Download - Rise in Television Viewing in Children

  1. 1. Exploring the Impact of Television Watching on Vocabulary Skills in Toddlers HARLEEN VIRK
  3. 3. Rise in Television viewing in Kids Study impact of TV viewing to vocabulary skills Study targeted 2 to 3 year olds Children found in British daycare centers Various TV genres evaluated Methods used included: -Parent questionnaires -standardized testing of children -short term memory tested with digit recall -Dot matrix task
  4. 4. In order to build reading skills child must comprehend vocabulary Watching adult programs predicted poor performance on academic tests Reading and vocabulary go hand and hand Reading and short term memory skills predicted vocabulary performance Findings resulted in TV having no impact on vocabulary skills Educational Shows Cartoons Adult Shows Baby DVDs
  5. 5. Surprising results considering large market to teach vocabulary to children via TV/DVD Can use findings: -with raising own children -how we teach in the future -change our expectations from TV/DVD material from learning to entertainment -encourage reading books versus TV/DVD to enhance vocabulary
  6. 6. Parents insight on child TV time TV does not have as many negative impacts as parents may think. Reading has a very big impact on the vocabulary and short-term memory of toddlers. Encourage parents to read and further explain the books and words This study may help with more detailed studies in the future.