Download - Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart 720 Merrick Ave ...Jul 07, 2020  · Debbie Ryan Alex Salvaggio Frank Silverman Margot Silverman Lester Smith Lauren Sole Ann M. Sullivan

Page 1: Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart 720 Merrick Ave ...Jul 07, 2020  · Debbie Ryan Alex Salvaggio Frank Silverman Margot Silverman Lester Smith Lauren Sole Ann M. Sullivan

Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart

720 Merrick Ave

North Merrick, NY 11566

Phone: 516-379-1356

The Heart of Jesus in North Merrick

July 5, 2020

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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We hope that all new residents will come to the Parish Center to register.

Adult Christian Initiation If you are interested in exploring the Catholic faith or completing your initiation into the Church please call the Parish Center.

Infant Baptism Preparation If you wish to arrange a baptism at Sacred Heart Church, please

contact the Parish Center at 516-379-1356 ext.10. One of our baptism coordinators will be happy to arrange a time to meet with you. Ideally, both Godparents should be practicing Catholics. We will review the procedures for the sacrament and you will be able to fill out all the necessary paperwork. Baptisms are held on the first and third Sunday of each month at 2pm in the church. First time parents need to attend a baptism class. They are held on the last Monday of each month in the church at 7:30pm. Crying babies welcome! Godparents are encouraged but not required to attend.

Sacrament of Matrimony Please contact the Parish Center at least one year in advance of the

intended date of the wedding. A priest of the parish will interview you, set the wedding date and help you register for the required marriage preparation program (Pre-Cana).

Sacrament of Reconciliation A priest is available each Saturday at 4:00PM in the church.

Please don’t hesitate to call a priest at the Parish Center for an appointment for Confession at another time.

Sacraments for the Homebound If you or a family member are not able to attend Mass due

to temporary or chronic illness, and would like to receive the Sacraments of Communion, Reconciliation and/or Anointing of the Sick, please call the Parish Center.

Pastoral Staff Rev. Stephen Brigandi, Pastor Rev. Peter Sarpong, Associate Pastor Deacon Charles Kammerer

Parish Outreach Mrs. Tanya Kasprzyk, Coordinator Outreach Office: 516-379-6123 Monday —Thursday 10am-1:30pm Faith Formation Coordinator Grades 1-5 Mrs. Cecilia Bradley [email protected] Music Coordinator Mrs. Jeanne Nuñez [email protected]

Pastoral Associate/Faith Formation Coordinator Grades 6-8 Miss Carol Tannehill [email protected] or [email protected]

** Please visit our Parish Facebook Page: Roman Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart**

Parish Directory 516-379-1356 Parish Center Hours: Mon.—Fri. 9am—12 noon, 1pm—5pm Sat. 9am—3pm Website:

Mrs. Kathy Ammirati—Volunteer Coordinator ext. 22

Mrs. Jean Buonocore - Admin. Assistant ext. 21

Ms. Maryse Haig - Finance Assistant ext. 17

Mrs. Mary Katz - Finance Administrator ext. 16

Mrs. Ingrid Samperi Receptionist ext. 10

Mr. Kevin Scanlon - Maintenance Director ext. 14

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Masses for the Week

Monday, July 6, 2020

9 AM Francis & Dorothy Mills

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

9 AM Paul Womack

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

9 AM Anna Murray

Thursday, July 9, 2020

9 AM James Shand

Friday, July 10, 2020

9 AM Edward Murray

Saturday, July 11, 2020

5 PM Jo Anna Wilson

Joseph Armienti

Eileen Gianotta

Maryann & Andrew Simonetti

Erlinda Lim Conde

Sunday, July 12, 2020

8AM Marc Byrnes

10AM Francis & Dorothy Mills

12PM Parishioners of Sacred Heart

5PM Stephen & Marie Brigandi

In Our Thoughts and Prayers

Sacred Heart Purgatorial Society

Patricia A. Bove, Caroline & Francis Cacossa, Margaret E. Riordan, Joan Fisk, Everett Corum, Jr, James J. Stasi, Maureen & Robert Murphy, Fred Peruggia, Josephine Valenti, Ellen C. Rafter, Donald J. Johnson, William Rafter, George Pashalides,

