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Rhode Island Department of Education Office for Diverse Learners

School Support System Report and Support Plan for the

Woonsocket Public School System October 2008

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SCHOOL SUPPORT SYSTEM A Collaborative System of Focused Monitoring


The purpose of the School Support System (SSS) is to provide a means of accountability for delivery of programs and services for students with exceptionalities. The School Support System model is designed to promote the involvement of the whole school district, general educators as well as special educators and parents. It is designed to learn if the district meets the regulations and what effects programs and services have on student outcomes. Finally, the SSS develops a school support plan for training and technical assistance.

To accomplish this the SSS includes these components:

The Orientation Meeting The Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) staff meets with the Local Education Agency (LEA) to plan the site review and

identify issues or initiatives that may influence programs or service delivery. Data Analysis Meeting The RIDE staff meets to review LEA demographic information on selected reports including: the LEA annual plan, census

information, and information collected through record review, staff questionnaires and parent interviews. To ensure that the child is at the center of the study, all analyses begin with the child. Thus, a sample of approximately 30 students with exceptionalities is selected; the records of these students are reviewed; their parents, teachers and related service providers are interviewed, and their classrooms are observed. The result is an in-depth, unified examination of the actual provision of programs and services for students with exceptionalities. The RIDE staff compiles a preliminary summary of their analyses of this data.

Presentation by the LEA and School Site Review The on-site review begins with a presentation of programs by teachers and staff. The presentation provides the review team with general and specific information on delivery of programs and services to students. Following this presentation, on-site reviews to all schools are made. The team members interview school administrators and teaching staff. Parents and central office staff are also interviewed. The team gathers sufficient information and works with the LEA personnel to generate a report, covering the following:

The district’s compliance with the state and federal regulations, relative to the education of students with exceptionalities. The quality and effectiveness of programs and services provided by the district. The need for professional development and technical assistance that will enable the LEA to improve programs and services. The Support Plan The RIDE team, LEA central office and building administrators meet to review the data and complete a report of results. The group

designs a professional development/technical assistance support plan with timelines for implementation. This plan enables the school and district to correct areas of non-compliance and to strengthen promising programs and correct areas of weakness in order to improve services and programs for all students.

The SSS Report The report summarizes the findings from the various data sources. The format of the report uses four divisions: Indicators, Findings, Documentation, and Support Plan. Indicators describe either performance or compliance. Findings can include a variety of some six categories, from School Improvement to Free Appropriate Public Education in the Least Restrictive Environment. The documentation section of the report distinguishes the source of the finding. The support plan reflects the response to the described findings. The support plan describes the corrective action required by the district as well as resources and time lines to improve programs and services.

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1. School Improvement /Family Engagement

2. Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

3. Evaluation/ Individual Education Plan (IEP)

4. Transition

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Woonsocket Public School System

School Support System Review OCTOBER 20 – 24, 2008


Team A – Emily Klein, Pattie Hien, Susan Doboszynski

Team B – Denise Achin, Joanna Fargnoli, Craig Levis

Team C – Jane Keane, Ellise Wolff, Victoria Rodriguez Team D – Susan Wood, Nancy Stevenin, Melanie Gietz,

Patricia Pezzullo

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Indicator Findings Documentation Support Plan Follow-up Findings

Performance 1.1 District Strategic Plan Inclusive environments and neighborhood schools factor among district goals as do providing effective programs for English Language Learners (ELLs) with disabilities and plans to address disproportionality. In addition, central office reviews data together on regular basis throughout the year to

Drive restructuring of programs

Provide professional development

Document Interviews Presentation

Performance 1.2 Professional Development Each year, staff participate in one professional development day and additional teacher professional development. Teachers may participate in professional development hours with district offered sessions and/or by attending state or national trainings and conferences. All applications for professional development are reviewed by the School Improvement Team. Recent district sessions include training on Starting Points for teachers of children with Asperger Syndrome, Individual Education Programs, Non-violent Crisis Intervention, Response to Intervention, 504, differentiated instruction, disproportionality and appropriate identification practices for special education, literacy, mathematics, and science. Woonsocket has a mentor program which includes 2 full days of orientation plus a 2 hour midyear meeting on curriculum frameworks and lesson design. The first year of participation is required, but 2-3 years of mentoring are available. The district plans to redesign their teacher

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evaluation tool to connect professional development to goals and needs identified during the evaluation process.

Performance 1.3 All schools throughout Woonsocket have comprehensive school improvement plans aligned to the district strategic plan. School improvement teams meet monthly and are comprised of school administrators, educators, parents and community members.

Documents Interviews

Performance 1.4 Partnerships with Higher Education/Community Woonsocket is sought out for student teacher placements by all state programs as well as programs out of state. Woonsocket is also URI student nurse and speech language pathology training site. Community partners include: National Guard-week long drug prevention for 5th graders NRI Community Services DCYF-The Woonsocket Initiative The Autism Project of RI, Inc. Connecting for Children Tides Family Resources Head Start Gateway 21st Century Learning Center Crusade CEDARR Wal-Mart Lowes Police Department Head Start Thundermist Health Associates Woonsocket Lion’s Club Hasbro Children’s Hospital Bradley

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Performance 1.5 Use of student assessment and performance data to inform instruction Reading Assessment

Mary Clay Observation Survey and K portfolio developed by K teachers in Woonsocket; administered each trimester

DRA-2 each trimester K-5

Classroom-based assessments such as Running Records and response to Literature.

