Download - Rev. Francis A. Akwue, CSSp. April 29, 2018 · esta lleno de múltiples tentaciones que el maligno ... Cristiano de hoy en día trata de vivir a ejemplo de Cristo. ... Charter for


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April 29, 2018

ARCHBISHOP OF MIAMIMost Reverend Thomas G. Wenski

PASTOR:Rev. Francis A. Akwue, CSSp.

PASTOR EMERITUS:Msgr. James B. Reynolds

DAILY MASS:8:00 a.m.

SATURDAY VIGIL MASSES:4:00 p.m. (English)

SUNDAY MASSES:8:00 , 10:00, & 11:30 a.m. (English)1:30 p.m. (Spanish)


HOLY DAYS MASSES:8:00 a.m., 12:00, and 6:00 p.m.

ST. JUDE NOVENA:Every Monday following the 8:00 a.m.Mass

MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA:Every Saturday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass

LEGION OF MARY DEVOTIONS:Every First Saturday following 8:00 a.m. Mass

HOMEBOUND:Contact the Parish Office forSacraments.

PARISH OFFICE:Phone: (954)785 2450Fax: (954) 785 6958

PARISH OFFICE HOURS:Monday Friday9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE:Six Month Preparation Period Required. Parishioners should contact the Parish Office at least sixmonths in advance to make appt.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM:Parishioners should contact the Parish Office to make an appointmentwith the pastor three months prior toBaptismEnglish Baptism First Sunday of the MonthSpanish Baptism Last Sunday of the Month

CONFESSION:Before every Saturday Vigil and Sunday Mass and by appointment

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (C.C.D.):Sundays September to May9:45am English & 11:45am Spanish


April 29, 2018April 29, 2018Fifth Sunday of EasterFifth Sunday of Easter

The Gospel is from St. John 15:1 8. The words of consolation and encouragement which our Lord spoke to his Apostles on Holy Thursday night were intended to console and encourage all his followers for all time. They encourage and console us today, and we need encouragement to persevere on the road to heaven. Living a truly Christian life is never easy. We have always the attraction of the world, and the temptations by the agents of evil, to make that life less easy still. But in our own day these diffi-culties have increased a hundredfold. The attrac-tions of this world have been multiplied by the in-creased comforts, pleasures and means of selfindulgence which science and technology have put within our reach. Human nature, always inclined to choose the easiest way out, has been given so many means of escape from the strain of self control that even for a fervent Christian it is frequently very difficult to avoid these worldly allurements.

The temptations which the agents of evil put in Christ's way are also multiplied today. Permissive-ness, rejection of authority, glorification of unlawful sexual indulgence, drug addiction, and other such crimes are placed before the minds and the eyes of the youth of today, and are unfortunately copied by far too many. It is indeed hard to swim against the current; it is so much more pleasant to allow oneself to be carried along without effort by the rushing tide. But when there are rocks and shoals ahead, the thoughtless and ease seeking swimmer will end in grief.

Our Lord has warned us today, as he warned his first followers, to abide in him, to remain closely unit-ed with him, as is the branch to the vine, if we hope to bear fruit worthy of heaven. He promises us that if we remain closely united to him, that is, if we strive daily to keep his commandments, he will be ever ready to answer our requests, and to heed all our prayers. The sincere prayer today of every man who is trying to lead a Christian life is for the grace to overcome the allurements of the world, the flesh and the devil. Let us take courage, then. Christ has promised to remain beside us during life if only we stay close to him. While we remain healthy branches of the vine, Christ, we will be on the road to heaven. Our daily tasks, our work as well as our prayer, our recreation as well as our rest, our joys as well as our sorrows, will give glory to God and prove that we are worthy to be called disciples of Christ.

Excerpted from by Fr. Kevin O'Sullivan, O.F.M.

