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Page 1: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10

our annual sleep issue … including our favorite new sleep products!



… take our quiz to find out!

are you sleep deprived?

eat, drink and be sleepy? foods that help you sleep

how to... fall asleep faster! create a bedroom with 5-star comfort! fight bed bugs!

Page 2: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


a good night’s sleep… takes a little preparation! Our ancestors... of the cavemen and campfire variety, really had it right. Sitting

around the fire at night with little to do tell a few stories, their lives had a natural

rhythm. They simply followed the sun and moon, letting the sky dictate when it

was time to call it a day or rise and shine.

Since then, Thomas Edison brought us the light

bulb, making it possible to stay active all night. Our

TV sets brought us a 24/7 schedule of entertain-

ment and the Blackberry lets us stay connected to

everyone and everything.

Sitting around a campfire—doing nothing before

bedtime—sounds positively medieval today. It‟s

even hard to fathom, considering our more usual

practice of falling headfirst into bed at night,

uneasily aware of how few hours we left for sleep.

Most of us have accepted our chronically over-tired

state as the way things are. But even just a little

more attention to where we sleep, what we sleep on

and what we do before we sleep can make a big difference to our well-being.

In this issue, we share our favorite new sleep products, invite you to test your

sleep deprivation quotient (!) or to check out some easy ways to fall asleep faster,

create a 5-star bedroom and keep bed bugs away!


about roomplanners is

committed to making profes-sional quality interior design

easier and more affordable.

We invite you to visit our web site to browse hundreds

of rooms for ideas, rate your

own rooms or to take our survey to identify your

environmental personality

profile. We offer a variety of

free home decorating arti-

cles, a no-fail paint color selection system and an ar-

ray of RoomCues™... con-

cise, practical guides to help you pull together a look you


Find us online at:


on the cover If you regularly try to catch more zzz‟s between

the blaring of your snooze alarm, you‟re not alone.

We‟re more sleep deprived

than ever before. But if

you‟re up for taking con-trol of your sleep habits,

read on… our September issue is devoted to the right

sleep habits… and products!

Loreen Epp President, RoomPlanners Inc.

All written information herein is copyright ©2010 Room Planners Incorporated. All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means without written permission from Room Planners Inc..

Page 3: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


According to Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent

Medicine, teens are averaging 6.5 to 7.5 hours of

sleep a night. That‟s well below the 9-10 hours

generally recommended by sleep and health experts.

Inadequate sleep doesn‟t just make kids sluggish or

tired. Kids need enough REM sleep to secrete their

hGH, or human growth hormone. Without this

hormone, they‟ll be less able to remember what

they‟re learning, grow, focus, drive or fight obesity.

Here are 3 ways to improve your child’s sleep!

Cut caffeine intake at least 5 hours before bed.

(Some experts recommend cutting caffeine

intake by 2:30 pm). That includes soft drinks,

coffee and some energy drinks.

Shut down the computer an hour before bed-

time. Research indicates the light of computers

may delay secretion of the hGH hormone

(tricking the brain into thinking its still daytime

and slowing the rate of falling asleep)! Help kids

use their hour before bedtime for reading,

relaxing, praying, listening to music, quiet

conversation, going for a walk or family time.

Model the behavior and habits you wan your

children to have. Shut off all TVs and computers

by 10 pm, or enforce a quiet hour for everyone.

Kids pick up on parents habits; going to bed late

or watching TV makes them want to do the


For more tips on improving kids‟ sleep, click here:

did you know?

According to those who are buying them, a new bed is

apt to be better than the old one.

A full 72% of respondents in a Consumer Reports study

said their new mattress improved

their sleep. Those who spent at

least 10 minutes lying on a bed

before buying it were more likely

to be satisfied with their choice

than those who didn‟t.


kids need sleep!

how do you measure up? How much sleep do we really need?

# of hours

Age Min Max

1—3 12 14

3—5 11 13

5—13 10 11

13—19 9 10

20+ 7.5 9

Curious if you‟re getting

too little or too much

sleep at night? Check the

sleep chart to the left; it

shows the minimum and

maximum sleep quota

recommendations by age.

Kids need a lot of sleep

during their growth years,

since sleep activates

growth hormones. Adults

need less sleep, but a lot

more than many of them

get! And yes, there is a

maximum! Too much

sleep makes us lethargic.

new bedrooms offer high ROI

A depressed housing

market may not be the

ideal time to sell a

house… but it‟s the

ideal time to improve it!

So how does a „bedroom

re-do‟ rank on the latest

Return On Investment

(ROI) data for home

improvement projects?

(ROI is the amount of

money you‟ll recoup on

a home improvement project when you sell your home).

Converting a 15‟ x 15‟ attic space to a functional

bedroom (with closet and full bathroom) will bring an

83% ROI, according to Remodeling magazine.

