Brown County Revelers

Morn'g in the Mount's Prayer Period Sing, Neighbor, Sing Merrymakers

Rube Appleberry Peter Grant—News .. Before Brea kfast The Gospel Singer

WKRC Cincinnati Use he.)

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

Sing Before Breakfast. Early Edition News. Dow's Dawn Patrol...

.4 .1

41 0.

.. 0

Woman's Hour

1 ° too 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 1145


Breakfast Club N....

London Stock Market.. Breakfast Club N

For Women Only Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line Viennese Sextet N

Household Hour 0 6.

Murdock Williams Coon Creek Band

Hymn* of All Churches Hope Alden's Rom'ce Lady Be Good Young Widder Jones

Linda's First Love. All the Answers Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

News The Road of Life N Carson Robison The Goldbergs

Metropolitan Parade C Newscast Federation of Churches Bachelor Children es

Musical Calder . Myrt and Marge C Tony Wons C Ruth Carhart. songs

Public Library Program Magazine of the Air C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

1200 X 12:15

12:30 12:45

WCKY News . Songs for Everyone.. National Farm and Home Hour N

100 1:15 1:30 145

.1 1.

Love and Learn N.... J. á L Clemens N..,

Strollers Matinee N.. Jane Rohan Let's Talk It Over N

Girl Alone N ..... Doc Schneider's Texans National Farm and Home Hour N

Voice ot Experience Kitty Keene, Inc

Home Town --tag. Sing to Me. Civil Government ....

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C.

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Woman's News C Meet the Missus American School u

of the Air C 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

400 4:15 gao 445

500 6:15 5:30 5:45

Sports Rochester Civic Orchestra N

Movieland News All Sports Review National Youth Club Matinee N

All Sports Review Winslow of Navy N.. Sports Final Straight Shooters N

Pepper Young's Fam Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N


Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N. The Mad Hatterfields

Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady N Singing School

Newscast Matinee Musicale Jenny Peabody C Notes and News

Sing and Swing C. Uncle Dudley Mecum Dr. Defoe C

Follow the Moon C Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights. "Hilltop House" C

Smilin' Dan 6:00 Musical Visions 6:15 News; Hall's Ord. C 6:30 Song Time C 6:45

Poetic Melodies C 700 George Jessel 7:15 Jay Freeman's Ord. C 7:30 Boake Carter C 7:45

Horace Heidt's 8:00 Orchestra C 8:15

Pick and Pat C 8:30 845

600 6:15 6:30 6:45

k 7:00 7:15 7:30 745

Little Orphan Annie N Army Band N WCKY News Movieiand News N

Music is My Hobby N To be announced Vic Arden's Orchestra Christine Johnson N . Gen. Hugh Johnson hi Jimmy Kemper N "Grand Hotel" N

800 8:15 8:30 8:45

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall Lowell Thomas N

Amos 'n' Andy N.... Four Stars Tonight Lum and Abner N.... Money and Music ...

-Burns and Allen N....

6:30 645

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

8.00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

WSAI Cincinnati (1330 Isc-)

Morning Prayer Early. Express

WCPO Cincinnati (1200 Ise.)


WCPO News Six-to-Niners


88 II

WHIO Dayton (1260 kc.)

Breakfast Express

Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Yesterday's Favorites Women Make the News

Cornelia on the Air Metropolitan Parade C Municipal Court Trouble Shooters Pretty Kitty Kelly C.. Myrt and Marge C.. Monticello Party Line. Ruth Carhart, songs C

Louise and Lads C Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Malcolm Claire N. Good Morn. Melod. N Do you Remember N Women's Newsreel .

Rainbow Ridge Streamliners N

What Next

Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N Backstage Wife N . How to be Charming N Grace and Eddie

WCPO News Six-to-Ninen

« e «

WCPO News Musical Menu

The Dreamer

WCPO News Variety Show Clarence Berger Elaine's Stories

WCPO News Merry-Go-Round

80 o

el so

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

My Boy Matt Noonday Reverie News A. Loafer's Ord. N

Barber's Interviews ... Words and Music N. Cincinnatus at School. Vierra's Hawaiians....

Norman Cloutier's WCPO News . Orchestra N Siesta Cincinnati Your City.. Op. House for Ladies Three Cheers N ... Hollywood Brevities

WSAI Little Show....

1:00 1:15 1:30 145

200 2:15 2:30 2:45

WCPO News Happiness Ahead .. Man on the Street Melody Parade

WCPO News Rhythm Rambles Dot Club News From Hawaii

Mary M. McBride C.. Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News, Weath'r, Mark's

Ann Kirk Trio.. .77.-Home Demonstration House Party

Woman's News C Dalton Brds. C American School

of the Air C 3:00 3:15 320 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 6:15 5:30 5:45

For Men Only "

9:00 Philadelphia Symphony 9:15 Orchestra N 9:30 " 9:45 ..

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15


Behind Prison Bars N

Streamline Revue

"Norma" N " " ......

Fibber McGee and Molly N

Hour of Charm N ell

Lux Radio Theatre C.


Famous Jury Trials

Sweet Adeline

Paul Sullivan Bernie Cummins' Orch. Benny Meroff's Orchestra

It Is Strange e

Lorenzo Jones N Strollers Freshman Follies Star Gazin'

Bonnie Stewart N Terry and the Pirates N The Emperors Nixson Denton


WCPO News Today's Winners

I. 0

News: Ann Leaf organ C

You Shall Have Rhythm Broadway Matinee C..

Between Bookends C.. Sing and Swing—C.

Kelsey's Orch. C. Dr. Allan Defoe C.

Tea Time Tunes Bob Richardson, songs The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C.


5:30 545

600 6:15 6:30 6:45

WLS-WENR WSM Chicago. TIL (870 Ice.) Nashville, Tenn. (650 ke.)

Smile A While .0 I.

Ky. Girls & Ramblers Sing, Neignbor, Sing Pat and Henry

News Report Golden West Cowboys Pokey and Arkie 41manac Morning Devotions WSM News Jolly Joe's Pals Freddie Rose

Stamps Baxter Quartet Early Morn: Melodies

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

WHAS Louisville. Ky. (820 ite.1

Asbury college le Devotions

Emmy's Band Ky. Mountaineers

Early Morning Jamboree ..........

..... .8 NI

8:00 8:15 8:30 845

too 9:15 9:30 9:45

1000 The O'Neills N 10:15 The Road of Life N 10:30 Vic and Sade N 10:45 Edward McHugh N

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Old Kitchen Kettle The Hill Toppers

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fem. N News Report

Breakfast .Club N


Banner Newshawk Vatellin DeLeath N Bennett á Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N.

Norman Sherr, piano N Rhythm Serenade .... How to be Charm'g N Manhatters N

Bob Atcher Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children Ce-

Monticello Party Une.)C Myrt and Marge C Tony Wons' Book e Dot and Bill

The Rangers ...... Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories ..

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Virginia Lee, Sunbeam Chuck, Ray & Christine Shopping News Markets; News

Prairie Farmer, Demerbell Time....

Voice of Feed Lot...

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

Jam for Supper

0. le

Your Suburb'n Theatre

Speed Gibson WCPO trsZr"---1:177—a—gm=•-varips... Rhythmaires N Musical Hits Si Burick Paul Sullivan Dinner Club . .... Geo. Hall's Orch. C.. Ran Wilde's Orchestra " " Songtime C _ iilly Snider's Orch . This Rhythmic Age.... Vic ArCien's Orch Uncle Ezra N Harmony Hall i Jay Freeman's Bernie Cummins' Orch. I Yours Truly Orchestra C

.. .. .... I Race Results Boake Carter C

Album & Songs WCPO News Whispering Jack Smith Cin'ti Fed. of Music Plantation Boys

The Voice of Musically Speaking... Bob Chester's Orch Firestone N Gypsy Fortunes Will Osborne's Orch

Melodic Strings M WCPO News .... Thompson's

Victor Erwin's Musical Concert Master Cartoons M

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Wayne King's Orchestra C 10:15

Newscast—Lee Bland 10:30 Phyl Co. Mysteries. 10:45

Leaders in Dance Time 11:00 R. Himber's Orch. C 11:15 Sammy Kayr's 11:30 Orchestra C 11:45

Contented Program N 0. #.

Charles Woods, News Pageant of Melody M Bernie Cummins' Orch. To be announced .... Noble Sissle's Orchestra

WCPO News Musical Newsy

.8 O.

Cotton Club Ordestra WCPO News Dance Awhile

Lux Radio Theatre C.. 0 II

.. .6

4. 1.

Wayne King's Orchestra C

Gene Baker's Orch Newspaper of the Air Moon Magic R. Himber's Ord. C Sammy Kaye's Orchestra C . . .

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

School Time The Old Timers Closing Grain Market Melody Parade

Time for Thought N.. Console Melodies .... National Farm and Home Hour N

Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture.

Univ. of Tennessee... Strollers Matinee N.. To be announcedN...

Mary M. McBride C.. Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trente Our Gal Sunday C

Linda's First Love College of Agriculture Livestock—Markets Sunshine Sue

Woman's News C.... Dalton Brothers C University of Kentucky

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3.00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Homemakers Program .4 8.

Musical Roundup ....

Club Matinee

0 1.

Music Circle Piano Duo N Vagabond Quartet N Vierra's Hawaiians N

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neil's N

A Woman's News .... The Guiding Light N Club Matinee N Road of Life N

Markets Report D. Winslow of Navy N News: Dance Music Claude Sharpe, tenor

Betty and lob Hymns of All Churches "Jenny Peabody" C. Yellow Blank Salute

Hope Alden's Rom'ce Weekday Devotions. .k Sing and Swing Dr. Allan Defoe C

Out o' the Dusk ....

Meador Lowery; News "Hilltop House" C...

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

600 6:15 6:30 6:45

Junior Nurse Corps N. U. S. Army Band N What's the News?.,.. Escorts and Betty N..

Music Is My Hobby le The Three Cheers N. Lum and Abner N Christine Johnson N..

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

Gen, Hugh Johnson N DeZurik Sisters "Grand Hotel" N

Rhythm Time Howard Phillips C..., Afternoon News Jack Armstrong Jack's Mountaineers . Salt and Peanuts Asher & Little Jimmie Early Evening Revue

Music Is My Hobby Sportraits To be announced Whispering Jack Smith Glen Gray's Orchestra Jay Freeman's Ord. C Stars of Broadway bake Carter C

'Burns and Allen N.... Aiemite, with Horace SI Heidt's Orchestra C

Voice of Firestone— Pick and Pat in "Pipe Margaret Speaks N.. Smoking Time" C

8:1)0 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 945

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra N

Fibber McGee and Molly N

Hour of Charm N

"Behind Prison Bars" N

Radio Forum N #. S.

Carnation Contented Hour N

Adventures that made America

Amos 'n' Andy N .... WSM News

To be announced

"Norma," by Chicago Opera Company N

Lux Radio Theatre C.. O.

.1 .0

Wayne King's Orchestra C

Here's To You I. .8

Poetic Melodies C— .7: R. Himber's Orch. C Sammy Kaye's Orch. C Meador Lowery-News.



7:00—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF WLW who wgy kyw

....Music Is My Hobby. WJZ WCKY WENR WSM kdka wave wfla wbam wgar

—Malcolm Claire—stories. (NBC) wtam wmaq ...Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor,and

Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader, with Orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt wcau wgar wgst wjr

§..."Skelly Court of Missing Heirs," dramatic sketch (CBS) wbbm kmbc wcco kmox

7:15—"Uncle Etra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A," with Pat Barrett, Carlton Guy, Nora Cun-neen and others. WEAF WSAI kyw wtam wmaq who wdaf kstp wire wgy wbap

..-Jay Freeman and his Orchestra. WABC WHIO (WHAS and WKRC on 7:30) kmbc wadc wbt wfbm wgar wgst

...Three Cheers, direction Jack Meakin. WJZ WLS whk wave wham

7:30—Carol Weymann, mezzo-soprano. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

eutiorlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WENR

....New York on Parade: Mark Warnow's Or-chestra; John B. Kennedy, commentator;

Orestes H. Caldwell, narrator; Mark War-saw's Orchestra. WEAF only

—John Herrick, baritone (NBC) kdka wave wire wham wowo

7:45—Boake Carter. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wcco

—Top Hatters. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—Christine Johnson, soprano. WJZ WCKY WLS wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

8:00—Burns and Allen with Tony Martin and Ray Noble's Orchestra. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wgy wtam wwj wire wmaq who wdaf wfla kstp wave kvoo wfaa

— General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

—Alemite Hilt Hour with Horace Heidt's Brigadiers. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmox wcau wbt wcco wwj

8:I5—Jimmy Kamper's Song Stories with Roy Campbell's Royalists, WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30—The Voice of Firestone: Margaret Speaks, soprano; Mixed Chorus; Symphonic Orchestra, Alfred Walfenstein, conductor.


WEAF WSAI WSM wgy kvoo wfla wmaq wdaf wwj who kstp wfaa wave wire wtam kyw

—"Pick and Pat in Pipe Smoking Time," blackface comedy and music; Edward Roecker, baritone; Benny Kreuger and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm whk kmbc wcau wbt wadc

—Campanas "Grand Hotel," dramatic sketch. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

9:00—Fibber McGee and Molly, comedy sketch, with Marion and Jimmy Jordan; Ted Weems and his Orchestra. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wtam wwj kvoo wgy wfla wmaq .cho wdaf wfaa wave

—Lux Radio Theatre. Margaret Sullavan and Herbert Marshall in "The Petrified Forest." WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc

—Philadelphia Orchestra, Alexander Smallens, conducting. Puccini's opera "La Boheme," with Susanne Fisher, Lucy Monroe and Armand Tokatyan. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

9:30—Hour of Charm. Phil Spitalny and his Girls. WEAF WSM WLW wfla kstp kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who wdaf wire wfaa kvoo wave

10:00 — Wayne King's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wwj wcco

—Contented Program: The Lullaby Lady, Male Quartet; Choir, direction Noble Cain.

