Download - Rev. Kevin A. Karner Dr. Anne Stuhlman Pastor Immanuel ...


Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger December 2020 1

December 2020

Vol. 20 No. 10 Messenger

Imma n uel Lu ther an Chur c h a nd Sc ho o l

154 Me ad ow Street Br is to l , C T 0 601 0

860 -583 - 5649

c l . ch urc h @ ilcs .org


The people of Immanuel

Lutheran Church are living

proof of the grace of God

through salvation in Jesus

Christ. Empowered by Christ,

our mission is to reach out in

love to those who have not yet

responded to the Gospel that

all may be united in Christ.

School Mission

The Mission of Immanuel

Lutheran School is to pro-

vide a loving atmosphere of

academic excellence for

children while developing

in them and their families a

lasting relationship with

Jesus Christ.

Rev. Kevin A. Karner


Dr. Anne Stuhlman

School Principal

I M M A N U E L L U T H E R A N C H U R C H A N D S C H O O L , B R I S T O L , C O N N E C T I C U T

Amazing Advent

Wednesday, December 2, 7 pm

Sunday, December 6, 8 am (HC) & 10:45 am

Wednesday, December 9, 7 pm

Sunday, December 13, 8 am & 10:45 am (HC)

Wednesday, December 16, 7 pm

Sunday, December 20, 8 am (HC) & 10:45 am

Christmas Services and New Year’s Eve

Thursday, December 24, 7 pm & 11 pm (HC)

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

Friday, December 25, 9 am (HC)

Christmas Day Service

Sunday, December 27, 8 am & 10:45 am (HC)

Thursday, December 31, 7 pm (HC)

New Year’s Eve Service

All special services will be Live-Streamed,

along with our 8am Sunday services.


Each service that is

streamed live on Face-

book also premieres

on YouTube (not live

but feels like it’s live)

approximately 1 to 2

hours later. Videos

are also available on

Instagram TV and

announced on Twitter

with links to various

locations to watch,

although the timing of

those posts may vary.

The only truly “Live

Streaming” happens

on Facebook.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger December 2020 2

Messenger is published

monthly except in August

by Immanuel Lutheran

Church and School for its

members and friends.

Immanuel is a member of

the Lutheran Church

Missouri Synod.

Ed & Dee Krampitz Newsletter Editors

Deadline for submissions is the 15th of the month.

Worship Services are broadcast each Sunday

at 1:00 p.m. on

WNTY Radio 990 AM 96.1 FM

and online at

From the Pastor’s Desk

May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at

the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it. — 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

“This ‘Holy Day’ Season!”

For unto you is born this day in the city

of David a Savior, who is Christ the

Lord. Luke 2:11

It’s that time again. “The most wonder-

ful time of the year!” as one popular

song proclaims.

Pastorally speaking, it would be good if

we could hear the story of Jesus’ birth,

as the angels first shared it: “I bring you

good news of great joy that will be for

all the people” (see Luke 2:10).

It would be good, but doing so is almost

always difficult.

It’s hard to separate Jesus’ coming to

save sinful humanity from the way the

world wants the holiday to be remem-

bered. If you doubt there is such confu-

sion, then listen to the little girl who told

her baby brother the story of Christmas.

Her rendition went this way:

“Jesus was born just in time for Christ-

mas, up at the North Pole surrounded by

eight little reindeer and the Virgin Mary.

Then Santa Claus showed up with lots of

toys and stuff and some swaddling

clothes. The three wise men and elves

sang carols, while the Little Drummer

Boy and Scrooge helped Joseph trim the

tree. In the meantime, Frosty the Snow-

man saw this star. Here endeth the read-


You may shake your head at such silli-

ness. But the little girl’s sad story is no

stranger than that promoted by those

who say the true meaning of Christmas

is family, fun, fuzzy feelings, and car-

toon fantasies.