Adding a 400 square foot bedroom suite and spa-like

bath on the main floor will bring as much as a 73%

ROI (… the large aging population is less interested

in climbing stairs to get to their bedroom!). Want an

even higher return? Make sure the laundry room is on

the same level… and build a private deck or patio off

that bedroom!

In comparison to a bedroom addition, an outdoor

deck will bring as much as a 92% ROI; a kitchen will

bring a 75%-85% ROI.

Page 4: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


We‟re getting less sleep

than ever before.

But before we blame the

counting sheep for poor

leadership from #1... #8

being out of sequence... or

#86 too depressed to even

think about jumping fences

tonight, it behooves us to at

least consider what the

flock is facing.

They know we‟re sleeping

fewer hours.. and so tired

we don‟t always need

them. But they‟re also up

against a growing trend

toward insomnia, with

more of us lying awake

with plenty on our mind

besides them. The ups and

downs of the economy

alone are enough to keep

us wide awake. That‟s not

to mention fears of losing

our job or house, or other

personal issues competing

with our time to dream.

Those late nights trysts

with our computers aren‟t

helping either. Stimulating

our minds and illuminating

our brains isn‟t exactly a

good thing to do at night.

Studies are suggesting that

being up close and personal

with a highly lit computer

screen may decrease our

production of melatonin -

the hormone that goes into

high gear when the sun

goes down, sprinkling sleep

dust on us in the dark.


prescriptions are

on the rise as we

spend less time

in bed...

and more time

awake once we

get there!

The bottom line? Recent

stats say 70% of us have

sleep issues (up from 60%

just 10 years ago!). Still

others just have really bad

nocturnal habits.

The good news is that 50%

of us with sleep disorders

(and 100% of us with really

bad nocturnal habits) don‟t

need medication. We can

cure ourselves. But it will

mean getting 7.5-9 hours of

sleep every night.

In exchange, we‟ll feel

better, be healthier,

smarter, thinner and even

better looking (more sleep

can make us look 3 years

younger!). We may even let

the sheep take the credit.

Sleeping on a comfortable

mattress is the best way to

fall asleep faster. But we‟ve

got plenty more good ideas

on the next page!

Counting a line of sheep jumping a picket fence is believed to be such a mundane, mind-numbing activity that our bodies will choose to sleep instead. Or so the theory goes. The practice is surprisingly widespread and embedded, so to speak, in American, European and Japanese cultures. So much so that it‟s synonymous with insomnia.

So does it work? Some (including the wooly herd itself) insist that the simplicity and repetition of this mental activity will indeed lull us to sleep. It may even tire our eyes, fueling the much-coveted rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. But others believe it‟s too much mental work for nighttime. Stimulating the mind, they argue, will stimulate the body and envisioning, say, a waterfall is a better choice. Still others, including sleep experts, say that a comfortable, supportive mattress will reduce the need to do either.

But by now, we know better than to expect #1 and his flock to take that idea lying down. So expect the counting sheep to keep insisting they be the last thing we think about at night.

will counting sheep help us fall asleep?

how to

faster! fall asleep

Get full sheep bios at

Serta® and the Counting Sheep

are registered trademarks of

Serta, Inc.

Page 5: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


… not this!

Get plenty of exercise during the day; the earlier in the day,

the better.

Do muscle relaxation or mind relaxation exercises to cue your body that it‟s time to power down.

Go to bed as soon after it gets dark as possible. Our oldest

ancestors did this. Animals do this. Our body naturally goes into repair mode when the sun goes down.

Establish a relaxing routine before bedtime; include some

quiet time in your bedroom before turning out the lights.

Listen to 30 minutes of music; it‟s been shown to produce same effect as 10mg of Valium! Gentle classical music is best.

New age, soft jazz or pop ballades, also good. Save Led Zeppelin for the a.m.

Eat melatonin-rich foods. (More about this on page 17).

Meditate or pray before you sleep; it‟s calming and can help

take your mind off our worries.

Block unwanted noise in your bedroom. Complete silence is

best for deep sleep, but party animals or street sounds can be dulled with white noise machines or quiet music.

Play soothing sounds of waves or wind from a CD, nature

sound machine, sound pillow or sound eye mask.

Turn down the thermostat. The cooler your bedroom, the

better you‟ll sleep. Seventy degrees is maximum, less is better.

Invest in a top quality pillow, mattress and bed linens. If

there‟s one place you should pay more than you ever thought you would, it‟s on this troika of support and comfort.

Sleep on a Perfect Sleeper™ or Perfect Day™ mattress; their

advanced sleep materials and technology will support your spine, alleviate pressure points, conform to your body and

dissipate heat and moisture.

Use more than one pillow per person on your bed; extra head

or body pillows create a cocoon of comfort.

Layer extra blankets on your bed; if you get too hot or cold in

the night, you can add or delete without getting out of bed.

Make your bed in the morning; it‟ll be much easier to align

your sheets and get comfortable when you go to bed.

Wear clothes that fit loosely and comfortably; choose non-allergenic, non-restrictive fabrics. Less is usually more.

