Download - Romney, Ryan Play Offense on Medicare in 60 Mins Appearance

  • 7/31/2019 Romney, Ryan Play Offense on Medicare in 60 Mins Appearance




    Green Room

    Ed Morrissey Show

    Video: Romney, Ryan play offense on Medicare in

    60 Minutes appearanceposted at 10:41 am on August 13, 2012 by Ed Morrissey

    According to the ever-accurate E-Mail Outrage Sensor, CBS edited this clip when the Romney/Ryan

    interview went to air, although I wouldnt know. I didnt watch 60 Minutes last night because well, I dont

    watch 60 Minutes at all (and I suspect thats also true of most of the e-mailers). However, if its true that the

    show didnt use the last part of the clip, maybe they were saving it for the network news tonight, or for theirmorning show today? After all, Schieffer isnt a correspondent for 60 Minutes, so I assume the use of

    excerpts of this interview on last nights show was as hastily arranged as the interview itself, and perhaps

    meant to promote a bigger platform.

    Its good news, though, that the 60 Minutes audience got a chance to see this swipe at the Mediscaring that

    had already begun over the weekend after Mitt Romney picked Paul Ryan for his running mate. It turns out

    that Ryan and Romney both agree that the best defense is a good offense:

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    Romney answered critics who say Ryans Medicare plan will hurt the tickets chances, especially

    in Florida.

    Theres only one president that I know of in history that robbed Medicare, $716 billion to payfor a new risky program of his own that we call Obamacare, Romney said.

    What Paul Ryan and I have talked about is saving Medicare, is providing people greater choice

    in Medicare, making sure its there for current seniors. No changes, by the way, for current

    seniors, or those nearing retirement. But looking for young people down the road and saying,

    Were going to give you a bigger choice. In America, the nature of this country has been

    giving people more freedom, more choices. Thats how we make Medicare work down the road.

    This is the part that readers claim was edited out of the broadcast, which if true would be journalistic


    Ryan added, My mom is a Medicare senior in Florida. Our point is we need to preserve their

    benefits, because government made promises to them that theyve organized their retirements

    around. In order to make sure we can do that, you must reform it for those of us who are

    younger. And we think these reforms are good reforms. That have bipartisan origins. They

    started from the Clinton commission in the late 90s.

    Ryans plan doesnt affect those already eligible for Medicare. In fact, one of the conservative criticisms of

    the plan was that he didnt give current Medicare recipients the option to choose a private-insurance plan, as

    younger Americans will get once they become eligible. Thats a pretty newsworthy detail, no?

    The Ryan budget proposes the partial privatization of Medicare by turning it into a premium-support system

    within a federal exchange, where insurance companies compete for business while meeting coverage

    requirements. Thats really no different than Medicare Advantage, which puts market power into cost control

    and gets the government out of paying providers over a period of several years. Its not a perfect solution, as

    it maintains the third-party-payer system that interferes with pricing signals, which is the main problem

    driving the cost spiral. However, its as close as we can get to a good political solution, since there is

    absolutely no support for dismantling Medicare entirely, and it at leastlessensthe problems of price-signal


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    This demonstrates the advantage that Romney gets in picking Ryan as his running mate. Democrats would

    have hung the Ryan plan around his neck anyway. Now Ryan himself gets to answer those attacks on the

    biggest stage, and the more people hear what Ryan actually proposes, the more apt they are to like it.

    Update: The CBS broadcast transcript shows pretty clearly that none of this actually aired on 60 Minutes last

    night. The E-Mail Outrage Meter got this one right.

