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Role of Teacher for Effective Classroom Communication

Role of Teacher for Effective Classroom CommunicationProf. Jasvanti MaruThe following should be practiced to achieve effective classroom communication:-Two-way communicationTwo-way communication instead of one-way communication is needed.One-way communication, i.e. lecturing or telling or demonstrating by the teacher denies the facility to the students to seek clarification.The learners remain passive listeners. Two-way communication has a built in system of feedback.It ensures that further information, clarification etc., are provided whenever possible. The receivers or the learners get opportunities to understand the message or the content.

2. CompetencyThe sender and receiver should be competent and efficient in terms of communicating and receiving the desired information (message).

He should have clarity of concepts, unity of thoughts and mastery over the language.3. Suitability of contentContents of communication should be carefully selected.

Selection of teaching materials should be based upon; instructional objectives, teachers ability to impart knowledge and the learners capacity to digest the subject matter.4. Division of contentThe technique of dividing the subject matter into units and sub-units facilitates the teaching- learning process.

Without proper division, teaching may remain indifferent, incoherent, confused and pose problems for the learner as far as comprehensiveness is concerned.5. FocusCommunicator can communicate well if; he keeps in mind the main focus of his communication.

It keeps the teacher and his teaching in main track.6. Effective strategiesSuccessful teaching demands effective strategies, media and channel.

They vary with variance in goals and purposes, pupils and teaching-learning environment.7. Feedback and reinforcementA pupil repeats responses that are reinforced and discontinues responses that are not reinforced.8. Readiness and motivationMotivation is the petrol that drives mental engine.

The teachers as well as students should be ready and remain motivated throughout the process of communication.9. Sharing and interactionEffective communication depends upon sharing of thoughts, ideas, feelings, experiences, and mutual interaction between the source of communication and receivers.

Greater the interaction more will be the involvement and participation of teaching-learning communication process.

10. Pupil-centerednessThis is the base of effective communication.

Communication should be pupil-centered, i.e.; in accordance with needs, interests, abilities, mental levels and aspirations of the pupils.

Communication come down to the level of receivers.11. Sympathy and kindnessEffective classroom communication cannot take place in a situation that lacks sympathy and kindness to the students.12. Co-operationTeacher should plan his teachings to give to the pupils, abundant opportunities for co-operation, in organization, management , participation in discussion and other classroom activities.13. Mutual understanding Communication will be more fruitful if the student understands the social background and other individual indifferences among the students.14. Conducive environment and proper control Teaching-learning communication can proceed in an ideal social and physical environment.

Room temperature, light, ventilation, cleanliness, seating arrangement are the factors that influence the physical environment.15. Facilitators and barriersFacilitators are helpful in effective communication whereas barriers adversely affect communication.

Hence, learning situations and environment should be so organized as to eliminate the barriers of communication as far as possible. Thank you