Orchestra, direction Frank Black; Vincent Pelletier, an ouncer. WEAF WSAI WSM kyw wgy wmaq wtam wwj who wdaf wfla wave kvoo w au wire kstp

—"Behind Prison Bars." Warden Lewis E. Lewes of S ng Sing. Dramatic sketch. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham kdka

10:30—Fashion Futures — American Edition. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—"Brave New World," dramatization—U. S. Office of Education Program. WABC wadc wbbm wcco

—Public Hero No. I—dramatic !ketch. (NBC) wmaq who wfaa

—National Radio Forum—guest speaker. WJZ WLS whk wave wire wham

10:45—Music for Moderns. WEAF kyw wgy wtam wmaq wdaf

11:00—Richard Himbers' Orchestra. WABC (WKRC, WHIO, WHAS on 11:15) wgst wbt wgar kmox

—Poetic Melodies (CBS) WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmbc kmox wwl wcco

—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wdaf wbap wmaq wire kstp wtam wwj

—Rudolph Friml, Jr.'s Ritz-Carlton Hotel Orchestra. WEAF wgy who

—Esso News Reporter. WJZ only —Chicago Opera Company: Portion of "Norma." (NBC) WCKY WLS kdka whk Wavle

11:05—"Norma." WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham wowo whk wave wire

11:30—Sammy Kaye and his Orchestra. WABC WI-HO (WHAS off 11:45) WKRC wjr wgar wfbm wcau wspd wsbt wadc wgst wbt

—Woody Herman's Normandie Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

MIDNIGHT—Gee. Hamilton and his Orches-tra. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wgar wcau wadc wbt wjr wsfa yowl whk wowo

—Don Bestor's New Penn Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham wowo

—Eli Dantzig's Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtarrs wmaq who

12:30—Earl Hines' Grand Terrace Cafe Or-chestra. WEAF WLW WLS WSM wgy whims wmaq who

—Lang Thompson's Commodore Perry Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave

—Orrin Tucker's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wbbm wfbm wjr

WCKY has added another half hour to its daily schedule. The eye-opener program on the L. B. Wilson station now is Bert Layne and his band, heard from 6:30 to 7:00 a. m. (E. S. T.), Mondays through Saturdays.



si Denotes (NBG) C Denotes (CBS) W Denotes (MSS)


6:30 6:45

700 7:15

OR a


Bert Layne's Fiddlers

Sunkist Program ..... .6 SI

Morning Round-Up ..

800 8:15 8:30 8:45

Charioteers N Liebert Ensemble N News for Executives Lucille and Lanny N

WLW (700

Drifting Pioneers Brown County Revelers

Morning In the Mtns Prayer Period Mail Beg Merrymakers

Charioteers N Peter Grant—News Arthur Chandler, Jr The Gospel Singer

WKRC Cincinnati (550 Itc.i

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

God's Bible School... Early Edition—Newt.. Dow's Dawn Patrol...

630 6:45

NI 01 •

I@ 00

Woman's Hour 8. S.

700 7:15 130 7:45

800 8:15 8:30 8:45 .

too 9:15 9:30 9:45

WSAI Cincinnati (1330 he.)

WCPO Cincinnati Mee Ice.)


Morning Prayer Early Express

Malcolm Claire N. Good Morn. Melod. N Do you Remember N. Women s Newsreel ..

WCPO -News Six-to-Niners

0 .0

ISO 11.

WCPO News Six-to-Niners


00 00

WHIO Dayton Mee ke.

Breakfast Express


5:30 5:45

Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Yesterday's Favorites. Women Make the News

600 6:115 6:30 645

h, 9:00

9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

1100 11:15 11:30 11:45

Breakfast Club N .... u

London Stock Market.. Breakfast Club N....

For Women Only Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line Viennese Sextet N

Household Hour

Murdock Williams .... Coon Creek Band

Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden's Rom'ce Hello Peggy Young Widder Junes

Linda's First Love All the Answers . Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

News The Road of Life N The Hi Boys N The Goldbergs

Music in the Air News C

Richard Maxwell CX Bachelor Children CX

Musical Calendar . Myrt and Marge C Emily Post C Bliss and Sutton C

Jean Abbey Magazine of the Air C Rig Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Rainbow Ridge Streamliners N

What Next

Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N Backstage Wife N Mary Paxton Ribber Shannon

12:00 "12:15

12:30 12:45

100 1:15 130 145

200 2:15 230 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

600 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:oo 1:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WCKY News Songs for Everyone.. Farm and Home Hour N

Love and Learn N.... Movieland News

Ranch Boys Jack Baker N Murdock Williams Beatrice Fairfax .

All Sports Review Marine Band N

It 6,


All Sports Review N.. Ian Hay N Club Matinee N

" Sports Review .. Winslow of Navy N... Sports Final Straight Shooters N

Little Orphan Annie N Paul Kennedy Press-Radio News N Movieland Ness

Easy Aces N Lost Persons N Jack Smith Vivian della Chiesa N

Husbands and Wives N .

To be announced Dixie Dale

Girl Alone N Vic Arden's Orchestra National Farm and Home Hour N


Voice • of Experience.. Kitty Keene, Inc

The Artist Vocational Agriculture Living Literature


Pepp'r Young's Faro. N Ma Perkins N Vic. and Sade N The O'Neill' N

Dr, Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields. Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong N.... Singing Lady N.. Singing School W....

Swinging the Blues C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Fun to Keep House Meet the Missus American School

of the Air C... f`

I000 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

My Boy Matt Noonday Reverie . . News Rosa Lee N

Barber's Interviews Words and Music N.. Cincinnatus at School Vierra's Hawaiians ...

Don't Look Now M. Mary Williams M Cincinnati Your .City Armchair Quartet N

100 1:15 130. h45

News; Fire Prevention Future Favorites P.T.A. Program Notes and News .


Bob Byron C Uncle Dudley Mecum Y. W. C. A. Program.

Follow the Moon C.. Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights "Hilltop House" C...

200 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 500 5:15 5:30 5:45

WSAI Little Show.

It Is Strange 8.

Lorenzo Jones N Strollers Freshman Follies Star Gazin'

Nellie Revelle Terry and the Pirates N The Emperors Nixson Denton

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall . Lowell Thomas N

Amos n Andy N -Vocal Varieties N Lum and Abner N . Tonic Time

Johnny Presents N.

It Can Be Done— Edgar A. Guest N

Smilin' Dan Dick Bray—Sports News; Hall's Orch. C Musical Moments Poetic Melodies C Hollyve'd Screensc'ps C Famous Actors Guild— Helen Menken C...

Edw. G. Robinson— "Big Town" C

Al Jolson and Others C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:oo 7:15 1:3o 745

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Vicki Chase, soprano. Kentucky Colonel .. Paul Sullivan Billy Snyders Orch Vicki Chase Bernie Cummins' Orch Musical Speedway

Don Albert's Orch.... Silk Topper Wayne King's

Orchestra N

WCPO News Musical Menu

0 .0

The Dreamer

WCPO News Ch'ber of Commerce Consumers Conference Jimmy Lee

WCPO News Merry-Go-Round

I. 00

WCPO News The Playboys 'Man on the Street Melody Parade

WCPO News Rhythm Rambles Dot Club News From Hawaii WCPO News Siesta


Hollywood Brevities ..

Cornelia on the An. Music in the Air C Municipal Court Trouble Shooters

Pretty Kitty Kelly C. Myrt and Mirge C. Monticello Party Line. News: Sutton & Bliss..

Art of Living ..k. Carol's Romance C.. Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Today's Winners Today's Winners

•• 11111

WCPO News Today's Winners


0i 0.

Jam for Supper .. 0

Of 011

Your Sub`rban Theatre

WCPO News Musical Hits Dinner Club

This Rhythmic Age Rosen's Rangers Yours Truly Race Results

WCPO News Better Sportsmanship Musically Speaking Men of Vision

Swinging the Blues C Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speak News; Markets

Ann Kirk Trio Betty Fairfax House Party

Petticoat on the Air C Cheri and 3 Notes C American School of the Air C

News; Col. Jack Major C ...... . .

Hollins Shaw & Concert Orch C

Between Bookends C. Bob Byron, songs C. Story of Industry C.

Tea Time Tunes Console Capers The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C

All Hands On Deck C .Si Burick—News Geo. Hall's Orch. C Songtime C Stars of Broadway .. "Holly'd Screens'ps"C Helen Menken: "Second Husband" C

Edw. G. Robinson— Dramatization C

Al Jolson Show with Martha Raye C

9:03 9:15 9:30 9:45


10:30 10:45

1100 11:15 11:30 11:45

March Webers Orchestra N

NBC Night Club' N

Gen. Hugh Joheson N Choir Symponette N.. Streamline Revue ....


Taxicab Night Club. King's Jesters Orch. N Jimmy Dorsey's

Orchestra N

Hoosier Housewarmers

True Detective' Mysteries

To be announced ....

Jimmy Fidler N, . Ct. of Monte Christo

Paul Sullivan ... Noble Siule's Orch... Ran Wilde's Orch Bernie Cummins' Orch

Watch the Fun Go By C

Jack Oakie's College C

Benny Goodman's Orchestra C

Newscast—Lee Bland "Ballads by Binder"

Leaders in Dance Time T. Dorsey's Orch. C.. George Olsen's Orchestra C .

9: 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

OX WCPO News etch t e un o y • Claude Thompson's with Al Pearce C

Hollywood Mardi Ambassadors Jack Oakie's Gras N East End Y. M. C. A.. College C


Charles Woods, News Tommy Nolan's Orch.

Noble Sissle's Ord— WCPO News To be announced .... Dance Awhile Benny M eroff's ss Orchestra I f le

WCPO News For the Nano

Cotton Club Orchestra

Benny Goodman's "Swing School" C.

Bob Chester's Orch . Newspaper on the Air

Genii-Baker's Orch T. Dorsey's Orch. C George Olsen's Orchestra C

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

WLS-WENR Chicago. Ill. (870 ke.)

Smile A While 0.

WSM Nashville. Tenn. (6801te../


DeZuriks & Hilltoppers Curly and Ramblers. Pat and Henry

News Report Evelyn & Hill Toppers Morning DevotionsX Jolly Joe's Pals

Delmore Brothers Early Morn. Melodies

Golden West Cowboys Almanac WSM News Vagabonds

WHAS Leulleelles Kr. OM he.)

Asbury College Devotions

Emmy's Band Salt and Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree

II 040seee060

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 The O'Neill' N 10:15 Road of Life N 10:30 Vic and Sade N 10:45 Markets, weather, news

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Old Kitchen Kettle Morning Minstrels

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fern. N News Report

Breakfast Club N ...

Banner Newshawk Vaughn DeLeath N .. Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N.

Norma Sherr N Rhythm Serenade Hi Boys N George Hartwick N

Sheets Morris Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children CX

Monticello Party Line Myrt and Marge C Emily Post C Bob Atcher

Mary Lie Taylor C.... Carol's Romance C... Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

100 1:15 1:30 1:45

Don and Helen Chuck, Ray & Christine To be announced Mkts.—weather—news

Prairie Farmer, Dinnerbell Time. .

Voice of Feed Lot....

Music Appreciation. The Old Timers Grain Market "How 1 Met My Hu'd

Time for Thought N. Farm Scrap Book .. National Farm and Home Hour N ....

86 00


Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture.

Fun in Music—Dr. Jos. E. Maddy N

Fed. Women's Clubs N Armchair Quartet N.

Swinging the Blues C.. Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen Trent C Our Gal, Sunday C

Linda's First Love.... College of Agriculture Livestock-Markets .... Sunshine Sue

The Rangers Cheri and Three Notes University of Kentucky

.0 0

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:1/0 3:16 3:30 345

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

Homemakers Program

Musical Roundup

Club Matinee N Br'dc'st from London N Club Matinee N


Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N

A Woman's News ... The Guiding Light N Melody Caravan Road of Life N

Market Reports ...... D. Winslow of Navy N Financial News Freddie Rose

Betty and Bob Hymns All Churches Hendee Shaw C Yellow Blank Salute

Hope Alden's Rom'ce. Weekday Devotions —Jr State Teachers College

Out o' the Dusk

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House" C

Music Circle Piano Duo N Vagabond Quartet N Vierra's Hawaiians—

5:00 5;15 5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

Junior Nurse Corps N. Rokov's Orch. N What's the News?..: Escorts and Betty N

Easy Aces, sketch N Lost Persons N Lum and Abner N Vivian Della Chios& N

Husbands and Wives N

It Can Be Done N 06 0.

Hammett and Cooney Afternoon News Console Melodies Asher & Little Jimmie

Sports; Rhythmic Strings

Whispering Jack Smith George Jesse! Johnny with Russ Morgan N

Wayne King's Orchestra N

All Hands on Deck C Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Early Evening Revue

Baptist Seminary —7 " Screenscoops C Helen Menken in "Second Husb'd" C.

Edw. G. Robinson--Dramatization C....

Al Jolson Show, with Martha Raye C

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Merck Webers Orchestra N

NBC Night Club N

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Choir Symphonette N Eddie Who:. Orchestra

Globe Trotter ' La Salle Hotel Orch. N Henry Busse's Orchestra

Guest Appearance....

Hollywood Mardi Gres N

11. .