29 de Abril de 20185 Domingo de Pascua

Este Domingo leemos el Evangelio de San Juan, capitulo quince versículo del uno al ocho. Leemos las palabras que nuestro Señor dijo a los discípulos el Jueves Santo, unas palabras llenas de aliento y consuelo. De esa mane-ra esas palabras tienen el propósito de darnos consuelo y aliento a nosotros en estos tiempos y nos ayuda a perse-verar en esta vida para llegar a la vida eterna. No es fácil ser Cristiano en estos tiempos. El maligno nos tienta todo el tiempo y eso nos hace la vida mas difícil. En adición, las tentaciones del mundo no nos ayudan, sino que al con-trario, nos sentimos inundados de dificultades. A todo esto le añadimos las cosas que el mundo nos presenta que son para tener una vida mas cómoda y fácil, los placeres y el desenfreno de la vida fácil que la ciencia y la tecnología nos pone a la mano. Nuestra naturaleza humana es fácil-mente seducida por el deseo de conseguir las cosas de la manera mas fácil y de no esforzarnos por controlarnos in-teriormente. Hasta el mas devoto cristiano se le hace difícil no caer en la seducción y los atractivos que el mundo nos presenta.

Si uno quiere seguir a Cristo en estos tiempos, el camino esta lleno de múltiples tentaciones que el maligno pone en medio de nosotros. La sociedad le presenta a nuestros jóvenes hoy en día unos retos difíciles como lo son: el per-mitirse comportamientos inapropiados cuando no respetan la autoridad de los padres y la leyes del país. Además, de esto, el hecho de que hoy en día se presenta que tener relaciones sexuales fuera del matrimonio es aceptable en la sociedad. En adición a esto, nuestros jóvenes están siendo bombardeados por el abuso de drogas . Definitiva-mente la sociedad presenta el camino a Cristo como el nadar en contra de la corriente, en donde es mas fácil de-jarte llevar por las olas que ir en contra de la marea. Si uno es un nadador descuidado y que busca nadar fácil cuando hay piedras y bancos de arena; terminaremos con pesar y dolor al final del camino.

Nuestro Señor nos dice que nos mantengamos unidos a el, como le dijo a sus primeros discípulos. Nos advierte de que nos mantengamos unidos a El. Si queremos dar fru-tos que nos conduzcan al cielo debemos estar unidos a Jesús como las ramas al árbol. El nos promete que si nos mantenernos unidos a El siguiendo los mandamientos , El escuchara y atenderá a nuestras plegarias y suplicas. El Cristiano de hoy en día trata de vivir a ejemplo de Cristo. Pide con sinceridad en su oración la gracia de no caer en tentación, de no caer a merced de los atractivos y las se-ducciones que el mundo nos presenta. También esta en contra de los placeres de la carne y el diablo. Llenémo-nos de coraje y valentía sabiendo que Cristo nos ha pro-metido estar con nosotros si nos mantenemos unidos a El. Mientras nosotros somos las ramas de el árbol que se llama Cristo, estaremos seguros en nuestro camino hacia el cielo. Por lo tanto, en nuestro diario vivir, en nuestro tra-bajo, en nuestra oración, cuando nos divertimos y cuando estamos en reposo, en nuestras gozos y tristezas, demos gloria a Dios y demostremos que somos merecedores de llamarnos discípulos de Cristo.

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Saturday, April 28th St. Peter Chanel8:00 am (L) Larry & Marcia & Cory Bartos

By Rev. Kris A. Bartos4:00 pm † Paula Hook By Mr. & Mrs. James Pockey

† Marie Forte By Danny LeoneSunday, April 29th Fifth Sunday of Easter8:00 am † Maria Cumming By Lauretta Brennen10:00 am † Jack Casey By Barbara Bradley11:30 am † For the deceased members of the Bajares

family By Family1:30 pm For the members of St. Henry ParishMonday, April 30th St. Pius V8:00 am † Rick Kloppenburg By Mike UrieTuesday, May 1st St. Joseph the Worker8:00 am (L) Larry & Marcia and Cory Bartos

By Rev. Kris A. BartosWednesday, May 2nd St. Athanasius8:00 am (L) Greg & Jeannine Bartos

By Rev. Kris A. BartosThursday, May 3rd Saints Philip & James8:00 am (L) Kiora & Kimora James and special

intentionsFriday, May 4th St. John Payne8:00am (L) Gregory & Morgan Bartos

By Rev. Kris A. Bartos† Gean Bartos By the Elsea Family

Saturday, May 5th St. Jutta8:00 am Purgatorial Society:

