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Page 1: Rhynean - May 2011 Issue

May 2011 Volume 105 - Issue 7

By Alyssa CarlsonManaging Editor

Rise Up, Lenoir-Rhyne’s most recent call to action has been seen all over campus this semester. Lenoir-Rhyne has been rising up in every aspect. From its new television commercials to the achievements of its exceptional students, Lenoir-Rhyne has reached new heights since it became a university nearly three years ago. This year, LRU set an enrollment record for the second year in a row with over 1,850 students. The freshman class alone accounted for 430 of those students coming from 28 states and six countries. This year also brought 150 transfer students in comparison to last year’s 107. L-R also saw a 15 percent increase in applications submitted. Lenoir-Rhyne has continued to expand and invest in academics, facilities, athletics and programming this year. The university opened the Solmaz Institute for Obesity, welcomed three new athletic teams, added two new master’s programs and introduced a new core curriculum that will better challenge students. With 57 undergraduate majors and seven graduate degree programs, U.S. News and World Report names LRU as one of the top 15 regional colleges in the south. Due to this increase in popularity and interest in L-R, the Office of Enrollment Management has increased admissions standards for incoming freshmen for Fall 2011. According to Director of Admissions, Karen Feezor, L-R

Record EnrollmentL-R Rises Up with Waiting List

will become more competitive for incoming freshman. “L-R’s students are typically strong academically and this increase just ensures that L-R continues to be known for our academic excellence, as well as responsible leadership,” Feezor said. Admissions wanted to support the Rise Up effort by ensuring that students are able to join in and rise to the next level. These new standards have brought the need for L-R’s first-ever wait list. Feezor said this will give perspective students who are close, but do not quite meet the new standards, a chance to work on their G.P.A. and standardized test scores. This will allow them to strengthen their academic resume and possibly be admitted later. The admissions office is expecting to receive over 4,000 freshman applications this year, another first for L-R. To date, they are 31.3% ahead in freshman applications and 27.65% ahead in freshman admittances. Not only is Lenoir-Rhyne becoming more popular by the year, but this year has brought new opportunities for education and extra-curricular activities. L-R is not stopping there. Soon the campus will have a new residence hall and renovations to other dorms; plus, hopefully new campus lighting. L-R has truly fulfilled its goals to rise up and plans to continue this momentum. Incoming students, along with the rest of the student body will now be held to these new standards. Lenoir-Rhyne University has risen up in multiple ways. Will you rise up too?

Campus BrightensL-R Receives Grant for Lights

By: Amanda ParmeleeStaff Writer

Students and faculty can walk more confidently on campus this fall after Lenoir-Rhyne was awarded a $300,000 grant from the Charles A. Cannon Charitable Trusts to be used for an improved Campus Lighting program. The program, which will begin this summer and hopefully finish by the fall, comes after students specifically identified campus lighting as a top priority during surveys conducted by the university. “In response to these surveys, the university contracted with the design and engineering firm of Woolpert, Inc to conduct a survey of the current campus lighting and to make recommendations regarding additional and improved lighting,” said university representatives in a press release. The new installations will increase lighting in high priority areas, such as Price Village, around Morgan and Isenhour, around the Library and the quad, and in the parking lot

and sidewalk area behind Fritz Conrad Residence Hall. “If the city is willing to partner with us, and we believe they will, then we can move from doing just high priority to doing the lower priority as well,” said Dean of Students Katie Fisher. With the areas of high priority hopefully completed by fall, students should see an immediate improvement on campus. “We want to create a better-lit and safer campus and improve the aesthetics of campus to make it look nicer,” said Fisher. “In appreciation of what the Cannon Foundation has generously given us over the years, we also wanted to be able to complete the project in a timely manner.” The prospect of having new lighting is a popular topic for students, many of whom have recently expressed their joy and excitement to Fisher. “Luckily so far, the students are really excited that this is going to happen,” Fisher said. “I’m personally happy that we’re about to respond to the students concerns and needs.”


Track & Field

Page 10

Softball Takes SACPage 10

Photo Credit: Kate ColemanLenoir-Rhyne will be placing new lights around campus to brighten things up and create a safer environment for the students.

By Bart KeelerSports Editor

Osama bin Laden, one of the most feared and hated men in the United States for the past 10 years, was confirmed dead on Sunday, May 1, in a press conference held by President Obama late that night. This announcement may be the highest point for the Obama administration. The death of bin Laden is “the most significant achievement to date in the war against al-Qaida,” stated Obama. The AP reports that bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces early Monday morning [local time] in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Obama said he made certain all intelligence was as accurate an thorough as possible before giving the order to attack the compound believed to contain bin Laden. After the U.S. forces gave bin Laden and his congregation a

Bin Laden KilledU.S. Forces Take Down Terrorist Leader

chance to surrender, they opened fire and raided the compound, killing the terrorist mastermind and

his bevy. The body was taken into U.S. custody and reported buried at sea, as customary in Islamic

“Today’s achievement is a testament to the greatness of our country and the determination of the American people.” --President Obama

culture. Obama said, however, that the U.S. must stay alert for counter-attacks by al-Qaida. Bin Laden and his terrorist group was determined to be responsible for several mass-casualty attacks for the past two decades, including the horrific attacks in New York City, Washington, D.C. and in Pennsylvania on Sept. 11, 2001. “Justice has been done,” said Obama in his speech to the American people. “Today’s achievement is a testament to the greatness of our country and the determination of the American people.” In a U.S. Department of State release, a global warning has been issued to all U.S. travelers, reminding them to remain vigilant and cautious while traveling abroad. “Extremists may elect to use conventional and non-conventional weapons and target both official and private interests.”

Photo Credit: Bart KeelerLenoir-Rhyne students gather in the Cub’s Pub to watch President Obama confirm the death of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden.

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By: Kate ColemanLayout Editor

Friday nights on most campuses are full of parties and crazy college students celebrating the long awaited weekend. However, when you step onto Lenoir-Rhyne’s campus on a Friday night you’ll see empty parking lots and almost nobody in sight. Lenoir-Rhyne University has always been known as a ‘suitcase college’; a college where most people go home to seek fun elsewhere during the weekends. Not many students are seen walking about on Saturday afternoon, or even in the cafeteria during meal times. In a survey taken from a number of L-R students, 100 percent said that the reason for people leaving is that there is

Ghost CampusDeserted Weekends Explain Low Attendance at Events

nothing to do on campus. So, where do people go? 55 percent say they go home, while 14 percent admit to going to another campus to find their fun. The reason behind the ghost town of a campus is the perception that there is nothing to do at L-R. “People complain about how nothing is going on during the weekends, however the reason is that everyone goes home and doesn’t stick around, said sophomore Hannah Dixon. “I’ve experienced that there is something to do since I’ve been here since Christmas break on weekends,” said CAB president Elena Yanez. Even though there are several things to do on the weekend, many students consistently go home. This semester, CAB brought some interesting and fun things to campus

for the student body like a hypnotist and a comedian, but according to Yanez, there were low turnouts for both. It’s time for L-R students to take initiative and begin planning fun things on their own. Now that it is warmer, students can begin playing outside. Pick up a ball and go play kickball with some friends, or grab your swimsuit and head to the pool or lake. There are many things to do on campus and around Hickory. College is supposed to be one of the best times of your life, and as of right now, it seems that L-R students are not having that great time, at least not on campus. Hopefully, with more campus activities, more people would be willing to stay, not only during the week for classes, but on the weekends to create many memories that they will remember for

By: Stephen RankinStaff Writer

It was on June 16, 1911 that the company, that would eventually be known as IBM was founded. This year will be the company’s 100th birthday, and looking back on their history they have a lot of which to be proud. You have almost certainly heard of Watson, IBM’s Artificially Intelligent program that

IBM Celebrates 100 Years of Innovationdefeated the two greatest Jeopardy players on national television recently, but the company is responsible for so much more, including many technologies you use every day. IBM was originally named CTR – the Computing Tabulating Recording Company. CTR was created June 16, 1911 when several existing technology companies merged together. In 1914 the company hired the man who would become the face of IBM: Thomas J. Watson. In under a year he was the company president and expanded the company dramatically. He often said, “All of the problems of the world could be settled easily if men were only willing to think”--and “THINK” became the company’s motto for many,

many decades. The company was renamed International Business Machines in 1924 to better reflect their growth and purpose. Since then, the company has been one of the most innovative, powerful, and important forces at work in the world of technology. Though their presence in the consumer sector has waned somewhat since the height of their power, IBM’s presence can still be felt in much of the modern world. Have you participated in the

census? Ever heard of Social Security? IBM created the first machines to tabulate that data and many believe that social security would not exist without IBM. Ever heard of Artificial Intelligence? IBM created the first self-learning program in 1956. Have you played a current-generation game console? They all have IBM chips inside of them. Ever heard of punch cards? IBM was the king of punched card technology for decades. Many called them “IBM cards” for this reason. IBM has also had policy banning discrimination based on physical handicap (1942), race (1952), sex, nationality, age (1961) or sexual orientation (1984) years, sometimes decades before it became law. Ethically and technologically, the company has consistently remained ahead of the curve. Below is a timeline of some of the company’s more memorable accomplishments:

1924 – The company is renamed International Business Machines: IBM.1935 – IBM opens the first professional training school for women.1938 – IBM introduces bubble sheets for test scoring and a machine that could read them. Schools still use these.1939 – IBM demonstrates an early form of e-mail at the World’s Fair.1951 – IBM releases the first mass-produced electronic computer.1953 – IBM becomes an equal-opportunity employer – more than a decade before the civil rights act.1954 – The first automatic translation from

Russian to English.1957 – IBM invents FORTRAN, a programming language that is still used today.1962 – IBM invents the first electronic airline reservation system. Plane reservations took hours before this.1966 – DRAM is invented – the first chip-based memory. Your computer uses this.1969 – IBM technology and NASA scientists put a man on the moon.1973 – IBM introduces the UPC barcode. You may have used this one.1975 – IBM 5100 introduced – the first portable computer.1976 – IBM releases the first laser printer.1980 – IBM invents RISC – the basis for most microprocessors to this day.1981 – IBM’s first personal computer.1990 – IBM shows off the first technology that can move single atoms by re-arranging 36 of them to spell “IBM”. 1992 – The Thinkpad line of computers is invented. This is the only line of computers approved for use on the International Space Station.1997 – IBM’s Deep Blue supercomputer defeats the reigning chess grand champion. A first.2011 – IBM’s Watson artificial intelligence program defeats the two best Jeopardy players on national television. This is just a small sample of what the company has done for the world, so send them a card, or at least an email. I think they’ve earned it.

Rhynean Staff

Editors - in - ChiefKimberly Caporale

&Heather Sackett

Managing EditorAlyssa Carlson

Sports EditorBart Keeler

Layout & Design EditorKate Coleman

Copy EditorJamie Frye

Staff WritersKatelyn CrawfordGustav Meyners

Amanda ParmaleeJenn PlatzerErica PitrackAsia Wilson

Student ColumnsGreek Gatheringby Jenn Platzer

Intellectual Musings by Jamie Frye

Faith Column by Bart Keeler &Stephen Gambill

Music Worldby Daniel Bullins

Reel Worldby Rachel Zahran

Tech Talkby Stephen Rankin

Going Greenby Kristin Lain

Senior Issuesby Jenn Platzer

Freshman Issuesby Asia Wilson

Politicsby Ryan Pegarsch &

Spencer Voelkert

AdvisorsStaff Advisor:

Professor Susan YinglingFaculty Advisor:Dr. Lisa Harris

The RhyneanLRU Box 7215

Hickory, NC 28603(828) 328 - [email protected]

[email protected]

Did Video Kill the Radio Star?The Story Behind the Fall in Radio and the Rise in Video

By: Skye SessionsContributing Writer

Has radio really lost its power, or do people feel that radio doesn’t compare to the new generations? In a world of podcasts, mp3 players, iPods and music videos (online and on television) – what is it that makes radio (and the radio star) antiquated in comparison?

Here are some of the advantages to the radio, as well as their radio stars:Real people. The individuals that make up a radio station, show or playlist are real people, just like the listeners. They have favorite songs, artists and topics. With this in mind, it makes more sense to have someone personal to listen to and speak with instead of the constant murmur of music videos.Any time of day. What’s more important than being able to listen to your favorite radio station any time of day? Honestly, that’s something that all individuals should be happy to have. Disc Jockeys (DJs) are entertaining. Waking up in the morning or driving home from work, DJ’s are always talking about the latest news, events, or local concerts. What makes them even better is that they can make anyone laugh. They know how to relate to the listener, understanding that everyone is alike, at least in some way.Infinite daily topics to discuss. From the news, to animals, to mowing the lawn on a Saturday morning – the list is endless in daily discussion amongst DJs, branching out to the listeners, hoping that someone will jump in with an opinion on the matter. Open to the public. “Call in and tell us about your experience.” That’s a frequent proposal on the air. When DJs plead for the listener to call in, it’s because they care. Honestly, they want to know what the listener likes and dislikes so that the overall quality of the radio shows improves. The more DJs know about the listener’s experience, the easier it is to keep the listener listening.

