Download - RPO Webinar #3: Change Management-Ensuring a Successful Implementation

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Welcome to today’s webinar hosted by the HROA!

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HROA Webinar Series: The Building Blocks for a Successful RPO

June 19, 2013

Change Management Ensuring a successful implementation

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Presenter introductions


Pat KlamanVP, Business [email protected]

Michael YingerVP, Implementation & [email protected]

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Change management considerations

Leveraging your RPO partner’s expertise

Challenges to plan for and overcome

Hand-off to “go-live operations” and beyond

Q & A

Elements of a successful RPO implementation

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Polling question

So that we may understand your relationship to this topic please indicate the role closest to your own:

o VP, SVP of HR/Talent Acquisitiono Director of HR/Talent Acquisitiono Recruiting Managero Recruitero Procuremento Project Manager

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Elements of a successful RPO implementation

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RPO implementation success factors

• Co-sponsor project

• Define & agree upon scope of work

• Allow time for Discover Phase

− Access to sites & systems− Representatives of all parties impacted by change

• Co-create communication and change management strategy

− Tailor messaging, timing & content to fit culture and constituency

• Operate against project plan

− Consistent milestone tracking & status reviews

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Principles and objectives of change management

• Minimize disruption and anticipate the potential obstacles to success

• Joined up change communications across locations and impacted stakeholders

• Relationship-building across the program and beyond

• The change is ultimately about people and not structures, processes or systems

Objective• The scale and impact of change for is fully understood

• The organization is ready for Go-Live and beyond

• The people are ready for Go-Live and beyond

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Change management considerations

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Transition…approaching change management

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Design ImplementDefine Assess



New Practice


Standard Practice

Educate & Train


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Change management – the Human Factor

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Stakeholder engagement process

Responsible - Accountable - Consulted - Informed

Introducing change

This is what it means to the organization

We’re going live!

This is what it means to you


This is the service you will receive

How do you think we’re doing?

How to get the best from the team

Communicate, communicate, communicate

Satisfaction surveys

Initial communications Educate and Train Feedback Commit

Innovation through acting on feedbackSelling the concept

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Communication approach

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Change events organized by:• Purpose • Audience • Timing • Medium

Communication roadmap

Gain acceptance & commitment to drive long-term success

• Keep stakeholders engaged, informed & on board– Target stakeholders– Identify change events & required

communication– Answer questions

▪ Why are we changing? How does this affect me? What’s in it for me?

– Messaging & media tailored to individuals, groups and reflect the culture

• Communication roadmap– Track communication & change events

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Communication objectives

Let stakeholders:• Become aware of the implementation and

overall project goals- Share project information, process, & progress

• Understand the impact and see the benefits of the solution being implemented- Share business impact on location, department & role


• Accept the changes within the organization- Show the benefits

• Adopt the changes in line with the RPO solution - Let the stakeholders inform others about the project

and selection of RSR to implement the solution

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Leveraging your RPO partner’s expertise

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Plan Discover Install Go-live

• Engage resources

• Confirm scope• Establish

timeline• Develop

communication & change management plans

• Joint kick-off meeting

• Conduct focus groups

• Analyze hiring requirements

• Perform gap analysis

• Refine & finalize RPO solution

• Understand technology

• Establish support infrastructure

• Engage & train hiring managers/recruiter

• Configure & test technology

• Develop sourcing plans

• Begin recruiting

• Support hire requests

• Validate task completion

• Review lessons learned

• Stabilize day-to-day operations

• Begin reporting

Best practice implementation methodology

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Co-sponsorship & knowledge transfer




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Single Pointof Accountability

Project Leadership

RPOExecutive Sponsor

Client CompanyExecutive Sponsor

ImplementationProject Manager

Client CompanyProject Lead






Subject MatterExperts



HR Training

Executive Sponsorship


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Recommended resource involvementCustomer project steering team members

Project responsibilities Resource involvement

• Executive sponsor • Executive sponsorship • As required

• Project sponsor • Policy development • Training and communication

• 2 hours per week

• Project stakeholders • Process development• Data collection and validation• Training and communication

• Part time – as required in accordance with implementation plan

• Project manager • Core implementation team member• Participates in all sub-team


• Dedicated – 1-2 days per week

• Human resources • Policy development• Data collection and verification• Process development• Training and communication

• Part time – as required in accordance with implementation plan. +/- 5 hours per week

• Legal • Contract development• Policy development

• Dedicated - +/- 3 days per week during contract negotiation

• Finance/ accounts payable • Finance review• System testing• System interfaces

• Part time – as required in accordance with implementation plan. +/- 5 hours per week

• HR & accounts payable information systems groups

• System interfaces and system testing• Data collection and validation

• Part time – as required in accordance with implementation plan. +/- 5 hours per week

• Information systems • IT & data security • Part time – as required in accordance with implementation plan. +/- 5 hours per week

• Procurement • Contract development• Supplier vetting and

communication• Data collection and validation

• Part time – as required in accordance with implementation plan. +/- 5 hours per week

• Corporate communications • Training and communications • Part time – as required in accordance with implementation plan. +/- 5 hours per week18 Content property of Randstad SourcerightWednesday, June 19, 2013

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Polling question

Will your organization be implementing an RPO program in the next:

o 6 monthso 6-12 monthso 12+ monthso Undecided

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Challenges to plan for and overcome

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Primary challenges

Challenge Mitigation

Scope of influence • Engage champions across the business

Competing change initiatives • Understand the timeline and plan accordingly

Lack of resources • Leverage RPO provider’s resources and plan the time needed from company resources

Lack of clarity • Communication tailored to individual stakeholders

Poor communication • Consider the channels and frequency

Lack of executive support • Executive sponsor

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Pitfalls of skipping change management

Change Management Risks Results

Inconsistent messaging • Heightened resistance

Incomplete/incorrect messaging • Sabotage

Failure to engage the right audiences

• Lack of buy-in

Lack of management support of planned outcome

• Loss of morale

Absence of clearly defined vision • Lack of continuity

Not identifying change agents/ stakeholdersLack of empowerment of change agents

• Failure to achieve expected results

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Case study – lack of change management

Situation – client was concerned with the speed of implementation due to a recent acquisition- Change Management recommendations were set aside- Messaging was not delivered as planned

Results:- User community was not prepared for change- Training time was used to provide basic information on

the project, intent- Training time for each individual was doubled

- Pushback from the user community on the process and technology- Transition to new process took several weeks longer than planned

In the end, the implementation was successful, though it took longer than it could have with effective change management

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Hand-off to “go-live” operations and beyond

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Defining success post implementation

• Change management does not end with the completion of implementation

• Champions need to be continually cultivated and engaged and leveraged to support the change

• Governance structures need to be in place post go-live and escalation processes defined

• Inspect what you expect• Communication of successes, challenges, and

opportunities needs to be formalized for the length of the program

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Q & A

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• Founded in 2003

• Open to anyone in the HR Outsourcing and Transformation industry anywhere in the world: practitioner, buyer, provider, technology firm, advisor, consultant, or academic

• Mission to be the single recognized community for improving the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of outsourcing as part of an overall HR service delivery strategy.

About HROA