Download - Rotary Club of Kampala Naalya Weekly Bulletin

Page 1: Rotary Club of Kampala Naalya Weekly Bulletin


The Grace-

For Friendship and fellowship, we thank thee Lord; For what we are about to receive, may God make us truly thankful and ever mindful of the needs of others. Amen .

The Four Way test-

Of the things we think, say or do

1. Is it the TRUTH?

2. Is it FAIR to All Concerned?

3. Will it Build GOODWILL and Better Friendships?

4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to All Concerned?

The Object of Rotary

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

1. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;

2. High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;

3. The application of the ideal of ser-vice in each Rotarian's personal, busi-ness, and community life;

4. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.



Kampala North Nommo Gallery 6.00 pm

Kampala South Hotel Africana :6.00 pm

Mengo Pope Paul Club 12.45 pm

Kasangati Kasangati Resort 7:00 pm

Naguru Kati Kati 7:00 pm


Sunrise (Breakfast) Shanghai Hotel 7.00 am.

Bukoto Kabira Club 7.00 pm.

Rubaga Pope Paul Club 1.00 pm.

Makindye Shanghai 6.00 pm.

Kololo Hotel Africana 6.00 pm.

Bweyogerere Mamerito Hotel 6.30 pm


Entebbe Lake Victoria 7.00pm

Kyambogo Kireka Sports View 6.00pm

Kiwatule Kabira Club 7.00 pm

Kampala Central Hotel Africana 6.00 pm

Kampala West Shanghai 1.00 pm

Mukono Colline Hotel 7.00 pm

Nansana Ivory Hotel 7.00 pm

Portbell Silver Springs 7.00 pm

Muyenga Hotel Intern. 6:30 pm

Kajjansi Dream Guest Hse 7:00 pm

Kampala Naalya Ndere Centre 7:00 pm


Day Break Grand Imperial 7:00 am

Kampala Grand Imperial 1:00 pm

Kampala East Hotel Africana 7:00 pm

Kampala Ssese Nommo Gallery 6:00 pm

Bugolobi Hotel Royale 7:00 pm

Natete Rotary Ivy’s Hotel 7:00 pm

Seeta Rider Hotel 7:00 pm

Namugongo Abba Hotel 7:00 pm


Ntinda Nob View Hotel 7:00 pm

Kibuli Hotel Africana 6:00 pm

Kyengera Rose Gardens 7:00 pm

Muyenga Breeze Hotel Intern 6:30 pm


In 2014, Rotary members will gather to say G'day from Sydney. We will come together as

It was 109 years ago this month that Paul Harris and three of his friends founded the first Rotary club. His goal was simple: to create an oasis of friendship amid a city of strangers, with those who shared his values. Over time, the philosophy of Rotary developed and matured, and Rotarian ideals expanded to

include service, vocational ethics, and international understanding. As Rotary grew and spread, Paul Harris envisioned a world in which conflict would ultimately melt away – a world where personal connections and acceptance of differences would relegate war to history. If people could only come together in a spirit of friendship and tolerance, he felt, they would soon realize how much they had in common. Paul Harris was fortunate in his lifetime to see the Rotary idea take hold and establish itself in dozens of countries around the world. Every week, in 34,000 communities, his vision lives on in every Rotary club meeting. But nowhere in the world does Paul Harris' vision take life as vividly as it does at our annual Rotary International convention. At a convention, for a few short days, we see the world as Paul Harris imagined it: a world where men and women from every corner of the globe come together, to build peace, to serve others, and simply to enjoy one another's company. Differences of background, politics, culture, and religion are woven together, all part of one bright tapestry. It is an unforgettable experience. This year, I will have the tremendous privilege of presiding over the 105th Rotary International Convention in Sydney, 1-4 June. Sydney is a vibrant international hub, a gateway between East and West, and a wonderfully appropriate city to host a Rotary convention. It is tremendously diverse, rich in culture and history, and one of my favorite cities to visit; at once exciting and relaxed, it is a place where I know I will always feel at home – and always find something new to see and do. I hope you will join us as we celebrate our successes, look to the future, and discover new ways to Engage Rotary, Change Lives.





1. Message from RI President

2. Rotary Voices

3. Rotary Updates

4. Valentine

6. Club News

7. Profiles

8. Meeting dates


World Understanding Month

Page 2: Rotary Club of Kampala Naalya Weekly Bulletin


By Rtn Susan Mawemuko

“Building goodwill and better friendships” - RC Kampala-Naalya Style

What do the Rotary theme of “world understanding and peace” and valentines’ day have in common? Goodwill and friendship - as we found out during our valentines day ‘kasiki’ fellowship if I may call it that.

Last week’s fellowship was more vibrant than the usual – thanks to the high attendance of members, guests and visiting Rotarians. Infact you would be forgiven for mistaking it for a ‘Summit’ – what with the number of past, present and in-coming Presidents in the room. Our Guest Speaker was none other than Rotary International Director Sam Owori—also fondly referred to as the “Archbishop” of Rotary in Uganda. The topic was “world understanding and peace” and we could not have had a better speaker. RID Owori’s CV depicts “international understanding” and he brought meaning to the theme basing on his own global experience of Rotary. From his perspective, good will, empathy, friendship and partnership are critical for ‘world understanding and peace’.