    Tags: 60 Minutes, CBS, medicare, Mediscaring, Paul Ryan, romney, Ryan budget

    Breaking on Hot Air

    New Allen West ad responds to shameful attack

    Video: Hecklers try to climb onstage at Ryan event in Iowa

    DNC chief: Of course I know the party affiliation of the PAC about which I said I didnt know the

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    60 MINS edits out Ryan talking about Medicare mom in Florida | Freedom Report

    Video: Romney, Ryan play offense on Medicare in 60 Minutes appearance THE BLACK KETTLE

    Video: Romney, Ryan play offense on Medicare in 60 Minutes appearance Hot Air - Hourly Beat |

    Hourly Beat

    What media bias? 60 Minutes edits Medicare topic out of Romney-Ryan interview at Class War


    And It Begins: CBS Plays EDIT With Ryan/Romney Interview | Conservative T & T News and Music

    60 Minutes Cuts Parts of Romney-Ryan Interview UPDATED X2 peacocks and lilies

    60 Minutes Edits Out Clip Of Ryan Noting His Grandmother Is On Medicare And His Plan Wouldnt

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    Irresponsible Journalism The Crawdad Hole

    Medicare, Ryans Plan Selective Editing? | Zonabacaan

    Paul Ryan Medicare Remarks Edited Out Of 60 Minutes Interview


    Comment pages: Previous12 3

    He did, but were he from the left hed be considered a successful patriotic public servant. As

    is, hell be falsely made into a criminal, who kills old ladies.

    Schadenfreude on August 13, 2012 at 1:11 PM

    and doesnt even have to time travel to do it

    but in going so over the top you are giving us the platform to yell from the rooftops democrats

    Why did Barack Obama take 700 billion of YOUR money that you paid to Medicare and increase our

    national deficit to 1.7 trillion a year?


    Thanks bambi bots we couldnt have done it without you.

    harlekwin15 on August 13, 2012 at 1:17 PM

    Youre so mad that Ryan is the ultimate Washington insider and that its going to hurt him. No matter how

    much you shine that turd, Mittens cant say Ryan being a DC lifer is awesome while all other DC lifers are

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    At least I have the bal*s to say (again) Obamas pre-POTUS resume was a bit thin.

    You just keep chugging the koolaid in a pouty huff.

    Dave Rywall on August 13, 2012 at 1:00 PM

    Well there are lifer hacks in DC, thats a fair statement and we do tend to look at them with a jaundiced eye iftheyve been skating and taking the easy out when faced with tough choices (like Obamas habit of voting

    present). If you felt a little embarrassed about Obamas thin resume before handing him the top job in the free

    world, wellyou should have. But to try and tear down Ryan because you dont feel he has the right level

    of experience is pretty lame and indefensible as well. if 14 years in Congress doesnt float your boat because

    you just want to keep giggling over his early work history, thats your issue.

    The whole color issue with Obama was never that he was blackit was that he was so green. It was never his

    skin colorit has always been the thinness of it that creates problems for him. Hes shown himself time and

    again to be one of the pettiest men to hold that role in decades, but thats probably because he knows he

    doesnt deserve to be there.

    CitizenEgg on August 13, 2012 at 1:18 PM

    1) Right, so professors who teach people sh*t that helps them get jobs dont create jobs. Right.

    Law students go to university so they can drive hotdog trucks around. Right. But just to confirm,

    youre saying that the prereq for POTUS is experience in job creation?

    2) Obama was, is, will always be a C- President. He was a big tough talker and then Wall Street

    and the hacks around him cut them off.

    3) Confirm or deny: Ryan is a career politician who jumped immediately from university into the

    Dc cesspool.

    Dave Rywall on August 13, 2012 at 1:07 PM

    Dave social justice can be delivered by a nation of Community organizing Constitutional Lecturerers like

    my pet dog can teach my son gemetry.

    we need workers, we need competitive energy, we need indutry to have a low enough marginal rate to

    compete with china.

    and dave sincerely thank YOU for stealing from senior citizens..

    You made whats coming possible.

    harlekwin15 on August 13, 2012 at 1:19 PM

    The whole color issue with Obama was never that he was blackit was that he was so green. It

    was never his skin colorit has always been the thinness of it that creates problems for him.

    Hes shown himself time and again to be one of the pettiest men to hold that role in decades, but

    thats probably because he knows he doesnt deserve to be there.