When The Buggles released their song, “Video Killed the Radio Star” in 1979, this was during a time in which the setting was changing across the nation. Music was making its air on television through Music Television (also known as MTV). Although people still desired to listen to the radio, it was the new accessibility in the home that drove individuals to turn their televisions on to MTV watching their favorite music come-to-life.

“When MTV first came on the air, people had it on almost 24 hours a day. said Dr. William Richter, chair of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication and advisor of WLRZ - Lenoir-Rhyne’s campus radio station. “Of course back then they played nothing but music videos and had VJs (video jockeys) instead of DJ’s. I

think they might have taken a small chunk out of the radio audience, but when you’re driving in your car you can’t listen to MTV. I think the biggest problem ‘radio stars’ have had came when the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) allowed one company to own multiple stations in multiple markets. At one time, one person or company could only own 7 AM and 7 FM but it eventually changed so that Clear Channel Communications owned over 2000 stations. They would have one studio churning out programming for hundreds of stations at a time. This had the effect of killing radio jobs. Fewer on-air positions meant fewer radio stars.” But what is it that makes the radio

See Video Killed the Radio, pg 5 Continued from pg 2

Photo Credit: Amanda ParmeleeDJ talks to listeners durning his on-air radio show for WKLR.

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News 3

By: Alyssa CarlsonManaging Editor

Held April 15, Lenoir-Rhyne’s fourth annual Relay For Life event presented co-chairs Hannah Warren and Ashely Shytle with a challenge. Despite the initial chaos of putting an event like this together, however, the two pulled it off with ease.

Warren and Shytle opened the event by welcoming everyone. Breast cancer survivor, Sheila Poovey, spoke about her own experience. The event kicked off with the traditional survivor lap. Survivors from the Hickory area and some L-R employees took the victory lap around the gym, celebrating their own personal fight.

There was a total of 10 teams that participated this year: Delta Zeta, Jessika’s Journey, Kappa Delta, L-R Admissions, Lenoir-Rhyne LSM, the L-R Football Team, Sigma Kappa, Theta Xi and Zeta Tau Alpha.

Team fund-raisers were mostly food sales, participants had cheesecake bites, cookies, trail mix, chips, peanuts and Chick-Fil-A sandwiches available. All the monies raised went toward the team’s totals and contributed to the final fund-raising total of the night.

The Relay is 12 hours long so committees come up with different competitions and mini-events throughout the night. The first was a Chick-Fil-A nugget-eating contest. The DJ played a song and the contestants had to either finish 35 nuggets or eat the most by the end of the tune. Everyone cheered participants on as they crammed nuggets in their mouths.

Another competition was one that started at last year’s event, “Mr. Relay,” a male beauty pageant. Each team submits a participant for the competition and they are to come up with a women’s outfit to wear and a talent.

Participants were Andrew Golden, Billy Siezega, D.R. Peek, Will McSwain, Michael Richter, and Jake Copeland. The boys not only showed their “talents,” but they also answered an interview question and participated in the “best legs” contest. Everyone held their sides as they erupted with laughter at the boys. After the contest, the contestants had 30 minutes to collect as much money as possible; the one with the most money won. They were really good sports and provided a lot of entertainment.

The night continued with music and karaoke and of course participants walking around the tap. The Relay always has fun events within it, but what many people do not see are the individual stories.

The “Jessika’s Journey” team was one that came from the Hickory community. Jessika Morgan lost her 11-month battle with cervical cancer on Feb. 12, 2011 at age 32. The group was run by her sister-in-law and consisted of family members including Jessika’s husband, children and

Relay For LifeAnother Successful Fight Against Cancer

even her dog. It was incredibly inspirational watching her loved ones remember her. It has been just two months since they lost Jessika, but they were strong and positive as they walked around the event.

Another story comes from L-R’s own Brian Lewis. Lewis lost his grandmother to cancer when he was in sixth grade. He was very close with her and was so distraught from losing her that he could not sit through the funeral proceedings. For years, Lewis could not forget this and it stayed with him – he felt like he did not give her the proper goodbye.

When he got to high school, Lewis joined the Relay For Life planning committee in honor of his “mom mom,” as he called her. He enjoyed planning these events, but did not get to participate as much because he was so busy making sure everything was running smoothly. So, for the last four years, Lewis vowed to walk every single minute of Relay in her memory.

“Those 12 hours are extremely rough on my body, especially the later it

gets; but, it is nothing compared to what my grandmother went through in her battle…Relay allows me to preserve the special relationship I had with my grandmother,” Lewis said.

By the end of the night, everyone was exhausted, but happy when Warren announced the final total, $6,440.69. Jessika’s Journey raised the most money with a final total of $2,547.75. Everyone was excited to see all of the hard work and participation pay off.

“I felt like Relay was very successful this year even though we were faced with the challenge of having it inside due to weather. I would like to thank everyone that made this night great,” said Warren.

Relay For Life is a fun-filled overnight event designed to celebrate survivorship and raise money for research and programs of the American Cancer Society. L-R’s Relay is over, but these events happen nationwide. To find more information about how you can get involved in one visit

Photo Credit: Sandra KitchenMr. Relay contestants Jake Copeland and Michael Richter performed Britney Spears’ “Hit Me Baby One More Time” for the talent portion of the competition.

By: Olivia PitmanContributing Writer

To type or not to type? That’s the question many college students find themselves asking as they enter the classroom. Professors and students alike have very strong opinions about whether or not students should be allowed to bring the compact computer into classroom leaving many to wonder what the big deal is. The laptop didn’t take long to catch on with young people, and when it did it became an essential school supply that can be seen almost anywhere you look on a college campus. Used for taking notes, playing games and social networking among other things, the laptop computer is creating a bit of controversy in the academic world. Visit professor Lyndell Kerley’s statistics class at Lenoir-Rhyne University on any given Monday morning and open up your laptop. “Put those things away,” Kerley exclaimed to his 8:20am class a few weeks ago,” there is no reason that you should have that out right now.” His harsh words and suggestions as per his syllabus state that the only technology needed in his classroom is a calculator; otherwise, a pencil and paper are more than enough for quality note taking. And it isn’t just professors with this sentiment. Ethan L. of Lincolnton, NC couldn’t agree with Kerley more suggesting that, “it’s too easy to get on Facebook or play games. I rarely end up finishing my notes because I’m finishing a game of solitaire.” But there is a completely different side to this story. Many professors and students welcome the idea of laptops into the classroom as they advocate for the machine’s ability to aid students with fast note taking, the option for immediate research as well as they ability to complete online-based work during class. “[A laptop] increases my productivity a lot. It’s not a distraction to me,” stated Tara D, a junior at L-R. Many professors see laptop use as a personal decision. Dr. Jeff Wright, a professor of Economics at Lenoir-Rhyne University, suggests that if a student wants to play games instead of taking notes, the only person that they’re hurting is himself or herself. The opinions concerning technology in the classroom both offer valid points and valuable insights. With such passionate views, it only makes sense to allow individual professors to decide if a laptop can be used in their classroom. While some find it helpful, others find it obnoxious. If you’re thinking about using a laptop to take notes or to tune out, it’s best to check with your syllabus or professor

Pen vs theComputer

By: Jamie FryeCopy Editor

Teaching Fellows. This is phrase that many faculty, staff and students might be familiar with on the campus of Lenoir-Rhyne University, but how many of them can actually tell you what that truly means? North Carolina Teaching Fellows is a scholarship loan program for students who are prospective teachers. Students apply for the scholarship the fall semester of their senior year in High School. Perspective Fellows go through a series of interviews and academic screenings at the local and state levels, where rigorous evaluations of the student are conducted. From more than 2,000 applicants, 500 North Carolina High School seniors are awarded the esteemed scholarship. Their prize? A four-year scholarship loan in the amount of $6,500 per year, repayable through four years of teaching in the state of North Carolina—at full salary. And, to top it all off, if the student receives the scholarship to a private institution, like Lenoir-Rhyne University, the institution will automatically match the $6,500 that the state provides,

Teaching Fellows Rise Up Program Graduates First Class with Success

increasing the s c h o l a r s h i p ’ s yearly value to $13,000. 2 0 1 1 has been a very eventful year for the Teaching Fellows Program at Lenoir-Rhyne. For

starters, the program completed its first evaluation by the Teaching Fellows Commission last semester with wild success. The evaluation report issued in spring of 2011 noted that the Teaching Fellows Program at L-R, which began in 2007, met or exceeded expectations in 22 of the 24 evaluated categories. The categories they failed to meet expectations for are ones any new program would struggle with—communication between the various committees, Fellows, administration and staff, along with assignment of graduate/administrative assistance and support. The evaluation demonstrated a high level of admiration for the program and its progress since its inception, not even four years ago. Dr. Joyce Davis, Program Director, was very satisfied with the overall results. “I was very pleased that the evaluation team was so positive in their feedback, and complimentary about the strength of our program and level of support we receive from the whole campus,” said Davis. The first class of Teaching Fellows, who began the program

in 2007, will be graduating this year and begin their respective careers and fulfillment of indebtedness to the state. Several of the Senior Fellows are pursuing job opportunities, as well as graduate school. All of them will leave the program with a great many memories, and ties. Recently all the senior Fellows presented their Longitudinal Research Projects, a program requirement, in P.E. Monroe Auditorium. Before the presentations a ceremony was given to the senior Fellows, honoring their impact on the program and Fellows under them. Their exit is not the only one that the program will face this year. Dr. Joyce Davis, current Program Director at Lenoir-Rhyne, will be transferring to take the position of Program Director at the University of North Carolina at Asheville this fall. While the decision was received by Fellows with a great deal of sadness and concern, Davis’ move is not without justification. She will be replacing retiring Program Director Brenda Strand, who has served the Program at UNC-A for 25+ years. Talks for a new Director at Lenoir-Rhyne are in the works, but a new Director will be in place prior to Dr. Davis’ departure. According to the program website,, the NC Teaching Fellows Program “is the most ambitious teacher recruitment program in the nation.” The Lenoir-Rhyne Teaching Fellows Program is at its strongest point yet in its success, and will continue to soar in years to come.

Photo Credit:

Kristen Houser Kylie Hutchinson

Jordan Jacoby Alexis Katt

Jessica Keaton Sandra Kitchen

Amelia Langeneggar Alyssa Locke

Melissa Maske Hailey Mathison

Amber Miller Morgan Mitchem

Emily Moon Heather Mount Hillary Nelson

Megan Neubauer Zachary Neumann

Olga OrtizLakeisha Abernathy

April AsheCharles Askey Lynsey Banks Alyssa BeersAlexis Bolin

Lauren Caldwell Chassidy Campbell Shauna Christian

Orientation LeadersStudents Selected

Anthony Church Kate Coleman Marty CurrentKristen Davis

Hannah Dixon Barbara Feimster Alexandra Folk

James FryeMary Gladden Katie Owenby Caitlin Pratt Matt Pursley

Stephen Reitzel Steven Robinson

Kiara Sauders Bethany Sawyer Quinn Scarvey

Michael Schlegelmilch Ashley Shealy

William Siezega Deana Simmons Brittany Stanton Charlene Taylor Kaitlyn Turner Leah Vulpitta

Hannah Williams Megan Winkler

By: Kimberly Caporale Editor

For fall 2011-- orientation leaders will look to help freshmen outwit, outlast and outplay their time at L-R. This year the theme for orientation will be based on the reality television hit “Survivor”. The goal for orientation leaders is to help their freshmen group members survive their freshmen year and come out on top. The following students were selected to be leaders for the incoming freshmen class.

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By: Asia WilsonStaff Writer

It was just last year that L-R’s Circle K organization was completely inactive, the way it had been for a couple years. That all changed this year when freshman Belinda Ear learned about Circle K. She had no idea what she was getting herself into; but, Ear decided that Circle K would be a great challenge, so she committed herself to the task. She was in the Bear’s Lair atrium one day when someone came up to her and asked her to help get this organization up and running again. When it was active on campus, no one really knew about Circle K, but Ear took it upon herself to make this work. She began by rounding up people to join the club. She was familiar with the Key Club from her high school years, which is quite similar to Circle K. Circle K is a community service organization geared toward servicing the local

Service Projects Keep Circle K Club Busy

By: Olivia Pitman Staff Writer

Teaching Annual Giving to Students (TAGS) is a new program at Lenoir-Rhyne University that strives to inform students about the importance of supporting their alma-mater once they graduate and become Alumni. Mr. Matthew Peterson is the Director of the President’s Society and is incredibly excited to have launched this program this semester in order to raise awareness about the importance of becoming a donor and being educated on where the money paid to Lenoir-Rhyne University goes.

Many students argue that with tuition being over $30,000 a year that they don’t need to give more money to the University once they’re gone, but according to Matthew Peterson, that just isn’t the case.