Wear socks in bed. They can compensate for poor circulation

and reduce wake-ups from cold feet... your‟s or your partners.

Use a drop of scented oil or spray on your pillow. Vanilla, lavender, peppermint, jasmine are among the most calming.

roomplanners + = ideas you can use

… do this!

want to doze off sooner? (and dream deeper?)

Eat a heavy bedtime snack. Some sleep experts even suggest stopping eating 3 hours before bedtime.

Eat heavy or spicy foods before sleeping. They‟ll stay with you,

causing indigestion, stomach acid and discomfort.

Consume nicotine or caffeine; they‟re stimulants.

Consume sugar, including alcohol. Alcohol will make you feel

drowsy, but you‟ll wake up wide-eyed and bushy tailed a few

hours later.

Drink a lot of fluids within 2 hours of bedtime. Unless you

enjoy trekking to the bathroom in the dark; not a good idea.

Read books or watch late movies that are very suspenseful or

scary. Our minds will dream up their own wacky stuff; we don‟t

need to fuel the surreal or work up our imaginations!

Watch the news after 7 pm. Ditto the point above. Watch the

early news, then give current events a rest.

Stay up when you feel tired; getting a second wind to work or

watch TV may seem like a windfall, but it ignores natural body

cues that help us sleep.

Sleep with light. Even small LED lights can be distracting. Use

light-blocking blinds, turn clocks away from your bed or wear an

eye mask for complete darkness.

Exercise strenuously within 2-3 hours before bedtime; a good

work-out also gets us worked up.

Sleep on a mattress with lumps, crevices or old sleep

technology.. Mattresses older than 7-10 years really do need to

be replaced. Really.

Sleep on a bed that’s too small. Bumping into a partner,

elbowing the wall or dangling your feet off the end of your bed really does a number on REM sleep.

Argue or have upsetting conversations after dinner. People,

situations or issues that press your buttons can wait until the morning.

Pay taxes or balance your checkbook right before you sleep. We

don‟t think we need to explain why this is a bad idea.

Use the computer late at night. The light emitted may delay or

suppress that shot of melatonin you need.

Think about how badly you need to sleep; unfortunately it‟ll just

cause more worry and less sleep.

Take a lot of medications. Some drugs interfere with natural

sleep patterns in the body. The fewer you take, the better.

Go to bed at a different time each night. Establish a routine and stick with it, even on weekends!

Page 6: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


bed bugs

don’t let

bite! It‟s near epidemic. Bed

bugs are infesting hotels,

offices, stores and theaters.

The ultimate hitchhikers,

bed bugs can cross your

threshold many ways…

along with overnight guests

who‟ve spent a night in a

hotel, inside your luggage

after you’ve spent a night in

a hotel, on your clothes

after a few hours shopping

or at the movie theater... or

even through the walls of a

neighboring suite.

Books and articles on these

stealthy critters reads like a

vampire novel. Their eggs

are invisible... they can live

up to a year without a

blood meal… their bites

look different on different

people (making a bed bug

problem hard to diagnose)

… they live anywhere we

do and especially like

burrowing deep into our

mattress... a single bug can

lay 4 or 5 eggs a day (300-

500 eggs in a lifetime!)...

they‟re good at hiding;

their flat shape lets them

squeeze in and out of tight

hiding places… they don‟t

need a nest, just a place to

hide… they head for the

bed when we do, but may

hang out elsewhere

between meals… and a

safe pesticide to eradicate

these thirsty predators isn‟t

available yet.

The widespread use of

DDT all but eradicated the

common bed bug in the

1940s and '50s. But DDT

was banned in 1972 as too

toxic to wildlife. By the

late 1990s, bed bugs had

developed resistance to the

chemicals that replaced


In addition, a 1996 law that

required older pesticides to

be re-evaluated based on

more stringent health stan-

dards left exterminators

with fewer pesticides avail-

able to fight these strong,

stealthy pests.

More of a nuisance than a

health hazard, bed bugs are

nonetheless stressful and

their bites remarkably

itchy. An exterminator can

rid your home of them

(never spray your mattress

with insecticides yourself!).

But that can get expensive

fast. Keeping bed bugs out

of your house is always

your first course of action.

And if you do get them?

Address the problem right


Better yet, don’t let them anywhere near your home.


Page 7: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


how to know if you have bed bugs!

Determining if you have a bed bug infestation can be a challenge. Bed bugs are very small (about the size of an ap-

ple seed), they like to hide and only make an appearance for a brief period. Here are the top ways to tell if your

room is infested:

look for dark blood marks, usually small streaks on sheets.

look for the bugs or their shells where they like to hide... between mattress crevices, seams and handles, inside bed

linens, curtains, furniture, behind headboards, picture frames, outlets or screw heads.

lay double-sided carpet tape in strips around the perimeter of your room. If you have bed bugs, you‟ll likely see one

or more of them stuck to the tape after a few days.

inspect your arms and legs for close-together bites; often in a row.

