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  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December


    Upper Secondary: December 2013

    Adventure Sports


    Adventure racing is a team race that lasts one day or many days and involves lots of

    different disciplines and can cover over a hundred kilometers. To win, the whole team

    must finish.

    Start the adventure now!! Work in groups of three. Which team can complete the

    challenges below first? You must all participate, and you can use a dictionary.

    1. Name eight hard but fun sports and activities suitable for adventure racing.



    2. Name three emotions you might feel by the end of the race.


    3. Find the sports in these anagrams:



    4. Name the sport(s) these items belong to:

    tyres paddle wet suit bat belt harness stick saddle



  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December


    5. Name:

    in the US in the UK

    a mountaina river

    a state / county

    a lake

    a famousgeographicalfeature

    a famoussportsman

  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December


  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December



    Adventure Race of a Lifetime

    I never thought Id be doing an adventure race. Me, Gloria Stone, an overweight 20-

    year-old secretary, never seen the inside of a gym! But hey, never say never! Two

    really fit friends of mine, Alice and Tina, were desperately in need of a third member for

    their adventure racing team; so they could compete in the 2013 Social Services

    Adventure Race. For some crazy reason, I agreed to take part.

    But I really was NOT in shape so they started a strict fitness programme for me that

    included a 2k daily run. Then we added cycling, kayaking and swimming at weekends.

    By the day of the race, I felt like another woman! Fitter than Id ever been in my life.

    At the sound of the gun, the race started and we ran down to the boats - sixty canoes

    in a narrow river of fast-moving water. At least wedidnt fall out getting in! (Two other

    boatloads did!) Off we went as fast as we could, being careful not to hit any rocks.

    Thankfully we made it safely to our first check point 10km down the river.

    Stage two consisted of a long optiona 10k run up a rocky forest pathor a short

    optiona trek across 3k of watery ground plus a swim across a lake to meet up again

    at check point 3.

    We chose the shorter version. Big mistake!! We had to jog through the ankle-deep

    mud, fighting off clouds of flies as we went. This was where team work became reallykey as we pulled each other out of the horrible, black mud. Tinas orienteering skills

    were put to the test; as navigating in a swamp is not easy. Thankfully she kept us going

    in the right direction most of the time. Never have I been so glad to see a lake.

    Swimming with our clothes on was more exhausting than Id imagined but we did come

    out nice and clean at the end of it.

    We took off our wet clothes at CP 3 and quickly picked up some food. Finding our bikes

    was an unexpected complication but after a few minutes, we were off again.

    We raced along the downhill track. Seeing Frederica, a 60 year-old grandma, flying

    past us motivated us to go faster and we soon overtook her. The uphill section wasreally painful as by this time my leg muscles were killing me. But on we went, shouting

    encouragement to each other and sometimes even getting off our bikes to push each

    other up the really steep bits.

    SSAR is well-known for its peculiar challenges so we were not surprised to discover an

    obstacle race at CP 4. It was like one of those inflatable ones you see at a funfair but

    much bigger. It was great fun getting through it, rolling under it, climbing over it.

    And the final testwe had to abseil down to the bottom of a nearby canyon, follow a

    treasure map to find a bottle of water with our names on it, and then climb back up to

    the top.

  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December


    A. Read about an adventure race. Is the text formal or informal? Underline

    examples in the text that support your choice.

    B.Read the text again and answer these questions.