Eileen Clarke, Dolores Kulich, Vera Farrell, William G. Mohr, Shaun Hughes, Edward Walsh & Family, Frances

Forgione, Lillian Milana, Randall Cordero, John Hursala, John & Mae Dugo, Teresa Sullivan, Joseph Sullivan, Helen Tatarka, Joseph Tatarka . Edward Hesse, Regina Platt, James Artura,

Edward A. Kennedy, Charlotte & Joe Francomano, Ryan Palma Amesse, Zina Campanale, Vito & Mary Mazzara, Ann & Jimmy Carillo, Margaret, Joseph, Jack Catherine Eschmanns, Nancy DeStefano, Carolyn McDonough, Carmel L. Carleo,

Raymond P. Carleo, James G. Dwyer, James P.Soldo, Robert Tom Riordan, Henry Darnaud, Stephen J. Brigandi, Sr., Ryan Palma John Fitzpatrick, Amesse Furchak, Marlene, Lawson,

Michelle Palma Furchak

Prayers for the Sick In an effort to make sure parishioners who are ill are properly prayed for we would like to keep

our Sick List as up to date as possible. Names will remain for one full month, but will be

removed at the end of every month, unless there is a request by the family to extend the

prayers for the next month.

Brian Mohr

Ellen Martin

Joseph Massaro

Patrick O'Connell

Taylor Oshan

Jack Palamaro

Peter Palamaro, Jr.

Christine Rizzaiti

Debbie Ryan

Alex Salvaggio

Frank Silverman

Margot Silverman

Lester Smith

Lauren Sole

Ann M. Sullivan

Mary Sweeney

Salvatore Totaro

Ashley Towers

Lara Traum

Aidan Walden

Rosemarie Ziminski

Robert Ziminski

Taylor Agurto

John Carroll

Shannon Costello

Barbara Devoti

Baby Elise

Jack Faust

Baby Carleigh Feaser

Baby Madison

Baby Mason

Baby Sienna

Edward Cotty

Frank Godla

Marta Godla

Annmarie Guertin

Frank Guertin

Veronique Hall

Gloria Hannifin

Pat Hesse

Ethan Jean

Kathy Keegan

Philip Lattanzio

Mary Marzano

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All adult volunteers are required by the Diocese to have a Background Check. Forms are available at the Parish Center. Additionally, all volunteers must complete

Virtus. To attend a session register at

The Way of the Heart We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be

touched by the Heart of Jesus.

Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for July

The Mass Book for January –June 2021 will open

Tuesday, July 7th

The Guidelines are as follows

Collective or multiple Mass intentions are available at the Saturday 5:00 pm liturgy and the

Sunday 5:00pm liturgy. Collective or multiple Mass intentions assist people in arranging for a Mass intention sooner than normally possible.

Only one family name per intention may be listed.

Masses must be requested in person at the Parish Center and not by phone.

A person may not request more than 3 Masses at a time. (He/She may return 2 months later to

request additional Masses)


Registration Information is available

on our parish website:

We continue to encourage all

families with students who have not yet begun Faith Formation, who will be beginning 1st grade (or older), to


We welcome anyone interested in registering or learning more about

our program to give us a call.

Please remember that all newly registered students—including those

with siblings already in the program—must submit a copy of his/

her Baptismal certificate.

New families should come to the Parish Center to register.

Many of you have asked about what our program will look like in the fall. The short answer is we don’t know.

We are waiting to see what the school district is doing with regard to

class size, etc.

We are looking into digital books for the students. This would allow them

the opportunity to continue the program if we need to close the school for any length of time.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Stay safe and healthy.

Cecilia & Carol

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Sunday Connection—Loyola Press

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading

Zechariah 9:9-10 The Lord shall come to reign in Zion.

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 145:1-2,8-11,13-14 A prayer of praise to God who is our king.

Second Reading Romans 8:9,11-13 Those in whom the Spirit of God dwells must now live according to the Spirit, not the flesh.