Orchard computer based reading assessment; 1x yr for students on or above grade level; 2x yr for those 1-2 yrs below grade level

TORC-3 grades 9-12 for those entering HS reading below grade level and those who struggle after entry; 1x yr


Scholastic Informal Reading Inventory (SIRI) 6-12; Weekly if 3+ years below – online management system with tracking of skills and data across the period

Math Assessment

Exemplars K-5 2x yr

G-MADE grades 1-5 2x yr


First Steps diagnostic tasks in Mathematics through PRIMES grant; every elementary school participates; teachers receive individual training plus study groups and job embedded professional development via trained first steps facilitators; Literacy trainers included

Common tasks grades 6-12 based on GSEs/GLEs quarterly

Writing Assessment

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Woonsocket Writing Assessment response to literature grades 1-5 1x yr


Capstone project in May gr 3 – response to literature based on choice, 4 and 5 writing in genre, response to literature in preparation for portfolio projects in middle and high

Common tasks 6-12 done quarterly Students participating in Alternate Assessment participate in the local assessment system based upon teacher recommendation. Woonsocket has begun to implement the Preschool Creative Curriculum and Assessment.

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1.6 Response to Intervention At the elementary level Response to Intervention (RtI) is a general education initiative using universal, supplemental and intensive interventions. Every elementary school has an RtI manual with protocols and procedures. RtI team membership, roles and responsibilities are clearly outlined in the manual. A Core team meets regarding students receiving Tier 1 of RtI. One member of that Core team would attend the specialized team for students receiving Tier 2 or 3 of RtI. Protocols outline and define types of interventions including frequency and duration and staff to student ratio. Each elementary school has an RtI team which meets as needed. Building and district leadership obtained a broad range of RtI training at national conferences which was brought back to provide embedded PD at the building level. Descriptions of interventions for social emotional and academic needs are included in the manual. Tier I interventions are provided by the classroom teacher for a minimum of 40 days prior to implementation of Tier II interventions. Related service personnel and Reading teachers provide interventions at Tier II and III. Tier II and III social and emotional interventions require a parent signature. If no parent signature is obtained the student remains in Tier I with a Personal Social Behavior Plan. Thirty teachers are trained in Wilson Reading which is delivered as intensive intervention/Tier III. District policies delineate artificial grade rules for referral based on speech/language screening referencing those rules as required under Rhode Island General Law (RIGL). District policies also appear to prohibit the referral of students age 9+ for suspected speech language impairment. State special education regulations do not restrict type and intensity of interventions nor do they prohibit referral of a student for suspected speech language

Documents Interviews Presentation

Page 9 of the RtI manual will be reviewed, refined and clarified. Timeline: Immediately and ongoing Progress Check: March 2009

An assistant principal has been assigned to develop an RTI process at WHS. ARRA funds will be directed toward acquiring an RTI coordinator for the

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impairment at any age. Where there is data to suggest a child may have a disability, that child may be referred directly to the Evaluation Team.

Some staff at the elementary level articulated use of data in graphs to examine student progress in Tiers II and III. Teachers are provided with data collection sheets in their RtI Protocol binder. They describe use of data as a work in progress and are looking for improved methods of data collection. Use of data for eligibility decisions is not clearly articulated. It is unclear what tools and assessments are used for progress monitoring of students in targeted or intensive interventions. At the secondary level (middle & high) a structured RtI/TST process has not been established. The district plans to work from the elementary protocols to develop secondary protocols RI Regulation 300.309) Timely development of RtI and continued implementation of TST have been adversely impacted by the lack of an Assistant Superintendent.

Middle School has RTI committee in place representative of all disciplines and is in the process of developing policies and procedures manual. Timeline: Immediately and ongoing Progress Check: March 2009 High School RTI committee will have representation from across general education, ESL and special education. This general education initiative will be facilitated by the Assistant Principal. Timeline: Immediately and ongoing Progress Check: March 2009

2009-2010 school year. Timeline: Issue resolved Timeline: Issue resolved

Performance 1.7 Local Advisory Committee The Woonsocket Special Education Local Advisory Committee (SELAC) has a new chairperson this year and a core group of 5 individuals who regularly attend meetings. One of the goals for this school year is to broaden the

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membership to include more parents of secondary level students. Some examples of PD the SELAC provided last year include PECS communication system, IEPs, program continuum, Q and A with district leadership. Woonsocket district leadership supports the SELAC by printing bilingual flyers, posting meeting news and information on the district website, providing facilities for meetings, and also providing secretarial support. Staff in the district were familiar with the SELAC and reported parents receiving notice in multiple ways (website, newsletters, flyers, bulletin boards in schools).

Compliance 1.8 MEDIATIONS (calendar years) 2008 # of Mediations:



Mediation #1

Placement Agreement Reached

Mediation #2

Evaluation Agreement Reached

Mediation #3

IEP Agreement Reached

Mediation #4

IEP Agreement Reached

Mediation #5


Agreement Reached

Mediation #6

Other/1:1 Agreement Reached

Mediation #7

Placement No Agreement Reached – went to complaint/hearing

Mediation #8

Other/ Compensatory Services

Agreement Reached

Mediation #9

Other/ OT/ Speech

Agreement Reached

COMPLAINTS (calendar years)

2008 # of Complaints:

Due process data base

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Complaint #1

IEP Withdrawn/settled

Complaint #2

Other/O.T Service

Finding of Compliance

Complaint #3

Discipline/ Confidentiality

Finding of Noncompliance

HEARINGS (calendar years) 2008 # of Hearings:



Hearing #1 IEP Pending

Hearing #2 Placement Settled

Resolution Sessions (calendar year)

Resolution Database currently being developed


Indicator Findings Documentation Support Plan Follow-up Findings Performance 2.1 Based on the FY July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007 State

Performance Plan information on Woonsocket Program Placement Data is as follows: The percentage of students educated 80 to 100% of the time in general education settings is 78.39%. (RI District Average is 62.85%) Percentage of students educated for less than 40% of the time in general education settings is 4.56% (RI District Average is 18.11%) Percentage of students educated in private separate schools, homebound/hospitalized and private residential schools is 4.50% (RI District Average is 4.85%) If a district is 1 standard deviation from the RI district average

State Performance Plan

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the district is considered discrepant for the target. Woonsocket is not discrepant in any of the above areas.