    1. Why is it surprising that Glorias friends asked her to join their team?

    2. What is she proud of at the beginning of the race?

    3. What benefits did the lake offer them after their trek?

    4. In what way did the old lady inspire them?

    5. What is the SSAR?

    6. Was she disappointed not to win? Explain.

    C. Find a synonym or expression in the text that means:

    1. In good physical condition

    2. Without incident3. The sport of knowing how to navigate

    4. To go fast

    5. Very painful

    6. A hard task

    7. To get in front of

    8. To use a rope to go down

    C. Write two or three more questions about the text. Then ask a partner.

    D. Read about an adventure race. Why do they do it?

    Watch an adventure race. What sports do they do? Which part do you think was

    the most difficult? The easiest? The toughest?
  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December



    Relative pronouns

    A.Complete these questions about football with a word from the box.

    whistle warning referee pitch studs interval goalkeeper shin pads

    1. A _________________ is a person whokeepsplayers under control in a


    2. A _________________ is whatyou blow to make players stop.

    3. A _________________ is the grass where you play football.

    4. A _________________ is a person whokeepsthe ball out of the net.

    5. _________________ are whatyou have on your football boots to stop you


    6. A yellow ticket is a ________________ thatyou get if you commit a foul.

    7. The __________________ is a period whenplayers rest between halves.

    8. ________________ are protections whichyou wear on your legs.

    B. Write definitions for the words in the box which all relate to golf. Use the

    words in bold in exercise A to help you.

    a club (object) a caddy (person) a caddy (object) a tee a golf course a club house

    a flag the green fee

    1. A club is ___________________________________________

    2. __________________________________________________

    3. _________________________________________________

    4. _________________________________________________

    5. _________________________________________________

    6. _________________________________________________

    7. _________________________________________________

    8. _________________________________________________

    C.Test your partner on the words in exercises A and B. Ask questions like this.

    What do you call the person who / the object that you / the place where you ?

    D. Think of words related to a sport you know. Ask your partner questions like

    the ones in exercise C.

  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December



    A. Complete these sentences about horse riding with a relative pronoun from

    the box.

    B. Write sentences about clay pigeon shooting

    using the same structure as in exercise A. Usethe correct relative (as in column B) and these

    ideas for column C.

    Being taught how to aim is

    1. _________________________________________________

    2. _________________________________________________

    3. _________________________________________________

    4. _________________________________________________

    5. _________________________________________________

    6. _________________________________________________

    A B C D E

    1. Learning to hold your hands is key to good riding.

    2. Being taught to give an aid the most difficultthing to master.

    3. Getting theknack of

    to apply not as easy as itlooks.

    4. Knowing to change pace really important.

    5. Understanding to place your feet exactly quite tricky at first.

    6. Remembering to move forward one of the firstthings you mustlearn.

    7. Not knowing to do next disastrous.

    when what which (leg) where how how often how much (force)

    To aim to hold the gun to shoot

    to pull the trigger to position yourself

    to do if you get hurt

    (time) it takes for the bullet to travel

    (direction) the wind is coming from

  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December


    7. _________________________________________________

    8. _________________________________________________


    A. Tick the things you should do when writing a summary. Put a cross by things

    you shouldnt do.

    a) Set the general context first

    b) Make sure key people are mentioned

    c) Make sure each detail is mentioned

    d) Underline key ideas from each paragraph

    e) Include examples

    f) Follow the same order as in the textg) Connect similar ideas in the same sentence

    h) Use correct grammar and connectors

    i) Copy names and places correctly

    B. Read the text on p3 again and underline the parts you want to include in the


    C.Write your summary in about 50-60 words. Follow the advice from A.

    D. Check your work for the following:

    a) Is the general context clear?

    b) Are all key ideas included?

    c) Ask yourself these questions about grammar:

    - Do all verbs have a subject? (People forget it all the time.)

    - Are the verb tenses correct and do they concord with the subject (do/does,

    has/have, etc.)?

    -Am I using the correctly? i.e. NOT for generalisations, only for definite cases.

    - E.g. She didnt like sport not she didnt like THE sport.

    - Are the adjectives BEFORE the nouns?

    d) Is your spelling correct? (Look back and check).

  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December



    A. Look at the table which expresses ways to move and the direction you

    move. The translation of the English verb + preposition is based on the

    preposition. The verb part is usually not translated.He came /ran /climbed / raced into the room. = Entr en la sala.

    climbed through the window

    rode over the river

    ran under the waterfall

    jogged up the forest

    abseiled down the mountain

    swam across the fields

    cycled along the cave

    raced into the gate

    jumped out of the road

    B. Draw an image next to each preposition in column 2 indicating its


    C. Combine the words in the columns using any verb of motion with any

    logical preposition and terrain. Write or say at least 12 sentences.