Jimmy Fidler N Musical Moments

Amos Q' Andy N .. WSM liews Sports; Rainbow Room Orchestra N

Watch the Fun Go By C

Jack Oakie's College-Benny Goodman's

Orchestra C

Broadway Stars Musical Moments

Poetic Melodies C Louisville Dance Time

Meador Lowrey—News



7:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor, and Francis MacCormack, poetic reader, and orchestra. WABC WKRC wgar wcau wadc wwva wbt wgst wjr

—Easy Aces comedy sketch, featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham wire

—Amos 'n' Andy: Pepsodent Program. WEAF WLW wgy kyw who

—Malcolm Claire—stories. (NBC) wmaq

1:15—Vocal Varieties: Choral Group of 14 Voices. WLW to WEAF wgy wtam wire wmaq who kstp kyw wdaf

—"Hollywood Screenscoops" with George McCall, WABC WKRC WHIO wjr wgar wadc wwva wbt

—Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons. WJZ WCKY WLS whk kdka wham

7:30—Horlick's Lum and Alw•zr, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WLS whk

—George Griffin, tenor. (NBC) wave wire wham

—Famous Actors Guild Presents Helen Mencken in "Second Husband." WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wcao wgar wbbm %vlr wcau kmbc kmox


—Sammy Watkins' Orchestra WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

7:45—Vivian Della Chies., soprano. (NBC) WCKY WLS «Ilk wave wire wham wowo

—Benno Rabinoff, violinist. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

—John B. Kennedy, commentator. WJZ only 8:00—Edward G. Robinson, with Claire Trevor

in "Sig Town", newspaper drama. WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wcco wadc

—Johnny Presents Russ Morgan's Orchestra: Charles Martin's Thrill; Swing Fourteen; Frances Adair; Rhythm Rogues, and Glenn Cross, WEAF WLW WSM kyw wgy wwj wtam wmaq who kstp wdaf wfla wire kvoo

—Husbands and Wives: Conducted by Sedley Brown and Allie Lowe Miles. WJZ WCKY WLS wham whk

8:30—Al Jolson Show with Martha Raye, Park-yakarkus and Victor Young's Orchestra, WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm Lum nd Abner, guests. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS jr wbbm wfbm wgar wcau kmox wbf wadc wwj wcco

—Lady Esther Serenade: Wayne King and his Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM kvoo wwj

WCPO WHIO 11 WLS-WENR I WSM f WHAS who kstp wmaq wire wave kyw wgy wtam wfaa

—"It Can Be Done," dramatic sketch, with Edgar Guest. Frankie Master's Orchestra, WJZ WLW WLS kdka whk wham

9:00—Vox Pop, conducted by Parks Johnson and Wallace Butterworth, WEAF WSAI kyw wgy wtam wwj wmaq who wdaf wire

—Marek Webers Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave kstp wham wfla kvoo

—"Watch the Fun Go By," presented by Al Pearce and His Gang. Nick Lucas, singing guitarist; Arlene Harris, "Human Chatter-box:" Carl Hoff's Orchestra, WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc wsbt wbt wcco wgar

9:30—"Camel Caravan"—Jack Oakie's Col-lege" with Jack Oakie, Stuart Erwin, Ray-mond Hatton and Patsy Flick, comedians; Helen Lynd, comedienne; Harry Saris, songs; Meyer Alexander's Choux; Georgia Stoll's Orchestra and guests; "Swing School" with Benny Goodman's Orchestra and guests. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar wcau kmbc kmox wadc wsbt wbt wsfa wwj wcco

—Hollywood Madri Gras: Lanny Ross; Charles Butterworth; Don Wilson; Jane Rhodes, Rythm Singer; Stoopnagle and Budd, guests Raymond Paige's Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM who kyw wgy wwj wtam wdaf wire kstp wfla wave wmaq kvoo

—NBC Night Club: Ransom Sherman, m. c., with Roy Shields Orchestra and guests. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:00--General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wham kdka

10:15—Choir Symphonette. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

10:30—Del Casino, songs. WABC kmox wsbt kmbc

—Phillips Poly Follies. (CBS) wbbm wfbm kmox wsbt wcco kmbc

—Jimmie Fidler's Hollywood Gossip. WEAF WLW WSM wgy wtam wmaq who kyw my) wire wfla wave wbap kvoo wdaf kstp

—Celia Gamba, violinist. WJZ whk wave wire wham

10:45—Serenade in the Night, string orchestra and vocalists. WEAF wgy wtam wave wire kyw wmaq wwj

—Four Stars, Girl's Vocal Quartet. WABC

11:00—The Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wwj wdaf wire wbap kstp

—Lou Breese's French Casino Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam who wmaq

—Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC, WHIO on 11:15)

—"Poetic Melodies." (CBS) WHAS wbbm wfbm kmbc wwl wcco

—Earl Hines' Orchestra. (NBC) whk wave wire wham

—Esso News Reporter. WJZ only

11:05—Earl Hines' Orchestra. WJZ whk wave wire wham

11:15—King's Jesters Hotel LaSalle Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

11:30—George Olsen's International Casino Orchestra, WABC WHIO WKRC wir wbbm wcau wgar wfbm kmox wadc wsbt wbt wsfa WCCO

—Al Donahue's Rainbow Room Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

—Jimmy Dorsey's Congress Hotel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wham wfla wire

MIDNIGHT-Joe Reicnman's Ambassador Ho-tel Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

—Richard Himber's Essex House Orchestra, WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm

—Trump Davidson's Club Esquire Orchestra. WEAF wwj wgy wtam who

12:30—Jack Winston's Bal Tabarin Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka wave wire wham whk

—Kenmore Hotel Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

—Ted Fiorito's Orchestra, WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm wjr









Fi Derote, (NBC) C Derotes (CBS) 1.0 Der ote. (MBS) A‘It. PROGRAMS FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 4. *


6:30 645

700 7:15 7:30 7.45

800 8:15 8:30 8:45

WCKY WLW nna tl (laan Cincinnati (700 Mc.)

Bert ..Layne's Fiddlers Drifting Pioneers Brown County Revelers

Morn'g in the Mount's Prayer Period Sing, Neighbor, Sing Merrymakers

Rube Appleberry Peter Grant—News Before Breakfast The Gospel Singer

Sunkist Program 40

Morning Round-Up . ..

Four Showmen N Wm. Meader N News.for Executives. Lucille 2 Lanny N..

WKRC WSAI Cincinnati (550 at. ,

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

Sing Before Breakfast Early Edition News Dow's Dawn Patrol


Woman's Hour

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Breakfast Club N Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden Rom'nce

London Stock Market Lady Be Good Breakfast Club N Young Widder Jones.

For Women Only Linos First Love . Vaughn de Leath N All the Answers Monticello Party Una. Betty and Bob La Senorita Houseboat Hannah

Household Hour

Coon Creek Band

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

News The Road of Life N Carson Robison The Goldbergs

AS You Like it C Richard Maxwell C Federation of Churches Bachelor's Children Musical Calendar Myrt and Marge C. Tony Wons C Ruth Gerhart, songs •

Magazine of the Air C

Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

Cincinnati OM Mc.)

6:30 6:45

7:00 Poetic Philosopher 7:15 Early Express 7:30 7:45

800 Malcolm Claire N..7. 8:15 Good Morn. Melod. N 8:30 Do you Remember N 8:45 I Women's Newsreel

WCPO Cincinnati (1200 ice.)


WCPO News Six-to-Niners

0 0

.8 • • • • ..... WCPO News Six-to-Niners

WHIO Dayton (1240 leca

Breakfast Express 0 48


Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Greenfield Chapel Women make the News


5. le

900 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Rainbow Ridge Streamliners N


Dance Parade The Dreamer

Mrs. Wiggs N -•11CP0 News John's Other Wife N. Variety Show Just Plain Bill N There Was a Time.... Today's Children N

David Hum N WCPO News Backstage Wife N Merry-Go-Round How to be Charming N Grace and Eddie 0 0

WCPO News Musical Menu

Cornelia on the Air Richard Maxwell Od Municipal Court Trouble Shooters

Pretty Kitty Kelly C Myrt and Marge C Monticello Party Line. WHIO News; Music

Magazine of the Air C ..

Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 ".„,112:15

2:30 12:45

tea 1:15 1:30 1:45

200 Strollers' Matinee N.. 2:15 " " . 240 Murdock Williams .. 2:45 Beatrice Fairlaz

WCKY News Songs for Everyone.... Farm and Home Hour N


Love and Learn N .. J. and L Clemens N

Girl Alone N........ Doc Schneidees Ora National Farm and Home Hours N

Voice of Experierwa.. Kitty Keene, Inc

Once Upon a Time... Contemporary Writers The Great Northwest.

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C..

Betty and Bob C Betty Crocker C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Woman's News C Meet the Minus American School of the Air C

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

100 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

My Boy Matt WCPO News Jane Gray Happiness Ahead News Man on the Street.... Joe White N Melody Parade

Barber's Interviews WCPO News Words and Music N Rhythm Rambles Cincinnatus at School. Dot Club News Vierra's Hawaiians ... From Hawaii

iion't Look Now M... r WCPO News Music for Your Uhl M Siesta Cincinnati Your City.. Open House for Lad Men of the West .... Hollywood Brevities

Mary M. McBride C. Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News; Markets

O. L Cunningham.... Organ Moods House Party

.1 0

Woman: News C Jack Shannon, songs C American School

of the Air C.. .7>r.

--"••• 38:10 3:15 3:30 3:45

Sports Review Continental Varieties N Little Variety Show N

Club Matinee N t.

Sports Review Movieland. News Sports Review Winslow of Navy N Sports Final Straight Shooters N

400 4:15 oao 4:451

500 5:15 530 5:45

Papp'r Young's Fars. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neill' N

News; Fire Prevention 3:00 Matinee Musicale 3:15 Jenny Peabody C.c , 3:30 Notes and News 3:45

too Curtis Music Institute 4:15 Uncle Dudley Mecum 4:30 Dr. Defoe C 4:45

Follow the 'oon C Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights "Hilltop House" C

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady N Singing School W

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

WSAI Little Show. ..

It is Strange

Lorenzo Jones N Strollers Freshmen Follies Star Galin'

Ann:112'11 Lee Terry and the Pirates N The Emperors Nissen Denton

Today's Winners



WCPO News Today's Winners


News; Ray Block's Orchestra C

You Shall Have Rhythm Acad. of Medicine C

Curtis Institute of Music C


5:30 5:45

6070 6:15 6:30 6:45

too 7:15 7:30 7.45

WLS-WENR chick». ID. (870 kc.)

Smile A While 60

Ky. Girls & Ramblers Sing, Neighbor, Sing Pat and Henry

News Report Pokey and Arkie Morning Devotions Jolly Joe's Pals

WSM Nashville, Tenn. (650 Ice.,

WHAS Louisville. Kr. (1120 ire..

Stamp's Quartet Early Morn. Melodies

Golden West Cowboys Almanac WSM News Freddie Rose

Asbury College y Devotions

Emmy's Band Ky. Mountaineers

Early Morning Jamboree •


8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

900 9:15 9:30 9:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Old Kitchen Kettle The Hill Toppers

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fern. N News Report

10:00 The O'Neills N 10:15 Road of Life N 10:30 Vic and Sade N 10:45 Edward McHugh N

Breakfast Club N

Banner Newshawk Vaugh Deleath N.... Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N.

Norman Sherr N Melody Caravan How fo be Cherm'g N Originalities N

Bob Atelier Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C)(

Monticello Party Unes. Myrt and Marge C... • Tony Wons' Book C.X Dot and Bill .....

Cris-in-if:Sanderson C 7 Carol's Romance C... Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

moo 11:15 11:30 11:45

Virginia Lee, Sunbeam Chuck, Ray & Christine Shopping News Markets; Weather

Prairie Farmer, Dinnerbell Time


Voice of Feed Lot.-

12:00 12:15 12:30 1245

leo iusiness & Industry.... 1:15 The Old Timers 1:30 Grain Market 1:45 Melody Parade

Time for Thought N.. Concert Sketches; News National Farm and Home Hour N

11 .1


Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture

U. of Tenn. Program Cole and Moore Waltz Favorites N.

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C

Linda's First Love.... College of Agriculture Livestock-Markets .... Sunshine Sue

Woman's News C Jack Shannon, tenor C University of Kentucky

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Dr. Allan Defoe C....

Jam for Supper ..... Tea Time Tunes Musical Visions

0 The Arcadians Your Suburb'n Theatre "Hilltop House" C.

oeo 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:20 7:15 7:30 745

eoo 8:15 8:30 8:45

10:00 10:15 1030 10:45

1100 11:15 11:30 11:45

Little Orphan Annie N M. Weber's Orch. N.. WCKY News Movieland News

Easy Aces N Lost Persons N Vic Arden's Orchestra Charlotte Lansing N

Eddie Duchin's Orchestra N

Sid Skolsky N Kidoodlers N

The Deacon's Thanksgiving N

Minstrel Show N

Gen. Hugh Johnson N Dogs & Game Streamline Revue

Earl Hines' Orch. N.. King's Jesters Orch. N Henry Busses Orchestra N

Angelo Smilin' Dan Supper Serenade .... Musical Visions Bob Newhall F. Dailey's Orch, C.. Lowell Thomas N Song Time C

Amos 'n' Andy N .. Poetic Melodies C Don't Listen "Hobby Lobby" C... Lum and Abner N..., Bernie Cummins' Ord. Betake Carter C One Man's Far-WFX

• • •••• • WLW's Operetta ....

Town Hall Tonight N


Your Hit Parade N.... ••

Glen Gray's Orchestra Paul Sullivan .. Los Amigos Orchestra Don Bestor's Orchestra Noble Sissle's Orch.