Performance Compliance/Performance

2.2 Program Continuum Central Administration has set the goal of developing building capacity to lead special education. At the elementary level, there is a department chair and 4 case managers (1.8 FTE) across the buildings. At the middle level, a assistant-principal designated to support special education and 3 grade-level case managers provide leadership. These case managers loop with the students. At the High School and the Woonsocket Area Career and Technical Center, a department chair plus 2.5 case managers and a transition coordinator are in place. Elementary-level The continuum spans the district but not each building. Self-contained – 6 or 10 students with teacher and TA. Intensive resource – 25 students with up to 10 students with IEPs; ½ day special education teacher and ½ day teach assistant with general education teacher. Inclusion resource – 25 students (15 general education students + 10 with IEPs) and 2 full time teachers (general education and special education) Resource – both in class and separate small group services At the elementary level, students in self-contained classes attend art, music, and physical education separately from their general education peers (RI Regulations 300.114). Classrooms being at maximum capacity plus scheduling difficulties create barriers to inclusion. Since various inclusions programs are not available at all grade levels within a school, some teachers perceive that gradual inclusion from

Interviews Documents Presentation

Special education administration and building administration will meet to develop a plan to provide integrated itinerant classes. Timeline: Immediately and ongoing Progress Check: October 2009

LEA representatives and teachers in self-contained classrooms will continue to meet to develop strategies for integrating self-contained students

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self-contained settings to less restrictive settings within the school year is not always possible. Individual teachers do attempt to provide opportunities for the children to access the LRE despite class size and schedule obstacles.

with typical developing peers during lunch, PE, and itinerant classes.



While the district staffing plan indicates adherence to former case load and class size rules, current occupational therapy staff are not sufficient for the 30:1 ratio. Historically, the district has encountered challenges in employing sufficient occupational therapist (OTs). Currently, the district is bringing in Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant’s (COTA’s) through agencies. COTA’s cannot do evaluations which puts that burden as well as supervision duties on the remaining staff. With recent fall hiring of OTRs, the staff to student ratio is currently 1:38 (RI Regulations 300.157)

Documents Interviews CRP Record Reviews

Special education administration will submit a corrected staffing plan. Timeline: Immediately and ongoing Progress Check: March 2009

Timeline: Issue resolved



Related services delivery models across the district include pull-out both individually and group, in-class, co-treatment, observation, consultation and counseling.

Documents Interviews


2.5 Middle level Currently there are 1,295 students at Woonsocket Middle School in grades 6-8. Of that total 299 are students with exceptionalities. Each grade is managed by a leadership team comprised of a vice principal, house leader, social worker, school counselor, and a special education case manager. Common planning is scheduled as Team Development Time which is held twice a week with focused activities addressing the school improvement plan action plans, the creation of common assessments, reviewing student work, and scheduling parent meetings. The Woonsocket Middle School special education continuum includes thirteen grade level teams facilitating specialized instruction through varying inclusionary initiatives ranging from (2) typical self contained settings for students needing more

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individual life skill based instruction to students who are fully included in the general education setting with in class support through co-teaching. All students with disabilities participating in the following continuum have the ability to move from more intensive instruction and support to a more inclusionary instructional setting based on assessment data, teacher recommendation and parental input.


Sixth Grade Team Design There are five sixth grade level teams plus 2 split Inclusion settings (with 10 students with IEP and 15 students without IEPs) at the middle school with specialized instruction facilitated through a continuum which includes a departmentalized model, team teaching with and without resource, and an ELL setting. Some teams have both a general educator and special educator co-teaching while others have one teacher who holds dual certification. Seventh Grade Team Design There are four seventh grade teams with specialized instruction facilitated through two team teaching teams with resource, a general education setting with resource, and an ELL setting. Eighth Grade Team Design There are four eighth grade level teams with specialized instruction facilitated through team teaching with resource, general resource and support, and an ELL setting. Multi Grade Level Self Contained There are two self contained/multilevel (6th through 8th grade) instructional settings for students (eligible for alternate assessment) needing a more individualized life skill focused learning environment. Currently students participating in the multilevel life-skills self-

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contained classes do not have access to typically developing peers. They participate in all Encore and Physical Education classes together (as a self-contained class) along with lunch (which they eat in their self-contained classroom). The environment and curriculum design of the two settings varies in classroom structures and instructional strategies. Both environments have limited access to life skill oriented equipment (stove, refrigerator, sink, etc). Additionally students do not have access to community service exploration within the school setting and/or within the neighborhood/community. One multi Level (6th through 8th grade) departmental self-contained team for students needing intensive instruction in the core content areas. (Program supported by four Highly Qualified/Dual Certified Content Area Special Educators along with four teacher assistants supporting forty students eligible for an individualized education program). All students participate with their typically developing peers in Encore classes, lunch and physical education. A multi level multicultural special education class is provided for students who are culturally and linguistically diverse and require special education services. Students are often newcomers to the country, district, and school. Some middle level staff are unclear on the purpose of the program and how students services are determined. An Advisory program has been established at the middle school ―Compass Time‖ that meets twice a week for 25 minutes. Compass Time is a structured opportunity for student’s academic and social emotional learning concepts in addition to student to significant adult relationships. Grade 6-8 integrated setting at Feinstein Learning Academy Social Street provides full day educational programs for up to 50 students on the second level of the school. Of the 50