    The man climbed over the gate.

    D. Draw a map of an adventure race with at least 6 activities. Use stick

    figures and arrows to indicate the route. Ask your partner to describe

    what the man did.

    What did he do first / next / after that?

  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December



    1. In Britain there is a long tradition of men singing together. They really enjoy

    it. They sing in pubs and at many sporting activities. Listen to the Liverpool

    FC anthem and put the lines in order.

    1. and don't be afraid of the dark

    2. When you walk through a storm

    3. and the sweet silver song of the lark

    4. hold your head up high

    5. at the end of the storm there is a golden sky

    6. walk on through the rain

    7. though your dreams be tossed and blown

    8. walk on through the wind

    9. you'll never walk alone

    10. and you'll never walk alone

    11. walk on, walk on with hope in your heart

    12. you'll never walk alone

    13. and you'll never walk alone

    14. walk on, walk on with hope in your heart

    2. Watch people from Liverpool singing their song. How do they feel? Did any

    of the images transmit their emotions to you? Which ones?

    3. Are there any football anthems in your country? Can you sing them?
  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December


  • 8/13/2019 RTG Upper Secondary December



    A. The text is informal.


    1. She is overweight and does no sport so she is not in shape.2. That they didnt fall into the river.

    3. They could clean their clothes.

    4. She made them want to go faster.

    5. Social Services Adventure Race.

    6. No, because doing the race was more important than winning.


    1. Fit

    2. Safely

    3. Orienteering4. To race

    5. Killing

    6. Challenge

    7. To overtake

    8. Abseil




    1. Referee

    2. Whistle

    3. Pitch

    4. Goalkeeper

    5. Spikes

    6. Warning

    7. Interval

    8. Shin pads


    1. A club is a stick which you use to hit the ball.

    2. A caddy is a person who carries your golf clubs.

    3. A caddy is a bag where you put your golf clubs.

    4. A tee is a small plastic object which holds the ball for you.

    5. A golf course is the place where you play golf. It has 18 holes.

    6. A club house is the place where you wait to play or where you have a drink with

    your friends after the game.

    7. A flag is an object that shows you where the holes are.

    8. The green fee is what you must pay to play.

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    A. Possibilities include:

    1. Learning howto hold your hands is key to good riding.

    2. Being taught how oftento give an aid is the most difficult thing to master.3. Getting the knack of how muchforce to apply is not as easy as it looks.

    4. Knowing whento change pace is really important.

    5. Understanding whereto place your feet exactly is quite tricky at first.

    6. Remembering whichleg to move forward is one of the things you must learn.

    7. Not knowing whatto do next is disastrous.

    B. Possibilities include:

    1. Being taught howto aim is very important.

    2. Learning howto hold the gun is key to good shooting.

    3. Being taught how oftento shoot is the most difficult thing to master.

    4. Getting the knack of whento pull the trigger is not as easy as it looks.5. Understanding whereto position yourself exactly is quite tricky at first.

    6. Remembering what to do if you get hurt is one of the things you must learn.

    7. Knowing how much timeit takes for the bullet to travel is really important.

    8. Not knowing wherethe wind is coming from is disastrous.



    Tick: a) b) d) f) g) h) i)



    1. When you walk through a storm,

    2. hold your head up high,

    3. and don't be afraid of the dark;

    4. at the end of the storm there is a golden sky

    5. and the sweet silver song of the lark.

    6. Walk on through the wind,

    7. walk on through the rain,

    8. though your dreams be tossed and blown.

    9. Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart,10. and you'll never walk alone,11. you'll never walk alone.12. Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart,13. and you'll never walk alone,14. you'll never walk alone.

    B.The images show pride for their city and solidarity.