Once bed bugs are in your home, it’s stressful and expensive to get ride of them. Stave off these crea-tures by taking preventative action! 1. Wash new or used sheets or clothes in very hot water before placing in closets or drawers. 2. Wash clothes in very hot water after being in pub-lic places (theaters, hotels) or in other people‟s homes. If you work in other people‟s homes for a living, leave clothing or uniforms in a sealed bag. 3. Avoid buying used furniture; bed bugs can hide anywhere. Never bring a used mattress into your home, unless it‟s from your previous home. 4. Carry a small flashlight to inspect your hotel room’s bed, headboard and sheets. Wrap suitcases in sealed plastic garbage bags during your stay. 5. Shake out suitcases over the bathtub when you get home from hotels, or leave empty suitcases in a hot car for a day or two to kill bugs and eggs. 6. Wrap your mattress in a mattress protector that‟s been vigorously tested to resist and kill bed bugs. 7. Avoid a cluttered home; it gives bed bugs more places to hide and makes them hard to find. 8. Watch regularly for bed bugs (and their signs) in your home. Early detection saves money and a lot of stress.

Left to right: a bed bug / bed bugs infesting a mattress seam / bed

bug bites.

9 ways to avoid bed bugs!

Page 8: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


“When we sleep, our brains are active

- their activity is essential… to the

consolidation of memories, to learning,

to cognitive development,

to psychiatric health and to a

healthy immune system.”

Henry J. Kaiser Foundation Report

are you...

sleep deprived?

Page 9: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


take our quiz to find out... If you need to place the alarm clock across the room to wake you, you may be one of a growing number

of us who are chronically over-tired. See for yourself how your sleep habits stack up!


85 points of higher. Congratulations! You‟ve got above average sleep habits! You may occasionally crave more sleep

than you get, but you‟re doing more right than wrong.

65-70 points. Some simple adjustments in your sleep habits will increase your focus, energy, memory and overall


50-65 points. You may be suffering from a sleep disorder… or just poor nocturnal habits. Try simple changes to your

routine or consult a sleep expert.

Under 50 points. You may be dozing off as you read this! If you can‟t get more sleep using the tips in this sleep issue,

consult a sleep expert or a medical doctor.

Many people think that 5

or 6 hours of sleep every

night is all they need. After

all, they get through the

day without falling asleep

at their desks or behind the

wheel; that must mean

they‟re getting enough


But according to sleep

experts, we get almost all

of our rapid eye movement

(REM) sleep between the

7th and 8th consecutive

hour of sleep. REM sleep is

that deep sleep when our

mind repairs and restores

itself… and us!

“REM sleep occurs about

every 90 minutes,” says Dr.

James Maas, MD and

sleep expert. He explains

that periods of REM sleep

get longer as the night

progresses. “If you‟re a six-

hour sleeper, you‟re

missing the last important

opportunity to repair and

to prepare for the coming


To make matters worse,

sleeping pills suppress

REM sleep. Natural sleep

(...and plenty of it) is what

the doctor orders!

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

1. I need an alarm clock to wake me at the right time.

2. I hit the snooze button at least once or twice.

3. I need more than one cup of coffee to get me going

in the morning.

4. I easily forget things, including names of people or


5. I eat sugar to feel more energetic.

6. I feel irritable or impatient.

7. I have a hard time being creative.

8. I fantasize about sleeping in.

9. When I wake up, I’m already looking forward to

going to bed that evening.

10. I take medication to help me sleep.

11. I fall asleep right after dinner.

12. I feel drowsy when driving.

13. On weekends, I sleep 2 hours or more later than

my weekday wake-up time.

14. People tell me that I look tired or have dark circles

under my eyes.

15. I have nightmares or wake up suddenly.

16. I wake up 2 or more times during the night.

17. I drool when I sleep.

18. I get twitches in one eye.

19. I fall asleep reading a book or studying.

20. I doze off during quiet movies, lectures, classes or

concerts, even ones I enjoy.


Page 10: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


But before you hit the

mattress store or haul out

the drop cloth, there‟s just

one more thing.

To really recreate a 5-star

ambiance, it‟s worth know-

ing that 5-star ambiance

isn‟t about a beautiful

room. (Well, it is too. You

wouldn‟t want to be in a

room that wasn‟t fabulous

to look at.) But it‟s about

much, much more.

Ever walked into a hotel

room that you wanted to

take home with you? Or

been at a world-class spa

that that you didn‟t ever

want to leave? Ever?

What if we could feel as

relaxed in our own home

as we do in these places

professionally designed to

relax us? Is it possible?

Could we leave behind the

personal clutter and real-

world limitations that deny

us such an oasis of calm?

Is it possible? Even with-

out those big budgets and

those hip designers resorts

have access to?

In a word, yes. But it does

mean paying very close

attention to the finer

points of relaxation!