They would have us believe the salva-

tion Jesus brings is secondary to Santa,

His grace less important than expensive

gifts and greeting cards. In their hearts

the sound of parties and cash registers

drown out God’s Good News.

We shouldn’t be surprised.

The world, Satan, and sin have always

tried to defeat, deny and discredit the

coming of the Savior. Yet, in those

hearts and homes where the Word still

works, the Savior still comes. Born of a

woman, He is one of us, yet better than


I encourage you to look upon the little

hands and remember they will be

pierced to save you. See His beautiful

brow and recall how it will be crowned

with thorns. Listen to His first cry and

hear that cry echo, 33 years later, upon

Calvary’s cross, as He proclaims our

salvation is finished.

This Advent / Christmas season we’ll

remember the fulfillment of God’s

promise, the story of how our for-

giveness and salvation was won. We’ll

hear the story of humanity’s God-given,

blood-bought gift of forgiveness, re-

demption and renewal.

It’s the story of good news of great joy.

It’s the story of the Babe of Bethlehem,

the Christ of the cross, the Savior of the

empty tomb.

God bless you and yours this “holy day”


Pastor Karner

1 Thess. 5:23-24


8:00 a.m. Holy Communion on the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sunday

of the month. — (Live Streaming) —

~ ~ ~

10:45 a.m. Holy Communion on the 2nd, 4th, & 5th Sunday

of the month. ~ ~ ~


— (Live Streaming) —


Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger December 2020 3

(Continued on next page)

Editor’s note: This letter was re-

ceived just prior to Thanksgiving.

As Thanksgiving, Advent, and

Christmas now approach us I

thought I would write what I hope

and pray is an encouraging letter. I

wish in Jesus to urge you to know

that even now in this worst of years

for so many of us we have so much

for which we can be thankful.

1. This journey is not the final destination. The world

has its anxieties and mourns the loss of so many materi-

al things. Our hearts are filled in Jesus with compas-

sion for our neighbors who have indeed lost much on

which our confidence was once built as Americans. We

shed our tears too at our earthly losses. But this life is

not all that there is! We have an eternal life that Jesus

has given to us and that is our hope. God’s ultimate

goal is to get us to heaven and to spend our endless

days living with Him. That is the journey that is real

for you and me.

2. Easter and Christmas and Thanksgiving are still real

– even more so for us in 2020. So many around me

dread that this year the holidays will just not be what

they once were – would we even have a Thanksgiving

and Christmas? My answer is a resounding “Yes” in

the Lord Jesus. The real meaning of Thanksgiving

which is gratitude to the Provider above for all we have

is just as real this year, even more so because we are

thanking God as people who know we can now lose all

we have so quickly. Only God remains our Rock and

our Fortress without change. Christ Jesus born for us to

redeem us is still the real meaning of Christmas and this

year it is underlined for us all. The glory of Easter is

real. Yes, before Easter there may be our Good Fridays

– and even God slept in a tomb like the ones we face

and in which we have lain our loved ones, perhaps spe-

cial loved ones, in this year of 2020. But Easter comes

with its glory and nothing can stop that juggernaut from

smashing through to you and me and to this world.

3. Satan remains defeated and he knows his time is

short. The pig still has lost. It may seem to you that

God is not in control of this world but the one who

claims dominion is at last having his day. But the pig

can do nothing apart from the will of the One Who de-

stroyed his dominion and as the Risen Lord of Easter

kicked the doors of hell through to let the pig know

Who does reign. Hell is not Satan’s realm or kingdom

as it is so often portrayed in literature and else-

where. Satan rules over nothing and hell is an eternal

place of torment for the pig and his angels – nothing

else. Yes, I fear him and his dreadful might and on my

own he can devour me in an instant. But I have a Sav-

ior as do you who has let Satan know that His arrival

among us is imminent and right around the cor-

ner. That Savior stands with you and me. That terrifies

the pig to no end. Satan has lost and remains defeated.