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middle school students at FLA, half have IEPs. Students may be transitioning in from out of district special education placements or from adjudicated settings. For some students, FLA is an alternative educational setting designed to address social/emotional and discipline concerns. In addition, two self-contained elementary level classrooms provide intensive services to 14 students on the first floor of the school. These two elementary rooms are alternatives to sending children out of district or a transition back into district from out of district placements. FLA is staffed by four highly qualified content area teachers (currently interviewing to fill a recent social studies vacancy) for middle level, 1 Health/PE teacher for middle level, 1 special education teacher middle level, 2 special educators elementary level, 1 bilingual social worker, 1 floating teacher assistant middle level, 2 teacher assistants elementary level, 1 school guidance counselor/parent liaison. The social worker and counselor provide services to both the elementary and middle-level students at FLA. FLA coordinates monthly family nights to encourage and maintain its high level of family involvement. In addition, FLA staff seek support from community businesses and agencies to coordinate community learning activities connected to content area instruction. Middle level personnel, including the school counselor and social worker, have 30 minutes of common planning time every morning as a professional learning community. Occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech language providers provide on-site services to students with those needs. Staff at the middle level expressed concern that no behavior specialists are available to provide additional social emotional supports and no trained reading teachers are available to address literacy needs of students. Currently, the resource teacher is completing Wilson Reading training. The district

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clinical psychologist does evaluations and provides some teacher consult for FLA. At least once a week, in-class supports from the special educator and social worker are not available when both staff members are providing crisis intervention support to individual students. The program has a Best Buddies peer mentoring program to provide additional support for social emotional needs of students. Nineteen students who are meeting behavior and academic goals are prepared by the social worker and paired with a peer. Buddies and the social worker keep logs with day, time, and type of support activity.



School removals/disciplinary policies (justification for student removal from LRE)

Students Suspended >10 Days







2005-2006 2006-2007

Special Ed.

Gen. Ed.

Risk ratio: special education % to general education %

Data analysis State Performance Plan (SPP)

The district will continue to implement FACTS, FOCUSS, FATE, and Day 11 programs as well as tutoring and e-learning programs at Feinstein and PASS at the middle school to provide alternatives to suspensions. Crisis Prevention and De-escalation training to all staff has been provided and will continue to be given. The district will increase the use of FBAs and BIPs. Timeline: Immediately and ongoing Progress Check: December 2009

Grant funding has been earmarked for staff development around reducing school removals/creating disciplinary policies to reduce the disproportionality in suspensions of students with disabilities. Teachers and LEA representatives will receive training in the development of FBAs and BIPs, as well as

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2005-2006 3.51

2006-2007 3.03

Students receiving special education and related services in Woonsocket are three times more likely to be suspended more than 10 days than students who do not receive special education and related services. Woonsocket Middle School facilitates an In School Suspension (ISS) setting the ―Positive Alternative School Suspension‖ program (PASS). Students attending PASS must address a number of forms and writing activities to engage in reflective thinking and improving challenging behaviors in response to the whole school community triggers. The district has clearly defined the policies and practices (noted in the student handbooks) addressing students experiencing challenging disruptive behaviors. Throughout the Woonsocket Middle School posted student responsibilities and expectations were noted (STAR and 3R’s etc). RI Regulations 300.600


de-escalation and crisis prevention/intervention techniques. The crisis intervention/prevention training funded under IDEA is in addition to training funded under Title IV. The funds specific to IDEA will be used to special education teachers and teacher assistants. The training for special education faculty and staff will be focused on working with students who have emotional disorders.

Performance Compliance


Additionally the middle school manages and facilitates a number of initiatives and practices to address whole school climate including data collection. Communication of discipline data (number of days of suspension) from Woonsocket Middle School to Feinstein Learning Academy was unclear for students who transition from WMS to FLA. Suspensions from FLA are counted within the WMS suspension numbers. Students from FLA can participate in a Day 11 FACTS/FOCUSS program at Woonsocket High School. Staff expressed concern that enforcing student attendance at Day 11 will not be possible. At Woonsocket High School, some staff reported that the administrators convey the number of students with IEPs who are suspended to them. Others said that did not occur unless


At WHS the assistant principals are the administrative body that by nature of its functions and

Timeline: Issue resolved

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they sought out the information from administration. There did not appear to be a systemic process for communicating the number of days a student with disabilities has been suspended nor was it clear whose responsibility it was to hold the manifestation determination meeting and, as appropriate, subsequent functional behavioral assessment. (RI Regulations 300.530) This calls into question the accuracy for the number of suspension days with regard to the manifestation determination team process as well as the overall communication process between school-based administration and the special education department. Alternative to Suspension Programs -Focus Alternative Consequence to Suspension (FACTS). This program runs from 2:30pm to 5:30pm and is assigned on daily basis per suspension needs. Students must attend one FACTS day (3 plus hours) for every day of school missed with additional 3 hours days added as needed. Students must complete assignments from classes. (The middle level FACT program (Day 11 Program 2:45pm- 5:45pm) starts mid- year and is housed and managed by the high school). -Intervention Support Services (ISS) (runs during the traditional school day) and functions as an in-school suspension with special and general education teachers. Each student also writes reflections on what they could have done to avoid receiving a suspension. Students work on the class work that they would have worked on during the school day.

responsibilities makes determinations about the number of suspensions a student incurs.

Once a student accrues a minimum of six days of suspension, or approximately four FACTS placements, the principal’s office will notify the special education secretary who, upon consulting with administrators of special education, will schedule the student for a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA), Manifestation Determination (MD), or Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP) assessment. The special education coordinators/administrators must inform all stakeholders, including the affected student, the family of the student, the case manager, the school psychologist, and the student’s corresponding assistant principal about the decision-making process. (already initiated at time of support plan development) Timeline: Issue resolved

Performance 2.8 Though a school counselor at the middle school has been assigned to students participating in the self-contained


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settings (20 students) including departmentalized self-contained classes (on or about 43 students), the counselor does not regularly attend team meetings. However, this population does have access to school counselor services supports as do peers throughout the building.

