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Richmond Hill United Methodist Church Richmond Hill, Georgia






9:00A M & 11:00AM

Dr. Glenn Martin


“Risking Hospitality: Hosts Not Members

& Guests Not Visitors”


“Luke 19:5-6, Hebrews 13:2, Romans 16:23”


June 8th - June 13th Youth Snowbird Trip June 14th Capital Campaign Committee Meeting June 15th VBS Decoration Workday June 17th Library Summer Reading Series: Ventriloquist June 21st Base Camp - VBS Orientation June 22nd - June 26th VBS


Church Phone (912) 756-2190

Fax (912) 756-4610

Email [email protected]

Web Page

June 10, 2015 Volume 3, Issue #23

Beginning Year Six This Sunday begins our sixth year as your parsonage family; five years have passed so quickly. I have never served a church with greater potential than this one. Thank you for allowing us to return for another year. Every indicator points to great times of growth in the ministry and membership of this congregation. I look forward to the process of building additional facilities over the next few years. Building a facility while carrying on the ministry of the church requires a team effort involving the whole church.

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Members & Active Visitors: Tim Robinett, David Green, Elizabeth Rahn, Juanita Phillips, Carol Carter, Diane

Harrison, Julie Chapman, Eloise Green, & Everett Smith.

Family & Friends: Jean McCall, Aidan Louw, Winfred Tuten, Dee Dee Daniel, Warren Anderson, Daniel Bray,

Mike Carroll & Family, Iris Booth, Sid Taylor, JoAnn Martin, Rev. Carlton Cooper, Nash Butler, Betty

Stevens, Karen Reynolds, Betty Hansel, Carol Davis, Dean Davis, Gary Shealy, Pat Taylor, Stephanie Gerrald,

& Donna J.

At County Health and Rehab: Audrey Murphy, Inez Henderson, & Julia Wilson

Deployed Members, Family & Friends: Andrew Beal, Chris Braund & all our service men & women and their


To add someone to our prayer list, if you have information on a shut-in or a deployed member, please call Jill at the church office at 756-2190.

Altar Flowers Needed

Available Dates Coming Up: June 21 & July 5

To reserve a date, call the church office at 756-2190 and give Jill the details to be put in the weekly newsletter, The Hill Topper, and our Sunday Worship Bulletin. The arrangements are delivered to the church each week, and those who reserve one can take it home after the 11am service. Cost for the arrangement is $50. You may send a check to the church or put a check in the offering plate notated “Altar Flowers”.

Altar Flowers in loving memory of

Katie Brookshire

June 15, 2000

Love, Mom, Dad, Brad, Carrie,

Jack, & Grace Anne

Summer Sunday School off to a great Start!

Thank you to all the teachers who have volunteered to help us keep our programs running this summer. We had wonderful attendance on Sunday and expect a fun time this summer learning together.

Our teachers for the summer are as follows: Preschool-Kelly Henderson, Rosemarie Sutton, Tracy Jack, and Lauren Magin K-2nd-Matt & Erica Amason, Julie Chapman and Jenny Cordell 3rd-5th-Laura & Bill McKay and Wellons Hallman Sincerely,

Thank you!

Thank you for the Special Offering for our Mexico Mission Team this past Sunday. Your generosity will go a very long way in making a difference. Please keep our mission

team in prayer. Our church family’s support is most appreciated.

Sincerely, Julie, Chap, Blaine, and Braden Chapman, Bob and Fran Thomas, & Janine Blakeborough


The WAY Station fed:

80 children under 18

111 people ages 19-64

32 people ages 65+

223 people total 84 households New Study Join the New Beginnings Adult Sunday School Class as they embark on another journey

with Andy Stanley called "Twisting the Truth”, developed to help you and your group understand how truth can get twisted and distorted, and how that impacts your life. Throughout the study, Stanley exposes four destructive and all-too-prevalent lies powerful enough to ruin our relationships, our lives, even our eternities―but only if we let them. With his gift for straight, to-the-heart communication, Andy Stanley helps us exchange falsehoods for truths that can turn our lives completely around. New Beginnings on 2nd floor, to the left, last door on the left. Hope to see you there!

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Attention VBS Church Family If you have any craft items that you are prepping at home, please return them to the church office by Friday, June 12th. We also need to start an inventory on our food and paper goods, so please bring purchased items to the church at your earliest convenience. We appreciate all the help behind the scenes in the weeks leading up to VBS. We couldn’t do it without you! We have one more official work day this Monday, June 15th from 9-2pm. Childcare is provided. Please let us know if you are able to come and help. Thank you all!

Save the Date! Sunday, June 21st at 5:30 pm Volunteer Orientation

We will be having an orientation the night before to acquaint the volunteers with the program, our

church, and each other. 5:00 pm Youth Dinner in the Gill 5:30-6:00 pm Orientation in the Sanctuary for All Adult and Youth Volunteers 6:00-6:30pm Walk through of all areas and meeting with specific station leaders

We hope that this will be very well attended so our volunteers will come in Monday with T-shirts and

nametags already, and be able to help direct the children upon arrival. We will still have a breakfast starting at 8

am in the Fellowship Hall for all children of volunteers, so that their parents can be in place early.

Please mark your calendars for this time with us Sunday evening. We want everyone to feel

comfortable, informed, and ready for a fantastic week!