Bedrooms are about the

body. But designing a

room for the body is as

much bout designing it for

the mind. Relaxed minds

become relaxed bodies!

The right sights, sounds,

smells and textures do so

much more than give luxu-

rious rooms their 5-star

rating. It also makes them

feel as good as they look.

World-class hotels know

that a room designed to

relax you is as much about

making you feel healthy as

it is about impressing you

with thread counts, mini

bars and views of the city

(or the very fancy ensuite!)

Without a healthy rest,

you‟re not coming back…

no matter how pretty the

bedspread or how swell-

smelling the shampoo.

More than ever before,

we‟re valuing the benefits

of a good night‟s sleep to

our health. A beautiful

bedroom means nothing if

it doesn‟t also help us

sleep. But with the right

product choices, beauty

and health can go hand-in-


On that front, we‟ve got

some ideas to get you

inspired. Read on!

your bedroom... as relaxing as a

first class hotel room?

Page 11: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


Its modern design is very chic! But the new Embody, by Sealy, is

also the first mattress to integrate Polartec® into the top layer!

This breathable fabric wicks away moisture while you sleep, com-plimenting layers of memory foam or latex with anti-microbial

properties. Translation? It looks and feels as good as it is for you.

here’s how! 5-star comfort

Want hotel-inspired décor in your own bedroom? Find out what hotel designers spend their time and money on!

There‟s a reason why we

feel relaxed and rejuvenated

in chic hotels. For once, we

don‟t come face to face with

all of our stuff!

A slightly depersonalized,

clutter-free room is surpris-

ingly calming: we feel less

weighed down or attached

to our problems. Dispense

with paperwork, stacked

clothes, cords or ornaments

in favor of an open view.

It‟s not just the universal

appeal of contemporary,

sleek design that makes it

the style of choice in most

resort hotels. Clean lines,

tailored shapes and under-

stated design prepares us for

rest. With less for our eyes

and minds to look at, we

feel more relaxed.

Japanese-inspired décor is a favorite inspiration, not just because it goes along with

1. Indulgences

Today, luxurious hotels are

more about making us feel

pampered than surround-

ing us with glamour.

What‟s too fancy doesn‟t

relax us; it makes us

nervous to touch anything!

Look for ways to surround

yourself with creature

comforts—bottled water

next to the bed, a coffee

maker, plush bathrobes on

a hook or in the closet, a

large floor mirror or com-

fortable chair. Think of

yourself as a guest in your

own room!

2. High-touch materials

Our bedrooms let us get up

close and personal with

touchable textures—from

luxurious silk sheets to

nubby area rugs. Use fab-

rics that beg to be touched!

3. Banning clutter

a 5-star bedroom

our top tips Put yourself at easy with these hotel designer tricks!

Use a monochromatic scheme, or the same color on the wall, ceiling and floor for an enveloping, „cocoon‟ effect.

Use neutral colors for large areas and accents. Without jarring color contrasts, we feel calmer. Choose chic (cool) or organic (warm) neutrals.

Choose contemporary furniture; it takes less effort to clean, or look at!

Eliminate clutter and put away knickknacks. Large accents are more quieting.

Add a comfortable place to sit that‟s not the bed.

Lean an oversized floor mirror on a wall next to a window. It reflects relax-ing daylight into the room.

Invest in high-thread-count white sheets; you‟ll notice the difference in the quality... and white al-ways feels indulgent!

make your bed the way hotels do…. pull the com-forter halfway back and stack (instead of propping up) a double set of pillows.

invest in sights, sounds and scents that detox and decompress… a water fountain or aromatherapy.

create long, low horizontal lines; they simulate the horizon line - relaxing and stabilizing us.

roomplanners + = ideas you can use

Asian hot stone therapies and Zen gardens! The Japanese are known for their contemplative, calming ways. They don‟t make a big statement with bright colors or fancy features. Simplicity makes a much more powerful one!

4. Breathability

Even more important than a

bedroom that takes our

breath away is one that

gives it back to us! Good

ventilation, a ceiling fan or

cross breeze from windows

will help put us to sleep.

We breathe deeply when we

relax and sleep, making it

critical to breathe in healthy

air, free of odors. Sleeping

surfaces should be free of

formaldehyde and ozone-

depleting chemicals.

We need a sleep surface that

breathes too; it helps regu-

late our body temperature.

A breathable mattress, such

as Sealy‟s new Embody, will

reduce clammy moisture at

night for a drier, healthier


Page 12: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


bedroom style? looking for the perfect

Hotel-style bedrooms are luxurious, quiet and

self-contained. They offer

a complete retreat from

the world, especially if

fitted with everything

needed for a night… and

day of sleep and relaxa-

tion. Hotel-style rooms

blend chic and organic

personalities… and look

inspired by chic, 5-star

urban hotels and luxuri-

ous spas.

Download our 24-pg

Hotel-style RoomCue for

advice on how to pull

together this urban,

sophisticated style.