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    CitizenEgg on August 13, 2012 at 1:18 PM

    Two colors about obama matter:

    Green-he spends it faster than anybody and has the understanding of how it is made that you would expect

    from a leader of a cargo cult.

    Red-the color of the prism he sees society through.

    Thats it and you have two of the sharpest calmest people in politics who are as offensive as Leave it to

    Beaver pointing it out soon.

    harlekwin15 on August 13, 2012 at 1:21 PM

    OK, I mistyped my demand for commentators .. I meant C-BS, and the only one on the debate moderator list

    just HAPPENS to be Bob Schieffer !!

    Lets see if we can change that somehow !

    pambi on August 13, 2012 at 1:23 PM

    Rywall, watch this, and the omission, very carefully.

    Schadenfreude on August 13, 2012 at 1:25 PM

    CitizenEgg on August 13, 2012 at 1:18 PM

    Point is: Romney foams at the mouth over the same old same old Washingtion lifers/insiders/culture and then

    he picks on as his VP and suddenly nooooo this DC insider is completely different from all the rest. Right.

    Talk about the worlds largest tap dance routine.

    Dave Rywall on August 13, 2012 at 1:26 PM

    Look folks, it is time to push hard and be relentless about this CBS edit that has strategic consequences, given

    that scaring Seniors is the obvious strategy of the Dems and their friends of the MSM.

    Contact the Romney campaign and tell them we expect to see them go on the offensive about this edit. We

    want ads playing showing the Seniors and everyone else what CBS did not allow them to see.

    Lets make this happen folks. I am contacting a Romney staffer I know in Florida. Please do likewise. Call

    them and e-mail them. It is time to take aggressive offensive action. Lets do it!

    SheetAnchor on August 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM

    THANK YOU for being such a mindless Obama fan we couldnt have done it without you buddy!

    harlekwin15 on August 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM


    Im not an Obama fan.

    Im a non-Romney fan.

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    Big difference.

    Dave Rywall on August 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM

    1) Right, so professors who teach people sh*t that helps them get jobs dont create jobs. Right. Law students

    go to university so they can drive hotdog trucks around. Right. But just to confirm, youre saying that the

    prereq for POTUS is experience in job creation?

    They teach collectivism and other Utopian crap.

    Were talking about law school here, not social science bullish*t.

    Students at Law school couldnt possibly be driven more by the desire to make money.

    Dave Rywall on August 13, 2012 at 1:29 PM

    Dave Rywall on August 13, 2012 at 1:26 PM

    Well if youre looking for hypocrisy-free government, I dont know where to point you. Few of us here hadMitt as our number 1 choice, but nobody believes that the country would be better off with 4 more years of

    OJT for BO as opposed to someone with experience governing and the willingness to reach out to the third

    rail of politics to talk about entitlement reform in a serious manner.

    Were worried about the present, but even more about the future problems that our children and grandchildren

    and great-grandchildren will face. Of the two politicians running for President, only one seems to really have

    a clue on how to govern and buddy, its not Obama.

    CitizenEgg on August 13, 2012 at 1:34 PM

    Point is: Romney foams at the mouth over the same old same old Washingtion lifers/insiders/culture and then he picks on as his VP and suddenly nooooo this DC insider is completely

    different from all the rest. Right. Talk about the worlds largest tap dance routine.

    Dave Rywall on August 13, 2012 at 1:26 PM

    Ya know, if I thought you really cared about the good of our country like canopfor does, instead of just

    wanting to spread your liberal claptrap, I might give what you say some consideration.

    But since I dont, Ill let this be my final interaction with you.

    Flora Duh on August 13, 2012 at 1:38 PM

    Contact the Romney campaign and tell them we expect to see them go on the offensive about

    this edit. We want ads playing showing the Seniors and everyone else what CBS did not allow

    them to see.

    Lets make this happen folks. I am contacting a Romney staffer I know in Florida. Please do

    likewise. Call them and e-mail them. It is time to take aggressive offensive action. Lets do it!