Millicent Schmidt, Valek Family, John Bresnahan, Elizabeth & Floyd De John & family, purgatorial souls, Malcom Haggerty, Joseph Masters, Robert Metzner & family, John Kiel & family, Rose Marie Tocci, Baker Family, Beauvoir Family, Meleschi Family, Blanchard Family, Moscoso Family, Lamour Family, Vulcain Family, Jim Elsea, David Didona, Robert Richardson, Charles J. Goodell, Marie Jessie Sirmmams, Joseph Iaconis & family, Julia Avis & Family & Steven Ossler & Family(L) Helen Makarewicz & family

4:00 pm † Charles E. Salb by the Wright FamilySunday, May 6th Sixth Sunday of Easter8:00 am † Maria Cumming By Phyllis & Harry10:00 am † Maria Cumming By the Cumming Family

† Maria Rosa Tigani By son Luigi11:30 am (L) Fr. Kris Bartos By the Elsea Family1:30 pm The Families of Edward Fortmann,

Vincent J. Dellorto, Joseph F. McGowan, & Samuel J. Musseri St. Henry’s Sustaining Benefactors

Tabernacle Lights for the month of April & May in memory of loved ones and special intentions by Beverly Forte.

Wine & hosts for the month of April for the Wright Family and for the month of May for the Valek Family.

Please pray for the sickRobert Wright, Elena Schultz, Keanna Rosario, Eileen Black-more, Megan Sereseroz, Marilyn Smith, Laura Fassig, Marie Martes, Dee Dee Coughlin, Anthony De Michele, Mayra Morales, Rebecca Zung Clough, Yvonne Yaksic, Peggy Meyer, Paul Bren-nen, Rita Tracht, Sophia DePaola, Edgar Breenen, Michael Bier-man, Doug River, David Zwiercan, Anna Vaccaro, Gregory Rallo & Joseph Haines.

Lifeline Screening is coming to St. Henry Church

May is National Stroke Awareness MonthLife Line Screening, the nations leading provider of pre-

ventive health screenings, is coming to St. Henry’s Parish Hall on Wednesday, May 2, 2018.Screenings are fast, painless and affordable. Three key

tests check for blocked carotid arteries, an irregular heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation, and high blood pressure, which are the three leading risk factors for stroke. Nearly 800,000 strokes will occur this year, taking a life approxi-mately every four minutes. Other tests check for ab-dominal aortic aneurysms and hardening of the arteries in the legs. A bone density screening to assess osteoporosis risk is also offered and is appropriate for both men and women. Screening packages start at $139. Single tests cost around $70. For more information regarding the screenings or to schedule an appointment, call 1 888 6536441 or go to or text the word circle to 797979. Preregistration is required.

The Archdiocese of Miami has robustly participated in the Unites States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children and Young Peo-ple since its inception over 15 years ago and has been in compliance every year. This can only happen with the dedication of pastors, principals, directors and co-ordinators of religious education, administration and staff in collaboration with parents and volunteers.

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WHYIAMAROMANCATHOLICThe final sessions of the 4 year Why Catholic program are noted below.

The Why Catholic program with facilita-tors Madeline Zung and Dolores have concluded. This group will begin a new program, that continues to explore Why I am a Roman Catholic, called Agape Community. See information below left.

The next Why Catholic meeting with Diane Valek’s group will be Tuesday, May 1st at 2:00pm.

Our offertory collection for the weekend of April 21st & 22nd is broken down below. Thank you for your support. Nuestro ofertorio para el fin de semana del 21 Abril y 22 se desglosa a continuación. Gracias por su apoyo.

Church Air ConditionPlease consider bringing a sweater or jacket with you to church, in case it is too cold for you inside the church.

Ahora estamos aceptandoSolicitudes de Becas

San Henry Iglesia ahora está aceptando solicitudes de becas para el año escolar 2018 2019. Las aplicaciones están disponibles en línea, en la oficina de la iglesia o en la mesa de la iglesia. Las becas se concederán en Domingo de Pentecostés a candidatos cualificados. Fecha límite para las solicitudes completadas es el Viernes, 11 de Mayo de 2018.