“Over 90% of students receive scholarships,” explained Mr. Peterson. “If we didn’t have alumni to give back there would be no scholarships.”

Lauren Walker, a junior, found out about the TAGS program by a cleverly designed tag left in her campus mailbox with information about the program, which led her to investigate more on what the program really means.

“I did not realize that so much money went to L-R students from Alumni,” said Walker.

Walker also said that after learning about this program, she’s more likely to become an annual donor once she’s graduated because other students should be given the same financial opportunities that she’s had.

TAGS is not just about trying to get students to donate money, though. TAGS is about educating students about the Alumni association and where the money given to Lenoir-Rhyne University actually goes.

When it comes to finances, trying to make students care about what’s going on comes with a challenge. To grab the attention of students, Mr. Peterson has begun his campaign by sending out candy bars with wrappers that detail where each cent from every dollar given to LRU actually goes.

Mr. Peterson understands that it’s going to take more than just candy bars to get the message across. Fair Star Fridays was created as a campaign to educate students about the Alumni office as well as other facts surrounding the history of Lenoir-Rhyne University and the donors who support it.

Each Friday, Mr. Peterson will post a clue on the official Facebook page for the TAGS program. Each clue will have something to do with the history of Lenoir-Rhyne University as it pertains to the Alumni Association, Donors or Annual Giving. The clues will lead you to a spot on campus that relates to the clue. Once you make the connection and find the spot, you’ll find a bear statue. Bring the statue back to Mr. Peterson in the Alumni House to receive your prize.

Of course, winning a prize on Fair Star Friday is a small part of what it really means to get something out of the TAGS program. Peterson hopes that the TAG program will raise awareness about not only giving back to Lenoir-Rhyne University but also where the Alumni house is located, what the office does to help students and the benefits that students reap from supportive Alumni.

If you’re interested in the TAGS program, visit

Don’t forget to follow the link on TAGS’ website to become a fan on Face Book. If you have any questions about TAGS or Fair Star Friday, stop by the Alumni house. It’s a cozy spot on campus that often goes overlooked. Mr. Matthew Peterson welcomes visitors and any question you may have.

By: Heather SackettEditor

It is time to pay up for musician and actress, Courtney Love, who has been sued for multiple defamatory statements she posted on Twitter in March 2009 towards designer, Dawn Simorangkir.

Settlement for the lawsuit was reached outside of court with Love’s agreement to pay $430,000 to Simorangkir over a series of payments until 2014. Love gave her first payment on March 4. The dispute began over a $4,000 payment Simorangkir sent Love in February 2009 for a dress and other custom made garments she made under her label, “Boudoir Queen.” Love failed to pay the invoices because she believed she was receiving the clothing for free. She let out her anger towards Simorangkir on this matter on her Twitter account, courtneylover79. Love went on a 21 minute rant, posting several defamatory comments to her Twitter page accusing Simorangkir of stealing, cocaine dealing and being an unfit mother. “Is my clothes, my WARDROBE! Oi vey, don’t f*** with my wardrobe or you will end up in a circle of scorched earth hunted

Twitter Tirade Celebrity Courtney Love Goes on Trial, Pays $430,000

‘til you’re dead,” said Love on her twitter account. Love continued to bash the designer by mentioning etsy, referring to , a website marketplace that accommodates independent designers and is utilized by Simorangkir. “Stay away. Well, well away and etsy can’t wait to see the back of her, so goodbye nasty a**wipe lying hosebag thief, now for pleasant things,” said Love via Twitter. Love claimed that her statements were an expression of her opinion. She thinks her comments did not inflict damage and that it was her right to express herself on public forums. “Little bassists. Goodbye “Boudoir Queen” to be replaced by 100s of great indie designers on etsy that are trained that do know whattheyredoin,” said Love on her Twitter account, ending her “tweeting” tirade. This case is the first of its kind bringing light to derogatory postings on social networks. Precedence could be set by this case to determine if public figures comments or “tweets” on Twitter should be held accountable to the same libel laws that apply to the

TAG! You’re IT!

college/university, as well as the surrounding community. Ear hopes to be a missionary overseas, so this was right up her alley. When Ear began in the fall the club had about six people, now it has over 30, and that number is rising. Any time a service project is presented, L-R’s Circle K members jump on it. The students in this organization show hard work and dedication in every task they take on. L-R’s Circle K went to a district convention recently in Cary, NC. 12 students represented L-R, bringing the most students to the convention compared to other schools. Other schools that participated were Duke University, Wake Forest University, NC State, Appalachian State, East Carolina University, Coastal Carolina, USC Aiken and UNC-Chapel Hill. The club won many awards at the convention and according to Circle K members, they were the loudest ones there. “I had the greastest time

with Circle K, it was amazing to just be in the atmosphere of those who are willing and ready to make a difference and a change in our communities not only in our communities but world as a whole,” said freshman Jerrod White. He also stated he wouldn’t have traded this experience for anything and is so ready for ICON in the summer. By going to this district convention students here were able to come together better as a group. They became a family, but a family that was willing to work together to better the L-R campus. “I am so very happy with the outcome of this year’s Circle K. At the beginning of the year I didn’t think that this organization would be where it is today,” said Ear, now Circle K’s president. L-R’s Circle K has come far this year. They began as a nearly diminished organization to become an important campus organization that contributes

through its significant charitable acts. Students at other universities also commented on L-R’s newly active Circle K organization. “Lenoir-Rhyne showed everyone that when something is dead it can surely raise from the dead again, and they came back here strong representing their school with a large force and a army ready to take charge,” said Felcia Poh of Wake Forest University. “Out of all the schools that was at the convention this year L-R amazed me the most because it seemed as if they had been active for years,” said N.C. district board member Minera Thai, of Duke University. This show of support reflects the success of L-R’s re-born Circle K. It also shows that there are students who care more than just about themselves. Some students attend L-R for more than acquiring an education--they also are concerned with service to community.

By: Amanda Parmelee and Heather Sackett

Staff Writer & Editor

This spring, Lenoir-Rhyne University introduced a diversity task force to compare L-R’s diversity to schools of similar size and help increase the minority enrollment of students as well as faculty and staff on L-R’s campus. Launched in February 2011 by university President Dr. Wayne Powell, the task force is comprised of students, faculty, staff and members of the community. Faculty members were intentionally chosen to represent each of the four different colleges within the university. The task force made an effort to include staff members from different areas of campus, such as administration, athletics, admissions and residence life. The two student members were chosen based on their interest and involvement in other organizations that place emphasis on diversity. “We really made an attempt to include a wide variety of representation,” said Charlotte Williams, associate dean for engaged and global learning and faculty chair of the diversity task force.

According to the Office of Enrollment Management, L-R as a campus is 17 percent diverse, which only includes the student population. Williams said it is necessary to be honest about the campus environment and the individual breakdown of minority levels.

L-R Reaches Out to MinoritiesNew Organization Maintains Diversity Trends

Photo Credit: Erin SweetL-R plans to encourage national diversity trends on campus.

Currently, ethnicity percentages for L-R are listed as 68 percent Caucasian, 10 percent African American, 2 percent Hispanic/Latino, 2 percent Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and 1 percent American Indian/Alaskan Native.

“I feel that L-R has a decent amount of diversity, however it’s not as diverse as other universities I’ve visited,” said Clifton Garmon, student member. “Sometimes diversity is the deciding factor on whether or not a student chooses to attend a college. Therefore I feel that it is important for L-R to try to make improvements wherever necessary.”

One area that the task force specifically hopes to enhance is the Latino

population on campus. According to Williams, North Carolina has one of the fastest growing Latino populations in the United States, so it is important that this increase is represented on campus. A PowerPoint about the Diversity Task Force provided by Williams listed the objective for the Task Force as: “develop a plan and process for implementation and monitoring that will lead to: an increase in ethnic minority enrollment and graduation numbers, an increase in ethnic minority faculty and staff members, and an environment that provides all members of the L-R community with a richer understanding of different cultures.” The words ‘diversity’

news media. “The laws controlling what is and isn’t libelous are the same regardless of the medium in which the statements appear,” said Doug Mirell, first amendment attorney and partner at Loeb and Loeb, who did not handle the case. After settlement was reached love deleted her Twitter account, but rumors say she may have created a new account.

The popularity of this

case shows the visibility of celebrities to other users or fans. Aside from posting opinions or thoughts, celebrities post candid-photos and product endorsements that attract fans. Celebrities are partially responsible for the world wind popularity Twitter has gained over the course of the year.

Twitter is becoming a communication trend across college campuses nationwide,

See Twitter, pg 5

Photo Credit: dreamstime.comCourtney Love, lead singer and guitarist for the rock band, Hole, ended up paying more than she bargained for.

and ‘ethnic’ are often paired, but have distinct meanings. Williams thinks diversity means variation, while Garmon identifies ethnic as a group of people with similar cultures and backgrounds, oftenfrom one race or geographic location. “To me diversity is beyond superficial,” said Garmon. “Diversity is having a group of people with different cultural backgrounds, religious beliefs, sexual orientations and political opinions. Simply put, diversity is different.” While the breakdown of diversity percentages on campus is important, diversity must also be represented visually to prospective students through advertising and marketing. This includes having a diverse group of students in pictures for brochures, magazine advertisements and the new series of “Rise Up” commercials airing this spring.

“We live in a diverse society, so it is always important that a business, community or university reflect its population in advertising,” said Mike Langford, director of marketing and communications. “We want to be sure that we show the ‘real’ L-R and the people that make us who we are. Our goal has always been and will continue to be one that accurately portrays our institution.”Implementation of the Diversity Task Force’s objectives has already begun and will continue into summer and fall 2011. An advisory board will take over in the fall to oversee the implementation.

For more information, contact Chair Charlotte Williams at [email protected].

Page 5: Rhynean - May 2011 Issue

Editorials 5

By: Kate ColemanLayout Editor

With crude oil priced at $105 per barrel compared to last year’s $82, gas has once again taken a toll on our wallets. Many experts’ project gas prices will rise to four dollars a gallon by this summer and five dollars a gallon by 2012.

Here at L-R, students are feeling the clench as well.

“I avoid travel whenever possible now,” said freshman Jacob Hoyt. We’ve been in this predicament before. Back in 2008, gas prices skyrocketed, going up to an average of $4.11 a gallon. Experts warned the public that the gas prices may never be the same, but low and behold, the prices settled back down. So, here we are again, with the world in an uproar and with prices of everything increasing by the day. What makes this time so different? Just picking up the paper or turning on the news, one can figure that this is not a peaceful time for the world. The Middle East is in turmoil, with everything from wars to civil outbreak. Libya has become a major reason for the increase in gas prices. Although the United States does not buy much oil from Libya, Europe does. With the unrest in Libya, there has been a lack of oil being provided to the sellers. While Libya sits and fights with each other, the whole world becomes off set.

Europe will be forced to look elsewhere for their oil if things do not

Traveling Fares IncreaseThe Inside Scoop on Empty Wallets

smooth over soon. With Europe on the lookout for another supplier, it will create more demand on the little world’s supply we already have. It is basic economics. Predictions have said four to

five dollars a gallon is in our near future according to some experts. Where are we to turn when gas gets much higher than that? Here is a nice little fact for you.

America consumes 25 percent of the world’s daily demand for oil, yet we make up only 4 percent of the world’s population. It would make sense to have America exporting the majority of the oil, but the sad fact is that America imports 60 percent of their oil. It is not rocket science to understand that America needs to figure out something to do quickly. It would be easy to say that America just needs to get off fossil fuels and turn to another resource for energy, but the pure fact of the matter is that we cannot do that. Just like a smoker cannot quit smoking cold turkey, America cannot just turn away from our oil addiction. It will take time.

In the mean time, Americans should start looking at our land for oil. What makes us so special that we must protect our land, while others are having the oil sucked dry from their ground? Why are we willing to pay shocking prices to other countries, but are unwilling to use our own resources? It is time to stop talking and start doing. America alone can help bring down the gas prices worldwide. So for now, L-R students along with the rest of the world are going to have to scrap together their gas money until something is done. Hopefully, America will realize that it is now time to start digging in our own territory and quicken the pace on new energy resources before we start reverting back to horse and buggy for transportation.

The hot button issue has been the government shutdown. Each day Republicans and Democrats say they

Editor’s Comments

What Type of Example is Congress Really Setting? are making progress on the budget, but a shutdown of the government still looms. Each day one party has a complaint about the other party. A government shutdown won’t affect the men and women who serve in Congress, instead it will affect those who work for government agencies, those in the armed services and countless others. The men and women in the military sign up to protect the United States and her citizens’ rights. Currently Americans are engaged in many global situations. It seems unethical not to pay them for their work.

