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The Marketer’s Guide to RTB Jargon.



People who work in real-time bidding, ad tech and digital marketing often dive head first into using acronyms and jargon. This allows them to communicate complex ideas quickly and effectively. However, even for experienced marketing and advertising professionals, this can quickly become overwhelming! Every day there seems to be a new buzzword being ththrown around and it can be easy to fall behind.

That’s why Benchmarketing has compiled this comprehensive reference guide to ad-tech speak. Now, the next time your digital specialist outlines their strategy, you can translate their language into terms you can digest.

Use it, share it and let’s put an end to misunderstood ad-tech acronyms!

Real-Time Bidding GlossaryA Complete Guide To Ad-Tech Speak For Marketers & Advertisers.


Loading online elements at the same time, as opposed to one after the other. this reduces page load times

Asynchronous Loading

A consolidated group of programming mechanisms which, when combined allow for the creation of interactive landing/webpages.

AJAXAsynchronous Javascript and XML

A package or tool that gives the ability to create external integrations, which can access features and data of another already existing system or application.

APIApplication Programming Interface

Data points that don't specifically identify an individual, eg Age Group, Gender, Geographic Area.

Anonymous Information

A specific team or department in an agency that is responsible for managing programmatic buying.

Agency Trading Desk

A brand or entity that advertises or markets their product or service.


The part of a website or landing page that is visible to the end user upon initial load of a webpage or online asset (without having to scroll).

Above The Fold

Real-Time Bidding Glossary

The response to a Bid Request from a Buyer that specifies the details and specifications of the Ad request.

Bid Response

The action of Publishers (sellers) offering inventory to an Advertiser (buyer) using an auction service.

Bid Request

The part of a website or landing page that is not visible to the end user upon initial load of a webpage or online asset (anything that is only visible after having to scroll).

Below The Fold

Selecting inventory based on a predefined audience. Audience Buying

Allows Media Buyers to purchase Ad Inventory in an auction or real-time bidding process.

Auction Service

The time between a user being exposed to an ad (view or click) and their conversion. This timeframe will be used to decide if the conversionis attributed to the adverdisment.

Attribution Window

A specific piece of information that is known about a user that can be used to target them with ads. Such as; demographic information, browsing behaviour and purchase intent.


Real-Time Bidding Glossary

A suite to implement, test, debug and manage multiple tags (a.k.a. pixels or beacons) across multiple websites or campaigns.

Container Tag Solution

An identifyable variation between two or more campaign data sets that should be the same.

Campaign Discrepancy

Application used by computers and other internet-enabled devices to view web pages.


Advertisers often want to protect the image their brand portrays and opt to avoid advertising in ways that would negatively impact their reputation, usually increasing buying costs.

Brand Safety

The percentage of visitors to a website that complete only a single-page session.

Bounce Rate

A computer-generated script or automated process which fills forms, clicks ads or trawls webpages.


A list of websites that an advertiser does not want to run ads on, often created with brand saftey in mind and used to exclude publishers that don't align with the advertiser's identity.


Real-Time Bidding Glossary

The cost attributed to buying a total of 1000 impressions

Cost Per Mille

The cost attributed to aquiring a lead, form completion or registation of interest.

Cost Per Lead

Cost attributed to the installation of an application, usually on a smartphone or tablet.

Cost Per Install

Advertisers often want to protect the image their brand portrays and opt to avoid advertising in ways that would negatively impact their reputation, usually increasing buying costs.

Cost Per Engaged View

The bid that is placed for a click on an advertisment - the highest bidder at a given time wins the impression, however only pays when a user clicks the ad.

Cost Per Click

The total media cost that is accrued along the purchase funnel before an individual registers as a conversion, usually represented as a campaign average.







Cost Per Aquisition

A site visitor completes your desired action; purchase, signup, etc.


Real-Time Bidding Glossary

The pricing for ad impressions purchased in a real-time auction, which fluctuate depending on demand.

Dynamic Pricing

When the content of an ad is dynamically assembled based on data in real time, often used for individualised messages for each customer depending on user behaviour, demographics and purchase intent.

Dynamic Advertising

A platform that accesses ad inventory from ad exchanges, publisher networks, private marketplaces and SSP’s.

Demand Side Platform

A system that collates data that can be used to derive audience insights and improve ad targeting.