Cavalcade of America C

Eddie Canfor—Texaoo Town C

Andre Kostelanetz's Orchestra C

"Tish," by Mary R Rinehart C

gang Busliers C 10:00 10:16

Newscast—Lee Bland soao Leaders in Dance Time 10:45 Ross Piese-'s Orch, Benny G'dman's Or. Richard Himber's

Orchestra C

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

Speed Gibson Rhythmaires N Paul Sullivan Billie Snider's Orch

Tommy Nolan's Ora Uncle Ezra N Bernie Cummins' Ora, Jean Sablon N Don Bestor's Orchestra

Wayne King's Orchestra N

WCPO News Musical Hits Dinner Club


This Rhythmic Age.... Harmony Hall Yours Truly Race Results

WCPO News Musically Speaking

WPA Program

Frank Dailey's Orch. C Si Burick News; Four Stars C.. Songtime C

Vic Arden's Ore "Hobby Lobby" C

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

Homemakers Program

Musical Roundup

Club Matinee N

Pepper Young N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neill' N

A Woman's News .... .. 0 The Guiding Light N.

Parents end Teachers Vaughn Quartet National Congr's N Road of Life N

Music Circle Market Reports Piano Duo N Winslow of the Navy N H. Kogen's Orch. N WSM on Parade Meador Lowrey, News Vierra's Hawaiians N " " "Hilltop House" C

Junior Nurse Corps N Rhythm Time M Webers Orch. N Afternoon News What's the News?.. ..Vagabonds Escorts and Betty N Asher & Litio Jimmie

Easy Aces. sketch N. B. C. Sports—Music., Lost Persons N John Lewis, songs...! Lum and Abner N Mary Dugan Pleasant Valley Frolics Stars of Broadway Eddie Duchin's One Man's Family N

Orchestra N _ 81 II

Sid Skolsky N.. Wayne King's To be announced Orchestra N

4:00 4:15 4-30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

/oaks Carter C

Philharmonic Concert

Texaco Town, with Eddie Cantor C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Kay Kyser's Orchestra M

Tommy Nolan's Orchestra

Bernie Cummins' Orchestra

Charles Woods News Billy Snyder's

11:00 Orchestra 11:15 Don Bettor's Orch 11:30 Benny Meta's 11:45 Orchestra

WCPO News Thompson's Ambers's% Concert Master

WCPO News Musical Newsy

8. 0

Cotton Club Orchestra

WCPO News Dance Awhile


Andre Kostelanetz's Orchestra C

"Tish" by Mary R. Rinehart C

Gang Busters C 0

Bob Chester% Orch Newspaper of the Air

Phyl Co. Myst'y Drama B. Goodman's Orch. C Gene Baker's Orch R. Himber's Orch. C.

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

Betty and Bob Hymns All Churches Jenny Peabody C %de. Yellow Blank Salut.,,

Hope Alden's Rom'cri.

Teachers College Devotions e .

Dr. Allan Defoe C

Out o' the Dusk

H. Woods Orch. C Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Early Evening Revue

Sportraits Leland Brock Whispering Jack Smith Soak. Carter C

Cavalcade of America C

Texaco Town with Eddie Cantor C

8:00 The Deacon's 8:15 Thanksgiving N 8:30 NBC Minstrel Show N 8:45

9:00 gen. Hugh Johnson N 9:15 Joan Brooks N . 9;30 Waltz Interlude N 445 84 0

10:00 Globe Trotter 10:15 King's Jesters Orch 10:30 Henry Busse's 1045 Orchestra N

Town Hall Tonight N


es 0.

Andre Kostelanetz's Concert Orchestra

"Tish" by Mary R. Rinehart C

The "Gang Busters" C 0.

"Hobby Lobby," with Dave Elman C

Poetic Melodies C Louisville Dance Time

Meador Lowery-News

Your , Hit Parade N...

III 8.

Vocal Varieties

Amos 'n' Andy N ... WSM News Sports; Ritz Carleton Hotel Orchestra ..



7:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor; Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader, and orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt wgar wcau

..-Easy Aces, comedy sketch, featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham wire

..-Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF WLW wgy kyw who

.—Malcolm Claire—stories. (NBC) wtam wmaq

11:15—"Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A," with Pat Barrett, Nora Cunneen and others. WEAF WSAI wgy wmaq wtam wire wdaf kyw who wbap kstp kvoo

.5-Mr. Keen, Tracer of Lost Persons. WJZ WCKY WLS whk kdka wham

..."Hobby Lobby," featuring Dave Elman and Harry Salter's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO wcau wadc wgar wjr wfbm wbt

7:30—Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WLS whk

—Mario Cozzi, baritone. (NBC) wave wire wham

...Raymond Littee's La Conga Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

7:45—Boake Carter. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS %air wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox

wcco wbt --Charlotte Lansing, soprano and orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wire wowo

—Jean Sablon, songs. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

8:00—One Man's Family, dramatic sketch. WEAF WLW WSM wdaf wgy wwj wtam who wmaq wfla wave kvoo wbap kyw kstp

—"The Cavalcade of America"—Historical Drama, Don Voorhees and his Concert Or-chestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wbt wwj wcco

—Elizabeth Arden presents Eddie Duchin and his Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whir wham

8:30—Texaco Town with Eddie Cantor, come-dian, Deanna Durbin; Pinky Tomlin; Jimmy Wallington; Jacques Renard and his Orches-tra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wwj wcco

—Lady Esther Serenade: Wayne King and his Orchestra. WEAF WSAI WSM wtam wfaa wgy wwj kyw kvoo wbap kstp who wdaf

—Skolsky, from Hollywood. WJZ WCKY

WLS kdka whk wham 13:45—Kidoodlers. WJZ WCKY kdka whk


9:00—Chesterfield presents Andre Kostelan-etz's Concert Orchestra; Lotte Lehmann, soprano; Deems Taylor, commentator; Paul Douglas, announcer. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wsfa wwl wcco wsbt

—Town Hall Tonight: Fred Allen and Port-land Hotta; Peter Van Steeden's Orchestra, Ned Sparks, guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM kyw wtam wwj wmaq who wdaf kstp wave wfla kvoo wgy wire

—The Deacon's Thanksgiving, dramatization by Merritt P. Allen. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

9:30—"Tish" by Mary Roberts Rinehart. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wbbm kmbc wcau kmox wadc wbt wwj wcco

—NBC Minstrel Show. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wham

10:00—"Gang Busters," true crime dramatiza-tions. Conducted by Phillips H. Lord, WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wfbm wgar wcau kmox wwl wcco

—Your Hit Parade: Leo Reisman's Orchestra; Buddy Clark, baritone; Fredda Gibson, songstress; Songsmith Quartet. WEAF WLW WSM wgy wtam wmaq kyw wdaf wfaa who wfla kstp wave wwj wire

—General Hugh Johi,son, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:15—Joan Brooks,WJZ WLS whk kdka, wowo wave wire wham

10:30—Patti Chapin, songs. WABC wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc wbt wsfa wwj wcco

—Waltz Interlude—Ernest Gill and his Or-chestra. WJZ WLS whk kdka wowo wave wire wham

—"Hobby Lobby". (CBS) WHAS wbbm kmox wcco wwl wsbt wgst wsfa

10:45—Alistair Cooke, British commentator. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

—To be announced. WABC wadc wbbm wcco wgar wsbt wgst I I:00—Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wire wmaq wdaf kstp wtam wwl

—"Poetic Melodies." (CBS) WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm kmbc wcco kmox wwj

—Joe Rines' Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam who kyw

—Benny Goodman and his Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO on II:15) wadc wsbt wbt wgst

—Esse News Reporter. WJZ only —Earl Hines' Orchestra. (NBC) WCKY whk wave wire

Il :05—Earl Hines' Orchestra, WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

11:15—King's Jesters Hotel LaSalle Orches-tra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

11:30—Rudolf Friml, Jr., and his Ritz Carle-

ton Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

—Richard Himber's Essex House Orchestra. WABC (VVH10 on 11:45) WKRC wjr wcau kmbc wadc wbt wsfa

—Henry Busses Chez Paree Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

MIDNIGHT—Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wfbm wgar kmbc wcau limos

—Eddie Varios Hotel Bismarck Orchestra. WEAF WLS wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf

—Eddy Rogers' Rainbow Grill Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

12:30—Lights Out: Mystery drama (NBC) WLS wgy wtam wmaq who

—Bob Crosby's Orchestra. WABC WHIO WKRC WHAS wbbm wfbm wadc

—Teddy Hill's Savoy Ballroom Orchestra, WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

Lucille Manners, one of Radio Row's best cooks, upholds prima don-na tradition by being especially fond of spaghetti, which she cooks for her friends after a recipe given her by an Italian opera star.



N Denotes (NBC) C Denotes (CBS) M Denotes (MSS)


6:30 6:45

7:0-0— Sunkist Program 7:15 MR, 7:30 Morning Round-Up.... 7:45 .. •

8:00 Southernaires N 8:15 Lieber} Ensemble N 8:30 News for Executives 8:45 Lucille and Lanny N

WCKY Cincinnati Mee ire.s

Bert Layne'* Fiddlers..

WLW Cincinnati (to Ice )

Drifting Pioneers Brown County Revelers

Morn'g in the Mount's Prayer Period WLW Mail Bag Merrymakers

Southernaires N Peter Grant—News . Arthur Chandler, Jr The Gospel Singer

Hymns of All Churches Hope Alden's Rom'nce Hello Peggy Young Widder Jones

Linda's First Love.. All the Answers Betty and Bob Houseboat Hannah

WKRC Cincinnati (no he r

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

God's Bible School.. Early Edition—News. Dow's Dawn Patrol

• • • •

Woman's Hour • •

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

1000 10:15 10:30 10:45

Breakfast Club N • •

London Stock Market. Breakfast Club N

For Women Only Vaughn de Leath N Monticello Party Line Viennese Sextet N

Household Hour -

Coon Creek Band

11:00 11:15 11:30 1145

News Road of Life N Peggy Tudor The Goldberg:

Dear Columbia C. .. 04 • • •

Richard Maxwell C Bachelor's Children

Musical Calendar .... Myrt and Marge C. Emily Post C The Instrumentalists C

WKRC Bulletin Board Magazine of the Al, C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

6:30 6:45

700 7:15 7:30 7:45

8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WSAI Cincinnati flan ice.,

WCPO Cincinnati (1200 lie.)

Six-to-Niners • •

WCPO News Six-to-Niners

IO be

Morning Prayer Early Express

WHIO Dayton (nee lic.)

Breakfast Express 11.

Malcolm Claire N. Good Morn. Meted. N Do you Remember N.. Women's Newsreel .

WCPO News .. . Six-to-Niners

5:30 5:45

.4 .6:00

Little Tom 6:15 Across the Breakfast 6:30 Table 6:45

WHIO Almanac 7:00 Dunker's Club 7:15 Ydnerday's Favorites 7:30 Women Make the News 7:45

WLS-WENR Chicago. Ill. (irla Icc )

Smile A While 1. 64

WSM Nashville. Tenn. OW hc.

WHAS Louisville. Ky. (820 Me.)

. •

DeZuriks & Hilltopper6 Curly and Ramblers Pat and Henry

News Report Golden West Cowboys Evelyn & Hill Toppers Almanac Morning Devotions.( WSM News Jolly Joe's Pals Vagabonds

Vaughn Quartet

Asbury College -)S Devotions

Emmy's Band Salt and ,Peanuts

Early Morning Jamboree


9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

1100 11:15 11:30 1145

Rainbow Ridge .. Streamliners N

0 0

What Next

Mrs. Wiggs N John's Other Wife N Just Plain Bill N Today's Children N

David Harum N Backstage Wife N. Mary Paxton Ribber Shannon

WCPO News . ... Musical Menu

4. .0

The Dreamer-

WCPO News Chamber of Comm'ce There Was a Time Elaine's Stories

WCPO News Merry-Go-Round

Cornelia on the Air 8:00 Dear Columbia C 8:15 Municipal Court 8:30 Trouble Shooters 8:45

Pretty Kitty Kelly C 9:00 >lyre and Marge C... 9:15 Monticello Party Line 9:30 News; Dance Time... 9:45

The Art of Living Carol's Romance Big Sister Aunt Jenny's Stories 0 • .

1200 .4.12:15

12:30 12:45

WCKY News Songs for Everyone National Farm and Home Hour; Corn

Girl Alone N ..... . Vic Arden's Orch National Farm and Home Hour N..

11. 01 1.

Voice of Experie Kitty Keene, Inc

To be announced

1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45

Husking Contest N..

Love and Learn N.... Movieland News

Davies and Kargan N

Murdock Williams.... Beatrice Fairfax

• 11. 40 NI N

Cheri and 3 Notes C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C

Betty and Bob C Hymns All Churches C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

To be announced Meet the Misses American School up

of the Air C....X.

1200 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:00 1:15 1:30 I:45

2.00 2:15 2:30 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45

Light Opera e Sports Review Eastman School of Music N

Sports Review Club Matinee N

0 .1 011

Sports Review Winslow of Navy N Sports Final Straight Shooters N

Pepp'r Young's Fern. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neills N..

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields

Junior Nurse Corps N Jack Armstrong Singing Lady_ N Singing School W

News; Fire Prevention Future Favorites Science Service C Notes and News

Bob Byron, songs C Uncle Dudley Mecum To be announced

Follow the Moon C. Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights. "Hilltop House" C...

My Bay Malt Noonday Reverie News Jean Ellington N

Barber's Interviews Words ary:I Music N. Cincinnath at School Vierra's Hawaiians

Musket Guild N .0

Cincinnati Your City. Armchair Quartet N

3:00 WSAI Little Show « 3:15 " 3:30 It is Strange 3:45 " "

4:00 Lorenzo Jones N WCPO News 4:15 Strollers Today's Winners 4:30 Freshman Follies 4:45 Star Gazin'

5:00 Golden Melodies N. 5:15 5:30 The Emperors 5:45 Nixson Denton

Teddy Hill's 6:15 Ky. Colonel 6:30 Paul Sullivan 6:45 Billy Snider's Orch

WCPO News The Playboys Man on the Street.. Melody Parade

WCPO News Rhythm Ramblers Dot Club News From Hawaii

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

Lulu Belle and Scotty News Report Old Kitchen Kettle Morning Minstrels.

