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River Valley civilization

River Valley Civilisation is

divided into four civilisation:-

  Mesopotamian Civilisation  Egyptian Civilisation

  Chinese Civilisation

  Indus Valley civilization

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Mespotamian Civilisation

  Mespotamian Civilisation grew around the river

Euphrates and ‘ Tigris’. It divided into three different

classes that are upper class middle classes and lower

class. pper class consist of !ing and priest. Middle

class consist of merchants" peasants. #ower classconsist of slaves and la$ourers Contri$ution of the

civilization was the intention of writing. They

domesticate animals li!e cow" goats" sheep and don!ey.

Their main occupation is agriculture. %eople grow crops

li!e $arley" wheat" pulses etc. Mesopotamian peoplewere e&cellent crafts man. They cast $eautiful figures of

eagles" lion and lioness in metal. They worshipped

many god and goddesses.

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Egyption Civilisation

  Egyptian Civilisation grew around the river ‘ 'ile’. It

is divided into four classes i.e. !ing" 'o$ility"

middle class and slaves. They domesticate animal

li!e" camels" dogs" pigs etc. They main occupation

is agriculture. They grow crops li!e wheat" parley"millet ‘ oil seeds’. They woshippped to (()) gods

and goddesses. They also worshipped animals

li!es $ull" crocodile *ac!al etc. They e&ported

manufactured goods li!e metal" sculpture" woodenarticles" te&tiles" pottery etc. The most important

invention of Egyptian civilization was the

+ieroglyphic script.

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Chinese Civilisation:-

  Chinese Civilisation grew around the river +wang,+o.

It was divided into many classes li!e !ing" scholars and

administrator" merchants and traders" slaves.

  They domesticate animals li!e horses" cattle" sheep

pigs and dogs. Their main occupation is agriculture.Chinese were the first to cultivate tea in the world

Chinese were also the first to introduce sericulture.

Chinese sil! was world famous. Crafts flourished during

this age are $am$oo wor!" pottery" paper ma!ing metal

wor! etc.  The earliest formal Chinese writing is called the oracle

$one script. They $elieved in life after death and

worshipped forces of nature and ancestors.

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Indus Valley civilization:-

  It grew around the Indus river. It was divided into

three social groups i.e. rich merchants and priests"

small merchants and traders and la$ourers.

  They domesticate animals li!e sheep" $uffaloes"

pigs. They constructed large granaries and stoc!

food grains. %oultry forming was also practiced.

These people made toys for their children Toys were

made of $a!ed clay or terracotta.

  They worshipped nature in the form of animal"$irds and trees. They used pictographic" script

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