4. When Jesus is called “King of kings” you are one of

those kings. Of course Jesus rules over all kingdoms on

earth, including America which I myself believe the

Lord is bringing to her knees as He destroys American

pride and self-reliance by forgetting God. But you and

I are kings and (Revelation 3:21) we reign with Him on

His throne. He is the true King. But you are a king and

nothing can take that away from you.

5. Jesus doesn’t wait at the end of the valley with a

“See you at the end – good luck!” He walks with us

through the valley, even the valley of the shadow of

death as Psalm 23 says. He does not leave us to fend

for ourselves with a promise He will be waiting at the

end when we somehow manage to crawl through the

valley. Jesus says to your heart and to mine, “Why

don’t you and I face these things together?” What a joy

to know that He “will never leave us nor forsake

us.” He could bask in the glories of heaven right now

and surround Himself with praising angels (and He

does !!! He reigns !!!!). But His eyes are on you every

moment of your day and night.

6. He still has the answers for a desperate generation. I

have two millennial sons living with there families in

this world. I will say this. That millennial generation is

different from my Boomer generation. My generation

cared about status and earthly achievement above

all. But the Millennials are more concerned with rela-

tionships and being authentic in the way we live our

lives. I will add that they are in my opinion asking the

right questions. They want to know the answer to, “Is

this all that there is?” But they don’t know where to

find the answer. We have the answer in Jesus and what

an opportunity it is to be there with the answer for

them. The spiritual victories of 2020 are indeed sweet !

7. We are a resurrected church. I’ll say it with utter

sadness – the church I knew is dead. The Savior – He

lives. My faith – it lives in Jesus. But the Church I

Thanksgiving Letter of Encouragement from President Yeadon

Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger December 2020 4

(Continued from previous page)