Performance 2.9 At the secondary level (middle & high school) advisories are held throughout the week. Students in self-contained settings participate in self-contained advisories. It is unclear if this is because of the scheduling requirements. The lack of integration in these advisories, however, was clearly evident.


Performance 2.10 Staff at Woonsocket High School typically refer to students using disability first language (LD students) as opposed to person first language (students with learning disabilities). In addition, the use of outdated terminology (BD) as opposed to terminology aligned with IDEA language (ED). In addition, there was a clear demarcation line between ―those kids‖ (kids with IEPs) and ―these kids‖ (kids without IEPs). Some general education teachers are angry that they have ―those kids‖ in their classes, even if ―those kids‖ are students who have all general education classes with resource support.



2.11 Woonsocket High School has 1800 students and 470 have IEPs. There are a myriad of programs to address a variety of student need. The overall program continuum is as follows: Continuum Resources programs: Students have resource daily or every other day depending on need or schedule. It is an academic class and students receive a half credit or a credit for this class. Students are required to bring work from their classes and work on that work during resource time. Last year, teachers generally provided resource support in the general education classes; this year, due to the new structure, teachers provide pull-out resource instead of in class support. Teachers reported wanting to provide some resource supports

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in the general education settings. Six self-contained classes. These are classes where functional skills and functional academics are emphasized. Students have varying degrees of cognitive and medical impairments. a.) Three self-contained classes in total where 2 classes are for younger students and one class (TransPro) for older students (18-21 years old). Students in the older class have community-based work experiences. b.) Two Severe/Profound classes c.) One Medically Fragile class Departmentalized classes target students who have cognitive impairments and who function below grade level. There are self-contained departmentalized classes in all core content areas. In addition, there is at least one class in every core content area that is a co-taught class with students from the departmentalized classes and typical peers. There is one departmentalized ELA class for students who are in need of ESL and special education. Special education students who also need ESL instruction participate in the ESL program with ESL resource support. -Focus Alternative Therapeutic Environment (FATE) classes for students with emotional disturbance. Some students may be fully self-contained which others may be taking general education classes as appropriate. In addition, each of the FATE teachers co-teaches a class with general education teacher. FATE students are involved in the class that the FATE teacher teaches. -Focus (Focusing on Comprehensive Urban Students Services (FOCUSS) (1:30pm-6:00pm).This is a step-down program and students, if appropriate, may transfer into this program from out of district placements. Students from the

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high school may be appropriate for the program if they demonstrate aggressive school behaviors, weapons, or significant mental health issues. -Youth Plus. This is a joint effort between WHS and Family Resources. The program offers special education, general education, and e-learning courses (Nova net) available in addition to community experiences and employment skills training. This is housed on Main Street downtown. -Feinstein E-Learning Academy (traditional hours plus afternoon hours). This program is housed in the Career and Technical Center. This program targets older students in need of recouping credits for graduation. This is also utilized for assisting students transitioning back to WHS from out-of –district placements, students referred from Woonsocket discipline hearings, and students who have difficulty in the traditional WHS program.

Performance 2.13 Adaptive Physical Education (APE) is provided at the high school per the student’s IEP. Most of the students in the six self-contained setting (described in the high school program continuum in this section) appear to have adaptive physical education. These are set up as separate physical education classes.


Compliance 2.14 At Woonsocket High School staff reported that they do not have access to books and curriculum materials in the same manner that students in general education classes had. Specifically, they reported that there were not enough books for all their students. If they request additional books from the core content department chair they are referred back to the special education chair. Staff did not appear to know if there is a formal process to request books and curriculum materials. (RI Regulations 300.114)

The dearth of books and curriculum materials affect both special and general education-- the problem being, perhaps, more severe in special education. The problem has been partially resolved, particularly for departmentalized and students with emotional challenges in the inclusion classes. Efforts are

Regarding access to books and curriculum materials, Dr. Garcia indicated that the Special Education Department will receive funding in the upcoming year that is equivalent (or higher) than funding provided

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Staff also reported that the students with disabilities do not have equity of access to science materials in (microscope, scales, science computer lab etc.) the same manner as their typical counterparts. (RI Regulations 300.39)

currently on the way to address this critical and timely problem. The remaining concerns will be resolved by implementation of a system to equitably distribute materials. Timeline: Immediately and ongoing Progress Check: June 2009

to the English, Science, Social Studies, and Math departments.

Performance 2.15 The following programs are offered at the Career and Technical Center -Culinary Arts—Food safety, knife skills, food prep, nutrition and baking. -Graphic Design and printing –T-shirts, poster, billboard, web pages and multi media -Health Career. Nursing assistant, CRP and first aid, anatomy and physiology, hospital and rescue internship -Networking engineering-Network support, robotics, engineering project, electronics. -Digital Media. Broadcasting, photography and filmmaking -Academy of Information Technology and Game Design- web design, digital imaging, Dreamweaver, animation -Hospitality/Tourism- hotel tours, event planning, marketing /sales, destination geography, hotel lodging, management -Automotive Technology. On board diagnostics, suspension and steering, electronic systems, brake systems. -Child Studies/Human Services. Teacher assistants certificate, on-site preschool, teacher assistant, internships, Construction Technically- building construction, electrical technology, carpentry and plumbing.

Interviews Documents Presentation

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Performance 2.16 Career and Technical Center has approximately 555 students and 117 have IEPs. The program continuum at the Career and Technology Center is as follows: Resource. Student Assistance Center. Students may have scheduled specify resource times per their IEPs. They can also drop in on an as needed basis. The Student Assistance Center is open to both special and general education students for drop in support. Resource teachers also go into class and provide resource support on an as needed basis.