Mary Marlin N Ma Perkins N Pepper Young's Fern. N News Report

The O'Neills N Road of Life N Vic and Sade N Edward McHugh N

Breakfast Club N ...

Banner Newshawk Vaughn DeLeath N . Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N

Norman Shen N Jack's Mountaineers Hi Boys N Cobwebs & Cadenzas N

Cheri and 3 Notes C 11:00 Edwin C. Hill C 11:15 The Listener SpeaksX 11:30 News; Markets 11:45

Ann Kirk Trio 12:00 Better Business Bureau 12:15 House Party 12:30

16 Of 12:45

WCPO News Siesta

Hollywood Brevities..

Petticoat on the Air C 1:00 Louise and the Lads C 1:15 American School,i. 1:30 of the Air C j I :45

Don and Helen Chuck, Ray & Christine To be announced Markets, weather, news

Dinnerbell Program

• •

Voice of Feed Lot...,

"Touring the World"it The Old Timen Grain Market "How I Met My Hu'd,

Farm Credit Interview Peggy Tudor ..... • • Farm and Home Hour N


Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculfire

Edward Davies ind Olga Kugel. N

El Cabalism N Vanderbilt vs. Ala-

Skeet' Morris Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Line. Myrt and Marge C... Emily Post C ...... Bob Atcher

Mary Lee Taylor C.... Carol's Romance C... Big Sister C ..... . Aunt Jenny', Stories C

Goodwill rn=ch7.k Edwin Hill C Romr•ce Helen Trente Otr• Gal, Sunday C...

i.inda's First Love.... College of Agriculture Livestock-Markets .... Sunshine Sue

The Rangers To be announced University of Kentucky .

o s inners Newt: Theater 2:00 Matinee C . 2:15

Science Service C 2:30 60 Do You Remember? C 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 - .6 116 3:45

Jam for Supper 4:00 Santa Claus Program 4:15

4:30 4:45

6:00 Little Orphan Annie N 6:15 Paul Kennedy 6:30 WCKY News 6.45 Movieland News

7:00 Easy Aces N 7:15 Lost Persons N 7:30 Jack Smith 7:45 Rudolf Friml's Orch. N

-8:00 Gen. Hugh Johnson N 8:15 Liedersingers N 8:30 The March of Time N 8:45 I

Angelo Supper Serenade Bob Newhall Lowell Thomas N

Amos n' Andy N Vocal Varieties N . Lum and Abner N Valley Frolics

Rudy Vallee—Variety Hour N

9:00 To be announced N 9:15 9:30 America's Town 945 Meeting N

" " 10:15 • 0 10:30 Streamline Revue 10:45 ..

11:00 E. LeBaron's Orch. N.. 11:15 Elsa Schallert N 11:30 Bob Crosby's 11:45 Orchestra N

4. Ili ▪ ss

"Good News of 1938" MGM stars N

Smilin' Dan Dick Bray—Sports Sports Resume C Musical Moments

Poetic Melodies C Hollyw'd Screensc'ps C "We, the People"

Kate Smith's Variety Hour C

Ià 0.



Between Bookends C Bob Byron, songs C. U. S. Army Band C

ell .11

Teatime Tunes Console Capers The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C

7:00 Don -Bettor's Orch.... 7:15 Pac. Hawaiian Orch. M 7:30 Dick Stabile's Orch, M 745 • •

"1:00 Bernie Cummins Orch 8:15 Silk Topper 8:30 WSAI Open House 8:45

News • s no, songs 5:00 Jin1ex urse rps hythm um. s no, songs Musical Hits Si evicts 5:15 M. Webers Orch. N Afternoon News Jack Armstrong Dinner Club News .... --- 5:30 What's the News7... Two Pianos Eddie Dooley, Sports.

Songtime C 5:45 Escorts and Betty N.. Asher & Lille Jimmie Early Evening Revue ..

Your Suburban Theater Stan of Broadway . 6:f.0 Easy Aces N Sports: Music Herbie Koch, organ . Rosen's Rangers "Holly'd Screen'ps" C t.:15 Lost Persons N String Quartet "Holly'd Screen'ps" C Yours Truly We,the People C 6:30 Lum and Abn« N.. The Time of Race Results • Ill. 6:45 Rudolf Friml .. We, the People C....X

's Orch. N Your Life ........

Homemakers Program

Musical Roundup .1 ..

Club Matinee: Variety Show N

Music Circle Golden Mel dies N H. Kogen'r Orch, N. Vienna's Hawaiians N.

beimr.—Football Ge ne


oe oo•

Market Reports Winslowof the Navy N Financial News Freddie Rose

Betty and Bob Hymns of All Churches Science Service C Yellow Blank Salute..,

Hope Alden's Rom'ce Bob Byron C University of Louisville

Out o' the Dusk ..—. 00 •

Meador Lowrey, News "Hilltop House" C.

WCPO News Musically Speaking

Dimwit College

• Kate Smith Hour—Jack 7:00 Gen. Hugh Johnson N Rudy Vallet's Kate Smith Hour—

Miller's Orchestra C 7:15 Howard Peterson Variety Hour N.... Jack Miller's Or-7:30 The March of Time N chestra C 7:45

MI 110

Bing Crosby, Bob Burns a nd Johnny Trotter's Orch. N..


Paul Sullivan %air* Digest

• •

Bernie Cummins' Orch.

Major Bowes' Amateur Hour C

.111 01

9:00 9:15 930 9:45

Kay Kyser's Orchestra M

Sinfonlette M

Buddy Clark Entertains C

Newscast—Lee Bland "Essays in Music" C

Ross Pierce's Orch..... Cab Calloway's Or. C George Olsen's Orchestra C

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

Tommy Nolan's Orch. Billy Snider's Orch.. Charles Woods, News To be announced

To be announced

Jimmy Dorsey's Orchestra N

. • RO

WCPO News Major Bowes 8:00 To be announced N.. Thompson's Ambass'rs Amatsur Hour C.: 8:15 Concert Master • • 8:30 America's Town

u Iv 8:45 Meeting of the

WCPO News Buddy Clark 9:00 ' Air N For the Piano Entertains C . 9:15

.. .. Bob Chester's Orch 9:30 NBC Jamboree N Cotton Club Orchestra Newspaper of the Air 9:45

WCPO News Dance Awhile




7:00— etic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor, and Franklyn MacCormack, poetic reader. orchestra. WABC WKRC wadc wwva wbt wgar wcau

—Amos 'n' Andy: Pepsodent Program. WEAF WLW wgy wtam kyw wwl who

—Malcolm Claire—stories. (NBC) wmaq —Easy Aces comedy sketch featuring Jane and Goodman Ace. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wire wham

7:15—Vocal Varieties—Choral group of 14 voices. WLW to WEAF wgy wtam wire wmaq who kstp kyw

—"Hollywood Screenscoops". WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wbbm wbt wgst

—Mr. Keen, Tracer of lost persons; dramatiza-tion. WJZ WCKY WLS whk kdka wham

7:30—Schaefer Revue: Leo Reisman's Orches-tra; Bud Collyer, m. c. WEAF only

—"We, the People"—Gabriel Heatter, di-rector; Mark Warnow's Orchestra—Drama-tizations. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS %vjr wbbm wgar kmbc wcau kmox wcco

—Savitt Serenade. (NBC) wgy wtam who kyw

—Horlick's Program, with Lum and Abner: Comedy sketch, 4,4 WLW WLS vats

—Al and Lee Reiser, piano duo. (NBC) whk wave wire wham

7:45—Rudolf Friml, Jr.'s Hotel Ritz Carlton Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham wowo

8:00—Kate Smith Hour, with Henny Young-man, comedian; Jim Crowley, Football Forum; Jack Miller's Orchestra; Dramas and great stars. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wgar wcau kmox wadc wwva wbt wwl

—Rudy Vallee and his Connecticut Yankees; guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM wtam kyw wgy wbap kstp wfla kvoo who wdaf wave wire ww¡ wmaq wfaa

—General Hugh Johnson, commentator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka whk wham

8:15—The Liedersingers—Carol Deis, soprano; Celia Brans, contralto; Fred Hufsmith, tenor; Alden Edkins, baritone. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

8:30—The March of Time: News dramatiza-tion. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham

9:00—"Good News of I938": MGM Stars and Meredith Willson's Orchestra; 20-Voice Chorus. WEilF WSM WLW wgy wtam wmaq wave vat) wfla kyw who wdaf kstp

Gene Baker's Orch 10:00 C. Calloway's Orch C 10:15 George Olsen's 10:30

Orchestra C 10:45

"Good News of 1938" MGM Stars N

Major Bowes' Amateur Hour C

" Bing Crosby and Bob Broadway Stars

Burns with Johnny Herb Koch, organ Trotter's Orchestra N Essays in Music C

• • .. 6. 4. ..

Globe Triter Amos 'n' Andy N.... Poetic Melodies C.... King's Jesters Orch , WSM News Harry Curries Henry Busses NBC Concert Hour N Orchestra Orchestra .. .. N Meador Lowery-•we.

WHIO jj WLS-WENR WSM j WHAS d —To be announced. WJZ WLS WCKY kdka wham

—Major Bowes' Amateur Hour. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wbbm wgar wcau kmox wade wcco wbt wgst wfbm kmbc

9:30—America's Town Meeting of ,the Air— Round table discussion featuring prominent speakers. George V. Denny, Jr., moderator. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wham whk

10:00—Kraft Music Hall, starring Bing Crosby and Bob Burns, comedian; Johnny Trotter's Orchestra; guest artists. WEAF WLW WSM whk wgy wtam wwj wmaq wire wave kyvt who wbap kstp wdaf kvoo

—Buddy Clark Entertains. WABC WHIO WKRC wjr wbbm wfbm wgar kmbc

10:30—Essays in Music: Victor Bay's Concert Orchestra. WABC (WKRC on 10:45) WHAS wjr wbbm wgar wcau kmox kmbc wgst wwl wcco

—NBC Jamboree: Harry Kogen's Orchestra with guests artists. WJZ WLS kdka whk wave wire wham

1 I:00—NBC Concert Hour: H. Leopold Spi-talny, conducting. (NBC) (WSM on 11:30) wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kyw

—Cab Calloway's Cotton Club Orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO on 11:15) wadc wbt wbst wcco kmox wgst

—"Poetic Melodies." (CBS) WHAS wjr

wbbm wwl wcco kmox —Eddie LeBaron's Rockefeller Center Rain-bow Room Orchestra. (NBC) WCKY whk

wave wire wham —Esso News Reporter. WJZ only —Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wdaf wfaa wmaq wire wke

—Larry Clinton's Orchestra. WEAF only

11:05—Eddie LeBaron's Orchestra with Negro Male Quartet. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

11:15—Elza Schallert Reviews. Previews of the week's outstanding pictures; guest. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wave wire wham

11:30—George Olsen's Orchestra. WABC WHIO WKRC wgar kmox wade wsbt wbt wbbm kmbc wcco

—Bob Crosby's Palomar Orchestra. WJZ WCKY kdka wham whk wave wire

—Jimmy Dorsey's Orchestra, (NBC) WSAI

MIDNIGHT—Orrin Tucker and his Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wgar wfbm kmbc wcau wadc wbt wwj

—Happy Felton's Orchestra. WEAF WLS kdka wgy wtam wmaq who

—Eddie Verse's Orchestra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

12:30—Garwood Van and the Trocadero Or-chestra. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wire wham

—Red Nerve's Orchestra, witikMildred Bailey. WABC WKRC WHIO wjr wbbm wgar wfbm kmbc wcau wadc wsbt wbt wcco wwva kmox

—Earl Hines' Grand Terrace Cafe Orchestra. WEAF wgy wtam wmaq who

Stoopnagle and Budd Guests Of Ross and Butterworth

Colonel Stoopnagle and Budd, those demented inventors of useless commodities and knights of mixed

banter, will be the guests of Lanny

Ross and Charlie Butterworth during

the latters pre-Thanksgiving Day Hol-

lywood Mardi Gras program on Tues-

day, November 23, at 9:30 p. m. (E.S.T.) over the NBC-Red network, including WSAI and WSM.

Stoop will introduce his latest holi-

day invention—a gravy ladle with a

glass top so the guests can see through

the sause. Jane Rhodes and Raymond

Paige's orchestra will background the variety hour with the latest song hits.



N Denotes ¡NBC) C. Denotes (CBS) M Denotes M85) * PROGRAMS FOR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 *


WCKY Cincinnati (1490 tr..)

WLW Cincinnati (700 Ice.)

—630 Bert Layne 's Fiddlers.. Drifting Pioneers 6:45 Brown County Revelers

7:00 Sunkist Program Morn'is in the Mount's 7:15 Prayer Period 7:30 Morning Round-Up ... Sing, Neighbor Sing

. 7:45 0. .. Merrymakers

B:00 Four Showmen N -Rube Appleberry 8:15 Wm. Meeder N Peter Grant—News 8:30 News for Executives Arthur Chandler, Jr 8:45 Lucille and Lanny N The Gospel Singer...

WKRC Cincinnati liv.

Jerry Foy Sun-Up Jamboree

Christian Science Early Edition—News. Dow's Dawn Patrol


1. 0

Woman's Hour ....

6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

- 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45

WSAI Cincinnati (1310 kc.)

-Morning Prayer Early Express

Malcolm Claire N Good Morn. Melod. N Do you Remerber N Women's Newsreel

WCPO WHO Cincinnati (1200 ke.) Dayton (5.280 kc.)

Six-to-Niners 9.

WCPO Newt Six-to-Niners

01 8.


O. 0

Breakfast Express ...



