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Page 1 of 2 23/11/2012 00:03 AM

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RSS Feeds on your Blog: RSS Feeds Defined

Another great way to get traffic to your website is through RSS feeds which stands for really simple syndication orsyndicate or Rich Site Summary.

For those of you who are totally confused as to what am talking about right now, let me show you are an RSS feedlooks like especially of your in EN. and is normally recognized by its symbol which looks like this:

If you would like to know more about what exactly an RSS feed is please visit:

Getting to Know its Use

An Rss Feed is used to update your Google bots and visitors that come to your website andsubscribe through the RSS feed to stay updated on you websites latest activity.

Meaning that anything that you post be it a blog post, videos, pictures, whether the layout ofthe site has changed…..your visitors that have subscribed to your feed and Google bots will be notified.


The RSS Strategy

1st things first you need to know how to create a RSS feed for your blog, assuming that it is a completely newwebsite and that you are not with Empower Network. There are several website out there like that do this for you. This is what you wantto do……………go to and or and all you have to do is paste your blog link in and youdone, you now have an RSS Feed of your own!

Using an RSS feed as a marketing tool and prove to be very effective as they help to drive traffic to your webpage RSS feed and also help get your website indexed. Now there are ways that an could be used to gain traffic to your


Here is something that you could do whenever you publish a blog post or just in general update your website. When you publish a blog post take your RSS feed link and go to and ping both your blog url and your

blog’s RSS feed.

The next step you want to take after you have created your rss feed and pinged it is to now take the same url (rssfeed) and now submit it to RSS feed directories. Now this is what i would say is the major tactic/strategy that youwant to make sure that you do every time you set out to promote your RSS Feed. To get a list of FREE Directorieswhere you can submit your RSS Feed to for at no cost what so ever.

Once you have finished doing this, your rss feed has been submitted and its happy days and you can now relax, andtake a cool drink.  This is just a little intro as to how RSS feeds work. Hope this post was helpful and gave you somenew insight as to how you can gain traffic to your blog or webpages using this free method.

If you however want to learn a lot more on how you can really get targeted RSSNINJA traffic coming into your website on a regular basis then please visit

Master Class

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