Interviews Documents Presentation

Performance 2.17 District-wide, social workers provide group counseling/social skills activities and individual counseling to students as needed.


Performance 2.18 Disproportionality In the district strategic plan, Lead the Focus on Learning and Achievement: Special Education Step 6 ―Review and analyze data (e.g. identification, placement, suspension) to determine and address causes of disproportionally in the special education population in order to reduce the number of referrals for special education services,‖ rather than to reduce/prevent inappropriate identification practices. As reported in the district strategic plan, the district depends on disproportionally reports from RIDE alone rather than developing district school level reports as additional evidence in strategic plan evaluation section. Some staff spoke of a target to reduce numbers of students in special education to 14%. Woonsocket does not sett numerical targets for numbers of students in special education as it is not appropriate. Setting a target for 0% disproportionate representation due to inappropriate identification practices is appropriate. All evaluation teams have begun training in appropriate identification practices.

Documents Interviews Census/data analysis State Performance Plan (SPP)

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# of student group with IEPS/# of student group enrolled

Risk ratio = District risk/National risk or State risk/National risk

Disproportionate Representation =

over or under representation plus inappropriate identification practices

Significant Disproportionality = Risk ratio of 2.5 or more

Risk ratio of 1 = no disproportionality

na = n < 10 or risk <1% difference from national risk

Race/ethnicity Risk Ratio All Disabilities

2005 2006 2007

Asian 1.37 1.39 1.18

Black 2.71 2.67 2.46

Hispanic 2.63 2.68 2.35 Native American na na 5.08

White 2.8 3.2 2.89

Race/ethnicity Risk Ratio LD

2005 2006 2007

Asian 1.43 na na

Black 2.42 2.5 2.09

Hispanic 2.91 3.02 2.61 Native American na na na

White 1.79 2.02 1.9

Race/ethnicity Risk Ratio ED

2005 2006 2007

Asian na na na

Black 6.29 5.85 6.24

Hispanic 3.47 4.02 4.03 Native American na na na

White 4.61 4.94 3.96

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Race/ethnicity Risk Ratio MR

2005 2006 2007

Asian na na na

Black 3.2 2.82 na

Hispanic 3.35 3.13 2.54

Native American na na na

White 2.23 2.68 2.65

Race/ethnicity Risk Ratio OHI

2005 2006 2007

Asian na na na

Black 6.09 5.57 4.79

Hispanic 3.78 4 3.01

Native American na na na

White 8.22 8.83 7.7

Race/ethnicity Risk Ratio SLI

2005 2006 2007

Asian 1.58 1.73 na

Black na na na

Hispanic na na na

Native American na na na

White 2.82 3.39 2.86

The data shows that Woonsocket has no significant over representation of Asian students in special education. The district does have significant over representation of black students in special education and specifically in the areas of Other Health Impairments (OHI), Learning Disabilities (LD), and Emotional Disturbance (ED). Hispanic students are significantly over represented in special education and specifically in the areas of LD, ED, Mental Retardation (MR), and OHI. Native American student numbers are generally too small to be factored, however, the most recent year data does show an upswing of over representation. White students are significantly over represented in special education and

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specifically in the areas of ED, MR, OHI, and Speech Language Impairments (SLI).


Disproportionality continued Insufficient evidence of consistent provision for comprehensive evaluations, timeline irregularities, missing parental notice and inconsistent evidence of translations and evaluations/notices in a language other than English raise concerns of inappropriate identification practices for some children for the timeframe in which disproportionality data is analyzed (Dec. 06 and Dec. 07). Woonsocket’s recent development of policies, procedures, and practices for Response to Intervention, revision of policies, procedures, and practices for eligibility determinations, professional development on appropriate identification practices, and the application of IDEA funds for Early Intervening Services are steps towards the reduction of disproportionate representation due to inappropriate identification practices. Separate Placements


Black Students in Woonsocket RI

2005 # 13

% 8.50% 5%

2006 # 10

% 7.19% 6.84%

When examining Placement/LRE for disproportionality by race/ethnicity, black students were over represented in separate placements in Woonsocket when compared to the state average for percent of students in separate placements for 2005. In 2006, the over representation was significantly decreased. (RI Regulations 300.600) Woonsocket spends a portion of its CEIS dollars on general education interventions in inclusive settings. Inclusive programming initiatives have been ongoing for the past 5

Record reviews Interviews Documents

Woonsocket’s recent development of policies, procedures, and practices for Response to Intervention, revision of policies, procedures, and practices for eligibility determinations, professional development on appropriate identification practices, and the application of IDEA funds for Early Intervening Services are steps towards the reduction of disproportionate representation due to inappropriate identification practices. Woonsocket will continue to examine policies, practices, and procedures and provide professional development for general and special education staff to continue the trend of improvement. Timeline: Immediately and ongoing Progress Check: September 2009

WED will continue to examine policies, practices, and procedures and provide professional development for general and special education staff in order to continue to reduce disproportionate representation in identification for special education.

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years with a focus at the middle level for the past two years. Professional development included embedded PD for general and special educators as well as PD for the School Improvement Team and attendance at a statewide leadership conference on co-teaching strategies. The Feinstein Learning Academy at Social Street broadens the district's ability to provide appropriate academic environments for students who need highly structured, small group settings.


2.19 Pre/School Child Outreach is now located at the 2nd Avenue school building with access to new data collection software. Child Outreach screens at 15 preschools and at 19 K classes. The Preschool Evaluation Team meets on Thursdays and reports a high volume of referral; 110 referrals came from EI this year to date. Although the Early Childhood Coordinator position was cut, the following activities are in place:

Community meeting once a month

Consistent use of forms by private, community preschools

PK/K principals brunch at Head Start

Kindergarten teachers receive screening scores of incoming students every spring plus folders with information from Child Outreach in the fall.