Little Tom Across the Breakfast Table

WHIO Almanac Dunker's Club Yesterday's Favorites Women Make fife News

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

i0:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

11:00 Household Hour News 11:15 0 1. The Road of LifeN 11:30 Murdock Williams Carson Robison 11:45 Coon Creek Band The Goldbergs

Breakfast Club N .. .4

London Stock Market Martha Lane

For Women Only I Linda's First Love Vaughn de Leath N All the Answers Monticello Party Line. , Betty and Bob Viennese Sextet N.... Houseboat Hannah

I Betty Crocker Hope Alden's Rom'nce Lady Be Good Young Widder Jones,

Metropolitan Parade C Richard Maxwell C Federation of Churches Bachelor's Children'

Musical Calendar Myrt and Marge C. Tony Wons C 74. Ruth Carhart, songs C

Magazine of the Air C

Big Sister Aunt Jenny's Stories C

12:00 WCKY News .. se 12:15 Songs for Everyone.

12:30 1-arm and Home 12:45 Hour N 100 0 4.

1:15 " " 1:30 WCKY's Neighbors 1:45 J. and L. Clemens N

-2:00 Musk Appreciation 2:15 2:90 2:45

Hour N .... Murdock Williams Beatrice Fairfax

Girl Alone N . . Doc Schneider's Texans National Farm and Home Hour N.

.1 .0

Voice of Experience Kitty Keene, Inc

To be announced N

Mary M. McBride C Edwin C. Hill C Rom'nce Helen Trent C Our Gal Sunday C.

Betty and Bob C Betty Crocker C Grimm's Daughter C Hollywood in Person C

Women's News C Meet the Missus American School y of the Air C

9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45

Rainbow Ridge - Streamliners N

What Next 10-00 Mrs. Wiggs N 10:15 John's Other *Nile N 10:30 Just Plais Bill N . 10:45 Today's Children N

-b-avid Harum N.. . . 1115 Backstage Wife N II:30 I How to be Charming N 11-45 Grace and Eddie .

5:30 5:45

6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45

7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45

WLS-WENR Chicago. III. (870 kc.)

WSM Nashville. Tenn. (8.50kc.)

WHAS LouisvIlle. Kr. (820 kc.,

Smile A While 18 .8


Ky. Girls & Ramblers Sing, Neighbor, Sing Pat and Henry

News Report Pokey and Arkie Morning Devotions.)( Jolly Joe's Pals

Stamps Quartet Early Morn. Melodies

Golden West Cowboys Almanac WSM News it

Freddie Rose

Asbury College \et' Devotions

Emmy's Band Kentucky Mountaineers

Early Morning Jamboree

WCPO News Cornelia on the Air 8:00 Lulu Belle and Scotty Musical Menu Richard Maxwell C) 8:15 News Report

.. .. Municipal Court 8:30 Old Kitchen Kettle The Dreamer Trouble Shooters 8:45 The Hill Toppers

WCPO News Pretty Kitty Kelly C. 9:00 Mary Marlin N Variety Show Myrt and Marge C 9:15 Ma Perkins N Clarence Berger Monticello Party Line. 9:30 Pepper Young's Fam. N There Was a Time... 'Ruth Carhart, songs C 9:45 INews Report _ . WCPO News Magazine of the Air C 10:00 The O'Neills N Merry-Go-Round 10:15 Road of Life

Big Sister C 10:30 Vic and Sade N Aunt Jenny's Stories C 10:45 Gospel Singer N ..

12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45

1:15 1:30 I:45

2:00 2:15 2:30 7:45

My Boy Matt WCPO News Jane Gray Happiness Ahead News Man on the Street... Lotus Garde,: Orch. M Melody Parade

Barber's Interviews -- WCPO News Words and Music N Rhythm Rambles Your Neighbor Cincinnatus at School Dot C!ub News House Party Vierra's Hawaiians . From Hawaii

Don't Look Now M WCPO -News Woman's News C Yasha Davidoff M Siesta Bob Byron, songs C. Cincinnati Your City Open House for Ladies American School y Mus:cal Travelogue . Hollywood Brevities of the Air C

Mary M. McBride C.. Edwin C. Hill C The Listener Speaks News; Markets

Soil Series

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

Radio Guild Drama N IS 08


0. 0.

—4:00 Sports Review 4:15 Movieland News 4:30 Club Matinee N 4:45 Hilltop Serenaders

6:00 Sports Review 6:15 Winslow of Navy N 5:30 Sports Final 5:45 Straight Shooters N

Pepp'r Young's Fam. N Ma Perkins N Vic and Sade N The O'Neill' N_

Dr. Friendly Mary Sothern Mary Marlin N The Mad Hatterfields

Junior Nurse Corps Jack Armstrong Fairyland Lady Singing School W

News, Fire Prevention Matinee Musicale Jenny Peabody C Notes and News — ..

Gold Coast Music C Uncle Dudley Mecum Dr. Defoe C

ïqlTïw the Moon C Freshest Thing in Town Hollywood Highlights "Hilltop House" C

600 r Little Orphan Annie N Angelo 6:15 M. Webers Orch. N , Supper Serenade 6:30 WCKY News I Bob Newhall 6:45 Movieland News Lowell Thomas N ..

700 Mary Small N i Amos 'n' Andy N 7:15 , Dr. Karl Reiland N... Four Stars Tonight 7:30 ! Vic Arden's Orchestra Lum and Abner N .. 7:45 Bughouse Rhythm N... Singing Cinderella

—8:00 Grand Central Tonic Time . . _.._ 8:15 Station N Homer Griffith . 8:30 We Present Another Death Valley Days 1)4 8:45 \

Smilin' Dan Musical Visions Public Health Forum Song Time C

Poetic Melodies C Dinner Time Concert C

Soaks Carter C

Hammerstein's Music Hall C

Hal Kemp's Dance Band—Alice Faye C

3:00 3:15 3:30

- 3:45

WSAI Little Show 0. .6

It Is Strange

4:00 Lorenzo Jones N 4:15 Strollers 4:30 Freshman Follies 4:45 Star Gazin'

5:00- Arthur Lang N Jam for Supper 5:15 Songs by Carlotta 5:30 The Emperors 5:45 Nixon Denton Your Surburban

Today's Winners ...,.


WCPO News Today's Winners

II 10 •


News; Columbia Concert Hall C

You Shall Have Rhythm Salvation Band C

Between Bookends Cif, Music from the Gold Coast C

Dr. Allan Dafoe C

Tea Time Tunes Friday Pep Session The Arcadians "Hilltop House" C.

Breakfast Club N.

Banner Newshawk Vaughn Deleath N Bennett & Wolverton N Viennese Ensemble N

Norman Sheer N Rhythmic Serenade.. How to be Charm'g N Originalities N

Bob Atcher Meador Lowery-News Jackson Family Bachelor's Children C

Monticello Party Liney Myrt and Marge C Tony Wons' Book C Dot and Bill

Crumit-Sanderson C Carol's Romance C Big Sister C Aunt Jenny's Stories C

11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45

12-00 12:15 12:30 12:45

Virginia Lee, Sunbeam Chuck, Ray & Christine "Big City Parade".., Markets; News.

Prairie Farmer, Dinnerbell Time.

Voice of Feed Lot

1:00 School Time' :15 The Old Timers 1:30 Grain Market 1:45 Melody Parade

Time for Thought N Concert Sketches .... National Farm and Home Hour N ....

Banner Newshawk Dept. of Agriculture.

To be announced N -

. .


Mary M. McBride C. Edwin C. Hill C Romance Helen TrentC Our Gal, Sunday C

Linda's First Love College of Agriculture Livestock Markets Sunshine Sue

Women's News C Bob Byron C University of Kentucky

2:00 I Homemakers Pepper Young N Betty and Bob 2:15 I Program Ma Perkins N Bea). Crocker 2:30 'Musical Roundup Vic and Sade N Jenny Peabody C •-)e. 2:45 " " The O'Neills N Yellow Blank Salute... ___ 3:00 'Club Matinee N A W oman's News .... Hope Alden's Rom'cel 3:15 The Guiding Light N Weekday Devotions..), 3:30 .1 141 Club Matinee N Gold Coast Music C.. 3:45 i " " Road of Life N Dr. Allan Defoe C..

4:00 Music Circle Market Reports Out o' the Dusk 4:15 ' Songs by Carlotta N Winslow of the Navy N 4:30 Jackie Heller N Financial News Meador Lowrey, News I 4:45 ,Vierra's Hawaiians N June Moody "Hilltop House" C...

6:00 Speed Gibson 6:15 Rhythmaires N 6:30 Paul Sullivan

I Billy Snider's Orch

7:00 Tommy Nolan's Orch 7:15 Uncle Ezra N 7:30 Don Bestor's Orch 7:45 Louise Florea N'

Cities Se7vice Concert —Lucille Manners N


-8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45


WCPO News Musical Hits Dinner Club

This Rhythmic Age Congressman Bigelow Yours Truly I Race Results

Margaret Daum C Si Burick Frank Dailey's Orch. C Songtime C

Vic Arden's -Ord' Gene Baker's Orch Whispering Jack Smith Boake Carter C

WCPO News Hammerstein Football Roundup . Music Hall C

Hal Kemp's Orchestra C

9:00 WCKY News 9:15 Football Program 9:30 Tommy Dorsey's 9:45 ' Orchestra N ..

-1-0:00 To be announced N 10:15 " " I0:30 Streamline Revue 10:45

11:00 ' Taxicab Night Club 11:15 Parchito Orchestra N. I 11:30 Henry Busses 11:45 Orchestra N

Varsity Show N " " .....

Cafes of Yesteryear.. .0 le

First Nighter N 00 o

Jimmy Fidler N Dorothy Thompson N

Paul Sullivan Salute to Shreveport, Louisiana

Noble Sissies Orch

Hollywood Hotel: Fran-ces Langford, Ken Murray, Oswald and Jerry Cooper C

--Song Shop C

Lee Bland's Newscast

Ross Pierce's Orch. Glen Gray's Orch. C Happy Felton's Orchestra C

9:00 Waltz Time N ' WCPO News Hollywood Hotel C 9:15 " " Thompson's Ambass'rs 9:30 Pat Barnes' Football Roundup .... 9:45 Opera House M Wrestling Matches 10:00 Billy Snider's Orch . 10:15 10:30 Charles Woods, News 10:45 To be announced

ji:00 lo be announced 11:15 11:30 ' Bernie Cummins' 11:45 Orchestra ..

! " "

Cotton Club Orchestra Newspaper of the Air

WCPO News Walter P. Young Dance Awhile Glen Gray's Orch, C

I Dance Awhile Bob Chester's Orch. H. Felton's Orch. C

Songshop C

5:00 Junior Nurse Corps N. Rhythm Time 5:15 M. Webers Orch. N. Afternoon News 5:30 What's the Nevrs7. , Vagabonds 5:45 , Escorts and Betty N Asher á Little Jimmie

. . 6:00 , Football Prophet Sports; Mary Small N 6:15 , To be announced . Drh.isKpaerrlingRei Jack

k Smith 6:30 I Lum and Abner N.. W 6:45 Vocal Varieties Stars of Broadway...

7:00 Grand Central Francis Craig's Orch. 7:15 Station N Musical Moments 7:350 Death Valley Days N , Home Town Memories 74 Waltz Time

Margaret Daum C.... Jack Armstrong Salt and Peanuts Early Evening Revue

Sportraits - Dance Concert C

bake Carter C

Hammerstein Music Hall C

Hal Kemp's Dance Band C

8:00 Varsity Show N 815 8:30 , Tommy Dorsey's 8:45 Orchestra N

9:00 The Story of 9:15 Business 9:30 To be announced 9:45 M Weber's Orch

10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45

The Globe Trotter King's Jesters' Ord:-Henry Busses Orchestra N

Varsity Show N

Tommy Dorsey's Orchestra N

First Nighte-r--N 0 ..

Tomorrow's Winner .. Musical Moments .

Amos 'n' P...ndy N -77 - Poetic Melodies C Teachers College Gridiron Glimpses ...

of the Air News; Sports Meador Lowery-News.