Each day military personnel put their lives on the line. Congress will always applaud their efforts and be the first to recognize the heroes of war. Yet while these fine men and women are serving this country, these politicians can’t find it in their own agenda to take care of the men and women in uniform. As each party tries to advance its own political agenda, I believe we are forced to ask ourselves if they are advancing the

projects and programs that we care about and need. One of the cuts that Republicans want to make involves the Pell Grant. Speaking from a student’s perspective, any cuts to education seem crazy. In recent years, most politicians have been pushing for more education. It seems counterproductive to cut one of the programs that allow many to return to school. There is no way we can have a more educated nation if our politicians continually make cuts to educational programs. These budget cuts likely will not affect those who serve in Congress, but will impact the regular people who are still trying to recover from the recession. Instead of worrying about these people, politicians are worried about their own agenda. America is about the individual, but in school we are taught to work in teams and as members of a group, since that is what will be expected of us in the workplace. Being a member of a team means

By: Kimberly CaporaleEditor

By: Shayna SmithStaff Writer

Have you ever heard the saying, “The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off ”? Abe Lemons said this, but for four L-R faculty and staff members, this saying does not apply. These individuals have reached the end of their teaching careers and are finally going to relax. Kathy Collins, Carolyn Huff, Michael Dugan and John Sorenson are all retiring this year. “Between all four of these delighted professors all of them combined have about one- hundred years of service to Lenoir-Rhyne,” said Human Resource manager, Rick Nichols. “I would like to commend them on their hard work for so long, they all will be missed around campus by students and there colleagues .” Kathy Collins is a professor of Nursing and has had her M.S.N since 1977, which she received from the University of South Carolina. Some of Dr. Collins interests include nursing and global health. Her students in the past say that she is a wonderful professor. And although she is known to give a tons of work, it helped these students to better in the long run. Carolyn Huff is a professor of

L-R RetirementsFour People Plan a Farewell

listening to the input of others, pushing for what you feel is important and being able to compromise on other pieces of the project. When all those things are handled, well the project typically becomes something finished piece that everyone involved is proud of. It’s hard for anyone to see the value in working in a group when the members of Congress can’t reach a compromise. These are the ones we entrust to run our country “for the people”. I wonder if they are thinking about the 800,000 who will temporarily be put out of their jobs if the shutdown occurs. The government is for the people. They should not harm citizens because they are unable to reach a compromise. Whether it advances their own personal agendas or not, politicians should work to pass this budget in an effort not to harm the American people. The spotlight is on Congress as they “work” to pass a budget. All of America is watching them, wondering what they will do and wondering what the

History and has a B.A. from Maryville College and a Ph.D. from the University of Chapel Hill. Dr. Huff has been working at LR since 1969 and has been impacting student’s lives since day one. Many students have stated that Dr. Huff is a great communicator and goes the extra mile to help the student; you can tell that she enjoys her job. Dr. Huff has her retirement plan in effect; she plans on exploring the world and to visit L-R during her breaks from traveling. Michael Dugan is a professor in the Lenoir-Rhyne Business department and, as of now, has no plans for his retirement.John Sorenson is a Sociology professor and also has no plans, as of now, for his retirement. His colleagues, Dr. Beth Wright and Dr. Paulina Ruf will both miss him dearly. These professors have impacted the lives of the students and faculty deeply and even though they are retiring we will still remember the lessons they taught. We commend them on their hard work. If you see these professors on the way to class, applaud them for everything they have done during their time here. Albert Einstein once said, “Genius is 1% talent and 99% percent hard work”. These professors have proven Einstein’s theory to be true.

Did Video Kill the Radioseem antiquated and weak in comparison?

“Honestly, at this point in time, being able to control what I listen to is preferable over most radio stations, said Daniel Bullins, a Senior English major and the Station Manager of WLRZ. “Although both online and satellite radio stations are starting to switch this back in the other direction. Programs like Pandora help listeners like myself expand their horizons while staying in an area that is comfortable.”

At the moment, although listeners seem to enjoy listening to the radio, it seems

that the object in question is preference. If the average listener can only tune into a particular genre of music, thus causing the problem, they will search for an outside method of listening, whether it is podcasts, mp3s, or music videos. In regards to the song “Video Killed the Radio Star,” Bullins said, “Just wait for about twenty more years and the title will be ‘CGI killed the Video Star.’”

Now the real question appears. Will it?

Photo Credit: Kate ColemanRising gas prices continue to climb. Predictions are that by next year gas may cost five dollars per gallon.

Graphic Drawn By: Skye Sessions

including Lenoir-Rhyne. “There is a fine line between first

amendment freedoms and libel,” said Thomas Albert, L-R senior. “Celebrities, as well as the general population should not expect to seek asylum in social media sites, such as Twitter. They have to realize that this up and coming media source is the same as broadcasting on a news site or publishing

in a newspaper. Therefore, people must be accountable for their words just as if they were in any other circulated media.”

Albert noted that there are options for Twitter users, including celebrities, to minimize the risk of scandals by making their accounts private to only approved followers.

“Recently, I think people are taking the freedom of speech way too far,” said Alec Reitzel, L-R freshman. “I do not think that all Twitter postings have gotten out of hand, but there are certain users who are taking the freedom they have with “tweeting” a bit too far and should be held accountable.”

|Continued from pg 4|


Page 6: Rhynean - May 2011 Issue


By: Rachel ZahranContributing Writer

Lenoir-Rhyne University’s A Cappella Choir, under the direction of Dr. Paul Weber, rehearses in St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church for their 75th Anniversary Alumni Choir Concert, to be held April 30th at 3:00pm at First Baptist Church of Hickory. L-R’s

A Capella ChoirL-R Celebrates 75 Years of Singing

2011 One Act Play Festival Reviews

May 201102- Awards Ceremony 4:30 P.M. Belk Centrum

03-Visiting Writers Series- Rhett Trull 7:00 P.M. PE Monroe Auditorium

04- Honors Convocation 9:20 A.M. PE Monroe Auditorium

05- Stress Free Zone 9:00 A.M. Shaw Plaza

05- Pet Therapy 10:00 A.M. Cromer Center Lobby

06- Late Night Cram Breakfast 10:30 P.M. Dining Hall

12- Graduate Hooding and Commencement Ceremony 7:00 P.M. PE Monroe Auditorium

13- Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony 8:00 P.M. Moretz Field

14- Catawaba County March For Babies- Sponsored by the Delta Zeta Sorority 9:00 A.M. Shaw Plaza

26- Unifour Air Quality Conference 8:00 A.M. Various Locations

27-30- Baseball Tournament

28- Ann Freeman Dance Academy Recital 7:00 P.M. PE Monroe Auditorium

June 201107-08- Miss Treva’s School Of Dance Recital 7:00 P.M. PE Monroe


10-12 NC Women of the ELCA Gathering 8:00 A.M. Various Locations

12-15 Todd Starkey Basketball - Elite Camp 6:00 P.M. Moretz and Shuford Gym

13- Jumpstart 8:00 A.M. Various Locations

13-17 Paul Knight Baseball Camp- All Skills Camp 9:00 A.M. Baseball Field

13-16 Todd Starkey Basketball – Day Camp 9:00 A.M. Moretz and Shuford Gym

16-18 Todd Starkey Baseball- Team Camp 4:30 P.M. Moretz and Shuford Gym

17- Jumpstart 8:00 A.M. Various Locations

20- Jumpstart 8:00 A.M. Various Locations

24- Jumpstart 8:00 A.M. Various Locations

27-30 Paul Knight Baseball Camp- Hitting Camp 9:00 A.M. Baseball Field

By: Kimberly Caporale Editor

Wednesday evening was opening night for the play festival. Typically when attending a show the audience is aware of what the content will be and may even know the plot of the play. The festival was different. I attended knowing that the plays were student-selected and directed...sure to be a treat.

The Case Of Crushed Petunias

Directed by Katelyn Crawford, and written by Tennessee Williams this play was adorable and a perfect fit for spring time. We each have something in our lives that we fixate on and for Dorothy (Kaitlynn Miller) it just happened to be her petunias. The entire show was light-hearted and fun, with a slight twist of mystery. As soon as the young man walked into her shop, the audience was all aware that he was the man that had stomped all over her flowers, but it took her a lot longer to solve that mystery. The young man seemed to put Dorothy into a frenzy as she tried to figure out everything he was telling her. His remarks were met with laughter from the audience. And everyone sitting there was reminded of the simple things in life.

The petunias were a lovely contrast to the black set pieces. The actors could have projected and turned themselves out more. It felt like they were having a conversation with one another other throughout the show, instead of a conversation between themselves and the audience.

We were all reminded that sometimes we need to throw the old out and bring the new in to offer ourselves something new.

Variations on the Death Of Trotsky

Directed by Cody Watson and written by David Ives, this play made me wonder what we would do if we could read about our death before it was coming. What would we think, what would we say and what secrets would we discover? The show was filled with hilarious comments from the actors and Trotsky (Mark Shell) trying to figure out why his gardener would smash a mountain axe through his head. From different scenes, different explanations are discovered by Trotsky and his wife (Molly Leonard) as they attempt to crack the mystery of when he will finally die. It wasn’t until the closing moments of the play that the audience is clued into all of this

having gone on in Trotsky’s head. He tries to talk to his wife and all she can tell him was that it all happened yesterday and now he is in the hospital. The chemistry between Mr. and Mrs. Trotsky was beautiful and they were both completely convincing in their roles. They did a wonderful job and complimented each other beautifully. Ramon, the gardener (Will McSwain) was a hysterical element to the play. His accent was well done. Near the end of this one act Trotsky is listing his accomplishments and then states that he will be wiped from the history of his country. It left me wondering what I will leave with my country and what impact will I make during my time on earth. Though the play may have seemed light-hearted and funny, it definitely gave the audience something to take home with them and think about.

Armed Robbery For Dummies

This one act was directed by Liz Lord and written by Paul R. Roman. This hilarious play had me holding my sides by the time it was finished. The action went from one extreme to the next. Although most of the time the mateiral was inappropriate it wasn’t any worse than shows

most of us currently watch on television. The set for this show was outstanding. It was one of the best I have seen during my time here at L-R. It was all done in black but I really felt as if we were looking into Frank’s (Micah Krey) living room. The set really helped the actions of the characters become clear. The set, the costumes, everything just went together so well to create the perfect viewing of this play. Each of the characters did a great job at playing his or her role. The accents were wonderful, and while they may have seemed over-the-top, they made the experience worthwhile. Without them I don’t think they would have been able to carry the show the way they did.

Minnesota Moon

The final one act of the evening was directed by DR Peek and written by John Olive. Overall, this play was good and gave the audience a lot to think about. But it was long and the audience was already bogged down with banter between the characters by the time they began talking about some serious issues. It’s likely a time all of us have experienced. Maybe not right before we went off to college, but we’ve likely all been in that place

where everyone else is moving on to bigger and better things yet you sit in the same place, unable to move or do anything about it, just waiting for your next growth spurt. That’s the exact place the audience found Larry (Isaac Gambrelli), as he and best friend Allan (Will McSwain) sat drinking beer and putting off goodbyes. They remembered the good times and celebrated those, but also mourned for what they had lost--a friend, Terry. As they shared their memories and tried to understand what had happened, it was almost like they grew up overnight and helped one another through what they considered some of lifes hardest times. The banter between the two was hilarious at times and heartfelt at others. They shared a lot of dialogue, and although it was quick, this play dragged on and on. I suppose the characters needed to to go through a great deal so that the audience could understand their relationships. But, most viewers do not want to listen to the characters talk about their dead friend for ten minutes. The play was a beautiful story of a friendship that grew up right along with its characters. Life was changing. As college students, we had all been sitting where Larry and Allan were that night.

traveling choir is looking forward to hosting 175 returning alumni to join the student choir in concert. The concert on Saturday, April 30, 3 pm, at First Baptist Church, Hickory, is free and open to the public. There will be a free-will offering to benefit the choir and brass trip to Poland and Germany. Jeanne Setzer Taylor ‘38 is the oldest living member of the

choir. She was in the very first A Cappella Choir in 1935-36. There were various choral ensembles at L-R prior to that year, but in the fall of 1935 Professor Kenneth Lee founded the choir on the model of the St. Olaf Choir of which he had been a part. Jeanne Taylor will not be singing at the reunion concert, but she will attend and we will recognize her during the concert.

By: Rachel Zahran Staff Writer

Do you want to be able to go to the movies and see all the new releases, but don’t have a lot of cash to spend? Carolina Theater located downtown Hickory next to Wachovia bank has your answer! All shows are only two dollars. Just bring your L-R ID, and you may just get in free! Free popcorn, free

Dollar MoviesSee Films Cheaply

drink, and free movie ticket for Lenoir-Rhyne University students with college ID on select nights! Check with Lenoir-Rhyne’s “CAB” (Campus Activities Board) to find out what nights are free for L-R students. Top pick for this week: True Grit. Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon and Hailee Steinfeld star in the western that has even John Wayne himself sitting on the edge of his seat!

Photo Credit: Erin Sweet

Page 7: Rhynean - May 2011 Issue

Columns 7

T h e first week of April was filled with fun, philanthropy a n d community as each sorority hosted an event for Greek Week.