The Child Outreach coordinator reports that the receiving teacher attends the IEP meeting and is part of the preschool team. IEP meetings are done at a separate time from the evaluation team meetings.

The Evaluation Team still operates under old rules requiring both cognitive evaluation and social history for a Developmental Delay (DD) eligibility. Current regulations on eligibility and DD do not require these two assessments (RI Regulations 300.8(b)). The continuum of service includes walk in service for PT, OT, SP at every elementary school for 23 children; community placements for integrated settings for approximately 22

Presentations Interviews Interviews Record Reviews

The Evaluation Team has received information and training.

Timeline: Issue Resolved

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children; head start placements for 31 children; 6 self-contained half day preschool classes at Pothier Elementary with intensive whole class OT and Sp/L; 1 all day PK self-contained class at Globe Park Elementary. In some cases, it is not clear if the receiving teachers are part of the transition process into PK classrooms. In some cases, parents may visit the receiving class. The Child Outreach Coordinator expressed concerns that parents cannot visit PK self-contained classrooms due to FERPA requirements, however the district has policies and procedures in place to allow such visits and provide for confidentiality concerns.


2.20 Woonsocket Middle School is not fully accessible. However, noted throughout the school were emergency exiting maps posted in classrooms. Designated sites and personnel responsible for emergency evacuation for students with visual, hearing and or mobility challenges were planned for. (RI Regulations 300.39 and 23 C.F.R. Part 104)

Interviews Observation Documents

The district is currently constructing 2 new middle schools. Timeline: Immediately and ongoing Progress Check: January 2010


2.21 When considering student services, the availability of programs is sometimes discussed at IEP meetings. However, since all schools do not have all programs in the continuum, some staff perceive that service for the following year is decided by central office. Staff report that they do make service and placement recommendations at IEP meetings and hold the perception that central office and/or case managers make service determinations based on Student Projection sheets submitted in February. Projection sheets require that staff choose one of four service delivery models. IEP teams that convene in the spring make individualized service decisions and redo projection sheets as needed. A committee of central office staff and principal and teacher representatives reviews all projection sheets for program development. Staff reported that students are not typically able to stay in their

Interviews Documents

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neighborhood school as types of inclusion programs jump from building to building from year to year. In some cases, students may change elementary schools every year.


Indicator Findings Documentation Support Plan Follow-up Findings

Compliance 3.1 Record Review Summary The visiting team reviewed approximately 30 records as part of the School Support System review. These were selected through a stratified random sampling technique to allow the team to consider a representative variety of students. Additional students came to the attention of the team during the review. The majority of compliance issues arose in the following areas:

o Timeline irregularities (beyond timeline requirements of regulations; conflicting or missing dates)

o Lack of parental notice for IEP and ET meetings, evaluations, etc.

o Inconsistent evidence of translations of parent notices where needed

o Assessment section incomplete or not indicated by specific assessment

o No evidence of transition assessments RI Regulations Subpart D Evaluations, Eligibility Determinations, Individualized Education Programs and Educational Placements

Student records Assurances January 2009 The Woonsocket School District has listed the following assurances pertaining to the Special Education Record Review of October 2008. The following are provisions toward compliance:

Accuracy of paperwork completion will be monitored by the student services secretaries and closely reviewed by the district Evaluation Team.

Student folder reviews by the district Evaluation Team will prevent missing forms and reports. This includes the needs of bilingual evaluations and the translations of written documents.

Notification to staff as a reminder to send copies for the student service confidential file. These include such items as parent meeting notices, quarterly progress records, etc.

System of monitoring to prevent overdue IEP’s and to meet regulatory timelines of evaluations.

Provisions to be made for the general education teacher to attend Evaluation Team/IEP meetings.

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Professional Development to be continued in regards to the writing of measurable IEP goals and the new IEP format.

Provisions to be made for timely transition/vocational assessments for students age 14 or older.

Timeline: Immediately and ongoing Progress Check: December 2009



Art, music, physical education teachers are informed of students with IEPs via a copy of the IEP with a sign-off sheet ensuring that student’s needs are known and accommodations are implemented school-wide.


Compliance 3.3 The articulation of responsibility and process time frames for special education referral, parental notice, parental consent, evaluation/re-evaluation, IEP, ESY eligibility determination and specialization instruction implementation varied in interpretation from special education faculty and support staff. JK 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 [RI Regulations 300.320 b(1)]

Interviews District special education leadership will review and clarify policies and procedures with middle level staff. Timeline: Immediately and ongoing Progress Check: June 2009

Performance 3.4 At Woonsocket High School there is a department chair and two full time case managers (LEA representative) and two teachers who also facilitate one block each of case management (LEA representation). All of the above individuals can facilitate the IEP meetings, participation in team as needed, crisis prevention and intervention. One of the case managers will also facilitate educational testing for students as appropriate. This structure is new as of this year and was put in place to assist with the workload. Some case managers physically seek out the general education teachers of a student to get feedback on the student’s progress. Others teachers reported creating their


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own informational sheets for gathering information from general education teachers. WHS is currently in the process of developing a school-wide sheet for this purpose.

Compliance 3.5 At the High School as of September, the count of overdue eligibility reports and IEP reviews was at approximately 111. It is unclear as to why the summer team does not make eligibility decisions although they do evaluations and review evaluations with the parents. There are approx 45 students who have not been assigned case managers, hence; no one is point for ensuring that the IEP and/or evaluation team meeting occurs. There are no apparent plans in process to resolve this issue. (RI Regulations 300.303 and 300.324)

Interviews Documents

The special education department is currently making necessary changes within the existing structure by ensuring that additional educational human resources are available to support IEP reviews and eligibility.