Zen-style bedrooms are low-key, natural and

organic. They offer calm-

ing sights and soothing

sounds that quiet body

and mind. Nothing

distracts us here; these

rooms are as conducive to

meditation and relaxation

as they are to sleep. Zen-

styled rooms are 100%

organic and look inspired

by Japanese gardens and

world-class spas.

Download our 24-pg

Hotel-style RoomCue for

advice on how to pull

together this nature-

inspired, organic style.

Like a recipe for your room, our 24-pg

RoomCues™ will help you pull together

the furniture, accessories, paint colors and

much more for your favorite style. 2 sleep-inspiring looks for your personal place

RoomCue: Zen style / 24-pg / $12.95 Click here to find out more:

RoomCue: Hotel style / 24-pg / $12.95 Click here to find out more:

Page 13: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


The first of its kind, as far

as we know, Our Favorite

New Sleep Products list

includes a range of new

ideas and solutions for our

most private of places and

activities. But one thing

runs through all our top

picks… a belief in better

sleep and relaxation

through innovation and

good design.

So how do you pick the

best new sleep products

from the many, many new

bedding products intro-

duced each year?

It‟s not easy. Our plan of

attack? Use three criteria to

pick our favorites.

First, each top pick had to

have a story… something

that made it relevant to

today… a solution to a

common sleep problem,

the best example of a

changing sleep trend, a

commitment to preserving

the environment or a way

to save money or space.

Second, our favorite new

sleep products had to be

durable. More of us want

to surround ourselves with

the best quality at the best

price. And none of us buys

new sleep products often

enough to merit trendy

purchases, so we insisted

on finding new products

with longevity.

Finally, we wanted to be

caught off-guard with

something really fresh and

different… something that

would make more of us get

excited about replacing that

old, worn-down mattress

and about making our

bedroom a favorite place to

spend more time!

A lot of new mattresses

come to market every year.

And a lot of them look and

seem much the same. But

with more attention on our

national sleep debt,

suppliers of sleep products

outdid themselves this


We really think you‟ll love

what you see. Read on!

...they’ll help you bring on the zzz’s

9 favorite new

products sleep


Page 14: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10



2 This lower-priced, compact

alternative to a Murphy

bed… ideal for small

homes or guest rooms!

The unique ZzZ cabinet

bed, by Arason holds a

standard-sized mattress.

The sleeping platform is

made by folding down the

front panel onto felt-

covered extension runners.

A couple of things we liked

about this innovative idea.

It‟s a free standing cabinet

so there‟s no installation

required and you can take

it with you when you

move. It‟s got drawers at

the base of the footboard—

big enough to hold pillows,

extra sheets or guest towels.

The unit is easy to open

and a lot nicer than sleep-

ing on an air mattress on

the floor!

The shorter cabinet creates

usable storage space on the

shelf above... and you

If you‟re up for a mattress

that‟s beautiful, inside and

out, this one might be your

perfect choice. Using the most advanced

comfort and support tech-

nologies to date, Perfect

Day, by Serta, is a top-of-

the-line mattress designed

to address common sleep

problems—from tossing

and turning to temperature

swings. It combines tem-

perature regulating latex

foam and fibers that regu-

late the sleep surface tem-

perature….with a flexible,

pillow-soft coil core. This

smart, medically proven

sleep technology ensures a

good night‟s sleep… and

next day.

But all that good stuff

aside, this is one pretty

mattress. The clean, dia-

mond-quilted finish, white

crystal fabric along the

mattress edges and sophis-

ticated, charcoal-colored

box spring looks luxurious

and sophisticated.

We also think you‟ll like

the perfectly positioned

handles near the top and

bottom of the mattress for

ease of handling.

the perfect night… the perfect next day

a bed for a tight spot

don‟t have to move what‟s

up there to use the bed.

The ZzZ cabinet is avail-

able in twin, full or queen

sizes. The queen and full

sizes have a center support

runner so the platform can

support up to 500 pounds! Five styles and a variety of

finishes are available…

Perfect Day, by Serta ZzZ Chest Cabinet

new sleep products!

Page 15: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10



3 A new line of progressive

latex and memory foam

mattresses offer a sleek,

contemporary design that

looks and feels as good as

it is for you.

Embody, by Sealy, is also

the first mattress to use

Polartec® in its top layer

for extra air circulation

and breathability (…five

times more breathable

than leading foam mat-

tresses, Sealy executives

told us). This miracle fab-

ric is already well-known

for its ability to circulate

air. That makes it as ideal

for a mattress as for ap-

parel; it‟ll help regulate

body temperature all night

long and wick away

moisture to ensure a dry,

healthy sleep.

This new mattress was

Want to enjoy warm

candlelight in your bed-

room without worrying

about burning down the

house down if you fall

asleep, knock the candles

over or place them too

close to curtains?