Data ManagementPlatform

In relation to Google Tag Manager (GTM), describes data objects or information that passed to GTM such as events or variables. Rules for firing pixels can then be defined based on the attributes of the Data Layer.

Data Layer

A delimited file that includes information and data that will generate a website's content structure when run through an engine, generally used to populate webpages with numerous products such as ecommerce pages

Data Feed

Real-Time Bidding Glossary

A strategy used to segment visitors to a website based on pre-defined levels of engagement or progression through the funnel used to make decisions regarding optimisation

Heat Mapping

Google's container tag solution (see 'container tag solution')GTM

Google Tag Manager

The limit of impressions that will be served to an individual user within a specific time period.

Frequency Capping

The minimum price a publisher will accept for an auctioned impression.


Data that is collected by an advertiser, often relating to browsing behaviour and product information.

First-Party Data

Preference given to select advertisers, who generally have a set commitment and are given the option to buy the impression before the auction begins.

First Look

Using audience data as variables to inform the creative they are retargeted with, e.g. products, services, dates.

Dynamic Retargeting

Real-Time Bidding Glossary

A tool used to associate an array of data inputs to matched pair outputs based on consistent rules e.g. setting a lookup table to swap the input of with the corresponding output value 'SEARCH'

Lookup Table

Smaller publishers, often with targeted niche audiences, e.g. blogs

Long-tail publishers

Attribution model that assigns full conversion value to the source that produced the last website session prior to conversion.

Last Click Attribution

An entry webpage to a domain, or a small webpage that is optimised to encourage engagement through the use of subliminal cues and at least one call to action.

Landing Page

Digital advertising space on a site that is available for sale to advertisers, depending on the amount of page views on a that site and usually measured in impressions


A company that operates as a link between multiple advertisers or agencies, and DSPs.

Independent TradingDesk

The computer language of the internet that webpages are written in, and browsers convert to a comprehensible format

HTMLHyper Test MarkupLanguage

Real-Time Bidding Glossary

A method of purchasing ad inventory that enables advertisers and publishers to buy and sell ad space in real-time via an auction style transaction, allowing advertisers to adjust bids according to how valuable a user is to them.

Real Time Bidding

The targeting of a user that has previously visited the advertiser's website, usually with the intent of conversion


A price list displaying the cost of each ad product and service offered by a publisher or media buyer.

Rate Card

Host of content that is monetised through displayingpaid advertising.


A method of automated and continuously improved buying that enables computers to make purchasing decisions based on third-party and user data within parameters set by the advertiser, including online behaviour, location and demographic data.

Programmatic Buying

A private marketplace is a customised, invitation-only marketplace where Publishers make their advertising inventory available to a select group of buyers. Unlike a direct buy, buyers in a PMP use programmatic media buying controls to purchase from Publishers.

Private Marketplace

Real-Time Bidding Glossary

Data that has been provided, purchased or licenced by a third-party source.

Third-Party Data

Unsolicited email, usually sent to a large volume of recipients.


A set of software development tools that provides a framework for the creation of applications for an operating system, access to which is usually required to track cost per install (CPI).

Software Development Kit

A pixel script, usually proprietary, that allows a single implementation to connect to a management suite, allowing for configuration to be done from within and on the fly.

Smart Tag

A platform that interfaces between a publisher and open ad exchanges to ensure the highest yield from remnant inventory.

SSPSupply Side Platform

Data provided by a publisher to assist with an advertiser's audience targeting, e.g. Facebook's demographic and interests data.

Second-Party Data

Inventory that a publisher was unable to sell directly to advertisers, often sold via ad exchanges (see Open Ad Exchange).

Remnant Inventory

Real-Time Bidding Glossary

A list of websites that an advertiser gives approval to run Ads on, often created with audience quality in mind, and used to specify publishers that match a brand's positioning or target market

White List

The number of visitors to a website and the number of pages they visit

Web Traffic

A name-value pair, or a placeholder which coincides with a value or script that returns a value. For example, a macro with the name {{referrer}} could be assigned the value of the preceeding page-load URL or a script to extrapolate the preceding page load URL

Web Macro

A user that visited a web page on one or multiple occasions in a given time period.

Unique Visitor

Real-Time Bidding Glossary

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