    SheetAnchor on August 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM

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    Agreed and done. But these GOP putzes need to start sticking up for themselves.

    rrpjr on August 13, 2012 at 1:41 PM

    Talk about the worlds largest tap dance routine.

    Dave Rywall on August 13, 2012 at 1:26 PM

    Obama and his capos and axel-turds

    Students at Law school couldnt possibly be driven more by the desire to make money.

    Dave Rywall on August 13, 2012 at 1:29 PM

    See Obama. His pockets were filled and will always be. He, however, aside from the illegalities with his

    own house never made any.

    Schadenfreude on August 13, 2012 at 1:42 PM

    True, but pointing out that CBS cut this out of the broadcast, along with Ryans reference to hismom being a Medicare senior in Florida that they tried to HIDE this information from

    voters in order to protect barack will blow it up into an obamamedia scandal and MORE

    PEOPLE will hear the quotes and get the facts. It is IMPORTANT to do this right now

    TODAY! as the narrative is being set. It will make people understand, going forward, that

    barack and the media are LYING.

    Rational Thought on August 13, 2012 at 11:48 AM

    Completely agree, and one of the Romney super-PACs should jump in with a 30-second ad.

    matthew8787 on August 13, 2012 at 1:42 PM

    SheetAnchor on August 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM

    That should help them speak with friends about this new ad, too.

    pambi on August 13, 2012 at 1:49 PM

    Why did they agree to appear on 60 Min.s anyway?

    Nobody whose mind isnt already made up watches that crap.

    Why do you people argue with trolls?

    You cant fix stupid.

    FineasFinn on August 13, 2012 at 1:55 PM

    Welcome to HotAir, Drudge readers.

    faraway on August 13, 2012 at 1:55 PM

    Why did they agree to appear on 60 Min.s anyway?

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    Nobody whose mind isnt already made up watches that crap.

    FineasFinn on August 13, 2012 at 1:55 PM

    Old folks that live in Florida.

    Romney had a great idea to try to hit these people with the truth before Obama had a chance to get to them.

    But CBS pulled a Dan Rather to save Obamas presidency.

    faraway on August 13, 2012 at 1:57 PM

    True, but pointing out that CBS cut this out of the broadcast, along with Ryans reference to his

    mom being a Medicare senior in Florida that they tried to HIDE this information from

    voters in order to protect barack will blow it up into an obamamedia scandal and MORE

    PEOPLE will hear the quotes and get the facts. It is IMPORTANT to do this right now

    TODAY! as the narrative is being set. It will make people understand, going forward, that

    barack and the media are LYING.

    Rational Thought on August 13, 2012 at 11:48 AM

    Lets get this on the front page at Red State folks; why isnt it there already? And anyone with contacts in the

    Palin camp needs to apprise them of thisPalin said the other day she would have Ryans back. lets move!

    Our great country is at stake!

    SheetAnchor on August 13, 2012 at 1:58 PM

    Im not an Obama fan.

    Im a non-Romney fan.

    Big difference.

    Dave Rywall on August 13, 2012 at 1:27 PM

    Youve carried donk water so well they offered you a job as an extra on the reimagining of Gunga Din


    harlekwin15 on August 13, 2012 at 2:07 PM

    harlekwin15 on August 13, 2012 at 1:21 PM

    and, mix red with green and get ?????



    pambi on August 13, 2012 at 2:28 PM

    Rush is talking about the CBS edit !!

    pambi on August 13, 2012 at 2:29 PM

    Rush is now talking about the edit!

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    SheetAnchor on August 13, 2012 at 2:29 PM

    Rush is now talking about the edit!

    SheetAnchor on August 13, 2012 at 2:29 PM

    Awesome.we need hot air types to call in and say in every call I dont understand why barack Obama is

    trying to scare my mom or grandma when he already took 716 billion from them in medicare as a Republican

    Rush we need to protect the seniors already on it and fix this crisis so my son or daughter is not hurt.

    then add in local color like from back home.