We recently came across

Enjoy Lighting candles:

they‟re flameless but

remarkably lifelike because

they‟re made of wax. But

instead of embedded wicks

for burning, there‟s 3 LED

bulbs… programmed to

create a realistic flickering

effect. The bulbs simulate

the kind of dancing shad-

wax candles... without the house fire! ows that a real flame


The company cites over

15,000 house fires each

year caused by wicked

candles. But apart from

eliminating the fire risk,

wickless candles are 100%

safe around children and

pets, save on replacement

candle costs, eliminate soot

on walls and melted wax

on furniture or carpets.

Their LED bulbs will last

over 100,000 hours. The web site displays an

impressive variety of styles,

colors, textures and scents

to choose from.

also constructed with anti-

microbial fabrics to resist

dust mites and allergens,

while providing a natural

shield against microbes.

We also liked the stream-

lined, modern design; a

refreshing change to plush

pillow top mattresses.

The upholstery-like fabric

cover looks sleek and feels

durable, and the dark-

colored box-spring is a nice


There‟s also a few unex-

pected extras… a side

pocket in the foundation is

handy for storing a maga-

zine, book or other bedside


Enjoy Candles

Embody, by Sealy http://

breathe easy with Polartec™

Page 16: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10



6a pillow with comfort and support

a bug-proof bed cover

For those who like

memory foam pillows, but

miss the cushy comfort of

a soft down pillow, your

wait is over.

The new BioSense™

Better Than Down

pillow, from Brookstone,

has been re-engineered to

combine the support of a

memory foam pillow with

The right mattress cover will

protect your mattress from

dust mites, bacteria, mold…

and bed bugs!

By encasing your mattress

completely, bed bugs will die

in 12-18 months. While even

the best mattress cover won‟t

keep bed bugs out of your

room, it‟ll keep them from

ruining it. It also forces them

to move to more places

where you can spot them.

Total Mattress Encasement,

by Mattress Safe, is water-

proof, fire retardant and well-

tested (Certified) against bed

bugs. While some mattress

covers allow bed bugs to

escape through zipper teeth

and zipper endings, Mattress

Safe is one of few brands

that will not. Their „zipper

with a hook‟ technology

won‟t let these stealthy crit-

ters through. The cover is

breathable and will stretch to

fit up to a 22” mattress.

The encasement must stay

on to kill bed bugs, but the

company‟s Duo System

includes a simple overlay

that can be washed.

the softness of a down

pillow. Essentially, a mem-

ory foam core sits inside a

sleeping bag-like cover

filled with a plush, down-

like microfiber that‟s 100%

hypo-allergenic. The fabric

shell can be removed for


Well-known for its ability

to relieve pressure points

by conforming to the exact

contours of our body

shape, memory foam also

resets itself once we get up,

leaving no permanent in-


We liked that the pillow‟s

memory foam is perforated

with small holes. This ven-

tilated design allows air to

flow through the pillow so

it adjusts to your body tem-

perature. The foam itself is

made with green tea,

charcoal and seed oil for

natural odor resistance.

The new pillow collection

features a neck pillow

(rolled surface) for back

sleepers, a contoured neck

pillow (one side cut in a

concave shape) for side

sleepers or in a classic

shape (standard pillow


5 Watching TV or surfing

the Internet aren‟t things

sleep experts recommend

we do in bed. But we‟re

doing it anyway… so why

not be comfortable!

The latest adjustable bed

to hit the market is the best

we‟ve seen to date. Most

adjustable beds are really

adjustable bases with a

regular mattress on top.

But the new Vivon Life

Positional Mattress is

actually an adjustable

mattress. In other words,

the frame and the mattress

work together to adjust

positions. A variety of

positions allow the feet to

be elevated and the back

angled, making laptop

work, reading or watching

TV easier. No more bunch-

ing pillows behind you to

the first adjustable mattress create a more comfortable

sitting position! The

mattress unit also in-

cludes a vibrating mas-


Available in stores soon.

BioSense™ Better Than Down pillow, by Brookstone

Total Mattress Encasement,

by Mattress Safe

removable overlay

Vivon adjustable mattress

Page 17: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10




For the fully half of U.S.

consumers who prefer a

softer feeling mattress…

but don‟t want to sacrifice

support, TempurPedic now

offers their TEMPUR-

Cloud™ mattress. And

this blend of soft and firm

has quickly become the

company‟s best seller,

according to company


TempurPedic developed

the mattress for consumers

who want a softer mattress,

but their goal was to

eliminate problems often

associated with softer

mattresses, including

bunching, sagging and

pre-mature wear.

Mattresses in the Cloud

Collection include an extra

thick layer of a new

Today‟s mattresses are

getting deeper and more

luxurious. Even those of us

not buying new mattresses

may be adding comfortable

toppers to our mattresses.

The result? Standard-sized

sheet sets are problematic.

Even ‟deep pocket‟ sheets

can be too shallow for the

most luxurious, specialty

foam beds.