The case manager situation will be resolved by assigning case management duties to local education agency representatives. Timeline: Immediately and on-going Progress Check: March 2009

The number of trained LEA representatives will be increased at WHS and eligibility reports will be completed in a timely manner. The case management problem has been resolved and all students have a case manager at this time.

Performance 3.6 Throughout the district staff reported needing more IEP training pertaining to the new IEP. Special education staff presented to other staff on the new IEP this September 9th. Some staff reported this as a confusing experience. Staff at the high school also has had the RI Technical Assistance Project and the Northern RI Collaborative present an IEP case review although WHS staff stated this was not enough to meet their needs. There were additional training based on case studies that teacher could also choose to participate in.


Compliance 3.7 Lack of equity and access is of concern in High School Common Tasks. Some tasks are not accessible by students with disabilities, nor do they appear to be developed following principles of Universal Design with review by a task validation committee knowledgeable about bias. (RI Regulations 300.39)

Interviews The High School will establish a validation/review committee whose. members are knowledgeable of Universal Design, bias review, rigor, standards etc. The principal or designee from administration will review common tasks with general education and special education staff from across departments for

Special educators have been assigned to content area departments to participate in the design of common tasks and make certain that common tasks are accessible

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equity and access as part of the task validation process. Timeline: Immediately and on-going Progress Check: March 2009

to all students with disabilities. The high school additionally has assigned the Special Education Department Chairperson to the validation/review committee to review tasks for equity and access.

Performance 3.8 Every school building had the special education policy manual available. This manual is updated annually.

Documents Interviews


Indicator Findings Documentation Support Plan Follow-up Findings

Performance 4.1 Pre Kindergarten teachers get information and the IEP on upcoming students from the Child Outreach coordinator as specified in section 2.19. Participation of the receiving PK teacher at the transition meeting cannot be verified as no attendance at meetings was signed on the transition form. The district uses the EI transition form in triplicate with copies for parents, EI, and Child Outreach. Community partners with Woonsocket Education Department placements receive information on Kindergarten transitioning and also complete child information forms specifying incoming Kindergartener’s strength, needs, and special circumstances. District principals attend several programs at Head Start to provide parents information on individual schools and answer questions. District Kindergarten registrations and information nights are held in collaboration with community partners to provide information and opportunity for parents

Interviews Record reviews Documents Presentation

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and children to be as prepared as possible for Kindergarten.


4.2 Transition Assessments – Procedures, Linkages To Transition Planning The Transition Coordinator from the high school has just started to attend all 8th grade special education IEP meetings (80) for students transitioning to the high school. This initiative supports a comprehensive approach to transition planning for students. Woonsocket Middle School is in varying stages of implementing Way to Go RI and Choices Jr. to facilitate transition assessments for students who are 14 years old with IEPs and/or for all eighth grade students in planning for students vocational/career planning. This initiative is just emerging. Though teachers were familiar with the Title of the program, the overall implementation of the program was unknown. JK 5, 6 (RI Regulations 300.320(b)(1)

Interviews Student records Presentation

WMS will develop a systemic transition process including vocational access for all students who turn 14 or others as appropriate. Timeline: Immediately and on-going Progress Check: June 2009

A new full time position of transition coordinator has been created for the 2009-2010 school year servicing WHS and WMS. The new job description clearly defines the responsibility of this position to oversee transition process and assessment for students 14 and older.

Performance/ Compliance

4.3 Woonsocket High School has a Transition Coordinator who is the Coordinator for ¾ of his time. In past years the case manager facilitated the functional assessments. This year the Transition Coordinator will manage the process for vocational assessment via ―Way to go Rhode Island‖. Plans are underway to examine the overall system of the transition process with an eye towards capacity building

Student records Interviews Presentation

WHS will develop a systemic transition assessment process including vocational assessment as well as clarification of roles and responsibilities. Timeline: Immediately and on-going

A new full time position of transition coordinator has been created for the 2009-2010 school year servicing WHS and WMS. The new job

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and internship opportunities. Staff reported that the Transition Coordinator was the one responsible for all vocational assessments, hence there appears to be a lack of clarity in roles and responsibilities regarding the vocational assessment and overall transition assessment process. (RI Regulations 300.320(b)(1) There were no transition assessments seen in the files of the students chosen for the record review. Two vocational assessments were seen in the schools files but the remainder were not seen.

Progress Check: March 2009 description clearly defines the responsibility of this position to oversee transition process and assessment for students 14 and older.

Performance 4.4 The Transition Coordinator is facilitating a transition program for the FOCUSS program from 1:20pm to 2:30pm daily.

Performance 4.5 Middle school staff attend elementary IEP meetings to facilitate transition from 5th-6th grade. In addition, the Woonsocket High School department chair or one of the case managers/transition coordinator attends the 8th grade IEP meetings.

Interviews Presentation

Compliance 4.6 School to School Transitions It appears that students are moved to the high school who have not finished their 8th grade school year thus they are unprepared academically and socially to meet the demands of high school, hence they experience significant school failure. If these are team decisions then one needs to examine the criteria used to review the scope and sequence of curriculum that embody the skills and concerns deemed necessary for readiness for a high school program of students. In addition, the social and emotional growth aspects consideration is unclear. Communication concerns exist between the middle and high school personnel. In addition, it calls into question the decision making process at the middle school with

Interviews Woonsocket Middle School is developing a credit based system for systemic promotion from 8th-9th grade. The transition coordinator will also attend IEP meetings for students transitioning from grade 8-9 and attend weekly meetings with the 8th grade LEA as well. Timeline: Immediately and on-going Progress Check March 2009

WMS has developed a credit based system for promotion. The policy awaits school committee approval.

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respective to providing FAPE. (RI Regulations 300.101)