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The New Plays for Account Based Marketing and Sales

Jon Miller, CEO and Founder

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Metrics and Technology

Plays for Sales and Marketing

Rise of Account Based

Everything1 2 3

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

The Rise of Account Based


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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Inbound vs Outbound

Nets Spears

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

ABM is Hot

Google Trends for Account Based


Engagio founded

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

But Marketing Isn’t Sufficient


ABM Not Enough

Source: TOPO


Penetration into target accounts

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Rise of Account Based Sales

Development (ADRs)

“[Account Based Sales Development is] today’s most effective Account-Based tactic.” – TOPO

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Account Based Marketing

Account Based Sales


Account Based Sales

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Hello, Account Based Everything


Account Based

MarketingAccount Based

Sales Development

Account BasedSales

Account Based

Customer Success

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Plays for Sales and Marketing

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Evolution of Account Orchestration

Orchestrate a series of

interactions across

channels from multiple

people, to multiple people at

the account

Level 5Full Plays

Send a series of touches across

channels to one person

Level 3Channels

Send a series of emails to

one person

Level 2Time

Send an email to

one person

Level 1Basic

Send a series of touches across

channels from

multiple people

and teams

Level 4Team

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A series of orchestrated interactions across departments and channels to achieve a business purpose for one or more buying centers at target accounts

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Key Elements of a Playbook

• Who• What• Where / How

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Styles of ABSD

5-50 accounts (“tens”)Rich account plansEvery touch personalized

50-1,000 accounts (“hundreds”)Light research + data build outPersonalized touches to key personas1,000+ accounts (“thousands”)Automated touches OKIndustry and persona customization

Style 3Programmatic

Style 2Scale

Style 1Strategic

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Their Team Our Team



Account Development

MarketingVP, Sales

Account Executive


Decision Maker




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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Sales Spam = Opt out, tune out, toss out

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“Template emails are roulette wheels. If you only get 100 rolls of the roulette wheel, then you need to increase your odds.”

– Craig Rosenberg

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Three most important factors in enterprise decision: • Knowledge and understanding of my industry • Knowledge & understanding of my unique business

issues • Fresh ideas to advance my business ITSMA

“75% of executives will read unsolicited marketing materials that contain ideas that might be relevant to their business.”75%




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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc. 28

Content Personalization Spectrum

Style 1Strategic

Style 2Scale

Style 3Programmatic


Spears Nets

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Where and How(Play Design)

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Play A• Touch 1• Touch 2• Touch 3• Touch 4

Play B• Touch 0• Touch 1• Touch 2• Touch 3• Touch 4• Touch 5




From Exec

From Marketing

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Timing“The difference between lettuce and garbage is timing.”

Structure of the Play

Number of Touches“The average number of emails it takes to get a reply is…” – some so-called expert

Don’t strive for mediocrity.

Plays are like diets. They work as long as you stick with them.

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Engagio Core Prospecting Play

Overview: • Manually launched• 12 steps

Players: • Our Team– ADR – Marketing – CEO

• Their Team– Head of Marketing– Head of Sales– Head of Sales Dev.

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Core Prospecting Play

Awareness adsentire account

EmailT: Head of SalesF: ADR

Direct MailKey personas

EmailT: Head of MarketingF: ADR

ChecklistPackage received?

PhoneT: Head of SalesF: ADR

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Core Prospecting PlayLinkedIn ViewT: Key personaF: CEO

PhoneT: Head of MarketingF: ADR

EmailT: Head of SalesF: VP of Sales

EmailT: Head of MarketingF: VP of Marketing

PhoneT: Head of SalesF: ADR

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Core Prospecting Play

ChecklistSocial touch

Email ReplyT: Head of MarketingF: ADR

PhoneT: Head of MarketingF: ADR

ChecklistLaunch to other contacts

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Core Prospecting: Results To Date





15 1Mtgs Opps Deal

(so far)EngdPkgs Resp


Meeting RatesAds and Kindle: 20.0%Books only: 18.8%Kindle only: 17.2%Ads and Books: 8.3%Not significant

No Ads Ads

Web Traffic +18% +47%Visitors +4% +18%

Comparing Jul 16 to Oct 16 vs. Nov 16 to Feb 17Directionally meaningful but NOT


11.2x pipeline to spend

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Sales & Sales Development Plays• Core Prospecting• Marketing Qualified

Account• Trigger Event• Deal Acceleration• Executive Alignment• “Shake the Tree”• Handoff

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Marketing Plays

• “Human” Nurture• Live Event Invite• Upsell/Cross-Sell• Customer


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From me

Personalized by an SDR

Additional steps can include phone, social checklist, direct mail, etc.

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Customer Success Plays

• User Onboarding

• 90 Days From Renewal

• Declined Use• Net Promoter


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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Metrics and Technology

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Lead to Account Matching


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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc. 43

Lead to Account Matching

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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Account Based Metrics are Different• They track accounts not leads

(MQAs not MQLs) • They focus on quality not

quantity • They track impact and

influence more than try to apportion ‘credit’ (team effort)


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Copyright ©2016, Engagio Inc. @jonmiller #mpb2b

Impact: Are ABM activities improving key sales outcomes?

Do you have sufficient data, contacts, and account plans for each target account?Coverage:

Are the target accounts aware of your company?Awareness:

Are marketing programs reaching target accounts?Reach:

Are the right people at the account spending time with your company? Is that engagement going up over time?


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Copyright ©2016, Engagio Inc. @jonmiller #mpb2b

Impact: Are ABM activities improving key sales outcomes?

Do you have sufficient data, contacts, and account plans for each target account?Coverage:

Are the target accounts aware of your company?Awareness:

Are marketing programs reaching target accounts?Reach:

Are the right people at the account spending time with your company? Is that engagement going up over time?


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Copyright ©2017, Engagio Inc.

Data Vendors Predictive

Who: Selection What: PersonalizationInsight

Where: InteractionAds

Infrastructure Lead to Account match

(L2a);Routing; ABM Analytics



Direct / Physical


Human Email Phone / Dialer Social


Intent & Technographic




Synchronize Interactions into coordinated Plays


Content Customization

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Get Engagio’s Playbook

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The Clear and Complete Guides toAccount Based


Account Based Sales


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• Account Based Marketing isn’t sufficient for comprehensive account-based outreach

• Account Based Everything is a team sport: that orchestrates Plays across channels and players for maximum impact

• Sales spam sucks; we need to increase our odds of reaching the right people at the right accounts

• Lead to Account Matching is the foundation of account-centric success

• Measure engagement to show Account Based Marketing success

Top Tweetable Takeaways
