Download - RHUL Classical Society Freshers' Guide 2012

Page 1: RHUL Classical Society Freshers' Guide 2012
Page 2: RHUL Classical Society Freshers' Guide 2012

The Society hosts a whole range of different events throughout the year…

Socials Welcome Beautiful people to what will be one hell of a year!

My name is Alex Payne, and for those that do not know, I am your Social


Just like last year there will be a plethora of different events lined up for you to

enjoy, ranging from the hectic Freshers Olympics, toga pub crawls and bad wine

tasting; to more relaxing film nights, revision sessions and what not.

All of last year’s old favourites are being rebooted, along with a few new inclusions that my creative brain

has churned up during the summer.

The most important thing about this Society and its social side is not

the drinking or mayhem, but the friendships that are made through

the course of the year, with every night creating its own brand of

nicknames and memories.

So join in with the fun, and start to create those lasting University


Productions Each year, the Society stages two productions, which are chosen by bid at

the two annual Forums. You will be able to vote for this term’s show at

the Forum on Tuesday 2nd August.

Any member can present a bid so long as they

have a Director, Producer and Stage Manager.

Previous productions have included Pseudolus (Spring 2012) and Electra-Orestes

(Winter 2011).

Even if you don’t want to be on stage performing, there are still loads of

oppurtunities to get involved backstage, be it doing make-up, costume, stage

management, publicity or a whole host of other areas.

Newsletter We also publish a monthly newsletter, Nonsequitur. This

features Reviews, Arguments, monthly round-ups

and articles of Classical interest, all submitted by

members. If you want to make a submission, send it to

[email protected].

You can also follow the Society blog at

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Trips This summer, a group of students from the Classical

Society went on a week-long trip to Rome. The city

has a fantastic wealth of sites, museums and

exhibitions focused on ancient history and culture,

and the group sampled much of it, along with a good

amount of modern Italian culture (not to mention the

grappa!). It was a great success, and we want to continue

into this year in the same fashion.

For the upcoming year, we are hoping to arrange several trips both within Britain and overseas. For the

big trip in the summer, there will be several bids for various places, each offering a slightly different pace

and emphasis, to appeal to as many people as possible. You will get a chance to hear about them all, and

to vote on which one you would like to go on, sometime early on in the term. The trip itself will happen

sometime in the summer of 2013, and we hope it will be something with which you will want to be


There are also plans to do a smaller trip somewhere within England, possibly over the Easter break. This

hasn’t been done before within the society, but we think that it’s a great chance to do something a little

different. If your budget won’t stretch to a big overseas trip, if you want to find out more about Britain’s

place in antiquity, or if you just want to stave off the start of revision a little

while longer, this could well be the trip for you! Choices for this will also

be presented soon, and again you get to vote on where you want to


On top of all of that, we will be arranging day-trips to all sorts of

places a bit closer to home, some of them Classics-related, some of

them not so much. What they should all be is fun, exciting, and well

worth coming along to. We hope to see you there.

Study Sessions During the exam period, the Society organises rooms on campus for individual

and group study and discussion. These are ideal not only for exam preparation,

but also dissertation completion and other general work. Rooms will be

announce on the Society Facebook group each day.


Membership Don’t forget, to take part in any activities with the Society, you are required to pay a small membership

fee of £7, which is fed back into the Society. This can be purchased at the Students’ Union website at Log in with your student number and password (you’ll need to set this up before you

arrive), go to the Society page and click the join link. You will also need to pay Student Activities

Membership (£10), however you only need to pay this once as it covers all Clubs and Societies.

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Go to the Department, find out the name of your Personal Advisor and collect your

Welcome Pack.

Welcome (Back) Meeting Hear about our trip to Rome and

plans for the year - 6:00pm SU Night

Freshers Welcome Party!

9pm - 2am, £5

College Computers Guide - check times on First

Year Noticeboard in the Department

College Enrolment - Windsor Building

Taster Sessions - 2:00pm - 5:00pm

Management Lecture Theatre

SU Night

End of Summer Beach Party

9pm - 2am, £5

Course unit registration in the Department

(Founder’s, 11:00am - 3:00pm)

Meet with your Personal Advisor to choose your

courses for the year

SU Night

DJ Coolio

9pm - 2am, £5

Talks from the Department

Student Advisory Service; Classical Society; How

to Study at University/Turnitin; Library Tours

Arts Building Lecture Theatre 1 (1:00pm - 5:30pm)

Freshers' Fayre

11:00am - 5:00pm, SU Main Hall

Welcome Drinks in the Department

(5:30 - 6:30)

Toga Pub Crawl Our first big event of the year, as we take

you around on a unique tour of campus and

Englefield Green

Freshers' Fayre

11:00am - 5:00pm, SU Main Hall

SU Night

Superheroes and Supervillians

9pm - 2am, £5

Fresher Olympics Founders' Field (next to the Tennis

Courts), 1:00pm - 5:00pm

Medicine 'til late,

with a selection of

Society birthdays!

Virginia Water Picnic

Virginia Water

We’ll leave you alone.

We promise.

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Monday 1st October

Lectures commence.

Tuesday 2nd October

The Classical Society Forum Vote on this term’s production as well as a few other society matters including upcoming

socials and trips. 8:00pm, Venue TBC.

Rest of Term One

Plenty of socials, and hopefully a trip or two!

Keep an eye out for the first issue of Nonsequitur, which will be published at the end of

September/beginning of October. If you’d like to make a submission, e-mail it to

[email protected].

The First Term Production will take place towards the end of term. Auditions will take place

in Week Two or Three, keep an eye on the Facebook group for the latest information.

Our Second Forum will take place at the end of term, and will decide the Term Two

production, as well as more trips and such!

Term Two

Our second Production, yet more awesome socials etc etc…

Term Three

Exams! Don’t worry, we’ll be setting up revision rooms every day of the exam period for

quiet study and discussion.

The end of term will be followed by our overseas trip - keep an eye on the Facebook

group for all the latest information about this!

Keep up to date with what’s going on, make sure to join our

Facebook group!

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The Committee are responsible for the running of the Society, and are elected anually.. We

are all lovely people and are happy to answer any questions you may have.

President - Helen Rowland

Helen is responsible for the overall running of the

Society, as well as liaising with the Department and

the Students’ Union. She is a second year Classics


[email protected]

Secretary - Kelly Braund

As Secretary, Kelly is responsible for the society’s

admin and welfare. She is a third year Classical

Studies student.

[email protected]

Treasurer - Archie Macleod

Archie is a second year Classical Studies student. As

Treasurer, he is responsible for the Society’s finances,

a task that suits well his love of spreadsheets.

[email protected]

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Social Secretary - Alex Payne

Alex is our Social Secretary. He is a third year Classical

Studies student, and organises all our social events. If

you have an idea for a social, let him know!

[email protected]

Newsletter Editor - Ellie Halstead

Ellie edits our Newsletter, Nonsequitur. She is a

third year Classics and Philosophy student. If you

would like to submit an article for the newsletter,

send it to her!

[email protected]

Trips Officer - Will Clarke

Will is in charge of organising our annual trip abroad

as well as trips within the UK. He is a third year

Classics with Philosophy student. If you can think of

somewhere to go, let him know!

[email protected]

Proconsul - Lois Pearse

Lois serves as Proconsul, having previously sat as

Secretary. She offers guidance to the new committee,

as well as love and hugs to the entire Society, old and

new members alike. She is currently studying for an

MA in Ancient History.

[email protected]

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Have a great year everyone!

RHUL Classical Society 2012-13