Decorating Props Needed for VBS

Our decorating theme this year is Mount Everest, so we are creating lots of snow, ice, and rocks, with plenty of mountainous backgrounds. Base camp features prominently in our skits and theme, so we are looking for lots of camping/hiking/rock-climbing types of props. If you have items that we can borrow, we are specifically looking for: hiking boots, Backpacks, camp stoves, wooden crates, appropriate heavy-duty outerwear such as parkas, goggles, ski bibs, ski hats/masks, & gloves. We only need a limited amount of these prop items, so please contact Jeanne ([email protected] OR 478-320-4639) before bringing any items to the church. Please let us know what we may borrow ASAP, in order that we can plan appropriately.

Thank you!

Richmond Hill Public Library’s 2015 Summer Library Program

Performances Richmond Hill United Methodist Church

2:00pm - The Gill Fellowship Hall

June 10th: GSU Center for Wildlife Education - “Wildlife program featuring reptiles & raptors”

June 17th: Dr. Keith Karnok - “Magic & Ventriloquism”

July 8th: Arthur Atsma - “Magic”

July 15th: Lynnae Weller of Savannah Balloons - “One Wish, Two Wish, Red Wish,

Blue Wish”

July 22nd: Chad Crews - “Super Reading Extravaganza Magic Show”


AGES 9-16!!

WHO: All treble-voice singers ages 9-16

WHAT: Non-auditioned community youth chorus

WHEN: Interest meeting Sunday, June 28 @


WHERE: Richmond Hill UMC, 9050 Ford Ave.,


Premier performance at

1st Annual Family of Faith Christian

Music Festival

benefitting Family Promise of Bryan County


CONTACT: Jeanne Wallace at

[email protected]

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The Hill Topper — USPS 021-862, PERIODICALS — Published weekly (excluding weeks of Thanksgiving and Christmas) by the Richmond Hill United Methodist Church, 9050 Ford Avenue (PO Box 1480), Richmond Hill, GA 31324. Periodical privileges authorized at Richmond Hill, Georgia, periodical postage paid at Richmond Hill, Georgia. POSTMASTER: Address service requested. Send address changes to PO Box 1480, Richmond Hill, GA 31324 June 10, 2015 Volume 3, Issue #23

Pastor on call - Dr. Glenn Martin 312-6341

Richmond Hill United Methodist Church

PO Box 1480 (9050 Ford Ave)

Richmond Hill, GA 31324

This Week at RHUMC

Sunday, June 14, 2015

8:50am — Contemporary Worship Service, Gill

9:00am — Early Worship Service, Sanctuary

10:00am — Sunday School, Sunday School Rooms

10:30am — Joy Ride Transportation Pick-Up, Magnolia Manor

11:00am — Worship Service, Sanctuary

5:30pm — Sunday Night Youth, Curry, Gill, & Chapel

6:30pm — Capital Campaign Committee Meeting, Conference Room

Monday, June 15, 2015

6:00am — Youth Morning Basketball, First Baptist Church Gym

9:00am — VBS Decoration Workday, Curry, Gill & Preschool Area

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

No Scheduled Events

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

7:15am — Men’s Breakfast, Sunshine Breakfast Café

1:15pm — Middle School Small Group, Youth Room

2:00pm — Summer Reading Series: Ventriloquist, Gill

5:00pm — High School Small Group, Youth Room

6:15pm — College Small Group, Youth Room

Thursday, June 18, 2015

6:00am — Youth Morning Basketball, First Baptist Church Gym

9:00am — Soup Kitchen, Gill & Kitchen

7:00pm — Cross Fire Worship Band Practice, Gill

Friday, June 19, 2015

No Scheduled Events

Saturday, June 20, 2015

No Scheduled Events

Our Helpers for Sunday,

June 14, 2015

9:00am………........Tricia Brown & Tracy Jack

11:00am……...Jessica Reed, Janice Braman,

& Katie Langridge

Attendance and Stewardship for

June 7, 2015


Children’s Church…………………………………………..…………....….51

Sunday School………………………………………………..…...….........148

Contemporary Worship………………………….....………....…...……31

9:00am Worship……………………........…………...……....................166

11:00am Worship……………………………………….…………......….198

Sunday Worship Total…………………….…….…….…....395

Weekly Budget Needs………………..………………….$17,104.00

Received 6/7/2015

Weekly Budget Receipts……………………..............…...$22,170.08

Designated ………………………………………...…………........$4,706.51

Your Church Staff Dr. Glenn Martin ……………………...………………….. Senior Pastor

Janine Blakeborough …………………………... Children’s Director

Jack Caldwell ………………………...…………….……....Youth Director

Tom Seaman……………...…..Contemporary Ministries Director

Gina Stephenson ………………………………..Day School Director

Jeanne Wallace …………………...…………………..…..Music Director

Holland Morgan …………………….……….…………….….......Organist

Karin Campbell ………………...…………....... Nursery Coordinator

Cyndy Tabakian ……………...….............................. Church Hostess

Cindy Hardy…………………...………………………….….… Bookkeeper

Jill Niswonger ...…………..………………………………….…….Secretary

Peggy Witherow ……...…………………. Administrative Assistant

Rusty Reynolds ………………………...………………...……...Custodian

If you are interested in receiving The Hill Topper (our church

newsletter) by email, please contact Jill in the church office at

912 756-2190. Thank You!

9:00am ...……...….……Keith Henderson 11:00am ………….……Keith Henderson

9:00am……………………………...…Donna Wallace

11:00am ………....…………………...…… Judy Scott

9:00am………….…Sammie & Natalie Cuson

11:00am…………….……Alex & Drew Braman

If you are interested in joining our church family, please

contact Glenn Martin at 912-312-6341.