If you‟re having problems

keeping sheets on the bed,

we found a solution.

DreamFit™ Luxury Sheets

are designed to stay on

your mattress, whatever

it‟s depth. The company is

so sure about that, in fact,

that they‟re even trade-

marking their guarantee

under Guaranteed to Fit™

and Guaranteed to Stay

On™ names.

The sheet sets combine

high quality materials with

a patented technology and

a choice of seven luxury

and comfort levels.

The company‟s patented

strap design includes a

high performance elastic

(four times wider and 20

times stronger than stan-

TEMPUR-ES™ material

designed to create the

softest, most responsive

sleep surface in the

company‟s history.

But this new pillow-like

material works in combina-

tion with the TEMPUR

Support layer… famous

for conforming to the

contours of the body, sup-

porting and aligning the

spine, relieving pressure

points and reducing move-

ment disturbances between



mattresses include a

removable, washable cover

with a stretchable top,

MicroSuede sides and

accent piping.

a mattress for the other half of us!

sheets that stay put… even on deep mattresses

DreamFit™ Luxury Sheets

http: www.dreamfit .com

TEMPURCloud™, by TempurPedic

dard elastic) sewn around

the entire sheet.

Page 18: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


Many sleep experts and nutritionists advise choosing

your supper meal and evening snack with care.

The following diet-related tips will have you snoozing

soon after your head hits the pillow.

Eat dinner/supper earlier rather than later in the

evening to give your stomach time to digest the food.

Make the last meal of the day a light one. If portions

are too large, your digestive system will have to work

over time. Eating a large meal may initially make you

feel drowsy, but you likely won‟t enjoy a restful sleep.

Choose foods that won‟t cause discomfort while you

sleep. Heavy, rich and fatty foods can be hard to

digest. Spicy, highly seasoned or acidic foods can

cause heartburn and stomach discomfort.

Limit your alcohol consumption. Drinking alcohol

Warm milk and cookies

sound like a soothing

bedtime snack.

But can what and

when you eat affect how

well you sleep?

might make you feel sleepy, but you may not be able

to achieve a really deep sleep.

Consume too many liquids during the evening and

you will be waking frequently to make trips to the

bathroom throughout the night.

Avoid caffeine. It‟s a stimulant, and increases the

activity of various body systems including the

nervous system. It can take 8 to 10 hours to eliminate

the effects of caffeine from your body.

Eat a small snack an hour or two before you go to

bed. Going to bed hungry will just keep you awake or

even wake you up.

Try the Nutri Cookie recipe on the next page. Served with

warm or cold milk, it really will help you sleep. And

don‟t let Number 7 (or any of his Serta® counting sheep

friends) convince you otherwise.

drink... eat...

sleepy? and be

Serta® and the Counting Sheep are registered trademarks of Serta, Inc.

Page 19: RoomPlanners magazine - Sept '10


(Makes 5 dozen cookies)

½ cup (125 mL) butter or margarine, softened

½ cup (125 mL) peanut butter

1 cup (250 mL) liquid honey

2 large eggs

1 tsp (5 mL) vanilla

1-1/2 cups (375 mL) all-purpose flour

3 cups (750 mL) quick-cooking rolled oats (not instant)

1 cup (250 mL) medium unsweetened coconut

¾ cup (175 mL) natural bran

½ cup (125 mL) sunflower seeds or wheat germ

1 tsp (5 mL) baking soda

1 tsp (5 mL) salt

1 cup (250 mL) raisins

½ cup (125 mL) chopped nuts

Beat butter and peanut butter in a large bowl until blended. Add honey, eggs and

vanilla. Beat slowly until blended. Add remaining ingredients. Mix well.

For each cookie, scoop a heaping tablespoon (about 20 mL) batter onto a cookie sheet.

Flatten slightly.

Bake in a preheated 375F (190C) oven until lightly browned, about 12 minutes. Let sit

for a few minutes on cookie sheet before removing cookies to a cooling rack.

Recipe Source: Adapted from Timeless Recipes for All Occasions by Jean Pare,

Company’s Coming Publishing Limited, 2006

Wendi Hiebert is a home economist and food writer, living in Kitchener, Ontario.

For more of her recipes, visit www.CookingQuarters.

quarters cooking

nutri cookies



When planning what to eat close to bedtime, opt for foods that contain

tryptophan, especially for nighttime snacking.

An important amino acid, tryptophan is needed to produce serotonin and

melatonin in our brain, two chemicals that help us sleep.

Tryptophan-rich foods include:

dairy products fish & seafood meat & poultry eggs soy products beans whole grains & rice lentils nuts and seeds

Combining carbohydrate-rich foods with a small amount of protein food that contains tryptophan helps make tryptophan available to our brains.

Try these combinations:

oatmeal cookies & milk whole grain cereal &

milk half a peanut butter or

tuna sandwich crackers & cheese bagel chips & a hard-

cooked egg yogurt & granola