Greek Week is held twice a year to bring the Greek c o m m u n i t y

closer together t h r o u g h phi lanthropic events. This

year’s Greek Week took place Monday, April 4 to Friday, April 8.

“Greek Week benefits our Greek community by allowing everybody to come together and celebrate being unique by participating in an organization that focuses on academics, philanthropy and sisterhood/brotherhood,” said Panhellenic President, Emily Moon.

The Delta Zeta’s started the week off by raising money for the Painted Turtle Camp in California, which serves kids with severe illnesses. Students were asked to donate a dollar to make a

Greek SpiritGreek Community Comes Together

bracelet to be sent to the camp.On Tuesday, the Sigma Kappa’s

hosted their third “Eat Wings, Raise Funds” event at Buffalo Wild Wings. For each meal purchased, 10 percent of the price went towards Alzheimer’s Research.

Zeta Tau Alpha held their second annual “Think Pink” baseball game for their Greek Week event on Wednesday. The ZTA’s sold t-shirts, held raffles and had a dizzy bat relay to raise money for breast cancer education and awareness.

“I like that we are able to reach both the community and students through our event. It is great to know that we are spreading awareness about breast cancer. That’s the most important thing,” said ZTA sister, Rachel Arrington.

On Thursday, the Kappa Delta’s held their “Swing-A-Thon” for Prevent Child Abuse America. The Kappa Delta’s spent 12 hours swinging outside of Cromer in order to collect money for their philanthropy.

On Friday, the entire Greek community participated in games, such as corn hole and bucket ball to end the week of Greek spirit.

“Having the Greek community support each other is important to allowing all our organizations to thrive and Greek Week is the perfect example of how everyone lends a helping hand,” said Moon.

By: Jennifer PlatzerStaff Writer

House Speaker John Boehner stated in a press conference that House Republicans would trim $100 billion from the federal budget for the rest of the fiscal year to battle the growing federal deficit.

The Republican leaders intend to “…liberate our economy from the shackles of out of control spending,” as Boehner said in the press conference. If the Democrats do not agree to these budget cuts, then the Republican leadership has threatened a government shut down. A shut down could possibly lead to the worst financial crisis in our economic history. In spite of this, the Democratic leaders in Congress remain opposed to these Republican-proposed budget cuts.

Keeping that in mind, the Democrats do believe that the growing national debt is a serious problem. According to the “US National Debt Clock”, the current federal

Balancing the BudgetA Democratic Reaction to Cuts

deficit stands at a little over $14.2 trillion and each citizen’s share of the public debt is $45,970.68.

The Democrats, like the Republicans, believe this is unacceptable and President Obama is committed to working with Congress to bring down the deficit to sustainable levels while the economy goes through a shaky recovery. However, the Democrats in Congress believe that there is a better way of reducing the debt than cutting $100 billion from the government. Some of these cuts could affect teachers, and other civil servants, and might force many states to make job cuts, adding to an already high unemployment rate.

Instead of cutting the federal budget by $100 billion and putting countless jobs at risk, the Democrats propose ending the Bush-era tax cuts, asserting that this would also help reduce the national debt. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that extending the tax cuts for the 2011-2020 time period would add $3.3 trillion to the already enormous national debt, and comprise another $2.65 trillion in foregone tax revenue for the government.

The Democratic Party is firmly opposed to cutting the budget as drastically as the Republicans propose and support either cutting the $30 billion from the budget or ending the Bush-era tax cuts on the wealthy.

By: Spencer VoelkertStaff Writer

Nearly everyone who picks up an issue of The Rhynean and reads this column, more than likely, possesses a working knowledge of what events were requisite to Y2K.

Individuals ran rampantly, store to store in the days and hours preceding the year 2000 worried that there

Intellectual MusingsIt’s the End of the World As We Know It: Déjà Vu!

would be some sort of shortage of means to meet their needs because, hypothetically, it was feared that a computer clock would strike self-destruction as opposed to rolling over to the new millennium.

Most recently, we’re dealing with the hypothetical possibility that on December 21, 2012, due to the sudden end to the Mayan Calendar, the world has been predicted to meet its end. Except this time, it’s because of a “technology” that was invented some years past coming to an end, as opposed to the questioning whether a new technology can and will exist and support our respective futures. Do you see a similarity, here?

Why are we, as a society, so concerned and obsessed with determining when it is that we will meet our Earthly demise?

It seems as though the age-old concept of being afraid of what we do not understand comes into play in both of these situations. Why, then, are we so skeptical of coming to understand what it is that we are afraid of ? Simply because we do not care? Or is it because we know, deep down, that if we did enough sound research on our end-of-the-world scares, that our conclusions might be disproven? No one man or woman ever wants to be proven wrong—am I right? Wrong.

A great many of us have chosen to sit back on our laurels in our lives, waiting patiently for someone to take care of all of the problems in the world today that do not directly affect us. To prove us wrong in our soundoffs that state our indefinite helplessness. Could it be, though, that some of these problems are meant to be

solved by those who are in distress because of them? We might find that there would be quite a many fewer distressed, and more empowered individuals in the world proper, were we simply to be the motivation that those who are striving for understanding seek in their lives.

The end of the Mayan Calendar predicts that the sun will reach its “solar maximum” on D-day. Coincidentally, simultaneously, the ecliptic of our solar system will intersect with the Galactic plane, called the “Galactic Equator” of the Milky Way. While solar maximums have occurred in times prior, this Galactic intersection is a completely novel incident in the history of mankind, and it is thus speculated that there will be an outbreak of world catastrophe in its midst. Does this mean the end

By: Jamie FryeCopy Editor

of the world? My answer is simple,

and rhetorical—who am I to draw conclusions which cannot be proven, nor disproven, about the fate of our existence? Some might call it present-day philosophy--others yet might label it the dribble of a fool. Books were written that soared the New York Times best sellers list anticipating Y2K—in the year 2000, those authors walked away scot-free, rich and cunning.

My intention for this writing is not to gather attention—it is simply to bring about a sense of awareness. My point might best be synthesized in these final words of mine--worry not for that which has not yet occurred; worry instead for that which is forming the path that you may, or may not travel upon for the rest of your days upon this Earth.

You know what the cloud is. It’s that fun blanket term we use for external electronic data transfer and storage and the topic of my second column for this paper. Photobucket and Flickr and Twitter and Facebook and Gmail are in the cloud. Cloud Computing is when your data or your computing power is coming from another machine, with those other machines being “the cloud”. Recently, Amazon, the digital shopping juggernaut, surprised the world by unveiling a free service that would allow users to store music they purchase to the cloud (Amazon’s servers) and then access that music from any supported device. Basically, you could store songs on their service and play them on your iPod without having to use any space on your device to store the song yourself. You get a couple extra gigabytes of storage that you didn’t have before, as long as you have Internet access. Sounds great, right? The music industry doesn’t think so. See, Apple and Google are both (supposedly) working on similar services and

Tech TalkMusic Industry’s Future Looks Cloudy

they’ve already spent ages trying to work out deals with the music industry to make it happen. Amazon surprised everyone by unveiling their service first. Amazon said they don’t need to make any deals or get any licenses because you own the file, so you should be able to move it around however you want. That’s all their service does: give you a new place to move your own files, and a new way to access them. To Amazon, the right to access and move something you own seemed pretty non-controversial. They believe their cloud player is no different than keeping your music on a flash drive. Sony Music responded almost immediately with disappointment and vague threats of legal action. Amazon is working rapidly to obtain licenses for future services and to patch up their relationship with the music industry, but they seem to be sticking to their guns on the existing issue. Record companies are terrified of this--even if it seems morally right to let their customers move their files as long as they don’t share them, not finding a way to monetize this file movement could cost them billions of dollars over the next few years. Remember when I said that Apple is rumored to be working on a similar service? Apple is the number one music retailer in North America, and owns 66 percent of the online

music market. If Amazon doesn’t need any expensive licensing deals, then Apple doesn’t either. I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but most major labels aren’t doing so well monetarily these days. This is not a fight they will back down from easily. To the record companies, you are not buying a product when you purchase a song. You are buying a service. This service has conditions and limitations that they expect you to apply to. You may think that once you’ve bought a song it’s like a piece of physical property that you can use as you please. They see it as more like a piece of software, like Microsoft Word, where you are purchasing a license to use the product as much as the product itself. This is one of many topics on which the public and the music industry strongly disagree. Personally, I hope Amazon wins. Letting the

industry tell users exactly how and when and where they can enjoy their product would set a dangerous precedent, and the music industry already has far too much legal power. Search for “Geohot” for a recent example of

what happens if you cross a media giant. This argument is about ownership, and the precious few rights of the music customer. Amazon may be the first entity to fight the system that actually has the power to win and to force an illogical and outdated industry to evolve into the digital age. I can’t wait to see how this plays out.

By: Stephen RankinStaff Writer

As a senior, you are probably experiencing a bad case of senioritis. The weather is warm, classes are winding down and graduation is in sight. Before you completely zone out of school, make sure you have all of your graduation details and plans finalized.

Here are some date and events you should know:

Pre-Commencement ReceptionPresident Wayne and Joyce Powell invite you to their home for a light dinner. This event is hosted annually to honor graduates, their parents and family.DATE: Friday, May 13, 2011TIME: 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.LOCATION: President’s House,

Senior StuffImportant Graduation Info

By: Jennifer PlatzerStaff Writer

740 4th Street, NE, Directly behind the Practice Football FieldRSVP by May 10 to 828.328.7171 or [email protected]

Graduate School Hooding & Commencement Ceremony scheduleCommencement Ceremony - P.E. Monroe Auditorium, 7:00-8:00 p.m.Graduate School Reception - P.E. Monroe Auditorium, 8:00-9:00 p.m.DATE: Thursday, May 12, 2011TIME: 7:00-8:00 p.m. and 8:00-9:00 p.m. Baccalaureate Service Undergraduate Commencement scheduleBaccalaureate Service - P.E. Monroe Auditorium, 2:00-3:00 p.m.Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony - Moretz Field, 8:00-9:30 p.m. (Rain Location - P.E. Monroe Auditorium) Undergraduate Reception - Moretz Field, Immediately Following the Ceremony DATE: Friday, May 13, 2011TIME: 2:00-3:00 p.m. and 8:00-9:30 p.m.

If you were unable to attend the graduation fair that took place at the end of March, you can stop by the L-R bookstore to purchase your cap and gown and donate money for the senior gift. If you have questions or need more information call 828-328-7112 or 828-328-7334.

The Rhynean was unable to procure student response for the Republican view on this month’s topic.

Page 8: Rhynean - May 2011 Issue


Have you ever heard the great saying, “To every good and happy story, sadly there will always come a time when it will have to come to an end.”? This statement is true.

It feels like it was just yesterday we were sitting on a stage or sitting in a stadium bleacher waiting for our name to be called to receive a piece of paper with our birth names on it. As we sat in our designated areas for our high school graduation, many thoughts and emotions were running through our heads.

For some it was a day of sadness because we were leaving behind our friends who have been there for us from day one, memories that we will remember for a life time and most of all our families

Freshman PerspectiveThe Ending of Our First Chapter

By: Asia WilsonStaff Writer

that have always been there to motivate us all. For others it was a day of joy because we were finally done with high school and getting ready to transition to a new chapter in life.

At high school graduation I most remember the speeches that were given. In those inspirational speeches, what struck me were the pep talks that were given, motivating us to be ready for the real world and to get ready to start a new chapter in our lives. After our high school graduation, weeks passed and a majority of us were spending our last time with our friends. As the weeks were getting closer to school time, I began to get nervous, and in my opinion this was probably a feeling that everyone shared. I didn’t want to leave home and the people there who were very dear to me. I wasn’t ready for the future and I definitely wasn’t ready for the changes that were about to take place in my life.

It wasn’t a good feeling knowing that my parents weren’t going to be there every day and that everything I do from now on would have to be on my own, including making decisions for myself. The day came when it was time to depart from my comfortable place to go live in a new and completely different environment where I knew no one.

This place is called college. The first time everyone steps on campus all feel nervous, scared and don’t really know

what to expect. Personally, I felt okay because my parents were with me during the beginning part of the orientation, but when it was time for us to go our separate ways and all the incoming freshmen to be together on their own, something changed. I wasn’t confident, nor did I feel secure anymore. As soon as we stepped into our groups for orientation weekend, the majority of us just stood there and looked at one another, as if we were all shy and antisocial. When our orientation leaders found this to be true they stepped right in and did their job, which was to break the ice. By the end of the day, the people in the groups were like a happy family, acting like we had been friends for years. By the end of the weekend, the whole freshmen class was united.

From this point on I knew that my freshmen year was going to be a great experience. Also by this time, I lost my insecurities and forgot about my parents leaving me and leaving behind the life that I was used to.

After that weekend it was time for the real work to begin. Classes were about to be in session. It was now time for us to experience the work load of a college student. Not only was it time to experience college from the academic perspective, but it was time to experience all college had to offer.

During the course of writing this column, the freshmen class has had

the opportunity to attend our first college football games and basketball games that were nationally televised. We have danced nights away and went out with our friends to parties. We even had the first taste of going to a club on a week day.

