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Roles and responsibilities

Molly Sales

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Working alone.

I have found that working alone during the pre production stages has both positives and negatives. I have found it a good, insightful experience, as I was able to make my own decisions and fully take on board the whole project, yet I have also found it slightly lonely, as if I was to ask anyone for advice they wouldn't fully understand the scenario, yet when you're working in a group you are all knowledgeable on your project.

Although I have enjoyed being fully independent in my choices, consequently this has helped me understand the pre-production and production phase more which will be beneficial to me in later life.

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Advantages of working alone.

The advantages of working alone (I've found) mainly is the freedom you get, both time wise and creatively. Working alone allows you to be as creative as you want and too which style suits you, which is something I have thoroughly enjoyed throughout the process so far. 

Working alone gives you more room to explore, as you only have yourself to answer too - when in a group you have to ask for everyone else's opinion before making a decision. I felt better as I was working to my own deadlines and choosing the genre I liked most, and style of song. I understood the project more - I was in complete control of everything I did.

I feel this suits me as I enjoy being independent and not having to rely on other people. During the filming process working alone is definitely easier as you only have to fit filming around yourself and others involved (actors) and not other members of the group.

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Disadvantages to working alone.

Whilst there are many advantages to working alone, there are also disadvantages. I have found that it was difficult knowing where to begin, and which genre to go for, what style narrative, which representations and meanings to convey.

When working in a group you have more input, and it is easier to begin projects as you can bounce off each others ideas as there are more minds to create them.

Also, when working in a group there is less pressure upon you as the work is equally divided between all of you, and this is something I have personally found hard when working alone. Sometimes I have felt the workload is high and meeting deadlines tougher, but when working in a group you can motivate each other to get everything completed on time and split each task between yourselves.

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How will post production be affected?

I think that post production will be easier when working alone. This is because when working in a group everyone is trying to put their ideas for editing forward around one Mac computer, therefore it is hard as everyone wants their idea to be tried - when there isn't enough time. This results in a negative attitude within the group.

I am looking forward to the post production phase of the project, as I enjoy working on FinalCut Pro software and I think, due to it being a music video, the editing style needed will be interesting to explore, in terms of what will work and what won’t for my style of genre and narrative. It will be exciting to see the range of editing techniques I can use and how this will affect my end product and whether editing has a real effect upon how meanings are conveyed to the audience, and whether the audience now understand them.