Download - Risk Assesment


P3 & P4 PowerPoint Presentation

Hazard Description Chances of happening 1-5Actions to be taken if happens Who Any How to avoid

Tripping overAnyone could maybe fall over and harm a part of them such as a cut on their knee. 3Clean any wound as well as dressing appropriately. If deep or badly hurt take to hospital immediately. Casting and the crewAnywhereLook where you stand and walk and make sure the path is all clear.

CarsWhen filming near roads or crossing roads watch out for any cars due to someone maybe hurting or breaking something1If the injury is serious call for help and do not move them. Casting and crew When crossing or filming near roadsCross over at suitable places and do not film near a road.

Wet surfaces Surfaces could be slippery causing people to slip and fall/ Wet conditions: 4/5Dry conditions: very unlikely Look at the wound and see if the person if injured if so ring for help/ Casting and crewWet surfacesWear gripe shoes

Tree roots and loose/ low branches When filming within the woods look where you are walking 4If you trip make sure everything is okay and no injury if serious call for help. Crew and casting The woods Watch out where you are walking. Take care.