We have bonded and met so many people and for some of us we have had our share of enemies this year too. However something I know is true — the weeks are finally closing in and even if it was just yesterday that we started as shy, little freshmen on campus that everyone could point out, we have now blended in all so well.

It’s something to think about that we only have a little under a few weeks until school ends and its exam time. It is my wish that every freshman takes this time very dearly, even though many of us are ready to get out for summer. Hold this time dear, hang in there and study hard because we are one step closer to becoming sophomores in college. The next chapter in our book is soon to begin.

I want to say thank everyone on campus, especially my fellow freshmen classmates for making this experience a wonderful one. Now that it’s time to begin summer break and I hope that each one of you has a safe one. I hope to see all of you next year. I love you all. Now, let’s flip the page. It’s time for the next chapter to begin. Sophomore year here we come.

Christ is risen! The grave is burst, death has died and the gates of hell are wrent asunder!

Through the keeping of the Lenten discipline, we have followed Christ through the desert. We have shouted “Hosanna” as our king entered into Jerusalem. We have knelt weeping at the bitter anguish of Calvary and watched as the body of our Lord was lain in a darkened tomb. And now we stand rejoicing in the light of the empty tomb, not with weeping for loss of the former things, but with exultant jubilation for the new Creation.

Brothers and sisters, this is our faith – that God has died, and that he is risen from the dead so that death itself may be trampled down and humanity

Faith ColumnEaster’s Joyous Proclamation

may be free. The gospel proclamation of Easter to which we as Christians are called is not a normative statement “you ought to be saved.” Rather, what is declared by the Resurrection is this – “Christ has risen; humanity is saved.”

The blood of Christ does not fall from the cross onto individual persons – it falls upon the earth and when it does the earth trembles at its power. The atonement of Christ is not the covering over of sin given in the old covenant, but it is the total remaking of creation on an order of magnitude that man in his finitude cannot possibly conceive.

“Where oh death is now thy sting? Where oh grave thy victory?” We taunt death, because death has no power. We have no fear of hell, for it is trampled underfoot. The new creation is made manifest, the kingdom of God has come. Christ is risen, he is risen indeed!

By: Stephen GambillStaff Writer

The earth that we live on and use daily has and still will “bust her butt” to provide for us. So this summer, as we are enjoying our treat of relaxation, we should stop and give our earth a little reward as well.

There are a few super-easy, non-life altering things that can be done in normal activities and that can help reduce energy and make our earth a better place to live.

The time is near to get away from the hustle and bustle we call school. It’s a time to start having a little summer fun and soaking up some sun. Each year, as students, we strive and bust our tails to get the job done, to get good grades. A perfect reward for hard work is three months to sit back and relax; to not to think about schoolwork, to hang out at the beach, go camping, grill outside and eat ice-cream, maybe even make a few bucks here and there.

Summer is the perfect time to go on vacation and bond with family. Cut down on energy usage, as well as costs by doing eco-friendly activities, such as going outside to a local park or zoo or to a baseball field. If you do family trips that are in close proximity, then you can invite your neighbors to join, but also you won‘t have to drive all around and spend a vast amount

Going GreenSummer Sun with a Hint of Green

By: Kristen LainStaff Writer

on gas when that money can go to a nice picnic or a colossal BBQ extravaganza.

Grilling is a popular summer activity, but as much as my family loves using charcoal or using leftover wood from winter, propane burns much cleaner than both of these. Propane tanks can be purchased at your local home improvement store, such as Lowes or Home Depot and at some gas stations. Food is an important component of grilling and summer, but also of everyday life. Instead of running to the grocery store or the Super Wal-Mart shop at local farmers markets. This doesn’t just ensure that you are eating fresh vegetables and fruit, but also helps cut down on fossil fuels because you never know how many miles the food from the store has traveled to get on the shelf. Remember, when planning family gatherings and picnics use reusable plates and utensils rather than using throw-away plastics and Styrofoam.

Now, summer isn’t just family vacations and lounging at the beach all day. I’m sure people will be spending a good portion of their time inside their homes. A few tips that are simple, but will not make you miserable, are to cut down on air conditioners and open windows. To many this sounds awful because there will not always be a breeze coming through and humidity can get the best of us.

Installing a ceiling fan when it is hot to circulate the air inside your home will be a major plus and will help you stay cool. If your home has central air, turn your thermostat up a few more degrees than normal. Houses should not be an ice-box when the outside weather is too hot to bear, that is not only bad on the environment, but also unhealthy when a human body goes from drastically cold to extremely hot.

When it is too hot outside to be running around, instead of playing video games or watching TV, grab a book you have wanted to read, go outside under some shade and relax.

Summer is a time to get away from the world and relax, but we can never get away from our earth, so we should take care of her. Just by using these tips throughout summer not only can you be smiling for doing good, the earth will be smiling back at you.

Rise Up Photo Challenge

Submitted by LRU MarketingThis was taken on an overlook in Deals Gap. From left to right: Heather Wiese, Erica Schroeder, and Lauren Walker.

Page 9: Rhynean - May 2011 Issue

By: Gustav MeynersStaff Writer

After a rough start to their season, many were hopeful that things would get better for the L-R tennis teams. However, to the disappointment of many, the team has struggled through the middle of their season. On March 11, the Bears faced Chestnut Hill College, with both teams losing overall. For the women’s team,

Sports 9

Despite Several WinsL-R Tennis Ends a Disappointing Season

By: Bart KeelerSports Editor

After the most successful season in school history, the Lenoir-Rhyne women’s soccer team traveled in Italy for their Spring Break for some friendly competition and sightseeing. The trip-planning started two years ago, according to head coach Adrian Blewitt. “Two years ago, when I took over the program, older players told me about a failed plan to take them to England,” the coach said. Blewitt said his first priority was to build a better team, but he still had a trip in mind. The team worked with a company in Pennsylvania to plan a trip to Spain. Unfortunately, they were told that on their budget, Spain was not an option. Instead, the options would be Costa Rica, Italy and the Grand Cayman. In 2007, Blewitt took the men’s team to Italy and felt the girls would also enjoy a trip to the same country. Both trips happened to occur the spring after a SAC Tournament Championship, but they had been planned well before the championship season. “Most of the fund-raising was done before the SAC Championship,” Blewitt said, “obviously with the ‘Goals for Euros’ program you’re going to earn more money during a successful season.” The team used many different methods to raise funds for the trip. The girls sold Lenoir-Rhyne University soccer scarves and held a silent auction in February to help cover some final costs. The “Goals for Euros” program was designed for each girl to find a sponsor for each goal they scored in the 2010 season. During the trip, the team played two friendly matches and

Victory Tour L-R Women’s Soccer Team Travels to Italy Over Spring Break

By: Bart KeelerSports Editor

After a rough opening seven games in their season, the Lenoir-Rhyne men’s lacrosse team did not do much better the rest of the year. The Bears finished the season 4-9 (2-4 Deep South) and lost in the first round of the 2011 Deep South Conference Tournament. L-R started the season 2-5, and only picked up two more wins the rest of the season. The team spent their spring break in North Carolina, playing three games against in-state opponents. The first game during their break was at Wingate on March 12. The Bulldogs topped L-R 15-6, shutting out the Bears in the third quarter. Freshman midfielder Sam Ashton scored twice for the Bears, and freshman attacker Robert Darrow had two assists. On March 16, L-R faced St. Andrews Presbyterian. The Bears fell 12-16, thanks in part to the play of St. Andrews’ Daniel Shields. Shields, a sophomore, scored six goals and tallied six assists for the Knights. Freshman Tyler

Lacking an EdgeMen’s LAX Loses Several Close GamesKotch scored four times for L-R. The last game in the Bears’ Spring Break campaign was against rival Catawba. The Indians handled L-R 18-10. Catawba scored on all six of their extra-man opportunities, and outscored the Bears 8-2 in the second quarter. Kotch again score four times for the Cardinal and Black. The more exciting trip for the men this season came at the end of March, when they traveled to Florida to take on two tough Deep South Conference opponents. L-R faced off against Florida Southern College on March 25. The Bears could not keep up with the Mocs, as they lost 6-14. Again, L-R was dominated in the second and third quarters, as FSC outscored them 9-1 in the middle periods. The Mocs also won 18 face-offs to L-R’s six. Finally, the Bears notched a win—their first since March 8. Their third win on the season came against Rollins College on March. The Bears defeated the Tars 13-12. Looking at the statistics, it would appear Rollins won the game, but the score is what counts. The Tars picked up more

ground balls (41-20) and won more face offs (23-6) than the Bears. L-R can thank junior goalkeeper Pat Stasio for their win, as he stopped 18 shots from Rollins. The Bears were able to pick up their fourth win on the year and won back-to-back games for the first time in program history. On April 3, L-R played St. Leo Univ., their third Florida school in a row. The Bears won 10-8 and played their best game of the season. However, the win came at a price. Darrow was injured on a shot in the fourth quarter and it was determined later that he had torn his ACL. “It was the worst pain I have ever felt,” said Darrow, who leads the team in assists on the year with 15. Limestone College brought the Bears back down to earth after a crushing 17-2 performance on April 5. The Saints clinically dispatched the young L-R team, who turned the ball over 35 times throughout the game. The Bears would end their season with a 14-10 loss to Queens. After a 0-2 start, the Bears scored four goals in 6:10

See Lacking an Edge, pg 11

Photo Credit: Catherine HauckThe women’s soccer team visited Stadio Giuseppe Meazza, the home stadium of AC Milan and FC Internazionale, dur-ing their trip to Italy over Spring Break.

visited five different cities. “The teams were really good,” freshman defender Lindsay Osburn remarked. The team’s performance was not at their championship form, seeing as they had not been training full-time since the season ended in December—but Blewitt viewed it as a good experience for the girls nonetheless. “It was a good, humbling experience. We realized flaws in our game we will need to work on,” he said. Osburn said the team had a different approach to the matches.

“We (were) in Italy! We (didn’t) want to play soccer! But the teams were really good and it was a good experience.” Blewitt said the biggest difference between the teams were age, technical ability, and knowledge. Typically, American players are more athletic, while the international players have more technical ability. “The teams certainly typified that,” Blewitt commented, “overall it will help the girls.” The team departed on Sunday, March 13 from Charlotte-Douglas International Airport. They flew overnight to

Rome, Italy, the country in which they would spend eight days. On March 14, the team arrived in Italy. They went on a sightseeing tour with a bilingual tour guide. This day, the team saw the Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, Roman Forums, and the Coliseum. The first of two matches was played on Tuesday, March 15. The girls traveled from Rome to Florence, where they met A.C. Femminale Firenze, the women’s team of the Italian soccer club A.C. Firenze (the word “calcio” means soccer in Italian). The women tied the Italians 1-1.

The following day the girls went on a guided tour of Florence, the capital of Tuscany. Consistent with every day, the visitors enjoyed free time that afternoon. After some shopping, the team departed for the Republic of San Marino. This tiny nation on the Adriatic Sea is the world’s oldest republic. Thursday saw the women take a guided tour of the medieval center of San Marino, where they saw Le Cesta, the middle ages castle in the republic. That afternoon, the team played a match against a local team from Rimini (a favorite beach of the locals). This match was not as successful, as the women lost 2-0. On Friday, Blewitt took the girls to one of his favorite soccer spots on the trip: Milan. Milan is the home of two of the world’s most famous and successful soccer clubs, A.C. Milan and Inter Milan. The women visited Stadio Giuseppe Meazza, the home stadium of the teams. Blewitt points out that the common nickname for the stadium, San Siro, is what the A.C. Milan fans call it. Giuseppe Meazze was a two-time FIFA World Cup winner playing for Italy, but played domestically for Inter. San Siro is the area of the city in which the stadium is located. Saturday, March 19 was the last full day in Italy for the team. They were free to explore Como or take a half-day trip to Foxtown, which is an outlet mall in Switzerland. Finally, on Sunday, the team departed from Milan and flew to New York City, and then back to Charlotte. In all, the players really enjoyed their trip, but as always, there were differences to overcome while being in a foreign country. See Victory Tour of Italy, pg 11