Gospel Reading Matthew 11:25-30 Jesus prays in thanks to God, who has revealed himself to the lowly.

Background on the Gospel Reading

Today’s reading from Matthew’s Gospel comes after a discourse in which Jesus reproaches people who have witnessed his mighty deeds yet still lack belief. In this context, today’s Gospel explains the reason for this unbelief and reveals what is necessary for faith. Today’s Gospel also continues to enhance our understanding of discipleship as last week’s Gospel did.

Jesus first prays in thanksgiving to God who has made himself known to Jesus’ disciples. He praises God who has made himself known to the “little ones” and not to the wise and learned. As in other recent readings from Matthew’s Gospel, a contrast is made here between the unbelieving Pharisees, who are wise and learned, and the faithful disciples, tax collectors, and sinners with whom Jesus keeps company.

The second part of this reading calls to our attention the unity between the Father and the Son. God has made himself known through Jesus, and in knowing Jesus, we come to know the Father. In Jesus’ life and in his person, God reveals himself to us.

In the concluding sentences of today’s Gospel, Jesus’ teaching is again contrasted to the teaching of the Pharisees. This common theme of Matthew’s Gospel probably reflects tension that existed between Jesus and the Pharisees and between the Pharisees and the community of Christians for whom Matthew wrote. Pharisaic Judaism became the predominant form of Judaism after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem about 70 A.D. Here that tension is expressed as alternative paths of holiness. The careful observance of the Mosaic law taught by the Pharisees could be experienced by some as difficult and burdensome. In contrast, Jesus’ way of holiness is presented as uncomplicated and even restful.

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Sacred Heart Parish salutes and com-

mends to prayer:

Sgt. Richard DeTommaso, U.S. Army, Korea PFC Kendrick McCann, U.S. Army, Korea

Sgt. First Class Lee Ann Gouveia, U.S. Army L CPL Anthony Rusciano, U.S.M.C.

L CPL Troy Grassi, U.S.M.C., Iraq SSgt. Edgar C. Francisco, U.S.M.C.

Col. James K. Lavine, U.S.M.C. Lt. Col. Timothy W. Schnelle, U.S.M.C.

Pvt. Andrew Reynolds, U.S. Army OS2 Anthony J. Magri, U.S. Navy

3rd CS P.O. Joseph La Form, U.S. Navy L CPL Kevin P. Vaughan, U.S.M.C.

Major Christopher Darconte, U.S. Air Force U.S.M.C. Deployed Aircraft Carrier Iwo Jima

Sgt. Brandon Furia, U.S.M.C. PFC Matthew Macario, U.S. Army, Afghanistan

Lt. James Corino, Army Lt. Commander William H. Mohr, Navy Amn. 1st Class Daniel Gilroy, U.S.A.F.

Lt. Daniel T. Lopez, U.S. Air Force Captain Patrick O’Sullivan U.S.N.A. U.S.M.C.

Ensign Michael Napolitano U.S. Navy John Devoti Lt. Col. U.S.M.C.

Prayer For The Safety of Our Service

Men & Women Almighty and Eternal God, protect these men and women as they discharge their duties. Protect them with the shield of your strength and keep them safe from all evil and harm. May the power of your love enable them to return home in safety to all who love them. May they ever praise you for your loving care.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Let us remember all our parishioners who have been called

home to our Loving God.

Thank you to all who continue to support our parish. Your

generosity is very much appreciated.

Sacred Heart Church offers you the option to donate electronically and automatically from your checking account, savings account or credit card. It’s fast, ac-curate, convenient, and SAFE! Plus it can be a great way to build up credit card points or miles!

If you would like to switch to donating online, instead of using checks or cash, use the WeShare information below and you will be directed to a secure website. Donations can be weekly, monthly, or “one time only”. You may also choose to contrib-ute to our “Pay Down the Mortgage Fund” – 100% of all funds going specifically to this specific cause.

To donate with WeShare, please go to:

An Act of

Spiritual Communion

My Jesus,

I believe that You are present in the

Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things,

and I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment

receive You sacramentally,

come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were

already there and unite myself wholly to

You. Never permit me to be

separated from You. Amen.

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