,H ollywood Hotel— Jerry Cooper; Ray-mond Paige's Or-chestra C

_ Songshop with Kitty

Carlisle C



7:00—Poetic Melodies: Jack Fulton, tenor. Franklyn MacCormack, reader, and orches-tra. WABC WKRC wgar wadc wcau wwva

—Mary Small, songs. WJZ WCKY WSM whk wave wire wham

- Pepsodent Program: Amos 'n' Andy. WEAF WLW wgy wtam who kyw

—Malcolm Claire—stories. (NBC) wmaq

7:15—Dinner Concert. (CBS) WKRC WHAS wadc kmox

..-Chrysler Football Parade, with Frank G. Menke. WABC only

...Uncle Ezra's Radio Station E-Z-R-A. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wire wdaf wbap kyw kstp who

...Dr. Karl Reiland, commentator. WJZ WCKY WSM wenr wham kdka whk wave

7:30—Louis Panico's Orchestra. (NBC) wgy wtam wmaq wire wdaf wbap kyw kstp

.—Horlick's Lum and Abner, comedy sketch. WJZ WLW WENR whk

Duchin's Orchestra: Stanley Worth a- nd Patricia Norman, vocalists: Roger B. Whiteman, author and journalist. WEAF only

is-Dinner Concert. (NBC) wave wire wham


7:45—Boake Carter, news commentator. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar wblom limos wcau wcco kmbc wbt

—Louise Floree, soprano. (NBC) WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wire wdaf kyw

—Bughouse Rhythm, novelty program; Dr. John &tinker Meakin, conductor. WJZ WCKY wave whk wire wham

8:00 Grand Central Station, dramatic sketch. WJZ WCKY WLS kdka wave whk wire wham

—Cities Service Concert: Lucille Manners, soprano, and the Cities Service Quartet; Rosario Bourdons Orchestra. WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wwl who daf kstp wbap wfaa wfla

—"Hammerstein's Music Hall": Ted Ham-merstein, m. c.; Jerry Mann, comedian, guest star, end Music Halt Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHIO WHAS wjr wgar kmox wbbm wfbm kmbc wcau wcco wade wbt wwl

8:30—Death Valley_ Days, dramatic program, with John Manryde, Jean King, Harry Humphrey and Jeff Bryant; Orchestra di-rection Josef Bonime. WJZ WLW WLS kdka wham whk

—"Music from Hollywood", starring Alice

Faye with Hal Kemp's Orchestra; Carleton KaDell, announcer. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO w¡r wgar kmox wbbm wcau wade wbt kmbc wgst wwl wcco wfbm

9:00—Waltz Time, with Frank Munn, tenor; Manhattae Chorus; Abe Lyman's Orchestra, WEAF WSAI wgy wtam wmaq wwj wdaf kyw who wire

—Hollywood Hotel—Musical Revue: Carole Lombard in preview of "True Confession". Guests; Frances Langford; Jerry Cooper; Anne Jamison; Ken Niles; Raymond Paige's brchestra, with Ken Murray and "Oswald". WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wbbm wgar kmox kmbc wcau wadc wbt wcco wgst wwl

—Pontiac Varsity Show, featuring under-grad-uate talent from the campus of Syracuse University; Paul Dumont, m: c. WJZ WLS WLW WSM wham kdka whk wfla wave wfaa

9:30—True Story Court of Human Relations, dramatization. WEAF wgy wtam wwj kyw who wmaq wdaf wire

—Tommy Dorsey and his Orchestra, with Edythe Wright and Jack Leonard, vocalists; Paul Steward, m. c., WJZ WCKY WLS WSM kdka whk wave wham wowo

10:00—To be announced. WJZ WCKY kdka whk wham wfla

—The Songshop, starring Kitty Carlisle, Frank Crumit, m. c.; Reed Kennedy; Alice Cor-nett; Songshop Quartet, the 22-Voice Glee Club, direction Ken Christie; 47-piece Or.

di ection Gustav Haenschaen. WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wgar wadc wbbm wfbm kmox kmbc wcau wsbt wwl wcco

—Campanas First Nighter, dramatization starring Les Tremaiiies and Barbara Luddy. Orchestra, direction Eric Sagerquist. WEAF WLW WSM wwj wave wmaq wtam wdaf who kstp wfla wfaa kvoo wgy

10:30—Jimmy Fidler and his Hollywood Gos-sip. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq kyw wwj wire kstp wdaf

10:45—"People in the News." Dorothy Thompson, news commentator. WEAF WLW kyw wgy wtam wwj wire wmaq kstp wdaf

—To be announced. WABC wbbm wjr wfbm wcau wcco limos wadc wgst

11:00—George R. Holmes, Chief of the Wash-ington Bureau of International News Serv-ice. (NBC) wgy wtam wdaf kyw

—Esse News Reporter. WJZ only —Glen Gray's Casa Loma orchestra. WABC (WKRC WHIO on 11:15) wadc wbt Irmo),

—Panchito La Conga's Orchestra. .(NBC) whk wave wire wham

—Poetic Melodies. (CBS) WHAS wjr wbbm wfbm wwj WCCO limos kmbc

—Amos 'n' Andy. (NBC) WSM wmaq wfaa wire wbap kstp wwl wtam

I I:05—Panchito La Conga's Orchestra. WJZ (WCKY on 11:15) whk wave wire wham

11:15—King's Jesters Orchestra. WEAF wwj wave wtam kyw who wgy

11:30—Happy Felton's Orchestra. WABC (WHIO on 11:45) WKRC wjr wfbm wcau wadc km.» wbbm kmbc wsbt wbt wgar

—Henry Busse Chez Paree Orchestra. WJZ WCKY WLS whk wave wire wham

—Joe Rises' Orchestra. WEAF wwj wave wmaq wtam wdaf kstp wgy

MIDNIGHT—Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians, WABC WKRC WHAS WHIO wjr wgar wfbm wadc wbbm

—William Scotti's Hotel Ambassador Orches-tra. WJZ WCKY whk wave wire wham

—Teddy Hill's Orchestra, WEAF WLS wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kdka

12:30—Earl Hines' Grand Terrace Cafe Or-chestra. WJZ whk wave

—Ted Fiorito's Orchestra. WABC WKRC WHAS wbbm wfbm kmoir wadc

—Eli Dantzig's St. George Hotel Orchestra. WEAF WLW wgy wtam wmaq who wdaf kdka

M. H. H. Joachim plans to drama-

tize some unusual experiences which

befell members of the "Your Un-

seen Friend" cast....



"Hotel" Guest

Carole-,Lombard, screen star, will be heard on "Hollywood Hotel" Friday, November 26, at 9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), when that program is broadcast over the W A B C- Columbia network, in-cluding WKRC, WHAS and WHIO.

turn and Abner To Be Al Jolsoon's Guests

Lum and Abner will be the guests of Al Jolson, Tuesday, November 23, from 8:30 to 9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) when the latter comedian celebrates an all hill-billy program over the WABC-Columbia Network, including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO. The well known rustic radio lumi-

naries will do a dramatic sketch with Jolson, vocalist Martha Raye and comedian Parkewlarkus taking part. Victor Young's orchestra will provide the musical accompaniment as always.

TEN EYa( SCRIBBLES (Continued from page 4)

or another in taxes, rights to play copyrighted music, insurance pre-miums, old age benefits, etc. Much of the money involved in big programs never reaches the radio industry until the telephone company gets it's share for private lines to the network affi-liated stations. An independent sta-tion may broadcast a program from some remote place twenty miles away that costs the sponsor two hundred dollars but the station involved will probably get less than twenty per cent for itself by the time talent, line charges and some of the afore-men-tioned items are taken care of.

* * *

The Ohio Association of Broad-casters, banded and welded together into a cooperative body can present a united front that will be difficult to intimidate. The OAB is quite willing to pay its just share but quite un-willing to go beyond that. Here, boy, mail this for me, please. The busi-ness day has finished and I must re-oil my tonsils for further discussion among the members this evening. ...

SIX TO NINERS (Continued from page 4)

Buckeye Hoe-Downers, as well as a variety of guest artists who furnish the lively entertainment. If you want the soft strains of an organ with a sweet melody, Harry Ogden, the Old Tunesmith, is waiting to please you.

Colonel Andre Carlon is emcee on the Six to Niners, ably assisted by Ken Beghold, and as a result there isn't a dull moment throughout the three hours. Their flashing bits of humor and timely remarks (no pun intended) have the neighbors laugh-ing. WCPO did not try to guess at

- — - —

the popularity of the Six to Nincrs, so they had some young ladies in the window of the Walnut Street studio, answering telephone calls for request numbers. The three-hour show is divided into

fifteen-minute periods for, sponsors, and in this connection WCPO is con-ducting a jingle contest, in which the entries must incorporate a sponsor's name. The winner of the contest

every week receives a Philco radio,

and at the end of thirteen weeks there

is a grand prize of $500 in furniture

for the best jingle submitted during

that period. Boys, you've got some-


Louise Rainer, Allan Jones, James Stewart, Robert Young, Tom Brown, and Florence Rice will appear on the "Good News Of 1938" broadcast Thursday, November 18, over the NBC-Red network, including WLW and WSM, at 9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.).

Allan Jones will act as master of ceremonies and also will be teamed with Louise Rainer in a short dra-matic sketch. Stewart, Jones, Brown and Miss Rice will preview the mo-tion picture, "Navy Blue and Gold."

Feature Western Songs

Doc Schneider's Texans, former NBC stars, are heard daily except Sunday in the WLW "Top o' the Morning" program. They are also featured at 12:15 p. m., (E.S.T.) Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays over WLW an dthe WLW Line, and in "Rural Roundup" 11:30 a. m., to 12:30 p. m., (E.S.T.) Sundays over WLW and the WLW Line. Doc and Ma Schneider are seen standing in the background with their troupe of singers and instrumentalists.

AROUND THE DIAL (Conttnued from page 5)

for the sake of variety—not to men-tion honesty—it's a pity he wasn't given something snore life-like. Real-life medicos are neither plaster saints nor money-mad devils. They're just human, and therefore interesting. That's why most of the medical men canonized on the air are such dull specimens.

* *

One of the many hopeful things about the return of America's Town Meeting (NBC-WCKY, Thursday, 9:30 p. m.) is that it has an assured spot. Most sustaining features of its type work under the constant threat of having their time "sold down the river." When that happens they either have to move to a hopeless hour or get off the air. NBC's assuring the Town Meeting such a favorable hour, as it has in previous years, again séts a highly intelligent precedent. There would be a lot less crticism of broad-casting if that policy were general.

* * *

If you listen to the amateur phones, you've probably gathered the impres-sion that all "hams" are preparing to move to ten meters. An amateur who isn't planning to go to ten just isn't in good standing, it seems. But don't jump to the conclusion that all other phone bands are going to be deserted

Six Screen Stars On "Good BRITISH TEAM News of 1938" TO BE FEATURED

BY SYMPHONY A "happy blending of two personal-

ities and two instruments" will make the next pair of concerts of the Cin-cinnati Symphony Orchestra, in Music Hall, Friday afternoon and Saturday night, November 19 and 20, events of unusual interest, according to Eugene Goossens, conductor. The "two personalities" are Ethel Bartlett and Rae Robertson, a British two-piano team that has won acclaim as "the greatest piano duet in the world to-day."

Ethel Bartlett, a native of London, has been called "one of England's most beautiful women," and portraits of her by various distinguished artists, including Harold Knight, have been exhibited for five successive years at the Royal Academy, London. Rae Robertson is a Scotsman and an M. A. of Edinburgh University. The Chicago Daily News recently

said of them: "They play with the skill of one and the imagination of two." As soloists at the Cincinnati Sym-

phony concerts they will be heard in Mozart's Concerto No. 10 in E flat major for two pianos and orchestra, and in Poulenc's Concerto for Two Pianos with orchestra. Other wèrks on the same program

will include Schumann's Symphony No. 2 in C major; Kodaly's "Dances of Galanta," and Berlioz's Hungarian March, from his opera "Faust."

Reservations for the concerts may be made by communicating »with Ralph H. Kunkle, ticket manager, 121 E. Fourth St., Cincinnati.

Faculty To Aid In Conserva-tory Broadcast

Members of the artist faculty of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music will perform in the school's regular broadcast over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHIO, and WHAS, when the program is aired Saturday, November 20 at 11:00 a. m. (E.S.T.) Brahms' famous Quartet in A ma-

jor, Opus 26, for piano and string, will open the broadcast, and will be played by Karol Liszniewski, pianist, Howard Colf, violinist, Mihail Stola-revsky, violist, and Arthur Bowen, 'cellist.

forthwith. The radio amateurs' most popular pastime is talking about se hat they're going to do. Whether they do it is something else again.

The Tyrone Power version of "Jour-ney's End," November 7, proved once more that a good full-length play simply can't be pared down to 20 old minutes. What was left after the ans-putation bore scant resemblance to the fine original. And the Power per-formance didn't help matters greatly. He romped through a part calling for far sterner stuff.




8 tAsi. sixfH mau es NEXT TO PALACE THEATRE

The Drama of Life

Without Editorial








by The Cont

TRADE PAPERS are carrying the

recommendations of the Federal (Trade Commission prior to the time they will be officially presented to the Congress. At present only unfair methods of competition are included in the law and subject to be brought to the attention of this body, how-ever, the report will state that "there are some unfair or deceptive com-mercial practices which primarily in-jure the public rather than the com-petitors." The Commission lists nineteen dif-

ferent practices, over which at presera there is no legal control. They hope to eliminate all of the nineteen by en-actment of a bill which will amend the present Act and allow more lati-tude. Numbers 11 and 12 of the recom-

mendations concern some so-called "conteste and read as follows: To prohibit .... •

11. "Use of puzzle contests with the representation that the mere so-lution of the puzzle entitles the successful contestant to a prize, when, in fact, other services and performances are imposed upon the contestant before he is entitled to receive a prize."

12. "Using a method of sale involv-ing an element of chance or lot-tery, or preparing goods so that such a method of sale may be used."

If the other seventeen are as worthy of consideration and as deserving of


est -- Reporter

some kind of curbing action, then we,

too, are in favor of the passage of the Lea bill known as S.1077.

Regardless of warnings to the con-trary, and in defiance of what can be called "good judgment," thousands of people still believe that "all you have to do is count the dots" or "identify the twins," or any of the many other methods used and tech-

nically referred to as "come-ons." It is only fair to say that a gond

number of those who participate in contests know that such a trick is only the first step, and in order to qualify, must start at the first; still there are many others who take it at face value.

If Truth In Advertising means any-

thing it should certainly be applied more consistently in such cases. Right at this very moment the mails are literally flooded with replies to a con-test in which one is only asked to list a certain number of States with cer-tain letters of the alphabet appearing more than once.

It is ridiculous to even imply that prizes will be paid for such child play, but it does furnish the sponsors an enormous mailing list which they can make use of in more ways than one. A DIAL reader recently made an

interesting experiment. Noting that the sponsor of a big national contest was rather generously awarding con-solation prizes, (also a discount slip on purchase of article was enclosed) he decided to see if it would not be

SYMPHONY CONCERTS Friday, 2:45—EUGENE GOOSSENS, Conductor— Sat., 8:30

ETHEL BARTLETT.--RAE ROBERTSON the world's greatest two-piano team, soloists presenting Mozart's Con-

certo for "I'‘‘ 0 Pianos and Poulene's Concerto for Two Pianos

MUSIC HALL At WuTrilitkzeetrs'sAvla2lablÉe. a4tth$15t0. t e 2r5r y 2538 Beginning Tuesday.