We are now accepting Scholarship Applications

St. Henry Church is now accepting scholarship appli-cations for the 2018 2019 school year. Applications are available on line, in the church office or on the ta-ble in the back of the church. Scholarships will be awarded on Pentecost Sunday to qualified candidates. Deadline for submitting Completed Applications is Fri-day, May 11, 2018.

Minister Schedule May 5th & 6thSaturday, 4:00 PMCelebrant Fr. JudeLector Thomas KostolanskyServer Luis Arce

Maria FelicianoJoanne Byrne

Sunday 8:00 AMCelebrant Fr. FrancisLector Phyllis BubelloServer Zack & Ali

Bess Fassig BayerRichard Zuehl

Sunday 10:00 AMCelebrant Fr. JudeLector Susan Gingerich

Server Maria FelicianoJackie St. GeorgesDC

Sunday 11:30 AMCelebrant Fr. FrancisLector Michelle GonzalezServer Jackson Chew

Joanne Schroeder

Sunday 1:30 PM Celebrant Fr. MunizLector Olga MunizLector Rebeca Kutner

Olga MunizRebeca KutnerJulio Mendoza

Agape (Spiritual Love) Community ProgramOur new Agape program that explores ‘Why I am Catholic’ will meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 6:30 pm with facilitators Madeline Zung and Dolores McBride. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 1, 2018.

Day/Dia Time/Hora Home Mission

Saturday/Sabado 4:00pm $1,664 $264 Sunday/Domingo 8:00am $437 $87 Sunday/Domingo 10:00am $896 $244 Sunday/Domingo 11:30am $589 $152 Sunday/Domingo 1:30pm $669 $238

4.22.18 $4,255 $985

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Adoración Eucarística. Primer Viernes después de 8:00 Misa hasta12:00 en la iglesia .Eucharist Adoration First Fridays af-ter the 8:00 am Mass until 12:00 noon in the church.




Mass Intentions & Sacramental Offer-ings A beautiful way to remember ourdeceased loved ones, honor someone special, or to mark a special moment is to offer a Mass intention, sponsor the Bread or Wine for the celebration of the Holy

Mass or sponsor the sanctuary candles that burns before our Lord in the Tabernacle. Contact the church office formore information.

LaArquidiócesisdeMiamihaparticipadovigorosamenteenlaCartaparalaProteccióndeNiñosyJóvenesdelaConferenciadeObisposCatólicosdelos EstadosUnidosdesdesucreaciónhacemás de15años,yhacumplidoconlamismacadaaño.Estoesposiblegraciasaladedicacióndepárrocos,directoresescolares,directoresy coordinadoresdeeducaciónreligiosa,administraciónypersonal,encolaboracióncon padresyvoluntarios.

LíneadeAbusodeFlorida:1 800 96 ABUSE(1800 962 2873)Coordinador deAsistenciaalas

Víctimas,ArquidiócesisdeMiami:1 866 80 ABUSE(1 866 802 2873)

On Friday, April 20, 2018 at 7:00pm, 14 of St.Henry Church’s CCD students received the Sac-rament of Confirmation. St. Henry Parish congrat-ulates the Confirmands who received the HolySpirit. Please keep our newly Confirmed in yourprayers.

Emerson Aguirre Liam O’ConnorJulianne Barbosa Eric RamirezValery Bellido Jahyr RamirezGiovanni Cardenas Miguel RamirezJarod Franco Camiloaga Vanson TelusmaJamilet Gomez Vargas Joshua TinocoKassandra Mendez Irlanda Ulloa

Mothers Day Novena of MassesMothers, living & deceased, will be remembered ina special Nine Days of Masses beginning on Mon-day, May 14th. Remembrance envelopes, asshown below, may be found in the church. Pleasereturn the Remembrance envelopes with your of-fering and write your mother’s name(s) on it andplace it in the collection basket so it can be placed on the altar during the Nine Day Novena.

Novena de Misas del Día de las Madres

Madres, vivas y difuntas, serán recordadas en unespecial de Nueve Días de Misas comenzando elLunes 14 de Mayo. Los sobres de la memoria, como se muestra a continuación, se pueden encontrar en la iglesia. Por favor, devuelva los sobres de la me-moria con su ofrenda y escriba el nombre de su ma-dre y colóquelo en la canasta de recolección paraque pueda ser colocado en el altar durante la Nove-na de Nueve Días.

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