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Section 8.4Crime and Punishment

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• Addiction – a recurring compulsion to engage in an activity regardless of its bad effects

• Capital punishment – the death penalty for a crime or offence

• Crime – an act against the law• Deterrence – the idea that punishments

should be of such a nature that they put people off (deter) committing crimes


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• Judgement – the act of judging people and their actions

• Justice – due allocation of reward and punishment/the maintenance of what is right

• Law – rules made by Parliament and enforceable by the courts

• Reform – the idea that punishments should try to change criminals so that they will not commit crimes again


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• Rehabilitation – restore to normal life• Responsibility – being responsible for ones

actions• Retribution – the idea that punishments

should make criminals pay for what they have done wrong

• Sin – an act against God’s will


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Law and Justice

Laws: - need to be just– Define the values of society– Preserve rights and freedoms– Need to be enforced or they will be ignored– Need to be enforced or it is not fair on law abiding citizens.

- Should be just- Make criminals take responsibility for their actions



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Laws only work if a crime is seen to be punished. One thing everyone agrees is that

punishments should make criminals take responsibility for their actions.

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Punishing a criminal by locking them in prison for the protection of society.

Does this punishment work for all crimes?Is it worth it for all crimes?

Do criminals deserve a second chance?



The idea that punishments should be of such a nature they will put people off (deter) them from

committing crimes.Does this punishment work for crimes of

passion?Does it really deter criminals?

Could an innocent person be executed?


The idea that criminals should be made to paid for what they have done – an eye for an eye.

Does this work in unusual cases like euthanasia?An eye for an eye will make the whole world


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The idea that punishments should try to change criminals so that they will not commit crimes

again.Will this be seen as justice?

Is it an expensive waste of time?

Through punishment, a criminal is made to pay for their crime by doing something to help

society or the victim.Is a large fine really sufficient punishment for a

drink driver who killed someone?


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Muslims believe Allah is just! The Qur’an tells Muslims to be just – if not they will be punished! One of the 5 Pillars of Islam (Zakat) requires Muslims to be just! Under Shari’ah Law, all Muslims are entitled to equal treatment! They have a charity called Islamic Relief!

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CAPITAL PUNISHMENTThe death penalty for a crime or offence

• An excellent deterrent• It removes dangerous

people• It certainly stops re-

offending!• It is cheaper than keeping

someone in max security• Gives the family a sense

of closure• Fair retribution

• Innocent people get convicted by mistake

• Life is sacred• Life in prison is a greater

deterrent• It is inhumane and

barbaric• Terrorists sometimes

regarded as martyrs• A violation of human


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Justice is MOST important

-Apostasy-Deliberate murder-Undermining authority

- Blood money-Other punishments are acceptable

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Drugs and Alcohol

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It is against the law (1) (2):• To sell alcohol to someone under 18 anywhere.• For an adult to buy or attempt to buy alcohol on behalf

of someone under 18. (retailers can reserve the right to refuse the sale of alcohol to an adult if they’re accompanied by a child and think the alcohol is being bought for the child.)

• For someone under 18 to buy alcohol, attempt to buy alcohol or to be sold alcohol.

• For someone under 18 to drink alcohol in licensed premises, except where the child is 16 or 17 years old and accompanied by an adult. In this case it is legal for them to drink, but not buy, beer, wine and cider with a table meal.

• For an adult to buy alcohol for someone under 18 for consumption on licensed premises, except as above.

• To give children alcohol if they are under five.

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The laws controlling drug use are complicated. The Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA) regulates what are termed controlled drugs. It divides drugs into three classes as follows:Class A:

These include, cocaine and crack (a form of cocaine), ecstasy, heroin, LSD, methadone, methamphetamine (crystal meth), magic mushrooms containing ester of psilocin and any Class B drug which is injected.Class B:These include amphetamine (not methamphetamine), barbiturates, codeine, ketamine and cannabis. All cathinone derivatives, including mephedrone, methylone, methedrone and MDPV were brought under control as Class B substances in 2010.Class C:These include anabolic steroids, minor tranquillisers, GBL and GHB, and khat.

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• Jesus turned water into wine! John 2• Jesus shared wine at the Last Supper!

Mark 14• BUT some Christians say the effect is

so damaging - you should not drink.• St. Paul wrote "YOUR BODY IS A


• Genesis 1 promotes the idea that "GOD GAVE LIFE SO ONLY GOD SHOULD TAKE IT"

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• Alcohol (and gambling) is totally forbidden - because of the Qur'an

• Prescription drugs are permitted• Recreational drugs are banned as they harm



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