Download - Root Canal Treatment In Uttar Pradesh | India


Root Canal Treatment....Beautiful smile

with you forever

Root canal treatment, also known asendodontic treatment, is a dental procedure

in which the diseased or damaged pulp(core) of a tooth is removed and the insideareas (the pulp chamber and root canals)

are filled and sealed. Once the tooth issufficiently cleaned out and as sterile as

possible, the root canal system is sealed off.

Root Canal Symptoms

Severe toothache pain uponchewing or application etc.You have noticed gum tendernessand/or swelling in the area aroundthe tooth

Pain is always associated with root canals, butshould actually be little to no pain during the

procedure. The procedure is not for cosmetics, butrather your health. The root canal procedure is

successful over 92 percent of the time. The biggestadvantage is that the tooth will not need to be

extracted in the future.