    I also do not understand why Barack Obama thought it was necessary to hurt the Delphi Workers in Ohio

    and destroy their pensions but somehow the UAW was protected and wound up with a big bloc of shares.?



    harlekwin15 on August 13, 2012 at 2:36 PM

    1) Right, so professors who teach people sh*t that helps them get jobs dont create jobs. Right. Law students

    go to university so they can drive hotdog trucks around. Right. But just to confirm, youre saying that the

    prereq for POTUS is experience in job creation?

    They teach collectivism and other Utopian crap.

    Were talking about law school here, not social science bullish*t.

    Students at Law school couldnt possibly be driven more by the desire to make money.

    Dave Rywall on August 13, 2012 at 1:29 PM

    Yeah, they are all about making money, but also about that social justice crap..the irony of ironies being that

    they make tonnes of money on the back of often poor people, and then they go on and on about inequalities

    and similar crappola..oh, and to make their hipocrisy compete, in an efflrt to assuage their guilt they

    donate to the Dims big time to help make said social justice happen (mainly through theft from the majority

    of population and then redistribution) ) take look at the stats and check who do lawyers donate the most to,

    as a group.and that tells you everything you need to know

    jimver on August 13, 2012 at 2:47 PM

    take look at the stats and check who do lawyers donate the most to, as a group.and that tells

    you everything you need to know

    jimver on August 13, 2012 at 2:47 PM

    Most politicians in DC are lawyers. The right is also culpable on this. Both sides are in cahoots with the

    media too. The RINOs love their lavish lifestyles as much as the looters on the left.

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    Schadenfreude on August 13, 2012 at 2:52 PM

    True, but pointing out that CBS cut this out of the broadcast, along with Ryans reference to his mom being

    a Medicare senior in Florida that they tried to HIDE this information from voters in order to protect

    barack will blow it up into an obamamedia scandal and MORE PEOPLE will hear the quotes and get the

    facts. It is IMPORTANT to do this right now TODAY! as the narrative is being set. It will make people

    understand, going forward, that barack and the media are LYING.

    Rational Thought on August 13, 2

    Lets get this on the front page at Red State folks; why isnt it there already? And anyone with contacts in the

    Palin camp needs to apprise them of thisPalin said the other day she would have Ryans back. lets move!

    Our great country is at stake!

    SheetAnchor on August 13, 2012 at 1:58 PM

    Hep, they should make a big deal out of this, becaue it is the only big demaoguing issue that the dumbocrtas

    have left after everything exploded in their stupid facez, the killing grandma memetake this away from

    them and they are left with really nothing to run their campaign ontalking of Palin, can somebody post

    this editing saga on her FB i am guessing she is not reading herself all comments and stuff, but am sure her

    staff doesI will check if anubody posted this on Romney FB page and if anybody really suggest/request to

    adress this edits/cuts in an ad that will play in all swing states (and not oly).

    jimver on August 13, 2012 at 2:55 PM

    From the CBS own website and they include the part of the text they cut from their program.


    Ryan added, My mom is a Medicare senior in Florida. Our point is we need to preserve their

    benefits, because government made promises to them that theyve organized their retirements

    around. In order to make sure we can do that, you must reform it for those of us who are

    younger. And we think these reforms are good reforms. That have bipartisan origins. They

    started from the Clinton commission in the late 90s.

    Yes Ryan did add that, but they chose to edit it out.

    JeffinSac on August 13, 2012 at 2:59 PM

    take look at the stats and check who do lawyers donate the most to, as a group.and that tells you everythingyou need to know

    jimver on August 13, 2012 at 2:47 PM

    Most politicians in DC are lawyers. The right is also culpable on this. Both sides are in cahoots with the

    media too. The RINOs love their lavish lifestyles as much as the looters on the left.

    Schadenfreude on August 13, 2012 at 2:52 PM

    You paint everybody with a broad brush and make sweeping generalizations..

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    jimver on August 13, 2012 at 3:09 PM

    Ryan is so not a fiscal conservative. We are being lied to again by the GOP.