knew has now passed and I really don’t know if it’s

coming back when pandemics are over and life returns

to what it might once have been. But as the wisest of

Pastor’s wives in a recent cyberspace gathering once

said, “Jesus has driven us out of our churches.” She

meant it in a good way. We have all learned new ways

to proclaim the gospel, mostly by learning new technol-

ogies. We are reaching people in Jesus that we did not

before. They once had to come to us and go through the

doors of the church to hear us. But now we are coming

to them. Yes, nothing can replace the assembling to-

gether of our Saints face to face for worship and in

blessing of one another and to receive Jesus’ gift of

Himself in Holy Communion. But Pastors have told me

that they have far more numbers who join in Bible

Study or in electronic sharing of the Lord’s worship cel-

ebrations. Thank you 2020 and to the Lord of every


8. 2020 did have its blessings. It is human nature to

focus on the tragedies. Jesus never condemns us for

crying at the loss of loved ones or the loss of the things

that make earthly life so wonderful and so demanding

of our thanks to Him next Thursday. But there were

blessings. In my own life if you know my story I al-

most died last March when my liver collapsed within

me and it was a 50-50 chance of me ending my earthly

journey with all of you whom I love. But it was 100-0

with Jesus that His kindness to me let me stay with you

so I can continue to learn from you saints what it means

to be a Christian. “What need or grief ever hath failed

of relief?” I am a testimony of grace from Jesus that He

never failed me and never will. I have a new grandson

in my life. Little River has joined Erich and Luke in my

heart as foci of my earthly grandfather’s love. Maybe

God gave you new life in your family this year. I still

have a job. I did wonder if the Lord was through with

me in my serving Him and all of you. But He has re-

turned me to full health and I love the New England

District and continue to say she is the finest district in

the entire Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod. At this

week’s Zoom gatherings of every District president one

of the other District Presidents tried to challenge me on

that statement of mine. Let me just say we had to step

outside to settle it like men !!!!! I still also have a won-

derful and beautiful wife in Ruth. Corona has given me

more time with her and slowed down my pace of life. I

honestly am not driven, driven, driven as I might have

been at one time. I go for long walks with Ruth now,

often walking the dog and pausing with my dumb dog

to sniff a lot more along the way. I rejoice in this 2020

gift the Lord has given me. My eldest son Jonathan

who works in New York City has been gifted by Jesus

with property and a get away cabin one mile from Ruth

and my house – Wow! With my other son Dan and his

family living about forty miles from us in Connecticut I

have my family near me and this is a 2020 gift to me. I

love the change of seasons in New England and this Fall

the colors still came out and the snow I love is on the

verge of coming to our New England shores. I am on

the verge of receiving a doctorate which I hope to use to

bless the church at large and to encourage my Pastors

(Jesus’ Pastors) to indeed pursue Continuing Educa-

tion. I have my hobbies and even though I stink at golf

I love getting out on the links which I also wondered if I

ever would do again! I have a home and all my needs

are met.

Can you find your own examples of the blessings of #8

above which were given to me? They are probably far

different from mine or perhaps quite similar in some

instances. But the Jesus we have Who has forgiven and

does forgive us our sins every day is ours. He is ours in

2020 and every year – and it is because we are

His ! Jesus is in control. Jesus does guide all for the

good of His elect and that is what you are. He is almost

ready to open the gates of the New Jerusalem for us

all! He loves you.

That is why we can be especially Thankful in 2020! If

only the world could know………

But I want to let them know with all my strength! To

Jesus be the glory Whose strength alone can make it

happen. For if you’ll forgive what may sound flippant

to you and I mean it in no way as a casual statement, I

have a goal in life which I share with the world and

when the world says to me, “What is your purpose in

life, President Yeadon?” – I joyfully respond:

“To get to heaven and to take as many of you with me

as possible when I go”.

But I can only do it with Jesus and to Him be the sole

glory. That is my 2020 story and encouragement for

you all, my Brothers and Sisters! I thank the Lord Jesus

for you all.

To Jesus be Endless Thanks and Praise –President Yeadon

Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger December 2020 5


Be sure to designate your Thrivent Choice dollars to

either Immanuel Lutheran Church or School! The

money is truly a blessing to the Ministry here at

Immanuel Lutheran Church!

Christmas Blessings to all our members and friends

who usually attend our lunch events! We all miss see-

ing one another, but want you to stay safe and healthy

and wear a mask whenever you leave your home.

There will be no Christmas Party at Nuchie’s, no sing-

ing, no door prizes, and no visiting together this holi-

day season. Hopefully we can get together in 2021.

There will be church services for Advent and Christ-

mas to attend in person or by video recordings just as

always, so perhaps we will see one another at church.

Try to share your Christmas blessings with others by

sending out Christmas cards or calling them on the

phone. Stay safe and healthy and share your Christ-

mas Joy !!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Church News ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

FREE! We received a donation of a beautiful

Baptismal Outfit for a boy, size 9 If interested, please contact the Church office

at 860-583-5649.

Called Home to Heaven

Ronald A. “Ronnie” Kuharski February 11, 1947 — November 4, 2020

Dorothy Rice (Schultz) Tichanski August 27, 1920 — November 23, 2020

Red Kettle Campaign/Volunteer

Bell Ringer

We are looking for Volunteer Bell Ringers to stand

at our Ted Kettle at our local stores. We are ringing

Monday-Saturday from 10-7 pm, but you can decide

the hours you want to volunteer. You can have 2

people standing at a time. The stand with our kettle

will also have sanitizer to spray the kettle and also to

sanitize your hands when needed. Masks are re-


Please contact Marge Rivera at The salvation Army

if you can help 860-583-4651.

RADIO MINISTRY — Help Wanted!!!

We are looking for help with record-ing the 8:00 AM worship service. No experience needed.

Please let Pastor Karner know if you can help in this important ministry.

Volunteers are needed to help with video recording/

live streaming of our services. If you can help please

call the church office at

860-583-5649. We are

looking for High School

age and up.

