Download - Revised PPP Sabisch With Notes


Music is embodiment of sonic emotion that touches people in so many ways. Music is what wakes me up in the morning. Sharing the life changing power music holds with others gives me purpose.

I have always loved music, ever since I was a young child, my father bestowed upon me his musical tastes and appreciation for the art form. The influence of an older souls appreciation for music rubbed off on a younger version of myself.

For me, vinyl records are the encapsulation of the soul. They hold the physical reverberations of the metaphysical emotions a musician experiences during a singular point in time.

I personally collect these artifacts of personality. Albums, singles, EPs on cassette and vinyl are my vices.

I spend a lot of my free time just walking, searching through a record store. I will sift through each record, pick it up and marvel at the label and gatefold of yesteryear.

I share my music with my sister. We are very close and mean the world to each other. Above anything else, my sister is the most important thing to me.

As a result of my father and his jobs, we moved all along the Eastern seaboard. Living in a house for no longer than 4 years at a time, I have been able to experience many different groups of people in many states. This has given me a greater appreciation of things that make us all different, and how that translates to their music.

Not only have I lived along the eastern side of the United States, I have traveled abroad for a decent amount of time as well. I have been to 4 European and UK countries as well as various Caribbean islands. In every city in every country, I managed to find a record store and try to learn about the areas music.

I of course will have my preferred genres, but I have in my collection a large plethora of genres to choose from. This is because I can see the value in the different variations of musical expression. None is worth writing off simply because it is different.

I have attended a number of festivals, music conferences, and events as representatives of various music related businesses at which I have discussed the proliferation of music.

I have many of the skills necessary for a businessman in the music industry.

I have a background in classical trumpet. I can read music and know the fundamentals of what constitutes musical soundness in a song.

I have always “worked the streets” in the name of music no matter the city I live in at the time. Whether the band is local or a national act, I will spread their message in the physical world. I will spread the music of local music in the physical world.

I also am active on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. I promote music related items though these mediums. I do this for international artists and labels for international audiences.

I have been a radio DJ for a total of 4 years on various college and independent radio stations. I have hosted shows that range the gambit of genres. I also held the music director position at WSBF at Clemson University.

I have started up my own business recording and duplicating tapes for local and small acts in the Southeast. It goes by the name of Say Dog Recordings.

I hope that with these skills and my venturing into the music merchandising industry with the tapes, I hope to work either at a label of my dreams or with the vinyl itself.

I would love to own my own vinyl manufacturing plant. To have the the ability to help people make things that will affect others would be amazing.

My favorite record label is Ninja Tune Records. I dream is to work anyway (even taking out the garbage) for them. Some of my favorite artists like Machinedrum, Bonobo, The Cinematic Orchestra, and Mr. Scruff are on the label. Currently I have a promotional internship with them.

Working in a local record store would be pretty cool too. Handling the business side of the shop and dealing with the distributors and inventory would be fun to me.

The end goal for me though is to just make people happy though exposing them to some kind of music they like. If I can do that, then I win at life, HAHA!

Here are some contact links if you would like to know anymore about me or any of my businesses.