Tubes delivered free of charge and complete analysis of your radio trouble without cost or obligation. -All work gurantec,' by technical experts in your home.

MUSIC CO. A&N 921 E. McMillan St.




I have always wanted to write this letter but for some reason or other, the matter has slipped my mind. I have been a reader of your publicati.on for some time and, therefore, feel qualified to freely air my opinions on it.

First, and most important is the matter concerning the general makeup of the paper. Putting all the program pages together makes that sec-tion very monotonous and uninteresting. Why can't you separate these pages by a page of news items.

Second. It seems to me that you might change the make-up of the paper so that you would be able to write articles about each guest star instead of mentioning the guest in such a poor column as "Hits Of The Week."

Third, and last. Why is it necessary to list the network programs? As long as the programs are listed by the nine major stations anyway, I think it unnecessary to carry this news. I, for one, hope you take the network listings out of the DIAL.

I lopifig to get a response from you, I remain


MRS. INEZ DOLAN, A Faithful Reader.

(EDITOR'S NOTE:—Because many listeners have written to us during the past few weeks about programs, announcers and the new make-up of the DIAL, we are going to start a new feature with the next issue. Any reader who wishes to criticize complement or write indif-ferently about anything connected with radio may do so by writing to the editor.. Your letter will be published in the DIAL. Name and ad-dress must accompany each letter.

Three Dollars ($3.00) in cash will be awarded the person submitting the best title for this feature. Send your suggestions to the Contest Editor, RADIO DIAL, 22 East 12th St., Cincinnati, Ohio, on or before December 20. The winner will be announced in the issue ending December 31.

What do you think of Rudy Vallee, of Kate Smith, of the March of Time, of Ted Husing? Here's your chance to have your "say" in radio.

possible to secure these "awards" without complying with the rules of the contest.

He reports that twenty-three re-quests were made for these consola-tion "awards" in that many different names. As this is written seventeen have already received these articles (accompanied by a discount slip) al-though it must be borne in mind that none of them qualified according to the rules of the contest.

Sometimes the biggest kind of puzzle is: When Is A Contest Not A Contest? Our own private opinion is that any kind of competition too near a lottery, opening with a "come-on," or otherwise tending to with-hold all the more important details until you have "solved" a simple puzzle, is not entitled to be called a contest based on the generally ac-cepted definition of advertising con-tests.

The following is good advice no matter who said it, but in this in-stance it is quoted from a currently popular coaching series:

"Start working on a contest as soon after it is announced as possible. Your enthusiasm will be at its peak then. Go to your contest work mentally fresh and alert, if possible. BUT— take care—procrastination is one of your greatest contest enemies. Do not form the habit of putting off your contest work with the thought that you'll "feel more like it tomorrow." Time wasted can NEVER be re-gained. Let your contest motto be: "DO IT NOW." To the which we add this solution.

If a contest is to run one month, your chances decrease 5 per cent each day for the first ten days and 2 per cent each day for the balance of the time. Therefore, if you wait until the last day, well—just figure it out for your-self, or better still, prove it for your-self.

Procrastination is the thief of time —and contest chances.

It is always interesting to "know what won." While we realize the main reason why less of the winning entries are published, we appreciate those who have the courage to do so. Several months ago the makers of Reed & Barton silverware offered a $1,000 table trousseau for selection of silverware pattern and reason.

Mrs. E. D. McNamara of Indian-apolis was awarded it for this letter. "I select Colonial Classic because my grandmother would have approved the dignity of its acanthus leaf design, my contemporaries will view it with admiration, and my grandchildren will know that when I chose Reed & Barton, I demonstrated a knowledge of fine silver which even their genera-tion will respect."

Mrs. E. H. Terry of Fort Worth, Texas, was awarded a Chevrolet car in the Quaker Oats contest showing a picture of Dr. Dafoe and the Dion-ne Quints, by submitting the title "The Prince of Wails." We are indebted to the Townsend-

Friend Bulletin for these quotations of winning entries. The first we think is downright good, but the second has us a little puzzled—where does the "prince" come in? Two national contests have been

announced since last issue. Procter & Gamble, makers of Chip-

so, offer 30 gold Benrus watches daily for 25 days beginning November 8th and closing December 10th. Must finish in 25 words, or less, "I like Chipso because The makers of Rollfast bicycles

and Roller skates offer 50 of the one and 2,000 of the other for best short statements concerning same. Electrical transcription over a growing number of radio stations, WMCA NY, for in-stance, Mon., Wed., and Fri., at 8:15 a. m.

News Commentator pe•

When Kathryn Cravens, well-known woman news commentator. visited Cincinnati last week, Mayor Russell Wilson played host to her in his office in City Hall. Miss Cravens was in the Queen City for appearances at the Women's Exposition and her broad-casts were originated from Music Hall through the facilities of WKRC. She is heard through 'KRC over the Columbia network each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 p. m. (E.S.T.)



yN:-:".:weimen-r'. •

NBC's New Symphony Orchestra

Pictured here is the new NBC Symphony Orchestra which is heard every Saturday, 10:00 p. m. to 11:30 p. m. (E.S.T.) over the NBC-Blue and Red networks, including WCKY and WSAI.

Pierre Monteux, noted French conductor, is guest conductor for the first three broadcasts.


under the direction of Vladimir Golschmann, its regular conductor, will be heard in the only "Good Neighbor Concert" of the season on the General M•ptors Concert Hour, Sunday, November 21, from 8:00 to

9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.), over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY and WLS.

Grace Moore, soprano, and Rich-ard Tauber, tenor, also will be fea-tured.

Corrine Frederick, widely known pianist in the Midwest, will be heard in two solos on the ancient ancestor of the piano—the clavichord.

Following is the complete program:

I. "Ride of the Valkyries," from "Die Walkuere" Wagner

St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

2. (a) "Ach, so fromm." from "Martha" Flotow

Richard Tauber "Ballatella," from "Pagliacci,"


Grace Moore

3. "Air on the G String," from Suite No. 3 Bach St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

4. (a) "Letzter Fruehling" Grieg (b) "Dort rauscht und plauscht der

Wienerwald," • from "Song of Love" Strauss-Korngold

Richard Tauber

5. Two Clavichord Solos: (a) "The Call of the Birds"..Rameau (b). "Prelude in B Flat" Bach

Corinne Frederick

6. (a) "The Old Refrain" Kreisler (b) "The Last Song" Tosti

Grace Moore

7. Third Movement, "allegro molto vivace," from Symphony No. 6. the "Pathetique" Tschaikovsky

St. Louis Symphony Orchestra 8. "Serenade" Schubert

Grace Moore and Richard Tauber

9. "Wedding March," from "Le Coq d'Or" Rimsky-Korsakov

St. Louis Symphony Orchestra

(EDITOR'S NOTE: In this issue, RADIO DIAL publishes the complete programs of all the concerts to be heard during the week. Would you like us to do this every week? Please let us hear from you.)

Bestor At Plaza


Beginning November 24 t h, Don Bestor brings back his vibraharp and his orchestra for his second engagement within eight months at the Hotel Neth-erland Plaza.

Bestor will bring a book full of new arrangements, peculiarly suited to the Bestor tempo and style, and several new tunes that the band has just made for Vic-tor Records, and to be broad-cast over locUl stations through-out his stay.

- SHOOTING STARS (Continued from page 5)

the Moon casts. Linda was the original Mary Sothern. WKRC's Bill Williamson just back from a week's business in the Windy City and General Manager John Mc-Cormick in Columbus attending a Broadcasters' convention. Jean Jostyn could do a perfect job doubling for Walter Houston. Newest radio names . . . 'KRC's Paul Carlisle . . . a wordster from KWKH, Shreveport, La. WLW staff . . . Doc Schneider's Texans. Down from a two year stay at Ra-


tenor of the Metropolitan Opera, will be guest soloist with the Ford Sym-phony Orchestra and the Chorus, di-rected by Eugene Ormandy, in an all-Johann Strauss program broadcast from Detroit's Masonic Auditorium, over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, Sunday, November 21, from 9:00 to 10:00 p. in. (E.S.T.). Accompanied by Dorothy Sandlin,

soprano, and the 26-voice chorus, Kullmann will also sing the duet and brilliant finale from Strauss' most fa-mous opera, "Die Fledermaus."

Following is the complete program:

I. Overture to "The Gypsy Baron".Strauss Orchestra

2 I Greet Thee, Thou Dear Venice. from "A Night in Venice" Strauss Mr. Kullmann and Orchestra

3. Gondola Song from "A Night in Venice" Strauss Mr. Kullmann and Orchestra

4. The Fairy City On the Danube. from "'The Queen's Lace Hand-kerchief" Strauss Mr. Kullmann and Orchestra

.5. Acceleration Waltz Strauss Orchestra

6. Duet and Finale from "Die Fleder-maus" Strauss

Mr. Kullmann, Miss Sandlin, Chorus and Orchestra

7. Talk by Mr. W. J. Cameron 8. Perpetuum Mobile Strauss

Orchestra 9. Pizzicato Polka Strauss

Orchestra 10. Tales from the Vienna Woods. .Strauss

Orchestra il. Prayer of Thanksgiving Valerius

Mr. Kullmann, Miss Sandlin, Chorus, Audience and Orchestra

dio City. WCKY's selling man . F. H. Weissinger.

• THUMBS UP: The awfully cute

children's chorus on Charlie's Sing-ing School program. It's well worth a listen. Aired at 5:45 on 'LW.

• More star shooting with the As-

tronomer next week and, as usual, more peeps at people. THEME UP AND OUT.

Al Cues His Audience

Al Jolson shows his audience just how he likes to be greeted during one of his Wednesday night broadcasts over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS, and WHIO, from 8:30 to 9:00 p. m. (E.S.T.). Vocalist Martha Raye, Dielect Comedian Parkyarkarkus and Victor Young's Orchestra are his supporting cast.


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A unique program which won popu-larity on the network last year re-turns to the NBC-Blue chain, includ-

ing WCKY, WENR and WSM, this week. It is "Music Is My Hobby," to be heard at 7:00 p. m. (E.S.T.) on Mondays hereafter. The broadcast features outstanding

professional and business men whose hobby is music. Some of America's foremost officials, industrialists and professional men were guest artists on the series last winter.

Tyrone Power Re-Enacts "Second Honeymoon"

for "Hotel" Tyrone Power, Cincinnati actor,

who is making quite a name for him-self in the film city, will re-enact scenes from his latest film, "Second Hone\ moon," when he visits the "Hol-lywood Hotel" program, Friday, No-vember 19, broadcast over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS, and WHIO.


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For list of authorized Estate Heat-rola dealers in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, see Page 224 in the Classified Section of the telephone directory (Summer, 1937, issue).



Heads WLW

James D. Shouse, former gen-eral manager of KMOX, St. Louis, took over his duties as vice-president of the Crosley Ra-dio Corporation in charge of broadcasting November 15. In his new post Mr. Shouse is gen-eral manager of WLW, WSAI and W8XAL, the Crosley sta-tions. He has been identified with radio for several years.

! "Capital Family" To Cele-brate Fifteenth Anniversary Major Bowes "Capital Family,"

which is conceded to be the oldest

program continuously on the ether, will celebrate its fifteenth anniversary, when it is heard over the WABC-Columbia network, including WKRC, WHAS and WHIO, Sunday, Novem-ber 21, from 11:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. (E.S.T.). A gala broadcast, including musical

selections by the Dalton Brothers, close harmony specialists; Helen Alexander, coloratura soprano; Ni-cholas Cosentino, tenor; Charles Magnante, accordian virtuoso; Sam Herman, ace xylophonist, and Waldo Mayo's orchestra will be heard.

Original Play To Celebrate Thanksgiving On NBC

"The Deacon's Thanksgiving," an original radio play by Merritt P. Allen, will be presented over the NBC-Blue network, including WCKY and WLS on Thanksgiving Eve., Wed-nesday, November 24, at 9:00 p. m (E.S.T.) The scene of the drama is laid in

New England and tells the story of Deacon Cyrus Brown, a widower, who suddenly bursts out in fine clothings. The time is 1903 and the Deacon's purchase of one of these new-fangld automobiles scandalizes his neighbors and deligkts Susi Green, whom the Deacon is courting.

My Boy Matt

Bess McCammon, widely known character actress, and Bill Robbi n a, youthful an-nouncer-actor, are teamed to-gether in the new WSAI dra-matic serial, "My Boy Matt," heard over Cincinnati's Own Station at 12 noon (E.S.T.) Mon-day through Friday.


"Norma," will be broadcast from the stage of the Chicago Civic Opera House on Monday, November 22,

from 11:00 p. m. to 12:00 midnight (E.S.T), ce;rer the NBC-Blue network,

including WCKY and WENR. "Norma," which was written by

Bellini after he witnessed a perform-

ance of the tragedy of the same by Soumet at a French playhouse, was first produced on December 26, 1831,

in Milan, Italy.

SPORTLIGHT (Continued from page 5)

able to get out of a straight jacket, but all his evasive qualifications would net him nothing if he tried to get into

a dressing room before a game. Some coaches plead, in loud voices,

for the boys to do or die for old Alma Mater. Others, quietly point out the

weaknesses discovered in the other team's play. Blackboards are used,

plays are diagrammed for one last look at formations designed to bring undying fame to the warriors. A loud roar, the meeting is over.

Twenty-two spirited boys, eleven on

each side, take their places on the field. With the two captains stand-

ing in mid-field the referee tosses a

'CKY's Golden

Virginia Golden is one of the busiest persons on WCKY's busy staff. In addition to writ-ing much of the script turned out by the WCKY continuity de-partment, Virginia also finds time to arrange special events programs and do several air interviews each week.

coin into the air. The visiting cap-tain is allowed to call. Ohio's leader wins the toss and decides to defend

the north goal. Miller, Indiana's center, kicks off

and the game is on.



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