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Roman Culture and Society

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Art and Architecture

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Art• Romans adopted many features of Greek style of art• Became known as GRECO-ROMAN• Roman sculptors produced more realistic works,

including unattractive physical details• Painted portraits and landscapes on walls of villas

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Architecture• Romans excelled in architecture: awesome builders•Used curved forms such as the arch, the vault, and the dome• Romans first people to use concrete on massive scale• Using these 2 allowed Romans to construct huge

buildings undreamed of by Greeks• Constructed roads, bridges, and aqueducts• In Rome, 12 aqueducts kept population of one million

supplied with water

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Roman Ruins

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Roman Ruins


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Amazing Construction!!Nothing holding these rocks


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Literature•High point of Roman literature reached during Age of Augustus• Called the “Golden Age of Latin Literature”

•Most distinguished poet was Virgil• Wrote masterpiece Aeneid

• Epic poem about ideal Roman citizen, expressed that Rome’s gift was the art of ruling

• Another prominent Augustan poet was Horace• Laughs at the weaknesses of humans

•Most famous Latin prose work of Golden Age written by historian Livy• Called The Early History of Rome

• Livy saw history in terms of moral lessons• Weakness: not always concerned about factual accuracy of his stories

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Life in Ancient Rome• Patricians• Plebeians• Slaves/freemen•Women•Gladiators• Chariot Racers

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The Colosseum

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How water would be brought in to fill Colosseum for “naval battles”

Where ships would be stored under Colossuem and where gladiators would get on ships

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Gladiator Fight…Priscus vs. Verus, AD 80

This fight between gladiators Priscus and Verus was held in AD 80, on the first day of the ceremonies conducted by the emperor Titus to inaugurate the Colosseum. Both gladiators were declared victors of the combat and granted their freedom by the emperor Titus in a unique outcome.

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Roman Baths