Amanda Young was the only one to have a victorious match, winning her singles against Chestnut Hill. On the men’s side, both Aroon Khatter and Nate Summer won their singles matches, and the teams of Tommy Brennan and Khatter as well as David Johnson and Summer won their doubles matches. The next day the teams traveled to Anderson University. Despite their efforts however, Emily Mauser of the L-R Women’s Team was the only athlete to win a match, winning her singles match. L-R then traveled to Newberry College on March 14, where the women’s team had their first win of the season. Kelsey Love, Cathryn Jarrett, Mauser, and Young all won their singles matchers, and Mauser and Love, as well as Ivey Tant and Jarrett won their doubles matches against Newberry. The men’s team however, only had one win for the day, coming from the doubles team of Johnson and Summer. Then on March 21, the Bears hosted Catawba College at home. Both Mauser and Lvoe won their women’s

singles matches, and the teams of Love and Mauser along with Jarrett and Tant won their doubles matches. The men’s team had only one singles victory, Brennan, who also won his doubles match with Khatter. On March 23 the teams traveled to Brevard College, but sadly fell short again. Love and Mauser had the only win for the women’s team, with their victory in their doubles match. Additionally, Jackson and Summer had the only men’s victory, in doubles as well. The men’s team later traveled to The Citadel on the 29, but lost every match against the Division 1 school. The Bear’s then hosted Coker College on April 4. Both Love and Jarrett won their singles matches for the women, and Brennan and Khatter won both their singles and doubles matches for the men. L-R’s men earned their second win of the season by defeating Belmont Abbey on April 8. The Bears lost only one match, Matt Gaines lost his singles match against Damien Nelson. The women also won their second match of the season, defeating BAC 9-0. Both

Love and Tant won their matches 6-0, 6-0. Carson-Newman took seven of the nine matches from L-R’s women at the match in Jefferson City, Tenn. on April 10. Mauser won her singles match thanks to C-N’s Kylie Elliot’s retirement in the second set. Love and Mauser won their doubles match 8-1. The men took three off C-N. Brennan won 6-1, 6-1, Khatter won 4-6, 6-4, 6-2, and the two combined for an 8-6 doubles win. The Bears continued their tour of Tennessee with a match in Bristol against King College. L-R’s women lost the match 3-6. Tant won her singles match 6-2, 6-0, Love/Mauser won their doubles match 9-8, and Tant/Jarrett won 8-6. The men failed to pick up any matches, losing 0-9. Both teams lost 0-5 to Lincoln Memorial on April 12 in Hickory. However, the men finished up their season with a 9-0 win over USC Lancaster the following Sunday. The men’s team finished with a 3-15 record overall, and 0-9 in the SAC. The women recorded two wins, but lost

Photo Credit: Chistopher WilsonFreshman Tyler Kotch, no. 20, was named

to the 2011 Deep South All-Conference First Team, the first such accolade for any L-R laxer.

Photo Credit: SportsfotoKelsey Love won both her singles and doubles matches against Newberry Collge on March 14th.

Page 10: Rhynean - May 2011 Issue


By: Danielle BongiornoStaff Writer

At the beginning of any season, teams sets its sights on goals for the year, then work as hard as they can to make those goals a reality. Average teams may find success, but will fail to accomplish all of their expectations. However, championship teams find ways to reach their goals no matter what it takes. With eight games left in conference the L-R Bear’s softball team is sitting exactly where they want to be.Pitcher Dawon Millwood said, “We are first in conference, so we are hoping to stay there. If we keep playing like a team we should win.” The Bears have accumulated a 3-7 overall record, 9-1 record in conference, and No. 10 national ranking They look to carry this success into the end of conference play and the conference tournament. L-R has made it to the top of the standings in conference by defeating strong teams in the SAC this year. Some of their most notable wins came against Wingate, Carson-Newman, and Tusculum. The Bears started their tear through conference by sweeping Wingate 6-2 and 8-0. In the first game Brittany Davidson came through with a pinch-hit RBI single in the fifth inning with two outs, to break the tied ball game. Pitcher Lauren Harris threw a seven-inning shut-out in the second game against Wingate. Next the Bears face the second place team in conference, Carson-Newman. In game one, L-R handled the Eagles with

Seven and CountingL-R Softball Team Ends Season by Winning SAC Championship

no problem, defeating them 10-2. Senior short stop Kat Rivers and Sophomore first basemen Jessica Fellmeth each contributed three hits in the contest and pitcher Dawon Millwood improved to 13-3. However, in the second game Carson-Newman proved troublesome for the Bears and handed them their first loss in conference this season. The Bears were

in an 8-2 hole most of the game. It was not until the bottom of the seventh inning that the Bears were able to rally off five runs and give the Eagles a scare. L-R may not have been able to pull off the sweep, but they definitely proved they will not go down easy. L-R’s sweep of Tusculum put them atop the SAC standings. On a beautiful

Sunday afternoon, the Bears were able to breeze by Tusculum winning 7-2 and 6-1. Freshman Jody Mizelle hit a home-run in each contest to lead the Bears to the victory. Catcher Sarah Atkins also played a big role in the wins by hitting a three-run homer and batting in four runs in the second game. The Bears faced a small scare against Catawba when they split the double-header. However, L-R finished the season strong by sweeping Brevard and capturing the conference title. In the first game Dawon Millwood threw a two-hit shutout to lead the Bears to a 6-0 victory. L-R took control early with three runs in the first inning. Second baseman Carlee Carpenter and short stop Kat Rivers contributed to this lead by hitting RBI doubles. The girls did not look back and took the second game 6-4. The L-R women’s softball team finished conference play with a 16-2 record, along with their seventh regular season conference title in school history. They entered the 2011 Food Lion SAC Tournament as the No. 1 seed. In the first tournament game, L-R defeated Lincoln Memorial 8-5. Wingate was the next opponent for the Bears, who dispatched the Bulldogs 3-1. In the best-of-three championship, L-R swept Catawba 3-1 and 8-0.

With their second-straight SAC Tournament Championship, L-R advances with an automatic bid to the NCAA Southeast Regional Tournament. The Bears will begin their NCAA tournament run on May 13. Last year, L-R advanced to the Super Regional, but lost to North Georgia College and State Univ. in two games.

Photo Credit: SportsfotosSenior Brandi Haithcock hit a home run and finished with three runs batted in to help No. 10 Lenoir-Rhyne split a double-header with Carson-Newman.

By: Katie Thackerson & Bart KeelerContributing Writer

& Sports Editor

The men’s and women’s golf teams capped off their season April 11-12 at the SAC Conference Championship, held at Rock Barn Golf and Spa.

L-R’s Brenna Martens won the Championship with a 17-over par score. She led all three rounds and defeated Ashley Denton from Wingate, by one stroke.

“I had about a 6 foot putt on my last hole, I can’t even explain how nervous I was,” said Martens. “I didn’t even see the ball go in the hole, I just waited for noise of the ball going in the hole, it was such a relief to hear the noise of the ball hitting the bottom of the cup.”

“After making my final putt I could only hope that it was enough. I didn’t find out that I won until a hour in a half after finishing my round. It was the longest wait ever.”

The Lady Bears finished fifth overall. Junior Katie Thackerson finished 14th, freshman Grace Brahler placed tied for 25th, sophomore Megan Katsch finished 35th and Ashley Shealey finished her rounds tied in 44th.

The men finished seventh out of ten teams at this event with freshman Mike Dane leading the team with a 21-

Top of the LeaderboardSenior Wins 2011 SAC Championship

By: Bart KeelerSports Editor

Inaugural seasons are always tough, but the goal is to use the first season as a building block for the future. The Lenoir-Rhyne women’s lacrosse team are almost finished with their first season of play and hold a 4-7 record as the month of April begins. They ended March with two losses. Belmont Abbey handed the Lady Bears a 6-17 loss on March 21. Freshman Hayley Beattie scored four times for L-R, who were outscored 10-3 in the first half alone. Senior Stevie

Women’s LacrosseMuch Learned in Maiden Season

Dellinger and freshman Lacy Peterson scored the other two goals for the Lady Bears. The Lax Girls traveled to Laurinburg, N.C. and fell to St. Andrews Presbyterian 8-11. Freshman Sarah Minick lead the team, scoring 4 goals in the loss. L-R finished March with a 3-7 record. Fortunes began to turn in the month of April, as L-R started out with

a win over Lees-McRae. The Bears took down the Bobcats 18-6. The lax girls had their second-highest scoring

output this season, with Minick scoring five goals and Dellinger scoring four. Freshman Rachel Hall assisted on three of L-R’s goals. The Lady Bears traveled down to Florida for two games April 16 and 17. In the first game, L-R dominated Adams State 16-2. Minick, Dellinger, and Beaty each scored three goals in the victory. The next day, the Lax Girls were on the opposite end of a blow out. Regis (Colo.) routed L-R 17-3. Minick, Bildsten, and Dellinger scored the goals for the Lady Bears. Lenoir-Rhyne will finish their season with two home games. The Lady Bears will host Limestone on April 29 at 6:00 p.m and Rollins on May 4 at 4:00 p.m.

over par score which led him to 23rd place as an individual. Overall, the men had a decent season. Their best finish this year was a tie for fourth place at the 2011 Old North State Invitational

During their season this year, both teams had the privilege of playing courses in Myrtle Beach, S.C., Florida, Tennessee and many local tournaments as well.

The men’s golf team was rather young this year, consisting of three freshman, two sophomores, and two juniors, meaning all the team members will be returning next year.

The women’s team will lose only Martens, but obviously losing their top golfer will be a big reduction.

“Brenna has been a huge influence on the team,” said Shealey, “She was one of our consistent low-scorers in the tournaments. It’ll also change up the team dynamics..she’s been such a great leader for us.”

Martens will return to the golf program next year as an assistant coach.

Sophomore Brandon Squier summed the year up saying, “We had a good year. We were very young but we definitely came together as a team throughout the year. We had some tough tournaments but we always did our best.”

Photo Credit: Christopher WilsonFreshman Jac Tierney has been a force on defense for the Lady Bears this season. She has created 17 turnovers and picked up 31 ground balls.

Reaching the Finish LineSeason Ends with Broken Records, Much Accomplished

Photo Credit: Kate ColemanTaylor Oliver set a new school record in the 100-meters hurdles during regionals.

By: Asia WilsonStaff Writer

Although the season has ended, the men’s and women’s track and field teams can look back with pride on their accomplishments. Many records were broken this year, and freshmen runners have stepped up multiple times. On March 25, the Bears went to Raleigh to compete in the Raleigh Relays. At this event there was one person who stood out from them all—L-R’s Kate Griewisch. She currently has a school-record of 34:39 in the 10,000 meter run. At the event in Raleigh she out did herself and representing herself well finishing 22 seconds behind the winner from Millersville, Elicia Anderson who had 34:17. A day later the team competed at The Weems Baskin Invitational in Columbia, S.C. at the University of South Carolina. Many of the L-R bears did well but junior Amanda Barnes finished up the best for the Bears. She placed fourth in the 5,000-meter run with a time of 19:15. For the men, sophomore Zack Queen and freshmen Mike Ryan placed fifth and seventh in the 5,000-meter run with the times of 15:52 and 16:06. In the 100 meter dash senior James Pone ran 11:02 seconds good for 18th place. In field events there were some 10th place finishes. Senior Marcus

Shuford in the high jump had 1.80 meters and freshmen Aaron Nelson had 3.60 meters in the pole vault. Next the team traveled to Durham, NC for a Duke Invitational at Wallace Wade Stadium on April 8-9. During this event there were several standouts. Griewisch won the 5,000-meter run with a school-record time of 17:01. Also setting a new L-R record was junior Jakob Maidens, who ran 1,500 meter with a time of 4:05, finishing second. Ryan set a new school mark in the 10,000-meter run finishing 15th place with 33:38 time. Recently, the Bears went to Cullowhee, NC for the Western Carolina Invitational on April 15. At the invitational the men’s and women track and field teams won two events. Sophomore Zach Queen won the men’s 1,500-meter run with a time of 4:11.64 and for the ladies sophomore Alex Folk placed first in the women’s high jump with a 5’1”. The Lenior –Rhyne Men’s track and field team finished second in the 400-meter relay with a time of 42.34 seconds. Senior Shuford was the runner-up in the high jump with 6’2.75” also placing third in the triple jump. So far the men and women track and field teams are doing well thus far but soon it will be time for them to wrap-up their season. Lenior-Rhyne hosted the

Southeast Regional Championship April 22-23. Both teams placed eighth overall. King College (Tenn.) won for the women and the men’s champion was UNC Pembroke. The women’s team had several top-five finishers throughout the weekend. Griewisch finished second in the 1,500-meter run with a new school record of 4:41.59. Freshman Taylor Oliver also set a new school mark in the 400-meter hurdles. Her time of 1:11.82 was good enough for fourth place in the meet. On the men’s side, Maidens broke a school record in the 1,500-meter run with a time of 4:03.95 and a fourth-place finish. Other high-finishers were Kingery and Pone, who finished fourth in the 800-meter run and 100-meter dash respectively. Sophomore Artis Gilmore placed fourth in the triple jump with a 43’7.5”. The men’s 400-meter relay finished second. Antwain Ross, Richard Walker, Pone and Gilmore combined for a time of 42.87 seconds. Team members may be able to go to the Penn Relays in Philadelphia, Pa. on April 28-30 and the NCAA Division II Outdoor Track and Field National Championship in California in late May. We will never know until then, so let’s sit back and wait and see who will be able to represent L-R well.

Page 11: Rhynean - May 2011 Issue

Sports 11

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Victory Tour of Italy

Photo Credit: Catherine HauckLe Cesta tower overlooks the city of San Marino, the capital of the smallest republic in the world.

