Download - Roberto Coin Jewelry - A Simple Guide To Help You Make Homemade Jewelry Cleaners


Roberto Coin Jewelry - A Simple Guide To Help You MakeHomemade Jewelry Cleaners

Every woman's favorite possession is her jewelry box which contains her jewelry. It is said and

observed that women regard their jewelry as their best friends. In almost all the cultures and parts of

the world, women are known to be fond of wearing and collecting all types of precious and valuable

jewelry. In fact, in some of the cultures jewelry is strongly associated with married women and thus

wearing jewelry is an important part of their traditions and customs. Many top quality brands such as

Roberto Coin Jewelry and others offer perfect jewelry pieces. No matter how much or how less

jewelry you possess, but it is important to take care of your most valuable asset. This could be done

by cleaning the jewelry on regular basis.

Jewelry cleaners are easy to manufacture at home with simple products that you can even find in

your kitchens. These kitchen items include salt, dish detergent, baking soda, toothpaste, vinegar and

ketchup. Your jewelry can spark and look as clean as new with the mixture of these common

household ingredients.

Reasons to choose homemade cleaners:

They save money as they are inexpensive.

They are easy to use unlike other cleaners

They help to preserve the environment

They are also safe for you and your home

Precautions to use these cleaners:

While making and using your own homemade cleaner, do not forget to wear gloves to protect your

skin. These solutions can be very drying.

Effective Cleaning Methods:

Apple Cider Vinegar

All that you require to clean your jewelry is a bowl in which you should add about two cups of vinegar.

Soak your jewelry in it for at least 15 minutes and dry it out with a soft cloth when you take it out.

Solution of Vinegar and Baking Soda

A solution of vinegar and baking soda can be very helpful in cleaning your silverware and silver

jewelry. Take a bowl and add a cup of vinegar with four tablespoons of baking soda in it. Soak your

jewelry in this mixture for 2 to 3 hours. After taking it out, rinse them with cold water and dry them with

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