Enter the gentlemen of RC Kampala-Naalya with their own version of “good will”. What would have been a normal fellowship turned out to be a celebration of friendship (see pics on pg 4 & 5). Although Valentine celebrations are traditionally reserved for romance, the guys in our club chose to show the lady Rotarians just how much they are valued with a “pre” Valentines’ day celebration. The sumptious cake, red wine and IPP Francis ‘waxing poetic’ left us swooning. It was a Fellowship to remember and an innovative way of “building good will and better friendships”. Thanks guys!

Rotary voices

RID Sam Owori (centre) poses with some of the past, present and incoming Presidents.

Club President

John Mugisa [email protected]

Club Secretary

Flavia Serugo [email protected]

Club Treasurer

Emmanuel Mwanja [email protected]


Our Guests last week

1. Rtn Margaret Okello—RC Naguru

2. Rtn Bryan Okedi—RC Kla Sunrise

3. Rtn David Kasingwire—RC Kampala

4. Rtn Grace Murindwa—RC Bukoto

5. Rtn Robert Mugaiga—RC Namu-gongo

6. Rtn Sheila Bwango—RC Bukoto

7. Mr. Lad Ategeka Amooti

Bishop Zac Niringiye Bishop Zac is the former Assistant Bishop of Kampala Diocese, of the Church of Uganda. He has had a distinguished career as a theologian, mission leader, pastor, counsellor, organizational development consultant and a good governance activist. At the heart

of his life and work is a passion for God’s Kingdom and His Mission.

Dr Niringiye holds an honors degree in Physics from Makerere University, a Masters degree in Theology from Wheaton College, USA, and a PhD in Theology and Mission History from Edinburgh University. He has written widely on theology, leadership and mission. He has also been instrumental in the founding of many organisations including: Kampala Evangelical School of Theology (KEST), Aclaim Africa (a leading leadership and management consulting firm) and Relate Communications, the pub-lishers of Relate magazine. He is also the winner of several awards including: the Billy Graham Scholarship Award 1985-1987; the Langham Foundation USA award, 1985-1987; the Wheaton College Christian Theology and History award, 1987; the Christian International Scholarship Foundation award, at Edinburgh University 1993-1997; and the Langham Trust Scholarship award at Edinburgh University 1993-1997.

Bishop Zac is married to Theodora and they have been blessed with three children – Joshua, Grace and Abigail.

Guest Speaker


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World Understanding and Peace

Our Guest Speaker last week was RID Sam Owori of RC Kampala-Arch. While speaking to the Rotary theme for February—RID Owori shared his global experience of Rotary, the challenges experienced and the lessons he had learned on a journey that spanned Mauritius, the USA, Mogadishu, Korea, Taiwan and Japan.

Below are some of the take-aways from his presentation:

World understanding and peace are nurtured through empathy and relation-ships. We will try to understand people only if we care about them.

One way of promoting wor ld understanding is through International service. International Service not only involves project partnerships between Clubs across continents but extends to the active engagement of Rotarians in the policy making organs of Rotary.

Africa remains under-represented within the RI organs and can only rectify this—through the expansion of Rotary in Africa and formation of more Rotary districts.

Uganda is one of the countries in Africa with the highest number of Rotary clubs and is more than qualified to become an independent District. Only by doing so—will we increase our leverage and voice at the RI level and subsequently enhance international understanding.

Our Guests last week 1. RID Sam Owori—RC Kampala Arch

2. AG Grace Kabuye—RC Kyengera

3. Rtn Robert Rutaagi -RC Kampala Arch

4. Pres. Cox Anguzu—RC Namugongo

5. Pres. John Musungu—RC Naguru

6. Pres. Ruth Kavuma—RC Kla Ssese

7. PP Hilda Mugoya—RC Makindye

8. Rtn Moses Arorwa - RC Naguru

9. Rtn Fred Kabuye—RC Kyengera

10. Rtn Charles Okolong RC Bweyogerere

11. Rtn Mildred Bahemuka—RC Kasangati

12. Rtn Charles Ochola—RC Namugongo

13. RCT Abraham—RCT Mengo

14. Mr. Francis Lubulwa—Inflate Africa

15. Mr. Tinyefuza Turyamureeba

16. Ms. Rinah Nsangi—Delight Supplies

17. Ms. Fiona Drakuma—GEM Engineering

18. Ms. Allen Agaba Imongit—COU

19. Dr. Kasadhakawo—Mulago Hospital

20. Mr. Justin Okello—Mulago Hospital

21. Ms. Brenda Ajok—Nsambya Hospital

22. Mr. Charles Owekmeno—AMICALL

23. Ms. Nsangi

Take– Aways from last week’s fellowship

“The hearts of men must so be touched and molded that mutual understanding and

goodwill will take the place of fear and hatred” —Paul Harris.


109 years old !! Vive le Rotary !

On 23 February 1905, Paul P. Harris, Gustavus Loehr, Silvester Schiele, and Hiram E. Shorey gathered in Loehr’s office for what would become known as the first Rotary club meeting.

Harris’s desire for camaraderie among business associates brought together these four men and eventually led to an international organization of service and fellowship.


Register Now

2014 Rotary International Convention

Sydney, Australia 1-4 June 2014

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EKITOOBERO: Valentines at RC Kampala

Rotary has Heart


: Valentines at RC Kampala-Naalya

Rotary has Heart