Young Guns QuietedRough Outings for Pitching Staff

“There was a huge language barrier,” freshman Blair McDonough pointed out. “My mom and I spoke a lot of Spanish to them,” junior Mariel Mena said, “but when they figured out what we were doing they stopped talking to us.” Osburn said one difference she noticed was that Italians do not use ice, and they also have “gassy water.” She also noted that everything is more expensive in Europe. “It was great team bonding,” Osburn said, “it really was a lot of fun.” The women continue to train in the spring, as they get ready to welcome 10 new players to the team next fall.

L-R continues to offer a series of fully online courses available to all students here or at a distance. The courses are specially chosen to provide a wide array of core curriculum components. Please review the full summer schedule for the various options. In an effort to allow students the opportunity to take greater loads of classes during the summer at lower overall costs, the University is providing financial incentives to students who take more extensive course loads, as follows: If a student takes 12 hours or more (normally 5-7 each term), he/she may reside in a semi-private room (in Fritz-Conrad) for free during the two summer terms, and will receive $100 of campus bucks each term ($200 total) to use in the food areas on campus (most likely the Bear’s Lair). (The campus bucks are available to these students even if they decide not to reside on campus.) If a student takes 9-11 hours (with at least one course each term), s/he may reside in a semi-private room for half of regular price, and will receive $50 of campus bucks each term ($100 total) to use in the food areas on campus (most likely the Bear’s Lair).Upon availability, the student may substitute a private room for semi-private living quarters for an additional up-charge (about $30 a week). If the student withdraws from courses and does not complete/pay for the necessary hours, regular housing charges will apply for the time s/he remains in L-R housing.

L-R From HomeSpecial Summer Incentives Offered

|Continued from pg 9|

By: Bart KeelerSports Editor

The Lenoir-Rhyne baseball team has been very competitive this season, but competitive doesn’t always win games. The Bears finished the season with a 13-34 record and placed ninth in the South Atlantic Conference. April began with L-R visiting Catawba that weekend, losing two of the three games in the series. The first game was won by the Bears 4-3, again LaVenia was the hero for L-R when he drove in the game-winning run with a single in the top of the ninth inning. Padgett (4-3) won the game. Erxleben (1-2) and Carroll (1-2) were the losing pitchers in the next two games, which the Bears lost 4-11 and 2-5. April 6 brought Belmont Abbey to Hickory, but the Bears sent them home with a 12-5 loss. Arcieri had two hits in four appearances and drove home two runs, and Wiese (2-4) picked up his second win in as many outings. After the Belmont Abbey victory, L-R dropped all three games against Newberry College. The other Lutherans defeated the Bears 6-5 (L-Hicks, 2-4), 7-2 (L-Padgett, 3-3), and 4-3 (L-Carroll, 1-3) in

Hickory. The Bears would finish their season on a four-game road trip, the first game was lost to Montreat 9-11. Both Andrews and Catalano batted in three runs for the Bears, but Wiese (2-5) and Jones gave up four runs each in the loss. L-R’s road trip did not improve much as they traveled to Mars Hill. The Bears lost 14-17 (L-Hicks, 2-5) and 7-8 (L-Padgett, 3-4). However, L-R was able to snap their six-game losing streak with a 12-11 victory in the final game of the season over the Lions. The Bears were lifted to victory by Dice and Andrews, who both his three-run home runs in the game. Jones (2-5) was the winning pitcher in the second game of the double header. Although the Bears did not finish at the top of the conference, some players earned personal accolades. Dice was voted Second Team All-Conference, and second baseman Mike Gasque and Hicks were elected to the Gold Glove Team. “It means a lot to me especially since I didn’t get to really pitch last year at Furman,” said Hicks, “I want to keep improving as a player and I want to do everything I can to help our team win conference next year.”

Photo Credit: Kimi JauchBrandon Padgett won more games as a pitcher this year than any other member of the team. He won three games, struck out 40 batters, and his 5.80 ERA was the lost for any starting L-R pitcher.

Future Lacrosse PlayersMen’s Team Puts on Clinic for Kids

Photo Credit: Chistopher WilsonOn April 3 the L-R Men’s Lacrosse Team put on a clinic for future Bears.

to take a 4-2 lead. The lead could not be sustained, as Queens answered with a 5-0 run of their own, and scored 6 total goals in the second period. Mangili lead the team with three goals during the game. Freshman Gus Brighton picked up the loss in his first start of the season, filling in for an injured Stasio. L-R finished with a 4-10 record, but for the first season of play the team certainly developed well over the course of the season. “There’s room for growth,” said senior attacker Chris Wilson, “I think towards the end of the season we learned

Lacking an Edge|Continued from pg 10|

how to take what we did in practice and implement that effectively during the game.” Head Coach Greg Paradine was voted Deep South Conference Co-Coach of the Year for the season. Kotch was elected to the 2011 All-Deep South Conference Team and freshman Stephen O’Hara was named honorable mention. In total, the Bears were outscored by their opponents 196-121. L-R converted only 33.9 percent of their extra man opportunities. Kotch lead the team in total goals (25) and points (33) while Ashton lead the team in assists with 17.

Page 12: Rhynean - May 2011 Issue


Feature 12

elebrating 100 Years of Service at Frye Hospital

By: Rachel Zahran Staff Writer

Remember when you were sick as a child, and the only thing that could make you feel better was the compassionate care of your mother?

Who is capable of providing the same dedicated care as ones mother? The answer is nurses, whose experiences at Frye Regional Medical Center, and Lenoir-Rhyne University have taught them that care and compassion is just as important as learning skills in the lab.

There is a major at Lenoir-Rhyne, which cares just as much about compassion as they do for learning.

Unlike any other nursing program, L-R’s program is so successful that 100% of the nursing majors who recently took the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) exams, passed. Achieving a 100% passing rate is due to men and women who are passionate about their medical calling.

The partnership between Frye Regional Medical Center and Lenoir-Rhyne University has been an ongoing relationship since the nursing program came into existence. Nursing students needed a place to get real life experience, and since Frye was up for the challenge the hospital played a pivotal role in L-R’s nursing program. Frye is one of the key hospitals that hosts L-R students: what’s more, there are many advantages to nurse

By: Amanda Parmelee &

Heather SackettStaff Writer & Editor

A century ago, the founders of Frye Regional Medical Center set out on a mission to provide top-of-the-line medical care to Hickory residents; today, that standard continues as Frye celebrates their 100-year anniversary, as well as being named the number one hospital in the state for cardiac care. To celebrate its accomplishments, Frye’s Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Michael Barrick, who is also an author and historian, wrote a book entitled, Exceptional Care, A Century Strong: The History of Frye Regional Medical Center. The book was released in December 2010 after nearly a year of work and research. It serves as a reminder of the dedication that went into the building of Frye Regional Medical Center. “[The research team] not only wrote the book, we laid out the book, we designed the book,” Barrick said. Frye’s accomplishments, along with Frye C.E.O. Michael Blackburn’s love of history sparked the idea to create a book to commemorate this anniversary. A team of researchers and writers began the writing process by looking at primary sources, such as documents from the Hickory Landmark Society,

local newspaper archives and talking to former hospital staff and their family members about their memories and personal stories. The initial step in this process was for the research team to identify the appropriate people to interview and why they were important to Frye’s history. Their central question was, do people shape events or do events shape people? “It is the determination of people that made (Frye’s success) possible,” Barrick said. After nearly ten months of research and with a majority of the legwork completed, historian Heather Deckelnick joined the project. According to Deckelnick, the nurse’s commitment to recording the history of the hospital in scrapbooks made the research process easier. These scrapbooks provided Deckelnick and other researchers with additional contacts, who were able to share first-hand accounts of experiences at Frye Regional Medical Center. “It’s important that our community know that Frye is our hospital,” said Blackburn. According to both Barrick and Deckelnick, the events surrounding the construction of the hospital, the passing of the first founder, Dr. Jacob Shuford, and the transfer of hospital ownership from community members to a California corporation were the benchmark events that have

shaped the hospital into what it is today. Opened in 1911 by Dr. Jacob Shuford, the hospital was originally named the Richard Baker Hospital after Dr. Shuford’s mentor. In 1934, the hospital was sold to Dr. Glenn R. Frye, who continued to uphold Dr. Shuford’s standards of excellence until Frye’s death in 1973. “(Frye) had a vision and he made it become a reality,” Barrick said. The hospital not only survived Frye’s passing, but also continued to thrive afterward. In 1969, the hospital was sold to Chanco Medical and Electronics, a company based out of Santa Monica, California. Despite corporate ownership, local community members have been allowed to maintain control of the hospital, one of the main things that Frye wanted when the hospital was sold. Chanco was told that they needed to “remember to hire people from our community, or you’re not going to survive,” said Deckelnick, “and they took that to heart.” Rather than bringing in staff from Chanco, the company chose to hire from within the community. The C.E.O., board members and staff are all primarily Hickory residents. “We care for people like they’re our own family members, and to me, that remains amazing

considering our growth,” said Barrick. Not only does Frye treat patients like they are family, sometimes they truly are family. “My wife and my son were in an auto accident when my son was five,” Barrick said. “Dr. Steve Harland, a Frye physician, was running and administered first aid (at the scene).” Frye Regional Medical Center is an integral part of the community down to its core. It’s not uncommon to find employees who were born at Frye and have remained close to the hospital throughout their lives. A prime example of someone who has remained close to Frye is Mary Helen Asherbraner, who worked as a nurse for 41 years. With most of that time being spent in the operating room, one of the things that distinguished her was her sense of compassion for her work. “I like to work, and I like my job,” said Asherbraner. “I like the people that I work with and that they were so gracious.” “The excellent patient care she gave in the operating room leads all to believe that ability and interest for others ins the first step to call of duty,” said a colleague of Asherbraner, as quoted in Exceptional Care, A Century Strong. These people are responsible for keeping the hospital in operation, despite being behind the scenes.

“Anybody who labors in the background, they’re doing so for their fellow man,” Barrick said. Another one of Frye’s accomplishments was being named “#1 in the State for Cardiac Care for 2011” by HealthGrades, a leading health care ratings company. In 2009, HealthGrades named Frye “Best in the Charlotte Region” for overall cardiac care, cardiology and coronary intervention procedures. “Our cardiology department is outstanding,” Blackburn said. According to Blackburn, the management and clinical staff are extremely focused in their work, which has earned Frye their number one position. Throughout their history, Frye has been fortunate to have many great people walk its halls. The devotion of every staff member, from the Board of Trustees to the janitors has made Frye the hospital that it is today. The leadership skills that the founders possessed have been instilled in staff at every level from day one, and it’s those qualities that continue to push Frye toward greater success. “People can make a difference,” Barrick said. “We can choose to contribute to our community, or not. We can choose to push people forward, or we can choose to hold them back. I’d say our founders made the right choices; they chose to lead.”

Photo credit: Craig HopkinsA panoramic view of Frye Regional Medical Center. Taken in 2010, it shows the growth and development that the hospital has undergone through in the past 100-years.

training with the hospital.“We have a lot of opportunities

at Frye,” said Barbara Rauscher, clinical educator at Lenoir-Rhyne University. “As seniors, students have had the opportunity to watch open heart surgery; they have the opportunity to go to the OR as juniors, so they are able to see nursing in several different areas. The nursing staff is always wonderful; they are great with our students.” Rauscher said.

Nursing students have many opportunities to see what working in a hospital is all about.

“A clinical day consists of taking the role of the nurse for an eight-hour shift,” said Alan Hicks, junior nursing major at L-R. “ I assume all the responsibilities of the nurse for that time period including hygienic care, dressing changes, physical assessment, and medication administration. Essentially I perform all the skills that the nurse would and provide complete care for the patients throughout the day,” said Hicks.

The nursing staff at Frye hospital, as well as professors from Lenoir-Rhyne assist them during their clinicals. By participating in these hands-on experiences at Frye, nursing majors gain independence and confidence when caring for patients.

Professors at Lenoir-Rhyne are happy with the partnership with Frye. “Frye has provided our students with many opportunities,” said Teresa Carnevale, clinical educator at Lenoir-Rhyne

University. Frye Regional Medical Center is

an excellent care provider who has been named number one in the state for cardiac surgery. Yet, the staff still is determined to do more. They go above and beyond to assist students.

“They are very good to our students and our faculty,” said Carnevale. “My hope would be that they continue to find new ways to incorporate students into their facility and allow them to continue to working in areas to provide them with

the experiences they will need after they graduate.”

Students who are able to work with patients at Frye are given chances to gain experience with a variety of patients and doctors.

“I have had the opportunity to have some of my clinicals at Frye Hospital and I have gained confidence when caring for patients,” said Kelsey Inman, senior nursing major. “I have also been able to practice skills that I will need to perform my daily duty as a nurse for the future.”

Photo Credit: Erin SweetJunior nursing major, Tameron Sealey practices taking a patients temperature in a simulated routine check up in Lenoir-Rhyne’s nursing department.

Frye Partners with L-RLocal Hospital Helps Nursing Program