    His early Roadmap for Americas Future didnt balance the budget until the 2060s and added $60 trillion to

    the national debt.

    Ryans revised plan does not balance it until the 2030s but ads $14 trillion in debt. It adds $6 trillion in debt

    over the next decade alone

    How about we actually pay for the government we have NOW. Thats a fiscal conservative.

    Ryan is part of the problem not the solution. Think we have seen this dance before no?

    cancons on August 13, 2012 at 3:44 PM

    Ryan is so not a fiscal conservative. We are being lied to again by the GOP.

    His early Roadmap for Americas Future didnt balance the budget until the 2060s and added $60 trillion to

    the national debt.

    Ryans revised plan does not balance it until the 2030s but ads $14 trillion in debt. It adds $6 trillion in debt

    over the next decade alone

    How about we actually pay for the government we have NOW. Thats a fiscal conservative.

    Ryan is part of the problem not the solution. Think we have seen this dance before no?

    cancons on August 13, 2012 at 3:44 PM

    im ok with balancing the budget by 2030, makes perfect senseits more realistic anyways. You cantbalance it NOW, unless you are completely detached from reality

    jimver on August 13, 2012 at 3:51 PM

    Drudge linking to Hot Air

    Pretty keewwlll!

    Seven Percent Solution on August 13, 2012 at 4:03 PM

    Scummy Biden invoking Ryans dead father in questioning Ryans values:


    Democrat scum.

    itsspideyman on August 13, 2012 at 4:12 PM

    Last week I mentioned an even more sinister possibility, namely that Obama could use some

    pretext to postpone the November election due to some national emergency.

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    Del Dolemonte on August 13, 2012 at 12:12 PM

    Some say that, but I dont think its possible. Liberals are just dying to prove themselves right

    and superior. We conservatives need the election to save the country, while the Left needs it to

    validate liberalism. It would be a totally unpopular move, on all counts, and even Obama knows


    What I foresee is a lot of legal wrangling, with the endless counting of chits, chats, chads, and a

    crapload of meaningless chit-chat. Racism will be called in, with judges being forced to decide if

    a person voted against Obama because he/she seemed racist. Only a few test cases will be


    If it all comes down, at the end, to show the election is valid, Obamas narcissistic ego will never

    let him believe it. I anticipate hell order the SS to stop any attempt to let a President Romney

    into the White House, which will entail activation of the 101st, as the duly-elected president has

    authority to order.

    I also expected a defeated Obama to commit suicide two years after he is forced out, unless he

    becomes head of the UN.

    Obama can live with being notorious like is Ted Bundy. Obscurity is something his smug snooty

    ego could never handle.

    Liam on August 13, 2012 at 12:27 PM

    I dont think little Bammie has the cojones to lead something like that, but Valerie Jarrett, -definitely. I can

    see her holding out in the White House with hardware stolen from the Secret Service closet. Say hello to my

    little friend.

    She does kind of look a bit like Tony Montana.

    slickwillie2001 on August 13, 2012 at 4:25 PM

    The Five on Fox News channel were just discussing the edit out of the Romney and Ryan response to the

    narrative that Ryans budget cuts Medicare.

    The Romney Campaign needs to take action immediately to start refuting this false narrative before the Dems

    have defined Ryan with the Mediscare meme. Call the Romney/Ryan campaign folks. They need to get out in

    front on this matter. Time to expedite!

    SheetAnchor on August 13, 2012 at 5:16 PM

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    o: Romney, Ryan play offense on Medicare in 60 Minutes appearanc...

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    o: Romney, Ryan play offense on Medicare in 60 Minutes appearanc...

    18 8/13/2012

  • 7/31/2019 Romney, Ryan Play Offense on Medicare in 60 Mins Appearance



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    o: Romney, Ryan play offense on Medicare in 60 Minutes appearanc...

    18 8/13/2012

  • 7/31/2019 Romney, Ryan Play Offense on Medicare in 60 Mins Appearance




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    o: Romney, Ryan play offense on Medicare in 60 Minutes appearanc...