Pastor Karner

Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger December 2020 6

Dear Immanuel Lutheran Members and Friends,

Our annual Christmas Pageant is planned to be a virtual event. Hopefully all

students can be present to do the recording. Our music teacher, Mr. Greg

Flower, is creating the program in a zoom format with integrated video. It is

quite an effort, but his experience in creating these productions is a blessing.

The Kindergarten and Grade 1 classes have been on quarantine, but will return

Monday, December 7. The CDC has reduced the quarantine time from 14 to

10 days. As their exposure was just before Thanksgiving, they are returning

this Monday, just in time to record for the Christmas Pageant! There will be

more quarantines in the future as they are just part of our new normal. But our

teachers are well-versed in how to teach remotely, and the students are pre-

pared with Chromebooks, which are issued for every student from 2nd

through 8th grade.

Special days leading up to Christmas are planned. Monday, December 14, is

Red and Green Day. Tuesday, December 15, is Ugly Sweater Day. Wednes-

day, December 16, is Dress Your Best Day. Thursday, December 17, is Crazy

Hair and Dress Day. Friday, December 18, is Pajama Day. While our stu-

dents are celebrating the advent of our Savior’s birth in unconventional ways,

they are very aware of the reason for the Christmas season.

We are offering a Christmas Camp for PK and Kindergarten children. This is

helpful for parents who work throughout the break. Camp will be housed in

the main building PK classrooms.

Christmas Break is a full two weeks this year. When this was planned in the

spring we had no idea we would still be in this covid situation in December.

But now, the two weeks is welcome to be able to deep clean the building once

again and have everyone away from the germs of each other. We are confi-

dent that 2021 will look very different.

School enrollment is now at 102. All classes are capped for the year except

8th grade and Little Lambs. Please tell everyone who is looking for childcare

for toddlers about our program.

I have been so impressed with the eagerness our students have for Chapel and

religion classes. Most of our new students will tell you that Chapel is their

favorite part of the week. As the format has changed this year with a new ser-

vice book, our old students are finding new interest in it as well. I remind the

teachers that our first priority is teaching the children about God’s love for

them, and our second priority is academics. They have taken this to heart.

Our religion classes are outstanding. You would be very pleased if you could

see what I see everyday.

Blessings to all!

Anne Stuhlman, Principal

From the Principal’s Desk

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ School News ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger December 2020 7

December Birthdays

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Sal Buonafede

Victoria Casa

Kyleigh Boney

Cole Krueger

Carol Mogey

Marcia Lopisi

Hans Bayer

Cheyenne Blaschke

James Raspanti

Rebecca Croce

Jonathan Follo

Maria Santilli

Myrna Gamache

Jason Krueger

Ingebor Harrington

Janice Sonstroem

Rosie Fernandez

David Follo

Brenda Buonafede

Edwin Gillette

Alan Blank

Sheri Lejeune

Jacob Stringer

Madison Tessier

Edward Young

Marion Schroeder Nathaniel Tessman

Bobby Triplett

Valya Rindfleisch

Andrew Tonn

Luke Foley

Stephanie Parenteau

Jamie Simard

James Thaxter Alison Eschner

Diane Finger

Robert Wilde

Bruce Wondrovski

Cameron Reed

Luke Sonstroem

Lori Eschner

Robert Helming

Lawrence Beaudoin

Hannah Krueger

Samantha Frohn

Joy Grekula

Elizabeth Wilde

Anthony Lopisi

Erin Madigan-Scheidel

Oskar Tolmoff

Joy Mora Peggy Campbell

Ethan Debaise

Walter Kuhr

27 30

Kristen Hill

Maggie Moliengo

Erika Santilli


James Bishop

James Bugryn

Scott Dennis

Glorie Romaniello

28 29

Schoolwide project: “Disguise the Turkey” so he won’t get eaten up for Thanksgiving. Below are just

a few of the designs the students came up with.

Immanuel Lutheran Church Messenger December 2020 8









